hiphopheadspodcast · 1 year
I Hit The Low Lights Tour Last Night
Beat showcases have been a thing I been hitting a lot in 2023. The production scene is crazy in Boston right now with so many beatmakers, producers and lofi heads that are killing it, it’s hard to keep up. But, going to these showcases really put a light on these artists and their craft and how they’re getting busy. I find these spots awesome if you’re an MC, creative, or just a fan you can…
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thepetitenymphet · 2 years
Wine Me, Dine Me... - A Canberra Companions Guide To Eating Out
Love the idea of stepping out to dinner, a captivating and alluring woman on your arm, ready to enjoy a night of indulgence, however... you don't know the local restaurant scene, or where best to take a lady who enjoys fine food just as much as fornication?
Then let me make some suggestions - a total foodie, I love eating out and sharing the experience (the scent, the taste, the atmosphere...) with a lover for company. Below are my favourite restaurants to enjoy while in my hometown of Canberra, but don't worry - if you want to take me dining interstate I have a long list of places we can chow down at as well!
Wild DuckPopular with the pollies, Wild Duck is one of Canberra's best Chinese-fusion fine dining experiences. Ever since I first ate here, quite a number of years ago, it has remained one of my favourite dinner spots in the ACT. Cosy, but with delightful service and a delicious mix of traditional & inventive menu items, make it a lovely date spot - especially if you manage to snag one of the intimate booths for a meal, which can really make you feel as though you have your own personal waiters & chefs, and is the perfect spot for making eyes at each other from across the table while enjoying a meal.
Italian & SonsClassy-yet-casual and set in the heart of Braddon, Italian & Sons focuses on fresh seasonal produce to create delectable Italian fare. The open kitchen lets you watch the chefs at work - busy tossing pizzas and chopping, sautéing, and preparing meals. And of course, no Italian restaurant is complete without an extensive and well-thought-out wine list, and Italian & Sons does not fail to deliver on this front.
Black FireA gorgeous Mediterranean restaurant that heavily focuses on meat, with a lot of their dishes cooked over a roaring fire pit ensuring that they are as flavour-packed as they are succulent. With friendly staff that will happily talk you through the menu and comfy seating, it has a warm and inviting feel while still being elegant enough to feel like a special night out.
RakuIf you enjoy Japanese food, you simply can't go past Raku! The essence of modern, high-end Japanese dining, Raku creates beautifully presented and equally delicious meals for its patrons. With a sleek aesthetic, open kitchen, and extensive menu I could happily stay all night picking at different dishes and sipping away on a sake flight.
Chairman & YipAn iconic Canberra institution, Chairman & Yip serves up modern Pan-Asain cuisine that never fails to leave me happily satisfied. The epitome of fine dining, with impeccable service set among low-lit black and red decor, it's a wonderfully romantic spot for a night out. With an extensive wine list that pairs perfectly with the menu, it's no wonder this excellent restaurant remains a staple of the capital's dining scene.
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And to finish this blog, I feel the need to bring up the ongoing debate in the world of escorts: should you enjoy dessert before or after dinner?
Personally, as someone who is known for her oral skills and enjoys showing them off, I tend to suggest we opt for bedroom time before heading out and refuelling. Working up our appetites together before heading out to eat... sharing knowing looks over a glass of wine and continuing to flirt through our mains, only the two of us knowing what debauchery we were enjoying just an hour or two earlier always helps sharpen the appetite.
If you have your heart set on the more traditional romancing over dinner before retreating to bed for dessert I'm happy to accommodate - just be aware that this is better for longer dates where we can enjoy some lazy time cuddling together after a full meal before getting down & dirty behind closed doors.
You can read the rest of my blog entries on My Website
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a-table-of-fics · 24 days
Oddworld: Conar’s Ambition, Chapter 14, Draft 1
“So, uh, what’s a raisin, anyway?”
Conar peeked his head out from past Chairman. He couldn’t bring the whole pack with him, of course, but he was able to bring his best friend at least, provided the two shared a grass-filled bed meant for Meep.
“Hell if I know, man,” he admitted. “But if he’s behind those Ratz, I’d say we got a good thing goin’.”
“You keep going on about those Ratz,” Slim remarked. “You sure you’re not just seein’ things? Those critters’r everywhere anyway.”
Conar remained silent, slipping back to lie on his stomach. It was the best way to look up at the window (well, the opening in the wall). Even through his visor, he could see the stars above for the first time. They were nothing like what he saw on TV; they were less jagged yellow things and more light blue dots, painting the sky in intricate patterns. Had he really missed out on entire worlds just above him?
“What’s eating you?” asked Slim.
“Oh, you know,” Conar laughed absently, “Just thinkin’ about what I’ll do with Zeb’s moolah… you think I can get one of them Howitzers?”
“All this and you’re still thinking about raiding that Glukkon, huh?” Slim shook his head. “Couldn’t ask for more from a Slig.”
Conar mulled over that as he tried to count the stars. He found he didn’t have the strength to argue the point, but he contemplated it while his eyes became heavy.
He dreamt of rushing waters, of being swept up, of being unable to do anything but obey the flow. He dreamt of the metal gullet of a cannery, of unknowable pistons working tirelessly at vast functions. He dreamt of being beaten endlessly with meat tenderizers, of being sliced with countless blades. He dreamt of Mudokons working tirelessly at the mechanisms as Sligs laughed contemptuously at him. At the end of the river, he dreamed of a bowl big enough for him to fall into, with Slogs ready to chow down. No one but him took issue with this exchange.
But right as the first bite was about do dig into him, he felt something else prodding him tentatively.
“Conar? Conar, wake u—” Slim started, before dodging a reflexive swipe.
He could swear he saw Conar’s eyes quiver for a moment behind the glowing visor. Even the red seemed to soften as Conar caught his breath.
