#chain or belt garage door opener
mikegaragedoorrepairs · 3 months
What Are the Best Times for Upgrading Your Garage Door Opener?
Your garage door opener is one of those household components that often gets taken for granted. It's there, reliably opening and closing your garage door day after day, year after year. However, like any mechanical device, garage door openers don't last forever. Eventually, the time will come when you need to consider upgrading to a new model. The question is, how do you know when the time has come?? Here are some key signs that it's time to replace your aging garage door opener.
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Excessive Noise and Vibration
One of the most obvious indicators that your garage door opener is nearing the end of its lifespan is an increase in operational noise and vibration. As the motor and other components wear down over time, they can start to make louder grinding, screeching, or rattling noises. Excessive vibration can also occur, causing the entire opener unit to shake or the garage ceiling to vibrate. While some noise is normal, a dramatic increase could signal serious internal problems.
Inconsistent Operation
Another red flag is when your garage door opener starts behaving erratically or inconsistently. For example, it may not respond to the remote control every time, or it may start and stop unexpectedly during operation. The door itself may also fail to open or close fully or move sluggishly. These issues can arise due to worn gears, frayed cables, or other internal problems and often indicate that the opener is on its last legs.
Safety Reversing Mechanism Failures
All modern garage door openers are required to have safety reversing mechanisms that cause the door to reverse direction if it encounters an obstruction during operation. This is a crucial safety feature that prevents the door from closing on people, pets, or objects. If your opener's reversing mechanism starts to fail, it's a serious safety hazard that needs to be addressed immediately by replacing the entire unit.
Outdated Technology
Even if your older garage door opener is still functioning reasonably well, you may want to consider upgrading to take advantage of modern technological advances. Newer openers often come with features like battery backup systems (to allow operation during power outages), smartphone control capabilities, and improved safety features like advanced obstacle detection sensors. As technology continues to evolve, sticking with an outdated opener means missing out on these convenient and secure enhancements.
Age and Wear
Perhaps the simplest indicator that it's time for a new garage door opener is its age. Most quality openers are designed to last around 10-15 years with normal usage and proper maintenance. If your unit is approaching or exceeding that age range and starting to show signs of excessive wear and tear, it's probably wise to plan for a replacement sooner rather than later. Replacing an opener before it completely fails can save you from potential safety issues or property damage.
Upgrading your garage door opener doesn't have to be an arduous task. Today's models are designed for easy DIY installation, with many coming pre-assembled and programmable. When shopping for a replacement, look for reputable brands that offer the latest safety and convenience features to best suit your needs. With a new, high-quality garage door opener in place, you can once again enjoy reliable, hassle-free operation for years to come.
For top-notch garage door opener upgrades, reach out to Mike's Garage Door Repair Company in Fort Collins. With over a decade of expertise in the field, they guarantee exceptional service and results.
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Identifying and Resolving Garage Door Problems: Professional Repair Strategies
Your garage door serves as a crucial entry point to your home and contributes to its security, convenience, and curb appeal. However, like any mechanical system, garage doors are susceptible to various issues that can disrupt their functionality and compromise their performance. In this guide, we'll explore common garage door problems and discuss professional repair strategies to address them effectively.
Noisy Operation: One of the most common complaints homeowners have about their garage doors is excessive noise during operation. This could be due to worn-out rollers, loose hardware, or inadequate lubrication. A professional repair service can inspect the door, tighten loose components, and apply lubrication to reduce noise levels significantly.
Uneven Movement: If your garage door exhibits uneven movement or appears crooked when opening or closing, it may indicate issues with the tracks, springs, or cables. A skilled technician can assess the alignment of the tracks, adjust or replace damaged components, and ensure smooth and balanced operation. https://unitedgaragedoorrepairofmesa.com/
Slow Response to Remote Control: A garage door that responds slowly or intermittently to remote control commands may have issues with the opener's signal reception or sensor alignment. Professional repair technicians have the expertise to troubleshoot the opener system, reprogram remotes, and realign sensors to restore reliable functionality.
Sagging or Warped Panels: Over time, garage door panels may sag, warp, or develop cracks due to exposure to weather elements or physical damage. Professional repair services can evaluate the extent of panel damage, perform necessary repairs or replacements, and restore the door's structural integrity and aesthetic appeal.
Broken Springs: Broken or damaged garage door springs pose serious safety hazards and can render the door inoperable. Repairing or replacing springs requires specialized tools and techniques, making it a job best left to experienced professionals who can safely address spring-related issues and restore the door's functionality.
Malfunctioning Safety Features: Modern garage doors are equipped with safety features such as photo-eye sensors and auto-reverse mechanisms to prevent accidents and injuries. If these safety features malfunction, it can compromise the door's safety and pose a risk to occupants. Professional repair technicians can diagnose and repair safety feature issues to ensure optimal performance and compliance with safety standards.
Electrical Problems: Garage door openers rely on electrical components to function properly. If your opener experiences electrical issues such as power surges, wiring problems, or circuit board malfunctions, it can affect the door's operation. Professional repair services have the expertise to troubleshoot electrical issues, repair or replace faulty components, and restore reliable functionality to the opener system.
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A little devil’s lettuce
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Sarge 2nd Gen, Summer 1983
Elvis Presley fanfiction
Summary: In the hustle and bustle of the day before Jesse’s wedding to Donna, Elaine finds time for a little bonding with her eldest boy and then her husband
Warnings: Fluffffyyy Mcfluffy! but really this is just goey soft, warnings being diaper changes, some heavy/smutty flirting between Elvis and Elaine, the sneaky use of marijuana by Jesse and Elaine, stoned silliness talking about mermaid holes and “little scarves” and making a baby at 42
Graceland is abuzz with wedding preparations, every flat surface seems cluttered with tulle or flowers or programs, and every table not full of that sorta rubbish is supporting refreshments for the out of town friends and family swarming the place.
Only Elaine Presley would think entertaining people for a week ahead of a wedding was an easy thing to do.
Despite it being preparations for his own wedding, Jesse finds himself mildly overwhelmed by the sheer abundance surrounding him. Abundance of noise and people and flowers and shit lying about. He made one attempt to squirrel away upstairs in his old room and was summarily dragged away from that attempt by Marie who wanted to take pictures of him and Donna. Then take pictures of him and Jack, citing what a rarity it was to have the whole of them together. Jack had a ugly black eye on him, he cites a bar fight in california but oddly, no story of victory is forthcoming so Jesse assumes he got licked and made no further inquiries.
Donna is now preoccupied with Ella and with Tracey Cooke, laughing and squabbling over choosing boutonniere combinations like it really matters how much baby’s breath gets pinned to a fella’s chest. With Daddy, all large belt and white pants and glowing tan presiding over the floral squabble, Jesse has little doubt that Donna will win by choosing whatever he decides would suit her cheeks best.
Thicker than thieves those two already.
Jesse sees his chance and he ducks out of the living room and books it through the kitchen, receiving a taste test of some icing from Mary as he goes, and finally lets himself out the back door.
He slumps to a seat on the garage steps, and knowing time is precious, he lights up the blunt he stashed in his pocket for times like these. A harmless little pastime he’d probably get decapitated by Daddy for if he found out, but it does the trick and it don’t hurt anyone while he’s homebound and off the road.
A few minutes later the door cracks open behind him and Jesse goes to smash the blunt beneath his boot until in an air conditioned gust he sees it’s just his mama. Elaine smells the stink of grass and makes a little sympathetic noise before closing the door behind her and sitting down next to him.
“But Mama -your shorts!” Jesse protests, her pale blue linen getting soiled by the steps.
“Eh, it’ll brush off.” she grins and bumps his shoulder in that way he knows she’s about to conduct a check up on him. Sure enough after watching him take a few puffs she asks sweetly, “You alright, Butnin?”
He grins at the nickname and his laugh is a cloud of green tinged smoke, “Yeah mama, just tired, took awhile to get to sleep last night.
“What kept ya up?” Elaine asks, knowing with the wedding there might be all sorts of nerves to account for. But Jesse has never exhibited even the slightest hint of unsurety about marrying Donna. He’s had to wait four years and now he’s finally getting what he wants and there’s never been a more lackadaisical groom about his hitching himself to the old ball and chain. Elaine reaches out and ruffles his long hair anyway and smiles at the way there’s a sheen of reddish chocolate amongst the black locks when she tousles them just so.
He hands her the blunt and to be perfectly frank, Elaine has been feeling that old craving for champagne to dilute all the craziness and so she draws on it, letting the smoke burn her lungs and rush to her head.
Jesse’s been puffing for a good bit by now and feeling uninhibited in a way he’d never be even two puffs in -which is sorta the point of the smoke anyway- but it serves to loosen his tongue until he answers her without prevarication, “Mermaid holes.”
It’s true, it’s kept him up. Probably brought on by a chat with Jack and furthered by Jesse’s confusion over his brother’s lack of dating since the Great Gardener Debacle. He knows the kid isn’t embarrassed, not as much as the rest of them, so it serves to reason he’s got a dolphin harem to keep him occupied or else…mermaids. But then, how do mermaids…work?
Elaine glances at the blunt she’s already puffed on and wonders at its strength, wonders if a little relaxation is gonna turn her into seeing pink elephants or talking like an idiot.
“Mermaid holes?” she repeats, the subject suddenly a little more intriguing that it was before her last puff. Her head feels light and her aching toes are a removed sensation and suddenly everything seems quite fascinating, even the beetle crawling up Jesse’s jeans and the curiosity of mermaid anatomy.
This stuff is way better than champagne, she thinks.
“Yeah mama, where do they go?” Jesse insists with his cherubic face puckered up in grave contemplation.
She stares at him concerned while taking another hit before passing it back. “Where normal holes go?” she mutters but even to herself it’s a flimsy speculation.
“Maybe they grow legs n’shit.” Jesse decides. “Like when ya pull ‘em outta the water, maybe they grow legs.”
“Ah that makes sense.” Elaine nods, her face puckered too, and if anyone caught them at this moment it would be like finding carnival twins, so mirrored are they in expression and carriage. “Or maybe it’s higher up!” she suggests eagerly, “Like a belly button.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Or- maybe the scales pull back.” Elaine warms to the theory.
“Ooh,” Jesse draws his exclamation out with admiration for his mama’s sharp mind, “like daddy’s scarf, or some shit.”
“Yes!” Elaine gushes, entirely baked alongside him and utterly unrestrained, “they’ve got shiny little scarfs to keep them safe! Keep out the sand and salt, keep them safe from being aggravated and chafed.”
“Oh lord, mama,” Jesse laughs suddenly, “do you ‘member that time daddy got sand in his scarf? At the beach?”
They both start snickering at the memory from ‘62. “Yes!” Elaine agrees, carefully running a finger below her eyes to collect the smearing mascara as her eyes fill with tears of mirth, “I do but…he caught that frisbee, didn’t he?” she giggles.”And he looked so good in those red shorts. Tiny little things.”
“Mhmm, but at what cost?” Jesse agrees and mother and son lapse into another fit of laughter, not at Elvis’ expense but in that fond way of sensible people who humor their insane beloved ones.
