#cg choi soobin
kitty-agere-fics · 9 months
Dada's Little Angel
Little!Reader, CG!Soobin TW: Panic attack, sensory sensitive reader Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
You and Soobin were at a shopping mall when music could be hear playing in the background. "Binnie?" You ask softly, nervously, not getting his attention immediately. "Dada!" Your voice becomes louder, more panicked. Soobin gently strokes your cheek, trying to calm you down, "Hey, hey, what's wrong, Kiddo? Talk to me. Talk to Dada. What's going on?"
You look up at Soobin, tears in your eyes. "Too much," you whimper softly. 'Too much what, Kiddo? Can you tell Dada what's going on, sweet Angel?" "People…noise…everything.." You talk softly, fighting tears. Soobin gives you a quick hug. "Oh, Y/N-ie. Oh, sweet little angel.," he whispers, "It's okay, Kiddo. It's okay, my Angel. Dada is here. Right here, Angel." He gently kisses your forehead before gently pulling you through the crowds, "Come on, Angel. We're going to go somewhere quieter." Soobin pulls you into a family restroom and hugs you closely, trying to calm you. "Shhh, Angel, it's alright. Dada's got you. Dada's here." He whispers softly. "Dada, too much," you whimper, crying into his shoulder. Soobin rubs your back gently, trying to calm you.  "Don't cry, Kiddo. It's okay, my Angel," he whispers, keeping his voice soft to not overwhelm you further.  "Dada, want go home. Pwease, Dada," you look up at him, teary eyed and afraid. He kisses the top of your head.  "Okay, okay." He whispers. "Look, at me Angel. Dada wants to go to one more store, just one. Then we can go home, okay? Can you do one more store for Dada? I think you'll really like this one. It's also right by the exit, so it should be a bit quieter." He smiles at you, a soft, caring smile on his face. You nod slowly. "Okay. Let's get your headphones on you, Angel. But, you need to hold my hand the whole time. You're too little to walk around without holding Dada's hand. Okay, my Angel?" He puts a pair of noise cancelling headphones on you and gently wipes your tears away from your face. He takes your hand and leads you back through the mall and towards the exit. He leads you into a small store that has no one in it. He walks up to the front register and speaks with the lady at the counter. The lady hands Soobin a box. He thanks her, then the two of you leave.  You and Soobin arrive home about ten minutes later. "Go sit on the couch, Angel. Dada needs to go get something really fast." He sets the box on the coffee table, in front of the couch before quickly going down the hall. He comes back into the room, holding a box cutter. He opens the box, double checking that he knows what's inside. He smiles and hands you the box. "Open it, Angel," he says softly, "Dada got you a present." You take the box and pull out a plushie. It's Hello Kitty holding a heart. The heart has something written on it. "What is say, Dada?" You ask softly. "It say's Dada's Little Angel," he smiles and gently kisses the top of your head. "Thank 'oo, Dada!" You smile excitedly, memory of the panic fading already.
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This is the plushie that I use for inspo for the plushie that Soobin gets for reader :-)
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kitty-agere-fics · 26 days
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
Little!Reader, Little!Beomgyu, CG!Yeonjun, CG!Soobin, CG!Taehyun, CG!Kai
Reader is 6th txt member
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Taehyun = Appa, Kai = Papa
“Again,” the instructor starts the music from the beginning. A few notes are made, small critiques, little imperfections. Then, the instructor leaves, letting them work through the choreo on their own for a little bit. The second that the door closes, you throw yourself onto the floor, sobbing. You were tired from several long practice days with no time to regress. 
“Y/N,” Yeonjun sighs softly and goes over to you, kneeling beside you, “Come here, Baby,” he coos softly, “Come see Baba.”
You slowly sit up before going closer to Yeonjun. He pulls you into his lap and you lay your head on his shoulder, allowing him to stroke your hair. He gently rocks you back and forth. When he looks up, he sees Taehyun and Kai trying to comfort Beomgyu in a similar way. Yeonjun gently lifts you up, carrying you over to the others. He sets you down beside Taehyun, watching you immediately latch onto his arm. Yeonjun crosses the practice room, going over to where their water bottles are laying on the floor and picks them all up, taking them over to the rest of the group and passing them out. 
“Where did Soobin-ah go?” Yeonjun looks at Taehyun and Kai as he sits down. 
“Went to go talk to manager-nim, see if we could get at least the rest of the day off.”
“Hopefully that works. Either way, these two don’t practice anymore today,” Yeonjun sighs.
At the mention of practice, both you and Beomgyu start to whine again.
“No practice!”
“Wan home!”
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s alright, don’t cry. No more tears.” Kai reaches over and gently strokes your hair while Taehyun hugs Beomgyu. “You don’t have to practice anymore, not today. Dada went to go talk to manager-nim so we can hopefully take you two home early.” 
