hellisheir · 1 year
@grievousomen || original
Michael laughed softly, it wasn't common for him to be so tender. He cupped Katsumi's face and planted a long kiss on his lips, hips still rocking. "So feisty you are." Lips trailed off to his cheek, his neck and jawline, the soft flesh was so inviting as well as his cologne.
"And what would you like me to do with my mouth, hmm?" Michael breathed in his ear, lips gently nipping on his earlobe.
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witchaotics · 1 year
@grievousomen || original.
Fog crept around them and Morgan supposed it was for the better. It would help obscure Katsumi's nakedness a bit more but the cool air was a detriment. He could just see Katsumi's head poking out from behind the headstone. It had been a rather strange day and not just because he saw the man shift from a hare and back into a person again.
Morgan was surprised to see it happen but he averted his eyes from the man as to not further cause him any embarrassment. "It's cold out here." Shifting out of his coat, he went over to Katsumi's spot, head turned so he wouldn't see him. "Take this and I'll help you back home, or my place, whichever you prefer. I have some clothes stored away you can borrow though they may be a bit long on you." It was no jab at his height either, but the idea of Katsumi wearing something a bit oversized was a rather endearing mental picture.
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fcllederage · 1 year
@grievousomen sent: are you sure you know what you're doing? (MORE QUESTION PROMPTS)
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"Absolutely!" Not. Had they ever lock picked a door before? Never. Had they already seen other people do it? Yes, on YouTube videos. It looked simple, like a video game. It was hell to figure out. Crouched in front of the lock, frowning in concentration, Hyacinthe tried their best to figure out how a lock worked with the crochet hook, at the same time pretending they knew how to do this. "Then again, it's your fault for leaving the keys inside so I should let you do it." Thankfully, they were not in the lock.
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gothiings · 1 year
@grievousomen || original
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The bump startled her and she turned, the stranger's records now on the floor. Thankfully they were still pristine. "It's okay, the store is kinda cramped."
A small smile appeared on her face. "Don't I know." Granted she didn't listen to either of those, and only the latter she was vaguely familiar with. She had heard their songs played at a few alternative events but never listened to them on her own.
But she did know the struggle of finding that one rare gem. Liking music outside of the convenient mainstream could difficult when finding records. So she would search many shops until she found what she was looking for.
Sometimes her friend Ethan would send her tapes in the mail.
"It's always such a good feeling when you do find what you want. It's like a treasure hunt."
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hedxnism · 1 year
Continued from here - @grievousomen
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The next question from Katsumi has Noa raise a brow and his fingers stop on the keyboard, treating it as some kind of command was certainly not the way to get Noa to do something but he’s fairly certain the other doesn’t quite mean it in the way most would.
Still, as a reminder of where Katsumi is and who he’s with, “Ask nicely..” Pulling a pack of smokes from his jacket pocket and shaking them, only standing and obliging if Katsumi puts some respect in the request, otherwise Noa has no issue turning back to what he was working on for the remainder of the night.
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finalsurvivorgrp · 1 year
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“You get used to monsters in your life after a while,” Amanda laughed, acting as though that was not something mildly concerning. She had once thought the worst monster she would have to deal with, would be a human that committed horrible crimes. That did not end up being the case.
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deathtransformed · 1 year
“you’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this.” (to Sherlock // caring for stubborn muses meme)
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     "I'm fine." To say that Sherlock Holmes is in pain seemed like an understatement.      To him, he felt like he's dying. His head's pounding terribly and he barely remembers how on bloody Earth he managed to have a big angry wound sitting on the left area of his waist. He's bleeding and his dress shirt is soaking all the blood coming from it.      That said, this concerned civilian... He had no recollection who this man is. Then again, Sherlock barely had any recollection of his past at all.      The man has given a good point. Any minute now he might end up passing out on the street if he won't take his offer and leave. He pressed his lip together, still feeling wary about it. What choice does he have though?      Maybe this is the first time he's seen him. Or maybe they know each other from before. Only one way to find out.      Sherlock groaned as he moves. Removing his coat jacket and rest it on his left arm, he begins to unbutton his purple dress shirt. "Alright, then." He said as he positions himself rather comfortably to be attended to. "If this is your way to attack me or kill me, I'd be very disappointed."      Whether that's a way to jest or he's honestly serious, the feeling's all the same. "Have I done something for you before? Solved a case maybe?" @grievousomen
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harmsdealer · 1 year
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i see one of these and i simply cannot resist.
"God no" haha, well, a strong enough showing that Kei will be willing to finance-brosplain investment portfolios as a riveting date idea / bingo card
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gcddamnvampire · 1 year
@grievousomen continued from here
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She let out a small chuckle at his response, though she was pleased to hear that he trusted her at least a little bit. In her town, people always looked out for each other, and that was something she extended to anyone she met. "Understandable. Not to worry, we got the best mechanic. He'll have her workin' in no time," she said confidently. "What're you doin' all the way out here anyway? If you don't mind me askin'."
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putastakeinit · 1 year
you’re being paranoid . (a collection of various unsorted sentence starters .)
She shot the stranger a glance. "Put yourself in my shoes and you would feel the same." It was all too common for people to tell her such things, it was easy for them to hand wave her intuitions, her fears and concerns. And this man, whoever he was, was no exception.
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"You either believe me or you don't. So piss off."
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hellisheir · 1 year
@grievousomen || Original
The sight of the body was one of the first things Michael saw when Kat hesitantly opened the door. He was acting strange and the fresh blood stains did not go unnoticed by him. After a solid five minutes of bickering and Katsumi acting cagey did he finally stop obscuring the gruesome scene with the door partially open and Kat wedged in between it tightly.
