virtualrenaissance · 10 years
also meanwhile doesn't kaitlyn look like this singer
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survivorfanficisland · 10 years
"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.' "But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."
Matthew 5: 38-39
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bbroadkill-blog · 10 years
and these people take the time to make fake blogs to mock others say that WE are the bullies? i'm honestly just laughing
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virtualrenaissance · 10 years
you know, dan's arguments suck but at least he uses good gifs
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toastyphil · 10 years
Came here to check who got voted out, then I see all this crap.
You have no right to bully someone like that, regardless of what is going on in a game. I don't know who you are, but it is clear you have no respect for other people. Grow up.
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chaoscasey · 10 years
I'm quitting. Thats right. 
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For those of you who don't know (probably more than half the people in this game) that is Naonka from Nicaragua.
I have never been so disgusted by not only the group of immature players that were cast but the manner of hosting. 
Protip:If your gonna do Redemption Island do it right and don't rig it for your friends.  I have never met a snobbier, ruder, and disrespectful group of players in my entire life.  This is why tumblr survivor > tumblr bb This season is a disgrace to every single molecule of what is survivor. This is the most rigged game I have ever been in and the favoritism is just unfathomable.
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Oh and congrats to kaitlyn when her ass wins this shit cause its rigged for her.
Forget you.  Go home. 
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bbroadkill-blog · 10 years
pls explain how the game is rigged for me. i won one immunity and was usually on the losing tribe. but ok. just because you're in the minority doesn't mean anything. we were actually nice compared to that joke of a speech casey gave to heather. which was uncalled for.
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survivortopten-blog · 10 years
Time to bring up some old wounds. 
Vote here!
I tried to include every little scuffle possible. If I missed any I apologize but ya'll fight too much.
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virtualrenaissance · 10 years
if you guys weren't all so obnoxious, i wouldn't have to be bitter. and, who did you say had the holier-than-thou attitude?
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virtualrenaissance · 10 years
"Jaemin. I don’t know why you need a pack full of survivor gaming cronies to back you up all the time if you’re such a great game player. A word to the wise, and for the haters as well, never underestimate a Big Brother player because we’re prettier, smarter, and more fabulous than you could ever possibly fathom. R.I.P. in jury." he made it to the finale twice and won one of the times???
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bbroadkill-blog · 10 years
honestly you''re doing me a favor. i hated being in that chat.
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