#ch: cassie roman.
baileybasses · 1 year
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sedativeunderskins · 2 years
lucas was home alone when he got a text from roman telling him to bring jane to him. lucas looked at his phone in disbelief and replied telling roman to go fuck himself. when roman texted him back this time lucas’s eyes widened, it was a picture of cassie tied up with a knife to her throat and lucas felt like he was going to be sick. he immediately texted jackson even though roman told him not to tell anyone especially the police but he knew he had to. roman was standing by the door texting lucas and he looked up at cassie. “don’t take it personally cas. its not you i hate, at least not yet.” roman smirked, he knew getting to cassie would hurt lucas and break him enough to possibly bring jane to him. “he’s on his way so hopefully he’s not a dumbass and i don’t have to hurt you. i really don’t want to do that.” roman was twirling the knife in his hand as he looked at cassie and grinned.
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authorgirl1111 · 6 years
Emperor’s Daughter Ch. 14
Chapter 1
Chapter 13
Callie’s first birthday comes, and Natalie comes back up. A little stuffed Apollo doll in her hands as she walks in and gives it to Callie. Callie smiles and starts giggling hugging the doll tightly in her hands. Silena hugs tightly to Johnny, who turns up and gives Callie a little rattle. That she immediately starts to shake as hard as she can. Silena gives her daughter a book on Greek mythologies. A children’s book with lots of pictures. Brenda gives her younger sister a kiss. “I lub you” She says. “I’ll take care of you” They have cake and ice cream and Brenda makes a mess all over her self. At the end of the party Johnny and Silena share a long heartfelt kiss. “I can’t wait to call you and the kids mine?” Silena smiles. --- 2 months later it’s Brenda’s Birthday. “Your kids have their birthday’s way to close together” Natalie complains when she walks through the door. “It feels I was just here!” Her belly is just starting to show she’s now in her third month. “Yeah sorry I’ll plan my births a little better next time” Silena says. “Hush Cass, you know what I meant” Natalie says with a shrug. “You know I love you.” “Auntie Natalie!” Brenda cries running up to give her daughter a hug. “You’re here!” “Yes, I am, and how old are you now princess?” “I’m Four!” Brenda says holding up four fingers. “Momma says I’ll be starting kindergarten in a year! I’m just in preschool now” She says. “Little Callie is just in daycare, she’s too little to go to preschool like me!” She says proudly. Brenda is wearing her nicest jeans with a green sweater. In her arms is the Tyr doll she’s had since she was two, it’s obvious it’s been through some rough times. There are patches all over it where Silena has had to sow it back together. “Do you want to show Natalie your doll?” Silena asks softly. “It’s the Norse god Tyr” She says. “Momma reads me stories about him sometimes, she says it’s im-important, that I know Norse Mi-myth-Mythology.” Natalie kneels and gives Brenda a big squeezing hug. “And what’s your favorite” “When Thor has to wear a dress, so the giant man can marry him” She says with a laugh. “It’s so funny.” Natalie nods and gives Brenda a kiss on her head. “Can you show me where Callie is?” Brenda takes Natalie’s hand and leads her to the other room. “She deserves to know her roots” She says to Johnny. “Who knows? It could help her one day.” “I know” Johnny says. “But those myths can be a bit bloody” “I know, I’m going for the most kid friendly versions I can. Telling them in the most kid-friendly way I can, I plan to do the same for Callie when she get’s older.” “What did you get Brenda this year?” Johnny asks. “A collection of figurines, that range from wizards to hunters, to rogues. “With all the play fighting she likes to do I thought it would be something she likes.” She smiles up at him. “You?” “A collection of toy vehicles.” The party goes on, Natalie gives Brenda a toy Sleipner, Odin’s mighty steed, that has eight legs. Brenda immediately puts Tyr on it and starts pretending, she uses the other figurines in a made-up story she came up with in her mind. Using the toy cars and planes and vehicles as carnage in her destructive path. Callie takes one of the toys and tries to put them in her mouth, but Selina rips the car out of Callie’s hand and gives her the rattle Johnny gave her two months before. “When’s the wedding?” “In ten months” “I should be fine” Natalie says. “I can find someone else” “Please, I’ve known you longer then anyone here, it has to be me, after all the crap you’ve been through, I want to be apart of the biggest night of your life.” “I think the birth of my two kids trumps that, besides travelling with a baby is difficult…” “I’ll have Fred with me” “Yeah speaking of Fred…” “I can do this Cassie, please have some faith in me?” “Ok, I do, I’m sorry” She says raising her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry.” “Yeah you better be” Natalie gives her a hug goodbye. “See you at the wedding.” “By!”   --- Planning a wedding hurts her head. Johnny is sitting on the floor with his own wooden sword pretending to have a sword fight with Brenda. While she looks through different venues for the wedding reception. “Can’t decide on a venue, I want to at least have it cut down to my final ten before I go to bed tonight” “How many people are we inviting.” “Natalie” She says. “Since she’s my maid of honor. I think she’s bringing Fredrick and Annabeth as her +2, apparently Fredrick’s been acting a bit morose.” She says with a roll of her eyes.   “Natalie is pregnant with the Norse demigod?” Johnny asks pretending to dodge Brenda’s attack. “Annabeth the Greek demigod?” “Yes” She says.  “Anyway that’s 3 technically four if Magnus is born before the wedding” “There are my parents” Johnny said lunging slowly his wooden sword hitting Brenda’s own sword. “That’s six, plus JD and his wife that’s 8” “My kids, that’s ten.” “Isn’t Brenda in the wedding, she’s the flower girl” “Yeah speaking of, are you going to have a ring bearer?” “I have a little nephew, I wanted to ask” “That’s 11 plus his parents that’s 13” “My grand parents that’s 15” “You’re friends from the Nome, sorry the entire Nome so that’s another 20, so… 35” “I have a few friends outside the Nome too, people I met in college, and people I met at work.” He says, and Brenda stabs him in the side. He groans and pretends to die to Brenda and her mother’s amusement.   Johnny works at as a DJ at the local bar, and, occasionally does gigs at local clubs with a few of his buddies in the House of Life. He plays acoustic guitar and sings in the band. It does not pay much, but it pays enough.   “Should have thought to make friends while I was in the orchestra, I could totally invite a few over.” She says with a sigh. “My side is going to look so empty” she says forlorn. Johnny jumps up and picks and Brenda who squeals in delight. “We’ll divide wedding differently so there are people on both sides” He says kissing her forehead. “Why did my family have to be a bunch of jerks?” “I’m not marrying your entire family, I’m marrying you and if your family couldn’t see the amazing woman you are then that’s their problem” “That one looks pretty” Johnny says picking out a venue. The room is cream colored and has a maximum of 100 people. “I have some friends from when I studied in Egypt, and I know Desjardin is going to be pissed if I don’t invite him. An invitation to Iskandar couldn’t hurt” She feels uneasy, while Johnny’s parents accepted her with open arms, (However hesitant they may have been at first” And the rest of Texas has accepted the fact that she has roman blood and two demigod kids she’s not entirely sure the rest of Egypt would be so accommodating. “Stop it, Iskandar is not as closed minded as you fear he is, Desjardin is not going to dare go against the chief lector and literally everyone else does not matter.” Johnny says kissing her on the for head. “Is mommy ok?” Brenda asks. She smiles at her daughter. “Yeah, daddy and I are just figuring things out for the wedding?” “Is that when Daddy will become my real daddy?” She says her eyes lighting up. Silena laughs and nods her head. “Yes, Brenda that’s exactly what that means.” --- The months pass, Silena agonizes over every choice. Where to honeymoon, if they should honeymoon, what to serve, where to host the actual wedding, what kind of wedding to have wedding. Suddenly the wedding is here, and she’s scared. Not that she’s making a mistake marrying Johnny but that something will go wrong. She’s nervous and anxious. “Ready?” Natalie asks. She’s in a Lilac dress. “Where’s your son?” She asks. The boy is now five months old. IT’s now June, Callie’s birthday is coming soon, she’ll be two. She thinks of how Callie has already started talking, can sit up, is already eating full foods. And Brenda is starting kindergarten soon. She remembers Johnny playing with her. She remembers Johnny making funny faces at Callie, making her laugh. She smiles. Yes. Marrying Johnny was right. She has no qualms about doing this. “He’s with Fredrick, Sitting with Annabeth in the front row.” “It was nice of Johnny to open a portal, so you could get here easily.” “Yes, it was,” Natalie acknowledges. “We really shouldn’t keep him waiting, forcing him to wait any longer to see the woman he loves looking lovely in that wide wedding dress.” The dress is white, her sleeves start off the shoulder. A string of pearls dangles from her neck. It belongs to Natalie. She’s wearing her bracelet that can transform into a shield. In her hair is her hair clip that can transform into a sword is fastened to her hair. Blue stones are glued to it. Her bouquet is filled with daisies, the blue lotus, roses, and lilies. She’s clutching them tightly and Natalie smiles and