#cerberus afk
dizzy-pixels · 9 months
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Cerberus S1 Doodles
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daily-lovestruck · 2 months
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#8 - Cerberus Presents: High Fashion
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m00nb04rd5 · 5 days
Cerberus [The Witch of Wailing Lightning] pls!
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Cerberus [The Witch of Wailing Lightning] (MementoMori AFK RPG)
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megatraven-art · 8 months
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megatraven · 7 months
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did a very silly little doodle page for funsies :] mc is very popular with the hot singles in her area
happy valentine's day!
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pirunika · 2 years
k but... in Astoria all characters but Astraeus had another li kiss the MC (in fact he s this person for Hades) — SO i cant help but wonder how he d react to something like this
idk by who hmm....Hydra? Or some completely new person
i think he d be most hurt/pissed (depending on mc's reaction/request) if this was another titan 👀
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alfea · 2 months
someone in the lovestruck fb group said astraeus is in the afk rerelease which means he’s probably unlocked after hades s2 so i think i’ll do hades after hydra so i can do astraeus and then cerberus. put the dude i hate in between the dudes i like so it’s not as bad lmao
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sen-no-kotowari · 1 year
PGR S Fire Lee Character Profile
Good day! I hope everyone's enjoying the Spiral of Chronos Patch over on JP Servers (*‘ω‘ *) There's so much Lee content popping given that it's July so in a way the Lee enthusiasts are having a buffet field day! (≧▽≦) That said, here is S Fire Lee's Character Profile! I will be posting the translation his Character Version Image Song some time this week as I'm working with a personal project that I may possibly post as well so look forward to it if you're interested. In comparison to the inital release in the CN servers, they re-recorded most of Lee's lines so what you hear on the video link may not necessarily reflect what you hear in-game as of late in the JP servers. You can learn more about the expanded lore on Lee on the cut down below!
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Voice Line Data
Motion Voice Lines
Lobby Voice 1
Lee: (Checks gun) ...Can't I stay here even if I don't have any other business with you? I wish to do my gun maintenance in a quiet place. The maintenance room's too crowded.
Lobby Voice 2
Lee: I was worried when I heard that Murray became the Cerberus Unit's leader if he could ever manage those rowdy bunch and all... But it seems like I was worried over nothing. He's all grown up now. However, I think the Gray Raven Unit is okay the way it is. Heh, it's because you won't do a break dance while there's an ongoing meeting... You won't, right...?
Lobby Voice 3
Lee: Humans have long since used an hourglass to measure time. While I can't say it's accurate, it was, however, the most optimal way of showing how time cannot be reversed―that's right, we, who exist in a three-dimensional plane, can't wind back time. Humans can't alter the past even if we come to regret it. ...What about me, you ask? I don't have any regrets. Even if there are countless branch points in each moment, I will surely find my way back to your side.
Raise Affection Level
Lee: Thank you, this is just what I need right now. With this, I can also complete that support robot I promised to finish― ...Huh? This is a present for me? So there's even a fine distinction made when it comes to gifts, huh...
Repetitive Taps
Lee: ...What the- ...To think there's this fully grown troublemaker inside the Raven Unit's base huh. Shall I drag you to the juvenile detention center then?
Lee: You're here now. ...If I can never meet you again at some point in the future, I might feel sad from loneliness. ...Forget it. We have a mission to accomplish, let's get going.
Online for a Long Time
Lee: I'll do the remaining ones left, just go rest. Now! I've had enough of looking at how you look like a loitering zombie, you're spoiling the pleasant scene around us.
Lee: ...Commander, commander? ...(Sigh) You actually fell asleep from exhaustion, huh. You left your combat terminal open, guess you can't settle down without it... Really, I ought to tuck you in somewhere quiet. ...You lost some weight again... How much work did you take on this time...
Lee: ...Wha— Commander! ...Heh, you sure don't get tired of this same old trick.
Offline for a Long Time
Lee: Where have you been until now?! ...If you had made up your mind to walk out from here, I wish you could've at least said a proper goodbye then. ...No, it doesn't matter now, since you returned here in the end.
Introduction and Formation
Structure Acquired
Lee: Lee of the Gray Raven Unit, reporting. Yes, I'm back now. Other than needing to get along with each other, let's skip the unnecessary greetings and get right down to business, Commander.
Level Up
Lee: What accumulated was just the combat data itself, so I can't say for sure if I've improved. This is still nowhere near the model's limit.
Lee: If it's a rise in rank from you, then its meaning also changes. ...Understood, I'll work hard to keep your expectations in check.
Model Improvement
Lee: The peak of evolution means breaking through one's limits as well as knowing there's a realm ahead of us we neither can understand nor have yet to encounter. ...Although taking a step inside that realm would require a significant sacrifice to be paid, I have the determination to see through it all.
Skill Upgrade
Lee: How about giving me some credit? The thrusters are now more responsive and more efficient because of this process. Seems like I'm quite accustomed to this model more than I thought.
Lee: Testing auto preset rate, all-green. Measuring microwave distance, all-green. Since this is a highly precise piece of equipment, it's important to check that each module is working fine.
Add in Team
Lee: If you notice some sort of cue mid-battle, get away from my projectile's trajectory ASAP. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Assign as Captain
Lee: Calm down, it's okay to leave everything to me. I'll protect you guys.
Mission Accomplished
Lee: Not bad. You're becoming more efficient.
Daily Small Talks
Voice Line 1
Lee: No, I'm not mad or anything. This is how I usually am.
Voice Line 2
Lee: Rather than forcing them to cooperate, wouldn't it be more efficient to assign people to what they're good at?
Voice Line 3
Lee: ...Excuse me? I don't think it's my fault that the atmosphere became awkward. ...There's something you want to talk about? If it's about the issue on the Science Council's IUO Standard No. 9, I'd oblige to discuss it with you at great lengths though.
Voice Line 4
Lee: I promised that I'd never keep secrets from you ever again so if there's something you want to ask me, feel free to ask me anything.
Voice Line 5
Lee: (Checks gun) ...Can't I stay here even if I don't have any other business with you? I wish to do my gun maintenance in a quiet place. The maintenance room's too crowded.
Voice Line 6
Lee: You want to see the non-combat functions added to the weapon I've modified? Why do you— ...Guess it can't be helped then. I'll only show it to you once so keep your eyes peeled.
Voice Line 7
Lee: If we have nothing else to do today, want to train with me at the base? I still need to make some adjustments to this model, but it'd be challenging to adjust the result calculations without your cooperation.
Voice Line 8
Lee: I knew this part is... it'd be faster if I disassemble it once and reassemble it... Hm? Well, I'm currently doing maintenance on your powered suit. I should just let the guys at the Cosmos Engineer Union handle that...? It's fine if it's just regular maintenance, but they don't know your movement habits. Whenever you draw out your tactical knife from your left side, there's some kind of resistance around this part, right? I've already adjusted that problem.
Voice Line 9
Lee: Even if all of creation would continue to evolve, the collective matter of space will never change for all time—death follows life, and energy is concurrently generated from annihilation. If one wishes to obtain something, one must pay the price for it one day, without exceptions... Commander, behind every "miracle" that happens... correspond a sacrifice greater than you could imagine.
Voice Line 10
Lee: I was worried when I heard that Murray became the Cerberus Unit's leader if he could ever manage those rowdy bunch and all... But it seems like I was worried over nothing. He's all grown up now. However, I think the Gray Raven Unit is okay the way it is. Heh, it's because you won't do a break dance while there's an ongoing meeting... You won't, right...?
