#cg Janus
dannyisdone · 9 months
Not much of anything really lol
Janus startled at the sound of a whimpering Remus. 
It had been completely quiet in the living room prior to. Janus had mostly had a quiet morning to himself. He had assumed Remus must have been sleeping in when he walked into the kitchen bleerily that morning, and found that there wasn’t a giant mess waiting for him. Remus almost always woke up before Janus. Where Janus needed 10 hours of sleep to be a fully functioning serpent, Remus only needed about 3 to completely terorrize the day. Janus didn’t mind the absence though, not just because it meant he wouldn’t have to chase Remus down in order to get him to snap away the mess. He wasn’t worried if Remus slept in a bit, it was probably well warranted. 
The rest of the morning had been like that. Janus found time to make himself breakfast, coffee, and when he was done eating, he had curled up on the couch and started reading. He hadn’t even been suspicious once of why Remus wasn’t awake, but now, seeing his obviously little one in tears, he sort of wished he had. 
“What’s wrong?” Janus asked, figuring something must be wrong if it has Remus in such shambles. Remus shook his head and wobbled over to Janus, eyes fixated on where his head would find rest on Janus’s chest a few seconds later
“Hey, it’s okay.” Janus comforted, cradling Remus’s head when he laid down on him, though Janus didn’t not feel envy for his joints as he bent down to be lower that Janus as much as he could be. Remus whimpered and hid himself further into Janus. 
“Shh, come here.” He said softly, hoping to convince his little one to get into a more comfortable position. Remus let out a whine from the back of his throat and pressed himself even further in Janus, as if he meant to phase through his shirt and found skin to skin contact. 
“I know, I know.” Janus placated. In reality, he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure why Remus was suddenly so upset. He couldn’t recall any incidents happening earlier in the week. Not that something had to go wrong in order for Remus to regress, that’s just what usually caused it. Sometimes Remus found fun in playing little for a while, but he had once confessed that regression could be scary at times. How can something feel so little and still deal with the horrors of being an adult?
Remus whimpered once more.
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agerestorybits · 10 months
A sense of shame
Remus didn't know what he said. He had been rambling, making a steady background noise for Janus to ignore as he sat reading. The occasional hum of agreement being made showing that Janus really hadn't been paying attention at all because he was agreeing with things that no one in their right mind would agree with. So when Janus put down his book and stared at Remus with something that was a mix of concern and horror Remus knew he must have said something really fucked up.
"Remus... Are you okay?" Janus asked.
Remus blinked. "Sure I am!" Remus said.
Janus picked his book back up, He gave Remus another odd look before going back to reading. Remus was quiet for a long second trying to remember what he said before giving up and continuing his rambling.
Remus was playing animal crossing, he had been following villagers around with a net and hitting them.
It wasn't random villagers, it was his favorites. Favorites that happened to be just a tad too similar to the other sides to be by chance.
Normally Remus was a bit nicer to them but he had been feeling left out lately. While he could go up and wreck their meeting Janus had asked him not too. He had even promised to play a game of Remus' choice when he got back. The enjoyment of causing a bit of chaos wasn't worth giving up an afternoon with Janus' undivided attention. So Remus was chasing his villagers around with a net until he didn't feel so bad.
"What did the cat do?" Janus asked when he got back.
"His name is Raymond." Remus said hitting with the net again.
"mmm and you decided to make everyone on your island miserable?" Janus asked sitting down next to Remus.
"It's what I do." Remus said. He missed Janus' frown as he got distracted catching a bug instead of hitting his target.
"Are we gonna play?" Remus asked turning off the game.
"I said we would." Janus said.
Remus resisted rolling his eyes. "Yeah but that doesn’t mean you didn't change your mind."
Janus looked upset. Remus wanted to bite his tongue for saying that. It wasn't his fault that there were better things to do than whatever stupid thing Remus wanted to do. Remus kinda wanted Janus to leave so he wouldn't get hurt anymore but he also couldn't stand being alone anymore. "We'll play candyland." Remus said standing up to go get the game.
"What house rules will we be playing with this time?" Janus asked standing as well.
Remus shook his head. There had been a type of truth or dare candyland he had thought up but he didn't want to push Janus too much. "Just...plain candy land."
Janus put a hand on Remus' arm stopping him from opening the game cupboard. "Remus are you feeling alright?"
Remus nodded, "I just want to play a game with you." Janus' frowned more but let him pull the board game out of the cupboard. Remus set it on the coffee table and Janus helped him pull it out of the book.
"Do you want to use dice or cards?" Janus asked holding out dices that have colors instead of dots. They never played with the cards anymore since Remus had chewed them up.
Remus looked between the cards and dice. "Cards."
Janus nodded and began shuffling them. "So any of the colors move you backwards?" Janus asked. "Or make you switch places with someone else?"
Remus picked up the green and yellow player pieces. "Just normal." Remus muttered running his finger tip over the bite marks on the edges of the green piece.
Janus set the cards down and put a hand under Remus' chin lifting his face up. Janus looked very very serious. "Darling, can you tell me what's wrong?"
Remus couldn't look away, he couldn't move. Janus knew something was wrong and he wanted the answer. Remus wanted to tell him what was wrong so his best and closet friend could help him with it. Instead he could just answer honestly with a small, 'I don't know."
Janus looked sad at that. He pulled his hand back. "Alright. Rock paper scissors for who goes first?" Janus asked in his soft voice and Remus was grateful he wasn't upset with Remus for not being able to answer.
Remus nodded and stuck his hand out. One. Two. Three. He did a rock while Janus did scissors. Remus smiled a little at his chance to go first before he grabbed a card. It was a blue one and Remus went to grab his piece before drawing his hands back hugging both of them to his chest. He didn't want to touch his piece again. He didn't want to feel the bite marks and know that he did that. He broke his piece. He ruined the other cards. Even trying to play the game normally he had already ruined it.
He ruined it before they could even start playing.
Janus moved around the coffee table so he could pull Remus into his lap. Remus who was curling in on himself and had that far away stare of when he was retreating into his head. "Darling stay right here with me. Just with me. Focus on right now." Janus said softly, running a hand through Remus' hair.