“Y-you can’t just wake a Slig like that!” Conar finally managed. “I just…”
“You know you coulda took your claws off,” Slim remarked.
Conar paused mid-climb onto Chairman. He sighed, pulling on the loose threads holding the worm’s teeth. They fell without ceremony into the mud. Conar grumbled as he finished mounting onto Chairman.
“Well, what is it?” he asked.
“Some guy with a lot of feathers in his head wanted us to get ready to follow him. Apparently that raisin really wants to see us.”
Slim scooped up the now-muddy claws, a slight grimace on his face. Even after leaving the Sloghut, he had to pick up after a Slig?
“Well, c’mon, boy,” Conar said, turning his attention to a groggy Chairman. “With any luck, you can chomp on somethin’ on the way.”
Chairman snorted, but slowly stepped back, preparing to leap over the fence. Catching Slim’s glare, Conar gently pushed on Chairman’s forehead before he could try. Instead, the two strode over to the gate, where Conar could extend his tentacles to the latch.
The two followed Slim out the door to greet a grey Mudokon, adorned with orange and purple feathers, plenty of blue and indigo body paint, and an eternally tired grimace. He briefly cringed when he saw the Slig and Slog, but didn’t otherwise change expression as he addressed them all.
“Okay, let’s make this quick. Your jerk boss is hangin’ out at the Fleech Fields, and the Almighty Raisin wants to help ya get there. But he’s not going to do it for free, y’know; he’s gonna be askin’ a favor from the two of you.”
“What kind of favor?” Conar asked.
“He didn’t say,” the Mudokon shrugged. “Guess you gotta ask him yourself. Just try not to blast him with your rank smoke breath, okay?”
Conar scowled. He did not need to be reminded of losing his cigarettes, and he certainly didn’t need this jerk’s attitude.
“So where can we find this Raisin guy?” Slim asked, trying to position himself between the other Mudokon and Conar.
“There’s a Well down the path that’ll take you straight to his cave. Only problem you got is some bastitches setting up camp there, Odd knows why. Call themselves Wolvarks, and I’ll be honest, I’d prefer if they had your ugly mug.”
He pointed to Conar with that last comment, but Conar didn’t so much as sneer. Instead, he reeled back, causing Chairman to look up in worry at him.
“Wolvarks?!” he exclaimed. “The hell are they doin’ this far east? Don’t they know this is Magog turf?”
“Wouldn’t call It ‘Magog turf’ when you’re around Mudokons if I were you,” the guide said, eyes narrowing. “You Magogs have been messing with our turf since I was a hatchling!”
There was silence for a moment as he glared, and then he walked over to a ring of stones.
“If you can drive those guys off before you get there, that’d be great.”
He nudged a rock with his foot before stepping over to the center.
 “And I’m guessin’ you won’t be giving us any kinds of weapons or anything?”
“That ain’t my wheelhouse,” the purple Mudokon shrugged. “But hey, from the looks of your armor and weapons, you were able to take a Pirthworm out. This should be no biggie!”
And with that, he left an outline of otherworldly sparks as he vanished.
“Yeah, thanks,” Conar said with a grimace.
He drummed his fingers on Chairman for a moment, not caring about the Slog taking quick snaps at the sparks.
“Shouldn’t be any problem, should it?” Slim asked, looking ahead. “After all, the Magog chose you over whatever these Wool Farts are, right?”
“Heh, yeah,” Conar laughed mirthlessly. “I’m sure we can kick some booty no problem. General Dripik always called us the muscle of the Magog.”
He failed to mention the exact wording, given he remembered the phrase “low-price lowlives” in it. He also failed to mention how Dripik was reported missing after Abe apparently tore his old Barracks a new one; he couldn’t imagine how the Wolvarks could look much worse than the Sligs after that.
Slim sighed in relief.
“Gotta admit, if you were worried, we’d be screwed.”
Conar grunted, nudging Chairman away from the ring of stones. He didn’t get how they couldn’t be taken with the magical vanishing Mudokon, but there were more pressing matters, and he was finally getting a lead to someone who could help him get to Zeb.
Slim, though, was in no hurry, turning to wave at the villagers.
“Thanks for letting us stay!” he called, cheerfully.
He was met with stone silence from the guards. They nodded, but their eyes were on Conar, anticipating anything he might do.
“Yeah yeah,” Conar scoffed. “I’m leavin’.”
As he and Chairman turned to follow the trail, Slim saw the two relax. He shook his head, turning to follow his ally. He had fantasized about being in the luxurious guardsman position, overseeing the Slig floor-scrubbers with whatever power trips came to mind, but even if this was kind of close, it felt weird when Conar was the second-class citizen. Best he could do now is walk alongside Chairman in uncomfortable silence.
After about ten minutes, Conar grunted that strange raspy grunt that reminded Slim of the time the Recycler was jammed.
“They give you anything to eat?” he asked. “Could go for some meat myself.”
And a smoke, he added to himself. My lungs’re itching like hell.
“Sure,” Slim sighed.
He reached into his pouch and quickly produced chunks of something pink even after the fire left its scorch marks on it. It made Chairman stop and salivate. Slim tensed, but soon laughed.
“Gotta wait your turn, buddy,” he said, patting Chairman’s head. “Your boss needs some food, too.”
He took some of the larger bits and offered them to Conar.
“What’re these?” he asked, a second before taking a chunk in his tentacles and scarfing it down. His hands greedily reached out for the rest.
“I think they said it was Meep,” Slim shrugged. “Doesn’t taste like any Meep I’ve had, though.”
“You can say that again,” Conar chuckled, offering some of the extra to Chairman who devoured without a second thought. “It’s nothin’ like Meep Treats, huh?”
He wondered what happened at RuptureFarms to make it less like the smoky tenderness of mutton and more like the candied sweetness he knew from back home.
