nexility-sims · 10 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟏  𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞   |   VARIOUS LOCATIONS, DECEMBER 1990
❧  𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
‎‎‎‎‎ ❛ The banality of human tragedy wasn’t enough for a princess. Some may have said it was an insult. The publishers, insatiable in their hunger for a story, chased answers. They would force slippery, delicate reality into the shackles of narrative. They would explain the unexplainable. Numerous leads bubbled forth in the immediate days following the event. At first, they came as a respectful trickle of whispers. Then, they came in a loud burst that could fill the amorphous space between breaking news and solemn coverage of a state funeral. Most of the claims were false: the queen had held the gaze of an owl twenty days prior; a storm had thrown and scattered stones in an ominous glyph; waterway residents had heard plaintive weeping from the water before the disappearance; a daykeeper sent a letter to the palace warning the mountains were shaking with longing; the princess was terrified of water and had diligently avoided it before this fateful outing. The latter was true.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
It wasn’t moving water that paralyzed her. She had appreciated the crashing of beach waves and the foaming, rushing flow of rivers. The waterfalls in Yaas had captivated her. The problem was still water. Placid and smooth, the expanses of lakes and ponds and swimming pools unsettled her to the core. Others saw them as gentle and inviting; these comely traits, to her, were the duplicity inherent to any natural danger.
As with many fears, this one had been formative. These bodies summoned memories of gasping and flailing—a visceral recollection of the moment in which her swimming education both began and ended. The publishers would report that she refused to bathe in tubs or put her face beneath a shower head. These details were embellishments, but they knitted together the perfect narrative to rendered the death star-crossed, inevitable, and shadowing even in the unobstructed light of day. With such winking glints of absurdity, a deluge of articles teased intrigue from something utterly ordinary.
Indeed, that was the wretched truth with which the family had to contend, even as days of newsprint consoled the public with fantasy. Once the body was recovered a few hours later, the coroner called it what her fellow passengers had assumed: an accident. People drowned in Uspana every day. Such a demise was considered divinely favored, and the context—the story that underwrote it—didn’t matter. The mountains claimed their favorites regardless of whether their lungs filled with a few inches of bathwater or deep inhales of Canarís Bay saltwater. These favorites were regular people. They were also, from time to time, royalty.
The cause was misadventure, not malevolence.
Still, when Beatriz stumbled over to the telephone on the day she received the news, she took a deep breath to steady herself and said with conviction, “Arnaut, he's finally killed her. Please come home.”
[A] Boating? Seriously? [S] New yacht, too. He named it the Safyanora. Sweet, isn't it?
[A] I just can't believe he convinced you to go on it. [S] Me either.
[S] We've been giving each other space for a few weeks. [A] Is that what you call it?
[S] I should put in effort, you know? Be forgiving. [A] You do. You are. The problem is when he takes advantage of it, which is every single time.
[S] Friends will be there with us. There'll be no fighting—not the terribly unfun kind, anyway. [A] {Sighs.}
[A] And you're still not wearing the ring?
[S] For now. We'll see how I feel after this trip. [A] Uh huh.
[S] He promised a romantic getaway! Maybe that's what I need. [A] It's true. You work too much.
[S] No, you don't work enough—[A] Hold on. Someone's here.
[S] I can let you go … I do have work to do. [A] {Chuckling.}
[A] Abelina, tell Auntie hello. [AB] Hi Safy! [S] Hello, baby girl.
[A] It's bedtime story o'clock, unfortunately. [S] I'll call you when I'm home in a few days. [A] Good. I love you. Have fun. [S] I love you, too. Goodnight.
[S] {V.O.} Hi Mama. Sorry I missed you.
[S] {V.O.} We arrived in Intizara a couple days ago. There were more cameras than usual. It was disconcerting.
[S] {V.O.} Anyway, I'm calling you from the water.
[S] {V.O.} Aren't you proud of me? {Chuckles.}
[S] {V.O.} Manuel and Eita are with us.
[S] {V.O.} We're having fun, all of us.
[S] {V.O.} I needed this.
[S] {V.O.} We needed this.
[S] {V.O.} I know you don't want to hear it, but he's making an effort.
[S] {V.O.} I feel hopeful. Call me back. I love you.
[B] {V.O.} This is not a message for voicemail.
[B] {V.O.} I wish you had come to the phone just this once.
[B] {V.O.} How do I say this? It's unspeakable.
[B] {V.O.} {Sighs.}
[B] {V.O.} Arnaut, he's finally killed her.
[B] {V.O.} Please come home.