Silena turns and follows Natalie out the door. --- The wedding goes by in a blur. She spends the entire wedding eager for it to be over, so she can finally call Johnny her husband. They recite their vows. There the simple traditional vows that most people op to say. Silena is not as good with words as she is with music, and nothing she could say could beat the vows that have been there for several generations. She speaks calmly and surely giving her vow that she will love and cherish and love him for the rest of his life and Johnny is promising the same. She can feel her heart fluttering when Johnny takes her hand and slips the golden wedding band on her ring finger. “With this ring, I thee wed” He says softly. She places the wedding ring on his finger. “With this ring, I thee wed” She echoes him. Then the reverend announces. “I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” Johnny places a hand on her waist pulls her close and kisses her so deeply that she loses her breath for a moment. --- The reception afterwards is hectic. She stands outside in the hot sun receiving guests many whom she doesn’t know. Fredrick looks like a dear caught in headlights as he walks up with Annabeth. (Magnus Chase is in Natalie’s hands, under the shade of a tree.) Brenda is standing beside Selina shaking hands with everyone that comes by. Callie is already inside with her step-grandparents. Brenda wanted to stay with Johnny and Brenda since she’s a flower girl. But Callie was still a baby, and though she is a demigod she didn’t want her to be overheated so she asked Johnny’s parents to take Callie inside. “Brenda if he gets too hot, you tell me immediately ok?” She says as she shakes hands with an elderly man and a man with dark skin and black hair walked up to them. “Chief Lector Iskandar” Johnny says to the old man. “I’m so glad you could make it.” Iskandar is smiling. “There was no way I could miss a wedding such as this.” Iskandar says, his voice has a heavy Egyptian accent. Iskandar smiles at Selina. “I hope you are happy here” He says. “A girl with a burden as yours deserves the chance to have it shared.” “I would not wish my burdens on anyone Chief Lector” She says respectfully. “But I thank you.” “Have you met Michel Desjardins?” He asks motioning to the man beside him. Desjardin gaze is cold and uncaring. Selina can’t help but shrink under his gaze. Johnny holds her hand. Brenda clues in immediately and cuts in. “Stop making mommy scared” Brenda says, and she stomps hard on Desjardins foot. Desjardin gasps in pain and clasps his foot. “Brenda!” Selina cries picking Brenda up. “Say your sorry” “He was scaring you!” Brenda cries. “Never the less he did not deserve that, say your sorry” Brenda pouted. “I’m sorry” She forces out. “I want to go inside now” “Go” Natalie stands in. “It’s getting to hot, I’ll take her to her step-grandparents” Natalie says. “I’m not a baby” Brenda pouts she says stomping inside. “Nice child” Desjardin says sarcastically. “She seems to really care about her mother, it is a wonderful thing” Iskandar cuts in. “That should be acknowledged even if her show of her loyalty was a little to forward.” “She’s never done something like that before” Selina says. “Hmm” Desjardin says before he walks in with Iskandar beside him. --- “So, you’re Roman” Desjardins says. “A fact I hate more then you do.” She assures Desjardins. She’s not surprised he knows she hadn’t kept it a secret after she had told Johnny. She had even told Johnny to tell any one ‘who should be made aware.’ The entire Texan Nome new, as did Iskandar and Desjardin. But other then being made aware to the other Nomes that other mythologies are indeed real. Not much else was made aware of her background and her kids background. “Who already as two kids from two different mythologies, must be the Roman conquering blood in you.” “Get to the point” She says to him annoyed. “Betray the House of Life and you will answer to me.” “I betray the house of life, I’ll hand you my own sword.” She says. “Cassie!” Natalie calls running out to her. “Come on, what is the point of giving a speech to the bride and groom, if the bride isn’t there” She gives Desjardin a look. “You should sit too” “Thank you” She whispers once she’s out of Desjardins sight. “No worries” Natalie says. “Take a seat by your husband.” --- “So as most of you know, I am the brides best and only friend.” Natalie turned and stuck her tongue out at Selina, who returned the gesture. “I met her when she lived in Boston, already pregnant with little Brenda, she would stand out in rain and snow, playing her violin, making as much money as she could, trying to support herself. She endured all the glares and disgusted looks she got as her baby grew within her, and she never rose to the insults. She continued to play. Then after Brenda was born, I would take care of her, or my mom and dad would, ‘G-d bless their souls.” She says, Selina’s eyes started to tear