The three ate for a bit before they heard footsteps from up ahead. Someone was grumbling about having to do patrol work, and he whined about missing out on “the game”. Neither Slim nor Conar had ever heard a drawl like that.
They rushed into the bushes, Conar hastily trying to shush Chairman to keep him from growling at the strange smell. It was a scent familiar to any Slig, but wrapped in a veneer too dry for anyone from East Mudos.
“…coulda least let me’ve taken my flask,” the voice said, its owner soon coming into view. With leathery yellow skin, a toothy underbite and strange ears on either side of a green beret, the Wolvark loped forward on the stubbiest legs Conar had ever seen. He had casually slung a weird-looking rifle over his shoulder, one with strangely placed blades on the muzzle. He exhaled a puff of smoke as he continued grumbling, flicking a Lungbuster out of his mouth.
The tantalizing smell reached Conar’s face. He was already in a sourer mood than usual, but someone else getting the relief that he had lost just yesterday?
“Get ‘im!” he shouted, riding Chairman into battle.
“…the hell?” the Wolvark turned, immediately readying his gun. He leapt to the side, deftly dodging the Slog bite and taking aim.
Chairman skidded to a halt and turned to snarl at the Wolvark, Conar swinging around and readjusting his grip.
“Wait’ll I tell the boys about this!” the Wolvark laughed, opening fire.
Darts sailed past Slig and Slog as the three started a deadly dance. The Wolvark gleefully dodged as Chairman lunged forward and Conar shouted obscenities at his adversary. More darts fired, Chairman yelping as a couple hit him. The Slog’s steps slowed, and he whined as every movement felt heavy. Finally, he fell forward, letting Conar slip off as he fell asleep.
“C’mon, get up you—” Conar hissed before the Wolvark’s shadow loomed over him. He looked up, knowing full well he was screwed.
“Looky here,” the Wolvark laughed. “Here I thought you were a lump of sludge on some poor Sleg. Reckon I was right!”
“Y-you scaly bastard!” Conar spat. “You think you can just come over and make camp here?!”
“Damn, you’re late to the party! Once we clear out those Mud guys, I tell ya, we’ll strike it rich with the Magog’s—”
The Wolvark’s boasts were cut off with a gasp, followed by bloody gurgles and spit. His eyes quivered downwards to find a very toothy spearpoint twisting out of his stomach. He gave a last glance to Conar before keeling over, dropping his gun.
“O-oh Odd,” Slim said, dropping the spear and letting the corpse fall. “I g-got him…”
His hands were shaking, and his eyes tried and failed to dart away from his kill. Conar recognized the look.
“Thanks,” he said, crawling forward. He barely cared that he was getting blood onto his hands. “I dunno what I would’ve done if you weren’t there to save my ass.”
Conar thought back to his childhood, when he was still in training. He had been ordered to club his first live target to death. Seemed to be a senseless waste of a Mudokon, he told himself to justify his guilt over it. He had convinced himself for years that that was the reason, but now that he was looking at Slim’s face, he was starting to doubt that. At least the Blunderbuss was less up close and personal.
“We oughta get movin’,” Conar said, matter-of-factly. “Help me get Chairman up and we’ll get that body outta here.”
He started to pull darts from his Slog’s hide, stopping to eye one of them. He looked at the Wolvark’s gun blankly. What use was a gun that didn’t kill its target? He was glad he’d still have his Chairman alongside him, but still, the concept was more than a little foreign to him.
“Does that rifle fit your hands?” he asked.
“I-I think so,” Slim replied. “B-but you sure you wouldn’t—”
“Hell no!” Conar laughed, mostly for show. “You think I’m gonna use those clowns’ peashooters? Give me those damn worm teeth any day.”
To Conar’s relief, Slim was able to keep his finger over the trigger, tossing his spear aside.
“Hang on,” Conar said, unfastening the Wolvark’s bandolier. “There should be more ammo here, and you might need the spear, too. Just gimme the cigarettes if they’re in any of the pouches, will ya?”
Slim nodded slowly, pulling out some darts, a pack of Lungbusters, and about fifty Moolah. He tossed the cigarettes and Moolah to Conar, who gratefully snatched everything up.
It took about a minute to get the Wolvark carcass into the deep brush, and thankfully the idiot hadn’t thought to bring anything that would’ve alerted the others. The only real challenge was pulling Chairman away from the smell of fresh meat.
Conar couldn’t believe his luck, and was ready for a well-deserved smoke. That’s when the problem arrived.
“Damn,” he muttered, realizing he didn’t have a light.
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latribune · 1 month
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thevaultboombap · 9 months
The Dunnas x Chairman Chow - "Woolie" (Music Video)
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georgemcginn · 10 months
DOD Featured Photos
Chairman’s Chow Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, enjoys brunch with sail… Photo Details > View All Photos ABOUT NEWS HELP CENTER PRESS PRODUCTS Unsubscribe | Contact Us
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jcnnewswire · 10 months
Dr. Chow Bok-Hin, Executive Chairman of Niche-Tech Semiconductor Materials Limited, Honored with the Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong 2023
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kazifatagar · 11 months
NEW: Penang Power Struggle Threatens Stability Amidst Land Deal Controversy
A growing Penang power struggle within the DAP regarding leadership in the state government has escalated into a public dispute involving the state’s Chief Minister, Chow Kon Yeow, and DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng. The feud had been simmering for months before the August 12 state election, as factions clashed over Chow’s candidacy for Chief Minister. Despite Chow winning the election and serving a…
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Champion Role Models (NSFW)
Victor smiled as he sat down on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table as he finally let himself rest.
The 21-year-old young man had been training like crazy for these past few months, getting himself ready for the biggest challenge of his young life to date. 