Voice Line 11
Lee: Updating the existing tactics, thinking outside the box, and even complying and sympathizing with the enemies... If I'm being honest, I couldn't understand your style of leading us at first. But now, I can have complete faith in all your decisions.
Voice Line 12
Lee: Humans have long since used an hourglass to measure time. While I can't say it's accurate, it was, however, the most optimal way of showing how time cannot be reversed―that's right, we, who exist in a three-dimensional plane, can't wind back time. Humans can't alter the past even if we come to regret it. ...What about me, you ask? I don't have any regrets. Even if there are countless branch points in each moment, I will surely find my way back to your side.
Voice Line 13
Lee: You saw what my real name was in a file? ...Oh, well, it's not something confidential anyway. Besides, I am Lee of the Gray Raven Unit now. What I thought was a temporary code name given to me became a part of who I am today and is something I take great pride in. I plan to fight as "Lee" right until the very end.
Voice Line 14
Lee: Tactical cooperation, huh... That kind of thing doesn't exist back where I used to live. There was only constant betrayal and plunder at that place. Everyone became desperate to cross over that infernal sea, so they pushed others off to the edge and used them as their bridge... But now I don't have to think about it. Even though I repeatedly told myself I don't believe in things like luck, I could say that joining the Gray Raven Unit and crossing paths with you... was the most fortunate thing that ever happened to me.
Voice Line 15
Lee: "You're never alone," huh? ...I think those words are indeed solemn. No... It's exactly because they are important that I don't want to see the person who said those words to me suffer. So "it'd be a lot better than trying to bear everything by myself," hmm... I used to think that way before, but in the end, only an even more tragic end awaits. I get what you're trying to tell me. Commander, we'll support each other from now on and get through this, no matter what.
Raise Affection Level
Voice Line 1
Lee: Since we're all on the same team, there's no need to personally hand out resources to every single member.
Voice Line 2
Lee: Why are you suddenly... Don't you have anything better to do?
Voice Line 3
Lee: Equivalent exchange... I'll never forget the principle behind it. All of the things I've received from you are engraved in my heart.
Voice Line 4
Lee: You're giving this to me? ...Uh, thanks...I guess.
Voice Line 5
Lee: Here, I finished fixing your mini robot. While I'm at it, I've also added a voice memo function to it. Huh? You...want to change the default voice data to my voice? S-stop thinking about those kinds of ideas!
Voice Line 6
Lee: ...Did you give this to other people too?
Voice Line 7
Lee: You've always remained the same even from way back then... Ah, no. I'm not complaining about it. It's... fine for you to stay the same for who you are.
Voice Line 8
Lee: Where the heck do you find these things... Wait a minute, I never said I don't need this, right? The things I've already received are mine now.
Voice Line 9
Lee: You want to try out the new weapon I use? Well, it's still in its prototype stage, so I don't think it's at a level that can be mass-produced though. There's sort of a trick in each of its module settings, do you want me to teach you those tricks? It's complex, but it's quite remarkable as a weapon. I'm the only one who currently has mastered it anyhow.
Voice Line 10
Lee: You don't need to go out of your way... I'll respond to your expectations. ...So long as it's not relatively unreasonable, that is.
Voice Line 11
Lee: So long as I'm here, you don't have to worry. Everything's going to be all right.
Voice Line 12
Lee: Thank you, this is just what I need right now. With this, I can also complete that support robot I promised to finish― ...Huh? This is a present for me? So there's even a fine distinction made when it comes to gifts, huh...
Voice Line 13
Lee: You're expecting me to spew some affectionate words? You better stop expecting then. Well if you're that desperate, let's see what kind of stereotypical lines you'll show me. ...Ack! O-okay, that's enough...! That's plenty enough for an example!
Voice Line 14
Lee: (Sigh) ...Hm? Is there something troubling me, you ask? Not really. The cost of sealed warehouses is currently on the rise, so I'm thinking about what's the best way to store your belongings. ...I-it's nothing, forget it!
Voice Line 15
Lee: While I'm not a person who'd easily make promises, from the very beginning until this day... Rather, until the lasting future ahead of us, I'll live up to my promise that I'd always stay by your side no matter what.
Voice Line 16
Lee: Here you go, my gift in return for everything. It's a mini locator made from the old power core that was extracted when my model was undergoing maintenance. So long as you always have this, you can know my location even if comms get cut off. If you push the button, I'd also know where you are. If you wish for me to be by your side, I'll absolutely come running to your side, no matter how far apart we are from each other. I promise.
Voice Line 1
Lee: Why are you staring at me? Is the strategic report written on my face or something?
Voice Line 2
Lee: When we were kids, I made this toy called "Sippy Chicken"[1] so I could explain to Murray the principles behind heat energy. ...Why am I suddenly talking about it? That's because you were frequently nodding your head low enough to hit the desk, just like that toy bird.
Voice Line 3
Lee: Commander, about the result of that experiment we did the other day-... Commander? No one's here, huh... Quite likely, considering they're the type of person who can't stay still. ...I guess I should wait for a while then.
Voice Line 4
Lee: Be good and go to sleep already if you're feeling drowsy. ...There aren't any emergency missions right now so it's fine if you don't push yourself too much. ...Just relax and close your eyes now, will you. I'll wake you up when needed.
Voice Line 5
Lee: ...Commander, commander? ...(Sigh) You actually fell asleep from exhaustion, huh. You left your combat terminal open, guess you can't settle down without it... Really, I ought to tuck you in somewhere quiet. ...You lost some weight again... How much work did you take on this time...
Online for a Long Time
Voice Line 1
Lee: Are you attached to that chair or something?
Voice Line 2
Lee: Sure is nice if you could remember one good way to shirk off work.
Voice Line 3
Lee: Seems like I need to attach a system that could pick up mental fatigue from the brain wave activity on that chair, but... If the numbers reach a dangerously low range, it'd immediately force you to sleep― ...hm? You'd like to work for just a bit longer? I trust you know what'd happen if you lied through your teeth then.
Voice Line 4
Lee: I'll do the remaining ones left, just go rest. Now! I've had enough of looking at how you look like a loitering zombie, you're spoiling the pleasant scene around us.
Voice Line 5
Lee: Is this some kind of revenge plan against everyone in the Gray Raven Unit? ...What am I insinuating, you ask? Hah. Are you trying to prove your point that humans could also work for three days straight without any rest like us Structures? ...We promised that we both won't work ourselves to death ever again, so you should also get some rest now.
Voice Line 1
Lee: Good morning, you awake now?
Voice Line 2
Lee: That's good, the time you arrived sure is on point. Keep up with that. What time did I arrive? Just a few minutes earlier than you.
Voice Line 3
Lee: I thought I heard a loud, boisterous voice from afar but, don't tell me Kamui dropped by again, did he?
Voice Line 4
Lee: Commander, you came just at the right time. About those prospective experiments I mentioned yesterday, I just thought of one more idea for that.
Voice Line 5
Lee: You're here now. ...If I can never meet you again at some point in the future, I might feel sad from loneliness. ...Forget it. We have a mission to accomplish, let's get going.
Voice Line 6
Lee: I'm not spacing out, I'm just thinking about the Monty Hall problem[2]. If I eliminate the doors that haven't been opened, which of the remaining doors will you show up on... Hm? There's only one door in this room...? .......(clears throat)......