up. “She tried to push me away, scared of what would happen if I got to close, so she told me her secret, told me that her father abused her, her first love was killed in front of her, her mother was killed, and still she found reason get up in the morning. I can still see it, she thinks she’s a coward for running away, but honestly to me… she’s the strongest woman I know.” Silena bit her lip. “Then she got a job as a violinist in an orchestra in New York, and met Callie’s father, and I thought, maybe she had nothing to worry about, maybe she’d finally be happy, she could stop worrying, she could be happy.” “I only wish I could beat the crap out of the guy who broke up with her over a fight, no scratch that, I wish I could beat the crap out of both the guys who broke her heart. But She did not beg, she did not cry, she let them go, and moved on.” “When she met Johnny, I could hardly hope that maybe she would find happiness with you, oh she had met other guys, that weren’t fathers of her children, but it seemed the second she mentioned that she had two kids by two different fathers they would find a reason to walk away. I found it a good sign that Johnny did not walk away, I found it even better when he treated Brenda with respect. He was understanding and kind, and he made Silena’s face light up brighter then the sun, she was the happiest I had ever seen when he asked her to marry him. He loved Brenda and Callie like his own children.” I love her kids, Brenda is feisty, and loyal, and a joy to be around. And I cannot wait to see the little spitfire that Callie grows into. They are all treasures and I am so happy that they get to have a father to help raise them.” Natalie sighs. “I hope the best for you two, after everything you’ve been through, Silena Cassie Julia Claudia Romano Maglieri,” Silena’s eyes widened at the use of all her previous names. “You deserve only the best.” Silena stood and gave Natalie the biggest hug she could. --- After that there was a quick speech from the Best man JD who gave a short quip over how Natalie’s was far better then his mainly because Johnny didn’t have a tragic backstory. But reaffirmed sweet things like Johnny was happiest he’s ever been, and they deserved to be together. It was cake, and dancing, Johnny danced with his mother and though Silena could not dance with her own father she decided to instead dance with her eldest daughter. Brenda was clumsy, but she had fun being spun around by her mother. After the parent-child dance Johnny and Silena danced together. “I love you, Lena” He whispered to her. “Forever and for always” Silena gave Johnny a long kiss, oblivious to all the people watching. “As I love you, Jonathan.” --- Brenda and Callie had been arranged to stay with their now official step-grandparents while Johnny and Silena went on their honeymoon. They went to Egypt and had phone seeing the sights, the pyramids, and he took her to see the special tour of the Hall of Ages, in the first nome. She watched in surprise as she saw her wedding play right in front of her. Iskandar let them sleep together in the nome, and she met some of the newest recruits to learning Egyptian magic. They spent a week in Egypt seeing the sights, before they headed off to Rome. To see Silena’s past. She saw the ruins of the palaces still standing, she saw the colosseum, she heard things about her father a former emperor that made her nearly cry. She saw everything Rome had to offer, and after those two weeks the two of them returned back home. --- A year later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was surrounded by Natalie and her husband, and her two perfect kids. It had taken a long time to get to where she was going, but she finally felt happy and safe. “Kamilah O'Hare” She named her baby with a kiss to the baby’s forehead. “Little Ilah.”   Perhaps not everyone in the community likes her, perhaps they are a little distrustful of her, but so long as her family is ok, and they are like. Silena Cassie Julia Claudia Romano Magileri can handle just about anything that stands in her way. For the first time in a long time, she’s not just the emperor’s daughter. She’s a mother, a wife, a friend, a violinist, she’s strong, she smart, she is so deeply in love and is loved in return. And she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 
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calvin2killen · 4 years
Thankfully, a kind passerby took pity on the puppy
A three-month-old Rottweiler puppy who was found wandering alone through Hyde Park, London, has got his Christmas wish: a forever home in time for Christmas. Oliver the Rottweiler puppy certainly didn’t have the most auspicious start to life. Found wandering alone through Hyde Park, the little guy had been abandoned by his previous owner. Thankfully, a kind passerby took pity on the pup and took him to Battersea Cats and Dogs Home where centre workers discovered he was completely blind.