“Feels right to treat ourselves, doesn't it Cinderace?” he asked his partner. The large rabbit-like pokemon nodded as it sat on the recliner on the other side of the hotel room, chowing down on the Poke-Chow his trainer had bought.
“Cinde!” it chirped as he chowed down on the food
“This beats camping out in the woods that’s for sure,” Victor said as he grabbed the TV remote, turning on said device. 
“And in other news” came the voice from the anchor of the New’s Station “Chairman Rose is currently under investigation for allegations of misappropriation of funds and trespassing in protected sites. The Chairman claims he was working on a large program to help the region, but the Wydon police department…”
“Wow, come into town right as shit hits the fan” Victor muttered as he muted the TV and pulled out his phone.
“Yeah I know it's annoying” Victor muttered as he flicked through the text messages he had “Come to Wydon for the league, end up stuck due to politics…” he shook his head “Months collecting badges and the entire league gets the shaft thanks to Rose pulling some stupid move… You know, I can actually believe he saw himself in Bede. Apparently, both of them don’t give a crap about historical artifacts”
The Fire-Type pokemon shrugged as it shoved more food into its gullet, getting a chuckle from Victor.
“Right, probably not the smartest idea to talk politics to a Pokemon” he chuckled, turning his attention back to the TV, his eyebrows shooting up as he saw a familiar person on screen. “Is that Leon?” he muttered, grabbing the remote and unmuting it.
“-othes worn by the best of the best”, a soft-spoken voice said as Leon smirked at the camera in a way that made Victor blink. 
“That’s….a suggestive wink” he muttered, leaning back into the sofa “Never thought I’d see Leon do that…”
On-screen, Leon threw the cape he was wearing off, revealing he was clad in nothing but a pair of tight shorts. The young galarian trainer felt his cheeks light up red as Leon turned around and presented his shapely ass to the camera, running his hand over it.
“Damn…. Guess the League closing left him a bit bored…” Victor muttered, his face a bright red as he felt heat running down his loins. Right as the camera moved onto another angle of the great champion of Galar in a jockstrap, a loud knocking on the door made the young man on the couch jump. He quickly turned the TV off and got up, slowly walking to the hotel’s door.
“Right right, bloody calm down, I’m coming” Victor muttered, still blushing a bit at the mast in his pants as he unlocked the door. He cracked it open a bit, his eyebrows shooting up as he saw a tanned young man with a carefully maintained mop of royal purple hair and a pair of soft yellow eyes. “Hop? That you mate?”
“Course it's me,” the young man on the other side said, crossing his arms as he looked into the creak between the door and the wall “You gonna let me in?”
“Right right, gimme a second…” Victor muttered as he closed the door and removed the bolt, opening it properly for his friend “Good to see you mate”
“Same” Hop said with a friendly smile, giving his friend a quick hug “So…. you gonna let me in?”
“Heh, yeah sure” Victor said with a chuckle as he stepped aside. Hop gave him a wink as he stepped inside, dumping his bag onto the floor.
“Bloody hell, how much did you spend on this place” Hop muttered as he plopped down on the couch “This place is about the size of my house!”
“I know it's ridiculous!” Victor said as he sat down next to his best friend, silently recalling his Cinderace into the Pokeball “The League didn't skimp on the rooms. I’m guessing they used the money from the pay-per-view to get us these places.”
“Most likely” Hop said as he rested his head on the cushions, groaning
“What’s wrong?” Victor asked as he dropped the Pokeball onto the coffee table “I thought you’d be happy to spend time in your brother’s flat”
“I would… if he was ever fucking home!” Hop groaned “Like… I think I’ve seen him twice. In the two weeks, I’ve been here!”
“Seriously?” Victor asked, frowning as he looked at this friend’s splayed-out form “What, was there some kind of emergency back home?”
“No! That’s the thing, he’s never around! And the one time I caught him, he looked really out of it, like he just woke up and had to get a drink of water or something. And then there’s those ADS!”
“Ah, yeah….” Victor muttered, his face going a bit red as he glanced at the black screen of the television “Those….”
“I mean…. I know that he doesn't have anything to do with the league shut down, but why that!?” Hop groaned
“I mean,... Your brother isn’t too bad on the eyes” Victor said, his face a bit red as he looked at his friend.
“Isn’t… MATE DON’T” Hop shouted as he threw a cushion right at Victor’s face, getting a chuckle out of the other boy “It’s bad enough I have to deal with Rahain getting lovey-dovey with him, don’t you start too!”
“Heh, sorry pal. I’m not gonna deny the truth when I see it” Victor said with a wink
“Bloody hell, stop!” Hop groaned, covering his ears as his whole face lit up bright red, getting a chuckle “Arceus stop for the love of all that’s good!”
“Alright alright! Take a bloody breath” Victor said with a laugh, giving his friend a light slap on the shoulder as he smiled at him.
“Screw you, wanker….” Hop muttered as he removed his hands
“Hey, you’ll have to buy me dinner first,” the brown-haired young man said with a wink
“Pffft” Hop chuckled, biting into his fist “Arceus Victor, don’t joke around now please”
“What? I’m not the one panicking over my brother taking a job. You need to relax a bit” Victor said as he grabbed the remote
“Mate, I’m not gonna relax!” Hop said, swiping the remote from his friend’s hand “This shit isn’t right ok? Something weird is going on”
“Hop, I know you love your brother, but I think you're being a bit paranoid”
“I’m not being paranoid! Rahain is freaking out too! He’s been pretty much camping out on the couch for the past week and Leon has barely looked at him!”
“Ok….” Victor muttered, blinking “That is a bit weird…”
“Yeah ignoring your fiancee is a bit weird, ain’t it?” Hop asked, sarcasm dripping off every word.