"I'm sorry." Remus said trying to keep himself from crying, or screaming. He wanted a release for all of the bad in his head but it was so hard to not bite, and break. "I can't stop."
"Stop what?" Janus asked softly.
"ruining it." Remus said sniffing as his tears overflowed. Janus was quick to wipe them away with his thumbs.
Janus was quiet for a very long moment before pick up the yellow piece and biting it. Remus watched a bit stunned as Janus gnawed kn the piece till part of its head came off. He put the piece back on the board and spit out the small bit of plastic from his mouth. "You aren't the only one that 'ruins' things. And we will have a long talk about that mentality when you are bigger." Janus warned as he made eye contact with Remus.
Janus put a hand on Remus' cheek, his tone softening. "You aren't alone in this and I am here for you."
Remus smiled, it was a bit weak but it was genuine. If Janus was willing to bite plastic just to prove his point then he was completely serious about it. "Can we play where ever green card puts you back two spaces?" Remus asked.
Janus smiled. "Of course. Candyland is a bit boring with normal rules."
"And the yellow card makes you switch places?" Remus asked getting more excited. He wiggled out of Janus lap to get closer to the board. "Oh! What if the picture card make you go back to the start?"
"First one to reach the end gets to pick the next game." Janus said reaching to pick up a card.
Remus smiled wide at that. There would be another game. They could have fun with this game.
Maybe he ruined things a bit. Remus still had fun with the ruins. Janus seemed enjoy it too.
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abused-sides · 1 year
Alright tumblr ate my ask so summing up what i had said yes lil virgil has a purple stormcloud blankie and remus has a lil teddy bear version of himself and also cg!janus helps w harmless pranks
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littlecloudprince · 1 year
An All-Out Binky War
Summary: Patton loves his binky! It's his absolute favourite thing, and he never, ever wants to get rid of it! But what if he's too old for it? Can you be too old for a comfort item? Someone certainly thinks so. And now there's an all-out binky war! Oh no...
Warnings: Arguing, taking away a comfort object, some like... PG-13 "swearing"
A/N: Hey! Hi! Hello! I'm alive! I know I haven't updated in a loooooong time, I'm really sorry! School kicked my butt a lot, and that led to writer's block. But I'm back now! And I'm happy to inform that I graduated right before Christmas, and this means that I have more time and less stress! And that means I can write! Hopefully!
So anyway, I've decided to treat you munchkins to not one, not two, but THREE oneshots tonight! Because I kind of just disappeared like that, so I feel like y'all deserve a lil extra 💅✨
Hope you enjoy!
- Princey L
Patton had a favourite pacifier. It had a cyan shield, orange handle, white middle part and a latex teat. It was Patton's favourite thing in the world, and the little boy loved it very dearly. Whenever he regressed, he absolutely had to have it, and would cry if he couldn't find it.
"Where is it? Where is it, where is it, where is it?" Patton kept repeating to himself and his frog plushie, Mr. Froggers, growing more and more panicked by the minute. He tossed around pillows, looked under tables and even went through the pockets of every jacket on the coat rack in an attempt to find his precious binky. He looked everywhere, high and low, but it was like his comfort object had disappeared into thin air. Virgil walked into what looked like the aftermath of a hurricane in the living room.
"What's going on kiddo?" he asked the frantic boy.
"Binky! I can't find my binky!" Patton exclaimed, his voice breaking as tears began pooling in his eyes.
"Aw, c'mere, bub," Virgil cooed sympathetically, opening his arms for a hug as Patton broke down in sobs. The little boy all but ran into Virgil's arms, needing the comfort. Virgil lifted the sad boy up on his hip, and gently rocked him for a moment.
"Let's go get you a cup of water, hm? We wouldn't want you to run out of tears, now would we? And then we'll look for your binky together," Virgil promised. Patton nodded, having calmed down from sobs to hiccups.
In the kitchen, as Virgil reached for one of Patton's cups from the cupboard, he saw a rather familiar cyan and orange object on top of the fridge.
"What's this doing here?" he mused to himself. He opted for a puppy themed cup and filled it with water before handing it to Patton, who was sitting on the counter. Virgil then turned back to the fridge, and took down Patton's binky.
"Good news pal, I found your binky! It's a little dusty, so I'll rinse it off before you can have it, okay?" the emo said, taking the pacifier to the sink.
"My binky!" Patton lit up. "Why was it on top of the fridge?"
"I don't know bud," Virgil answered honestly, drying off the comfort object before offering it to it's rightful owner. Patton opened his mouth, letting the caregiver put the binky in place.
"Thank you!" the little boy mumbled behind the teat, reaching his arms out for Virgil. He took the cue and set Patton's now empty cup aside before picking him back up.
"How's about you settle down with some Steven Universe while I make us all lunch?" Virgil suggested. Patton nodded, rubbing the leftover tear residue from his eyes underneath his round glasses. He was a little worn out from crying, and cuddling up with Mr. Froggers and his binky felt like a good idea. So, Virgil carried the little boy back in the living room, and gently sat him down on the couch. The caregiver turned the tv on to the boy's comfort cartoon, tidied up a bit and gave Patton a kiss on the head before heading back in the kitchen.
After a few episodes, Roman emerged from his room. As he passed by Patton to go to the kitchen, he noticed the pacifier in the curly haired boy's mouth, and furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Oh, you still have your binky?" he asked. Patton just nodded, not knowing why the prince would assume otherwise. Roman didn't say anything else, but did give Patton a quizzical glance before making his way to the kitchen.
"I thought Logan said not to give Patton his binky anymore?"
"What?" Virgil turned his attention from the sandwiches he was making to Roman.
"Didn't he?"
"Why would he say that?"
"I don't know, I just... thought he did," Roman said, feeling uncertain.
"Well, whatever, Patton is always allowed to have it. Capiche?"
"Capiche," Roman sat down at the table. The two continued chit-chatting, Virgil continuing to make lunch, until a panicked noise came from the living room. Before either had time to react, Logan walked in.