Both you and Beomgyu pout a little bit, but the crying (mostly) stops. Yeonjun and Taehyun gently coax the two of you into drinking a little bit of water which also helps a bit. When Soobin comes back into the room, you look up at him hopefully.
“Dada! Home now?” 
“Yes, home now. Let's go.” 
Yeonjun picks you up while Kai takes Beomgyu. Taehyun and Soobin grab everyone’s things, and then it’s time to go home. 
“Wanna pway wit Beomie at home!” You pout, making puppy eyes at your caregivers.
“Um, no. Not right when we get home. You and Beomgyu need to take naps and daddies are tired too. So it’s nap time first when we get home, okay?” 
Beomgyu agrees immediately, but you still pout. You could be very stubborn when you got your mind set on something. 
“You and Beomgyu can play after nap time okay?” Yeonjun’s voice is soft as he whispers in your ear, “It’s been a long couple of weeks, so a nap would be good for you.”
“Kaaay” you pout, but agree. 
After a bit, the car arrives at the dorm. As Yeonjun and Kai take you and Beomgyu to your separate bedrooms, you both start to whine, not wanting to be separated. 
“Noooo! Wann nap wit Sibby!” Beomgyu pouts and reaches out for you as you start to cry again.
“Let’s just take them both to Y/N’s room. They have the bigger bed.” Yeonjun sighs, looking exhausted.
Kai nods and you and Beomgyu are taken into your bedroom and tucked into your bed. Kai and Yeonjun both give you kisses and hugs. “Now it’s time to sleep, Little Ones.”
“Noo, no sleep yet!” Beomgyu pouts and looks at Yeonjun and Kai.
“Why not?” Kai sighs.
“Nee Appa an Dada kissies too!” You explain innocently, not wanting to take a nap yet.
“We’ll send them in. But then it’s nap time, got it?” Yeonjun and Kai go to the door and Yeonjun pauses, waiting for a response. Both of you nod.
Part two: Playdate, now posted
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 months
little!ot5 with caregiver reader where hueningkai is a headspace on 2-3 while the other boys are 4 and up but hueningkai refuses to except this and tries to act older but ultimately hurts himself in someway so reader and ot4 have show him that it’s ok to be younger
Here! Enjoy! ~ KITTY
It's Okay
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Reader, Little!OT5
(Reader is called CeeGee as a nickname for CareGiver)
TW: blood (only mentioned)
"I wanna too!" Kai whines as he see the craft the others are working on. He crosses his arms and pouts. "Pwease?"
"Kai-Kai, you can't," Yeonjun looks at the maknae, "CeeGee said not let you because you to small today."
"Can color with us! Here!" Taehyun smiles and hands Kai some paper and crayons.
Kai pouts, but accepts the paper and crayons. He colors for a bit, but the bright colored handles of the scissors catch his attention. When the other boys go into the kitchen, where you're preparing a snack, Kai is momentarily left alone.
All of the other boys are clamoring to show you what they mad. You laugh at their energy.
"Set them on the table and go clean up real fast, okay? Then you can have your snack."
They all agree and run back to the living room. A moment of quiet. And it doesn't last long.
You run into the living room as you hear Beomgyu shout. You see the boys having started to clean up except Yeonjun and Kai. Yeonjun is holding a pair of kids scissors in his hand. Kai has a cut on his arm.
"What happened?" You frown, highly doubting that any of the boys would have done this to Kai, but preparing for anything.
"Kai-Kai had da scissors when we came out!" Taehyun replies, "Junnie told him you say no, but he didn't listen!"
You nod. That sounded right. You sigh, "Give me the scissors, Junnie."
Yeonjun carefully hands you the scissors and you go to put them on the kitchen. You come back to the living room.
"Finish cleaning up. Be careful," you instruct. The boys nod. You gently half drag, half lead Kai down the hall into the bathroom to clean up the cut.
"Why were you playing with the scissors, Kiddo?" You frown.
"Wanna do da craft too!" Kai pouts and looks down at his lap. "No mean to cut myself."
"You can't use the scissors by yourself when you're this little, Kai. If you'd have asked me, I would've come and helped you do the craft after I was finished getting the snack ready."
"Da others get to do it alone!" He tries to cross his arms but can't since you have a grip on his wrist.
"Don't move. This will take longer if you move," I caution. "And the others get to do it alone because they aren't as little as you are."
"I not little! I big!"
I bandage his hand and shake my head. "Sweetheart, you're acting really little right now."
"I'm not," he pouts stubbornly. He crosses his arms across his chest and tries to get up to leave the room. "Wanna go play, CeeGee."
"Go play, then, Kiddo." You watch him run out of the room.
Kai goes out to play with the other boys and asks to play with them.
"Can't play, Kai-Kai. I sorry." Tahyun gives Kai a sympathetic look, but the younger just pouts.
Kai runs off, closing his door while crying. You enter the room right at that point.
"Boys…" You sigh.
"He's too small for the game CeeGee." Soobin explains with a small pout. "Didn't wanna make him cry."
