#my stupid annoying evil son
fcalty · 5 months
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
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accepting !
being the son of a politician meant nannies, home schooling, academic progammes and a lot of poltical social functions. tanyn barely spent time with other children outside of his siblings besides the controlled meetings with other politician's children. he was a very active child with a lot of energy and a short attention span. he spoke and moved fast, tiring out his parents and nannies. his reckless behaviour turned his polite, obedient siblings against him because they were desperate to gain favor from their parents.
when tanyn was sent away to the jedi academy because of his abilities, he shadowed the older children because he was used to being around adults. he made a few friends at the academy with children who could keep up with him and stand his endless chattering and question. but his knack for trouble and rambling made him unpopular. persistent as the day he was born, he clung to the older students that tolerated him until they accepted him as one of their own. his other friends abandoned him because of his friendship with the school delinquents.
in tanyn's 14th year, the temple broke into conflict. he took up arms with his friends and left the burning school behind. the end of his childhood was the beginning of his life as a knight of ren. the other warriors became his family and all thoughts of friendship and normal life were left behind in the ashes.
because tanyn never had a real childhood, never really grew up. he still has the playful attitude and curiousness of a child. it is an ironic twist compared to his lethal skills as a knight. he still tries to make friends with young officers inside the first order but he always ends up scaring them off. is it the annoying rambling? graphic descriptions of violence? the terrifying mask and wraith-like clothes? who knows...
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blu3n · 1 month
By: @blu3n
Anon : blue hi 👋, could you make a short story where Jason and the reader argue?, at the birthday party, I want some angst and fluff at the end, I hope you understand kisses.
Bad luck ๋ ࣭ ⭑ Jason todd x female reader
Synopsis: angst, cute at the end, this one is sad ๋ ࣭ ⭑ you and jason argue, I've never actually done one of those
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— edit: @blu3n.
The rain fell heavily on Gotham, as if the city was mourning the return of a lost son. Jason Todd, now known as the Red Hood, walked through the dark streets, the echoes of his old life still echoing in his mind. He had been through so much; betrayal, pain, and a violent rebirth at the hands of the Joker.
The last few months have been tough, Penguin giving him trouble, malice, Cat Woman and the Batfamily on his tail all the time. Bandits and missions stressing him out.
His weapons failing in the middle of combat, it seemed like bad luck was with him in those last few days. To make the headache worse, his 4-year anniversary was coming up.
He was never one to celebrate or care about stupid holidays, birthdays or important dates, but if it was important to you, he celebrated. But fuck. Today you were annoying.
Exactly the day he barely managed to capture the Riddler. It felt like they had thrown years of bad luck at him, he didn't believe that shit, but now he was starting to think so.
He was working out, lifting arm weights (sorry, I don't know what it's called) while training his biceps, his mind was racing with the events of the day, Dick pissing him off for being harsh with one of the evil henchmen, leaving the guy almost paraplegic.
focused in his mind, he didn't hear your footsteps, when you approached him, you could tell he was focused, but you didn't seem to notice how angry he looked.
"What do you think? Pink or red?" Her cheerful voice made him feel bad for being grumpy for the party he had tonight. Looking at you and your dresses, he sighs, barely holding back a groan of annoyance when he sees you flaunting the dresses once again, "whatever, fuck" coming out harsher than he intended. He knew it wasn't his fault that everything was going wrong, but he couldn't help but feel angry.
"Oh yeah..." His voice sounded so broken and so short, but you respected him. You knew he did that sometimes, but not on purpose. "I'm gonna...go get changed." All he heard was a low growl before he walked out of the training bag leaving you alone.
It wasn't because he wanted to, sometimes Jason knew he could be an asshole but everything seemed to be going wrong, he didn't want to take it out on you but you didn't seem to see the clear signs that he didn't want to be around.
everything gets worse at the party, the attention was focused on you two all jason wanted least was for the attention to be on him that night just when he wanted to simply disappear and stay at home, but he stayed, he stayed for you, it was important to you so that means he should be there, right?
He was trying, God he swears he was but that, those people were suffocating him. He needed to go out for a smoke.
Once outside, it was cold, the cigarette smoke swayed and disappeared in the wind... everything seemed calmer and more peaceful on this side.
"Jason?" Your voice echoes behind him, making him turn and look at you, "Ah... aren't you coming back?" All you wanted was for him to stay with you that night, to stay just a little while to celebrate your important day. in his mind it was being an incredible night
"If I want to go, I will, stop bothering my ass," he says in a thick, firm voice, already close to exploding if you push him any further.
"Excuse me? Look at the way you talk to me, Jason, I just want to celebrate our night together as a couple-"
"CAN'T YOU REALIZE I DON'T WANT TO CELEBRATE THIS SHIT!?" Jason was never one to yell at you even if he had reason to do so he would never do so, but today he yelled which scared you just a little bit , he didn't mean to do that.. His anger bubbled, his chest heaved, he wished he hadn't done that.
"ah..." even though you try to say something your voice betrays you leaving only silence bad to fall into this situation.
Jason, when he finally regained his senses, was silent, he took out his anger on the one person he wished he hadn't done it to. "....Y/n" came out as broken as he wanted it to in desperation he said "Y/N, please wait, I- I didn't mean to
Jason in turn was in panic, would you leave him? were you mad? god, did he lose you? no after 4 years would you leave him for this? no god please don't do this to him.
Jason, you in the distance, almost felt his chest stop beating, he didn't want to do this, "I'm sorry", he covered his face with his hand to keep from letting out angry tears, everything was going wrong. Jason saw her reaction and almost felt his chest stop beating, he didn't want to do this, "I'm sorry" he covers his face with his hand to keep from letting out angry tears, everything was going wrong. "Don't walk away from me" he says with a broken voice, even knowing that you weren't there, he would give you some time, but not so much, for you to see how bad he was (in your mind). his mind).
You, in turn, were sitting at one of the tables in the distance, watching everyone laughing and smiling, even though it was your day... maybe you really were annoying to the point of pressuring Jason... maybe you weren't good for him? What were you thinking? He loves you... doesn't he?.
"Y/n-" the tone of his voice made you look where it came from, seeing Jason standing in front of you, his eyes red and his brow furrowed. "babe?"
"Shhh, "It's okay" you say looking at him wiping your eyes from the tear stains as you hear him say that he didn't mean to say what he said, and you had already forgiven him after all it wasn't his fault.
"...i love you, i love you, i love you" he says softly just for you to hear, directing your face into the curve of his neck.
That brought a genuine smile out of you, you quickly pull him up, hugging him fully before whispering in his ear, "I love you too, congratulations to us"
both of their chests pressed against each other as their heartbeats beat together.
🪼 - I love writing about him
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 12
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 11, Part 13
Putting this early so y'all got something to read while waiting for Fontaine. Gl on wishing/saving!
Warning! This is SAGAU which is yandere, plus my story is imposter au which makes things even worse. You can expect detailed descriptions of sensitive topics like blood in this chapter.
The water is still as Mountain Shaper relays your claim to the other adepti. The cutting gaze they have is deflected by that calm expression you wear.
"Then before we deal with them, let's wrap up the situation with the children." Ganyu speaks softly as her eyes move past your form with wariness. 
Xingqiu and Chongyun relax at the sight of Ganyu.With her around, the punishment from the adepti should be prevented.
"Thank you both for coming to save the children, and I'm sorry we weren't in time to help that poor boy. I'm afraid I'll have to burden you both with the task of bringing them back to the city. This would be quite a big deal, especially for you, Xingqiu, as the son of such a prestigious family."
Xingqiu freezes up at the mention of his family while Ganyu takes out a notepad. She writes something on it and hands it over to him.
"This is a brief report on what happened, your cover up is that I asked you to bring them back home. You and your friend will have to give a report to the Millelith and when I get back, I can finish the report. I can get the needed information from your... teammate."
The skepticism and slight disgust in her voice makes it perfectly clear what she thinks about you. She didn't even want to thank you for participating in saving the children.
Ganyu is an adepti, even if she is half human, and that is why she has some of that signature arrogance. She always did jump to conclusions; like how she attacked that Fatui skirmisher that was berry picking. Her arrogance only makes it harder for her to change her mind until it's nearly too late.
Xingqiu smiles politely but the twitch in his eyebrow as he accepts the note says it all. Chongyun's face visibly sours but he keeps quiet. They both turn to you, silently asking if it's okay for them to leave you here.
Your lips stretch into a cheery smile and you give them a thumbs up. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just make sure Yiran gets to her father and that the mother of that poor boy gets his body."
They leave with the children clinging to them, the children still have remnants of tears in their eyes. You can only silently command Teyvat to make their journey back to the city as safe as possible.