"Who gave Patton this?" he asked, dangling the blue and orange object between his thumb and index finger.
"Did you seriously just take that from him?" Virgil asked snarkily.
"He doesn't need it."
"Yes he does. He's regressed."
"No, he doesn't. He's far too old for it."
"Did you miss the part where he's regressed?" Virgil asked sarcastically. Logan sighed.
"What I'm saying is that a six-year-old shouldn't be using a pacifier. It'll harm the development of his teeth. He needs to be weaned off."
"Wait. You put Patton's binky on the fridge? Are you kidding me, Logan? What the hell is wrong with you?" Virgil threw his hands in the air.
"I'm doing him a favor," Logan stated, starting to put Patton's beloved comfort object on top of the fridge again.
"Give me that!" Virgil snapped, snatching the pacifier from Logan's hand.
"Roman, you agree with me, right?" Logan turned to the prince who had been watching the scene unfold.
"Uh, well, I..."
"Oh come on, you can't take advantage of Roman agreeing with you just because he can't stand up for himself!" Virgil fired.
"Hey! I totally can stand up for myself! How rude!" Roman stood up, offended.
"Whatever! I'm taking this back to Patton now," the hoodie-clad Side rolled his eyes, completely done with the other two. He left the kitchen, only to be met with an empty couch.
In the meanwhile, Janus was getting some chores done while Remus was taking a nap in their side of the Mind Palace. It was one of Remus' really small days, so he was remarkably calmer and quieter than usual, allowing Janus to have a calmer day as well. The scaley Side was folding some clothes, spotting one of Roman's hoodies along his and Remus' laundry. It wasn't an unusual find, seeing as Remus tended to grab whatever hoodie or sweater he first saw when he got cold, paying no mind to whose it was. Janus would then wash and dry it before returning it to it's rightful owner.
The snake decided it was time to strech his legs anyway, so he might as well go return the hoodie now. He got up and stretched, a silent groan escaping his mouth. Perhaps sitting on the floor, hunched over his laundry, wasn't the best position to be in. Regardless, Janus took the hoodie and checked on the peacefully sleeping Remus before attaching the baby monitor on his belt and making his way to the core side of the Mind Palace. He passed through the living room, where Virgil, Logan and Roman were arguing about something or other. He didn't feel like getting involved, so he kept going, deciding to drop Roman's hoodie off in his room before heading right back to his baby. He froze, however, when he was passing Patton's room and heard muffled sounds from inside. The sounds were so faint they were barely there, but Janus could sense something was wrong. He went to drop Roman's hoodie off on his bed before heading back to Patton's room. He took a breath, and gently knocked on the door.
"Patton, darling, may I come in? It's JanJan," he said. He got a faint 'yes' as a response, and with that he opened the door and entered the room. Patton was sat on the floor, clutching Mr. Froggers tightly, hiding his mouth behind the plushie's head. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were shiny, as his fingers ran slowly back and forth on the back of Mr. Froggers' head. Janus carefully sat next to Patton, leaving a bit of space in case the little boy needed it.
"What's wrong hun?" he asked gently. Patton hesitated for a moment.
"You can tell me, I promise I won't get mad," Janus said, taking off his right glove before offering his pinky. Patton thought for a moment longer, before finally linking his pinky with the yellow Side's.
"Lo-Lo doesn't like me anymore, and now him and Vee and Ro-Ro are fighting and it's all my fault!"
"Did Logan say that to you?"
"Well... No... But he took my binky! Said I can't have it anymore!" Patton pouted, lip trembling as a few tears escaped from his eyes to his cheeks. Janus carefully wiped the tears away with his thumbs, gently cupping Patton's small face in his hands.
"I'm sorry he did that, that was really mean of him," he sympathised. Patton sniffed, reaching his arms out and climbing in Janus' lap. The latter wrapped his arms around the small one, and they both just stayed there for a while, until Remus started fussing in his baby monitor.
"What'dya say, want to come hang out with me and Remus for a while? Leave the others to their dumb fight?" Janus asked, gently playing with Patton's curls. The boy simply nodded, tightening his grip slightly. The older one took the hint, and carefully got up, never letting go of the child. Janus adjusted Patton slightly, before carrying him out of the room. As they passed the other three, still deep in their argument, Janus summoned one of his extra arms before subtly taking Patton's beloved binky from Virgil's hand.
Back at the other side of the Mind Palace, Janus had gotten the still glum Patton situated on the couch before retrieving the fussy Remus from his room. The kiddos were now sitting on the couch, watching as Janus prepared to fold the rest of the laundry. Remus pointed to Patton, a questioning coo rising from behind his pacifier.
"Yeah bub, Patton is feeling a little sad because Logan took his binky away from him," Janus explained. The baby thought for a moment before taking the green pacifier out of his mouth, offering it to the glum child. Patton shook his head, and Janus rose to intervene.
"Ah, that's very thoughtful of you Remus, but we don't share binkies, hun. I think Patton would want this instead," he said, summoning one of his extra arms, the one with Patton's beloved comfort.
"My binky!" Patton perked up, reaching out for Janus' third hand before stopping in his tracks.
"But... Too old for it?" he asked hesitantly.
"Never too old for a comfort object," the caregiver assured, making sure to keep his tone soft and genuine. The boy thought for a moment longer, before finally taking the binky and popping it into his mouth, right where it belonged. He wiggled a little, immediately feeling soothed. Patton suckled on the object gently, his muscles untensing as he finally relaxed. He ran his fingers across the back of Mr. Froggers' head, swaying a little to the tune of Janus' humming. Eventually, Patton nodded off.
He didn't stay asleep for long, however, waking up to the sounds of arguing.
"I can't believe you'd just sneak Patton off like that!" Virgil.
"Oh, yes, what a *terrible* crime, tending to a child in distress!" Janus.
"He's fine! He was just pouting because he's mad I took his pacifier away! He's merely being petty!" Logan.
"Don't you even start with that bull!" Virgil again.
"You can't be serious, Logan!" Janus again.
"I am always serious, necktie! Besides, it is for his own good! Roman agrees with me!"
"Oh for eff's sake, grow a backbone, Roman!"