“Fuck, you really are worried aren’t you?” Victor muttered, looking at his friend in concern
“Fuck yes I am!” Hop said, leaning forwards and resting his arms on his legs “Look, Leon isn’t the type to do stuff like this. He’s not the kind to just drop everything for some dumb modeling job, no matter how well it pays. Plus, what kind of modeling job requires you to be at the studio so fucking long?”
“Yeah, that’s true….” Victor muttered, his eyes going a bit wider as Hop’s arguments began to make sense, “so what do you want to do about it?”
“Right so my plan is we go down to this studio, sneak inside somehow and then we can snoop around for evidence to prove this company up to no good” the passion was clear in his voice as Hop laid out his plan which he was obviously very proud of.
“Then we take the proof we need to officer Jenny and she’ll kick in the door and save my big bro,” Hop said with a fire in his eye as he rounded off his plan by karate kicking the air “It’s the perfect plan mate”.
“Mate that's the worst plan I’ve ever heard” Victor replied with a deadpan grimace on his face.
“Yeah well, what do you think you should do then smartypants,” Hop asked sarcastically as he crossed his arms over his chest with a humph. 
“Well how about we just go do there ask to see your brother” Victor suggested off the top of his head and clearly being the more sensible of the two “That we can look around a bit and ask Leon directly what's going on?”
“Victor you're a genius!” Hop shouted, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and staking him in his excitement “It’ll be like we’re undercover, they won’t suspect a thing, and that way we can bust them from the inside!”
“Ok fine you’ve convinced me, let’s go do some digging” Victor groaned at his friend, thinking even his own plan sounds a bit ridiculous, but he was getting tired from the constant needling.
“Fucking finally!” Hop screamed, getting up from the couch and giving his friend a smirk
“Wait, you wanna go now?” Victor asked, blinking as he looked up at his friend
“Course I do! Not like your doing anything” Hop said as he grabbed his backpack and headed for the door
“Oh don’t pretend you were gonna do anything other than sitting there and eat pizza,” Hop said, crossing his arms. Victor felt his cheeks light up red, his unconsciously going to his phone
“Maybe…” he muttered, getting a sigh from his friend.
“Come on,” Hop said, tossing the fellow trainer his shoes.
“Fine fine….” Victor muttered as he caught the footwear and slipped them on quickly. He hopped to his feet and nodded at this friend. “Let’s go”
“Awesome!” Hop said with a big smile as he headed outside the room, Victor following right behind him, making sure to lock the suite’s door before catching up with Hop.
“Okay, so what do you know about this company?” the brown-haired trainer as he hit the call button for the elevator
“I mean, if we’re gonna go check out what’s going on, I need to know something about this. I kinda shut the ad off before the name of the company could come up, so I need to know exactly is going on”
“Right right right…” Hop muttered, shaking his head “Um….”
“You do know what the company is called, don’t you?” Victor asked as the elevator arrived
“C-Course I do!” Hop said, his face lighting up red as the two got into the elevator “I just….forgot for a minute….”
“Sure you did…” Victor muttered, pulling out his phone and opening the browser. A few seconds later, he smiled and showed the screen to Hop. “Here”
“Wallace’s Sport and Fashion?” Hop read, seeing the blue logo in the shape of some snake-like pokemon he didn’t recognize. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
“Because Wallace was the champion of the Hoenn region for a few months. He’s the shortest titleholder in the world, and he’s the only one who didn’t lose the title, instead, he retired and gave it up to his chosen successor. He then went to open a men’s wears company”
“Huh…” Hop blinked, clearly not expecting that dump of information
“Says here that the company is just recently expanding into international markets….” Victor read from his phone as the elevator door slid open “They’re putting out calls for models all over the planet. And they're pushing it hard. Looks like Leon isn’t the only famous guy to sign up to work for them.”
“How so?” Hop asked as the two walked through the lobby
“It says here that former gym leader and actor Brysen signed up to be a model in Unova. In Kanto, former league competitor and gym leader Blue is one too.”
“Damn, so they're going for famous people to advertise these, aren’t they?” Hop muttered as they stepped out of the hotel into the rather chilly streets of Wyndon. 
“Yeah. They're doing some aggressive advertising” Victor muttered as he used his phone to call over a taxi. “And by the looks of it, their studio is on the other side of the city”
“Right, so I’m guessin’ that’s we-”
“CORVO!” a shriek interrupted the conversation as the Corvo Taxi landed in front of the two, a plume of dust escaping from the bottom. The large pokemon that carried it stared down at the two, the doors unlocking and swinging open automatically.
“That will never not be scary…” Hop muttered as he climbed inside the cab, barely looking at the Corvoknight.
“Oh don’t be a wuss,” Victor said as he showed the Corvoknight their destination on his phone. The large pokemon nodded, getting in position to take off.
“Shut up and get in here” Hop muttered, getting a giggle from his friend as he climbed inside and shut the door. A click rang out through the cab as they locked and the Corviknight began flapping its wings, slowly lifting them off the ground and towards their destination.
The two grunted as they felt the taxi come to a sudden stop, a loud bang ringing out as the cab landed, rather roughly, on the ground.
“I hate flying on these things…” Hop muttered as the doors unlocked and swung open. “Thank Arceus I didn’t eat lunch beforehand…”
“Oh don’t bitch, this was your idea,” Victor said as he handed the Corvoknight a bill. The Flying Type grabbed it with its beak before taking off, flapping its massive wings and blasting the two boys in the face with a gust of wind before it disappeared into the clouds. 
“Just…. Come on, let’s go find my brother” Hop muttered, putting his hands into his pockets and walking up to the door, huffing the whole way.
“Fine fine” Victor said, trying not to giggle at his friend’s actions as he followed right behind him. The building was quite large, and it stood out slightly from the rest of the city. Wyndon had a particular style to it, and this building with its modern full glass walls, clean white metal around said glass, and well-kept lawn outside clashed hard with it. 