"One knows not why this interloper is not already decaying at our feet. Surely any being that claims such a frivolous thing deserves to be sacrificed to the glorious Creator."
Rude as always, Cloud Retainer is the first to ignite the hatred for you. In Genshin she was always comedic relief after the Archon quest but it's different with your current position.
"Don't be so quick to see to my death, Cloud Retainer. Surely Mountain Shaper has already told you what secret information I know about you all." You smoothly comment. 
"The young herbalist is not impossible to hold information on, it's the scent of Teyvat on you that led me to not kick you off my mountain." Moon Carver interferes calmly. You get the sense that he's the most curious on who you are in contrast to the rest that just want you to die.
"Like I said, I'm an Oracle for the Creator themself. Surely you aren't going to doubt Teyvat in who it chooses to embrace."
"Mimicry is a common tactic among evildoers like yourself. Perhaps you're a demonic spirit from the old war hiding in human flesh. It would suffice as an explanation for the way you used that little girl to buy time for yourself." 
Mountain Shaper pushes the agenda of some evil lurking within you. Honestly, it's starting to annoy you but becoming emotional would only fuel them further.
"I only spoke to Yiran so rashly due to your stupid rules. Who focuses on intruders that you clearly saw came for the children instead of the terrified young girl? She was scared from the massacre and felt responsible for that boy's death. That same dead boy’s mother that you proceeded to insult."
"And why should we concern ourselves with the folly of humans?"
"I'm not asking you to. I'm saying that you should at least allow the other humans to help those children, yet you treat adults and children like they have the same mental capacity. Not surprising as adepti couldn't possibly understand the complexity of humanity but it’s still quite disappointing that you cannot even see the logic."
Your words earn you a sharp amber tearing into the skin of your left arm.  A low curse escapes you as you yank the injured arm away from the crimson painted amber. Examining the wound with a grimace, you apply pressure to slow the bleeding. The puncture wound lets your blood stain the clothing and drip off. 
It didn't go all the way through but in certain areas your vein and arteries can be seen. Not broken, just exposed and so very painful. Resisting the tears, you dig into your bag with your good hand for the medical kit.
As you clean and wrap up your wound, you can hear the adepti arguing.
"What are you doing you old coot? One was looking to expose their lies, not attack in such a haste. Now that filthy blood is staining my abode."
"Cloud Retainer is correct on this topic. As devoted worshippers of our caliber, having the ability to unravel the demonic lies is true proof of our strength."
It's so funny, you almost want to laugh in their faces. 'Filthy blood'? Your blood is the one that they worship like salvation. 'Demonic lies?' Isn't the Creator's word's law and truth no matter the message?
That haughtiness that leads them to try beating you at your own game will be their downfall. You'll enjoy this new act. After all...
They're only the stepping stones for the showdown between you and the Geo Archon.
With a bandaged arm that sends dull aches and electrifying pain at intervals, you smile and speak in a sweet tone.
"Finished conversing yet? If you're ready to try exposing my nonexistent lie then get rid of this amber cage and let me show you firsthand why I'm the Creator's Oracle."
Your serene smile is met with sharp glares, distrustful eyes and a timid gaze that speaks first.
"And what proof or action will you show us?"
"Well, I have multiple ways, but illuminated beings like yourself will not be satisfied with that. You'll see it as a trick, a prepared prop to convince you all. So instead, why don't you ask me to do something or relay something to the creator? Something that you're positive I can't complete."
Beisht's scale seems to make your bag heavier with the reminder of its existence. But it's not time for it yet. The adepti only see Beisht as an enemy, that gamble isn't one you're willing to risk just yet.
"One would never ask you to pray to the creator and sully their ears with your sinful voice. One has a better idea on what you can do as 'proof'. As much as One hates to let you get closer, it is necessary to enter my abode."
Mountain Shaper seems to grumble as the other adepti force him to release you. Chains made of Geo and Dendro wrap around your wrists and tug you forward. 
Were you truly that untrustworthy in their eyes? Four adepti against one human, the outcome is obvious, but you keep a leisurely pace behind them.
Cloud Retainer's domain-like door opens and once you all step inside, the door shuts with a loud bang. It's just like how you remembered it in the game.
An absolute confusing mess.
Ganyu and Cloud Retainer cross the barely hanging rock bridge with ease, Meanwhile Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper throw remarks at her.
"What is the meaning of such a mess? It's in even worse condition than when we visited 300 years ago."
"One's abode is not of your concern. It is normal for one to keep it in the environment that suits one's needs."
Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper continue to bicker back and forth as you are led through the turning platforms and transparent golden bridges. 
"Maybe if a certain mortal had just accepted death as their punishment, we wouldn't have to be going through this disorganization."
As adepti, they probably could have just flown to the top where Cloud Retainers' main ruins are but as you are clearly human, they had to take the long way. They don't bother to keep that fact quiet but Moon Carver constantly saying that only makes you walk slower in pettiness.
The main ruin finally comes into view and you remember the initial conversation with Cloud Retainer when you had to discuss Morax's fake death. The door behind that never let players in, is now open. 
Entering you are greeted with long hallways with inventions in different stages of creation littering it. Texts, and murals of different time periods cover the walls. Morax, Guizong, the Yaksha and even other adepti you don't recognize are there.
A left turn at a three way intersection goes to a large room decorated beautifully with feathers and gemstones alike. The image of you forming an egg that has brown scales and gold accents is the main centerpiece. 
This must be how they believe you created Morax. Then does that solve the question on whether the egg or the chicken comes first? 
Cloud Retainer stops in the middle of the room and spreads her wings to point at the sides of the room that are inscribed with text.
"Ever since One took residence in this abode, One has never been able to decipher the text, nor has any other being that got One's permission to enter this sacred room been able to decipher it. If you are truly the Oracle then surely you must be able to decode such scriptures."
"Then let's see just what message this scripture contains." Your proud words are all the bravado you need to walk past their eyes and approach the closest words on the left wall.
As you move to walk past Cloud Retainer's form, she brings her wing down to cover your path.
"Death is the only ending for you in One's eyes. If you fail to translate, then you'll die. If you tarnish or destroy it, then you'll die. And if you refuse, then death will claim you before you can even finish your words." 
"I understand full and well, Cloud Retainer. My life belongs to the Creator, no matter how difficult or painful."
Her wing cuts through your shackles with ease. Now free, you walk past with that confident posture you've held throughout this meeting. Your hands itch to run over the wall and pray that Teyvat will automatically translate it as it had done for everything else. Yet when you get close enough to make out the words, you smile widely. A sight so beautiful for your poor eyes.
'Elemental creatures of all kinds must continue to worship the maker of all things to maintain their loving and personal connection. Refusing or forgetting to do so is the same as rejecting or not caring for them. Consequences are dire and just like trust, it'll be much harder to restore.'
Your language is written on the wall in clear letters. Your luck seems to have turned around for now. You could do so much with this information.
"I can understand this perfectly. It's the language the Creator uses to communicate on the world they're resting in. The scripture describes elemental worship that is specific to only elemental beings."
You recite the first text with ease as the room goes quiet. Not a laugh, scoff nor grumble is heard in the room. Should you take this as a bad or good thing? 
Pushing onward you begin to translate the rest of the text on both sides of the room. It gives a detailed explanation on how to sacrifice body parts, energy, blood, and lifeforce. 
"Stop, we have heard enough." Moon Carver cuts in emotionlessly. You look back at them feigning a confused expression. Trouble is clear on their faces, the truth of your words is spreading guilt within them.
Inwardly your lips curve into a smile that seems to soothe the pain in your arm.
They aren't guilty from the approaching truth of your 'oracle' status being real. They're feeling guilt over the worship methods that they had forgotten.
But pompous beings like them will never accept their wrong-doings so easily.
"You speak of words that poison our minds and weigh our hearts with guilt. This may be but a sham that you wish to deceive us with. Us, illuminated beasts will not accept this method until it's been proven in our sights."
With a careless shrug and scoff, you speak to Mountain Shaper with an uncaring attitude. "I would happily do it to myself just to prove my words true, but I'm not an elemental being like you all were so happy to point out. It seems one of you will have to test it out or we'll never get anywhere."
"Or perhaps we can end this farce now and eliminate you from the beloved maker's gaze." His angry reaction has you covering your mouth in surprise.
"You would skip past the proper protocols in the case concerning the Creator? Where is your devotion? Your faith? Or are you just afraid to do so and see the honesty in my words? Maybe it's a mix of both..."
Mountain Shaper takes a clawed step forward that makes the ruins shake. Cloud Retainer blocks his path with her wing.
