#celeste requa
My favourite thing to think about regarding When We Bleed is that Nevaeh and Celeste are monozygotic twins and they look so similar that even their parents sometimes have trouble telling them apart.
It got less difficult over the years because they both developed a very strong sense of style that is the polar opposite of the other and Nevaeh now has very long dreads whereas Celeste has very long natural hair BUT!! they still have the exact same face and sometimes it freaks people out.
So when the Jedi first meet Celeste for some political something something they’re like “woah you guys look EXACTLY the same???”
and then the clones exchange glances and go “pffff no they don’t??” because clones have learned to tell each other apart form the tiniest difference in voice, body language, hair line, distance between the eyes and they can spot like A MILLION differences between the twins.
And then THEY have a lightbulb moment of “… sir,,, SIR!! GENERAL REQUA SIR IS THAT HOW YOU ALWAYS KNOW???” because Nevaeh has always been able to tell who is who with the clones, even if they’re shinies in brand new armour, regulation hair cut, with no tattoos or anything else. One time Fives and Echo asked her two different questions at the same time while her back was turned and she answered the question separately while addressing them by name. Nevaeh ALWAYS knows. Because she’s a twin lol
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Ah yes, I can see it now. Celeste arguing for clone rights on Nevaeh’s behest and some idiot senate prick explaining how the lives and rights of individual clones are obsolete and unimportant since a singular clone is so easily replaceable with one that is completely genetically identical and her response just being:
*slowly yoinks Nevaeh out of the dark corner she was watching from* “okay so if she’s shot in battle you want me to hop in and take over for her? Or let’s do it vice versa, you can keep arguing with her instead of me, would you like that? Shouldn’t make difference, right, since we’re completely genetically identical, riGHT?”
and the dudebro just shrinks right, because nevaeh only argues with her swords, and maybe if she’s had a long day, her gun.
and that is one version of how the clones get rights in when we bleed
I’m tagging @saturn-sends-hugs because they seem to enjoy the twin shenanigans :D
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When We Bleed, We Bleed The Same Ramble no one asked for, yey!!
Today's topic: Names!
One thing, I, as a writer, really enjoy when creating a character, is the naming process. Now I could ramble for HOURS about all my characters names, but today I wanna focus on The Twins, Nevaeh "Vae" Requa and Celeste "Cel" Requa.
You might've noticed that their names are actually very similar!
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Celeste means heavenly, and Nevaeh is literally heaven spelled backwards.
Why would I name these characters that? As I explained in this post, the Terrans see their homeworld and everything that grows from it and comes from it as holy, due to their worship of the Force as a living entity.
So the Leader of a Tribe being pregnant with not one, but two children was viewed as a great blessing. Hence their parents wish to name them in such a way.
Out of universe it also holds meaning though! As you might notice, while Nevaeh means heaven, Celeste only means heavenly. So while Nevaeh is the original (she is the eldest too), Celeste is "only" Nevaeh-like. This is tragic in its own way for two different reasons.
For Celeste, because she will spend her entire life trying to live up to the standard her older twin sets.
And for Nevaeh, because she will spend her entire life needing to be better, to be superior, to be the perfect golden daughter.
However, "Heaven" is only one way to interpret Nevaeh's name, because it is not, in fact, heaven. It's heaven spelled backwards. And what's the opposite of heaven? Hell.
These two interpretation represent the duality of the character. Throughout this story, Nevaeh will continue to walk the line between truly good and truly evil. She errs on the side of light, but when it comes down to it, doesn't align herself with either side, choosing to stay within a gray area.
At the end of the day, Nevaeh and Celeste love eachother deeply, and will circle eachother like sun and moon, ying and yang. Opposite, yet the same. Tragic, yet beautiful. A blessing, that is their curse.
gonna just,,, tag the three ppl that I know read this story: @saturn-sends-hugs @exxasperatedauthor @coruscant-sewers
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Hmm what stereotypical aesthetic would some of your ocs fall under?(i.e grunge, dark academia, fairycore... Etc)
Uuuuhh, great question! I'll just go for Nevaeh and her sibs :)
Nevaeh herself is definitely grunge
Celeste, her twin, on the other hand is soft girl all the way
Quinn, their older sister, is dark academia
Primus, the oldest brother, is light academia (though unintentionally. he's a little bit of a nerd and just tries his best to look presentable when out in public)
Allister, the youngest of them all, hasn't really found his style yet. But he's 16 so it's likely just all jeans, oversized shirts and hoodies with him. Haven't decided yet if it would be cuter for him to take after primus or vae though. But just,,, grungy lil bro and grungy big sis gives me feels
Thanks for the ask friend, this one was super fun! 🤍
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