“And Rosalee wantin’ to cut it off so it didn’t hurt him no more!” Jesse wheezes beside her in reminiscence.
“Daisy had a k-bar from Rex, she was ready.” Elaine recalls.
“And Jack was hopin’ it was fatal.”
“He was not!” Elaine slaps Jesse’s arm lightly even as she giggles, “You all act like he was a terrible child but he wasn’t! He was sweet!”
“To you.” Jesse clutches his belly. “To the rest he was pretty fuckin’ scary for awhile there, made ‘Elvis’ shit himself sometimes.”
“Language!” Elaine reprimands without any heat, “Y’all didn’t see all the mornings that little darling would wake up and laugh his heart out with Daddy playing shark under the covers. They loved each other…at times.”
“Hmm, Mhmm, i’guess.” Jesse concedes, “Jack’s a lot more tolerable now he’s got his own thing going.” he adds.
“Yes, always good to establish yourself, especially with someone like that, so headstrong both of them.” she murmurs with a sigh, “No house was built for two Elvises.” and she starts snickering again at that thought or whatever scenario it inspired inside her head.
“Maybe he’s chilled out ‘cause of the mermaid harem.” Jesse suggests because Jack is still Jack and having his shit straight ain’t in his wheelhouse. Not all of it, at least. Something’s gotta be up, Jesse can feel it, clear as the kid’s black eye.
“Those dimples would make any mermaid grow legs.” Elaine giggles.
“No mama, it’s a scarf, we decided it’s a shiny scarf.” Jesse reminds, nearly falling off the stair that he’s seated on from his wooziness.
“Yes a little scarf.” Elaine recalls as the door behind them opens and Jesse’s soon to be wife, Donna, steps out and observes them and the skunk grass fumes wafting around them.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me -Ms. Elaine!” Donna gasps in glee at this little rebellion in her otherwise entirely circumspect mother in law.
Elaine spins round with the blunt still between her painted lips and pulls it out in a gust of smoke, a wavering grin on her face. Donna’s not sure she’s ever seen her look so young, though she gets that way around Jesse, like he takes her back to her early mothering days.
“Don’t tell daddy!” Elaine vacillates between a beg and a threat but her smile grows and Donna wonders how the stoned lady intends to keep this a secret but she makes a motion of zipping her mouth anyway.
“Won’t hear it from me!” she swears, “But Elvis is asking for you, he’s halfway through a diaper change and can’t find any wipes. He swears you’ve got the disposable kind somewhere. Johnny tried to find them but he’s given up, too.”
“Oh lord, little Desi uses them to ‘remove her makeup’ so- who knows where they might be.” Elaine refers to her eldest grandchild, Ella’s little girl who likes to mimic her grandmother in all ways. Elaine stands up with a wobble that is steadied by Jesse’s shoulder and Donna’s waiting hands. “Wait, who’s getting their diaper changed?” She asks, suddenly confused by the request, “Did Danny soil himself? Thought we were past that.”
Danny is three and potty trained and as independent as he is loving, and much as Elaine is proud of her toddler’s successes, she misses having a baby, a true baby, in the house.
“It’s one of the neighbor kids, Danny’s friend-“ Donna explains, “-they brought their baby sibling along, no more than a year old I bet. The mom’s at work or something.”
“Oh, alright then.” Elaine shrugs, accustomed to strangers in the house, and she opens the door.
“You’re going in?” Donna asks in some surprise and a little alarm.
“Yes, Elvis needs me.” Elaine answers and that’s not something anyone can argue against and so Donna steps aside and makes certain her mother in law doesn’t trip over the threshold in her heeled sandals.
“Do you really give a damn about those boutonnieres?” Jesse asks his girl as soon as mama has closed the door
“Oh not really.” Donna murmurs, “They’re gonna be gorgeous either way. Elvis is seeing to that.”
“Then don’t go back inside.” Jesse suggests with a drunk grin and his blue eyes beg with such softness as he pats his lap that Donna has no choice but to plop atop his legs and stay with him in the muggy heat.
Miss Mary watched Elaine sashay through the kitchen with narrowed eyes, she’d not seen such a hip swinging gait to the lady of the house in years. A decade perhaps, not since the house used to rock with parties and before the champagne had been used like medicine.
“Lordy Miss Laney, you alright there?” she asked carefully, amusedly watching Mrs. Presley stand atip-toe and rummage in a cabinet, pushing aside spray oil and vanilla.
“Yes, grand, just needing that emergency stash.” Elaine assured over her shoulder and Mary paused in whipping the icing lest she be needed to catch a teetering boss lady. “Aha.” Elaine pulled out a package, “Of these!” she explained as she turned round, presenting the new fangled package of disposable wipes.
Stashed behind the cooking oil. Sure, why not.
Miss Mary grinned back and shrugged, “You’ve got dirt on your behind, Miss Elaine.” she pointed out and the elegant lady of the house was swatting at her plush derrière with a bashful grin as she traipsed out of the kitchen in search of Mr. Elvis, still swaying and jovial.
Entering the somewhat crowded dining room, Elaine found a group of people congregating with outstretched hands and feebly helpful concern around her Ella’s Johnny who had Rosalee standing on his shoulders, switching out a bulb as if they couldn’t afford ladders.
“ ‘Lee?” Elaine questioned it with even less reproof than usual, fully used to such bizarre occurrences and entirely baked by this point, Jesse’s weed having turned everything to middling interest and zero concern, even the picture of Rosalee a good ten or more feet in the air and swaying precariously with feet planted on Johnny’s broad shoulders.
“The bulb’s out!” Rosalee explained with a face red from straining to reach the high mansion ceiling despite her human stepstool and her inherited long limbs.
“Oh, the bulb’s out.” Elaine repeated softly, processing as she stared out the dining room windows at the bright sunshine glaring through.
“Hey Mrs P!” Johnny, tried to turn his neck to face her but Rosalee wobbled from the movement and so he went back to parade rest. “Elvis was looking for ya, needed the wipes for a diaper. I couldn’t find them anywhere, I swear Desi buries them in the potted palms or somethin-“
“Oh I’ve got some right here.” Elaine smiled and waved her package in front of his face enthusiastically.
“Oh. Great.” Johnny’s frown lines deepened in confusion at her enthusiasm. “I uh, I tried looking behind the dog food, Elvis said you keep one there.”
“This one was behind the cookin’ oil.” She whispered conspiratorially and Johnny gave his brief, aborted giggle that had made Elaine like him the instant Ella paraded him through the doors.
“Behind the cooking oil. Naturally.” He quipped and Elaine swatted him with the package causing Rosalee to shriek and beg for stability. “Hey Ella. Mama’s found some wipes!” Johnny called to his still searching wife.
“Where were they, mama?” She asked, coming into view and pushing her hair from her face, not even surprised by the bulb changing.
“Behind the cooking oil.” Elaine tapped the side of her nose and giggled while Johnny and Ella shared a bewildered look between the two of them.
“Where’s my fella?” Elaine purred, looking around the semi crowded room as if it were possible to overlook Elvis Presley. Only at Graceland, during one of Elaine’s parties and surrounded by a horde of children was it possible for Elvis to be anything but the center of attention.
“He’s in Rosalee’s room, mama.” Ella informed her, which in turn had once been Gladys' little lilac refuge. It had taken ten years for Elaine to ease Elvis into using it but eventually a long succession of single, halfway liberated teenage children ended up sleeping in it before moving out to seize life by the horns and pave their own lives and pay their own rent.
It would be quite a few years before Marie had need of it, if the sweet little girl ever even needed it, so devoutly home enjoying as she was, Graceland or Circle G, Texas or California, it all was the same to Marie so long as she was with family. Graceland would sooner be seen giving Marie Presley the boot than Marie Presley voluntarily taking leave for good.
Elaine moved her way through her crowded home with a pleasant smile on her face and a discrete hunch to her shoulders that enabled her to slip past the various conversations wishing to clutch at her, an old art of being able to get from one end of a crowded place to the next when needed by husband or child, that she had honed to perfection.
She felt dizzy and tasted a strange surge of anticipation the closer she got to the tucked away little room downstairs, it might seem silly, but she missed him. Everything had been so very busy the past few days that she had seen her own husband about as much as everyone else had, across crowded rooms or smashed together on sofas, wonderful instances that were topped off every night with a bed crowded with children and grandchildren and adopted God sons and daughters.
There had not been a moment's peace practically, and in a girlish moment of someone newly assured of affection, Elaine felt her fingertips tingle when she reached for the knob and opened the door.
He had pulled the shades and the blindes, which with the glare of the rest of the house was hardly a surprising choice, and only the lamp was turned on in a room that was now no longer Gladys’ soft lilac but now Rosalee’s light sage painted walls, copious English ivy plants spilling over the tops of wooden bookshelves lining the walls. The floor was a plush ivory carpet and Elvis sat on it with one leg tucked in and the other stretched out, his white linen shirt and pale blue slacks looking perfectly at home in Rosalee‘s habitat, blending well with the academic and whimsical atmosphere. Elaine leaned on the knob and appreciated the sight of a stranger's little baby, no more than a year old surely, laying on its back in the vee of his long legs, disposed of diaper safely out of reach, midway through a process that had been stalled by lack of wipes.
Not to be thrown by such unforeseen occurrences, Elvis had waited it out until his Tink came for him as he always expected she would, and in the meantime he was making earnest conversation with the infant about the Christmas list, even though it was currently summertime. They were weighing whether or not a chainsaw could be made to size for such little hands, Elvis’ own lean, tan and long fingers squished a doughy bicep playfully and insisted that the child was almost capable.
“Awww looooook at youuu.” Elaine cooed, leaning heavily on the door knob and clutching her chest at the sight, the raucous outside the room having disguised the sound of her opening the door to Elvis’ ear.
He looked up with a disoriented look as if having quite forgotten the world outside him and the baby’s Christmas plan until his eyes landed on Elaine in the doorway and his grin flashed, the old natural one, all cheesy teeth and lips tucked in. “You got my wipes?”
“I do.” She preened.
“Well, hand ‘em over woman, I’m bout ready to gag over here.” he beckoned, rings still glittering on his hand and Elaine didn’t doubt that one day the baby would tell stories about how Elvis Presley changed their diaper without even taking off his bling for it.
Elaine closed the door behind her and traipsed over to him on jelly legs, her heeled sandals sinking precariously into the deep shag of the carpet, she steadied herself on his shoulder and handed down the wipes.
He looked her up and down with curious amusement, as if something was amiss but he couldn’t place it, yet with diaper stench so close he didn’t spend time on it. Elvis took the wipes and began to complete his task, Elaine sank down to her knees beside him and put her chin on his shoulder, watching him work, wrapping her arms around his waist like a clingy little koala to his back.
“Who is he?” she asked her husband about the baby he was tending so naturally. It wasn’t uncommon, their house being constantly full of strangers and friends of friends and their children’s buddies. She had seen Elvis caring for a kid or two like this before, or else baths or a good hosing off or, without fail, he provided them snacks at the least suggestion of hunger or even boredom. But she didn’t know this little one and something about seeing Elvis at this task when their Danny was too grown for it -it made her sentimental and she held on a little tighter, squeezing her appreciation for the sight into his flesh.