"One has had enough of this Shaper! Treat the eulogies and artwork of the creator with more respect."
"It is shameful that an illuminated being like yourself is being led by a mortal like that. Are we not the ones who survived this long despite the varying enemies and plots? Calm yourself before you sully the Creator's pride with your uncontrollable wrath."
Mountain Shaper looks pissed as his eyes glare at you with malice. The temptation to flip him off with a shit-eating grin is too strong and he turns away like a toddler at your crude actions.
"I can do the ritual for us to learn the truth on this matter." A timid voice steps in during the brief silence. All eyes turn to Ganyu as she keeps her hands close to her chest.
"All the work I do is for Liyue, Rex Lapis, and most importantly: the Creator. If this method is true then I can learn a more intimate way to worship them. And if not, then I can keep the creator's reputation pure by utterly destroying Y/N."
Her words are soft and gentle but turn dark near the end as she stares at you seriously. The adepti stay quiet seeming to respect her bold actions even if Cloud Retainer seems just a bit ruffled.
"You said that there are many different offerings to give, all with their own reward. Which one would give the best result?"
"The energy sacrifice would be the most convenient and easiest but it doesn't fit you well due to your lethargic nature. Your body is physically strong so a blood offering would be the best choice."
Ganyu's eyes seem to follow your form as you step closer to the section that contains the instructions for the blood offering. She's no doubt trying to figure out how you could know about that without considering the possibility of you being the Oracle true.
You read it out loud so that everyone is on the same page before looking back at them.
"So let's start with the main things. We'll need a clear area outside along with a ceremonial dagger and cup. I'll wait here and write down all the ritual instructions for future use."
In Genshin you always know a NPC is suspicious when they want to 'wait and write' something while you do the actual work. The distrustful looks they all send you feel the same way.
They leave Ganyu to watch over you while they all leave to prepare the ritual. Deciding to leave Ganyu alone, you go back to jotting down the text into your handbook.
It's quiet to the point of it being uncomfortable yet you diligently finish the notes and simply doodle on the free space. Ganyu's eyes never stop running down your body, you ask yourself if she's even blinking.
"Before I came here to visit, I heard of an incident at Liyue Harbor. About two geovishap hatchlings that went feral and caused a mess. The most interesting part was how the 'winner' displayed its trophy to a masked stranger."
Ah, Ganyu... 3,000 years old and counting half-qilin adeptus with a whole war as experience. Did you ever forget her knowledge? No, you just simply underestimated her resilience to erosion. 
"Is there something you want to ask me about that incident? If so, just spit it out. Communication is important, a secretary like yourself should know that much."
"I have no doubt that you are the person in the incident. I'm conflicted over how you came to your... position. Someone tricking the people is normal and still saddening. But someone trying to trick the adepti? Foolish and stupid. I will stop you either way but just know that I will not stand for your evil actions."
A laugh slips past your lips as your gaze falls onto her firm stance. Gentle and quiet are the words to describe qilin yet the conflict avoiding nature seemed to have skipped Ganyu's genes. 
"Then I hope you repent properly to the creator for refusing to believe their loyal servant for speaking the truth." You move to stand in front of her and stare deeply into her eyes with mirth. "It seems the adepti have already returned. Why don't we get going?"
Not a moment later, Cloud Retainer's voice rings out, calling for you both to come outside. Smiling cheerfully, you follow Ganyu out of Cloud Retainer's home.
The moon's glow tenderly caresses your skin and bandaged arm as the water laps at your legs. The adepti stand on the small patch of land as you and Ganyu trudge across the water. On the table is a clean dagger with intricate gold patterns and a gold chalice decorated with Noctilucous Jade.
Dagger and chalice in hand, you survey the area with a critical eye. Smiling, you point at an area of water.
"The water here is clean and clear so it fits the bill in what the ritual needs. Follow me Ganyu." Not bothering to look back you walk deeper into the water, even still the water only reaches above your knees.
"Words are not needed, only actions. Kneel and choose a place for me to cut you. Your blood has to fill the chalice to the brim."
She goes along with your words and kneels, letting the liquid soak her clothes without complaint. Grabbing ahold of her beautiful white sleeve, she pulls it off, exposing her arm.
"Cut my arm in a long shallow slit so it can be filled quickly without too much damage."
"Alright, let me go over the steps once more as your time is limited once it's filled." With practiced ease, you cut her arm and watch her blood flow into the chalice. Not even a peep escapes her from the pain.
"You'll hold the chalice with both hands raising it into the air to signify that you are offering. Keep your eyes closed and pray for what you wish to communicate to the creator. In this case, you want to pray for the creator to accept your blood offering as the first step to forgiveness. After that you'll just need to follow my lead."
Ganyu nods solemnly and you move the now filled chalice to her hands carefully to avoid spilling it. Her eyelids flutter shut as her hands hold the chalice high in the air. The air seems to still as her lips move to mouth a silent prayer.
The blood that drips down her arm and into the water seems hypnotizing. To think you’d really hurt someone to hide your lie. It's different then the case with Beisht; you hurt Beisht to prove your identity. What you have done to Ganyu is a line you may have to cross again in the future. What if you eventually kill someone to hide your lie? The thought seems ludicrous to you now but so did hurting someone before this moment...
Your thoughts seem to still when the blood dripping from her wound changes in color. No, not just color but in texture too. Those wine red drops shift to a mix of pink and blue. It solidifies into a small glittering object that clinks softly as it hits the water.  
It flashes for a moment before dissolving into water like it never existed. Was that truly what a primogem looked like in real life?
An indescribable feeling swells up in your chest, soft whispers lead your body closer to Ganyu without a fight. Shakily your hands cover hers as that intangible feeling urges you to speak.
'I accept your offering' is nearly spoken but even in this haze of dopamine and serotonin, your self control is firm.
"The Creator accepts your offering." Your words are shaky with unknown emotions. Is this Ganyu's feelings towards you as the creator? It's gentle and rests on your soul like a weighted blanket feebly trying to pull you into a deep sleep.
Reminding yourself of the ritual at hand, you begin to tilt the chalice toward the ground. The scripture never specified what would happen but the sight you receive is beyond what you could expect.
What pours out of the chalice is not scarlet liquid, but thousands of primogems that clink and clank as it hits the water. Just like earlier, it dissolves leaving bubbles that cloud the starry sky that was reflected on the surface.
When the last primogem hits the water, you release Ganyu's hands and step back. You look up at the night sky that begins to glow with color as your voice cuts through the tense silence.
"Open your eyes Ganyu, it's time to see your wish revitalized. The Creator accepted your offering after all."
Coral and lavender eyes open slowly and go wide at the sight of the sky. The chalice is gripped in tightly on her lap as the night blooms with blue and purple wishes.
A single gold star begins to travel through the air at high speeds. Noticing its course you step farther away from Ganyu as she stays kneeling in amazement at the sight.
Before anyone can speak, the gold shooting star hits Ganyu and engulfs her spot with a beam of light. It's harsh on your eyes but the game screen that automatically opens in front of you soothes it.
Ganyu's splash art is the only thing you see before you click it off with a triumphant smile. Skipping through all the other wishes and four star constellations, the game screen and gold light disappear at the same time.
A shocked and confused Ganyu could be expected. A quietly happy and thankful Ganyu was expected. But the half qilin adeptus silently bawling her eyes out as she stays kneeling in the water was what greeted you instead.
The other adepti don't hesitate to move to your area with inhuman speed from where they were watching. You expected Mountain Shaper to be the first one to attack you as Moon Carver stands protectively in front of Ganyu but it seems the adepti didn't like to respond logically.
Sharp talons wrapped around your neck as the weight of the crane pushes you back onto the water. The unexpected submersion has you coughing uncontrollably underwater as your body seems to be weighed down by something invisible.
Fingers dig into your throat as blurry yells make your heart pound with panic.
"It's all your fault!" 
"None of this would have happened if you didn't exist!"
"Should have just let me do what I want with you, you pathetic fuck!"
Sickle in hand your attacks are choppy as the electro sputters in and out of existence. The fingers turn into a bruising, clawed grip once more as your free hand grabs a fistful of feathers.
The crane is pulled away and by extension you're pulled out of the water too. The water droplets make your vision blur as you try to calm your hyperventilation into something less vulnerable.
Cloud Retainer is held back by all three adepti as she squawks with indignation. The ringing in your ears prevents you from hearing anything more than, "One has not seen Ganyu cry in such a way since she was a child!"
Ganyu seems more than embarrassed as she repeatedly tells Cloud Retainer something you can't be bothered to make out. Your nails dig into the blood and feathers in your hand as you stare at the missing patch of feathers on Cloud Retainers body.