Patton covered his ears tightly, it was all too much! He didn't want this, he didn't want this! He quietly sunk down, holding back tears and hands firmly on his ears, Mr. Froggers in tow.
Thomas was editing on the couch, when he felt Patton rise up next to him. Before he had a chance to react, Patton was already climbing on his lap, almost causing Thomas to drop his laptop. He fumbled with it for a second before managing to safely place it on the coffee table.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong buddy?" He gently asked, wrapping his arms around Patton as he finally registered the little boy's sobbing.
"Everyone fightin n it's my fault n loud n m scared!" Patton explained in-between hysterical sobs.
"Didn' mean to be bad!"
"You're not bad honey, not at all!" Thomas soothed the panicky boy, gently rocking him and rubbing his back.
"What were the others arguing about?" he asked gently. Patton pointed to the comfort object still bobbing between his lips.
"They were fighting about your pacifier?" Thomas confirmed. Patton nodded, still teary-eyed, but his breathing having calmed down. Before Thomas could ask anything more, a regressed Roman rose up.
"I don't know! I just don't know!" he yelled, pulling at his hair. Patton flinched slightly at the volume, and Thomas tightened his grip slightly.
"I don't know the right answer! I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!"
"I don't know," Roman's voice broke as he dropped to his knees, his shoulders shaking as he began to sob behind his hands. Thomas carefully rose from the couch, placing Patton on his hip. He then crouched next to Roman, placing a gentle hand on his back.
"Sweetheart..." he murmured, sitting down on the floor before carefully rubbing Roman's back.
"They kept pressuring me! I didn't know what to do!" the eight-year-old's voice wavered as he tried to hold back his sobs.
"It's not your fault, hun, I promise," Thomas reassured, hating to see his boys so broken.
"Not your fault," Patton echoed quietly, reaching for Roman's shoulder with his own, small hand.
"I'm sorry I didn't have your back," Roman sniffed, wiping his eyes before reaching for Patton's hand, placing his own on top of it.
"M sorry they're fightin because of me," Patton mumbled, also sniffing and wiping his eyes.
"It's not your fault, bud," Roman and Thomas said simultaneously.
"Jinx," Thomas smiled. Roman gave a small smile in return.
"Tired," Patton yawned around his beloved comfort object.
"Me too," Roman confessed, catching Patton's contagious yawn.
"I think the both of you need a nap, hm? And once you're big again, we can all settle this together, once and for all," Thomas ruffled both boys hair affectionately.
"Toooom!" Roman whined playfully, as Patton just giggled.
"Alright, let's get you two rascals all nice and cozy, yeah?" Thomas carefully got up, making sure Patton was comfortable on his hip before lending a hand to Roman.
"Thanks Tom!" Roman thanked politely. Patton tugged at Thomas' shirt.
"Hm?" The caregiver turned his attention to the younger one.
"Stay?" Patton asked, almost as if he was scared Thomas might leave him the second he falls asleep. And how could Thomas say no to those puppy eyes?
Thus is how Thomas ended up on the couch, sandwiched between a six-year-old and an eight-year-old, and a definite crick in the neck by the time they'd be getting up. Still, there was nowhere else he'd rather be than right here, right now, with his boys. And with that thought, Thomas, too, fell into a peaceful sleep, each boy contently snuffling under a protective arm.
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puppycatremus · 5 months
agere remus and agere janus being each others caregivers… it really is them against the world 😭😭😭
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pumpkinpatchpanics · 2 years
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Camping a week away from society.
#Remus And Roman's Hot Girl Summer
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Fic maybe. Edit: no
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littleboy-logan · 2 years
Night Scares
just a short little drabble cos im starved of cg roman content (i say starved but idk how much cg roman content there actually is lmao). hope you enjoy!!!
Characters: Janus, Roman
Pairing(s): platonic roceit
Warnings: mention of nightmares, and i think that’s it but lemme know if i missed anything!!
Word count: 102
Roman was peacefully sleeping until the bed shifted under him. He jumped awake, ready to summon his sword, until he realized it was only Janus. He had crawled into bed with him, freezing upon realizing Roman was awake.
"Oh, little snakeling," Roman murmured. "What brings you here in the middle of the night?"
"Nightmare," he whispered. "Made me regress, 'n' I needed you."
"Oh, you poor thing. Do you need cuddles?"
Janus nodded, and Roman gathered his little into his arms. He ran a hand up and down his back, whispering words of comfort.
"It's alright now, little one. I've got you."
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transfemlogan · 1 year
Ive had little logan fall out of a tree b4. I just want him 2 be comforted :(
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mycinematheque · 2 years
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pacisandpuzzles · 6 months
THE SIDES (+ extra) & THEIR PACIS ! (headcanons)
Not all of these will have images! Some of them will if I can find an example of what I am imagining :)
Under cut because it got super long!! -_-;
Roman - obviously, very disney themed or prince themed. He'd prefer red pacifiers, because it's his colour !!!, but will make an exception if it's a character he likes.
The 1st 1 is a Queen of Hearts themed paci, but I think Roman would love all the red details and especially the little crown. I also think Roman loves lilo & stitch (more than usual when he's regressing) & would have a blue paci if it means he can have stitch on his paci.
(Also I think stitch reminds him of his brother Remus and he loves his brother! Even if big him denies it)
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(1 & 3 - bellesbinkies on IG, 2 - kittycat.crafts)
Orange - we haven't met him, but I think he loves orange juice and probably has a paci covered in oranges. (Big him is so upset everyone keeps comparing him to an orange and gets even more upset that little him loves oranges).
Janus - has to have a snake on it. If it doesn't have a snake on it he cries and cries and cries until Roman/whoever summons a new one/adds one. Unfortunately, I cannot find a paci that has snakes on it :(
It can be any colour and decorated any way, but it has to have a snake (or multiple, preferably). He also loves when his pacis are the colour of his caregiver(s)!!
I did find this one by bellesbinkies & I think it's right up his alley anyway :3 just imagine there's a snake on it, or janus will wail.
