#ch: ektur
oh-atlas · 4 years
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i’ve been trying to find the tweet generator for like 10 minutes shout out to alana so I could make this 
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oh-atlas · 4 years
@ my dm PLEASE stop picking up and trying to fling my goblin artificer with giant birds, you’re giving him trauma
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oh-atlas · 4 years
2, 7, 11 and 19 for the 23rd and 40th character on your oc page
yuhoh i can’t count so im just gunna go from my google doc character list and it’s my FUCKING WEST MARCHES GOBLIN and gust / ask prompts!
Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.
EKTUR’s body is primarily hidden under a large cloak but what one can see is bright, glowing eyes, flashes of sharp teeth, and emaciated clawed hands. 
GUST is extraordinarily pale and his veins are prominently dark and nearly black.
How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
EKTUR has a neutral perception? He just kinda is. He is mostly fearful of how other will percieve him and wants to min dhis own business, survive and macguever inventions. 
GUST has a pretty positive view of himself. He thinks his work is meaningful, although he is ashamed that he can’t really face the majority of his family without being called a heretic or arrested. 
What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like?
EKTUR does not have the braincells for this even though he has a intelligence score of 20. in all serious i think metaphysical concepts are generally out of his grasp. he’s more focused on what he can create with his hands and his survival and well being. he values physical creation as he can understand it (ie: construction, forging, trinket making), but doesn’t really have any thoughts on the creation of existence.
GUST is actually one of the few NPCs in zaekata that has some semblance of awareness of how the universe was created just by virtue of his patron, although he can’t really know too much or it would melt his brain rip. He was raised in Cornelia and worshipping the Church of the Lightfather but was never, really into it. However, because he was the only aasimar born child of his parents, he was expected to be Holy, it was a gift from the Lightfather and he was pushed into being a paladin. On his first mission, Gust died fighting gnolls and met his patron, an archaic and old entity from the void of space that brought him back to life, recognizing his discomfort with his faith and his will to do good outside of his country’s faith. This entity told him some of the sinister lies beneath the surface of Cornelia and asked Gust to be their champion and help them guide freedom in the world. 
If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
EKTUR is a wimp and he’d run lmao
GUST would probably try to reason and then kick ass if he needed.
thank you so much ari ❤️
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