"I know you didn't. He's just having a hard day." Your voice is gentle. You want them to know what's going on, but you don't want to upset any of the boys.
"Will paci and pushie help?" Beomgyu looks up at you.
You think a moment. "You can try, but he might not like that."
Beomgyu nods and runs off. When you here more crying, you instruct the other boys to stay put.
You go down the hall and hear Kai vehemently denying that he's "that little," you sigh and enter the room. You go over to Kai and Beomgyu.
"Whats wrong, you two?"
"Gyu-Gyu think I in babyspace!" Kai pouts.
"Kai, Gyu just wants to help you. Come here." You gently coax him into a hug. He nuzzles into you.
"It's okay if you're in babyspace Kai."
Beomgyu chimes in, trying to help, "Uh huh! I do babyspace sometimes! An CeeGee an Junnie an Binnie an Tyunnie an you all fine wit it!"
"Not in babyspace! I kidspace!" He puts his thumb into his mouth as he pouts.
You gently pull his thumb from his mouth. "Don't do that. You don't wanna hurt yourself on accident."
He pouts, but let's you put the paci in his mouth. He cuddles into you. Beomgyu hugs Kai.
"We can play different game so you can play, Kai-Kai!"
Kai nods after a bit and let's Beomgyu pull him out of the room to go convince the others to play a simpler game. You follow and watch the other boys all fussing over Kai, not wanting him to be sad.
The other boys all spend the rest of the day playing with Kai and encouraging him to ask you for help when he needs it. Each time you see this, it causes you to smile.
Towards the end of the day, Kai comes up to you.
"Hm, what's up?"
"CeeGee, I sorry. I bein difficult today," he pouts a bit.
You shake your head and embrace him. "You don't need to say sorry for that, Kai. You just need to remember that it's okay if you aren't as big as the other boys are. Okay? Oh, and you need to be careful. No more accidents because you're trying to act older than you are."
"I know, CeeGee. I will."
"Good. That's good." You smile. "C'mon, let's go get you ready for bed."
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kitty-agere-fics · 4 months
hello can i please request a little reader txt ot5 cg where reader is upset and stressed because of rude family members? thank you so much and i hope youre doing well 🤎
Ta-da! It's about time I got this typed up 😆
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!OT5, Little!Reader
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
A crash can be heard from the Iiving room. "Was that froma Y/N 's room?"
Soobin looks up as crying immedistely follows the crash. "I think so."
Yeonjun sighs soflly, "We should prob-" he stops as he sees Taehyun enter. carrying you out to the living room. Beomgyu and Kai are scrolling through your phone.
"What was the crash" Yeonjun asks.
"They threw their phone," Taehyun replies You pout and look up at Taehyun. "Said sorries!"
"I know, Cutie." Taehyun soothes "I was just telling Baba and Dada what happend." You look up and see that you've been brought out to the living room.
"Dada, wan Dada" You speak softly, reaching to Soobin Taehyun hands you to Soobin who kisses your head gently and wipes your tears.
"Hey Little Royalty." Yeonjun reaches out and brushes your hair fcom your face, "Can you tell us what happened?"
"Mean messages. " you whisper, pointing to your phone, Beomgyu hands you your phone
"Can we see the messages, Bunny," Soobin puts his hand on your phone. You nod and let him take it. Sooban and Yeonjun scroll through the messages. You bury your head into Soobin's shoulder.
"Oh Baby," Soobin whispers, hugging you tightly. He gently kisses your head.
"I see why they hate their parents," Yeonjun mutters, barely loud enough to be heard. He sets the phone down on the coffee table before gently rubbing your back.
"Do you want to play a game Y/N?" Kai suggests trying to distract you. Beomgyu jumps on the suggestion. "Yeah, we could all play a game! Doesn't that sound like fun?"
You shake your head "Cuddle, wan cuddle" you pout, "an a movie?"
"We can watch a movie," Yeonjun agrees. Everyone else agrees as well. You watch as Beomgyu opens Disney+.
"What movie, Bear?" He asks.
You think for a moment. "Toy Story?" You look after around the room. "But we gotta wait for Baba an Appa an Papa"
Both Beomgyu and Soobin laugh "Alright Bunny, we can wait," Soobin smiles.
Kai and Taehyun come back first. Their arms are filled with blankets from all around the dorm. They also have a few other items, clearly from your room. You smile as you see your favorite blanket and plushie. Taehyun also gives you your paci. "We're not starting yet" Kai questions. "Waitin for Baba" Your pout. Your ears perk up as you hear popping. You eagerly slide off of Soobin's lap and run nto the kitchen. "Popcorn," You squeal excitedly, your paci falling out of your mouth. Yeonjun quickly moves to catch it and puts it back in your mouth. he laughs "Yeah, popcorn. Can you help me carry it?"
