chaezcake · 1 year
Warnings: my humor, might be suggestive and by suggestive I mean VERY LITTLE since I don’t do nsfw!! Also angst towards the end of the series.
Genre: comedy, fluff, suggestive, but again very little!!! Angst
Synopsis: Yunjin tries to act tough when reflecting back on a past relationship, but ultimately still has strong feelings for her ex-lover, and wonders if they have been able to move on or feel the same way she does.
Authors note: the synopsis is literally just the song meaning. The chapters have to do with the lyrics, so if you have a guess on what the next chapter will be about, lmk, in my asks. This isn’t proofread so sorry for mistakes, haha.
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The sun shone just like the time you first met, Yunjin. The girl that came to California and left you.
It was a very hot day. What better way to cool down than with ice cream? I ordered my ice cream then sat back down at one of the tables. The girl a table ahead of me immediately caught my attention. She was stunning, blonde hair up to her white short sleeves. I must’ve been staring for too long cause the girl looked directly at me, eye contact and all. What the fuck oh my lord I want a fat bus to crush my face right now. I want a whole pack of people to jump me, any way to make me disappear from this awkward situation was alright with me. Surprisingly, she walked up towards me and sat right next to me. I froze. Eyes wide open as I stared at her. Watching her every move. “A bit bold of you to stare at strangers y’know?have some class!” She said jokingly as she folded her arms. “I’m sorry my eyes just follow pretty girls! Specifically you.” I said as I did finger guns. Lame. Oh my goodness that was lame. She giggled. “You’re very nerdy, in a good way.” She said, smiling at me. Waiting for my response. How do I respond to that! “Thank you?” I said raising one of my eyebrows. “How do I respond to that?” I told her. “Noo, I said in a good way! I like nerds.” she said as she jokingly smirked at me. I chuckled to myself. “Whatever!” I said as I joking rolled my eyes at her. “Are you from California?” She said, slight tilting her head to the right. “Umm, no. Is it obvious?” I said with expectant eyes. Waiting for an answer. “Kinda, I mean your dressed like your ready for rain.” She said, genuinely confused. “Well obviously!” I said, eating some ice cream off my spoon. “You shouldn’t worry about that, it usually doesn’t rain in southern California, much like Arizona” she said, eyes looking up as if she was thinking. “Who’s the nerd now!” I said pointing at her. “I’m just explaining the weather to you!” She said as she put her hands up to defend herself. We both laughed, I was fighting with a complete stranger. “Well, I gotta go. I had a fun time talking!” She turned around to walk away but then stopped in her tracks. “Need anything?” I said. “I already know I’m gonna regret not giving you my number, especially to a pretty girl like you. So, may I give you my number?” She said, eyes glistening. “Ok, just don’t kidnap me! I said, as she put her number in my phone. Surprisingly she laughed at my joke, she liked my silly jokes. I thought as I smiled. “I’ll text you when I get back home!” She said with a very excited smile. “Your so obsessed with me!” I said as I jokingly rolled my eyes. “Maybe I am!” She said as she playfully hit my shoulder. “Alright, bye! Love you!” She said as she practically ran out of the ice cream shop. Did she just say she loved me? I just made friends with a absolute weirdo! I said as I laughed,waiting for her to leave so we wouldn’t awkwardly go in the same direction and have to say bye 3828282 times.
It usually doesn’t rain, in Southern California much like Arizona.
Thinking bout you, part 1!
Part, 2 will drop soon, since I’m already working on it soooo. DONT MISS IT, pls 🙏😭
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yxnjinsduality · 4 months
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Best Dance Lessons Ever - by @bangchansdirty-slut
Paring: Top GP!Kazuha x Bottom!Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: Reader got some special lessons from Kazuha.
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Genre: comedy, fluff, suggestive, but again very little!!! Angst
Warnings: my humor, might be suggestive and by suggestive I mean VERY LITTLE since I don’t do nsfw!! Also angst towards the end of the series.
Synopsis: Yunjin tries to act tough when reflecting back on a past relationship, but ultimately still has strong feelings for her ex-lover, and wonders if they have been able to move on or feel the same way she does.
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love is sour • huh yunjin x gn!reader - by @meowrinz
Summary : she was your childhood best friend, your unspoken platonic soulmate. nothing could come between you. you were her crush of nearly 4 years, her forbidden love. this could possibly get between you.
warnings :: angst, pining, bff!yunjin, non idol au, hanahaki au, no dialogue, mentions of vomiting, slight cursing
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Love you two times - by @shuxiii
Huh Yunjin x reader
a/n: this piece of rat doodoo was in my draft for a solid 5 months now (estimated it) and I wanted it gone my bad if it's so bad.
synopsis: starting a new life in a foreign country is difficult as is forgetting the past you once lived. but the person you once loved brought back to your present, reliving the past you once avoided, will you ever want them back?
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