#centurione gentis
tanoraqui · 5 years
me, reading The Epilogue: Daaaave, just kiss Karkat!
me, hearing myself: oh my god
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tanoraqui · 8 years
If you want a mental image of Karkat's character arc, picture half of a bridge. I have no emotion but pity left for that child.
nah, because Karkat is going to be more important post-game. Echidna said so, and I believe her. Karkat;s character development has a lot to do with him learning when and when not to take the lead. He can’t micro-manage everything. Sometimes, he just isn’t important - but that doesn’t mean he’s never important. It just means he’s allowed to fucking sleep every now and then. And also not blame himself for every mistake. He’s getting there.
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tanoraqui · 9 years
so ten boonbucks says Karkat’s going to wake up just in time to rush out into battle and get himself killed saving someone else’s life, right?
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tanoraqui · 9 years
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Basically all you need to know about Karkat Vantas in a single sentence.
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tanoraqui · 9 years
Between positions and characters and classes, I just can’t shake the vibe that Dave and Karkat are totally standing sitting guard over the sleeping Jade. Most valiant of Knights.
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