creepa-b0t-inc · 6 months
Introducing: Grandma Chairiel, the best Deltarune character ever
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She's Slavic
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tvlandofficial · 1 year
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@the-meme-monarch's chairiel and my tenna! i like how they both mirror toriel in slightly different ways 🥧
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grimmdeltarune · 7 days
Ask the Cast of Grimm's Chapter 3!
Hi, y'all! It's been a bit since I've posted, so I felt like I should come back with somethin' big, like an AMA for the cast of my Chapter Three Take! Just to remind you of who you can ask. . .
Mr. Rook Action!
Tenna Visin!
Mike Rophony!
Chai Nelguid!
The True Mike Deltarune!
The Weather Duo I guess!
And Tumbal and his Friends I guess.
Lookin' forward to the asks!
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willibeest · 4 months
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If they made Chairiel into a Darkner
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loathemetc · 2 years
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Well folks this one is a doozy and we have a wealth of new ARG(??? YEAH!) content from this SPAMTON SWEEPSTAKES LIVE EVENT [(LIVE!)] and obviously I should be talking about all the Noelle lore so let’s talk about this fucking chair instead:
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Yes, a chair. There are many hidden links on the Deltarune website right now, and https://deltarune.com/chair/ sends you to well. A chair. A small, blue chair with a sheet draped over it. Clicking on it makes a sound play as it disappears, leaving garbled bits of color and nothing else behind. Also you can randomly get jumpscared by a familiar pair of yellow and pink eyes, so there’s that. 
Does that sound like a lot to unpack already? Well too bad buckaroo there’s more stuffed into this suitcase than you can shake a stick at! The name of the tab when you open this page is “But what if it could...”, click the chair and it changes to “... get darker than dark?”.
Sound familiar?
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Besides the obvious reference to the classic line about being dark, darker, yet darker, to me it brings to mind Seam’s warning. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to be in the dark world at night... That’s at least two darknesses, which is more than one.
But wait, why a chair? Well, we know the third chapter’s dark world takes place in Kris’s house, obviously, which coincidentally just so happens to feature a named chair character! How convenient!
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Thank goodness this mystery is solved except oh wait that doesn’t really make any sense, does it? This chair we’re talking about seems awful ominous, unlike beloved old Chairiel, adored by the family, front and center of the Dreemurr household. No, I think we’re looking for a different chair.
But that doesn’t mean we’re not looking for Chairiel.
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Yes, something fans noted as soon as Deltarune chapter 1 released was that the Chairiel moniker seemed to have been transferred from one chair to another. While Chairiel in Deltarune is Toriel’s living room seat, Chairiel in Undertale was originally a small... Blue... Chair. Huh.
Could it be the the original Chairiel is in storage in the Dreemurr household somewhere still, in this new world? Abandoned and replaced? Well geez, all this ominous atmosphere, talk of being tossed aside, garbled messes and direct connection to those pink and yellow eyes sure is reminding me of our pals Jevil and Spamton huh?
So what the hell am I saying, that Chairiel, the ORIGINAL Chairiel from Undertale, is going to be Chapter 3′s hidden boss, feeling betrayed and broken after Toriel got a more comfortable chair to watch TV in!? Uh. I guess? I mean, I said I was spitballing here. 
But why those Pink and Yellow eyes... That’s Spamton’s bit, and only cause he was copying Swatch, right? Well, he was attempting to impersonate the head butler, but maybe there’s a reason he got the colors of Swatch’s orange and yellow glasses wrong. After all, we have another unexplained buddy with the very same colored eyes, don’t we?
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Yeah, still no clue what that thing was about. But I’m getting the feeling we’re going to. Although, considering that pink and yellow jumpscare on the chair page redirects you back to the main sweepstakes page, it may just be Spamton trying to keep your nose out of business it doesn’t belong in. But that’s my final thought for now.
The site is still updating with new material, so if a wrench gets thrown in any of this, don’t blame me for jumping the gun. I’ll try to keep an open mind.
ADDENDUM 1 - It should be noted that the noise that plays when the chair is clicked on is called “water.mp3″ and sounds VERY similar to areas of Waterfall in Undertale such as the trash zone. How am I supposed to tie that to any of this?? Hahaha I have no idea.
ADDENDUM 2 - Could the sheet on the chair be the Shadow Mantle? Could the water noise have something to do with the Old Song from the Sea, mentioned by Riverperson in Undertale and Onion-San in Deltarune? So many questions...
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science2048-abandoned · 7 months
How fast can you run
*(I can answer that myself.)
*(Mike runs surprisingly fast, due to the amount of running he has to do during game shows. Having a lot of speed helps with multiple contestants!)
*(Tenna runs about as fast as Kris. They're not as fast as Mike, but then again they don't need to run as much. They're still not that slow, either.)
*(Buqet, in her new body, isn't that fast. It's pretty big, so that makes sense. After her fight, when she leaves that body behind/when that body's destroyed, she moves like Flowey, burying into the ground and popping up elsewhere.)
*(Chairiel (I'll announce her later, but you can ask her stuff) runs slightly slower than Tenna, though like them she doesn't really need to run. She runs a shop, not a city.)