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( 1 - bellesbinkies )
Remus - bright green and covered in as many charms and jewels as he can put on it. Once it becomes unusable and he starts all over with a new one!! I think he has a gir from invader zim center piece or a skelanimal (most likely lolita the dolphin).
He also 100% somehow chews through the all rubber pieces of his binkie . No one knows how he does it.
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Patton - FROGS !!! He most likely owns like 20 pacis and theyre all different. One has a frog centerpiece and another one has a dog and another one has a rabbit and another one has a cat— he needs a million (even if logan tells him its impossible to own a million). He likes to switch out through out the day, he doesn't want any paci feeling unloved !!!
I bet he also loves pacis with shakers!
Logan - probably has around 3 or 4 pacis that he switches through, but his most used is something that looks like the one below. He also has his CG (or himself) glue on little letters that spells out "little star" :)
The rest of his pacis are dark blue with various themes, like doctor who and ocean animals! He has a bingo paci too (He loves bluey!)
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Virgil - i found this one and this is SO virgil. He probably goes all out for his binkies !! He wants his binkie to be "spoopy", but not super scary or else he gets really scared (remus once tried gifting him one that was just a little too much for baby virgil & he couldnt sleep alone for weeks).
He uses one paci at a time, usually for months, but once he gets tired of it, he will swap it out.
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C!Thomas - has a steven universe paci. It's red with a yellow shaker full of little stars (like steven's shirt)
Emile Picani - a snoopy paci that's black and white with little charms
Remy/Sleep - all black paci, covered in little "z"s with the words "sleepy baby" on it.
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dannyisdone · 2 years
Day 14: Gravestones!
“Alright scare bear, you read to see how cool the house looks?” Remus asked, his hands covering Patton’s eyes. Patton’s hands were on top of his at the regressor’s own insistence, since he didn’t want the surprise ruined at all!
“Yeah!” Patton cheered in response. Remus snickered. The tyke had insisted to everyone that he wanted a ‘spooky’ looking house this year for Halloween. He had said something along the lines of ‘I’m big now! I can handle it!’. No one bothered to point out that he was still regressing to the same age he had last year, it felt like a moot point.
“Alright, three, two, one, look!”
Remus guided his and Patton’s hands off his face to reveal the newly decorated house. Virgil, Roman, and himself had been in charge of most of the decorating, but he had been insistent that he wanted to be the one to reveal it to Patton. Not only because Patton felt the most comfortable around him exploring ‘spooky’ things, but because he had most of the good ideas anyways, and he wanted to point them out! Virgil and Roman had mostly been there to be the pg police.
Patton gasped at the reveal. The house was thoroughly decked out for the spooky season. Bats hung from the gutters and bounced in the wind. Skeletons were perched in different places around the yard, including one of the 12 foot ones those in real life people seemed to enjoy. Remus was a bit underwhelmed. He’d fought skeletons twice as big in his sleep, it was the tiny ones people had to watch out for. Gravestones lined the path that led up to the porch, which was decorated with purple and orange Halloween garland and spiderwebs. Though not a single spider was to be found in the whole area. Patton had bravely agreed to webs, but no spiders.
There were monster decals in the windows, and skeletal limbs scattered around the yard. Remus had avoided blood, but had painted certain parts of the walls with green slimes. The only thing that really Remus regretted was being vetoed out of setting his stabby stand in friend by the door and letting him scare people who tried to approach.
“Wow!” Patton cheered, his eyes darting from each decoration. He clung to Remus’s hand, but still, the fascination was evident in his smile. Patton might have been a tiny bit scared, but he was being pretty brave about it overall.
“Wanna take a closer look at anything?” Remus asked. As much as it pained him to exhibit restraint, wanting to delve into the history and lore he’d created for every bit of decoration, including the names of all the skeletons, he knew it would be better to go at Patton’s pace. Let him get used to the scary skellys, as he so affectionately called them, and approach the webs with caution. Patton looked around, probably searching for the least scary thing to get acquainted with first, before carefully pointing at one of the gravestones near the start of the walkway.
“Wanna take a look at that? Do you know what it is?” Remus asked, prompting Patton to walk by taking a few steps forward.
“Mhm.” Patton said, though offered no elaboration about what he thought it was, before taking a few steps towards the gravestone. Remus chuckled to himself, mighty curious if Patton really knew. His understanding of the world as an adult was already pretty warped, so sometimes it was fascinating to learn what regressed Patton thought of different concepts and objects. Remus truly had no clue if Patton knew what a gravestone was or not.
Patton eventually let go of Remus’s hand so he could get closer to the decoration. It wasn’t made of real stone, which Remus detested. He had wanted everything to be authentic. But Virgil insisted that it wouldn’t be safe, considering half of them were kiddos sometimes. Rocks sticking out of the ground were just too much of a hazard, apparently. But, Remus had snuck a few authentic decorations that Virgil would never be wise to.
“Do you know what it says, tater snot?” Remus asked.
“Yeah!” Patton responded before he even read it, before squinting his eyes at the words.
“J!” Patton cheered as he managed to make sense of the first letter. Remus snorted, but smiled.
“Good job!” He praised. But Patton wasn’t done.
“S…” Well, that was another letter on the gravestone, he had that much going for him.
“J…S…” Patton repeated, a bit quieter. Remus chuckled again, though his attention was momentarily away as he looked around the yard for the next thing he wanted to show Patton. Maybe he would be interested in looking at the bats? They swayed around in the wind, which was neat, but they might be too close to the spider webs for Patton’s comfort still. He could walk him up to one of the windows and show off the monster decals. Those were a bit more cartoony, which made sense since Roman had designed them. Or maybe he could--
Remus’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a butt hitting the ground, and then a loud cry.
“Pat attack! What’s wrong?” Remus cried out as he scrambled over to his suddenly crying kid. Patton was shaking, and when Remus came over, he reached out for his carer sadly. Remus was quick to slip to the ground and wrap his arms around Patton, allowing him to cry into his shirt.
“J-Janny.” Patton cried, tightly pulling on Remus’s shirt, using it to wipe off his own face and snot. Bewildered, Remus allowed the action, instead trying to figure out why Patton was wailing over Snake’n’Bake.
