#ch: amanda oswald
finalsurvivorgrp · 1 year
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“So, I didn’t think that you would agree to meet with me,” Amanda said, setting up her recording device so that she could begin her interview soon enough. Most of the time, she talked around the people that had been harmed. They didn’t want to relive it. She got it. But she always gave the option for them just in case they wanted to tell their story. None had taken it so far.​
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finalsurvivorgrp · 1 year
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“You get used to monsters in your life after a while,” Amanda laughed, acting as though that was not something mildly concerning. She had once thought the worst monster she would have to deal with, would be a human that committed horrible crimes. That did not end up being the case.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 6 months
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Amanda Oswald. Sinister. Open to all.
“What the fuck are you even doing here, it’s like midnight,” Amanda said, a hand on her hip when she opened the door.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 7 months
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amanda oswald. sinister. open to m / f / nb.
“It’s been abandoned for like, twenty years,” Amanda said, her voice low as she quietly closed the door to the abandoned church. It was late, so she was pretty sure no one had seen them sneak in but she was a little paranoid someone might have decided to make this location home. “And like, almost absolutely haunted so let’s see if we can find a ghost.”
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finalsurvivorgrp · 8 months
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“When I say, be gay and do crimes, I mean it. I’m so tired of writing about straight people,” Amanda said, kicking back on the couch and scrolling through her phone. She got a lot of emails from fans that wanted her to cover specific people and she did take them into consideration. “It’s always some straight white guy that had a bad relationship with his mother and took it out on everyone around him.”
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finalsurvivorgrp · 8 months
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Like for a starter from Amanda Oswald, survivor of Sinister.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 1 year
MUSE: Amanda Oswald. Author. Sinister. OPEN: Any f / nb / m. PLOT: Coming in at the wrong time during a movie night.
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“Oh shit,” Amanda yelled, immediately turning on a light so that the image that was on the wall was no longer as easy to see. She had forgotten that she had invited the others to watch movies. When she found the box of 8 mm recordings in the attic. They had to have belonged to her departed brother, there was no one else that had lived in the house in the last 10 years. It was an odd thing to find, and she thought that maybe there was more depth to him than she remembered. Maybe she’d see some videos of her family before they were murdered in the house that she currently lives in.
What she had not expected was for a father, a mother, and their two young daughters being eaten by crocodiles. One child was missing, she had noticed that they had been running around. A little boy. He wasn’t there, and there was no sign of what happened to him as the film slowly ended.
That’s around the time that she realized  that she was no longer alone.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 1 year
MUSE: Amanda Oswald. True Crime Writer. Survivor of Baghoul (Sinister). OPEN: Any f / nb / m. PLOT: You're character has witnessed a crime, Amanda is there to interview them for a book.
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“I really do appreciate that you decided to talk with me,” Amanda said, setting her phone between the two of them with the voice recording app on. “Most people really don’t want to open about what they went through. I can’t really blame them. So if there’s anything that you don’t want to answer, then you don’t have to.”
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
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open to m / f / nb.
“Trust me, you don’t want to see what’s on these reels,” Amanda said, picking up the box of 8mm reels that she had found in the attic of her brother’s house. She had seen a few of them, but it was definitely something that she had to sit down afterwards with. And she would never expose a friend to something like that. Her job as a true crime writer had led her to see some pretty horrifying things. But from what she was gathering, there was a serial killer that had been active for decades, recording each one of his murders for reasons she wasn’t entirely sure about.
“I got some… Okay, it’s totally aesthetic only. But it’s purple and it’s glittery, and the alcohol content won’t take me out with one sip,” Amanda said, heading over to the fridge, changing the subject as quickly as she could.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
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open to m / f / nb. friends/lovers. “I found them up in the attic. I didn’t think that he still had anything up there when they moved out. It was like this project he was determined to finish before they moved, probably something my sister-in-law encouraged. Some of them are really old so I think they might also go back to his childhood,” she said, and although she wished she knew her brother that deeply, they had drifted apart over the last few years. He had been making a bunch of decisions that he probably shouldn’t have been making out of desperation. He definitely made some weird choices. “This one is called fishing trip…” She said, scrunching up her nose. She didn’t think her brother even knew how to fish, but she figured he tried to overcompensate for moving his kids around so much by giving them normal childhood experiences. 
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
@notfrsale asked “If I have to gain any more character development in 2022, I think it will be the start of my villain origin story.” (from Lilith to Amanda)
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“Trust me, I’m right there with you,” Amanda said, only sounding slightly bitter as she looked over the back at the couch at Lilith. Considering her entire extended family was annihilated, she was pretty sure she was allowed to complain about how this year has been. “Which villain would you be though? I think I’m aiming for some Harley Quinn level, only without the Joker.”  
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
Character Outline
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FULL NAME: Amanda Oswald.
TITLE(S) : None.
NICKNAME(S) : Manda.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socialising | storytelling | writing | travelling | exotic dancing | singing
Tagged by: @thevictoryofthepeople​​​
Tagging: @implicitus​, @bewitchingbaker​, @honorxlies​, @ifwe​, @temporalobjects​
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
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open to f / nb. sinister.
“Ugh, I meant to throw that out. Sometimes people still send hate mail to my brother, even though he’s been dead for a hot minute,” Amanda said with a sigh as she glanced at the small pile of letters that were at the end of the kitchen island. She hadn’t been quite mentally prepared to deal with them. Realistically, she knew that she was just going to throw it out. There was no reason for her to read what people had to say about her brother months after his murder. From what she had seen online, there were a lot of people that still hated her brother. “The pizza should be here in about twenty minutes. Hopefully the delivery driver will actually come this time…”
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
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open to all. sinister.
“It’s not like you’re the first person that has come to this house to get a cool photo of where a family got killed,” Amanda said, walking out of the shadows with a cigarette between her fingers. She had noticed them about fifteen minutes before, and when they hadn’t immediately left, she decided to come out and say hello. It wasn’t as though she was unfamiliar with the way people were drawn to the horrors of the world. She was, after all, a true crime writer. She had always been someone that gave the families plenty of space and only approached them if it was absolutely necessary. No one felt that violated or exposed by her. “I would love to tell you what happened, but nothing has fit together yet for me,” she said, glancing towards the house.
That wasn’t entirely true. She had been learning quite a bit from a few video tapes that had been found in her attic. Along with something to play it on. It had taken some googling to figure out how to set it up, but she had done it.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
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open starter. sinister. 
“Just know that you were the one that demanded to come and see these things. Everyone else I’ve told about this… Granted, not that many people, does not want to see families get murdered in horrific yet creative ways,” Amanda said, sitting down on the large and comfortable couch she had hauled up into the office. So that she could at least be comfortable while combing through murder footage. The copies of them had been sent to the police, as though there was anything that could really be done about that. She always needed to do things morally though, so away the copies went. “I’d offer you popcorn… But I kind of doubt that you’re going to want to eat after this shit.”
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
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open to all.
“It happens every once and a while. It’s probably kids, but they think this place is haunted because of… Well, what happened with my brother’s family,” Amanda said, clearly not happy to be outside of what was now her house in her pajamas and using the hose to remove the egg that had been splattered against the garage. She couldn’t blame the kids for being scared. No one really wanted to think about a family being torn apart by axes with a missing little girl out in the world. A lot of people thought it was strange that she had moved in, but she was glad that she did. “I doubt their parents would do anything about it even if I did know exactly which kid was doing this shit.”
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