You're cold, wet, hungry, and so very tired but that bald patch you left on the noisy crane makes you feel happy in a vengeful way. If you weren't still reeling from the near death experience you would have loved to comment on her new preen.
The situation seems to calm down as Ganyu and the rest explain something thoroughly to Cloud Retainer. It's obvious that she had gone on a rampage due to Ganyu's reaction without bothering to view the situation in full. A rare mistake for someone as meticulous as her.
With care and concern only for the present, you move to the edge of the mountain and stare out across the sky. The view of Liyue is muddled yet enhanced by the starry sky. The grass under your shoes is welcome in comparison to the pond that nearly swallowed you whole.
Your fingers mindlessly pick at the healing scabs and bruises from the treasure hoarder fiasco. The grimace on your face is not from the pain of the jostled arm but the uncomfortable feeling of wet bandages. Carefully, your fingers trace the new talon marks on your neck that you gained from Cloud Retainer. Should you get hurt by Moon Carver too, to collect wounds from all three?
The grass crunches behind you and you already know what is about to happen. Your eyebrows pinch in worry and your gaze rarely leaves the floor as the adepti stand face to face with them.
"I'm so sorry for my reaction earlier. I was so surprised and overjoyed that the sacrifice convinced the Creator to awaken me that I reacted in such a shameful way. It's due to my failure to keep my emotions in check that you got hurt. Please forgive me."
Your mind is blank but your body is well versed in what to do, what lies to say. Softening eyes are steady with Ganyu's as your fingers gingerly touch the claw marks.
"I understand Ganyu, the creator's grace is an amazing thing. Be sure to serve them properly from now on." With a near patronizing tone you speak to the adepti as a whole.
"Don't you see what damage you had done to me? The creator is love, peace, justice and truth. I hope you don't think they'll let Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper off easy for harming me who has taken on such a heavy and dangerous burden."
Facades are only good if you know how to upkeep and keep track of them. If you act like some soft pushover now, they'll be suspicious. You slide into the control seat of the spider web of lies you've created as easily as breathing. 
Rest? Mental breakdowns? Dissociative states? Hallucinations from past traumatic experiences? All of those things must be pushed into the crevice in your mind. The same crevice that seems to grow deeper and darker with each passing year since your birth. Those thoughts can consume you when you're safe, if that day ever comes.
They react exactly as you expected; haughty but thoroughly humbled with seeds of self doubt planted in their hearts. Breaking even a fraction of their pride in their fake-ass devotion brings a longing for them to crumble even more.
You go along with conversation while conserving as much energy as possible. Ganyu was the only one with enough sensibility to apologize to you so why should you care about the rest of them? If they had Ganyu carry and apologize in their stead then they should be just as fine with you only giving her actual attention.
Pointing out this fact seemed to stun them into a tense silence. Your body naturally goes on edge expecting some sort of attack but nothing comes. Instead they present you with a few apologies without using words.
"As a faithful servant of the Creator, you are welcomed anytime in Jueyun Karst, as well as any other areas that would be deemed off-limits within our authority."
"Why not stay in One's home for the night after the enlightening events that have occurred today? One is not a careless host and will be sure to provide all that you need during your stay."
It honestly wasn't a bad idea, your mind and body were not fit for teleporting to Liyue and setting up camp. You accepted the offer despite knowing that the sleep you will get will not be fulfilling.
The conversations they hold as you are fed and tended to flow in one ear and out the other. The most notable information you picked up was how they wanted to try the method themself and even spread it to Xiao in hopes of the creator lessening his karmic debt.
It's Ganyu that accompanies you to a guest room that Cloud Retainer somehow managed to not make messy. The other adepti seem to think that you like her in some way when little to their knowledge, you're simply fond of her.
Not in the way that you want to be near or interact with her. She apologized for being part of the reason you were attacked. She still hasn't apologized for all her previous rude actions. You liked her the same way as you did on Earth. Only as a character.
A voice whispers that it's better than how you refuse to associate with Ei in any way.
You lay down on a clean mattress in the comforting silence of the night. You're dry, warm, full, and comfortable yet still as on edge as before. The eyebags you wear are not from random all-nighters but from the never-ending cycle of lying for a living. Both on Earth and on Teyvat.
Sleep doesn't come easy, not with the constant fear of talons holding you down. Nor with the unease of amber cutting through your skin. Rest comes in spurts of deep sleep before hands are choking you again back into the waking world. 
Sometimes you wish you could forget who your family was too.
Your internal clock is all sorts of confused as you wake up for the 50th time. Judging by the lack of discomfort in your body, you couldn't have slept more than an hour. 
Pale green glows in the corner of your eyes making you speed into sitting position. You catch the faintest glimpse of a horned masked bearing large fangs and glowing teal eyes. 
You blink at the spot as your breath is harsh even to your own ears. Was it real? Was he here? Why would he be?
For what reason would he watch you sleep if not to investigate?
The cool mask calms your clammy skin. If he had looked under it, you wouldn't be here anyway. It's that morbid thought that brings you peace. 
How ironic.
Knowing that sleep will not come to you for a while, you get dressed and follow the vague memory of the path Ganyu took when bringing you to the guest room. 
It leads to the domain doors to the outside and the brush of your fingertips on the stone doors has it moving smoothly. The early morning sun warms the stone walkway as you exit into the free space.
The sight of the pond trudges up memories of yesterday. With a bright smile and light footsteps, you hurry down the staircase and jump over the water with ease.
"-yet how could we possibly forget such a vital ritual?" "One suspects larger factors are at play." "The records in our abodes should show-"
Catching the near ending of such a serious conversation, you slow down as they all turn to look at you.
"Awake already Y/N? Would you like a light breakfast?" Ganyu is the first to speak, the other adepti are surely still examining you. Now far more lucid than last night you are positive that having another meal with them would be a true nightmare.
"I'm not hungry when it's so early so I'll pass for now. There are many private duties that the creator asks of me and it would be best that I get straight to it. Yet there's a slight problem."
The adepti seem to tense up in unison, not that they are wrong for doing so. You've been a consistent thorn in their side since you met Mountain Shaper.
"You see, my body has not fully recovered from the injuries that I received from fighting the treasure hoarders. And with the how rough I was handled by you all, my injuries were reopened."
The wind ruffles your hair as if highlighting the bruise and talon marks. Your left hand is pressed against your chest making the sun shine on the bandaged arm. The parts of damaged exposed skin are the icing on the cake.
"Then what is it that you desire oracle of the beloved? Do you wish to check on the children that were saved?" Mountain Shaper's voice is like ice. Sharp when cold like yesterday but smooth when controlled correctly.
It was a good thing you slept, even if it was sucky. You almost missed out on such a great bargaining chip!
"That is one thing I plan to do when I head to the city but there's a few things before that. Since you're already offering to take me then it would be a great help if you can take me to this location."
Shamelessly you hold out the map in your handbook with the only commission location left.
Increasing Danger - Hilichurls are building towers in the circled area. Destroy these towers for the safety of the people.
Mountain Shaper sighs tiredly and is about to respond when you cut him off on purpose. 
"Oh and those ceremonial tools we used in the ritual yesterday? I need them. The creator is an all-loving deity that would never desire to push away the innocent and loyal beings in Teyvat unless they deserved it. The creator wishes to conduct more rituals if necessary."
Cloud Retainer seems to stare at you in shock at the forceful way you pushed for the items you desire. The dagger and chalice glint in the sunlight as she resists the urge to hide them from your greedy eyes.
"But before you drop me off for good at my commission site, I'll need you all to help me activate the teleport waypoints. There's no way I'm climbing those mountains again. Besides, the creator blessed you all with such power, how could you not use it to support a fellow devotee?"
Your smile widens to bare all your teeth as Moon Carver avoids looking directly at you. They may be reluctant but you always make sure to have your debts be paid with interest. The price for hurting, exhausting, and stressing you out is not one to sneeze at either.
Quite a few teleport waypoints were activated with the dagger and chalice safely in your bag. Adeptus powers really were useful in situations like these. Within half an hour you had activated enough to safely teleport around Jueyun Karst without fear of running into the adepti again.
As Mountain Shaper sets you down nearby the hilichurl camp and towers for your commission, his curiosity finally gets the best of him.
"For what reason did you discolor so many teleport waypoints?"
"I can teleport using them due to the creator's blessing. Now that I activated them, I can teleport to all of your mountains whenever I want to visit!"
Each word you say with a cheerful grin seems to send him deeper into agony. He nods tightlipped and flies away. The wind brings his muttered words to your words. 