“Looks like an office building from Unova…” Victor muttered as they stepped inside, a blast of cold air hitting the two. The lobby was pretty much what they expected after seeing the outside. Sparsely decorated with a few couches, a pile of magazines, and the company’s logo right in front of them, displayed for all to see. Said logo was a Wailord jumping over a stylized W.
“Huh, not a bad symbol, I’ve got to say” Hop muttered as he looked at the carving on the wall.
“Oh hello!” a voice rang out from the right of the room, getting the attention of both young men. They turned and saw a young man, probably about a year older than them, holding a tablet and giving them a friendly smile. “Do you have an appointment?”
“Um…” Victor blinked as he looked over the guy, a bit taken aback by his outfit. He was wearing a pair of shorts, a shirt that was open to show a well-chiseled chest and a necklace with the company’s logo hanging loosely around his neck “N-No…We-”
“What are you wearing?” Hop said, his face a bit red
“HOP!” Victor shouted, his own face going bright red as he glared at his best friend before turning back to the guy quickly “S-Sorry about that….”
“Oh no need to apologize,” the guy said with a laugh, a quite nice melodic sounding laugh “I get that a lot.”
“Yeah well, given how the building looks you except someone wearing a stuffy business suit,” Hop said with a friendly smile
“Heh, well Mr. Wallace does want us to show exactly what we’re about. Wouldn’t do to wear some ugly suit if we don’t make them, now wouldn’t it?”
“Heh, yeah that makes sense!” Hop said with a grin and a nod, while Victor just stared at the two.
“Heh, anyways. You said you didn’t have an appointment?” the guy said, going back to the original topic
“Um, no we don’t,” Victor said, giving Hop a light elbow to the side as he was about to speak again “We’re actually looking for one of the models”
“Oh? One of the models?” the guy asked, looking up from his tablet “That’s rare. Most people don’t care about that.”
“Well, he’s my brother,” Hop said “And I’ve been a bit worried about him”
“Ah I see” the guy said with a smile “What’s your brother’s name?”
“Leon,” Victor and Hop said at the same time
“He’s kind of well known,” Victor said, crossing his arms “Given he’s the champion and all that”
“Ah yes. I think he’s currently doing a shoot. Please follow me” the guy said, turning around and leading them further inside.
“Well that wasn’t so hard,” Hop said as he followed the guy
“Don’t jinx us yet, mate” Victor muttered as he kept up with them. The two were led through the halls of the building, pictures of Wallace hanging on the walls, each of them with him wearing a different outfit. Victor’s eyes were drawn to some of the outfits the guy modeled, some being a bit more risque than others.
“Our founder does have great fashion sense, doesn't he?” the guy leading them said
“That’s your founder?” Hop muttered, his cheeks red as he tried to not look at the risque outfits
“Yup. That’s Wallace” the guy explained “Our namesake and big icon”
“It’s one heck of a leap from Gym Leader to Fashion business, isn’t it?” Victor asked, his eyes still on the multiple pictures of Wallace that decorated the entire hall.
“Well yes,” their guide said as they finally reached an elevator at the back of the hall “But he didn’t do it all on his own.”
“I thought he was the founder” 
“Technically he’s the co-founder” their guide cleared up “He was approached by a former Elite 4 member from Johto who had the idea for the company. Wallace would be the image and he’d be the money man”
“Interesting. Why isn’t his name on the company then?” Hop asked as the elevator doors slid open
“From what I understand he’s a very private person” the guy explained as he pushed a button for one of the top floors “He’s a lot like Alistair actually. Wears a mask all the time and doesn't like going in public that often.”
“Wears a mask?” Victor muttered, trying to think who their guide could be referring to
“Yeah. Though it's not like the one our local Ghost Specliasist wears. It's more of a carnival mask, like those you’d see at Nimbassa City during a parade. He’s actually the one who does the negotiating for the models”
“Really?” the brown-haired young man asked
“Yup. It was his idea to have big names be the models for the brand. And he has a silver tongue! We haven’t had a single person he’s talked to turn down the job offer!”
“That’s….interesting…” Hop said, looking at his friend with a bit of concern clear in his face
“So… have you met this silent partner?” Victor asked as they approached the floor that was selected earlier
“One time,” their guide said with a smile “It was my first day here actually. I remember I was really nervous for some reason. I was also wearing some butt-ugly business suit thing, but then he took me aside and….” he blinked and scratched his head
“And then what?” Hop asked
“Can’t remember” the guy said, with a shrug “Oh well, details probably aren’t all that important. What I do remember is that afterward, I felt like, loads better. Way more relaxed and at home. And I started wearing much more fitting things” he gave the two a big smile as the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open “Ah good! Come on, I’ll show ya where Leon is!”
He stepped outside without hesitation, but the two young men hung back for a moment.
“I have a really bad feeling about this secret partner thing” Hop muttered as he watched the guide walking into the hallway “Like….really bloody bad”
“Same” Victor whispered back “I get the feeling there’s more to him than just being really good at contract negotiations”
“Agreed,” the violet-haired boy said with a nod “Does the description he gave ring any bells?”
“Not really,” Victor said with a shrug “The Kanto and Johto Elite 4 aren’t exactly the most chatty. And if one of them wears a mask, then I doubt he goes out of his way to get pictures taken…”
“Hey you two coming or what?” the guy called out to them
“Coming!” Victor called back before turning to Hop “Either way, keep your guard up”
“Agreed” Hop muttered back as the two stepped off the elevator and followed their guide deeper into the building.
The two were led to a large double door with a sign on it that said
Warning. Shoot could be in process. Enter with care
“Here we are!” their guide said with a big smile “This is the photo studio. Please be quiet as you go in, they could be in the middle of something”
“Wait, you're not coming in?” Hop asked, frowning a little
“Wish I could, but I need to head back to the front desk,” he said with a big smile that didn’t seem quite so innocent to the pair anymore. “Not really supposed to leave it. So I should head back before I get in trouble. See you guys later!” he turned around with that and walked off.