Voice Line 7
Lee: Last night, did you stay up late again? Taking good care of yourself is also one of your responsibilities to your team. I'm sure you know that better since you were an honor student, right? Your average sleeping time as of late is just― ...Huh? Why do I know, you ask? ...Obviously, I learned about it from Laplace's demon[3].
Voice Line 8
Lee: Good morning, did you have a good night's sleep? ...Yeah. Should we try a different greeting for tomorrow since today's greeting was okay? Since I have to greet you every day starting today, I wonder if it'd be better if we decide together on which greeting we both like. So tell me, which do you prefer?
Offline for a Long Time
Lee: Where have you been until now?! ...If you had made up your mind to walk out from here, I wish you could've at least said a proper goodbye then. ...No, it doesn't matter now, since you returned here in the end.
Voice Line 1
Lee: Graagh... ...No, it's not your fault. My Sea of Consciousness just suddenly went into an overload state. There's no need for you to worry about it... Stay still... Yeah, I'll recover from this in a minute.
Voice Line 2
Lee: ...Wha— Commander! ...Heh, you sure don't get tired of this same old trick.
Voice Line 3
Lee: If you get thrown off balance, I'll reflexively catch you and act as your cushion. ...As if. I'm kidding, let's stop this conversation. Please be more careful so you won't get hurt in the future.
Repetitive Taps
Voice Line 1
Lee: ...What the- ...To think there's this fully grown troublemaker inside the Raven Unit's base huh. Shall I drag you to the juvenile detention center then?
Voice Line 2
Lee: You think I won't fight back from this?
Voice Line 3
Lee: For the times you've poked me, I'll be repaying you exponentially. ...Hmm, so it's at a total number of 133637 times then. Now then, are you prepared to accept some "repayment?"
Activity Task Full
Lee: Activity level's reached the maximum level. We should leave our work progress here for now.
Battle Dialogues
Battle Start/Character Switch
Lee: Simulation complete. Commander, we'll emerge as the victors here.
Voice Line 1
Lee: I'll be the one to reign over your time!
Voice Line 2
Lee: There's no escape from my line of sight!
Voice Line 3
Lee: Your survivability rate's hit zero!
Voice Line 4
Lee: You can't escape now!
Voice Line 5
Lee: This is the end!
Ultimate Skill
Lee: Perish... for all time!
Light Damage
Lee: It's nothing serious, let's stay focused.
Heavy Damage
Lee: Graagh... I won't let it end, not here, not this moment.
Lee: I'll stand back up if I have to... No matter what...
Friend Support
Lee: You did well holding out, leave the rest to me.
Lee: Target locked on, fire at max power!
Battle End
Lee: Guh! It's too early to let up your nerves, Commander.
Structure Documentation
Document Detail 1
BPN-06, Attacker-type, Model Name: Hyperreal―an Omega-type Specialized Structure model developed by the Science Council based on Kurono's Inverse Device research as well as the meager information deciphered from the polymerized fragment. All of its functions are fine-tuned to the model's stability, making it impervious to the Punishing's side effects.
Document Detail 2
Both the model's energy distribution capability and the computational capacity modulator are strengthened, allowing the model to perform numerous computations. In addition, to ensure the model's stability, all its external equipment uses synthetic nano-carbon metal tubes, and their thermal conductivity is increased to make the equipment lightweight.
Document Detail 3
Only a person who extensively understands small arms could utilize sophisticated and complex heavy artillery like Lee's composite armament. Although it could adapt to every battlefield, it's difficult to operate and warrants a highly stable model, currently making the Hyperreal model the only one capable of wielding this weapon.
Document Detail 4
Although this model that takes pride in its peerless computational abilities can execute multiple simultaneous high-precision computations, the burden on Lee's Sea of Consciousness constantly reaches its critical point. However, nobody knows the actual situation behind it since Lee never reports it, persuading himself that "the data deviation in his Sea of Consciousness doesn't trigger so it won't cause any impediments to my day-to-day operation."
Document Detail 5
While the development of the Omega-type Specialized Models that centered around Liv progressed, Lee willingly volunteered to participate since Liv's Sea of Consciousness was damaged during the Solaeter's development, stating that his Sea of Consciousness was "far more stable." The first time he learned that he was originally the first choice for the Omega-type Specialized Models was after he had formally participated.
Document Detail 6
Lee couldn't remember the whispers he hears in his dreams or the confusing sceneries he sees. However, if one were to ask him if he could feel the fear and worries looming when one fights alone, he would calmly deny it―because he knows for a fact that there would always be someone who'd light the beacon behind him and illuminate the way back to where he belongs, no matter how far away he is.
Rumors and Secrets
Secret 1 The exterior appearance of Lee's new model is quite different thus far, so several people talked about how the Hyperreal model looks. However, Lee himself never once noticed that he became a hot topic of conversation around him.
Secret 2 Since Lee used to often work late at night back when he was with Kurono, he still has the habit of burning the midnight oil. When he first arrived in Eden, there used to be a rumor circulating that a ghost would appear in the maintenance room when the clock strikes at midnight.
Secret 3 Even though he didn't have any interest in philosophy at first, Lee started reading books about "the concept of time" and "time and sentience" and seems to have been taking notes on the topic ever since he changed to his Hyperreal model.
Secret 4 During his spare time, Lee adjusts the weapons and exoskeleton of the other members of the Gray Raven Unit to match each of their habits. He voluntarily does this kind of work because previously "our equipment's weapon alignment was off-point and because of that, the Commander had a dislocation injury during our practical combat training."
Secret 5 Lee tried to modify his model and hide one reflective part as he failed to understand the design intent behind it. However, one researcher told him "that part regulates heat circulation" and gave up on the idea.
Secret 6 His hobbies are solving numerical puzzle games. Everyone in the Gray Raven Unit tried it once, but the only person who understood the fun behind these logical games is the Commander.
Secret 7 He dislikes having Kurono as the conversation topic. Even though he seemed to just lightly sweep Vera's badgers under the rug, Lee feels bitter about the fact he used to work for them in the past.
Secret 8 He added the Gray Raven's logo on the inner side of the model's coat himself. He hasn't told anyone about it, but everyone noticed the addition when his model underwent modification enhancement.
Secret 9 Even though he preferred his old hair color, the development staff from the Arts Association told him that "they don't have the material for that particular color in stock." Left with the choice of either choosing a different hair color or, as suggested by Asimov, "make a hat-type Inverse Device," Lee chose the former.
Secret 10 Lee modified his right arm to attune himself with his new weapon, but it became difficult for his arm to pass through the right sleeve of his coat post-modification. He had accidentally torn the sleeve apart thrice just by putting strength in his arm, and when he finally had enough, Lee decided to wear the right side over his shoulder instead.
Secret 11 When they were little, he and Murray made a "secret code" only they know about that the two of them use during their transmission with each other. Although Lee hasn't used their secret code in a while, it appears that he used it again in a recent transmission he received from Murray.
Secret 12 The reason why Lee seldom cooks is that the moment he acquires condiments and spices, the whole kitchen turns into a large-scale laboratory―he will only season the food if the condiment is weighed in milligrams. Surprisingly enough, however, it did make him good at brewing coffee because the Commander drinks coffee every morning.
水飲み鳥 (Lit TL: Water Drinking Bird) or Drinking Bird/Dippy Bird/Sippy Chicken is a toy heat engine mimicking the motion of birds drinking from a water source.