“What about him, puddin’?” He asked, and Patton started his response with a lip wobble, and a shaky gesture towards the gravestone they were sitting in front of.
“Says Jan’s name! H-he de-ad!” Patton wept, before demanding more comfort by stuffing his face back into Remus’s neck. Though Remus instinctively cradled Patton’s head against him, and rubbed his arm smoothingly, his facial expressions were a whole different story. Remus had to hold back his overwhelming laughter as it became clear what had happened.
Patton knew his letters just enough to know Janus’s name started with J, and that his last name started with an S. And so, he must have misunderstood the gravestone, that had written on it in bigger letters ‘JOHN SMITH’. Remus didn’t dare let Patton know he was fighting demons trying not to let his laughter escape him, but on god, that was the funniest thing to ever happen.
“Awww, poor baby.” Remus cooed, kissing his sandy hair. But Remus wasn’t cruel. He wouldn’t leave Patton to feel so hurt for long, even if he found the whole thing hilarious. Instead, to help his little baby out, Remus did the most logical thing he could do.
He summoned Janus.
“Remus, it’s cold-” Janus didn’t finish his sentence, before stopping, staring down at the two with a mix of confusion and concern. Patton immediately looked up when he heard Janus’s voice, and cried out in relief, clumsily standing up and reaching out toward Janus.
“JANNY!” The regressor cried out, hugging his friend tightly and rubbing his snotty face all over Janus’s shirt, which Remus knew Janus just loved. Janus wrapped his arms around Patton, it seemed like Remus wasn’t the only one with that comforting instinct, before shooting a quizzical look to Remus, who smiled.
“I’ll tell you later, just make sure you act as alive as possible.”
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agerestorybits · 1 year
Hi! Can I have agere Patton hurt/comfort? I'm kinda sad and kin Patton aggressively lmao
That is so valid.
Agere Patton, Cg Janus
warnings, arguing.
Patton wasn't fine. He was trying to be, He wanted to be! He was just worn out. He had been wearing himself out trying to make sure everyone was ok. Maybe part of that was selfish, running himself into the ground to make sure everyone else was happy and didn't hate him. At some points he wasn't doing this because he wanted his family happy, he just didn't want to deal with anymore conflict.
He felt like a frayed rope that was one bad thing away from snapping in half. As much as he did his best to keep everything calm he couldn't prevent life from sweeping his legs out from under him.
It was just a cup. Knocked out of the cupboard by Remus while he was reaching for his cup. The cup that was Virgil's favorite.
The cup that shattered across the floor. Purple shards of glass covering the tiles.
"Remus!" Virgil yelled as he saw the remains of his cup.
"Oops." Remus said with a smile liking not the least bit guilty. "Did I do that?" He asked with mock innocence.
It was just a cup. Patton thought frozen in his seat as Virgil and Remus quickly took up fighting and everyone else picked sides. Roman siding with Virgil, Saying Remus should have been more careful. Logan came to Remus' defense saying it was an accident.
Janus had excused himself from the room as the conversion heated up and Patton really wished he had left with him. He sat there trying to hold back the wave of awful that seemed to fill every part of him. Blocking his throat from speaking, weighing his limbs into staying still and unmoving.
"Patton!" He jumped and looked up towards Virgil who had said his name. "Tell him he's wrong!"
"Jeez tattling?" Remus teased.
"If Remus apologized will you both drop this?" Logan asked.
"NO!" Both of them yelled at the same time making Patton want to cover his ears but he still couldn't move right. Everything felt like it was getting far away and unfocused and he just wanted to get away from the awfulness of what was happening around him. Patton stood up almost knocking his chair over in his haste, He could feel everyone's eyes on him as he left the room as normally as he could.
"Where are you in a rush to-" Janus started before looking closer at Patton, His indifferent expressed faded to concern. "Are you alright?"
"No." Patton choked out before sobbing as the tears started. Janus opened his arms and Patton was quick to lean into the hug.
"It's alright. Let's go somewhere quieter." Janus said as the argument continued downstairs.
Janus closed the door to Patton's bedroom as soon as they got inside. It was quiet other than the soft crying that Patton did as he clung to Janus' side.
Janus gently led him over to the bed, not letting go and managed to get them both sitting on the edge. "It's alright."
"No! I don't like it!" Patton sobbed, "I don't wanna do this anymore! I can't do it!"
unfortunately Janus already knew exactly what Patton was talking about and he hugged him tighter, unable to honestly say it would be okay. Patton was wearing himself trying to keep the peace but sometimes keeping the peace led to more damage then fighting.
"You don't have to do it alone." Janus said softly.
Patton looked up at him, "Promise?"
"I promise." Janus said.
"For real?" Patton asked. Janus would have been offended if he didn't know how often the others made promises only to 'forget' them.
"Yes." Janus said. "You aren't alone."
Janus grabbed a tissue and started drying Patton's face. Frowning slightly at the dark circles under his eyes. This was a problem that would take a long time to solve. A good first step was helping Patton catch up on some sleep. Janus faked a yawn, pleased when Patton copied.
"I don't know about you, But I didn't sleep well lately. I could really use a nap." Janus said watching the way Patton looked at him hopefully. "Think you can be my cuddle bug and help me sleep?"
Patton nodded eagerly and let go of Janus so he could crawling under the blankets. Wiggling impatiently for Janus to join him. Janus laid down next to him, pulling Patton to his chest.
Patton wasn't fine, but Janus would be sure to do his best to help him get through this.