“Kid brother of Clarke, the kid two blocks over?” he explained, “The one Danny invites? Yeah, apparently their mama’s workin’ double shift today and the babysitter stepped out and Clarke thought he’d come on here since the house was empty. Poor little feller must’ve been scared stiff.”
“You mean little Clarke walked all that way carrying a baby?” she gasped.
“Yeah,” Elvis grunted. “I sent Sammy H. to go stay at the house and let the mama know her kids ain’t been stole by that trash sitter. Poor woman.”
“Poor woman.” Elaine echoed, neither of them ever quite getting used to the tales of hardship they were uniquely situated to hear of day after day. “Well, you tell her Elvis, tell her we’ll watch him from now on, Clarke too. Danny needs more friends his age besides. -What’s his name?” she asked after a minute of babbling to him herself.
“Dunno, but he responds well to buddy.” He shrugged, “Ain’t that right, buddy, huh? I ain’t forgot about lettin’ you play the piano, Buddy, no I haven’t, Uncle Elvis keeps his word, yes he does.”
Elvis could feel her grin grow behind his back and like clockwork her anticipated finger came and scritched at his right sideburn with her nail. “I’ve missed seeing you with babies.” she whispered with a giggle.
“We have a baby.” Elvis let out that staccato, huffing laugh of his.
“Danny is three.” Elaine pouted.
“And you’re four—ty…twooo.” Elvis goofed as he propped the newly changed and docile little boy up on his roly-poly legs.
“I’ve already had a baby as a grandmother.” Tink mused and she cocked her head to the side and watched the baby wobble towards Elvis with his entire little hands clutched onto Elvis’ index fingers like handlebars. “But I married such a pretty boy.” she sighs as if out of nowhere and drags her hand admiringly right down the length of Elvis’ bicep, in appreciation for the flexed muscle beneath linen.
Elvis let’s out a little squeak of surprise and turns on his ass to give his wife a more searching once over. She stays grinning on her knees, long tanned legs tucked beneath her in those light blue shorts that coordinate with his trousers, loopy grin on her face.
“Lord have mercy,” he falls back a little, taking the baby with him in his scramble till they look like little lambs being watched by a ready to pounce cat, “Aunt Delta spike the punch again?”
It’s not that Elvis doesn’t appreciate when Tink gets…admiring…but she sure does pick the queerest times for it, in his mind. The hell was so dreamy about wiping shit? He’s yet to understand her in many ways but from over twenty years of marriage, he knows those glossy eyes ain’t from eye drops.
“No, nobody’s touched the punch.” she giggles and begins to crawl closer, dyed auburn hair falling forward in large, barrel rolled curls.
The baby boy begins to laugh, thinking she’s playing tiger. Effortless Elaine switches into the role he wants and raises a hand like a claw and makes a dive for the baby's round little belly and Elvis ducks and rolls, taking him with him.
“Careful, careful, Laney, there’s a diaper -“
He’s not sure where, it’s a mercy his back doesn’t squash it or his head thud in its foamy fullness as he rolls away from his wife, a stranger's kid giggling like mad while braced to his chest. He throws a halfhearted karate kick at her and the angle is awkward with being mid roll and on his side, she grabs his leg anyways and proceeds to tickle his ankle and he aims his kicks in earnest in response. Elaine straddles his leg as he lays on his side and she crows like it’s some victory, then sways in confusion, like she’s second guessing her own success.
He can practically see the slow as molasses thought process in her airy little head. The hell did his wife take? There’s no liquor on her breath and she swore -they made vows to each other, each giving up the drugs and booze that had gotten them estranged from each other and themselves. He knows she wouldn’t. “What now?” he asks her in dry amusement and after much thought and no production, she shrugs and slips off his leg, landing with a wince inducing thump by his side.
“I dunno.” she admits and closes her eyes, small smile on her lips as they lay panting on the floor, the clink of Elvis’ rings the only immediate sound as the baby plays with them between the married couple. “I just missed you.” she says.
“Well, I missed you too.” he melts, throwing his arm out and running his fingers through her splaying hair. She leans into the touch, grin fully breaking out.
“Our boy is getting married.” she murmurs, as in the production of the whole thing, the significance has dwindled except for the quiet moments.
“Strangest thing, that it’s time for that.” Elvis agrees, softly. “I ‘member him just this age, rollin’ ‘round with me on the floor in Bad Nauheim, got more carpet burns than him. Now…Gettin’ married.” he let out a long whistle and scratched at Elaine’s scalp. “I don’t feel that old.” he admitted after awhile.
Whatever mood Tink was in, whatever goofy laziness had imbued her with such sangfroid about her duties and her guests, it served for a much needed little heart to heart and Elvis snuggled closer to her on the shag carpet and let the baby climb over his shoulder and pull at his hair, wincing at the small tortures but determined not to be a wimp.
“I don’t feel old either.” she agreed and her eyes popped open, the grin suddenly going from dreamy to having a decidedly vampiric quality. Elvis had often seen that look on his wife right before he got eaten alive.
“Sweet Jesus -no, simmer down, simmer down. Tink!” he tried to avert the plans swirling in her glossy eyes.
“Doesn’t my pretty baby wanna make me happy?” she cooed to him and between the actual baby tugging at his hair and the wife patting his cheeks it was all a guess to Elvis whether he was a father of a twenty something son or Elaine Presley’s pretty boy, ever at her disposal.
“Mamas, if you needs…some…tenda lovin’ care…” he gave her a significant look of expectation to understand his child-proof code, “then we can go find ourselves a little space in this house and uh…tend to it. Bed’s been real full, I know.” he soothed.
Elaine clutched her heart dramatically again and sighed, staring at the ceiling before propping up on an elbow again and gripping his chin with her hand, she put her face next to his and whispered with throaty care, “What I want, pretty daddy, is to maul you.”
And with that she laid back down beside him, after having watched her words register and the punched out moan of his gust over her lips. She stared back at the ceiling and sighed. “It’ll have to wait, but…soon.”
Elvis licked his dry lips with a tongue that had suddenly gone equally arid. “O-o-okey mamas.” he stuttered out in a whisper that ended with a wheeze as the baby hoisted themselves to dance on his belly like it were a trampoline.
“I’m very wet right now.” Elaine began again after he thought they’d shelved it.
“Laney!” he begged.
“I am!” she hissed petulantly, kicking up a leg and shaking her foot at the ceiling, “It’s making sticky noises when I walk.”
“I-I-I highly doubt that.”
“It is!” She insisted.
“Alright. It is. If you say so…ok.”
“Nothing to do about it though.” she sighed.
“No.” he agreed warily.
“What would you name him.” she asked suddenly, turning on her side and offering her hand as stability for the baby balancing on Elvis’ stomach. Good thing he had muscles of steel or else he’d be a mess right now with the digging little footsteps.
“Name who?“ Elvis sputtered, bewildered by the changes in topic.
“This baby. If he was ours.”
“Oh.” He sniffed. “I dunno, actually. Baron, maybe?”
“Hmm..” Elaine was unenthused.
“Who says we’d have another boy though?” he argued suddenly, “I mean who says this hypothetical baby we ain’t gonna make -no we ain’t mama’s, you’re crazy- would be a boy. What if it was a girl.”
“I’d name her Peace.” Elaine didn't skip a beat.
Elvis pondered that, fingers back to stroking the curls splayed on the carpet, “Mm. Shiloh.”
Hope y’all enjoyed! I’ve missed these babies and I’m grateful for y’all’s patience. Your “bugging” and “screaming” is music to my ears, fuel to my fire and keeps me writing, please never hold back -this is a safe space for feral little Elvis loving rodents…like you and me. 💋
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captainlondonman · 3 months
Car Repair Bear
There was something about the local car repair garage that made Danny look in every time he passed. Above the door was a dirty sign saying Bear Repairs. In fact it was not something but someone. There was only ever one guy there but almost every time Danny slowed up enough to look in, if the guy was in full view Danny could immediately start to feel his cock swell. Christ it was not as if the guy was some hunk, in fact he was quite the opposite. He was at least 185cms high thick set ,in fact more that that he had a good sized beer belly and he was hairy as hell. He was always in a dirty and oily blue overall which was invariably open almost down to his navel , probably because it was too tight on him but it made his hairy belly bulge out through the wide gap. He had a thick silver chain around his neck and tattoos around his neck. His hands were real mechanic hands thick fingered with dirty ingrained nails and such hairy hands. He wore thick toe capped boots up to his knees with the top part folded over. His neck was as  thick as his head and he had a real bruiser face as if he had been in several street fights. Hair closely shaved with a heavy 3 day growth. There was always a ciggie hanging out one side of his mouth.. An oily rag stuck out from his rear pocket.
Danny got so turned on by this large bear bellied man, a real man that he often had to cover up his boner and then wank furiously when he got home. It reminded him of Mr Barton the school teacher. He was large with his shirt buttons always ready to split and his trousers belted tight so his belly poured out over his trousers. He obviously wore no underwear as when he walked down the classroom Danny could easily see the outline of his thick cock swinging in the baggy trousers. Every time Mr Barton passed by Danny’s hand went down to his cock under the table and stroked himself until he had a stonking hard on.
As Danny passed by the repair shop one day he saw a car driving in and a large guy in a suit, shirt and tie  get out. Christ it was Mr Barton. Jesus how could he and the repair guy be together it was almost too much. He decided he had to get closer and managed to get in whilst they were talking and hid behind a machine.
He heard Mr. Barton say ‘I’ve come for a service’.
‘Sure mate, I’ve been expecting you but it ain’t the car that’s needing serviced is it? I’d better close the door while we deal with your servicing.
The owner walked so close to Danny that he almost could have touched him. He closed the doors and as he turned to look at Mr. Barton he said
‘I knew you’d be hot. I can see that thick dick of your hard as anything from here. Don’t worry I’ll give you the full service.’
As the two men came together Mr. Barton put his hand out and grabbed the owners coverall pulling him in and then putting his hand down inside to grab hold of his cock.
‘Tell you what Les that cock of yours I dream off when I’m fucking the wife. Let me get it out and admire before I get my mouth down the shaft. I love sucking your dick and feeling all that hair on your belly rubbing against my mouth.’
Danny could now see Les’s fully erect dick. It had a thick vein on the underside and was clearly circumsized with a huge head. It must have been a full 9 inches and more like 10.
With his legs wide apart Les said
‘Well Barton as you like it that much get down on your fucking knees and get a whiff. Nice and oily and I know you like me to not have washed any piss off. You like it dirty eh?’
Mr Barton got down in front of Les to look at the boner in front  of him.
‘Shit that’s some cock. No wonder I keep coming back for a service.’
‘Look you faggot this is just the start’ and with that Les got hold of Mr Barton’s tine and yanked him up so his mouth was level with his cockhead.
‘No softly’ softly today mate, I need to feel that mouth of yours go the whole way down.’
With hand still pulling on the tie Les took his other arm and placed his beefy hand behind Barton’s head.
‘That’s it now open wide and start to get it down you. I want to feel you take my whole dick and have your lips in amongst my thick pubes so you can feel my belly pressed against you. That’s it mate let me help you and I’ll push it down yer throat.’