"Uh-huh," You say and Yeonjun hands you a small bowl and you go back to the living room. You put the bowl the coffee table and sit back on Soobin's lap. Yeonjun follows with the other bowl and your sippy cup, filled with juice. Soobin takes the sippy and hands it to you before gently wrapping your blanket around you.
Now, it's finally time to start the movie!
"Daddy, now can start"
"Oh so I have permission now, Your Majesty" Beomgyu smiles clearly teasing 'Yeah! start now, please," the movie starts and you smile happily. Suddenly your phone buzzes. Your eyes light up as you see 5 messages. One from each caregiver 5 messages about how amazing you are. 5 messages about how loved you are. You look around the room with a smile They all pretend to be watching the movie but are all watching you of the corner of their
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 months
can i request ot5 txt as a cg for a little reader who slips into babyspace and requires to be taken care of more attentively❤️❤️ thank uuu
This one wa kinda hard. Sorry if it's not as gud as normal
No Chewing
CG!OT5, Little!Reader
Request Info - - - - Masterlist - - - - TXT Masterlist
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
"Baby," a soft voice sing songs, drawing you from your sleep. "Come on, Baby. Nap time is over."
"Hmmmm?" Your eyes slowly blink open as you pout. Taehyun stands over you, smiling gently. "Appa!"
"Yes, Baby?"
"Appa, Appa!" You babble at him with a pout.
"Are you hungry, Baby," Taehyun scoops you up into his arms.
You nod, "Uh-huh! Appa, hungwy!"
Taehyun laughs and hands you one of your plushies before carrying you out of your bedroom. You put the ear of your plushie into your mouth.
Taehyun sighs and gives you a look, "Baby, you know better. Plushie out of your mouth."
You pout, but comply. You lay your head on Taehyun's shoulder, instead putting your thumb in your mouth.
"Good enough. Come on, Baby."
Taehyun sits you down on the couch where Kai is watching a movie.
"Do you want your bottle or soft food?"
"I'm gonna guess they want the bottle, Taehyun!" Kai says with a smirk.
"Wan bottle!" You agree, pouting at Taehyun.
"Okay, Cutie," he pats your head. "Stay with Papa okay?"
You nod and tug at Kai's wrist. You put his fingers into your mouth and look up at him innocently.
"No. Gimme my fingers back, Baby." You pout and release your grip on his arm. "Thank you, Baby."
You cuddle into Kai for a minute before sliding off the couch and crawling around the room. You grab one of your smaller toys and put it into your mouth.
"Hey! Hey, don't do that, Y/N!" Kai runs over to you and gently pulls the toy away from you.
You pout. "Chew!"
"Do you need something to chew on, Baby?"
You nod and put your fingers into your mouth. Kai sighs and grabs your wrist, gently pulling your fingers away from your mouth.
"Y/N…" he shakes his head at you. "Let's go find your paci, okay?"
You pout, "No paci!"
"Do you want one of your teethers?"
"No!" You pick up another small toy and throw it at Kai.
"Dont throw things, Y/N. Okay? Stop chewing on things that you're not supposed to put in your mouth if you dont want a teether or paci, okay? We can play with your toys if you want, but you can't chew on them. Understand?"
You nod and Kai takes the smaller toys from you before going over to your toy box and getting you a basket full of large building blocks.
"Here, let's play with these."
You nod and take a couple of the blocks, hitting them together. After a bit, when you think that Kai isn't paying as close of attention to you, you put a block into your mouth. Kai grabs the block and looks at you.
"No. What did I say?"
You pout and whine at him.
"No. I said no putting things in your mouth that aren't supposed to go in your mouth. Come here."
Kai picks you up and takes you into your bedroom and grabs your paci off of the nightstand. He puts it in your mouth and you still pout.
"There. Now you can stop chewing on everything. You can make yourself sick if you do that."
"Y/N? Where are you, Baby?" Taehyun calls out.
"Appa!" You call out, mumbling through your paci. "Appa!"
"Come on, Baby. Let's go see Appa and get your bottle, okay?"
You nod and Kai carries you out to Taehyun so you can get your bottle. Taheyun takes you from Kai. "Are you chewing on things again?" He gives you a knowing look as he sees your paci. He gently takes it from you. You nod and reach for your bottle.
"Okay, open." Taehyun puts your bottle in your mouth and let's you drink your milk as he takes you to the couch, sitting to continue the movie with Kai. When you're done with your bottle, you pull at Taehyun's arm, putting his fingers in your mouth. Since you had your paci taken (only so you could eat) you wanted something to suck on. Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Soobin come back into the room.
"Y/N, stop sucking on people's fingers," Beomgyu scolds lightly as he comes out. He tugs Taehyun's wrist away from you.
You pout and cross your arms.
"No! Chew!"
Yeonjun picks the pacifier up off the table and puts it in your mouth.
"Y/N, how many times do we have to tell you not to do that?"
You glare at your caregivers.
"Chew! Want chew!"
"Then chew on your paci," Yeonjun taps your nose gently.