"A vacation is in order. A vacation for as long as possible."
Messing with the adepti was really fun. You just hoped that they would go on vacation permanently, your job would be much easier that way.
All you have left is to finish this commission, teleport to the waypoint near the harbor's entrance and get your money. Simple as that. Opening the game window from your safe viewing spot of the hilichurl camp, you begin to review all the books on hilichurls.
First and foremost, thank you to the editor of this chapter @serpent-benediction! He was a huge help even if he terrorized me the whole time </3
It gives me more time to add some fun stuff like italics and bold. Stories pack more of a punch with flair, in my eyes at least. All the improvements to the chapter are his work like capitalizing Oracle and Creator. We did debate on whether adepti was species or title. So yall are free to give your opinion on which it is and whether it should be capitalized. I'm glad to see that (almost) all the build-up to the adepti part is finished. Well for the adepti at least. I was like dead tired after the choking part so that's why it may be a bit wonky. Now that I'm not pressed for time (yet. Sep is coming soon) I wanted to thank everyone for staying this long in the series! I love reading and responding to comments. I love reading the notes and/or tags from reblogs. I don't know if I should respond to reblogs like I do to comments. Cause I see some really in-depth reblogs that I wanna respond to but I end up not doing that thanks to my thoughts of-'Is that weird, strange or uncomfortable?' I just don't wanna scare anyone off. And for those that might wonder why Y/N was choking here but not with Beisht, it's due to Retainer. Retainer was using her adeptus power to pressure the water against Y/N which caused the drowning and bruises. I hope that clears it up a lil!
I'm a dumbass, I forgot the taglist. That's why it looked so short in my eyes. Everyone is allowed to yell at me for this (except for my editor) Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado
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scoobydoodean · 1 month
hot take ig but… dean wanting to contain jack was not cruel or even a bad idea…
first, it was not just dean’s idea. sam agreed, and cas had basically the same idea, just using the cage instead. but for some reason everybody ignores this!! second, containing dangerous people is what they always do. sam and cas have done so to dean. the s5 finale was all about locking up a dangerous powerful being. and there are other examples! third, jack was the most powerful being in the universe and had no soul meaning no ability to discern right from wrong. he was killing people! and they’ve always seen soulless people as dangerous. dean was willing to let sam die via the process of returning his soul bc he saw that soulless sam was not sam. and sam agreed!
like. yes dean was not handling the situation well, let alone gently, so i understand why sam and cas were frustrated. but his mother had just been killed (and ftr i do think cas was being kind of insensitive about it), and jack was still killing other people. dean’s allowed to be angry. he was being outwardly meaner, but sam was agreeing with him (he said a part of him wanted jack dead!) up until the point that dean actually agreed to kill jack for chuck.
idk i just feel like people really exaggerate dean’s actions in this situation especially in comparison to what sam and cas were saying and/or doing too. so i’m just wondering what you think of all of this? do you think dean was “right” or was he overreacting? or do you think the audience is too hard on dean (as always :/) about this? could this be another version of samdela effect? cause i feel like people misremember what the others were saying/doing in order to put more on dean…
also omg i just realized how long this became, so so sorry for the long rant!! if you can respond, thank you!
*opens my coat* would you care for some memes?
I will take your hot take and flambé it. When it comes to this subject, I don't feel inclined to be patient with fandom or carefully lay anything out piece by piece. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a betrayal it was to put Jack in the box and how mean and evil and abusive it was blah blah blah cry me a river. I was there watching when that episode aired and saw how stupid everyone was about that episode in real time and it was annoying then and it continues to be annoying that almost no one seems to bother putting a single granule of thought into this episode or what Sam and Dean were thinking or what the stakes actually were. And yeah—it was not just Dean who did that despite the samdela effect hard at work causing people to insist Dean somehow forced Sam to go along with him when that categorically did not happen.
People act like Jack was just standing there shitting rainbows and unicorns out of his ass and Dean turned around and strangled him to death for it. What happened was Soulless Jack killed Sam and Dean's mom and then went off and turned someone into a pillar of salt for being an atheist and filled someone else's body with worms to punish them for not wanting to be turned into an angel. Then he showed up at the bunker trying to make nice in the most hauntingly emotionless way possible—calling killing Mary an accident and then in his next breath saying he snapped and killed her because she threatened to reveal that the manner in which he killed Nick was scary and disturbed. In other words—he made it very clear to Mary's sons that murdering her was not actually a fucking accident at all even while he was calling it one.
Jack: I know -- I know things have been bad. A-And, if it helps, I regret it. The accident. Sam: The -- The accident? Jack: What happened to Mary. She kept talking about my soul, t-that I didn't have a soul, and she kept pushing. Dean: Oh, so she made you do it. Jack: No, it -- it was me, but I didn't want this no-soul thing to become an issue between us. I guess I snapped. Before I knew it, it was all over. Dean: "It" being the accident.
So Sam and Dean tricked him (the most powerful being in all creation) into getting in a box and he sat in there for 10 minutes. Oh no. How horrible.
A lot of the stupid fandom response to this is rooted in the babyfication of Jack that ran rampant within fandom at the time and continues in many circles. I happen to like Jack, and when I say that, I mean that I actually like him, and not the fanon adultbabydestiellovechild the fandom invented who has the emotional and mental capacity of a two year old and can't understand the difference between right and wrong. The real Jack did understand, and the real Jack would be (and was when he returned) horrified by what soulless Jack did (and for more than just how it would impact him). Jack was always an emotional person who struggled to control great power, but he had a strong moral compass and he loved people. That Jack would never have subjected someone to the twisted biblical punishments soulless Jack did for the crime of not believing in god or in him???? That Jack would have thrown Dumah into a wall in a rage for the mere suggestion he kill people over their beliefs and said, "You're hurting people". That Jack also would have wanted Sam and Dean to lock him up to protect others.
Some of the fandom problem with this also has to do the soulless lore as a whole and the constant usage of Donatello as the "soulless people can manage" poster child. Which ignores not only soulless Jack's actual behavior and how deeply dangerous his powers make him, but... pretty much every other soulless person we ever saw in the series, from soulless Sam, to numerous victims of Amara who turned into raging murderers in season 11 after she ate their souls. Hell though—the same people who insist soulless Jack was some poor little baby who just needed gentle parenting probably also think there was nothing wrong with soulless Sam despite the fact that he watched his brother be assaulted multiple times and seemed to actively enjoy it. Just normal Sam things, right? Donatello is the exceptional soulless person—not the rule—and it's because it isn't in his best interest to make trouble.
The idea that soulless Jack could be molded was suggested by Cas, but he also (as you pointed out) ended up inquiring about putting Jack in The Cage, instead of the Ma'lak box (and after the Ma'lak box was destroyed, so it wasn't an option anymore).
Lbr—the misogyny also jumped out in this string of episodes. Countless posts one after the other about how stupid Mary was and how it was all her fault and Jack did nothing wrong. How dare she make Jack angry. God forbid. What a stupid, frail, illogical woman. She deserved to die long before that anyway because she was a terrible mother, right? I mean it was obvious this sort of nonsense would come from the fandom in advance, given how many people had meltdowns over Dean shooting Jack in the back (something that didn't hurt Jack in the least) to get him to stop strangling a black store clerk to death in 13.23. As always, the imagined frail little fee fees of the white adult baby that fans invented must supersede other people's lives. Jack should be allowed to throw whatever tantrums he wants and kill anyone he wants during them and in response, Dean should shush him and start singing lullabies and carry him to a rocking chair to nurse.
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mummer · 1 year
i love the scenario where theon escapes winterfell at the end of clash and joins the watch, just so much. cause like what does he expect. he gets to castle black and it's fucking abandoned for the ranging. he is going through infinite ego death from flopping so bad so he's being even more self obsessed than usual. everyone there hates him for being evil and fashion forward, he hates them for being commoners, the only person he makes friends with is fucking rast or something... but he's a lord's son so it's not like they can do anything about him.... jon comes back but can't retaliate against the alleged child-murdering either because he's a traitor and has no standing. they form an awful uneasy alliance during mance's attack because theon actually is useful with a bow but he's the most STUPID ANNOYING man alive, they're both praying the other dies in battle, doing convoluted shenanigans to arrange this, sticking their feet out to trip each other up, etc. But theyve known each other their whole lives and are the only connection to winterfell they have left so like theres still tension in desperate times maybe. jon continues trying to figure out ways to secretly have him murdered until he becomes LC and then he cant anymore because it'd be bad optics. Well off to eastwatch you go my boy please please please please die. and to his credit theon probably leads the hardhome expedition in an attempt to prove his leadership capabilities and his fervent disbelief in the existence of zombies and then fucking dies of zombies.
