#centurian samnium
runner5ive · 4 years
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More Rule Britannia art which is 100% self indulgent 🙈
Five is looking at Sam like 'YOU'RE the one with the monster teeth!'
What we know about Quintus and Samnium:
- Quintus is an auxiliary. Meaning that they are not Roman, but still part of its army. Auxiliaries usually are recruited by the army - either by choice or occasionally by force - with the promise of becoming a roman citizen at the end of their service. Quin apparently ‘joined the auxiliary’ willingly.
- Quin and Sam ‘played on the beaches in dalmatia’ when they were kids, meaning they’ve been friends for a very long time. Sam calls them ‘Quintus’ and ‘Quinque’ meaning that one of them is going to be an affectionate nickname <3
- Sam seems ‘Roman’. He talks about how his dad is whilst in charge of the slaves. Maeve and others refer to him as a Roman. Quin could very easily be Croatian, but at the same time, the Romans moved around Europe A LOT.
- Combine all that with the fact that I REALLY wanted to draw Five with celtic paint and we have Celtic/Pictish Five sort of backstory 😅 my idea was basically they were 'rescued' by a Roman soldier and raised as a boy for the own protection. By the time they join the auxiliary, they've probably forgotten most of their heritage - their original name and their clan 😢 because I can't not include angst apparently.
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