#certified cobe moment
ginormouscobe · 6 months
*explaining the plot of Hotline Miami to our mom* "Florida Simulator"
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lynxmuse · 4 years
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Something a little different tonight… a nice little canopy over an EV charging centre.
There’s a lot to like here, not the least of which is the repeating star shaped columns that lend a rather elegant flair.  Intended to be modular, these tree-like columns can be arranged and attached in continuing sequences to make larger or smaller shelters.  From there, the canopy itself (continuing with the tree motif) is a playground to create patterns of open areas, letting in light and views and spaces for additional trees to grow, while also supporting a planted roof for additional greenery and green-ness.  Best of all, it’s made of wood and grass and besides being tactile and inviting it is crafted from certified forests and can easily be disassembled for re-purposing or even re-use someplace else in another guise.
Neat and nimble, a utilitarian structure given attention to become a boon and a welcome place, quiet, restful, and clean, to spend a few moments for one’s car to sup on sweet sweet electrons.  Awesome stuff, I’d totally welcome stopping there for a charge on a road trip.  And it has a swing!  A definite in the plus column, and just what we might expect from the firm who was also responsible for this amazing kindergarten…
Ultra Fast Charging Stations by COBE
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ginormouscobe · 6 months
Identity theft? I am suing this monkey
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ginormouscobe · 6 months
STOP BUILDING DEATH STARS! I'M TIRED OF SEEING THEM! THE EMPIRE BUILT DEATH STARS, THE FIRST ORDER BUILT FUCKING DEATHSTARS! I was in a Star War, right? and ALL OF THE SUPERWEAPONS were just Death Stars. I-I showed my Eclipse-class dreadnought to my admirals and t-the axial super laser I pointed at it and I said "hey Thrawn, that's no moon HAHA DUNNN DUNNN DUNN DUN-DUN-DUN DUN-DUN-DUN" I fucking looked at a lucrehulk and said "THAT'S A BIT IMPERIAL" I looked at my penis I think of a focusing lense and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PEEN STAR" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
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ginormouscobe · 6 months
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