You pull your paci out of your mouth. "No paci!" You throw it, and it hits Yeonjun's chest.
"Y/N, no throwing, and no chewing on things that aren't supposed to be in your mouth." Yeonjun gives you a warning look and you whine at him.
Soobin comes back into the room holding a bag of fruit snacks.
"I will give you some fruit snacks if you tell Baba sorry for throwing your paci at him AND if you stop putting stuff that doesn't go in your mouth into your mouth. Is that fair?"
You pout, but nod. "Baba, sowwy for throw paci." You think for a moment, then look at Kai, "Papa! Sowwy you too! Sowwy for throw toy!"
Both accept your apologies, but Soobin looks at you. "And?"
"No more chew on non chew thingies?"
"There we go." Soobin opens the snack and hands you one at a time so you can eat them.
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kitty-agere-fics · 5 months
hiiii can you do cg!soobin x baby space and nonverbal!reader where reader gets a nightmare and soobin soothes them? thanks i love your writing!!
Note: gonna proofread and format later. I've had this written over a week and wanted to post it.
Anywayyyyys... story below cut as always
2 AM
(CG!Soobin, Little!Reader)
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
Soobin woke up at the unplesant hour of 2 am. He couldn't figure out why until he registers hands gently tugging on his arm. He sees the moonlight reflecting on your wide tear filled eyes.
"Baby, what's wrong? " He sits up, carefully picking you up and sitting you on his lap. He rocks you, placing a gentle kiss on top of your head. When you continue to cry and whimper, he sighs, holding you closer.
"Can't talk right now, Bunny? " You nod, indicating that you're nonverbal.
You cling to Soobin tighter as he gently rocks you . " Okay , that's okay , Dada's here . Bunny . His thoughts are racing , trying to come up with an explanation . He smiles sadly when he figures it out . " You had a bad dream , didn't you , Bunny , " he whispers " Do you want to sleep with Dada ? " he continues when you nod . You nod again . You cling to Soobin as he gets out of bed . When he goes into your room , you cry harder .
It's okay , Bunny . Don't cry . " Soobin reassures you , " Dada just needs to get something . "
He picks up your favorite blanket . You take it from him and nuzzle into it . " Which plushie do you want ? " You look at the plushies on the bed and point at a brown bunny with a gold ribbon . Soobin picks it up , putting it in your arms . He also grabs your paci off the bedside table . As he carries you back down the hall , he puts your paci in your mouth . He gently lays you on his bed , putting to your blanket on you and cuddling you close " Go back to sleep , Bunny , Dada's Right here , not going anywhere . " He kisses your forehead and strokes your hair . humming a soft lullaby . " I love you so much . Bunny "
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kitty-agere-fics · 5 months
hi kitty!! can i please request a headcanon where reader is little but non verbal and txt has to take care of reader? i just need some fluff!! i love ur writing never stop!!!
Happy you like the writing! Sorry it took so long😔 ~Kitty
Also i just realized you asked for headcanon but I wrote a fic sooo🤷‍♀️
Making Music
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
Yeonjun walks in and sees you sitting on your bedroom floor. "Hello, my Little Royalty!" He picks you up and you smile and wave happily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He laughs and kisses the top of your head. "You're so silly, Little Royalty. Come on, let's go see the others."
You nod excitedly and smile. Yeonjun takes you into the living room where Taehyun and Soobin are getting some of your toys out.
"Look what Dada and Appa are doing. They got out your toys for you!"
You clap your hands a bit, then make your grabbing hands at Soobin and Taehyun. Yepnjun sets you on the floor and leaves the room.
"Did Baba bring you out to play with me and Appa, Bunny?" You nod happily.
Taehyun smiles at you as you nod, "Pick a toy to play with, Cutie."
You look at the toys for a minute, then point at your toy piano. When Taehyun hands it to you, you clap your hands excitedly before playing with it While you play, Beomgyu sneaks up behind you and presses on the piano keys. You giggle a a bit and push Beomgyus hands away. Beomgyu gasps playfully, "You don't wanna play with Daddy?"
You shake your head, pointing to yourself.
"You think you can do better than me, is that it?"
You nod and press on the keys again.
"I think they're right. They play the music well!"
You giggle and clap your hands again.
Kai comes into the room, about to complain about the annoying piano when he sees its you. He smiles slightly. "Are you playing music, Baby?" When you nod, he continues, "Well, you're doing so good!"
You nod excitedly.
"Do you like playing with the piano?" Taehyun smiles at you.
When you nod, Beomgyu laughs.
"Is that why you won't share?"
You stick your tongueout at Beomgyu.
He gasps, "You can't do that, Silly Bear! I think I'm just gonna...." he slowly pulls the piano away
You pout and reach for your toy.
Kai smacks Beomgyu, "You're so mean to them!"
"Just let them have their toy!" Soobin takes the toy from Beomgyu and gives it back to you.
You smile and start to play again until you start to fall asleep. You start to rub your eyes sleepily.