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tsukishimasbaby · 5 months
Katniss Everdeen-
THG Agere Headcanons Part II
Peeta Mellark-
THG Agere Headcanons Part II
Gale Hawthorne-
Nothing yet…
Finnick Odair-
THG Agere Headcanons Part II
Johanna Mason-
Nothing yet…
Beetee Latier-
Nothing yet…
Haymitch Abernathy-
Nothing yet…
Coriolanus Snow-
THG Agere Headcanons Part I
Lucy Gray Baird-
THG Agere Headcanons Part I
Sejanus Plinth-
THG Agere Headcanons Part I
Percy Jackson-
PJO Agere Headcanons Part I
Annabeth Chase-
PJO Agere Headcanons Part I
Grover Underwood-
Nothing yet…
Luke Castellan-
Luke & Clarisse With a Little Who’s 5-9
Clarisse La Rue-
Luke & Clarisse With a Little Who’s 5-9
Jason Grace-
PJO Agere Headcanons Part I
Piper McLean-
Nothing yet…
Frank Zhang-
Nothing yet…
Hazel Levesque-
Nothing yet…
Leo Valdez-
Nothing yet…
Nico di Angelo-
Nothing yet…
Will Solace-
Nothing yet…
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano-
Nothing yet…
Thalia Grace-
Nothing yet…
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos-
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Hazbin Hotel
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Vaggie Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Angel Dust (I RARELY write for him!)-
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Vox CG Headcanons
Vox w/ a Reader with an Oral Fixation
Helluva Boss
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Sanders Sides
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya-
Nothing yet…
Shoto Todoroki-
Nothing yet…
Tenya Iida-
Nothing yet…
Ochaco Uraraka-
Nothing yet…
Katsuki Bakugo-
Nothing yet…
Eijiro Kirishima-
Nothing yet…
Denki Kaminari-
Nothing yet…
Mina Ashido-
Nothing yet…
Kyoka Jiro-
Nothing yet…
Momo Yaoyorozu-
Nothing yet…
Hitoshi Shinso-
Nothing yet…
Mirio Togata-
Nothing yet…
Tamaki Amajiki-
Nothing yet…
Nejire Hado-
Nothing yet…
Toshinori Yagi/All Might-
Nothing yet…
Shota Aizawa-
Nothing yet…
Hizashi Yamada-
Nothing yet…
Shoyo Hinata-
Nothing yet…
Tobio Kageyama-
Nothing yet…
Kei Tsukishima-
Nothing yet…
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
Nothing yet…
Ryūnosuke Tanaka-
Nothing yet…
Yū Nisinoya-
Nothing yet…
Asahi Azumane-
Nothing yet…
Kōshi Sugawara-
Nothing yet…
Daichi Sawamura-
Nothing yet…
Tetsurō Kuroo-
Nothing yet…
Kenma Kozume-
Nothing yet…
Toru Oikawa-
Nothing yet…
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Nothing yet…
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littlecloudprince · 1 year
Logan's Starry Night
Summary: Logan isn't feeling sleepy. Star can't quite put stars finger on what this feeling is. Could it simply be a need for comfort?
Warnings: None that I can think of! Let me know if there's something I should list!
A/N: Some agere Star/Stars Logan for your agere Star/Stars Logan needs! Because self projection go brrrrrr hehe :3 Also, cg Janus for your cg Janus needs!
Logan was definitely supposed to be asleep by now, given that star was regressed. Star definitely wasn't supposed to be outside, swinging and looking at the beautiful night sky. However, that's exactly what star was doing. The stars in the sky were just so mesmerizing that Logan couldn't stop looking at them. Couldn't stop thinking about them. The sky was completely clear, the stars twinkling and the moon glowing. Everything was peaceful and quiet. Just how Logan liked.
So why did star feel the way star did? Star didn't like it when star felt like this. Star didn't like feelings in general. They were so confusing, and star didn't understand them at all. If anyone ever asked Logan how star was feeling, star couldn't answer. It's not that star didn't know the words, star did. Star just didn't know how to apply them to starself. Simple definitions like "happy" or "sad" just never quite fit.
Star stopped the swing, and let out a deep sigh. Star was thinking about earlier. About how star had screamed at Remus. About how star had lost control. About how stars schedule was yet again disregarded. Logan's bottom lip trembled, as all these grown-up thoughts kept circling in stars mind. Originally star had wanted to regress tonight specifically to get away from these thoughts for a while, but it seemed like they didn't want to leave star alone. So, Logan jumped down from stars swing, and decided to go to the sandpit instead. Maybe if star played with stars toy cars and spaceships for a bit, star could distract starself from the unpleasant thoughts?
Logan got to the sandpit, and picked up a white-and-red toy spaceship. Star liked it a lot, but it wasn't stars favourite. Stars favourite was an indigo and purple one, and star always kept it in stars room where it would be safe. Logan didn't feel like going inside though, so white-and-red would do. Star sat on the grass next to the sandpit, and proceeded to fly stars spaceship, making wooshing sounds for good measure. After a moment, Logan set the toy back down, letting out another sigh. This didn't feel right either. Everything felt wrong, and Logan didn't like it. Star got up, and decided to just pace around the yard for a bit. Maybe stimming would help? So, star begun pacing. Occasionally, star would flap stars hands, or chew on stars UFO shaped chewie necklace. Star tried repeating words and humming and quietly singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Star tried jumping, star tried stretching, star tried everything.
Logan sighed, having made stars way back to the swing. Star still felt off. Would stargazing do the trick? Logan guessed it wouldn't hurt to try, so star decided to lay down on the grass and find out. Star wanted to find some constellations.
"Ursa Major. Ursa Minor. Draco. Leo. Leo Minor. Lynx," each time Logan spotted a constellation, star pointed to it and said it's name outloud to starself. Star kept spotting and naming constellations, completely unaware of the passage of time.
Janus had woken up to get a glass of water, and was now sneaking back to his room. However, as he glanced out the window on his way, he could've sworn he saw Logan laying on the grass. Janus stopped in his tracks, and rubbed his eyes to make sure they weren't playing a trick on him. When he looked again, Logan was still on the grass. Now Janus was a little worried.
"Cama- Cami- Cam—"
"Camelopardalis," someone helped out. Logan got startled at the sudden voice, and hurriedly sat up. Star looked behind starself, and saw Janus.
"What are you doing up so late, darling?" the scaley Side asked, quickly picking up the fact that Logan was regressed. Star was wearing stars overalls and a long-sleeved shirt, clearly having no intention what-so-ever of going to bed.
"I...couldn't sleep," Logan said, avoiding Janus' eyes.
