#ch: soonee
gudandewangzi · 3 years
@princesssoonee​ || closed || within the forests surrounding the chateau
TW: animal death
Celebrations for the Western New Year had been pleasant, indeed. Chenyu had feasted, imbibed, even watched the simple fireworks available to the French Court. He had played games, been chased through the hedge maze blindfolded, and had an uncomfortable but thrilling dip in one of the ground lakes (the resulting sniffles had made up his mind never to do that one again). But by far Chenyu’s favourite part about the Western New Year was that hunting was made open to all the visiting Royals and Nobles, and the vast forests surrounding the Chateau were now a playground of opportunities.
Chenyu liked to hunt. He was awful with a sword, a whip, a polestaff, but give him a bow and arrow, or even a rifle, and he would return several hours later with at least three animals slung over his mount’s back. The mountains in Chicheng county were well aware of his prowess, and the numerous hours he had spent hunting north of his ancestral tombs almost turned the terrain dull in his mind. But France’s wildlife was unconquered territory, and at the first chance available Chenyu had summoned a servant to carry his gear, had fetched a favoured horse from the make-shift stables, and ridden into the forests.
About an hour into his hunt and a dull hare hunt from the saddle of his eunuch’s horse. They moved slowly through the underbrush, the noise quietened by the blanket of snow upon the foliage. Chenyu was sure he had seen deer tracks heading this way, and was keen on sending the creature to the kitchens that evening. Softly, softly, he urged his mare onwards, bending low over her long neck. An arrow was ready-knocked on his bow, balanced between his frozen fingers.
A snap sounded out, dampened by snow but still managing to echo through the bare-branch forest. Chenyu’s breath caught in his throat, and he gave the reins a quick jerk to halt the mare. But it was too late. Suddenly from between the cramped tree trunks a roe buck sprung, leaping in a panicked zig-zag. Chenyu reared up straight-backed, pulled his arrow, and-
The deer let out a wail as it was hit. But the bowstring in Chenyu’s hand was still taut. Confused, he let it relax and drop.
A figure, slight, rushed in from the direction opposite the deer’s fall. Dismounting, Chenyu approached it and the deer, which was still in the snow. When he got within ten paces it became clear that the shot had been clean, piercing the deer’s neck and ending it’s life within seconds.
”Bien joué,” he said, clearly impressed. “Vous êtes clairement un chasseur compétent!”
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