The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle type of brain teaser named after the host of an old game show titled "Let's Make a Deal."
Laplace's demon is a notable published articulation of causal determinism on a scientific basis written by French scholar Pierre-Simon de Laplace in the 19th Century.
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@megatraven sorry to tag but I was watching some AFK episodes today and I chose Cerberus and I got to his S3 and this scene made me cackle.
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Just his face when he’s like “cursed?” is SO funny and how MC is like “no babe we’re fighters wdym cursed?” I love this and I just had to share bc I’ve never seen it and it made me laugh for like 5 minutes😭.
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sundove88 · 11 months
Super Smash Bros. Memento Mori AFK AU
You know how the game MementoMori is celebrating its 1st anniversary?
Well, guess what I made.
A SSB AU, in which the characters of the infamous fighting game play the roles of the characters!!
Roster down below. HUGE thanks to @lunartearrose, @busy-dadzawa-fish, and @ultimatestellar for all their help!
🗡️- Warrior
📖- Sorcerer
🔫- Sniper
Kirby- The Successor (Yes, he’s a playable character) (LR) 📖 (I pulled off a World of Light)
Aura of Azure:
Zelda- Amleth (LR) 🗡️ (Both are royals)
Diddy Kong- Fenrir (LR) 📖
Robin- Florence (LR) 🗡️
Mario- Illya (SSR+) 🗡️ (It’s pretty obvious why)
Meta Knight- Iris (SSR+) 🗡️
Magolor- Loki (SSR+) 🔫
Simon Belmont- Moddey (LR) 📖 (Both are associated with the dead)
Bandana Waddle Dee- Monica (N) 🔫
Blyeth- Sivi (LR) 🗡️
Pyra- Soltina (LR) 📖 (I made her and Mythra sisters to reflect Sol and Lunalynn’s sisterly dynamic)
Link- Sonya (LR) 🔫 (Link adores Princess Zelda, like how Sonya adores Amleth)
Tails- Stella (LR) 🗡️
Aura of Crimson:
Bayonetta- Amour (LR) 🔫
Roy- Arianrhod (SSR+) 🗡️
Sheldon- Artie (LR) 📖 (Both are mechanics)
Bowser Jr.- Belle (LR) 📖 (Belle sees Val as her mom, while Bowser Jr is Bowser’s Son)
Yoshi- Charlotte (N) 🗡️
Dixie Kong- Chiffon (LR) 📖
Summer Festival!Inkling- Summer’s Reverb Cordie (LR) 🔫
Cilan- Dian (LR) 🔫
Lip- Freesia (LR) 📖 (Both are associated with flowers)
Zoroark - Petra (SSR+) 🔫
Krystal- Priscilla (LR) 📖
Fox-Rean (LR) 🗡️
Cloud- Sabrina (LR) 🗡️
Wii Fit Trainer- Sophia (LR) 🗡️
Shulk- Theodora (SSR+) 📖
Aura of Emerald:
Inkling- Cordie (LR) 🔫 (It was too obvious)
Palutena- Fia (LR) 🗡️
Ashley- Ivy (LR) (Red is Emma) 🔫
Midna- Lea (LR) 🔫
Lyn- Libra (SSR+) 🔫
Samus- Luke (LR) 🗡️
Blaine- Mertillier (LR) 📖 (If you’ve read the Pokémon manga, Blaine created Mewtwo, like how Mert created A. A.)
Isabelle- Merlyn (LR) 📖
Ness- Nina (LR) 🔫
King Dedede- Rosalie (SSR+) 📖
Swimsuit!Cloud- Soldier of The Summer Breeze Sabrina (LR) 🗡️
Takamaru- Shizu (N) 🗡️ (It was too obvious)
Falco- Zara (SSR+) 🗡️
Aura of Amber:
Adeleine- Cherna (SSR+) 📖 (Both are painters)
Corrin- Carol (LR) 📖
Chef Kawasaki- Garmr (N) 🔫
Lucario- Hathor (LR) 🔫
Jigglypuff- Mimi (LR) 🗡️
Swimsuit!Simon Belmont- Gravekeeper’s Summer Holiday Moddey (LR) 📖
Luigi- Olivia (LR) 🗡️
Pauline- Primavera (LR) 🔫 (Both are singers)
Crusty Sean- Richesse (LR) 🗡️
Peppy Hare- Skuld (SSR+) 📖
Lucas- Soteira (SSR+) 📖
Sonic- Tropon (LR) 📖
Olimar- Veela (LR) 📖 (Now imagine the Pikmin as the goldfish.)
Sages of Qlipha:
Marx- Natasha (LR) [The Sage of Mourning Flowers] 🗡️ (Both have a similar color scheme)
Mythra- Lunalynn (LR) [The Sage of Snowy Illusion]📖
Bowser- Valeriede (LR) [The Sage of Conflagration] 🗡️
Mewtwo- A.A. (LR) [The Sage of Rust] 📖 (It’s too obvious.)
Chrom- Fortina (LR) [The Sage of Sacred Swords] 🗡️
Impa- Ophelia (LR) [The Sage of Fallen Crystals] 🗡️
Donkey Kong- Cerberus (LR) [The Sage of Wailing Lightning] 🗡️
Sable Prince- Rusalka (LR) [The Sage of Torrential Sorrow] 📖
DJ Octavio- Armstrong (LR) [The Sage of Lost Souls] 🔫 (He leads the Octarians, for goodness sake!)
Sephiroth- Elfriede (LR) [The Sage of Longinus] 🗡️ (He looks like a Witch of Qlipha to begin with.)
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God. So. Just finished yhat Cerberus task I spent like 14 hours hunting. Not only did I not get the unique I wanted I didn't get a single unique at all. Failed to proc Slayer cape too and I'm down to 4 skips so I guess I'm just. Fuckin' gonna go without. It's not like its remotely needed but it would've been extremely nice to have and made an afk relaxed grind even more afk and relaxed.
I'm pushing Woodcutting to 2m from 99 (basically getting 97 + ~400k xp) and then I'm finishing hunter and fishing, both at 96 currently. Idk which I'm doing first. Was thinking chins/herbiboar for hunter and barbarian fishing for bonus agility xp but I also might do a day or two of aerial to get the normal fishing rod that's equipable as it'd be nice at Anglerfish and sacred eels. It does both hunter AND fishing and it's solid xp in both, about 150k+ xp/hr combined, so it would be solid EHP compared to doing afkish barb fishing and lazy chins.
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dizzy-pixels · 9 months
I'm re-reading Cerberus route and I'm at the part where he's explaining how he and his siblings were abused by his mother. "You were born like dogs, so you'll be treated like dogs" bitchass. And how bad it must've been that even when Nemean had his aura stolen by Hercules he didn't mind because it means he's not the dog their mother treated him as.
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And how fucking hurt Cerberus must feel everytime Hercules & Zeus call him "mutt" in S3.