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all-pacas · 4 months
stupid chase 13 self indulgent sibling shit:
13 is the first one to jokingly refer to chase as her brother. except she calls him her younger brother. chase is like super touched but also hi i'm older than you "sure you are buddy". it's like an ironic "haha we're not actually siblings" joke except secretly no. it's not ironic
13 also has made at least a couple "let's go find dad" jokes about house. she finds it funny and deeply annoying that house and chase don't seem to Get It. it's very obvious to her that chase's deepest dream is for house to pat his shoulder and say "i'm proud my son" but they deny it
at least once 13 has pat chase's shoulder and gone "i'm proud my son"
at least once though. at least one time. "i killed my older brother." "i abandoned my younger sister to rehab." like they know. all their darkest shit. they don't want to be siblings because they did terrible things to their families. but it's why they are
they text. she's constantly sending him photos from her greek island. the food. the beach. look how hot my girlfriend is. he's in the middle of some gross procedure and gets a text of a beautiful sunset. he sends back a photo of a urine sample or some gross wound
when chase quit at the end of s8 and 13 swung by the next episode to talk with wilson the next day? she was staying with chase while she was in town. they mostly just hung out and watched nature documentaries. when wilson called she was like "oh i just happen to be in new jersey, let's meet up" while wearing sweats and sitting on chase's sofa
chase offers to kill her since house is gone and can't. they come up with a rough timeline and plan and then never discuss it again. until it's time.
at least a few dark "oh, shit, i'm wilson now, aren't i?" jokes from her in return. shit, the new house has a dying best friend too! except with so much less sexual tension!! they joke because they can't bring themselves to be serious about it. she tries to set him up with new friends. big advocate for choreman
idk but i get the feeling they'd watch crappy reality tv together.
they'll sometimes just have the darkest and most serious 1 am conversations about morality and souls and what makes a person good or evil, and then the next time they see one another instead of following up it's just "did you see real housewives last night"
chase has never asked 13 for a favor. like he'll ask her little things or let her pay for lunch, but that's about it. meanwhile she can call him at 2 am and he'll show up no questions asked. maybe kind of grumpy about it tho. kind of pisses her off he never lets her return the favor and sort of shut himself off emotionally after s6. but also it's nice? not the "chase's turn towards cynicism" part, but having a standing no questions asked deal.
when he annoys her enough, 13 DOES call chase "robbie" or worse "bobby" but he's never called her by her first name and probably never will
he didn't tell her he got stabbed and she was mad about it because see above. that was a real bobby day
chase knows she doesn't want to fuck around with more huntington's trials but he reads EVERY article and EVERY journal, just in case some miracle comes up. 13 meanwhile follows fake african country politics with a weird intensity to make sure diabla's forces aren't regaining power. they never discuss either thing with one another.
first time 13 visited Chase MD office she forced him to pose in front of the door and took like 15 photos like it was bobby's first day of school. absolutely humiliating
chase goes to 13 and amy's wedding. he's the only one of the PPTH folks who do (taub sends a card. they forgot to tell foreman.)
once 13 was like "we're both hot and single and should do what hot, single people do!" "....have...sex...?" "no, go to a gay bar" they actually go quite a few times
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shadowpeachceo · 8 months
Ninjago incorrect quotes Garmadad
Lloyd: What are you doing here?
Emperor Garmadon: I could ask you the same question.
Lloyd: I live here. This is my house.
Emperor Garmadon: I should probably ask you a different question.
Lord Garmadon: I’m going to hell.
Lloyd: Probably.
Lord Garmadon: I'll pick you up?
Lloyd: *nodding* Carpool.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Sensei Garmadon: *types in Lloyd*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Sensei Garmadon: How fucking DARE YOU-
Emperor Garmadon: Quick! You must come with me! Your in great danger!
Lloyd: Why?!
Emperor Garmadon: Because I’ll kill you if you don’t.
Lil Lloyd: Help! I’m drowning!
Lord Garmadon: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
Lil Lloyd: But that’s censorship.
Lord Garmadon: Well done. You are correct. You’re being censored. Now go.
Sensei Garmadon: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Lloyd: Which one? I can't do both.
Emporer Garmadon: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Lloyd: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Lil Lloyd: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Lord Garmadon: You sleep with a teddybear.
Lord Garmadon: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon.
Lil Lloyd: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic.
Lord Garmadon: You and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Lloyd in season 4: *About to do something incredibly stupid*
Sensei Garmadon: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Lil Lloyd: Hand me the people opener.
Lord Garmadon: ...
Lord Garmadon: Pardon?
Lil Lloyd, annoyed: The g! Just hand it to me!
Lord Garmadon, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER?
Lil Lloyd: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle?
Lord Garmadon: Knife. It's called a knife.
*Lord Garmadon raised Lloyd Au*
Lil Lloyd: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Lord Garmadon: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Lloyd: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Lord Garmadon: What did you do?!
Lloyd: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Garmadon: Oh no.
Lloyd: More like "oh yes!"
Lloyd: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like?
Sensei Garmadon: Do you make any other kind?
Season 3 Garmadon: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Season 11 Lloyd: Killed without hesitation.
Emperor Garmadon: If we lose, you'll go back to not being my son.
Lloyd: I was your son again?
Movie Garmadon: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
Movie Lloyd: Yes?
Movie Garmadon: We’re in too deep.
Sensei Garmadon: How has life been treating you lately?
Movie Lloyd: Horribly.
Movie Garmadon: What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
Show Lloyd: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you.
Movie Garmadon: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better.
Movie and show Lloyd: ...
*movieverse At the police station*
Movie Lloyd: Hi, I’m here for Lord Garmadon.
Police officer: Who’s Garmadon?
movie Lloyd: Ah, you must be new.
Sensei Garmadon: How are you today?
Oni Lloyd: Please don’t make me think about my life.
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dangermousie · 4 months
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I genuinely love the relationship between Fan Xian and Fan Si Zhe. He really is a good older brother to him. And FSZ is a good younger brother. I genuinely love how JoL subverts the typical trope of evil legitimate brother/stepmom. They are family.
I mean, look at stepmom here. She's not even annoyed, she just accepts that this is how Fan Xian is. Because she knows he treats her son well and is a good older brother for him and that is all she needs/wants in order to be a good stepmom - Fan Xian made her son's life better and his relationship with his dad better (n1 wish of FZS) and so she's Team Fan Xian. This is so human and so real but too many narratives would create stupid battles instead.
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I love this scene because once again, it's Fan Xian pushing Daddy to express his affection to FSZ because he knows how badly FSZ wants it and in a way it's Fan Xian's gift for the long trip FSZ has to go on (and compensation for the fact that FSZ is only in trouble because of Second Prince gunning for Fan Xian) and just...
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The way FSZ's face is expectant and then falls, ouch.
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But then...
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FSZ is gonna live on this, you just know.
There is something in my eye...
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romeave · 3 months
I'd argue it's more complex then just reverse Laurance treatment.
It's either reverse Laurance treatment or the mystreet Zane treatment
As I have seen many people attempt to redeem Zane, despite no basis for doing so. And making him pathetic for a while to then redeem him.
Completely neglecting the harm he caused and all blaming it on Garte.
People refuse to see a middle ground, and understand he isn't all likeable and isn't all unlikeable either.
I feel the trait of Zane that gets erased the most is his sass though, the "toodles".