Barton started to gag slightly as he tried to fully open his mouth.
‘Quit the gagging you pussy and take it like a real man.’
With his hand still behind Barton’s head he pressured more and more guiding with force so his cock sunk more and more into his mouth
‘That’s it let me feel all your spit around my shaft.’
Letting one hand go from the tie Les then put both hands around Barton’s head and started to move it further in and then out.
‘That’s fucking better. You’ve got the hang of it. Jesus you so love cock. So you want the full service. So we’d better sort out that arse of yours. Get off the ground and lean over your car.’
Barton stood up the saliva from all his sucking was running down his chin.
‘Get your jacket off and I’ll do the rest’ Les snapped.
As Barton leant over the car Les took his hand and slapped hard three times causing Barton to jerk.
‘Christ careful man I can’t have the wife see me with weal marks on my arse.’
‘Well she might well be seeing all my cum running out of your arse anyway.’
Les put his muscle d arms around Barton and undid his belt. ‘You’ve been putting on a few pounds recently. Just how I like my men. Nice and beefy with a good hairy belly and bulging arse. No matter how much it bulges I love getting my cock up through the depths and into the hole.’
Les pulled down the trousers so they were set at the ankles.
‘I can feel that precum of yours on your trousers. You’ll have to something about that before you get home.’
‘You’ve a great big arse on you man. Just perfect and all that spit of yours has my cock ready to thrust right into you.’
From his position Danny could see Les’s  thick cock which he had his hand around ready to enter. Danny cock was oozing precum. He had never see two big bellied bear men have sex together but had dreamt it. Now here he was a voyeur watching one man about to fuck the living day lights out of another , his ex teacher and his own cock was straining to get out of his joggers, in fact it was tenting to such an extent that he looked as he had a pole down inside and there was a large precum stain just as his cock head rubbed against his nylon  joggers.
He watched Les take hold of each arse cheek and pull them wide apart so he could slip his cock int between to force his arse head open.
You’ve taken this dick a few times Barton so that hole of yours is ready for my prick. It’ll slide up a dream once I get past the opening and you can feel me force it right up to the hilt. Shit you have one great hairy arse. Your arse hairs and my pubes rubbing together eh?’
And with that Les sank his cock right in letting go of the cheeks as he did so the hairy arse sprang back over ’Les’s cock.
‘Bet you love being taken on your own car. Now let me grab that cock of yours while I fuck and well get that juice of yours over the bonnet nice and thick.’
With his hands firmly around Bartons belly and grasping his cock Les started to ram his own dick in and out faster and faster but each time making sure he forced it in the whole way. Barton’s arse started to react and he moved his fat arse back and forth so he could feel the full thrust
‘Fuck me man, go the whole way with your service and let me feel that spunk of yours shooting so far up I a can almost feel it in my mouth. I already have that salty taste of your precum in me.’
‘Shit Barton you’re a great fuck. Always has me coming big time so lets finish this off as my balls are ready to break and shoot my cum up you. I can feel that cock of yours pulsating and ready.’
Danny had his own cock out his hand firmly working the full length of his shaft. He knew he was going to cum, he was almost breathless with excitement watching these two guys humping. Les’s thrusting was even causing the car to move.
‘I’m fucking ready to spear you Barton so get ready to take my spunk. It’s coming. Fuuuuck.’ and with that he shot his cum forcing his body tight into Barton’s cheeks and with his final lunge Barton let out a long moan as his spunk shot through Les’s hands and over the bonnet of the car in thick creamy wads.
It was too much for Danny who had to put one hand over his mouth to stifle his orgasm and as he arched his body his spunk shot out across the machine leaving a thick white stream running down the shaft.
Les let his cock slide out and as he tucked his dick back intohis blue coverall he wiped his hand over his cock head to remove the final bit of cum and then smeared it over the coverall.
‘Now get those trousers belted. That was a hell of service. I needed that and by the way your body was wobbling around you needed to shoot your bolt.
Just as well the car doesn’t need much servicing.’
‘Better get back to school so open up and let me out .’
Still wiping his coverall and giving his hairy chest a rub, Les opened the doors just a meter away from him. Barton got into his car and drove out giving a wave.
‘It won’t be long until I’m back for more,’ he shouted out the window
As Les turned round to walk back to his workbench so Danny was quietly able to slip out
Like anything that gives you such a turn on once you have watched just one time you need to see more and your cock tells you that you need to cum again. He could not believe that he had seen his ex teacher being fucked and his cock erupting with spunk. In bed that night he started dreaming and he was back at school and Barton was walking up and down in the classroom almost brushing his pot belly against Danny’s shoulder. Every now and again the teacher would stop and slightly bend over Danny’s book so his belly rubbed against his head. At these times his eyes were staring right at Barton’s crotch. He could see the outline stretching down one inside leg and now that he had actually seen it he knew what was going on in his inside leg. As Barton bent over to ask a question so Danny’s hand came up and started to stroke his cock and balls through his thick trousers. As he did so Barton pushed himself closer into Danny and he could feel the softness of his chest. The more he cupped Barton’s cock the more Barton let his belly push in to the point that Danny could almost feel his body vanishing into the thick mass. Barton’s cock grew bigger and bigger and by now it was positively erect pushing against the fabric needing to be taken out. Danny unzipped and let his hand in to fondle the stiff prick and heavy balls. He had to force Barton’s cock out such was its length. It seemed even bigger and thicker than he had seen at the garage. Barton’s cock was now staring at Danny’s mouth the massive head gleaming with precum.. All Danny wanted was to take the full length and feel his head totally buried in Barton’s chest. Barton took hold of Danny’s head and directed his mouth to the tip forcing his mouth open pushing his heavily veined prick into his mouth so Danny could take the flow of spunk, Danny could feel every thrust but he could take it all and wanted every inch his saliva juicing around the shaft. He could feel the heat from Barton’s body and the smell as a couple of buttons popped open and his hairy chest deep into Danny’s face. Danny could feel the throbbing, he knew Barton was ready to shoot.
Suddenly the dream finished and as Danny woke up breathing hard his body arched upwards and without even having his hand over his cock, it spewed cum all the way up his chest. What a dream but sadly not real.
The next day Danny was immediately drawn back to the garage and he decided that he could still hide and at last watch the horny guy in his oiled stained overalls. As he worked on a car so the ciggie still hung out one side of the mouth and every now and again he would take his hand and shove it down the open front to give his balls a rub.. That alone made Danny’s trackies tent with his stiff prick.
Suddenly Danny heard a noise behind him and outside the door the local council workie was parking his cart. He was a big guy, his hair shaved at the sides but the top part gelled back into a ponytail. He had a thick droopy moustache and his whole body looked as if he had done very little exercise. Wide shoulders but with a thick protruding beer belly. His dirty white T shirt was too tight and had risen up to show an expansive hairy belly which hung over his yellow thick belted Hi Viz trousers. He has a yellow matching nylon sleeveless jacket and then a thick yellow dirty HIViz jacket and was kept open to show off his massive body.
As he walked in he said ‘Hey Les it’s Thursday you know I always drop by for a blow job. By the time I get here I am always stiff as a poker thinking of that mouth of yours around my cock.’
‘Christ man you should not be walking around the street looking like that. Your fucking cock is sticking out a mile in those Hi Viz. And don’t worry I know the day of the week and have just been giving myself a nice rub waiting for you. So close the door and lets get on with it.’
The binman walked up to Les and putting his arm around his neck pulled him in to tongue him.
‘Shit where have you been today mate you’re stinking.’
‘Thought you liked that.’
‘I fucking do and whatever that it is it’s sure making me even hornier. Hope you’ve not washed yourself in a couple of days as I always like that cock of your stinking of dried piss.’
‘Don’t worry I make sure its rank for you.’
Les rubbed his hands up and down the HiViz nylon crotch.
‘Christ you are really hard today.’
‘So what you waiting for,’ the binman replied undoing his wide leather belt and letting his HiViz trousers slide over his erect cock and balls.
‘Jesus I didn’t think you have washed your prick for a week. What a fucking great smell.’ As Les let himself sink to his knees so he opened the remaining couple of buttons of his overall and brought out his own cock letting his heavy set balls flip out.
‘Big man, big cock’, Les said as he took hold of the binman’s balls and squeezed them firmly yanking them down so he could feel them both. As he did. so did the binman’s cock sprang up so it was almost vertical. Bill let his tongue lick over the binman’s head allowing him to savour the dried up piss.
‘Christ you are fucking high. Love it man.’
Holding the binman’s cock Les let his tongue travel down the full shaft making sure he savoured every inch until his tongue had licked the thick bushy pubes. As his tongue worked around the shaft so the binman’s cock reacted waving around. It had a nice banana shape making it look even more erect. Les brought his tongue back to the glistening head having now covered the shaft with his spit. He was ready to suck. Still holding the full length of the prick Les opened wide and let his mouth take in the head pausing to fill his mouth with more spit and little by little he let it slide down the shaft and all the time breathing in the pungent smell of stale piss. Once his mouth was taking in the full length, Les let his hands reach up to rub over the nylon of the HiViz. He loved HiViz gear and would often lounge about it at home when he felt horny. He let his hands move over the binman’s belly and ruck up his T shirt more so he could feel the full expanse. And tangle his hands in the mass of chest hair.
He started moving his head in and out, the spit drooling down his chin and the quicker he did it so he took one hand away and brought it down on to his own shaft. The binman was clearly ready to explode and so Les wanked himself faster and faster while feeling the guys cock throbbing for his orgasm.
‘I’m ready Les so swallow that cum of mine all the way down. The binman gave a final lunge into Les’s mouth and reached his orgasm, the spunk coming out too fast for Les to swallow so it gurgled out of his mouth and rolled down his chin on and onto his coverall. Feeling so much cum in his mouth mixed with the smell of piss was too much and Les let rip with his own cum across the floor some shooting onto the binman’s dirty worn boots.
‘I love fucking Thursdays man working on that cock of yours’
‘If you fucking love them so do I, getting rid of my cum. I always like to save some up for you mate.’
The two guys sorted them selves out and the Binman opened the door to go out . Danny had been so excited and transfixed that he had not managed to get his dribbling cock out for a wank. He could feel his cock tight against the machine and as he moved so a small part fell to the floor. Before Danny had time to figure anything out Les was across and dragged him out.
‘I fucking knew someone had been in when I saw spunk marks on the floor around here. And now you’ve been getting off watching me do a blow job, you little cretin. Get off on all this do you? Of course you fucking do look at that prick of your’s tenting in your trackies. Didn’t manage to cum then, though you’ve got a bloody large patch of precum on you. So what am I going to do with you. I’m not into skinny lad like you so not much point in wasting a fuck.’
‘I’m not into skinny lads either. I love real men with lots of hair and bellies. The bigger the better. I so often wish I was a bear  as you always go for each other which leaves me out of it. I so wish I was a a hairy bear and had the life you guys have. Feeling a bears pot belly would be perfect for me.’
‘Christ you are a horny little runt and its clear you would prefer to be a nice stinking hairy bear instead of your miserable little self.’