He recognized the face as one of the cult members, though the man's named slipped his mind. Not that Michael could be bothered to remember all their names.
"Oh, Katsumi." His heart sank but not for the so-called 'victim.' Those members pushed the envelope and did horrific acts themselves, though Michael was still uncertain if the man deserved his fate.
With gentle hands he cupped Katsumi's face. "We're going to clean this up and we're going to clean you up, and then I'm going to make you a hot tea." Concern sank in as he saw the fearful look in Katsumi's eyes and the way he shook like a scared animal.
"We can't let anyone know about this, especially them. If they find out, they'll do more than just ring your doorbell too many times."
So many questions were running through his mind. Why did he have to get involved? Why he couldn't he have let Michael deal with the man? Why?
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witchaotics · 1 year
The autumn air was crisp and cool, fallen leaves surrounded the streets and they crunched beneath the weight of Morgan’s dress shoes. He had agreed to meet Katsumi at a quaint coffee shop tucked away in the corners of the cobblestoned village.
The doorbell dinged as he entered the shop. He ordered himself a rather large earl grey tea with steamed milk and sweetener before taking a seat. It was a quite place to spend time reading and people watching.
Katsumi hadn’t exactly arrived yet so Morgan took a novel off the shelf in the seating area and began reading. Minutes went by as he got lost in the pages and when he heard Katsumi address him, not once, not twice but thrice he snapped out of his focused state and closed the book with a bashful smile.
“I apologize, I was not intending to ignore you. When I am reading I become entranced and the whole world disappears.” Thankfully his tea hadn’t gone cold yet. He ushered Katsumi to take a seat before taking a sip. “Have you been here before?”
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fcllederage · 1 year
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almost put speaks french but he'd likely embarrass himself in front of them since he only knows a bit lmao but this was fun, here u go xoxo one day i'll proper mssg instead of sending memes n asks but life is busy and the horrors are real
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honestly she would never make fun of him! ok maybe a little but it's all out of love <3 but I'm really happy to see they really match!
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gothiings · 1 year
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this INCORRECT QUOTES GENERATOR using your muse and my muse.
Katsumi: I actually have a black belt. Dani: In what, karate? Katsumi: No, from Gucci.
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malumxsubest · 1 year
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@grievousomen asked : “ what, you like to watch ? ” / * 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓.
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❝ i'm always intrigued and fascinated when i see another fellow artist work. and considering it's a slow moment right now before rush, i cannot help but observe you. sorry about that. ❞ she gave a faint grin, the edges of her lips curling upward. amelia was helping her staff prep for the evening where things truly become alive and vibrant within the ornate cathedral walls of her nightclub. thankfully there was not that much to do besides ensure her staff were well prepared and understand the protocols.
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imamxdel · 1 year
DANCE : for one muse to ask the other to dance at a party. (for So Rom, a comprehensive list of scenarios meme)
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Maybe he'd caught her staring. Sorom ducked behind a pillar in the room when she'd accidentally caught his gaze, holding her breath and wincing her eyes together in hopes he hadn't noticed just how long she'd been watching him. The only thing that would make it more awkward was if he'd--
Sorom almost gasped when she turned and almost ran in to his chest. Though she wasn't extroverted in the slightest, she was particularly good at handling difficult situations like this due to her years of practice. She'd smiled, offering a small bow to the man, and taking a step back to put a respectable amount of distance between them.
"I apologize, I hadn't meant to be staring," she said, hoping that it would be enough to get him to move on. Her cheeks warmed at the way the man continued to look at her, feeling small and even more embarrassed. Sorom dodged the eye contact again by looking around the room at the various other party attenders and figuring he must have been an invited guest considering she didn't recognize him from the agency.
Perhaps telling the truth in this instance would be easier to explain than lie.
"I was focused on your choice in attire for this evening." And that was her being honest. Modelling wasn't her dream job, yet it was one she'd somehow gotten lucky enough to end up in. Standing in front of a camera was boring, and runway work was so anxiety inducing that it almost made her quit if she wasn't so passionate about working with some of the greatest designers in the country. To be able to work right under them and have a chance to wear what they'd made was truly a great honor to someone as passionate as Sorom. She just wished she had the chance to try her hand at making her own attire rather than fitting with someone else's.
And it was true. Kat's outfit was put together and eccentric, despite not being too loud as many designers seemed to choose. It fit him well and seemed to say enough about him that Sorom could tell he put in the work without burying himself in it.
Was he a designer?
Sorom assumed by the way he carried himself among the crowd he must have been someone important. By the time she was able to ease in to a real conversation about something she was more comfortable in, seeing him hold out a hand and invited her to join him on the dance floor, she'd accepted without really thinking.
She didn't want to come in the first place, better yet dance with a stranger she didn't know.
Yet as she was pulled closer among the heavier crowds all moving nicely to the soft beat of the classical band playing around them, Sorom actually smiled as she respectfully grasped his hand and hoped that if he was a designer, she'd have a chance to see his work up closer and discuss his inspiration.
Whatever followed the next fifteen minutes of relative silence, though not uncomfortable, Sorom felt herself start to fall in to the rhythm of the music and swayed along with him. Odd how she felt more and more comforted around him, and how the typical shyness she felt due to her introversion, turned in to a shyness of wanting to impress. As the two of them grew closer and closer in their embrace, Sorom's hand slipped from the delicate hold on his shoulder to wrap her entire arm under it, their bodies fronts against each other and her cheek pressed against his chest. // @grievousomen
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