“Well, crap” Victor muttered as the guy disappeared into the hallway
“Not like he’d be that much help, to be honest mate,” Hop said as he slowly turned the nob of the door
“True” Victor muttered as he peeked in through the small opening Hop made. Most of the room seemed to be dark, with some light creeping out from further inside “Let’s just hope it’s Leon and a photographer in there”
“Yeah….” the violet-haired young man pushed the door, the two creeping inside.
“Is this a locker room?” Hop muttered as he pulled out his phone for some light. Victor blinked as Hop turned on the flashlight, and indeed, the place looked less like a fancy studio and more like a High School Locker room. On the back wall was a line of lockers, some benches nearby, and a shower. 
“The hell?” Victor muttered, walking over to the lockers. There were about four of them, though only one had a name on it and none had locks of any kind
Frowning, Victor put his hand on the nearest locker, opening it slightly before reading the name stamped on it. “L. Dande….”
“Dande?” Hop muttered as he walked over “That’s my last name….”
“Guess this is Leon’s locker” Victor muttered as he fully opened the thing. Inside was a Rotom Phone, a pair of pants, a shirt and sandals. “That’s a bit bare, isn’t it?”
“That’s what Leon was wearing every time I saw him back home” Hop muttered “He hasn’t worn his champion cape ever since he started working for this place. Or even shoes. He always looked like that”
“It’s not exactly something very fashionable either” Victor muttered as he ran his fingers over the sweatpants “I’d wear something like this if I woke up in the middle of the night…”
“Yeah…” Hop muttered “And he was acting like he was half asleep those few times I saw him”
“And then he stopped coming home…” Victor muttered, closing the locker and turning around, frowning slightly. “Come on, let’s go find him”
“Yeah…” Hop muttered as the two-headed through the opening where the light was coming from. The small hallway that led the two through had pictures hanging on the walls, all of them of Leon and Wallace. All of them showing off various types of underwear, like jockstraps and boxers in various very provocative poses.
“Whoever this secret partner is, they're really into guys in their underpants…” Hop mumbled
“Really into them,” Victor said as they finally reached the source of the light.
The two walked into a white room, with two people inside. One was a purple-haired young man standing behind a camera. And in the middle of the room, was Leon.
Hop’s eyes went wide as he saw his older brother bending over to show off his bare ass, as the jockstrap that was wrapped around his groin trembled as it was moved around.
“Good!” the photographer said, clapping “Now on your knees. Show us both your ass and your feet!”
“Yes sir!” Leon said, his voice sounding a lot slower and deeper than Victor remembered. It sounded like each word was a struggle to form without moaning. He got into the position the photographer asked for without hesitation “This good?”
“That’s perfect!” the photographer said, his cheery voice echoing through the mostly empty room. The snapping of the camera rang out shortly afterward. “Now, show us the bulge. We want the guys watching to see how good it will make them look!”
“Heh yeah!” Leon giggled, a sound that sounded weird to Victor. He got up and turned around, thrusting out his hips to make the bulge on the jockstrap stand out. Victor’s own bulge twitched at the sight, despite his best efforts.
“Good boy!” the photographer said as he started taking pictures.
“What the hell?” Hop whispered “We need to get him out of there”
“Shh!” Victor hissed, putting his finger over Hop’s mouth to shut him up. The two stayed there for a few seconds. 
“Perfect…. Now I think we need a good shot of your whole body” the photographer said, apparently not hearing the two. Victor sighed and gave his best friend a glare, getting a nervous smile in return. “Don’t you two agree?”
Victor’s eyes went wide as he heard that, quickly turning his head. The photographer was looking at the two of them, his purple eyes seemingly glowing in the lighting of the studio
“Shit” Victor cursed as he got up, grabbing a Pokeball from his belt, Hop doing the same.
“What the hell did you do to my brother!?” Hop shouted as he gripped the ball tightly
“Oh you mean L?” the photographer asked, a smirk on his face “I just made him a perfect model”
“L?! His name is Leon!” Hop shouted
“Oh, it is. Problem is, he’s a bit too dumb to remember a complicated name like that” the photographer chuckled “Isn't that right L?”
“Uh? Oh yeah!” Leon chuckled, clearly not paying attention to what was happening around him until he was called out. He smiled at the photographer as he just sat there, not even seeing Victor or Hop
“Leon! Bro look at me!” Hop shouted to him, only to be ignored as the muscular man turned to the photographer
“We taking more pics sir?” he asked calmly as if sitting there nearly nude was totally normal to him
“Not today L. Go ahead and take a break”
“Yes sir!” the champion said, a dumb chuckle escaping his lips as he got to his feet and headed off in the opposite direction
“L, remember. No wearing merchandise during break” the photographer said
“Oooh right! Sorry boss!” Leon said with a chuckle as he took off the jockstrap without hesitation and threw it to a pile in the corner. Then he just walked to the other side of the room, falling onto a beanbag chair and grabbing his cock, not caring that he had an audience in the slightest.
“H-How….W-Why…?” Victor stammered out, a bit flummoxed at seeing the charismatic champion he’d met a few months ago acting like a dumbass college bro.
“Part of the job,” the photographer said calmly as he looked at the two, his glowing eyes never blinking “See, it's a lot easier to get the models to agree to risque shots when they're too dumb and horny to refuse. Makes my job much, much easier”
“That’s it… Go Cinder-” Victor’s word’s died in his throat as he suddenly felt his entire body seize up, including his mouth. His tongue stopped mid-motion as a soft purple glow surrounded his body. Only his eyes remained free to move, and he saw that Hop was in a very similar position.
