#ch1 p47
loopjumper · 6 months
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danielcomic · 7 years
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Ch1 p47
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startrekreviews · 6 years
TNG Novels #47-9: The Q Continuum
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TNG #47-9: The Q Continuum trilogy by Greg Cox Book Jacket’s Summary:      “The unpredictable cosmic entity known only as Q has plagued Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise since their very first voyage together. But little is known of Q's mysterious past or that of the unearthly realm from which he hails. Now Picard must learn Q's secrets – or all of reality may perish!      Ever since its discovery, the great galactic barrier has impeded humanity's exploration of the universe beyond the Milky Way. Now a brilliant Federation scientist may have found a way to breach the barrier, and the Enterprise is going to put it to the test. The last thing the crew needs is a visit from an omnipotent troublemaker so, naturally, Q appears.      Q has more in mind than his usual pranks, and while the Enterprise struggles to defeat a powerful inhuman foe, Picard must embark on a fantastic odyssey into the Q Continuum itself, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.” Yeaka’s Notes:     I read this trilogy individually, but as you couldn’t really read them without each other, I’m reviewing them all in one. And frankly, I think they could’ve all been condensed into one book anyway.     Long story short, all three of these carry the continuing, singular plot of the Enterprise (mid-DS9/VOY era) carrying a Betazoid scientist to the barrier that surrounds the edge of the galaxy, where he intends to open up a wormhole to the other side. When they arrive, Q, as well as Q’s wife and baby from Voyager, tell them not to. Picard asks why. Q won’t tell him why. If Q had, this series would’ve been about 600 pages shorter. Instead, Q takes Picard away to show him the long, drawn out story of how teenage-Q royally messed up (including a depressing, detailed tale of mass slaughter) and breaching the barrier will only make it worse. Meanwhile, the visiting scientist is a gratingly terrible father, Beverly, Deanna, Geordi, and Data pick up loose ends, a few other OCs and minor characters try to survive, and Riker tries to keep the Calamarain (TNG: “Deja Q”) from killing them all.     This is a well-written adventure. Some of the OCs are enjoyable, while others are appropriately awful. Q is as sometimes-likeable, sometimes-irritating as ever, and all the worse for having three consecutive books worth. If you’re a Q/Picard fan, this is a must have. There’s a ridiculous amount of references touching on everything from Kirk to Janeway, books, shows, and movies alike, including the history of the godlike being Kirk faced down in The Final Frontier. During those and several thrilling moments, this is a great ride—while during other moments, particularly those with Q needlessly adding a couple hundred pages, it’s almost unbearable.     So... pretty much Q. Noteworthy moments: (below cut)
Q-Space: Ch1/p3 Picard and Troi are relieved Lwaxana isn’t on Betazed to gree them 
p5 Troi recalls crashing the Enterprise D on Veridian III (TNG: Generations); Troi can sense Data’s emotions during a meeting
p8 Troi thinks: “Worf married a Trill, she remembered with only the slightest twinge of jealousy. Then she took her own advice and put that reaction behind her. I wish him only the best, she thought.”
p21 Barclay messes up and a scientist goes off on him
Ch3/p39 Picard notes Sisko punched Q in the face and Q didn’t return to bother him, thus maybe Picard should try it; Picard wonders if Sisko would trade the Jem’Hadar for Q
Ch5/p57 Data puzzles to Geordi over Spot only eating from round plates now
Ch5/p54 Q’s lover and baby show up
Ch7/p92 Beverly tells the female Q about the Traveler choosing Wesley, Deanna mentions Ian, the Q’s impressed
p108 Female Q comes to Beverly about the weight of motherhood
Ch11/p160 Picard sees Q as a teenager, Q hints that Riker was born because of a Q
Ch12/p189 Riker mentally helps Deanna through a crisis
Ch14/p212 Picard witnesses a Q date
p228 Q and Picard visit the Guardian of Forever
Ch20/p266 Organians aren’t allowed in the Q Continuum
p269 Someone else suggests testing lesser species to young Q
Q-Zone: Ch5/p116 EMH
Q-Strike: Ch4/p42 Quinn (VOY: “Death Wish”)
p45 Ruk (TOS: “What Are Little Girls Made Of”)
p47 Sargon, Thalassa, and Henoch (TOS: “Return to Tomorrow”)
p52 Bajor watching a phenomenon
p54 Organians
p70 Q killed the dinosaurs (Picard does not accept it)
Ch5/p77 The “god” from the center of the universe in The Final Frontier
p79 The creation of the galactic barrier
Ch5/p83 Q is officially assigned to oversee Earth
Ch11/p164 Q to Picard: “You’re the one who specialize in triumphing against over-whelming odds. Have Data whip up some technobabble. Tell Counselor Troi to get in touch with her feelings. Let Riker punch someone.”
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emdrawsmanga · 7 years
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P47-CH1 The Nightmare Virus
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