Oliver the Rottweiler puppy certainly didn’t have the most auspicious start to life. Found wandering alone through Hyde Park, the little guy had been abandoned by his previous owner.
Thankfully, a kind passerby took pity on the pup and took him to Battersea Cats and Dogs Home where centre workers discovered he was completely blind.
A mystery pup With no chip and no way of knowing where he came from, it’s difficult to say exactly why he was abandoned but it does seem possible that it was by breeders who thought he’d be difficult to sell because of his blindness.
But, at this time of year, we all want to hear good news and there finally is some for little Oliver, he’s found his forever home just in time for Christmas.
Oliver Twist And it seems that the pup’s personality is really coming through now he knows he’s safe.
Despite his sight loss, he’s managed to acclimatise himself to his new home and likes to take his food bowl to his owner when he’s hungry – earning himself the nickname Oliver Twist!
We wish little Oliver all the very best and hope he has the happiest of Christmas – he deserves it!
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Naming a black Labrador, chocolate Lab or yellow Labrador Retriever can be challenging. This dog breed is fascinating and deserves the best name. Whether you are looking to find a name for your Labrador which will match its personality or its physical traits, you will get inspired with our list. Find the perfect name for your Labrador Retriever here!
By Emilie Heyl
Published on the 31/10/2020, 17:00
The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the UK and even in the world. And we can easily understand why: they are playful, happy and loyal. Not only do they have an amazing personality, they also come in various coat colours (yellow, chocolate and black). These cute animals want nothing more than to please you so why not please them with a great name (and treats of course)?
You just adopted or purchased a Labrador or a Labrador puppy, lucky you! This breed is a perfect addition to the family. But, you are probably racking your brain to find the perfect dog name for your Labrador. Well, good for you if you are reading this, as we have gathered awesome dog names for your female Lab or male Lab.
Yellow labrador, black lab and chocolat labrador retrieverThere are three coat colours in a Labrador: Yellow, Black and Chocolate © Shutterstock Girl Labrador dog names with their meaning Choosing a name for a female dog can be challenging. A name is for the rest of your dog’s life so the pressure is on. You will probably want to pick a unique and cool name for your girl Labrador, so check out this list! We hope you will find inspiration.
Molly The name Molly is a girl’s name of Hebrew origins and it means “bitter”. Molly has soft intonations and would suit a calm and sweet Labrador.
Jaya Jaya is derived from Sanskrit and it means “victory”. This name would be a good fit for an active Labrador girl who loves to be outdoors!
Willow Willow is derived from the Medieval English word "wilwe" which is the Willow tree. It means “slender and graceful”, therefore it would suit a female dog with these attributes.
Juno The name Juno originates from the Latin word which means “youth”. Juno was an ancient Roman goddess, the queen of gods. She would protect and look after the women of Rome. If you have a protective Labrador in your hands, why not name her Juno?
Luna Luna originates from the Latin word moon. This is a cute name for a yellow Labrador dog.