Les took hold of Danny shoulder
‘Right come with me. Time to sort you out.’
Danny was dragged across the floor and Les opened a door into what looked like a car spray booth.
‘Get yourself in there,’ as he threw Danny inside and then locked the door.
Danny was terrified. He was locked in a windowless room with the garage owner furious and clearly wanting some form of revenge. How long was he going to be kept inside and he had no phone to get a message out. He was stuck and there seemed little point in shouting due to the thick walls. As he huddled himself in a corner he was suddenly aware of some steam coming into the room. Just at first a little stream of steam but it quickly started to build up until he could feel himself enfolded by it. It seemed only steam as he was not choking or felt as it he was being poisoned. In fact it felt warm and comfortable. However as the steam became thicker so he was aware that his clothes seemed to be almost melting and sliding off his body. The steam had removed them and as he put his hand over his body he realized that he was totally naked. The steam continued to build up around him and he then started to feel a change to his body which he could not understand. It was as though he was being pulled apart, being stretched. He felt bigger, wider and yes even much taller. Even his face was being pulled apart. He could feel the blood rushing around his body surging warmth. It felt good in fact it felt bloody great to the point he was almost getting aroused.  He wanted to understand what was going on to his body so in the thick fog started to let his hands move over himself.
‘Christ was this me. Is this really my body?’
The first thing was his whole body seemed covered in a thick mass of hair, from his belly all the way up to his neck and as he put his hands behind him the hair seemed all over his back. Not just a little covering but curly thick hair. But as he brought his hands back to his belly he realized that he no longer had a cute waist but he seemed to have a large extended belly also hairy. There was no waist.
In shock he put his hands up to his face. Where was that smooth face that rarely needed shaving. Instead his hands fondled a thick beard all the way round his mouth and even thick into his neck. It was as if his body hair had come up and spread all across his head but wait, his head was bald. Smooth, all his head hair had gone. He started to feel his hands where were the long slender fingers. It was as if he now had slabs as fingers, thick with hair. He didn’t know what to think but the feeling kept changing because slowly he was no longer feeling naked. He put his hand to his chest and was aware he was now wearing a rubber vest which was making him sweat, it was tight against his body showing every outline. But there was more, he was now in something that seemed like an coverall all open at the front with rolled up sleeves and his feet were clearly in heavy boots.
His head started to go blank and he felt dizzy. He knew there was a change but could not figure it out. But something was erasing all his thoughts, he could hardly remember his name and what his history was. He struggled to regain himself but it was too late. For a moment there was a blank and then he could feel himself rough, tough and wanting to get out, his throat felt different, harder, and he knew his voice had changed.
‘Get me out of here you fucking moron.’ He suddenly shouted his voice much deeper and with a strong local accent.
The steam stated to evaporate and leave the room. The door clicked open and Danny stormed out.
‘What has fucking gone on’
‘Jesus’ Les replied ‘I didn’t ever expect you to look this this. The way you look is only because it’s the person you have wanted to be and bloody hell man what a fucking great bear you make. Have a look at yourself.’
Danny stood legs apart staring at the dirty mirror.
‘Fuuuucking great man. Shit what a hairy bear I now am and look the part of your mate in my coverall. I’m no longer Danny, what a fucking boyish name. I’m Dan from now on and I ain’ going back.’
Dan could not take his eyes of his new look. His black rubber vest had inched up  his hairy chest which was pushing out from his half open coverall, the sleeves were rolled out to show off thick hairy and tattooed arms, both arms totally covered in tats. His neck was as thick as his head and looked more so with the black curly bushy beard. Dan rubbed his hands over his shaved head.
Again he shouted ‘Fuuuucking great.’
His hand then moved down to his crotch as seeing this image of himself had started to make feel so horny.
‘Just as well my dick is the right proportion . It feels thick and meaty and by Christ its inching down my leg needing release and you Les are gonna give me that. Get over here As Les approached so Dan picked up a knife and then quickly turned Bill round using the knife to make a hole in the rear of his coverall just at arse level.
‘I wanna fuck you in your coverall. I know you have a great cock and I can get that up me later but now its my turn to shag you good and proper.
Dan undid to last two buttons and thrust his hand down his coverall leg giving himself and good rub before yanking it out. Les could feel the massive head rubbing against his cheeks.
‘Think you need some lube man to take this big prick of mine.’
Dan got hold of the oil can from the bench and smeared a great dollop over his cock rubbing it in.
‘We’re both dirty bear mechanics so you might as well have some of your gear up you. Get your legs apart. I wanna fuck you upright. Jesus that’s some fucking great thick prick I have. Nice thick vein and love it way it gets thicker and thicker up to my pubes. Means I can get inside you not too badly and then you can feel it more and more as I drive up to the hilt.’
Spreading Les’s heavy hairy cheeks apart Dan started to ease his well oiled cock deep into Les’s arse. He could almost hear it pop as it got past the entry and as he pushed more and more so Les groaned more heavily.
‘Shit if you wanted a big dick then you certainly got one. If feels fucking great. What a fuck.’ Dan sank his cock in until his coverall was rubbing against Les’s arse. He stopped when fully in and brought his hands around to Les’s chest opening up his coverall more so he could start massaging Bill’s nipples. They were big brown and stuck out just like a real bear of a man. Les groaned even more.
‘Don’t just rub them mate give me a good going over and nip and pull, sends me crazy.’
Dan started tightening his grip on the nipples and feeling them stretched made Dan feel even hornier.
‘I fucking love working a mates tits.’ Dan started to slide his cock in and out at first slowly almost to the point of taking his dick fully out and then rather than gently sliding back in he rammed. Les was loving his tits being worked so he started letting his arse move in rythnm to Dan’s cock lunges. Dan could feel himself sweating with his rubber vest and his chest hair was glistening underneath and he could smell his manly odour form his armpits. Good strong and what a bear should smell like.
The smell , Les’s tits and the feel of his cock tight in Les’s arse was working Dan up to a frenzy. Les could feel the throbbing cock and put his hand over his own thick dick taking some oil from the same can so his hand slid up and down as the oil dripped onto the floor but his cock glowed with oil and precum.. He was forcing himself back onto Dan;s cock as though he wanted to be speared.
Dan shouted,
‘I’m about to let my load right up you. Just hope it shoots out your bloody mouth mate.’
‘Go for it Dan my own cock is ready to burst.’
With a final shove dan shot his load up Les’s arse and Les shot his spunk out over the floor, with creamy white stains all over the floor.
The two men took their greasy hands over their faces to wipe off the sweat.
‘Now I know what it’s like to be a bear and I never want to go back. Fucking great man.’
‘Well Dan you might as well stay on as a mechanic I could do with some help so I’m not shagging all the time but at least getting some car repairs done.
‘Suits me mate. Mind you after that fuck it will be difficult not to keep wanting some more sessions and having seen you own cock I fancy that up my bum.’
‘Don’t worry I’ll give you one soon enough. It might also make it a bit more fun for some of our customers if there are two of us.’
‘Make sure when Barton is back I get to fuck him. That’s a dream to come true.’
‘Forget the dreams Dan its now reality, you are bruiser of a bear.’
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astyrial · 4 months
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engine troubles kiyoko shimizu x gn!reader (fluff) synopsis: mechanic au word count: 1k warnings: probably incorrect car stuff, unedited masterlist | requests are open
   another car rolls into the shop's garage, one of the other mechanics pulling it in. as he stops in the correct spot, you can hear the loud squealing of a worn down brake pad. your coworker steps out, crossing his arms on the top of the  old cadillac. a few black hairs fall to his forehead from his fairly blonde hair, a smile on his face, "i got this one."
  "you sure, kanji? because the two o'clock said he was going to be a little late for his engine check so i can do it," you rest your hands on your hips until he nods.
  "i'm very sure. i've done it with a supervisor like a thousand times, i think i can do it alone this once. take your break or something."
  his eyebrows raise as he waits for you to let out a small groan and a slow nod. kanji seems to be a natural talent when he works on cars, who are you to deny him his first job on his own? your shoulders slowly shrug, "sure, just let someone else look over it before you send it off."
  kanji gives you a two-finger wave, spinning around to raise the car. your hands wipe onto the small towel hanging from one of your belt hoops until there's a couple of black stains. before your fingers can wrap around the door's handle, someone is shouting out for you. you turn around and your gaze catches that of an albeit, beautiful woman.
  her hair is pulled into a high ponytail, athleisure-wear complimented with matching sneakers. covering it is a thick winter jacket. she finishes a light jog until entering the garage. there's a certain look in her eyes, one of worry. your breath catches for a second and your eyelids blink quickly as you watch her gain a quiet smile.
  "you're the closest automotive shop and my car broke down right after i got lunch. i have to head back to work, and it's right down the street," she crosses her arms in front of her chest and takes in a few deep breaths. 
  you nod, looking back at the main office, of course you want to help. however, you're on the clock and could very well get reprimanded for leaving. your gaze returns to the unfamiliar woman until you let out a soft sigh. "okay- any noise beforehand? any dashboard lights coming on?"
  "no- actually, the start up noise sounded a little weird. and it smelled a little like gasoline," she looks back at the street, in the direction of many restaurants and fast food chains.
  "okay, it sounds a little like a flooded engine, so-"
  "that isn't anything terrible, right? because i really do have to get back to work soon," the woman begins to tap her foot against the concrete floor of the garage.
  your head momentarily shakes, hands reaching for a thick jacket. "only if i can't get it started for you. then it may be the spark plugs, which you would need to get replaced before going anywhere. so let's hope for the best option, okay?" her features suddenly relax, eyebrows lessening in intensity. 
  she nods, waiting for you to finish grabbing your things and preparing to leave. when you look back up at her, the sun is perfectly set in the sky to create a sort of halo effect around her. your heartbeat begins to beat even quicker until you look away and back at kanji. he's currently under the car, attempting to fix the brake pad.
  "can you cover for me kanji? i need to go see if i can clear a flooded engine for..."
  "my name's shimizu kiyoko."
  "shimizu, she needs to head back to work and it won't take me long."
  kanji looks over at the two of you, narrowing his eyes a little as he notices you practically sweating from her radiance. he simply nods before obviously winking and returning back to his work. you shake your head, looking back to shimizu. there's a smile on her face as the two of you start off towards the car. 
  snow flutters down from the clouds to create a beautiful atmosphere. you take in a deep breath of the cold air as you cross the street to find an older car parked outside of an onigiri shop. it’s been restored to its former glory. your eyes widen a little as you notice the new paint and the convertible top. just before you reach it, she hands you the key.
  “when’d you get this beauty? who restored it?”
  “oh- just the past month. it was my granpda’s and he was a big fan of the older style of cars. he refurbished it until he passed away and left it to me,” shimizu grabs the strap of her bag and looks over to you, a smile on her lips.
  despite wanting to ask the girl to marry you on the spot, you only catch a glimpse of her before unlocking and opening the car door. the inside leather seats are also perfectly comfortable, the stitching nearly perfect for a restoration. everything from the dashboard to the disc player screams out your name in perfect tone.