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daily-lovestruck · 1 month
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#18 - When You See The Love of Your Life Across The Room(TM)
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aaixx · 10 years
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"The true reason Nyx chose to help Zagreus leave the underworld to reunite with Persephone is that it was part of a larger plan to end the rivalry between chthonic and Olympian gods. However, she genuinely has good intentions behind it" 最終的に、ニュクスはかなり好きになったな。見た目と口調がすごく硬いのだけど、その口調のまんますっとぼけたりするのがおもしろい。最後にはやっぱりザグレウスを"My child"って呼んでくれるのがぐっとくる。ママン…。立場もあるのに、終始ザグレウスを見守ったり応援してくれてるんよな。 最後までやったから、Wiki とかの情報ようやく漁れる。 "Supportive Shade"、全然気にしてなかったな。このサポーターが定命の人間であるおじいちゃん"Mortal Farmboy"説好きだな。デメテルが見たら、どんな顔するんだw "Narrator"、元ネタがありはするんだろうなって思ってたけど、2で明確に名前が出てるんだ。この手の話に詳しいひとなら、1の時点でもこれホメロス"Homer"じゃない?ってなるのかな。
Hades の"Extreme Measures"(EM4)が鬼畜だった。遠距離からのチキン戦法しか取ってなかったから、遠くに居る Hades を視認できなくてどうにもならない。Tips とかを漁ってたら EM4 をオフにするって割と言ってる人が多くて笑った。 あと、Cerberus が牙を向いてきたのがショックだ…。初見プレイ時、Temple of Styx に鎮座する Cerberus と戦わないでいんだと安堵していたのに。でも、その Call いいな。ザグも呼べたらいいのに。
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ひとがやってるの観たらやりたくなって、また一度だけ強行措置4に挑戦。 最初からEM4パパンを見据えて、デメテル or アレス(+ アルテミス )のキャスト編成で打開(瀕死の模様)。ひたすら逃げて攻撃は完全に自動追尾任せ。さすがにパパンも素直に褒めてくれるのね。Heat 32 はやらない…とか言って、いつの間にか挑戦してそう…。 検索したら Hades の配信してるひとが AFK で EM4 のパパン倒してて笑った。
RVC の方、3Dモデルを使ってるのだけど、それがえらいかわいいんだ。こんにちはーって言うとこんにちはーって、手振ってくれるんだよ。自分は言わないけど。 ここが異性に媚びた配信に嫌気が差した人間の終着点かもしれん。
RVC の人がビーセを始めてくれてるー。無理やり二足歩行させられてるチワワが盆踊りしてるみたいでかわいい。「いぇい」。 初心者向けではない譜面をリクエストした人は反省して。そんな譜面を投げられても楽しく遊べないでしょ。というか、リクエストした人、ブロック済みのひとで道理ってかんじ。 フルボディトラッキングを人に要求するには必要環境が厳しいか…というかHMD自体、あんなの長時間着けていられないよ。もうちょっと気軽にVR遊べるようにならないかなって思うけど、10年先の未来の技術笑だかを謳った Apple の HMD があの巨大なサイクロプスだからなあ。
Dance Dash: 初めて観たけどかっこいいな。これこそ、ダンスの心得が無いひとが演ると暗黒太極拳になるのではw あー、でもプレイヤーほとんどいないな。 このひと、譜��も作ってるんだ。人口少ないから自給自足してる感あるな。何点トラッキングなんだろ、めっちゃ繊細に動きと取ってる…。10点かあ。Airine さんは足に2つで、たぶん肘には付けてないよね。 DDからBSに途中で変更したのだけど、カテゴリ表記変更を忘れてて途中で気づいて変更したんですよね、「カテゴリ詐欺よくない」って。FF14・Minecraft ・マルチFPSとか、所謂汎用ゲーム(所謂らない)のタグを意図的に多数付けっぱなしにしてる配信者、好きじゃない。
今日はサメ。 スライドが交差する時はくるって一回転するんだ…。Steam のデモ動画も観たのだけど、配信してた人と比べるとしょぼく見える。やっぱり、ダンスの心得があるからあんなに見栄えするんだ。 モジャ〜…かわいすぎるな。 ダスモしながらステップ踏んでる…えぐ。
久しぶりに にむ さんが踊ってるー。やっぱり暗黒盆踊りなんて欺瞞だわ。
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カルチャ: いやらしい箇所が無くて楽しい。Lv.28下位、これくらいが自分が楽しく叩ける難易度だ。
EVO、初めて観る。格闘ゲームわからないけど、解説が説明してくれてるし、ミラー配信してる人もいる観てみる。格闘ゲームの競技プレイヤーなんて全然知らないけど、ウメハラは知ってる。というか現役なんだウメハラさん、すごいな。 ちょっと合わないなって感じるところがあったから、残りを観るかはわかんないや。正直、普通に気持ち悪いと思ってしまった。 ちょっと合わないどころじゃなかった。カプコンのミラー配信、一切モデレーションされてないひどい配信だった。二度と観ない。観るなら本家配信かな。本家は Biden コメントで削除祭りだけど。
"ESA Summer 2024"の Restream、実施するかしないかの告知をするのも難しいのかな。やらないのはいいにしても、告知をしないせいで有志の方が厚意で用意してくれた解説がむだになってるのは残念。 Discord に資料を上げてくれてる人がかわいそう。 まあ、Restream も RiJ のやばい人が運営してるわけだし、あまり期待しない方がいいかも。 Sly Cooper: やってるじゃん。ちょろさん、リストリームがあるならまた解説やりたいって言ってから残念ね。
RTA in Japan Winter 2022
サンリオタイムネット未来編 : 笑った。今のところRiJ W 2022 の中で一番好きだ。 ダージュ オブ ケルベロス: また、ことんびチャンが解説で参加してる…いや、この頃はまだことんびチャンではなかったのだけど。というか、常連みたいな人いるよね。…ことんびチャン、歌ったwww 視聴者数、5万人だよ。 ソニック3 & ナックルズ: おもしろい。 METAL GEAR 2: SOLID SNAKE: ニンジャナンデ!? いや、ニンジャはどうでもいいのだけど、声聞いたことあるなあって思ったら解説すないぬ兄貴。初エンカウントがいつなのかもう分からなくなっちゃったな。明確に名前を認識したのは前の JAWS なのは確かだけど、たぶんそれ以前にも絶対どこかで出くわしてる。 Batman : The Video Game: 笑った。なんだ、この二人の会話w Inscryption: 始めのカードゲーム部分だけ走るにしても、事前にもうちょっと解説があったほうがいいと思うな。何してるかわからないだろうし。おもしろおかしく編集されたRTA解説動画の贅沢さが身にしみる。 というか、序盤だけでなく致命的な部分までやっちゃうんだ。レトロゲームならいざ知らず、リリースから1年経つか経たないかのゲームなのに、視聴者うん万人の配信でやるのは微妙じゃないか。内容を知ると台無しになるゲームなのに。 …総じて駄目だと思う。 FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster: 開始前の注意はあれか。実際、何人かタイムアウトされてたってなにかの折に聞いたな。当時、それ系のネタはタグでブロックしてたから全然知らなかったんよな。 走者さんと解説さん楽しそうだな。というか、EST10時間てやば。 トランシルビィ: 笑った、それは出したらアカン。
女性に優しいはずのコブラが姫にマジレスするの好き。第1話の作りが手塚治虫っぽい。 ジョジョがあまり得意でない理由に、未知で強力な敵に常に怯え逃げながら戦うっていうサスペンス・ホラー的な展開が苦手っていうのがあるのだけど、その点、コブラは安心。なぜかってコブラは不死身の最強生物だから。毎朝、朝食にコーンフレークを山盛り二杯食べてるコブラに適う生物はいないんよ。安心感しかない。
以前までの配信ガイドラインはどうなってたんだろ。以前から禁止されていたのなら、サクマの配信はもろにアウトになっちゃうけど。 これが一番気になった発表かなあ、他は基本的にいつもの緩和(+改悪)だけだし。🍆のテキストが好きなだけで、開発には何も期待していないので。サクマ含め現地に行った子たちが楽しそうなのは良かった。終章終わった後を🍆が書くか否かだなあ。 … ああ、やっぱり今回新規に作られたガイドラインなんだ。サクマのメインのグレーだったコンテンツが、黒判定になっちゃったわけだ。…割とお通夜では。まあでも、大人な反応してるあたりはサクマ。現地で楽しんだ後に、このガイドライン改定をくらったサクマの心境を思うと胃が痛すぎる。 … 改悪部分、かつて無いほど燃えてて笑った。そりゃそうだ。 対応のお知らせが来たけど、もう何をしようが、「燃えなかったらええか」で通そうとした事実は消えないんよ。 … サクマ、まじで虚無ってて笑う。もう、そのゲームの配信は無理があるでしょ。この先、新しい配信コンテンツを探さないようなら、サクマの配信もほとんど観ることなくなりそうね。
SDCC2024、さすがに「わっ」てなっちゃった。後から知ったけど、噂としてはあったのね。この規模のプロジェクトで緘口令なんて敷けないか。MCU、途中でまでしか観てないからがんばって追いつこう。 …これ以前の作品に伏線があって、熱心に観てるひとならハッとさせられるみたいな演出・展開が含まれてても、絶対自分は気づかないから、単品の作品とおもしろい作品がいいなって書いたところで、MCU向いてないなと理解する。まあ、まじめに履修するつもりもないしいいか。
High School Musical: 楽しいな。