Sydney Sydney isn’t just a city in Australia, it is also derived from an Old English word meaning “wide meadow”. You could name your female Labrador Sydney if she is a city girl.
Cassie The name Cassie originated from Greece and it means “Purity; unheeded prophetess”. If your Labrador is very gentle and calm, this name is a perfect fit for her.
Coco The name Coco means chocolate beans in American. Does your Labrador girl love to eat? Well Coco would be a good name for her.
Belle Belle is a French name which means beautiful. Yes, all dogs are beautiful but why not name your dog Belle if she has a particular trait that makes her look unique?
Lola Lola is a short form of the Spanish name Dolores, which means “sorrows”. The name Lola would suit a fun and joyful Labrador.
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authorgirl1111 · 6 years
Emperors daughter Ch. 10
Part 1
Part 9
“My protection?” Apollo asks when Cassie reveals what she wants from him. “From what?” “Maybe nothing, maybe everything, I’m not even sure the man is looking for me…” “Man?” “My father, I escaped from home a few years ago, I haven’t seen him since, but with the birth of my child, running and hiding has suddenly become a lot harder.” Apollo looks at her. “How bad was he?” She swallows and turns around, she’s never shown anyone her scars. When she was with Tyr they were only together that one night and she always made sure he never saw her back. But she needs Apollo to take her seriously. She takes off her shirt and turns around. She hears a sharp intake of breath and his cool fingers tracing the scared tissue on her back. “And you don’t wish him dead” “He’s my father” “I understand” Apollo says. “I do, and you have it, your father will never find you while you’re here.” --- For six months everything is nice, and easy, she’s able to find a sitter every single time they go out, or she needs to rehearse, or she has a recitle. She moves out of the one room apartment into a bigger two room apartment so Brenda can sleep in her own bedroom. IT’s bigger and better, and still in the same building, so not much has to change. (She’s ninety five percent sure that the baby sitter is in no way human, but she’s always kind with the baby, handles Brenda like a pro, is never to rough or to hard, and takes everything Cassie says to heart, so after the first night where Apollo swears on the Styx that she has nothing to fear, and she comes back and Brenda is happy, and laughing and with no fewer scratches than when she left, she finds herself almost breathe a sigh of relief) (A month later she finds out that it’s one of the muses) (Euterpe, muse of song and music) For six months it’s easy and simple. Apollo is gentle and kind and is nothing like Natalie feared. (HE can be a tad selfish, but then again so can she, so she deals) (even when him talking about all his great exploits can get old) (She can only handle hearing about his defeat of Python so many times) Everything is going great. Until Brenda’s second birthday. --- “Happy Birthday Brenda!”  Natalie, Cassie, sing to Brenda. Brenda giggles and blows out her candles. “Do you want some cake, Brenda?” Cassie asks as she holds the knife in her hand. “Cake!” She reaches out to take a handful of cake, but Natalie pulls the cake out of her reach and she places in the middle of the table away from Brenda’s highchair. “Cake!” Brenda says. “Wait a minute, little fighter” She says bopping Brenda on the nose. “We’re cutting you a piece” “A piece” Brenda echoes. “That’s right” She says cutting a triangular piece out and placing it on a small plastic plate, “There you go sweetie.” She looks up and sees Apollo leaning against a wall she smiles at him. His lips quirk up and her face heats up. Natalie rolls her eyes. The pendent on Cassie’s neck glows slightly. It was a cloaking device allowing her to hide away only from the people that she herself didn’t want to