I'd argue mcd Zane is pretty charismatic at first-
But I have yet to see anyone portray this at all
ah true. i wrote that at like 2 am. i just saw laur in the post and made shit up. but yeah mys zane applies more to zane redemption stories whereas reverse laur is very much villian zane territory.
i think redeeming zane is possible, but i've rarely seen it done well. making him kind of pathetic isn't inherently a bad move, but canon zane at his most pathetic is also zane at his most resilient. weakness just makes him more desperate to succeed by any means necessary, bluffing his little heart out to keep himself a threat. bro literally got murdered and jumped right back into negotiating with his murderer's reanimated corpse he is not a pity partier.
the garte thing is annoying but unavoidable as zane is fictional white pretty boy with a shit dad. canon also has a tendency to do the opposite, blaming zane for everything garte did and turning him into a poor old sick father who was a manipulated by his evil son by the halfway point in s2 (a theory presented by aph, who has never met garte in her whole life, usually used to explain away events that happened while zane was stuck in a different dimension) so it could also be an overcorrection for that.
ever since mystreet aired there's been this weird attempt to seperate mcd zane and mys zane as if they're two different characters, and revoking mcd zane's sass privileges was part of that. which sucks and is bad. zane's unwavering sass is his most consistent character trait throughout every series he's in removing it is like removing his dumb emo bangs or that stupid mask. not the same
he was!! i think it gets missed bc aph doesn't find him charismatic/mys zane but his charisma is actually pretty crucial to his plans succeeding so getting rid of it is a weird choice (looking at you Rebirth)
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skz-sage · 8 months
skz + sage 5star moments (maknae line)
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a/n: my apolo cheese for being absent. i do really want to continue writing for sage! i have so many ideas. as always, any requests are welcome! please leave them in my ask box :) if i get enough love i MIGHT do lalalala era version
jisung and sage do a vlog together so sages little series where she posts vlogs every few weeks. this days guest was jisung. every time you put these two together it’s absolute mayhem. literally in every video with jisung and sage they’re giggling, screaming laughing, it’s always happy-going with them. in this vlog it shows them going to practice, the convenience store and to the park. one of the highlights in this vlog is sage and jisung walking into the store and sage says “it’s on me, get whatever.” you can immediately see the sparkle in jisung’s eyes eyes. in subtitles she put “princess peter han~”. you can tell sage was getting worried the more and more jisung added things to the basket. she waited a little more to say “hey! i’m not made of money!” she scolded him. which made him laugh. you could tell he was doing it to mess with her. it didn’t matter because at the end they had a romantic picnic at the park with their snacks.
this moment consist of felix and sage getting their makeup done next to each other. they were the last two to have their makeup done. because sage is a girl, her makeup takes a little longer than the rest of the boys. felix has this cute thing where when they’re getting their makeup done next to each other, felix will stay behind and talk sages ear off. sage took a time-lapse type of video, recording felix just talking, doing nothing just annoying miju. all she really did was nod and make small replies. it’s not that she didn’t like felix doing this, it just who sage is. she could be so interested in what you’re saying but she’ll give half-assed replies. minho gets on her ass a lot for it. she later posted onto her personal instagram the video and pictures she took of him next to her. she captioned it “yongbok? more like yongboring 😒”
for this specific part of the mv, sage had to act surprised. for an odd reason it took sage a while to get it right. of course, seungmin found it soooo amusing. just from him staring at him with a grin, she could tell exactly what was going on in his head. this would go in a compilation of “seungmin staring at sage for 30 minutes”. oh he was evil, but she loved him. the camera man will go over to seungmin and he’s laugh to the camera, mocking sage’s attempts to act shocked. “she’s endearing.. but a little stupid.” this made stays be like “HUH?? JESUS HES SO MEAN TO HER”, but no this is just how sage and seungmin joke around. they’re brutal towards each other. later on when it was seungmin on camera and sage watching, she shook her head and sighed. “he’s really pretty, stay. but he’s horrible towards me. you should always love me more.” she joked with a straight face towards the camera.
in the 5star concept pics, jeongin and sage were paired together. the visuals they gave were astronauts, intergalactic, out of the world. it had the members talking out it for weeks. went from “she’s so gorgeous!” to “miju where did the years go? you’re all grown up!” which she hears often… it drives her crazy. in the dressing room, jeongin left behind an expensive silver necklace. with a note from jeongin saying “for miju~ ♡”. of course jeongin checked with staff to make sure she can wear it during the photoshoot. of course she gave her best visuals in the photoshoot, as she always does. after the shoot her and jeongin went out to restaurant and sage still had the necklace on. later jeongin would post on his instagram a picture of his kiss-stained cheek and the culprit? son miju.
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writer-room · 10 months
Since people really liked This post I made of my silly little ideas on how Peacemaker still has these little hints of Darkstalker in him, I decided, yeah, I'll throw out my other, more specific ones! Why not. I'm free
Peacemaker's a VERY charming little lad! At first to everyone else this was really cute, why, they just wanna gobble him up! He's such a big dork who always knows just the right things to say, it's probably why most dragonets get along with him so well! His mother isn't so thrilled, though. Her son is quite charming, isn't he? A little too purposeful with his words. A well-placed compliment, seemingly giving up on a subject he's now implanted into someones head, a casual comment that sounded too detailed to be thought of on the spot. He's never malicious (or, at least, nothing more than annoying when dealing with rather rude dragons), but it makes Hope paranoid to know that, well, they never truly erased Darkstalker's personality. That little dragon is still in there. And that boy could talk the very queen off her throne if he was just given enough time. He's not a big, stupid brute. He never was. And he knows it.
He's far from guilt-free. In fact he's usually the kid encouraging troublesome behavior. When he's little it's usually nothing more than stealing some extra strawberries or rallying a few RainWing dragonets to melt a wall so they could listen in on adult conversations Moon seemed to have a lot. But it gets a little concerning as he ages. Pushing dragons to use their abilities for whatever they wanted, because it was their powers, they should use it as they deem fit! He didn't get why older dragons scolded him when the new NightWings born under the moons kept reading everyones private thoughts or RainWings would sneak away for long periods of time who-knows-where after they got good at camouflage. He wasn't bothered by it, why should everyone else? It's not like it would turn them evil or anything.
He's very good with younger dragonets! When he was little it got him a lot of friends, and a way for the younger generations of RainWings and NightWings to connect, literally and metaphorically through their shared hybrid! When he was a little older, it made him a popular village babysitter, especially since he was really good with dragonets that had different or specific needs. He was particularly encouraging of the new NightWing dragonets being born with powers due to being under the moons again. Parents were relieved he wasn't weirded out or jealous, just quietly listening to them talk and offering advice they found oddly very helpful, even more than Moon's.
On that note, he was so excited when the SilkWings showed up! Sure, the new dragons were really weird, and he'd never seen ones without wings, but that was okay! Flying wasn't really needed in the rainforest, anyway, maybe they'd be even better! He was one of the first dragonets to openly walk up to the new kids, and he asked a lot of questions, but he was generally quite curious and super proud to boast about his home, friends, and, of course, himself. Eventually he got along with little LeafWings and HiveWings as well, particularly Bumblebee, although...he was rather twitchy when he heard about the HiveWings ancestor Clearsight, how she loved an old version of them, creating the tribe that is today. Odd.
The only thing dragons will consistently say is unnerving about him, aside from how many find him intimidating on size and shape from a distance, is his eyes. Nothing inherently odd about them, they just look like dark, silvery NightWing eyes. But everyone always swears theres something off about them. Like they were placed in the wrong head. Uncanny. Eyes, they say, that feel like they belonged on someone much older, and far sadder. Everyone in the rainforest says that, at least. If you asked that IceWing by the mountain Peacemaker and his friends picked berries from, she'd swear his eyes weren't sad. They were enraged. Compared only to the soldiers she fought in the War of the SandWing Succession, compacted together on the face of a young, smiling dragonet.
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alishaaxo · 1 month
I’m sorry ur dealing with stupid team black ppl that aren’t willing to listen to you, to read canon laws in the books, and that accuse u of being a misogynist over fucking fiction 🩷🩷 like I’m genuinely so annoyed for u and u deserve wag begged
honestly the only thing between team green and team black imo, is that you are more likely to be team green if you think laws are more important and team black if you think the kings words is important!
like thats it!! i get ppl having a different opinion, but like thats NO excuse to start calling stuff like a simple opinion misogyny.
both fandom sides are heavily misogynistic anyway and thats a huge problem in of itself!
some ppl are preferring aegon due to misogyny’s sake but imo i feel like misogyny was more prevalent in the decision for the great council with rhaenys and viserys, cos by ALL RIGHTS, it should be her throne! but when it comes to rhaenyra-aegon, it has not only been established by the 101 great-council that men have precedent, but younger son over elder daughter has been followed for decades by the targs!!
also on a side note, its so weird to me how people treat the valyrians and first-men as super feminists compared to the “evil” andals, when like cregan stark literally usurps his granddaughter’s position as heir with his second son, just like jaehaerys i did!! the andals let women be heirs, like jeyne arryn, anya waynwood, tanda stokeworth and rhea royce (my beloved)!!!