Absolutely! There are many popular and critically acclaimed musical movies you might enjoy. Here are some suggestions: Classics: ・"The Sound of Music" (1965): A beloved classic about a nun who becomes a governess for a large family in Austria. ・"West Side Story" (1961 & 2021): A modern retelling of "Romeo and Juliet" set in New York City with rival street gangs. ・"Grease" (1978): A fun and nostalgic look at 1950s high school life, featuring memorable songs and dances. Modern Hits: ・"La La Land" (2016): A contemporary musical about two aspiring artists trying to make it in Los Angeles. ・"The Greatest Showman" (2017): Inspired by the life of P.T. Barnum, it features energetic performances and a fantastic soundtrack. ・"Mamma Mia!" (2008): A feel-good musical featuring the songs of ABBA, set on a beautiful Greek island. Animated Musicals: ・"The Lion King" (1994 & 2019): A touching story of a lion cub’s journey to adulthood, featuring iconic songs by Elton John and Tim Rice. ・"Frozen" (2013): A modern Disney classic with unforgettable songs like "Let It Go." Broadway Adaptations: ・"Les Misérables" (2012): An epic adaptation of the famous Broadway musical based on Victor Hugo's novel. ・"In the Heights" (2021): A vibrant film adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway hit, celebrating the culture of Washington Heights. These films cover a wide range of styles and themes, so you're likely to find something that appeals to you. Enjoy exploring the world of musical movies!
わ、すごい。絶対に ZenzaWatch がだめになると思ってたら、普通に使えちゃうんだ。感謝、ZenzaWatch 開発関係者と仕様をそのままにしてくれた本体の開発者に圧倒的感謝。正直、ZenzaWatch なしだと観なくなるまであったもの。 … すご。ニコレポ無いとやっぱり不便だけど、少しでも早く再開はしたいだろうからやむなしかって思ってたけど、8月下旬を予定してた「フォロー新着」が前倒しでリリースされてる。不便だって声を受けてのことだよね。
RiJ Summer 2024
RTAちゃん、無いなった…。 Rusted Moss: 開発者さんのコメント笑った。 … 自分がそのミームを知らないだけなんだろうけど、なんでタイムアウトされてるのかわからないコメントがけっこうあるな。いや、待て待て。さすがに不適切でもなんでもないコメントが消されてるって。 … ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ2: 後で観る 鬼ノ哭ク邦: ことんびチャン枠。チャット欄のオジが狩られてて笑う。「ことんびチャン」呼びはセーフ判定、オジサン構文はアウト判定。 チョコボの不思議なダンジョン: アザラシさん枠。あきらかにおかしい大量削除が発生してて草。 テイルズオブアライズ: なんか2022年のシンフォニアが人気みたいだから、後で観てみよう。 シンフォニア、6時間超えかあ…。 ポケモン不思議のダンジョン: この人が出てくると、チャット欄荒れるのなんかあるの。この人、個人の配信でもチャット欄がひどいんよなあ。 … どうしよ、ここまでこれといって印象に残ってるタイトルが��い…。何かおもしろいのあった? サイレントドラゴン(Silent Dragon): スーパーマリオブラザーズ ワンダー: 並走なのに解説さんが淀み無くてすごかったね。 アークザラッドⅡ: ニコニコでフォローしてるひと枠。ESTが9時間超えてる。解説さんも良くて、これはおもしろかったな。 大航海時代Ⅳ: だめでしょ、これ。逆の立場だったら炎上どころか、その場で右拳でぶん殴られて会場から追い出されてる。軽率で意識が低すぎると思います。イベントとプレイヤー両方とも通報した。 ポケットモンスター赤緑: "ホラー枠"扱いは笑う。このひと、前も何かのイベントでみたけど、なんか言動が合わないなって感じてそっと閉じてしまう。 ノンタンといっしょ くるくるぱずる: こういう群れて大声で騒いでるの苦手かもしれん、寒々しく感じてしまって。なんかごめんな。 中国雀士ストーリー 東風: www トルネコ3: チャット欄見て、プロ有識者が湧くから離れたって言ってた走者さんを思い出した。あれはアスカ見参か。RTAイベント的にはちょっと他と趣が違うけど、おもしろい。ずっと事故ってた走者さんを応援してた。 STAR WARS ジェダイ:サバイバー: ダース・ベイダー卿の町内放送とか言われてるw 解説さんがどんどんダース・ベイダーになっていくせいで、内容が入ってこないw モンスターファーム 1&2DX: 「パオーーン!! パオーーン!!🐘🐘」 うるさくて笑う。
FF Series Relay IX (Restream)
16〜20日。 FF16: 中村悠一(中村悠一ではない)、いやこっちのは本当に中村悠一。 解説さんの反応がおもしろい。この解説さんいいな。次の解説さんが入った後も、話の振り方が上手で進行までしてるし。 ずーっと Restream 開いてるくせに苦手な解説さんが現れた瞬間、すぐさまページ閉じるの自分でやっといて残酷。
Flame Fatales 2024
オープニングで Malala さん出てきたんだけど…w いやまあ、女性の支援っていう趣旨的にはきわめて妥当だけど。方面に配慮するワードが入ったチャットがしょっぱなのゲームから削除されてて笑う。その言葉自体がNGワードになってるのは皮肉。同じく ラスアスも燃えてたよね。 前の ESA Summer は Restream が無かったけど、今回はあってよかったね。チョロさん、解説したいって言ってたし。 こういう平等を謳うのではなく、特定の性別だけの権利の主張を謳う運動が逆にとても差別的に見えてしまってだめだな。いや、趣旨はわかります。石を投げないで。あ、いやでも、平等を謳った方が健全だと思います。 本家の司会進行、延々とドネイトの読み上げ続けるだけでなんもおもしろくないどころか、耳障りに感じてきてしまった。現在進行中のタイトルほっぽりだして、次以降のタイトルの話をするから今の走者真顔で黙って黙々とプレイしてて笑うんだけど。これには Malala さんも目ん玉 $ $ にしてにっこりでしょ。
ちょっと前に転生して新規に配信始めたFF14のひと、もうパートナーになってる。本人がおもしろいのもあるけど、めっちゃ配信してたもんな。このひと、転生前はどんな姿だったのかめっちゃ気になる‥。 だいぶ前にパートナー目指してますって言ってた人どうなったんだろって確認したけど未だにチャックマーク付いてなかった…。その人はチャット欄の扱いが合わないなって感じて観るのやめちゃったんよな。身内の馴れ合いみたいなコミュニティーを築いてる配信に、新規の視聴者はつかないと思う。
こないだの RiJ でやらかしてた人出てきてそっと閉じた。JAWS の告知観よ。GRAND FINAL GEOGUESSR WORLD CUP 2024 もやってるー。 スケジュール眺めてみたけど、ヴァンサバが気になる。そういう趣旨なのだからそりゃそうなのだけど、8時間かあ。8時間、ヴァンサバの画面観てたら頭痛くなりそう。 FF10-2: 衣装変わるの楽しいけど、かわいくない衣装が多いなw ことんびさんの出番がこの日多い。 神々のトライフォース No Major Glitches 100%: おもしろかった。解説さん、初めて解説やるって言ってたけどすごく良かった。前、観たのがバグりまくったレギュレーションだったけど、これは(ゲームを壊すような)バグなし。
JAWS #04 のお知らせ配信だ。おバカで規模の大きい JAWS が一番楽しみかもしれん。
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これは初勝利したラン。ラン(run)って何が適当な日本語なの…プレイ? 何度か挑戦してみたけど、フラッシュやストーレートを簡単に成立させるジョーカー(Smeared Joker など)構成以外で勝ててない。きっと他にもいろんなビルドがあるんだよね。1勝できたし、配信・動画・解説を解禁しようかな。Roffle がリリース時からずっと配信してるんですよね、このゲーム。 Roffle、初回投稿でゲームのルール解説やってくれてるじゃん。ありがたい。
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3回目の Win。特定の役ではなくて、カード・チップ・倍率がほんのりバフされたなんとも半端なビルド。というか、DnAのハイカードを除くと、ツーペアしか作ってないな。 ・ツーペアって簡単な上に4枚計上できるからお得に感じるのだけどどうなんだろ。DnAで強化されたカードを初期から増やし続けたのでハンドがとてもカラフル。 ・序盤のバフされたジョーカーは取り得に感じたので、序盤はタグにそれらがあったらタグ取得が安牌?