  “do you mind opening the hood?” it doesn’t take long for shimizu to hear you and prop it open, “thanks!”
  you push the key into the ignition and turn it as you step down on the accelerator pedal. some smoke escapes into the air as you hear the engine roar to life. meaning that the spark plugs are likely fine. you exit the car and lean your arm against the driver door, meeting shimizu’s eyes. 
  she lets out a sigh of relief and holds out her hand, “thank you so much, i mean this is just great.”
  “of course, just let it idle for a second so that it can really clear it out. i just hope this amazing car will last you a lot longer,” you shake her hand and rest the other on your hip. 
  “well, you can always ask me that later, if i can take you to dinner as a thank you.”
  “i’d love that.”
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the b-word
Rating: G Pairing: Ruth Bihari x Ava du Mortain Words: 1300 Happy Birthday to the love of my life, Ava du Mortain!
Ava has not celebrated a birthday in… it must be decades, at this point. It’s just not something she’s interested in keeping track of anymore, and it hasn’t been for some time. 
The only vague awareness she needs is the knowledge that she is coming up on her first millennium and that is terrifying in a way that makes her feel like she’s standing at the edge of a skyscraper, looking down at the ground with the innate knowledge that she won’t survive the fall. Thinking about the centuries under her belt makes her feel two inches to the left of her body — the body she’s inherited for nine centuries — and, if she allows herself to linger on the feeling, she feels as if somehow everyone around her will be able to take one look at her and know that she is not human.
Farah had tried to throw her a birthday party the first year after she joined the unit. Tried being the key word, as Nate had been quick to shut it down, ever the faithful friend (as he ought to be, after three centuries together).
All of these conflicting emotions are why she often spends her birthday away from everyone, throwing herself into work or something that will occupy her mind to avoid the darkness lurking just beneath the surface. 
Since they’ve been in Wayhaven permanently, and since she finally got to take her baby out of storage, she decides to spend this day working on her car. Maybe even go for a drive.
That is all to say, when Ruth finds her out in the garage with a mischievous grin on her face, Ava is immediately suspicious.
Ava blinks up at her, lying on her back from where she’d been working on something under the car. Ruth’s grin doesn’t waver as she rocks back and forth on her heels, hands behind her back as she obviously has something hiding back there. Frowning, Ava sits up on her elbows, cocking an eyebrow at the Detective.
Ruth laughs at the tone Ava has, looking up at the car as she smiles brightly. “Are you taking her out, today?”
“I… I might,” Ava says, still unsure about what it is, exactly, that Ruth wants. She sits up more, bracing her forearms on her knees. “It’s nice out today, at least, and we all have the day off, so it seems like a good time.”
Ruth nods. “It’s beautiful out, today. The park might be a little busy, but I know a place where the road leads up to a cliff overlooking the sea if you want.”
“That sounds… nice.”
Ruth laughs at the hesitation Ava has when she speaks, grinning down at her in such a way that Ava’s breath catches in her throat. For a moment, she swears that the sunlight streaming in from the open garage door gets a little brighter to match the joy and contentment sparkling in Ruth’s eyes.
And then Ruth shakes her head a little and offers Ava what she had behind her back.
It’s an oblong, velvet jewelry box with a little blue ribbon on it.
Ava winces before she can stop herself, and Ruth laughs again, bright and joyful enough that Ava’s lips twitch reluctantly with the urge to join in the laughter. Ava takes the box as Ruth lowers herself to sit on the ground across from her. 
“I know you don’t like celebrating the b-word,” Ruth starts, shrugging lightly. “Nate warned me about that. But, I saw this online the other day and it was too fitting to pass up. You’re welcome to be mad at me about it, but…” she trails off with another shrug.
Ava snorts softly, returning her gaze to the box. Delicately, she sighs and tugs at one end of the ribbon, the satin sliding away and falling to the pavement below. Bracing herself for — whatever might be inside this thing, she carefully opens the box…
…and her shoulders slump a little as she takes in the delicate silver pendant on a chain lying in the velvet.
At first glance, the pendant seems to be in the shape of a shield. However, upon closer inspection, there is a sword in the middle, surrounded by two dragons coiled on either side, all forming the shape of a shield. In the center of the pendant lies a stone almost the exact shade of Ava’s eyes.
It’s barely a breath as she exhales softly, reaching out to touch the pendant delicately with her fingers. 
Ruth’s foot shakes in her periphery as she waits for Ava’s response, nerves clearly getting to her. Ava looks back up at her to find a hopeful look on her face, teeth gnawing at her lower lip. When she meets her eyes, Ruth smiles a little.
Ava considers her for a moment, eyes trailing over her pretty face — and the she snorts again, smiling softly down at the necklace.
“It’s lovely,” Ava says, pulling the chain from the velvet. As the chain pulls free, she realizes that it isn’t long enough to be pulled over the head.
“Do you want to wear it?” 
“I do.”
The answer falls from her lips faster than she’d expected, but any embarrassment Ava might have felt fades quickly when she looks up at Ruth and catches the excitement in her eyes. Ruth shifts onto her knees, holding her hands out and wiggling her fingers as she says, “I’ll help.”
Ava isn’t entirely sure about this, but she doesn’t want to not wear it, so she willingly hands it over, careful not to brush Ruth’s skin as the pendant drops into her waiting palm. Turning around, Ava bends her neck, leaning forward a little so that Ruth can access the nape of her neck easily. Ruth brushes at some of the hair that had fallen loose from Ava’s bun as she worked on her car — ignores the way a full-body shiver washes over Ava’s skin, making her visibly shake for a moment — and then she drapes the necklace around Ava’s neck, fixing the clasp quickly and easily.
The pendant falls perfectly against her sternum, hitting near the top of her cleavage. Not in the way and able to be visible if Ava were to decide to wear a tanktop or something lower cut than the crew-cut tees she favors.
Touching it gently, she turns to look at Ruth again. 
Something in her stomach flutters at how close Ruth is.
“Thank you,” she says faintly, caught on the way the sun catches on one of the hubcaps reflects the sunlight into Ruth’s eyes, lighting them up like a bottle of cognac in the sun. 
Ruth smiles. “I’m glad you like it.”
I love it. I love you.
Ava coughs, looking away as her ears begin to burn and rubbing at the back of her neck. Clearing her throat, she looks back at her car and asks, “Do you want… do you want to go for a drive with me?”
A stupid question, Ava realizes, because Ruth immediately lights up, sitting upright so quickly that her curly hair bounces softly with the motion. “I’d love to!”
Ava smiles even as longing closes a cold fist around her heart, squeezing as she takes in just how beautiful Ruth is. 
She still doesn’t like celebrating her birthday. She doesn’t care to actually count how old she is or force herself to choke down a piece of cake.
This isn’t so bad, though. When she pulls out onto the main road, with late spring air combing sticky fingers through their hair, feeling the quiet hum of her car beneath her hands as she drives them up the coast, her heart in the seat beside her…
Well, she thinks maybe this birthday, at least, is a good one.
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san96van · 1 year
Garage Repair and Genie Garage Door Opener in Lexington, KY
Regarding garage repair and finding a suitable Genie garage door opener in Lexington, KY, relying on a trusted and reputable service provider is essential. Whether you need garage door repairs or are searching for a reliable opener, this article will guide you through finding the best solutions in Lexington, KY.
The Importance of Garage Repair Services in Lexington, KY:
Garage doors are integral to our homes, providing security and convenience. However, wear and tear can take a toll on their functionality over time. That's when professional garage repair services come into play. In Lexington, KY, homeowners can benefit from skilled technicians who specialize in garage door repairs. These experts possess the knowledge and tools to address various issues, such as broken springs, faulty openers, or damaged tracks. By promptly addressing these problems, you can ensure your garage door's smooth operation and longevity.
Choosing the Right Genie Garage Door Opener in Lexington, KY:
Genie is a trusted brand known for its quality and reliability regarding garage door openers. Genie garage door openers provide a seamless operation, enhanced security features, and convenient access to your garage. In Lexington, KY, you can find various Genie garage door openers to suit your needs. Whether you prefer a belt drive, chain drive, or screw drive opener, reputable garage door retailers in Lexington can guide you towards the ideal Genie opener that matches your requirements and budget.
Benefits of Professional Garage Repair and Genie Garage Door Opener Installation
3.1 Enhanced Security and Safety
Investing in professional garage repair services ensures that your garage door is functioning optimally, reducing the risk of break-ins and potential accidents. Additionally, installing a Genie garage door opener enhances security through features such as rolling code technology and automatic lock mechanisms.
3.2 Increased Convenience
With a Genie garage door opener, you can enjoy the convenience of remote-controlled access to your garage. No more struggling with heavy manual operation or worrying about leaving your car to open the door manually. Genie openers provide smooth and effortless functionality, allowing you to enter or exit your garage quickly.
3.3 Improved Home Value
A well-maintained garage door and a reliable Genie opener can significantly boost your home's curb appeal and value. If you plan to sell your property, potential buyers will appreciate the added convenience and security provided by a functional garage door and a reputable brand like Genie.
Regarding garage repair and finding a suitable Genie garage door opener in Lexington, KY, relying on professional services is essential. Promptly addressing any garage door issues through expert maintenance ensures your garage door's longevity and smooth operation. Additionally, installing a Genie garage door opener enhances security, convenience, and the overall value of your home. By following these guidelines, you can confidently navigate the process of finding the best solutions for your garage in Lexington, KY.
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Garage Door Openers: A Complete Guide to Choosing the Right One for Your Needs - Key Automation Industries
Garage Door Openers: What You Need to Know Before You Buy Are you tired of manually opening and closing your garage door every time you need to use it? Installing a garage door opener can make your life a lot easier. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your needs. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know before you buy a garage door opener, including important features to consider and where to buy one. Types of Garage Door Openers There are three main types of garage door openers: chain-driven, belt-driven, and screw-driven. Each type has its own unique features and benefits. Here's what you need to know:
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Chain-driven openers are the most common and affordable option. They use a chain to pull the door up and down. While they are sturdy and reliable, they can be noisy. Belt-driven openers use a belt instead of a chain, making them much quieter than chain-driven openers. They are ideal if your garage is attached to your house and you don't want to disturb anyone. Screw-driven openers use a threaded steel rod to lift the door. They are easy to maintain and operate quietly, but they are not as common as chain-driven or belt-driven openers. Features to Consider Before you buy a garage door opener, consider the following features: Horsepower: The horsepower of the opener determines how much weight it can lift. For most residential doors, a 1/2 horsepower opener is sufficient. Safety Features: Look for an opener with safety features such as automatic reversal and motion sensors to prevent accidents. Remote Control: Choose an opener with a remote control for convenience. Battery Backup: Consider an opener with a battery backup in case of power outages. Where to Buy Garage Door Openers When it comes to buying a garage door opener, you want to ensure you're getting a quality product. Key Automation Industries is a reputable and trusted company that specializes in garage door openers. They offer a wide range of products to choose from, including chain-driven, belt-driven, and screw-driven openers. Key Automation Industries also provides installation and maintenance services, so you can have peace of mind knowing your opener will be installed correctly and functioning properly. Conclusion Investing in a garage door opener can save you time and hassle in the long run. Consider the type of opener that best suits your needs, along with important features such as horsepower, safety features, remote control, and battery backup. When it's time to buy, trust Key Automation Industries to provide quality products and expert installation services. Don't hesitate, make your life easier and buy a garage door opener today! Remember to visit our website, keyautomationind.com, to browse our selection of garage door openers and other products. We encourage you to invest in the convenience and safety of a garage door opener and let Key Automation Industries take care of the rest.