see. (Cassie been so thrilled she had taken him to be and hadn’t actually slept until past four in the morning.) Brenda nearly inhales her cake and Cassie can’t help but chuckle at her daughters antics. She asks Apollo I he wants any, but he denies, saying that Nectar is better then anything mere humans could come up with. (That hurts, since she spent months learning how to bake, but she lets it go.) “Ass” Natalie mutters under her breath. “Hush, he’s honest” “He’s an ass” Cassie nods along. “That too” Natalie and she chuckle along. Pretty soon it’s time for presents and Natalie hands Brenda a present. Brenda rips the paper apart until she sees the stuffed toy It’s a stuffed likeness of Brenda’s father Tyr. He’s missing a hand, and there are runes stitched into his armor. “I asked my brother for help” Natalie whispers. “He helped me with the small intricate designs to make it seem more real, the rune is tiwaz, named for Tyr. And you said he had dark skin like Brenda so… “Randolph? You went to Randolph willingly?” Cassie asked amused. "Should I be worried about a camera hidden in the toy?" Natalie nudges her away. Cassie hands Brenda her own gift. It’s wrapped in golden paper and like with Natalie she rips the paper apart, and it reveals a small little drum kit. Brenda immediately starts whacking away not with the drum sticks but with the stuffed Tyr doll in her hand. Apollo then comes up and delivers his gift he kisses her forehead. “Gift of music” He whispers to the little one. Brenda’s rhythm gets a little better but’s it’s obvious she still needs a little more practice. --- Natalie get’s a call shortly after the exchange of gifts. Her parents were in horrible car accident and are in the hospital. Natalie apologizes over a thousand times, but Cassie understands and Natalie leaves in a whirl of tears and painful apologies. --- “I hope they’ll be ok” Cassie says as she’s cleaning up the house. It’s six and Brenda had forgone her nape for the day so she’s taking one now in her playpen. “Who’s her father?”  Apollo asks. “Natalie?” She asks. “A mortal from Boston, why?” Apollo rolls his eyes. “Brenda’s.” “Really?” Cassie asks. “My best friends parents are in a hospital and you want to ask me this now?” Apollo nods solemnly. “Who is he” “Why? Why now.” Cassie asks crossing her arms. “You’re not Norse” Apollo says. “You’re Italian, and are part of a roman legacy you told me that yourself. Natalie gave your daughter a doll depicting a god from Norse mythology, why?” Cassie looks away suddenly defensive. “You knew I was with other men” “I didn’t know you were with other gods, Cassie.” “Does it matter?” “It matters to me.” Apollo said “It shouldn’t” Cassie mutters under her breath. “And why is that?” Apollo asks testily. Cassie's self-control snaps. “Because It has nothing to do with you.” Cassie slaps a hand to her mouth and for a moment everything is so silent they could hear a pin drop. Apollo’s eyes widened. “Oh” He says. “I see how it is” “Apollo…” “No, I date you, I take care of you, but in the end, I don’t matter.” Apollo said stepping away. “I get it.” “That’s not what I-” “Isn’t it though?” Apollo said. “I want you out of New York” Cassie stops feeling as though she has whiplash. “What?” “I want you to leave New York” Apollo says darkly. “You and your daughter, leave and don’t you ever come back.” Cassie is a proud girl, and a lot like her father. She doesn’t beg, she doesn’t apologize, she stays stock still and for a long moment she refuses to bend. Apollo glares at her darkly. She takes off her necklace, and throws it on the bed. “Good bye Apollo.” He doesn’t take the charm. He looks at her for a long moment. “I give you one month, and then I want you out.” “And if I don’t?” “Don’t test me Cassie,” He says before he disappears. Never had the name Cassie sounded so false to her ears. She almost tells him her birthname. But before she can decide... Apollo is gone. 