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4勝目。3勝目から2ストリークス。もうマスターしてしまったかもしれん、このゲーム。フラッシュ・ハウスはなんか実績あるかなって思って作った役。 ・ボス・ブラインドのアビリティを無効にするレジェンド・ジョーカー"Chicot"はインチキだけど、レジェンド・ジョーカー自体初めて見たし、かなり確率低めかなにかしら条件があるのかな。 …ああ、やっぱり Spectral からしかレジェンダリー(計5種)は排出されないんだ。 Chicot (c. 1540–1591), real name Jean-Antoine d'Anglerais, was the jester of King Henry III of France, and later Henry IV. He was sharp-tongued, very cunning, and spoke with the king without formalities. Chicot disabling Boss Blinds in the game may be a reference to this. ・やっぱり序盤のタグで、バフされたジョーカー・ネガティヴのジョーカーを選ぶのは Balatro の鉄板かもしれん。 ・毎回、お金を余らせてるので最大利子を受け取れる分を残して、もっと積極的にリロールした方がいいのかも。
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これは6勝目。Ante 10~11/8 の要求スコアのインフレに付いていくには、それぞれの倍率だけではなくて何かしらちゃんとしたシナジーが要るな。Roffle の配信を観てると、安定して Ante 12/8 を突破してる…。終盤のシナジーのあるインチキジョーカー群は見てて楽しいな。
当時から「ナナボーゾ(Nanabozho)」に行き着いてる人がごく少数だけどいるんだ。当時のシナリオは大不評だったけど、年月が経ってから、えっそういうこだったのってなるのはおもしろい。そのうち"In popular culture"の欄に追加される日も来るんだろうか。
夏イベが前座で、28日から奈須の本編が三編に分かれて配信開始ってことかな。10月末まで続くんだ、2部6章規模ってこと? インタビューで水着の前編が他ライター、後編が奈須って言ってたっけ…? … 共有したくないタイプのやつだ。SNS閉じとこ。 自分が知らなかったり、どうでもいいコンテンツは感想とか漁りながら観るけど、これは共有したくないやつ。 … ザビ子、めっちゃしゃべるじゃん。リップの話、ザビ含めてよかったね。ザビがいる時点で単に2030年のドバイってことはなさそう? … 夏イベが完全に奏章の前座だった。これ、参加資格ないひとは3017年の月に半身凍結された状態で、しゃあないからメインストーリーに戻るか…ってなるのw
これ、今回一番困惑してるのってバーソロミューのこと好きな人たちじゃないのw ザビが先輩面してるけど、シエル先輩はもっと先輩だよなあ(主人公ではないけど)。 … 前編: 終わったー。「人類の終わり方を決める」が何を差しているのかが未だにわかってない。最初はこれから特定の手段で人類を終わらせるのかと思ってたのだけど、そうではなくて滅んだ旧人類の終わり方を後から勝手に定義するってこと? "人類"が何を指しているのかわからないよ。「人類の終わりを定義することによって、BBドバイは自由になりたい」ってのが前半でのカズラの推察。 前半の締めくくりは CCC とかでも描かれた AI はどうやっても人類に焦がれる話で締め。 … 配布はもしかしてカズラかと思ったけど、高レアで実装されたいって言ってるから、配布で来たら泣いてしまうで(カズラが)。ドバイの一臨がドバイ、二臨がコスモ(現状、別個体という描写)だから、三臨がカズラの可能性も…? そもそも、別個体っていう描写自体が怪しいけど。 リップはないと思う。リップならイベントの出番時点で加入させて全員に行き渡るようにしてるはずだから。 そういえば、ガイドラインのおかげで配信サイトで新章の実況というか、話自体聴く機会無くて笑う。これで良かったんかw あいや、翻訳したものを違反投稿してる人がいるな。取り締まらないのなら正直者がバカを見てる状態だ。権利を主張するのに、それに伴う責任はまっとうしないかんじ? 周年リアルイベントっていう大きな場でこの手のガイドラインを発表するってことはグレーゾーンを潰す意図があってのことだよね。収益目的でない・知的財産権を毀損するものではない配信を公式に認めたり、グレーゾーンを維持する動きをしてるメインストリームと正反対の動きしてるけど大丈夫そ? 誤ったガイドラインを流布させてるひとは、それはつまりガイドラインを読んでないって事でしょ。それは笑う。 中編: この人、完全に後輩って呼んでくるのね。今までで一番メタいキャラクターでは? というか、BB達から見たザビーズの反応はどうなるんだろ。 ぎゃー、かっこいいけどなんか笑う。 中編、EXTRA系列履修済みだったら破顔しっぱなしでしょ。あと、化け物級のパワーを持つメンツの中で、それを持たないバーソロミューの立ち回りが好きすぎる。 リップも良かった。前と今のリップの話はエレちゃんへのカウンターとも取れるよね。 後編: え、これ、シリーズにおけるザビーズの最期だよね。そっかあ。ソシャゲのイベントやってたら、別ゲーの最終回が突然ぶっこまれるという…。見どころはたくさんあったよ、全部が見どころ。それこそ(カズラドロップ以外)アンソニーをはじめみんな輝いてた。ロバーツの夏。 始まる前のヒロインはエレちゃんかと思わせて、リップからのプロテア・オルタからのやっぱりリップ。いや、プロテア・オルタもよかった。 奏章ⅢはEXTRA・CCCをやってから読まないと損。 ラストスロットは終始かわいそうだったな。状況は最初から最後まで詰んでるし。果てはBBと同化しておバカになるし。あと、人理がお話における敵に見えちゃうね。人理・宇宙の倫理・世界の理。今回は意識の変革によってまあええやろって許しを貰ってめでたしめでたしだったけど、そのうち宇宙の理に右ストレートかますお話が読みたいね。 ゆっくりさんと化したカズラはハンス先生がきっと持ち帰ってくれるでしょ。アンデルセンはドバイの清涼剤。 後編の戦闘、難しくて何度もやり直した。正直、そんな高難易度はいいから話に集中させてほしい。ヌンノスよりはマシだけど、要らない。 ムーン・キャンサー戦、NPC 2人強制配置が難度を上げてる。うまいこと間引けるまでリトライするガチャだった。アストライアは神。 ザビーズ戦、ブレイク・チャージ+対粛清防御貫通+無敵貫通+弱体解除ってどうすればよかったの。婦長にガッツしてもらって超えたけど、ガッツ以外に何かやり方あるのかな。曲に併せた演出は好き。 ガイドラインはゴミ���
EXTRA・CCC を描いてた人たちが息を吹き返してて笑う。そりゃそうだ。自分も中編以降ずっとニヤけっぱなしだったもの。
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megatraven-art · 8 months
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cerberus but if he had puppy ears :]
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megatraven · 1 year
Astoria Kiddos and Parents
hi im meg and i like astoria sooo much but im soooooo normal about it!!!! anyways todat ill be looking at all the astoria kids and how they look like (or don't look like) their parents :] and maybe some extra stuff
The Cyprins
(This is the only pair i can use a last name for. tragic. but so so so good. ill explode. <stuff a normal person says about their normal interests)
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(pictured: Alex, MC, and Jason)
Jason takes after both of his parents, though Alex more than MC. His hair is short and swooped, like Alex's, and he has Alex's eyes (both shape and color). His hair is darker than MC's, but lighter than Alex's. He's got MC's face shape, but takes after Alex in skintone.
In terms of Aura, his sheepdog doesn't really take after the deer or the peacock that his parents have.
He inherited a love of music from his parents, particularly Alex.
The Hydras
(that's as good as the category naming will get for this post :) but i enjoy it nonetheless)
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(pictured: MC, Misty, and Hydra)
Misty inherited Hydra's dark black hair, though her hair is long like MC's currently is! Her skintone is closer to MC's than Hydra's, and she has MC's eyes.
Like Hydra's serpent aura, Misty also has a reptilian friend... a lot, actually! Though her aura snakes are still small, they'll be growing with her, as her power does. She takes after her dad in this respect.
And, like her dad, she has a big love for ramen :)
The Medusas
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(pictured: Medusa, Saffi, Celeste, MC)
Saffi and Celeste are a good blend of their parents; they both have brown hair with red streaks, though the brown is notably darker than MC's. Their skintones match MC's more than Medusa's, and in addition to that, they have MC's eyes.