"Are you getting sleepy, Baby?"
You shake your head, wanting to play more.
"Are you sure? You look sleepy." Kai strokes your arm gently.
You nod, making soft, sleepy noises. The boys give in, letting you play until you end up half awake as you play.
Beomgyu picks you up.
"Come on, Little Bear. Nap time."
You pout and whine softly.
"You need to take a nap. I'm not giving you a choice." You don't respond to this second comment and Beomgyu looks down at you in his arms, realizing you've fallen asleep.
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kitty-agere-fics · 6 months
can i request a cg soobin and baby reader where the reader steals soobin’s clothes? thank you!!
Dada's Hoodie
(CG!Soobin, Little!Reader)
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
You were watching a cartoon in your room. Soobin was in the kitchen, making you lunch, Your eyes light up with an idea and you giggle to yourself. Quietly, you sneak down the hall and into Soobin's room. You go over to his closet and grab one of his hoodies. You quickly scurry back into your room and pull on the hoodie. You pull the hood over your head and giggle as you can smell the scent of Soobin's cologne on the hoodie. The scent makes you happy and you kick your feet excitedly. Soonin comes into the room to get you for lunch.
"Bunny," he asks, smiling as he shakes his head, "where did you get that hoodie?"
You smile innocently, "Dada's!"
"You took my hoodie?" He gasps at you dramatically, "My Bunny took my hoodie?"
You giggle and nod, "Uh-huh! Hoodie smell like Dada!"
Soobin laughs and smiles at this. He picks you up, "Silly Bunny. Come on Bun. Let's go get you your lunch."
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kitty-agere-fics · 6 months
hi can you do baby!reader and cg!soobin? also can the plot be where reader is very clingy and soobin takes care of you because you had a bad day?
Here you go anon!
CG!Soobin, Little!Reader
Snacks and Movies
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
Soobin comes home to a quiet apartment. This isn't normal because you normally are watching a TV show or playing music, even when you aren't in your regressed headspace. He walks through the apartment, pausing when he hears soft tears from behind your bedroom door. He pauses, then opens the door.
"Y/N? Bunny, what's wrong?" He sees you curled up on your bed, under one of your fluffy blankets.
"Dada?" You peek your head out and Soobin sees your wide eyes, glossy with tears, and the tear tracks down your face. He steps closer to the bed, kneeling beside it.
"Yeah, Bunny. It's Dada. Dada's home," he kisses your head and picks you up. You immediately latch onto Soobin, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. You start to sniffle and cry again, taking comfort in his touch. "Bunny, what's wrong?" He asks you again, gently kissing your cheek as he does so.
"Bad day," you nuzzle his neck. Soobin makes a soft humming noise and kisses your head.
"Okay. Have you eaten yet?" You shake your head. "Well, I thing we should fix that first. You might just be upset because you need a snack." He carries you into the kitchen and sits you on the counter as he gets you a plate of your favorite snack. "Here, Bunny. Eat up." He watches you slowly eat some of your fruit and you hum happily. "There we go, that's a bit better." He smiles at you and hugs you. "Come on, let's go and sit on the couch, Bunny."
You nuzzle closely to Soobin, "Movie? Cuddle too?"
"Yeah, Bun." Soobin smiles and sits you on the couch. He grabs the remote before sitting and cuddling you close. He puts on your favorite movie, watching as you start to calm down from the awful day that you've had.
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kitty-agere-fics · 25 days
hello 😊😊 can i request a little beomgyu and little reader, having a play date together and the other members being caregivers? also with them having nap time after? i hope that’s okay, tysm and hope you’re doing good 🩷🩷
Here! 😊😊😊😊😊
(Part 2 to Naptime)
Little!Reader, Little!Beomgyu, CG!Yeonjun, CG!Soobin, CG!Taehyun, CG!Hyuka
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
“Dada!” Beomgyu squeals.
A couple hours later, Soobin and Taehyun wake up. Soobin peeks his head into your room to check on you and Beomgyu and sees the two of you quietly playing together. Soft giggles fill the room as the two of you babble at each other and play with stuffed animals.
“Hi hi Dada!” You giggle and wave at Soobin.
“I see you two are already up for playtime,” Soobin smiles and comes closer.
You both nod and giggle happily. “Playtime nows?” You pout.
“Yeah, let's go play in the living room. Come on, babies.”
You and Beomgyu get up and happily follow Soobin to the living room where Taehyun is setting up some toys for you and Beomgyu.
“Beomie! Toys! Let play!” You tug on Beomgyu's arm and you both run over to the toys. While Beomgyu gets out toy cars and blocks, you grab your musical instruments.
You happily babble at your caregivers as you play with your toy piano. “Appa, Appa! Lookie!” You giggle and grab Taehyun's attention, playing a simple song on the piano.
“Wow! good job, Baby! Youre so good!”
You giggle and clap your hands as Beomgyu tries to get you to play with the cars and blocks with him.