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nexility-sims · 8 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟏   ❛ 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ❜   |   VARIOUS LOCATIONS, LATE 1990 - EARLY 1991
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
❛ In early March, the Office of the Crown released its first personal statement since the funeral. It resembled the releases that had followed other deaths: ' With the mourning period ended, our family is eager to return to public life. We have spent our time away in the traditional manner. Our ancestors understood the loss of a loved one demands total acknowledgment. Public ceremony is one component, but life cannot resume without granting the wound time to heal. This is reality for even those of us blessed with tremendous responsibility. We expect to always bear the scar of remembrance, just as we know the nation will, but we remain grateful for this time of recovery. Each of us has engaged in true reflection. We intend to recommit to Uspana and its People with clarity and appreciation. This is what our beloved Princess Safya would have wanted. '
❧ i did kinda phone this one in, but akjfsdh it's a nice montage, i think.
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 ↓
In truth, the family’s practice of mourning varied enough to warrant a white lie to the public. Some did indeed take the traditional approach. Rodrigo, Matias, and Leonor all sequestered themselves away to a degree; they engaged in that esteemed “true reflection” with only their selves and their memories as company. For others, the dictates of tradition mattered less. Their mourning looked like clinging to routine, revisiting familiar places, seeking comfort in the presence of others. Beatriz returned to Yaas for the first time in years, welcoming for once the way her childhood haunted it. Contemplation could find its way into these activities—in the tranquil baking Olalla did or the letters Mateo wrote to his father—but not everyone was willing to allow it. They formed a spectrum in their grief, one that none policed or much noticed.
The only requirement was that they maintain privacy. Whether at Alam Palace, in the residential quarters of Nakawe Palace, or retreated to personal homes and hotel rooms, they were to be reclusive. An uneasy but time-honored truce existed with the media. Whether the respectable evening news journalists or the scrappy tabloid photographers, all kept their distance. The Crown’s official policy nonetheless remained: they were untrustworthy. The intrepid would seek gossip from launderers and groundskeepers and couriers. The foolish would trespass, slinking along unmarked trails and hoping for glimpses of impromptu promenades through gardens and on private beachfronts. Temporarily, the embargo held. Pop stars, politicians, actors, and socialites dominated the headlines. The media cultivated a surreal alternate reality for the public in which Princess Safya had never existed because Uspana had no royal family of which to speak. All the while, they stockpiled stories to inaugurate the eighty-first day.
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nexility-sims · 1 year
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have been feeling listless and unmoored re: sims stuff lately, but i got a healthy dose of inspiration from @warwickroyals & @prydainroyals this past week, so i did a little succession / magazine-ish thing :^) obviously beatriz's 2023 death would be commemorated in uspanian vogue !!!!! obviously !!!!
transcribed text below:
Fashion is a Royal (and Family) Affair
That Crown Princess Barbie is a student of Uspanian style isn’t a surprise. For this issue, she recounts the historical episode at the heart of our memorial for the late Queen Beatriz. Pictured above in private photos are: Mother Desideria in 1860; Mother Zuriñe in 1885; Mother Rowena and then-Crown Prince Alfonso in 1926.
THE “BIRDIE” ISSUE OF VOGUE USPANA debuted in 1973. At the time, the magazine was in its infancy. An issue shaped by the queen—and it was, from cover to cover, driven by her desires and presence—ensured longevity. It proved to be a bestseller. Clothes, too, flew off the racks as Uspana’s designers received a boost among popular consumers. A textiles renaissance commenced among women of a certain class who had been looking elsewhere for quality fabric. Then and now, this was the mission of the magazine: loyalty to Uspanian fashion. The Birdie issue was a testament to this, from the sensibilities it imparted to the sourcing of its materials. The queen’s favorite designers, stylists, and photographers filled the issue; it made them iconic, and they would continue to set national trends for decades to come. More importantly, the Birdie issue fit into a larger project underway during Beatriz’s reign. Foreign fashion’s creep into the Uspanian mainstream had started two centuries before Beatriz obtained the Crown, but it reached its cultural apex under the sway of her mother. Uspana’s people had long reviled Queen Rowena’s taste in one breath and wished to emulate it in the second. The two women were not seemingly opposed in a diametric sense. They overlapped under the label of “extravagant,” namely, but Beatriz was forgiven her excess. The Birdie issue, in retrospect, shows why. In an initial meeting with the queen, she told then-editor Lluc Soler that she cared deeply about a “revival” of traditional fashion in the country. Soler replied that traditional fashion was alive and well—“in the mountains, with the grandmothers.” Some in the annals have suggested that this retort led to control of the issue being ceded informally to a team with whom the queen preferred to work. (By 1975, Papan Ibarra had risen from those ranks to become the magazine’s new editor-in-chief, a position she occupied until 1991.) Nonetheless, a certain truth in Soler’s statement formed the foundation of the issue. It did draw heavy inspiration from those grandmothers in the mountains. This included people such as the queen’s own grandmother, Mother Zuriñe, who readily embraced the aesthetics of Yaas and was a master weaver in her own right. The cover reflected the elevated homage orchestrated within. On it, Birdie herself posed in a wool rebozo hand-dyed with cochineal. This garment was a perfect duplicate of the so-called suncloths the queen’s great-grandmother, Mother Desideria, wore on a regular basis in the late nineteenth century. Fittingly, it was also topped with a replica inspired by the time. One of the many jewelry pieces destroyed during the 1880s had been the Shield Flower tiara with its red fire opal set in gold and symbolic allusions to the sacrifice and self-immolation of Uspana’s founding mothers. Queen Beatriz wore tiaras on many occasions, but it was widely known that she preferred to wear the true Uspanian symbol of elite regalia: the jade necklace. For that reason, jade
BIRDIE, 1973 Shield Flower tiara by Xiuhcozcatl for the House of Tecuani. Rebozo by Quilatzli Castañeda. Necklace creator unknown. Fashion editor: Papan Ibarra.
