#ch: tanyn
fcalty · 4 months
forbidden romance trope where tanyn's childhood crush from the jedi temple survives. they fly under the radar because their force sensitivity isn't strong like rey or kylo ren. it's closer to tanyn's own low-medium force powers. they and tanyn meet by chance and fight. they can't kill each other. he lets them go and doesn't say anything. they keep meeting a something starts to grow between them. it's dangerous but they can't help it.
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fcalty · 4 months
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∞ edits of tanyn ren - tfa/tlj
your ( least ) favourite half-mirialan knight of ren :)
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fcalty · 7 months
when people want to ship with villains but only want the watered down red flags of jealous and violent. 'he's a bad man but he is devoted and loyal to me alone. and totes in love with me.'
sorry fam, they're a bona-fide villain. they will cheat on you, gaslight you and use you to get what they want. their whole personality is a red flag.
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fcalty · 1 year
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@acharnemcnt gave me permission to post the tarot cards she made of my boys for the destiny calls verse. i'm obsessed.
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fcalty · 1 year
tanyn was only 14 when the jedi academy was destroyed. he followed his misfit peers into the fire and watched the other students be slaughtered. the darkness first spoke to him when he stabbed one of his classmates during the battle. tanyn was very young and impressionable. he always looked up to ben. he dreamed of attaining the same level of power and skill as kylo even though ( @croyant's ) karitza ren tried to convince him that kylo's apprenticeship with snoke was tainted with misery and corruption.
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fcalty · 4 months
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**basing this info off of the destiny calls verse. dates can be altered for other verses. i.e. if people follow the new canon timeline
tanyn was around 12 when the jedi temple was destroyed.
he was 6 when his parents surrendered him for jedi training
he is 14 when he makes his first kill in self defense.
at 15 he is takes his first serious mission as a knight of ren. that is when he makes his first offensive kill. later that year he is knighted by snoke.
by tfa he is 22
in the last dotf inspired verse he is in his late twenties going into early thirties.
he is probably 31 when he dies near the end of the last battle.
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fcalty · 5 months
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
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accepting !
being the son of a politician meant nannies, home schooling, academic progammes and a lot of poltical social functions. tanyn barely spent time with other children outside of his siblings besides the controlled meetings with other politician's children. he was a very active child with a lot of energy and a short attention span. he spoke and moved fast, tiring out his parents and nannies. his reckless behaviour turned his polite, obedient siblings against him because they were desperate to gain favor from their parents.
when tanyn was sent away to the jedi academy because of his abilities, he shadowed the older children because he was used to being around adults. he made a few friends at the academy with children who could keep up with him and stand his endless chattering and question. but his knack for trouble and rambling made him unpopular. persistent as the day he was born, he clung to the older students that tolerated him until they accepted him as one of their own. his other friends abandoned him because of his friendship with the school delinquents.
in tanyn's 14th year, the temple broke into conflict. he took up arms with his friends and left the burning school behind. the end of his childhood was the beginning of his life as a knight of ren. the other warriors became his family and all thoughts of friendship and normal life were left behind in the ashes.
because tanyn never had a real childhood, never really grew up. he still has the playful attitude and curiousness of a child. it is an ironic twist compared to his lethal skills as a knight. he still tries to make friends with young officers inside the first order but he always ends up scaring them off. is it the annoying rambling? graphic descriptions of violence? the terrifying mask and wraith-like clothes? who knows...
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fcalty · 1 year
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RIVK REN commed ➣  ❝  the last time you were on guard duty, hux got shot by a sniper. you've been demoted to look out. ❞
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"i wasn't the only one there!" he huffs @thirdsght in frustration. "and he's still alive, right?" tanyn bears a sheepish grin that turns into a grimace quickly. he does feel bad about the chancellor's injury. "how the hell does he make so many enemies inside the first order?"
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fcalty · 10 months
continued for beta
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fingers tightened around dual axes as a rustling sound set off warning bells in his head. tanyn twisted quickly to keep his enemy in his sights. karitza taught him never to face his back to his foe. careless mistakes could be fatal, she said, during their training crash courses when he was just a kid. tanyn scans the wasteland but his night vision specs draw up a blank. maybe it was the wind. although he seriously doubts it. something is not right about this place. he knows row can feel it too. a garbled snort of laughter emanated from his modulator. "something that can make me sprout wings to fly the hell out of here." he quipped back at @renkniighted. "what did kylo say this thing was again? some ancient map? doesn't he have state-of-the-art gps already?"
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fcalty · 1 year
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the buzz of adrenaline was wearing off. he could feel the ache in his muscles under the suppressant of the natural high. the feeling of being invincible dialed back into juvenile confidence. everything about that feeling made him want more. the heat of battle was incomparable to anything else. tanyn unlatched his helmet and welcomed the cool air of the ship. the youth shrugged off his weapon harness hastily and tossed it onto the worn bench next to kina. heaving a sigh, he let gravity and exhausting pull him down into a shabby chair. "did you see me take down those guards? that as epic." a wide grin spread across the teen's lips. "hey. was any of that in your visions?"
starter for @jediaceanik
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fcalty · 1 year
@auroradicit continued
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the cover of the helmet shields her from the way his eyes roll at her rebuke. tanyn grins despite himself. "just meant that your reputation proceeds you. i'm guessing you aren't used to compliments that don't involve some sort of bribe."
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fcalty · 1 year
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a collision was barely avoided when he curbed a sharp swing around a corner. with a swing to the right, the young knight dodged a frightened officer. far from the scene of the crime, tanyn skidded to a halt. he hardly stopped to take in a breath. doubled over, the young knight planted his hands on his knees and cackled. the mask distorts the sound into a husky wheeze that carried down the long hall. a balled fist smuged against the tinted lense; in his merriment he almost forgot that he can't wipe the tears of laughter from his eyes through the helmet. "sure as hell we'll be there! i can't wait to see his face. he'll be furious." he grinned underneath the helmet and elbowed @renkniighted in the side. "c'mon, let's see if we can sneak some food from the officer's lounge. hux is off duty. that mitaco guy is on shift. he's too scared to tell us off."
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