"Did you try to?" Janus raised an eyebrow. Logan sheepishly shook stars head, still avoiding eye contact.
"What's wrong?"
"Don't wanna go to sleep," Logan mumbled, desperately trying to hide the fact that star was tearing up.
"Why not?" Janus asked, taking note of Logan's demeanour.
"Cause...Cause then it's tomorrow and have to be Big again," Logan's voice broke slightly, and star tried to be subtle at wiping stars eyes.
"A- And... And so much Big stuff to do, and... Tommy not listen! A- And the wedding! Everyo- Everyone hurting! Yelled at Re, I—" the boy's breathing got faster and heavier the more star spoke, and Logan was getting dangerously close to a meltdown. Star was gripping stars hair harshly, occasionally hitting stars temples.
"Logan, everything is okay. You're safe. Breathe, space cadet. Breathe. Are you okay with touching right now?" Janus immediately began soothing the child, sensing stars distress. Logan nodded, not able to speak, before all but launching starself into Janus' arms. The latter summoned his extra arms, before protectively wrapping them all around the sobbing Logan. Three wrapped around his torso, one cradling his head, and the last two gently stroking his back.
"Everything will be okay, Logan. I'll make sure of it," Janus muttered in the child's hair, having just decided that star would be taking at least tomorrow off. The two of them stayed there for a while, Logan crying starself out in Janus' lap. Logan's sobs slowly died down to sniffles, and briefly nodded off before waking back up.
"Let's get you to bed, hm, starchild?" Janus spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. Logan just nodded, too exhausted to talk. Stars fingers inched closer to stars mouth, but Janus caught them before they went in.
"Ah, no bud, your hands are dirty from being outside sweetheart. Use this until we can get you your pacifier, yeah?" he offered the now slightly smaller Logan his ChewFO. The toddler accepted it, contently nomming on it as Janus got up and carried star inside.
"Hm. I know you're tired, but I think we should give you a quick bath. You've got grass stains and dust all over you from playing outside," Janus mused. Logan was too tired and small to argue, so star just nodded lightly. Janus took off his own shoes before taking Logan's off too. He then carried the child to the bathroom, trying to be quiet so as to not wake the other Sides up.
"You wait here, okay? I'll go get your jammies and pacifier so we can get you all cozy after your bath," Janus set the child down on the floor, giving star a few bath toys to occupy starself with. Though, Logan looked so tired star might just sit and wait. Still, Janus thought it'd be better to be safe than sorry.
He hadn't taken long, but when Janus finally returned to the bathroom, Logan was already nodding off slightly. Star was struggling to keep stars eyes open, swaying a little from side to side.
"Such a sleepy baby you are," Janus coo'd, gently announcing his entrance. Logan perked up slightly, a whine escaping stars throat as star reached out to the caregiver with grabby hands.
"Aw, I know, let's get you all squeaky clean so you can finally sleep, hm?" Janus murmured as he began carefully undressing the baby. Once that was done, he moved to the bathtub, turning the water on and making sure it wasn't too cold or too hot before plugging the drain. He let it fill up, picking Logan's bath toys up and moving them in the tub. Once the tub was full, he turned off the faucet before picking Logan up.
"In we go," Janus sung softly, carefully placing the baby in the tub. Logan fussed a little, cranky from being overtired, but soon calmed when Janus handed star one of the bath toys, a giraffe that doubled as a teether. Star began nomming on it contently, letting Janus do all the work.
Before long, the baby was clean, diapered and dressed up in stars space-themed footed pyjamas. Janus was putting Logan to bed, having just clipped stars pacifier to stars pyjamas, when star kicked up a fuss again. Star began crying, stars feet kicking as star reached out to Janus with grabby hands.
"Shh, shh, little starlight, go to sleep love, you're safe," Janus shushed gently, offering Logan the pacifier. The baby took on to it gladly, suckling on it as star began to calm down and doze off. However, as soon as Janus attempted to set Logan down, star began fussing again, clinging tightly to Janus' shirt. The caregiver gave it a couple more times, but after the third unsuccessful attempt, he took the cue.
"Alright, alright, you can sleep with me on the couch tonight," he murmured. Logan really needed the comfort after all, having been so overworked and stressed lately. Janus was going to have to have a talk with Thomas later, they were all going to take some time off whether the host liked it or not.
The baby was out like a light by the time Janus got them both situated on the couch. The caregiver had made sure to set a bottle filled with water nearby, should Logan wake up thirsty. He checked that the baby was comfortable on his lap, under stars weighted blanket and with stars Crofter's bear mascot plushie tightly hugged to stars chest. Lastly, Janus gave a gentle kiss on top of Logan's head before finally allowing sleep to take over himself too.
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 2 months
Could I please get some little!Roman and cg!Janus situations/headcanons? Pease?? -🐇
Well, my first thought was:
Movie nights, all the old school Disney movies
Followed by all of this....
Colouring in a bunch of colouring books (Roman have a bunch, because I can see him using them when little as well as when he's big, it's creative but he doesn't need to think too hard about things) Janus has no problem getting him more if he run out.
Elaborate story times with plushees as the characters. All of Janus's arms comes into play here XD
I can also see when Roman feeling older he will play fight with Remus who gladly be the "villain" during today's play fight and will let himself get defeated by Roman's foam sword (Remus have 0 qualms with Roman using his real one, but Janus get's all huffy about it)
when Roman is feeling smaller than normal, he just wants to be held, and Janus got 6 arms, it's the perfect amount for a looong cuddle.
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jelliefishhhh · 2 months
Hii!! i dunno if ur requests are opens, but if they are, can I maybe requests um lil!Remus (Sanders Sides) headcanons??? i luv himsss /nf
Remus is definitely a handle
You think he's hyper when he's big then imagine a 5-7 year old remus running around and crying on everything
and sticking his fingers in every dangerous thing ever
because he's curious
he calls roman roro and likes to cause him problems on purpose /pos
mainly hangs with Janus as a cg
hoodies are a no for him but sweaters are a big yes
thinks the word 'puke green' his really fucking funny
He would like playing videogames with Patton
Enjoy's chicken nuggets made by patton
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