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year
Mar's BBC vs Book Canon Musketeers Assession: a Short Yet Comprehensive Guide
(read under the cut!)
bbc d'Artagnan: baby. has not done anything wrong in his life ever, actual angel, just very stupid.
book d'Artagnan: has the power of god and anime on his side, most annoying little bitch you'll ever meet, broke, has a stupid horse, perpetually single.
bbc Athos: depressed older brother figure that's not-so-secretly very soft and loving of his found family and would die to protect them, also still horny for one Milady de Winter. Carries the communal garrison braincell.
book Athos: drunk misogynist who yearns for death and whose only reason to live is his son Raoul. All his braincells have committed self-murder.
bbc Porthos: feisty ray of sunshine who has never had a single evil thought in that silly head of his, actually quite clever, complicated and emotional, deserves the world.
book Porthos: vainest person you'll ever meet, doesn't know when to shut up, sugar baby who cares only about himself (and maybe Aramis), has not had a single intelligent thought in his entire existence.
bbc Aramis: cinnamon roll, golden retriever, actually quite clever, troublemaker who can't keep it in his pants, lovable self-sacrificial idiot who would get himself killed in a heartbeat to save his loved ones, brightest smile in all of Paris. Invented bisexuality.
book Aramis: mean, edgy, probably secretly a vampire, would sell you to satan for one (1) corn chip, one bad day away from going on a murder spree. Also invented bisexuality.
bbc Treville: exasperated dad.
book Treville: extremely exasperated dad.
bbc Cardinal: genius evil mastermind played by Peter Capaldi.
book Cardinal: genius evil mastermind sadly not played by Peter Capaldi.
bbc Rochefort: worst person you'll ever fucking meet, arguably the only downgrade in the show.
book Rochefort: sneaky lil bastard that's also the bestieTM, we stan.
bbc Constance: feminist icon, beautiful queen I'd kill and die for, gaslight gatekeep girlboss.
book Constance: she's just there and then she dies ig.
bbc Milady: my cunning evil murderwife, would die for her, deserves the world.
book Milady: actually I believe Athos should have strangled her with his own hands, fuck her.
bbc Bonacieux: evil greasy little man, fuck him.
book Bonacieux: he's just... kinda... there I guess? Idk man Dumas looked at the Bonacieuxs and went "nah".
bbc Louis: annoying little shit but he's kinda cute and nice sometimes
book Louis: manchild, just There ig.
bbc Anne: radiant angel who has done nothing wrong in her life ever and she's also perfection itself.
book Anne: literal drama queen.
bbc Grimaud: hot evil emo dude, idk what his problem was tho
book Grimaud: actually he just doesn't get paid enough for this shit so if he wanted to murder Athos like in the show I'd understand that lmao
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thegreymoon · 3 months
The Double
Doing another episode of this because of that stupid beautiful man.
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I'm not sure I will last the full show here because it's so corny but I'll definitely enjoy the aesthetics for as long as I stay.
Beautiful place 💚
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Perfect manicure on a dead nun that we are supposed to believe was doing hard labour for the past ten years 🤣🤣
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This show is such delightful nonsense.
Corpse aesthetics are back!
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This looks like the grave Taxian-jun dug for himself under the haitang tree.
She's dumb, can't act and has the most annoying baby face.
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Very beautiful.
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There is no ghost.
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It's the evil nun sneaking out to meet her lover. That is why she smells different and why no other nuns are allowed outside at night. Tong is a moron.
LMAO, it's the idiot aunt from Minglan 🤣🤣
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I'm still mad we never saw what happened to her and her idiot husband. Hopefully, they were kicked out of the house, arrested and sent into exile to join their idiot rapist son.
Perfume of seduction, LMAO.
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Anyway, called it. Not that it's much of an accomplishment, they were signalling the affair to outer space.
Helloooooo, beautiful! 😍
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I am watching this drama for the plot, I promise! 🤞🤞
I am cackling 🤣🤣
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When he went, "Go ahead, do it! It will only add to your sentence," I couldn't stop laughing 🤣🤣
Aww, so he has been in love with her for a while.
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Girl, your husband just tried to kill you with a shovel.
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Let's not be too judgemental here, at least he's hot 🔥🔥
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I can't believe this show survived Chinese censorship to give us explicit sex scenes 😅
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LMAO, she did it, I love it 🤣🤣
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Enjoy prison, evildoer!
Strategically fainting, LMAO 🤣🤣
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This show is hilarious!
Gorgeous 💚
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The Emperor looks twelve years old.
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Worthless man who deserves an evil wife.
Bitch, she's dead and what's coming for you is beyond your wildest nightmares.
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LMAO, I love me a female lead who is not a complete doormat!
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Yes, sweetheart, give them hell!! Make them rue the day they were born!
My mother is currently watching some Turkish bullshit drama and the female lead is the epitome of "no thoughts, head empty". She is your typical young, beautiful, doe-eyed, forever suffering, meek, virtuous lead and I want to squash her like a bug. She disgusts me so much. They wrote a complete imbecile of a character and expect me to root for her. No! I despise spineless characters.
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newathens · 8 months
i totally agree, the relationships between fathers and sons are prolly my fave elements of pjo, but let's not nerf our goddesses ricky!!
i can't even begin to explain how much i loathe rick's depictions of femininity in the series, he will pay for his depictions of aphrodite and hera, two goddesses very feminine in what they represent. he did the entire concept of aphrodite's children so so poorly, he doesn't even try to show us their skillset and shows them sitting out of capture the flag to do their makeup or whatever?? and i like the idea of hera being obsessed with the 'perfect family' ideal she is trying to get the olympians to live up to but the way rick has portrayed it has fallen so short and it is obvious in general fandom reception of hera that it is inherently misogynistic (the amount of times i've seen people call pjo hera a bitch, keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth!!). like hera is so misunderstood, she is one of the only gods to challenge zeus and take action especially since she's in a position to do so with less repercussion than others might receive (with the exception of the rebellion and whatnot), but no!! she is evil stepmother!! bitch who goes after zeus' lovers and children!!
and then you have slightly less feminine goddesses (though i'd argue they're still quite feminine in nature) artemis and athena, the former being a manhating stoic girlboss, how fucking creative rick go girl give us nothing. and what's the deal with artemis kicking out two sapphics from the hunt, like that is so icky to me in so many ways. then there's athena, who rick goes out of his way to show that she is a bad mother and person in general (using the roman myth of medusa on a greek goddess?? boooo, tomato, tomato). rick has the most annoying tendency to find one stereotypical trait about a greek god and just latch onto that for their characterisation and nothing else, you see it with some of the gods but it is so so prevalent in the goddesses. poseidon gets his good moments as a dad and viewed quite favourably in percy's eyes (on another note, the blatant bias in the greek gods and heroes books is laughable but that's another time), apollo gets a whole book series to have a redemption arc (good for him, though), hades gets some good moments too (though it's quite annoying to me seeing the fandom praise him as one of the 'good ones' lmao). zeus... i don't like rick's depiction of him for reasons entirely unrelated lol, but the point is that the gods are allowed to be multifaceted and complex, but the goddesses get their stupid stereotypical traits exacerbated and maybe one or two half-assed moments of something else. it pisses me off so much!!!
(sorry for leaving an essay in your inbox but in my defence you asked for this XD)
when did u send this !!!!! 10/10. no notes
he does this all the time and it’s not just the olympian goddesses either. his recent depiction of nyx was so….. i can’t even adequately form my thoughts on the matter. the characterization of the goddesses in the pjoverse are not given much thought. even when i try to rationalize and analysis it, they still fall short. iris, medea, khione off the top of my head, all fun characters but each have something umm distasteful(?) in their depictions. definitely a part of all three series that deserves more examination
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lovedreamer11 · 7 months
These kinds of people really think they're smart, don't they ? It's... frankly unbearable to see this kind of stupidity. We literally have a list of war crimes from both teams at this point. And at no time is there a tie between the two teams. Even the context of this mess. The usurpers had no justification. Shit. I'm sick of this bullshit. And no, the book does not show that the two teams are at the same level. No way. Misery... The Greens literally receive a karmic punishment by having their line exterminated, yet both teams would be bad ? I'm sick of this bullshit.
It's so annoying to see comments like: "Both Blacks and Greens are equally bad." Because no. They are not the same.
As I have written before, Blacks are not good people. They are ordinary people with flaws who commit both good and bad deeds. In fact, the worst thing the Black Team, and Daemon in particular, has done is Blood and Cheese. Although even GRRM himself describes Daemon as neither evil nor good, but in the middle, and his death is described as "heroic".
Rhaenyra was spoiled, arrogant and short-sighted, and after the death of her sons, she became paranoid and made a number of mistakes, but Rhaenyra was not a naturally evil person.
At the same time, Aegon, Aemond and Daeron did truly cruel and terrible things. In Aegon and Aemond, almost from childhood, one can notice a tendency towards darkness (Rhaenyra and Helaena were happy and smiling, Daeron was soft and polite). Almost the entire list of Green war crimes consists of their actions, and not the actions of their allies. Alicent comes across as a person who is made of anger and hatred (Aemond is very much like his mother).
Then no. If anyone is interested in my opinion, then the Blacks and the Greens were not equally bad. The Blacks may have been bad, but the Greens were even worse.
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