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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@tvlandofficial tv lady :] tennar
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existingkirb · 5 months
I got attached to The “Original” Chairiel (@radiant-vulpine) really fast LMAO, I saw him and my brain immediately went “Drop everything and draw something NOW. DO IT.”
(Sorry if the GIF is a little crusty, the conversion messed it up a bit.)
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And here’s the art by itself!
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ejsuperstar · 1 month
Dont think i've posted this yet soooooo
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Chairiel time
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bigbrain · 2 years
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Day 4: Toriel
I tried a bit more elaborate doodle for goat mom! Shhh, let the old lady rest, she needs it. Also the part where the Annoying Dog steals her phone is gold
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thisisdefinetlyaname · 8 months
Wait if the Darkfountain was made in Kris’s living room and items in said room become darkners…
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creepa-b0t-inc · 5 months
@radiant-vulpine made a fucking amalgamate of secret boss theories today
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and I sprited him for fun
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tvlandofficial · 1 year
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lost in the town of your dreams
(inspired by some of @entryn17's tenna art!)
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grimmdeltarune · 1 month
Grimm's Deltarune Chapter Three Take - New Characters???
Finally, after all this time, we have new characters for my Chapter Three Take!
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Up first we have Chairiel. She is a kind talent agent who likes to support up-and-coming actors. She is huge compared to everyone else and is a mother figure to Chai Nelguid. She's not the biggest fan of Tenna to be frank but she can understand his appeal and his talent.
Next we have Barley, one of the many shopkeepers you will meet in Homelywood.(Name Pending) He's an over actor but still does a couple of shows every so often. They also run a bar, which is what you will find them doing during the course of your journey. They've played many parts in many productions and is a very friendly and charismatic guy. He's a fatherly figure to Chai, which is strange considering how he and Chairiel have never met and Chai is playing them both. Barley will be glad to tell stories of their past, and maybe spill the fact that he was in an old western with a horrible prop malfunction that may have killed one of the actors. He thinks this may have some relation to the odd sightings of weird trash puppets he has heard floating around...
And finally, we have Cinni-Scotch, the host of Homelywood's favorite baking show and mid playthrough boss Darkner. As stated, she runs a cooking show. She started hosting it when she was a lot younger, and have now become a bit tired of the show as well as a bit...unhinged. She's still loving and supportive of others, just don't try and mess with her recipes. She usually hangs out at Barley's bar after hours, ranting to people about her struggles. She's going through a rough time and maybe the Fun Gang can help out just a bit.
And that's all I have for today. If you were wondering, I kinda ship Chairiel and Cinni-Scotch. I don't really know why though. Anyway, goodbye for now.
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nyorobonzo · 4 months
Character Lineup for My Deltarune Chapter 3 Take
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NEW LIGHTNERS: Toriel: In the dark world, she is a powerful pyromancer! This is a first in a long time since she’s done anything engaging with Kris. She’s had her concerns about Kris for a while now, but this also feels like a great opportunity for her to understand her child. Will she take it?
Undyne: In the dark word, she’s now an ace detective! Just had her whole worldview flipped on her head and is loving it. But she’s still on her own investigation into who slashed the tires and caused this anomaly. Anyone who gets in her way will be beaten with a huge magnifying glass.
Napstablook: The Dr. Watson to Undyne’s Sherlock Holmes. Somehow, they got roped into helping Undyne investigate Toriel’s slashed tires. Now they’re just here for emotional support. Wait, is that mustache real?
NEW DARKNERS: Chairiel: She runs a cozy little shop in the sprawling desert of Dreamy Drylands. Anyone who enters her shop is greeted with a great big hug. She’s also got plenty of stories to tell!
Tenna: The shady director of Cathode Entertainment and the mayor of Back Stage City. He wasn’t always super mean and bossy, but nobody can figure out why he changed his ways.
C. Rook: The new producer and the head honcho of all the Shadowmen. He may or may not be the actual one responsible for why Cathode Entertainment has been turned upside down.
Lil’ Cutie Pie Once a beloved kids show star, she was forced to change jobs by Tenna to become a full-time chef. Her mood flips between cheerful to hateful constantly, and its got others wondering if her cutesy demeanor is all a facade.
Weather Duo: Always Sunny and Partly Cloudy have always been passionate about reporting the news and for each other. Ever since the recent changes, they’re no longer allowed to show their love when they work together. Maybe with some Lightner intervention, they can be a true couple again!
Mike: The loudmouthed ex-producer of Cathode Entertainment who’s currently on the run. He was once best friends with Tenna, but now is currently investigating into his sudden change in demeanor.
The Scareiff: He was once the star of his own show until someone, thought to have been a fan of his, got too close to him. When him and his show started going downhill, he was swiftly booted from the crew and his show was cancelled. Nobody knows where he is now, but it must be somewhere out in that desert.