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tyler-lawson · 2 years
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Warrant service is some of the best work we can get. This town is so quiet and sleepy, there is very little going on. Most of our town revenue comes from traffic tickets of people speeding through town. And sometimes, those people fail to pay their tickets, and fail to show up to court. They think that somehow they are immune just because they don't live here. Unfortunately for them, we have worked with the state and have been deputized as state patrol. And so when people don't show up to court for their tickets, we get to go get them, getting paid a full day's wages, plus travel expenses and a per diem. Easiest money on the force.
Today, I had a warrant for a young guy at another small town. It was an easy drive, as easy as a 3 hour drive could be. I pulled up in front of the house at the address on his driver's license. I see the car parked out front, and the license plate matches that on the ticket.
I step out of my unmarked vehicle, wearing slim fit blue jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. I clip a badge onto my belt, make sure my cuffs are held in their holster, tuck the envelope with the paper copy of the warrant in my back pocket. I walk across the street, knock on the door with two heavy knocks, and step back.
I don't get an answer, so I walk around the house for a moment. In the garage, I hear clattering, and bang on the garage door heavily. It takes a moment, but the heavy door starts to open. Standing in one of a few aisles available between tall stacks of boxes stands a tall, lanky young man. His hair is unkempt and disheveled, and he is wearing relaxed clothes, a blue t-shirt and grey lounge pants. He has has red flip flops on his otherwise bare feet.
"What do you want?" He asks, before noticing the badge on my belt. "Oh, sorry officer. What can I do for you?"
"What is your name, son?"
"Jonathan." He replies questioningly.
"That your car out front?"
"Yes? Is there something the matter?"
"Yes. Can we step inside?"
"Uh... sure, I guess." He accepts, leading me through the tight walkway between boxes, and in the door to the house. He closes the garage door behind me, before letting me step inside. Inside, we walk into a living room, with a couch and ottoman. There are empty snack boxes and wrappers on the floor, and clothes and blankets haphazardly tossed around the room. He picks up a blanket off the couch and tries to nonchalantly drape it over a bong next to the couch. He casually sits down on the couch.
"What is going on, officer?" He asks innocently. His voice cracks just a bit from nerves.
"Well, son. I am here because I have a warrant for your arrest." I explain, pulling out an envelope and handing it to him.
He takes it, opens it, and starts to read. "Oh, I had forgotten about that ticket. Can I just pay you now for it?" He asks, hopefully.
"Sorry, son. Once a warrant has been issued, only the judge that issued it can revoke it. As you can read on there, I am commanded to bring you in in chains to the judge."
Hearing that, Jonathan swallows hard and looks at me with fear in his eyes.
"You are going to arrest me? Now?"
"Yes, sir. I need you to kneel down on the ground and put your hands behind your head."
"Please don't do this. I have to go to work later. I am sorry I forgot about the ticket, I promise I will get it taken care of." He pleads, putting his up in front of his chest.
"Yeah, you had that chance." I grab his left wrist with my right hand and pull him up off the couch. I spin his hand behind his back, and stick a knee into his knee causing him to collapse down on the ground, falling to his knees.
"Ouch. That hurts."
"This is a lesson you should learn quickly about this process. If you do what you are told, it will be a lot easier on you. You will eventually do whatever I want, it just depends on what I have to use to achieve submission."
He had landed with his toes planted on the ground, causing his flip flops to fall away from his soft, naked souls. I kick his right foot over his left, pinning his left with his toes planted. I step down on his right foot to keep his feel locked in place.
"Please, that hurts a lot." He begs, flailing his right around behind him.
I pull out a pair of hinged cuffs, and snap one cuff around his left wrist, still pinned behind his back. I snatch his right arm as it is flailing behind him, trying to push my leg off his crossed ankles. I slam in into the other cuff. I twists his body to turn and watch as the cuff ratchets closed around his wrist. He tugs against the metal bands feeling the restrictions now added to his life.
I grab a key and use the back side of it to double-lock his cuffs, and he watches intently as I do, suddenly turning from desperate to keenly interested in his situation.
"Jonathan, I am going to read you your rights, next." I explain, continuing to stand on his foot keeping his ankles crossed. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand your rights?"
"Yes, sir." He says, looking back at me over his shoulder.
I finally step off of his foot and pull him to his feet by his left elbow. He stands warily, his flip flops slapping against his feet. I walk him over to a wall and stand him up against it.
"You have anything on you that is going to poke me, stick me, stab me?" I ask, as I start frisking him. I rub my hands on his shoulders and down his arms, then onto his chest and down to his stomach.
"No." He answers meekly.
I move my hands around to his sides, and move them down, then down his back, lifting up his cuffed hands to do so. I lift up his shirt, and stick my fingers in the waistband of his pants. They fall slightly, revealing the waistband and top of a pair of black Hanes boxers. I move my fingers all the way around his waist, and then pull them out, and stick a hand into each pocket. I pull out a small baggy of marijuana from his right pocket.
"Alright, dummy. Adding that to the charges against you. So that is lying to an officer and possession of a controlled substance. Anything else you want to mention?"
He blushes and hangs his head. "Please don't do this."
"Yeah, you are not real smart if you thought I wouldn't find this on you. Did you think you actually hid the bong from me?"
He starts to shake in my hands as fear and embarrassment overcome him.
I finish searching him, feeling his crotch, butt, and down his legs. I have him give me each of his feet, remove the flip flop, feel his entire foot in my hands, and then replace the flip flop.
"Alright, let's go." I say, pulling him off the wall by his left elbow. I walk him to the front door, and unlock it.
"Wait, can I put on a pair of shoes, please? You can't take me to jail in these flip flops. I can barely walk."
"Sorry, I can't let you put on anything else once the cuffs are on. You could try and sneak a key or something into them. You should have not been an idiot and not taken care of your tickets if you didn't want to go to jail like this."
I walk him out the door, across the street, and put him up against the car, frisking him again. Several cars drive by as I am doing this, and they all slow down to get a glimpse of him as he is being arrested.
The fear and embarrassment overcome him, and he starts to quietly cry as I finish up the search. I put him in the back seat, his eyes red and tears slowly dripping down his face. I buckle him in and slam the door of the unmarked vehicle. He sits, looking out the window at his house and car, his whole life, that is being ripped away from him. He watches it fade into the distance as I drive him off.
(Thanks to @clayton343 for the request and picture.)
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mikegaragedoorrepairs · 3 months
Choosing the Right Garage Door Opener: Pros and Cons
When it comes to choosing a garage door opener, homeowners have several different types to consider, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Here's a look at some of the most common garage door opener types and their pros and cons:
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Chain Drive Openers Pros:
Economical option, generally the lowest upfront cost
Durable and reliable
Can handle very heavy doors
Noisy operation due to the metal-on-metalContact of the chain
Regular maintenance required to keep chain lubricated
Can be an eyesore with the exposed chain mechanism
Belt Drive Openers Pros:
Quieter and smoother operation than chain drives
Requires less maintenance with no exposed moving parts
Small, compact design is easy to conceal
More expensive than chain drives
Not as robust as chain for very heavy doors
Belt can eventually wear down and need replacement
Screw Drive Openers Pros:
Very quiet operation with few moving parts
Low maintenance design
Durable metal construction
Typically the most expensive type
Not ideal for extremely heavy doors
More complex mechanism can be trickier to repair
Direct Drive Openers (Direct Drive Motor Mount) Pros:
Virtually silent operation
Very low maintenance with only one moving part
Compact, space-saving design
Limited lift power compared to other types
Higher purchase price
Can be louder during cold weather operation
Smart/WiFi Openers Pros:
Can open/close door from anywhere with smartphone app
Ability to grant virtual keys and monitor usage
Many smart home integration options
More expensive than basic opener models
Requires good WiFi signal in garage area
Potential hacking/security risks with connected devices
No matter which type you choose, prioritizing safety features like automatic reversal and infrared sensors is critical. With the right opener for your home's garage door size and type, you can get years of reliable, low-maintenance operation with the perfect blend of convenience, safety and budget.
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veterangaragedoor · 1 year
Veteran Garage Door Repair Of West Houston
West Houston, which is part of the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land metro region, is made up of a number of communities. Western Harris County's Alief is one of such communities. At the confluence of the counties of Waller, Harris, and Fort Bend sits Katy, which is also located in West Houston.
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Despite being in the city, the West Chase District provides a distinctively suburban way of life. Memorial City Mall and The Galleria are both near by to the region. There are world-class golf courses nearby as well as hiking and bike routes. Hershey Park and Storey Park are nearby.. 
From modest homes to million dollar mansions, West Houston has it all. We at Veteran Garage Door are happy to provide West Houston homeowners with repair and maintenance services. One phone contact will provide you timely, dependable assistance for your garage door needs. 
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West Houston Full-Service Garage Door Repair
You want to work with a reputable firm that has a staff of knowledgeable experts that take their tasks seriously when it comes to garage door servicing and repairs. Veteran Garage Door Repair in South Houston does exactly that. Any garage door need, from straightforward procedures to more difficult ones, may be handled by our company. Here are a handful of the most frequent jobs that we are asked to complete:
Off-track doors
Gear sprocket repair 
Garage door opener repairs 
Bent tracks
Sensor replacement 
Programming remote keypads 
Loose chain belt repair 
Programming vehicles and remote keypads for garage door openers
Garage door cable repair and replacement
Torsion springs
Broken hinge replacement 
Your garage door issues will be quickly resolved by Veteran Garage Door Repair West Houston. Our skilled professionals will do all in their power to complete the task correctly. Our specialists utilize only premium hardware and components and have access to the greatest tools and equipment.
Veteran Garage Door Repair
7050 Lakeview Haven Dr. Ste 136, Houston, TX, 77095
Visit Us On Map:
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companionshipness · 2 years
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No, please, Ms. Heather. Please, I can't," I moaned. There was a brief pause and then she exploded, "Fine, then you do without! Only a broken dog would deny himself such pleasure. You're worthless! I gave you a chance to prove you are more than a broken wing but you failed. You can be 'dickless' again if that's what you want!"
expected her to use the crop on me at that moment. She seemed like a wild thing. could see her grip on the crop tighten in her hand. could hearhe breathing fast and shallow. I feared a severe beating. Suddenly she threw the crop on the floor and turned on her heel to stride quickly out of the garage lay there twisting in the restraints for a few minutes until I heard her retum Once again I steeled myself for a whipping. Instead she had a clear plastic bag of ice in her hand. She hovered above me, furious but in control. "Here." She dropped the ice from about waist high. It hit my scrotum
like a kick in the balls. I bucked and pulled against the chains. "I'll be back when you've cooled down. That ice had better be in place when return." She left me there for several minutes. After a few moments the cold became extremely painful. Soon, started to worry about damage to my genitals. grimly noted that it was ironic that I was chained to the floor of a hot airless garage getting frostbite. Just before I was forced to shift the ice off of me, Ms. Heather returned. She seemed calmer but her face was flushed. Later, I began to believe that she had masturbated while was suffering.