“Sibby, pway cars!” Beomgyu pouts at you and you play with Beomgyu. You build a small tower of blocks and roll the car into it, knocking down the blocks. You giggle.
“Appa, Dada,” Beomgyu giggles, “Pway wit me an Sibby!”
“Yeah! Pway wit us! Pway, pway!” You giggle.
Taehyun laughs softly, “Well then, someone is super giggly today.”
“Noooo,” you and Beomgyu both protest through giggles.
“Super giggly,” Soobin adds and kisses your head playfully, stacking the blocks into a tower for you to knock over while Taehyun plays with Beomgyu.
Both you and Beomgyu continue to giggle and laugh as you play with Taehyun and Soobin. When Yeonjun and Kai come out, you start babbling excitedly.
“Lookie, lookie! We gots toys! Watch, watch, watch!” You giggle happily, knocking over a small block tower. Even though you've done it several times, it still makes you and Beomgyu giggle.
“Why are they so giggly?” Yeonjun raises an eyebrow as he smiles slightly.
“No clue, they've been like this since they woke up.” Taehyun replies, laughing as well. “It's cute.”
“Cute! Beomie an I super cutes!” You giggle, happily making soft vocal stimming noises.
“Baba, Papa, we pwayin cars!” beomgyu giggles, pointing at the cars and blocks.
“An i pwayed wit da piano!”
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kitty-agere-fics · 4 months
helloo can i request a little taehyun and cg soobin or yeonjun where taehyun is sick and they take care of him ??? thank u
Hopes chu enjoys!
Tummy Hurts
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Yeonjun & Soobin, Little!Taehyun
Tw: vomit (not graphic tho)
"Aish, Taehyun-ah! Slow down. You'll make yourself sick if you keep eating like that," Yeonjun scolds Taehyun lightly.
Taehyun looks up at Yeonjun for a moment and then goes back to eating his dinner a bit slower.
"M done!" Taehyun looks up at Yeonjun and Soobin.
"Good job, Baby," Soobin praises, "Come on, let's start getting ready for bed." Soobin stands, waiting for Taehyun to follow.
After a little bit, Yeonjun and Soobin have successfully gotten Taehyun into bed and are in their own rooms, getting ready to go to bed themselves. Well, that was the plan, at least. Just as Soobin gets comfy in bed, he hears a knock on the door.
"Dadaaaa," Taehyun whines softly, only sounding half awake. Soobin gets out of bed and goes over to the door, opening it. Taehyun is standing out in the hallway, whimpering softly. "Dada," he whines again softly.
"Hey, Tyunnie," Soobin greets the little softly. "Are you okay?"
Taehyun shakes his head, "M-My tummy hurty, Dada," he whimpers, a small pout on his face.
"Your tummy? That's not good. What kind of hurt is it, Baby? Is it just a kind of icky feeling, or do you need to throw up," Soobin thinks a moment, trying to come up with other possible ideas.
"Icky," Taehyun mumbles before Soobin can finish his thought, "feel icky."
Soobin nods, "Okay, I can work with that. Come on, let's lay down and see if a bit of sleep helps."
Taehyun nods and makes little grabby hands at Soobin. Soobin smiles and carefully picks up Taehyun and gently puts him under the blanket. Taehyun cuddles up to Soobin, who smiles and kisses his head.
"Get some sleep, Baby. You'll feel better in the morning."
"Mmm, okie, Dada," Taehyun mumbles, leaning into the kiss. Soobin smiles as Taehyun easily falls asleep.
Hours later, Soobin is woken by a soft whining noise. He slowly wakes up to see Taehyun whimpering with tears down his cheeks.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Soobin frowns. Taehyun tries to answer, but when he opens his mouth, a stream of vomit falls onto the blanket. Soobin sighs softly and gently kisses the sick boy's head. "Do you need to throw up more?"
Taehyun shakes his head slightly.
"No? That's good. Come on, let's go see Baba okay?"
Taehyun nods and let's Soobin pick him up to go to Yeonjun's bedroom. Instead of actually waking up Yeonjun, Soobin sets Taehyun on top of Yeonjun.
"Dada is going to go put the blanket in the washer, okay? I'll be right back. Wake up Baba for me."
Taehyun nods and pulls at Yeonjun's sleep shirt. "Soobin, stop it," Yeonjun mumbles, only having processed Soobin's voice, not the words he said.
"No Dada. I Tyunnie," Taehyun pouts as Yeonjun wakes up a bit more.
"Oh, hey Little Prince," he smiles, "What are you doing in here, Baby?"
"No feel good," the little replies with a pout, "threw up on Dada's bed."
"Oh no. Poor Little Prince." Yeonjun pulls Taehyun closer. "Did Dada go to clean up the bed?"
Taehyun nods and nuzzles into Yeonjun's shoulder. Yeonjun lays down before pulling Taehyun to lay on top of him and stroking his hair.
"Do you wanna try and go back to sleep, Baby?"