(everything besides kris, susie, ralsei, and the weather duo were sprited/edited by me)
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loathemetc · 1 year
Debunking my own Deltarune Theory: The Old Chair
In my time as a Deltarune Theorist (trying to make it sound like this is my job) I’ve made some pretty bunk theories, either based on dumb assumptions, jumping the gun with missing evidence, etc. The worst is probably the one where I didn’t even really give a second thought to the Knight being anyone but Gaster, at this point I believe them to be seperate but y’know. But the one I wanna take time to tear apart is the one on The Old Chair because I’ll be honest it’s just like. A random connection I made in five seconds. With a lot of holes. Let’s look at those holes!
Let’s get the most important thing out of the way:
These are not the same fucking chair.
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Like just look at them okay. I don’t know what else to say. They’re obviously different. Black legs instead of blue, square top instead of rounded. And there’s the fact that when Toby wants to show something from Undertale he WILL just reuse the same sprite.
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Credit to Spriter’s Resource hi Spriter’s Resource I love you.
So okay. That kind of makes the whole theory bunk but let’s keep talking about it anyways. Another proposed theory I’ve seen is that it’s a chair from the hospital.
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It’s... Closer. It’s at a different angle so that’d explain the sprite difference and the lighting difference can just be lighting obviously. And sure, even though most things in the Spamton Sweepstakes very obviously relate to Chapter 3, there’s nothing saying they do exclusively.
Is that conclusive? HELL NO!
And Speaking of things that aren’t conclusive, Seam’s warning about getting caught when the sun goes down isn’t very... Conclusive. What does that mean Seam. Are you just telling us to get home before dinner? Is something bad gonna happen in the dark world at night? What the hell is going on?? [Pretend I put an image of Kris doing the YIIK pose here]
The part where I start theory-ing again:
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Heyyy it’s the Spamton banner. We missed you Spamton banner.
So what could Darker than Dark mean, exactly? Well I’d posit something but @snowysobsessions already posited it in this post which you should read right now or else the next paragraph isn’t gonna make sense go on read it do it.
So what it it could get darker than dark? I’d really love to see a secret boss sidequest involve creating a Neo Dark Fountain and then sealing it because you have to go to the Neo Dark World for something. Assuming there’s such thing as a Neo Dark World. I don’t think that’s going to happen at all but I do think it would be: Really Cool.
Here’s another random spitball. What if “What if it could get darker than dark” doesn’t actually refer to something we’re not already aware of? What if it just refers to the Dark Worlds? I mean, they’re already darker than dark, negative photon readings, can’t even see through them, warping reality somehow with how dark they are. What if this question was asked, by or to Gaster, before the infamous Entry No. 17? And the chair is like. I don’t know. A chair in his lab or something. I don’t know! I don’t know.
Let’s talk about the water thing while we’re here too.
I mentioned in an addendum to the chair post that the sound file that plays upon clicking on the chair is water.ogg, essentially the same water noises found in Waterfall’s trash zone in Undertale. But Deltarune has another, similar sound file, that also plays ocean-like noises, a bit more realistic ones, called ocean.ogg. Where does this play?
Upon entering the Dark World for the first time, cutting out just as Kris wakes up.
The fact that the dark fountains are called, well, FOUNTAINS, as well as the apparent relevance of the old song from the sea, it feels like there’s a definite theme of water going on in relation to the dark world. Why? Well... There’s not really enough evidence to say anything definitive.
Oh yeah, that guy.
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This guy. Uh. Hm. In the last post I proposed that this could just be Spamton directing us away from things we aren’t meant to see. But honestly I don’t think so. The yellow and pink are on opposite sides from Spamton’s glasses, the same as IMAGE_FRIEND, the weird face from the mansion basement that follows the same filenaming scheme that is otherwise only used for “meta” aspects of the game (The gonermaker sequence, dogcheck, game over, the unused files of someone lost alone and calling for help). The filenames for this pair of eyes don’t give us much to work with, just eyes.png and face.ogg, but face.ogg is very notably not Spamton’s laugh. So I feel like we can rule it being Spamton off the table. 
I know a lot of people have associated it with the TV guy, but I feel like this has to be bigger than just that. King and Queen weren’t built on the “meta” aspects of the game like this thing is. FRIEND and the TV both have big smiles, although FRIEND’s is notably bigger. Wilder. 
With all these meta ties and direct connection to a page mentioning something darker than dark, something darker yet darker, I’m unfortunately only left able to ask “Could it be Gaster?”. Alternatively, someone we haven’t met yet related to Gaster. He did ask two people what they think, after all. But it’s all speculation at this point. Maybe it’s the fucking Knight. I don’t know. I really don’t know!
Last thing hold on.
I’m not gonna bother debunking “the shadow mantle could be the sheet on the chair” cause eh. Shadow mantle. Darker than dark. Sure, why not. It could happen. I’ve seen it proposed that King’s Cape is the shadow mantle and I feel the same about that. Sure. It could happen. I’m not stocking too much in either idea but I also don’t think they’re bad ideas. Could happen.
Actual Conclusion: I definitely think Chairiel Deltarune will appear in Chapter 3 in some capacity, but I definitely don’t think Chairiel Undertale will be the secret boss. And also some other conclusions, I don’t know, you read the post.
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