Celeste's aura is a lion cub, and Saffi's is a seahorse, neither of which relate to their mothers' auras.
Saffi is more introverted, like Medusa, while Celeste is more of an extrovert, like MC.
The Astraeuseseses
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(pictured: Astraeus, Juno, and MC, and Juno)
It's a little hard to tell what color eyes she's got, but they definitely look more brown- like MC's- than purple like Astraeus'. Her hair takes after Astraeus, dark black.
We don't know too much about her since she's so young, but she has started developing an aura at this age (Extremely Early!!!!!!) and helped take down Hercules, so it's safe to say that she'll grow up to be a badass like her mom. And her dad. But mostly her mom. (I think Astraeus would agree.)
The Hades...es
(i did not think this method of category-naming through!)
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(pictured: Hades, Osiris, and MC. And than Hades and Osiris again)
Osiris looks a lot like his dad! His hair has pink streaks in it, just like Hades'. I can only assume that Hades must have naturally black hair and he dyes it lavender, on account of Osiris having black hair where neither of his parents do. (<This is a joke. Just like genetics are.) He also has Hades' skintone. His eyes don't match either parent, but they would definitely be closer to MC's brown than Hades' purple. His eyebrows are thin like MC's :)
This little cutie's aura is an owl, which is much closer to matching MC's peacock aura, than it is to matching Hades' reaper.
And for the sake of accuracy...
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(pictured: Nemean, Orthrus, and Cerberus)
None of Hades' boys look like him, save for Cerberus in terms of skintone. His hair actually does look a lot like Osiris', though, now that I think about it... Anyways, they don't look like Hades because they're his adopted sons, but they're his sons nonetheless and I will include them :] And because MC married him, they are also now her... sons-in-law... even though they're all older than her :D
The Cerberuses
(i'm done with the names that end with 's'!!! woo!)
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(pictured: Cerberus, MC, Davy, Hyacinth, Griffon, Ceres)
[claps hands together] these two need to stop having kids!!!! damn!!!
Davy's hair is the lightest of the bunch, and his eyes are more golden than anyone else's... except Cerberus! Who also has gold eyes typically, just not in these two CGs for some reason. Curious :0
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(pictured: Cerberus, for proof of golden eyes!)
Davy's skintone is closest to Cerberus, Hyacinth's pretty in the middle of his parents, and Griffon and Ceres both match their mother. All of them (minus Davy) have dark brown hair, just like both Cerberus and MC. Hyacinth, Griffon, and Ceres all have brown eyes, like their mother.
The boys each have a bear for their aura- definitely closer to Cerberus' dogs than to MC's peacock. Not just in being cute, fuzzy mammals, but also in that together, they're three bears. Like Cerberus' three dogs :) Just as well, Ceres' arctic fox aura is closer to Cerberus' dogs, too.
The Chimeras
(last one!!! other names to call them: the royals. the future in-laws to the valentine gang. the last ones.)
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(pictured: MC, Robin, Gawain, CJ, and Chimera)
Good to know that ten years down the line, Chimera is still lowkey obsessed with hotdogs. Anyways.
CJ and Robin have Chimera's bright green eyes, while Gawain has MC's brown ones! They're all blond, like Chimera, though Robin's is a little darker than the rest. CJ, ironically since she's Chimera Jr, has Chimera's skintone. She's basically what Chimera would look like if he was about 60 years younger and grew his hair how. Gawain takes after his mother here again. Robin is closer to Chimera's skintone than MC's.
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(pictured: Robin, older)
I also just wanted to share an older picture of Robin, the only one of the kiddos we get to see grown up, as they're a character in another Lovestruck series, Villainous Nights.
Back to the topic at hand, CJ's aura is a chimera, just like Chimera's, though it's turquoise in color. A nice mix of gold and green- a nice mix of MC's and Chimera's :) Gawain has a Bird of Paradise, which is closer to MC's than Chimera's. And Robin's is a Hyena (like the one on their shirt when they're older), which is... closer to... the lion part of Chimera's aura :)
Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk today
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