Taehyun shakes his head, sniffling slightly. Soobin comes back into the room with some medicine, water, and a small trashcan.
"I brought supplies."
"You're missing something."
"No I'm not!"
"Hm? What Dada missing?"
"Dada's not missing anything, Baby."
"Dada forgot to grab the thermometer."
Taehyun looks between the two, not sure who to believe. Soobin sighs.
"Okay, maybe I forgot one thing," he grumbles as he walks out of the room.
"Dada's silly, isn't he," Yeonjun smiles at the little who sleepily nods.
"Dada silly. Bu we luv Dada," He mumbles.
Yeonjun laughs.
"We do love Dada." Yeonjun strokes Taehyun's hair. Soobin comes back with a thermometer.
"Better?" Soobin holds up the thermometer and sets it on the nightstand. "We probably don't need it yet, though. He wasn't warm when I brought him in here."
"Hopefully it stays that way," Yeonjun says.
Taehyun pouts, "Dada, Baba, cuddle?"
Yeonjun pulls Taehyun closer as Soobin carefully pulls the blanket out from under Taehyun and pulls it over all three of them as he lays down.
"Go back to sleep, Baby. Let us know if you need to be sick again, okay?" Soobin gently rubs Taehyuns back.
Taehyun nods.
"Will. Luv Dada, luv Baba." He mumbles
"Love you too, Little Prince," Yeonjun smiles.
"Love you more, Baby. Go back to sleep, okay?"
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kitty-agere-fics · 5 months
Sick Day
CG!Soobin, Little!Yeonjun
Request Info - - - - TXT Masterlist
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Yeonjun wakes up very early in the morning. He shivers slightly and grabs another blanket that had fallen off the bed. The clock says 1:15 AM. He rolls over and tries to fall back asleep.
Hyung…Yeonjun Hyung, wake up!" Soobin shakes Yeonjun awake. Yeonjun rubs his eyes and looks at the clock. 7:45 AM. He still feels cold and now his stomach hurts a bit, too.
"hyungie?" Yeonjun looks up at Soobin with wide, teary eyes. Soobin sighs softly and looks at Yeonjun.
"I don't have time for this. But I can't tell him that. That won't end well." Soobin thinks to himself. In spite of his frustration, he manages a small smile. "Hyungie's here, Bub. What's wrong?"
Yeonjun whimpers softly. He rubs his eyes again. Soobin sighs and strokes Yeonjun's cheek before pulling away quickly.
"Bub. I think you've got a fever." Soobin kisses the top of Yeonjun's head. "I'll be right back, Bub." When Yeonjun nods, Soobin goes into the bathroom and grabs a thermometer. Soobin comes back into the room and finds Yeonjun sitting on the bed with his fluffy blanket wrapped around himself. Soobin goes to the bed and sits next to Yeonjun.
"Okay, Bub. Open for the thermometer." Yeonjun obeys and when the thermometer beeps, it shows a high fever. Soobin frowns. "He can't practice like this." His musings are interrupted by Yeonjun's soft voice.
"Hyungie, can I go back sleep?" He pouts slightly and looks up at Soobin, "Hyungie, Junnie wanna sleep.'
"Okay, Junnie. Go back to sleep. I'll come back soon, okay?" Yeonjun nods and lays back down. Soobin leaves the room. He goes to the kitchen to search of some medicine that will help the fever go down and ease the stomach pain. It takes a while to find the medicine, but he eventually finds it. He grabs Yeonjun's sippy cup and fills it with water. He grabs his laptop before going back into Yeonjun's room. "Hey, Yeonjun? Junnie, can you wake up and take some medicine? Hyungie needs you to wake up and take some medicine." Yeonjun wakes up a bit and nods, too selepy to argue. "Good job, Bub. Such a good job," Yeonjun smiles at the praise and pulls his blankets tighter around him. Soobin sits back on the bed and opens his laptop. "Want to watch a movie?"
"Watch Rapunzle," he pouts again, "pwease Hyungie" Yeonjun nuzzles into Soobin.
 "Alright, Bub." He turns on the requested movie and strokes Yeonjuns hair. It takes all of 15 minutes before Yeonjun is asleep again. Soobin laughs softly and pulls another blanket over him and Yeonjun.
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kitty-agere-fics · 8 months
CG!TXT Things (Random)
Request Info - - - - General Masterlist - - - - CG/Little!TXT Things Masterlist
CG!Yeonjun playing dress up with you
CG!Soobin having cute stickers to give you
CG!Beomgyu making up games to play to get you to clean your toys
CG!Taehyun petting your hair and rocking you
CG!Kai enlisting your help to pull pranks
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kitty-agere-fics · 6 months
can i request a baby!reader and cg!soobin where the reader had a really bad day and soobin took care of them? i love your writing too!!! thanks!!!
Hi anon! So happy to hear you enjoy my writing! I combined your ask with another one since they were so similar. Here's the link!
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