Part 11
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authorgirl1111 · 6 years
Emperors daughter ch 9
Part 1
Part 8
“Cassandra Romano” She must admit she likes the way her name sounds on his lips. “Yes?” She’s holding Brenda in her arms Apollo eyes the baby before he turns his attention to Cassie. “How did you know?” He asks. “Most humans don’t give off a golden aura.” Apollo smiles and raises an eyebrow. “Clear-sighted. Interesting” Cassie blushes and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “I suppose so,” In her arms Brenda starts to cry. “Maybe it’s time to give her back to her mother.” Cassie eyes him critically. “She already is.” Apollo looks to where he sees Natalie mingling. “Oh! I thought…” “Natalie is a friend” Cassie cuts in before this can get any awkward then it already is. “She saved me the cost of a baby sitter for tonight. Is there something else, Apollo?” Apollo tilts his head in interest. “Huh, interesting what makes you say I’m Apollo” She points to the pin on his chest. “Huh, that’s the sum total of your assumption?” Apollo says pulling off the pin. “A golden aura and a pin” “and hope, you were my favorite as a child.” Cassie cuts in. In between the snide comments about father made about you anyway. Still it was true, her mother used to read her a small copy of myths, and the ones that were Cassie’s favorite always had Apollo in there somewhere. Though she couldn’t help but remember the snide comments her father and his associates always made. Especially Commodus.  Zeus how she despised that man. Apollo looked impressed. “Can’t fault you for having nice taste.” Cassie laughed. Brenda yawned and started to fall asleep against her shoulder. “I should probably head home” Cassie said reluctantly. “Little one deserves to sleep in her crib.” “I never slept in a crib” Apollo says, Cassie eyes him. “Or dated a woman who already had a child by someone else.” “You aged rapidly from what I heard, fought Python at four days old.” She says softly. “All because the monster dared to attack your mother.” She can feel the interest turn to anger. “I admire that” Cassie says quickly. “It’s… admirable” Not even with Tyr was she this tongue tied. What in hades is wrong with her? The last time she was this tongue tied was with… “You are aware that you just used the same word twice, in the exact same sentence?” Apollo sounds both amused and disgusted. He’s a god, cater to his ego. “Yes well, being in such a presence as yours can you blame me for being a little tongue tied?” Apollo laughs, it’s low and booming and she can easily imagine him singing in the opera, from the eighteen hundreds. It’s so infectious that she can’t help but get lost in the sound. They pass by Natalie, and she gives her friend a quick sign that let’s her know she’s taking the girl home. Natalie flashes her own that tells her she’ll be join her out quickly. “Is there something else you wish?” Cassie has just reached her car and Brenda is asleep on her shoulder. “I’d love for you to give me a private show” Apollo says. And the way he’s looking at her reminds her of the times Tyr looked at her right before they… She knows he wants more then her music. Her smile turns coy. “And what would I get in return?” “What do you want?” She looks in her car. “There is something I need…” She’s placing Brenda into her car seat and locking her in place. “But’s I do not wish to burden you, with the needs of a mortal girl” The words taste odd on her tongue. Her father is immortal now, but she has no idea how much of his physiology is changed because of that. “My dear, I am a god there is nothing you could ask for that would burden me” Gotcha “Well, I suppose we shall have to see about that won’t we? Unfortunately I don’t discuss payments on street corners” She enters her car.  Apollo stares at her for a long moment before he disappears. She’s waiting perhaps a few minutes before Natalie makes an appearance. “Who was that?” Natalie asks. “You two seemed pretty interested in each other.” “Another god, probably Greek, though his roman name is the same in Rome and Greece.” “Who?” Cassie smirks. “Apollo” ---     “This seems so wrong, Cassie” Natalie says on the phone. “Are you sure about this?” “No, but… I need to think about Brenda, she and I need all the protection I can get” “Are you sure this is about Brenda, and not about…” “What me?” Cassie says. “If that were the case I would have worked harder at keeping Tyr around, I can take care of myself, taking care of myself and a baby is a lot harder, I can just run at the drop of a hat.” “And you just realised that now” “Natalie…” She can hear Natalie sighing on the other end. “I’m worried about you, I’ve done research on this particular god, he’s not overly nice.” “I know, I grew up with these myths, but he’s loyal, and… I need that” “Did you even read Coronis’s myth?” Natalie asks worriedly. “He has his sister kill her when he finds out she was cheating on him.” “Good thing I’m not planning on doing that” “This is serious” “I am being serious, I know Apollo and I aren’t going to last, I need this, I need to know that I won’t be found. I need to be protected.” “The why not tell him the truth?” That was the question of the year wasn’t it? Tell Apollo the truth, tell him that three of the worst emperor’s in history were alive and doing there best to take over the world. “I tried, no one listened.” Cassie says. “And if I told him, I was the daughter of him, I would be abandoned, my father was a horrible man, when he was mortal, I’d be dead within minutes.” Natalie says nothing. “Just be careful, I don’t want my next trip to be your funeral.” 
Part 10
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