She stood over me again. "You are a fool. If you won't take my mercy. then I promise that I will use every ounce of influence have with Renee to make your life a living hell. You don't deserve mercy from a woman. You were born to be a slave."
She unlocked the chains to my arms and told me to relock my chastity belt. She kept the chains attached to one of my legs.
Finally satisfied that my cock harness was securely back in place, she said, "There's camping equipment on the shelves for your bedding. Tomorrow I'll take you home, dickless."
She spun toward the door turning out the light as she left. I heard her lock the door of the garage. I found a cot and sleeping bag. It was a very long night.
I kept trying to understand my feelings. Ms. Renee had given me more pain than I had experienced in the last few hours. I had often been asked to work as hard. Why did home seem like such heaven compared to this? I longed to break my chain and hike home in the darkness. Was that what Finding Love Through Female Domination
I was supposed to do? Once again I tried to puzzle out the behavior and meanings of my mistress. I had learned that when I was in doubt to simply obey. I tried to sleep but all I found was a fitful doze. The next morning, Ms. Heather opened the door and unlocked me. She
was dressed in a beautiful summer dress, looking fresh and rested.
"Get in the car, dickless," was all she said. I walked to the side of her house and put my filthy clothes back on. I climbed back into the trunk. I knew now why she had me in it. She didn't want to sit next to me nor did she want to be seen with me.
We drove straight home. We always enter from the rear of the house. Ms. Renee answered the door looking as fresh as Ms. Heather. I stood unwashed, unshaven, in filthy clothes. I stood with my head slightly bowed and my hands crossed submissively in front of me. This is the posture Ms. Renee prefers I take when she is in the company of other women.
They left me standing on the porch as they went into the house. I could hear part of their conversation filtering through the open doorway. Finally, Ms. Heather pulled out her checkbook and made out a check and handed it to Ms. Renee. So I thought I had not been loaned but rented! Before I could process how I felt about that information, I noticed the tension between them as if there was an unresolved conflict.
Finally, in a slightly louder tone Ms. Heather capitulated, "OK, you win but I still say I didn't have enough time for a true test." She turned on her heels, and without even a glance at me, left the house.
Smiling, Ms. Renee crooked her finger at me and I shuffled inside. I was overwhelmingly glad to be home. I looked at the check wondering how much my rental cost. I noticed the check was for $1,000 but it was made out not to Ms. Renee but to the women's shelter. I hadn't been rented. I had been the object of a wager.
I stood looking at Ms. Renee. Looking at her made me want to be a better servant. I was home. She was obviously pleased with me. She smiled at me but I started trembling. I suddenly realized when I had won the bet for her charity. I won when I turned away from Ms. Heather's shoe and denied myself relief. I was trembling because I knew how close I had been to surrendering at that moment.
"I'm glad I pleased you, my goddess," I stammered. She smiled lovingly and nodded. I wanted to embrace her and weep but I was too dirty.
Unbidden, a question blurted from my lips. "What if you had lost?"
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localservices6 · 15 days
Unlocking Solutions: Expert Garage Door Opener Repair and Installation Services
In the realm of home maintenance, few things are as crucial as a smoothly functioning garage door opener. It's your gateway to convenience and security, allowing you to effortlessly enter and exit your home with just the push of a button. However, like any mechanical system, garage door openers can encounter issues over time, necessitating expert repair and installation services. That's where our team comes in – offering you unrivaled expertise in garage door opener repair and installation. Don't hesitate to contact the experts at garage door repair.
Understanding the Importance of Timely Garage Door Repair
Imagine this scenario: you're rushing to leave for work, but as you press the button to open your garage door, nothing happens. Frustration sets in as you realize you're now facing an unexpected delay. This situation highlights the importance of proactive garage door maintenance and timely repairs.
Garage door openers comprise intricate components that can wear down or malfunction due to various factors such as age, weather conditions, or lack of regular maintenance. From broken springs and worn-out gears to electrical issues and sensor misalignments, the spectrum of potential problems is vast. Ignoring these issues not only compromises the functionality of your garage door opener but also poses safety risks to you and your family.
Expert Solutions for Garage Door Opener Repair
When faced with a malfunctioning garage door opener, DIY fixes might seem tempting, but they often exacerbate the problem and can even lead to accidents. That's why it's crucial to rely on the expertise of professionals who specialize in garage door opener repair.
Our team of skilled technicians possesses in-depth knowledge of various garage door opener models and their intricacies. Whether it's a minor adjustment, a component replacement, or a comprehensive overhaul, we have the tools and expertise to diagnose and address the issue promptly. We prioritize safety and precision in every repair job, ensuring that your garage door opener operates flawlessly once again.
Efficient Installation Services for Peace of Mind
Perhaps you're building a new home or looking to upgrade your existing garage door opener. In either case, proper installation is paramount to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Our installation services are tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you prefer a traditional chain-drive opener, a quieter belt-drive model, or the latest in smart technology.
During the installation process, our team pays meticulous attention to detail, from mounting the opener securely to configuring the settings for smooth operation. We walk you through the features and functionalities of your new garage door opener, ensuring that you're fully equipped to operate it with confidence.
Why Choose Us for Your Garage Door Repair and Installation Needs
Garage door repair experts take pride in being a trusted provider of garage door opener repair and installation services. Here's what sets us apart:
Expertise: Our technicians undergo rigorous training and stay updated on the latest advancements in garage door technology to deliver superior service.
Reliability: We understand the urgency of garage door repairs, which is why we offer prompt response times and flexible scheduling options to accommodate your busy lifestyle.
Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to exceed your expectations by delivering exceptional service and lasting solutions that enhance the safety and convenience of your home.
In conclusion, when it comes to garage door opener repair and installation, don't settle for subpar solutions. Trust the experts at garage door repair to unlock the solutions you need for seamless functionality and peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule your service appointment and experience the difference firsthand.
Unlock the potential of your garage door opener with our expert repair and installation services. Whether you're dealing with a malfunctioning opener or seeking to upgrade to a new model, we have the solutions you need.
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azgaragedoornj · 16 days
Comprehensive Garage Door Repair Services in Morris and Monmouth Counties, NJ
Homeowners in Morris and Monmouth Counties understand the importance of a well-maintained garage door for both security and curb appeal. AZ Garage Door NJ is dedicated to providing premier garage door repair services across these regions, ensuring that your door is always in top working condition. Whether you're in bustling Morristown or the coastal areas of Asbury Park, our experienced technicians are here to offer timely and effective solutions.
Scope of Garage Door Repair Services: Our team at AZ Garage Door NJ is equipped to handle a wide range of garage door issues, ensuring residents in both Morris and Monmouth Counties have access to expert services, including:
Spring Replacement: Tackling one of the most common problems, our spring replacement services are designed to restore balance and functionality to your garage door.
Opener Repairs: From traditional chain-driven openers to modern belt-driven models, we fix all types of garage door openers.
Cable and Roller Solutions: We repair or replace worn-out cables and rollers to ensure smooth and quiet operation.
Panel and Section Repair: Whether it’s a crack or a dent, we can repair or replace individual panels or sections of your garage door, matching your current style and color without the need for a full replacement.
Specialized Services Across Specific Areas: Each town in Morris and Monmouth Counties has its unique needs based on location and climate conditions:
Monmouth County Coastal Challenges: In coastal areas such as Long Branch and Neptune, garage doors often face corrosion and wear from the salty air. Our services in these areas focus on using corrosion-resistant materials and protective coatings.
Morris County’s Seasonal Demands: In towns like Randolph and Parsippany-Troy Hills, the drastic changes in weather require garage doors that can withstand temperature fluctuations. Our maintenance plans include checks and adjustments to cope with these conditions.
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Local Knowledge for Local Solutions: Understanding the architectural styles and homeowner preferences in these counties allows AZ Garage Door NJ to provide not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing repair solutions.
Historic Homes in Morristown and Chatham: We provide specialized services that preserve the character of historic homes while upgrading their garage doors for modern functionality.
New Developments in Marlboro and East Hanover: For newer developments, we offer the latest in garage door technology, including automated smart home integrations.
Why Choose AZ Garage Door NJ?
Experienced Technicians: Our team is highly trained and familiar with all types of garage door systems.
Prompt Service: We understand the urgency of garage door issues and strive to respond quickly to all service calls.
Customer Satisfaction: We are committed to providing the highest level of service, ensuring all our repairs meet your expectations and needs.
Conclusion: For homeowners in Morris and Monmouth Counties, having a reliable partner for garage door repair is essential. AZ Garage Door NJ offers comprehensive, efficient, and tailored services to meet the specific needs of your area. Trust us to maintain and repair your garage door, enhancing your home’s security and curb appeal.
Call to Action: Don’t let a malfunctioning garage door disrupt your day or compromise your home’s security. Contact AZ Garage Door NJ today for expert garage door repair services in Morris and Monmouth Counties. Visit our website or call us to schedule a repair and experience the best in local garage door services.
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canuckdoorsystems · 18 days
Aluminum Glass Garage Doors
 Canuck Door Systems installs Aluminum Glass Garage Doors of various manufacturers. The modern look of Glass Aluminum Doors provides the glory of natural light during the day and a warm glow in the evening. Our selection of Glass Aluminum Garage Doors includes an array of options that maximize your customization experience.
Aluminum Garage Doors come with many features. Firstly, they have a durable 2-1/8″ commercial-grade aluminum frame. Secondly, they have many glazing options and anodized and powder-coated finishes. Thirdly, they have a wide selection of colours such as Clear Anodized, White, Bronze, Brown, Clear Anodized, Bronze Anodized, Black Anodized, Ultra-Grain® Light Cherry, Ultra-Grain® Dark Cherry. Additionally, they have options for acrylic, tempered glass, or solid aluminum panel. In addition, they have optional insulated glass. Furthermore, they have a colour-matched aluminum grip handle.
Glass garage doors have a contemporary or industrial look. If a home’s architectural style is modern, a glass garage door will undoubtedly complement the look.
Clean and sleek lines are hallmarks of full-view glass garage door sections. Natural light floods inward during the day.
If less sunlight and more privacy are required, then obscure, frosted, and tinted panels are popular.
Modern Glass Aluminum Garage Doors are as strong as they are visually stunning. Our garage doors are built out of extruded aluminum tube frames. This aluminum is lightweight but still boasts heavy-duty durability.
Aluminum Glass Garage Doors could also be a partition wall in commercial establishments like restaurants and bars.
Canuck Door Systems is a dealer of Wayne Dalton, the leading manufacturer of garage doors in North America.
We install garage doors in  Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa, Aurora, Newmarket, and throughout GTA.
Canuck Doors Systems also installs Insulated Steel Garage Doors, Fiberglass Garage Doors, Belt Drive Chamberlain Garage Door Opener, Belt Drive Liftmaster Garage Door Opener, Chamberlain Chain Garage Door Opener, and Liftmaster 8500 Jackshaft Garage Door Opener.
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