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nexility-sims · 3 months
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outtakes of the outtake ... we love mrs beatriz
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nexility-sims · 3 months
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contrary to any other evidence, i love ONE (1) family
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nexility-sims · 8 months
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sorting through my screenshots ... mothers and daughters and such
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nexility-sims · 9 months
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are u ever a bad-tempered lil princess who hates your glamourous, perfect mother / obviously needed to put @simadelics new hairs on rowena !!!
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nexility-sims · 1 year
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nexility-sims · 8 months
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just some olds
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nexility-sims · 2 years
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some ladies doing lady things
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nexility-sims · 5 months
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outtake from today's post ... i wanted to shoehorn ro in but it wouldn't work, smh. i love her. i love her big ole cars. i love how much beatriz despises her sfkjsfg
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nexility-sims · 23 days
For Leonor: 🌑 - what does your character think is their biggest flaw?
For Renzo: ⚡ - what is actually your character's biggest flaw?
For Beatriz: 💗 - which relationship in your character's life is the healthiest?
For Rowena: 🗽- do you think your character's story would fit into any other time period? if so, which?
CHARACTER ASK GAME  / accepting !
man, excellent choices !!! let's see ...
🌑 - what does your character think is their biggest flaw?
perhaps it's less of a flaw than a tendency, but i think leonor is really troubled by the trend of self-doubt that has emerged lately. she's never really had cause to question herself, the world, the people around her, and now it's like she can't stop ! she should probably say her biggest flaw is being a grade A bitch, but. well. it's probably something like "i'm just too dedicated 🥺"
⚡ - what is actually your character's biggest flaw?
this is hard ! my first thought was selfishness, but i feel like that's not actually true. maybe it's more to do with temperament? renzo's tempestuous and reckless in a way that causes a great deal of problems, constantly, without apparently any lessons learned. or, i dunno, maybe that's the flaw: in a sort of contradictory way, he's easygoing and rootless but, on a deeper level, gets into trouble because he's fundamentally recalcitrant, obstinate, unwilling to change for anyone or anything—even what's best for himself, clearly.
💗 - which relationship in your character's life is the healthiest?
i would say it's her marriage ! i enjoyed the scene with beatriz and matias recently because i felt like it gave a glimpse of ... maybe a softer side? or, at least, what she's like in a domestic setting. their relationship has been rocky, for sure, but they figured out in time what worked for them—why they needed each other, what they were willing to compromise. matias has made way more compromises than she has, but she listens to him and—in the same way she felt like safya offered her some kind of redemption, just by virtue of existing—she feels the same way about him. she wants him to be happy and feel empowered because he makes the world a better place, and he makes her life feel more meaningful. she can't be the person he wants her to be, but she feels like allowing him to push her anyway counts for something.
🗽- do you think your character's story would fit into any other time period? if so, which?
all of them !!!! rowena is a quintessential woman of her time, but i think she would fit well into anywhere i slotted her. still, she's definitely meant for the twentieth century. i think she'd be really great at the cusp of the 1970s/1980s, actually. disco baby. she could be like margaret trudeau, at studio 54 with no panties on while her husband runs a government or whatever :^)
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nexility-sims · 2 years
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yeah i'm also experiencing symptoms of Babymania™ / beatriz should 100% be extremely pregnant here so let's all just pretend
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nexility-sims · 6 months
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100% on-the-fly-late-at-night-not-my-best-work BUT a lil flashback in honor of fingers crossed the story update on sunday :^)
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nexility-sims · 2 years
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you know that trend where kids dress up their moms or whatever ?? i'm calling this the King of Thailand Challenge, wherein you have your best olds switch clothes with their grandbabies, and it's very weird & cute :^) shoutout to @houseoflennoxx for sharing that tiktok link dsjfkskdkg
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nexility-sims · 1 year
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mrs beatriz vol. 2
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