#cerise putting ‘no one I’m kind of a loner’
athena-xox · 4 months
Cerise and Holly are legit the funniest characters ever.
Like Holly speaks in the third person and says grimaces in sentences and also uses the word ‘orbs’ to eyes
And cerise is so ‘I’m such a loner girl no want understands me or wants to be my friend’ while ravens friend group is desperately trying to get her to join. Cerise also goes ‘I put my hood up to cover my flawless ebony hair because I’m not like other girls. All these girls are wearing dresses, how can they run in that? As an alpha wolf I’ll never understand these delicate girls. I watch them eat salads, while I’m eating steak. I’m so unique’
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richard-of-windoor · 5 years
incorrect quotes but with My ocs instead bc i wanted to c:
Luke: I know two people who can cheer you up. Vince: Ben and Jerry? Luke: *pats* Ben and Jerry.
Kristen: Liar! Ask him about his albino! Nate: You mean his alibi? Kristen: That too!
Davorin: You actually make a good argument. Cameron: I do some of my best work when I bullshit.
Max: I’m going to marry you. Blake: No one would want to marry me… I’m a handful. Max: Not to worry, I have two hands!
Davorin: *About Cerise* Hey maybe you could be friends! Vince: I would rather eat my own hand.
Cameron: It's a California driver's license! Valerie: I think you’re confused Cameron, you need a driver's license to drive a car, not steal one.
Kristen: You ever play that game when your siblings are sunburnt and you put some spoons in the freezer, take them out, and then you hit them with it so it rips their skin off? Andrew: What the fuck.
Davorin: I’ve only slept nine hours over the past four days, so I’m right on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Davorin: [bites into his pencil] Davorin: This isn’t a bagel.
Andrew: I made this friendship bracelet for you. Nate: You know, I’m not really a bracelet person. Andrew: You don’t have to wear it. Nate: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Vince: And if I run and leap at Davorin he will most certainly catch me in his arms. Coming in! [Vince rushes towards Davorin] Davorin: No, holding coffee! [Davorin drops his coffee and catches Vince]
Kristen: We have to go to Oriande. Andrew: That's a made up word. Kristen: All words are made up.
Jet: When I first met you, I did not like you. Cameron: I’m aware of that. Jet: But then you and I had some time together. Cameron: Uh-huh. Jet: It did not get better.
“What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, ‘Oh Luke is such a nice guy, Luke is so happy-go-lucky! Luke can’t be in a bad mood!’ Well, you know what? Luke CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Luke is in a bad mood.”
— Luke.
Nate: Blake this steak is a little tough. Blake: So is life... and then you die.
Valerie: I’m going to go take a shower. Luke: Now? Valerie: What can I say? It’s “the model” in me. [later] Kristen: Where’s Valerie? Luke: Taking a shower. Kristen: Now? Luke, shrugging: It’s “the model” in her.
Max: Quick! To the panic room! Davorin: The school doesn’t have a panic room. Max: Any room can be a panic room if you panic hard enough!
Davorin: This is good for me, y'know, I like being on my own. I’m better off this way. I’m a lone wolf. Davorin: A loner. Alone. All alone. Forever… Davorin, voice cracking: What’s a wolf gotta do to get a hug around here?!
Vince: You know, don’t take this the wrong way, but I feel like you’ve become a lot more fun since I’ve known you. Nate: Thanks. And if I may return the compliment, I think you’ve become marginally less irritating.
Davorin: Mom, I had a feeling today. Agatha: Well, DON’T, son.
Vince: Ring, ring. Blake: Hello? Vince : Ring, ring. Blake : H-he-hello? Vince : Ring, ring. Blake : Hellooo? Vince: Ring, ring. Blake : He-Hello? Vince : Ring, ring. Cameron: YOU HAVE A BAD CONNECTION!
Andrew: Blake, I hope to be half the man you are someday. Blake: You’re gonna have to up your protein intake quite a bit, maybe start doing some squats–oh, you meant that metaphorically.
Valerie: Well, if that doesn’t work, we’ll just improvise and talk about something funny. Like Nate’s hair. Nate: I heard that! Valerie: You were supposed to!
Cameron: I am the kind of person that likes to think things through. Andrew: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
Nate: What's the maximum number of books I can check out? Nate: Is it 12,000?
Kristen: Words ending in “ie” are so cute. Like “cutie,” “sweetie,” “cookie”— Davorin: “Die.” Kristen: …
“Hold up, darling diva of the world. Did I just hear my name come out of your mouth?” — Valerie, when Kristen mentions her name
Nate: What do you think parents are most afraid of? Cameron: Clowns? Nate: No. Cameron: Evil Clowns? Nate: No. Cameron: Crazy clowns named Jet who whisper your name from under your bed? Nate: [pause] No.
Cameron: Hey, before you guys leave, do you want to see some art? Vince: I've already looked in the mirror once today, so I'm good.
Agatha: ARE YOU READY TO FUCKING DIE? Vince: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me!
Nate: Luke and I have that kind of easy chemistry where we can finish each other’s- Luke: Sentences! Nate: Please don’t interrupt me.
[after being tied up by Serpents] Max: I feel… tingly. Cameron: Don’t say that when you’re pressed up against me! Max: Not that kind of tingly!
Kristen: We need to talk about- Max: That lab was already on fire when I got there. Kristen: What? Max: What?
Kristen: Would a hug make you feel better? Davorin: Nah, thanks, I’m okay. Kristen: It’s okay, you’re still getting one. [hugs Davorin] Davorin, tearing up a little: Thanks, Kristen. That does make me feel better.
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