“Now, I don’t think calling out Pokemon would be beneficial here,” the photographer said, walking closer to the two, and grabbing the pokeballs from their hands. “This studio is not exactly a place built for fire types after all”
“H-How….” Hop managed to stammer out through the psychic holding them down.
“Heh, come on. I expect that our receptionist spilled the beans about a partner?” the photographer said “I should have made him more silent…. Too bad I have a thing for hot chatterboxes”
“Y-You're….partner……” Victor managed to spit out “Not….just….photo…..”
“Heh, yup. My name is Will” the guy said, taking a little bow to the two “Former Psychic expert of the Johto Elite 4. And current owner and photographer of a very successful company”
“W-Why….” Hop grunted out
“Shhhh,” Will said, patting Hop’s head as he took his belt. “Don’t you worry about that. It's not like you’ll be able to retain the answers”
“W-What……?” Victor spat out as Will walked over to him and took his own belt, and all his pokemon along with it.
“Oh, what do you think I’m just gonna let you walk out?” Will asked, a glimmer in his eyes “Please, I can’t let anyone who knows how I get my models leave the building. Can you imagine the drama that will come out of that? And all the police officers I’d have to deal with?” he shook his headache “Just a total mess”
“So……make…..forget?” Hop stammered out
“I could do that,” Will said with a nod “But the thing is, we have been getting complaints recently. Our customers keep telling us we’re missing some models for the 18-23 age demographic”.”
Victor’s eyes went wide as he realized what Will was saying. The psychic noticed that and gave him a grin
“Yup. I think you’ll two will make very good models for our company” Will said with a big smile
“N-No…..” Hop stammered out
“Oh don’t worry,” Will said, giving Hop a pat on the head “When I’m done, you’ll be very, very happy in this job” he walked over to Victor, using his powers to bring a chair over that came to a stop right in front of the brown-haired young man. The former member of the Elite 4 grinned and sat down, looking right at Victor.
“Let’s get started, shall we?” he said, putting his hand on the galarian’s forehead and sending a blast of energy into Victor’s mind.
Victor braced himself, but it didn’t do him any good, as it felt like his head was smothered in cotton. Everything around him began to go fuzzy. His fingers tingled as he couldn’t feel much, his eyes drooped slightly as everything became a hazy unfocused mess. Even his sense of smell began to fail him, as the smell of Will’s perfume became nothing.
That’s it a voice cut through the cotton, coming right from inside his head. Let go of all that unimportant stuff. Just focus on my voice.
“N-No!” Victor thought, closing his eyes as he tried to push the influence out
Oh not bad the voice said, followed by a laugh that sent shivers through Victor’s spine at the alien sensation of someone talking inside his brain There’s potential there. Oh well, I’ll make sure that the rest of you doesn't go to waste
“G-Get out!” Victor screamed in his mind “G-GET OUT!” he thought, putting all his energy into it. He saw Will visibly wince a bit, which sent some pride through his body. 
“Fine…. Let’s try something a bit….stronger” Will put both his hands on Victor’s temples and his eyes glowed bright purple. Victor barely had time to react as he felt energy course through his skull and into his mind
Shhh. Don’t fight it. Just listen
That one word carried power as it blasted through the cotton and into Victor’s head. His eyes went wide as he felt it tear through. He shivered as the sensation ran through his body, the tent in pants returning as waves of pleasure rang out from his head down to his loins.
There we go….. That feels great, doesn't it?
Victor blinked, feeling a wave of pleasure run through his whole body with each word that Will whispered into his brain. 
“Y-Yes….” he muttered, his mouth suddenly free of the psychic hold. It was hard to muster up any real emotion, as the moment he tried to focus on anything except Will’s voice, another blast to his groin broke the line of thought with nothing but pure ecstasy.
Good. See, it wasn’t so hard to answer my question, was it? Will asked each word is like a shock straight to the young man’s pleasure centers
“N-No…” Victor moaned out, his whole body shivering as the tent in his pants grew harder
Good. Now, tell me. Are you happy?
“A-Am I happy?” Victor blinked, a bit confused by the question, but another blast of pleasure stopped him from
Are you happy?
“Yeah, I’m happy,” Victor said “I’m about to compete in the league!”
The league that was canned? Will’s voice asked, making the young man blink
“W-Wait…. I-It’s still gonna happen” he muttered, his eyes drooping slightly as Will sent more energy through his temples, blocking out any thoughts that didn’t pertain to what they were talking about.
Is it? With all this drama, chaos, stress. Do you really want that?
“W-What….C-Course I do!” Victor muttered, blinking as he felt more of Will’s influence wash over him with every spoken word
Do you? Look at Leon. He’s so happy now. So relaxed and calm, free of all stress and worries. All that he worries about now is looking good and feeling pleasure. Do you think he was that happy as champion?
“C-Course he was!” Victor said, frowning as the words wormed inside his mind
Was he? Look at him Will stepped aside, his hands never leaving the young man’s head. He got a good view at Leon sitting on a beanbag, staring ahead at seemingly nothing and giggling, his hands down in his privates. No shame. Now stresses, no worries. Nothing but happiness and pleasure. Doesn't that sound nice?
“B-But…..” Victor muttered, blinking as Will stepped back in front of him, a smile on his face
Is being a trainer worth all this hassle? Will asked All the stress of traveling. Of sleeping in the woods for days on end, on the cold hard ground?
“B-But….” Victor blinked, moaning as Will sent another blast of psychic energy through him. His cock twitched as his thoughts were muddled
Living from battle to battle just so you can scrounge up enough cash for supplies and to look after your Mons.  All those potions, all that food. While you wash your clothes in a stream. Isn’t all of that just so stressful?
“Y-Yeah….b-but” Victor stammered out, his eyes going hazy slowly as Will’s words went deeper and deeper into his mind
Its tyring thinking all the time isn’t it? Knowing all that stuff that stresses you out. Dangers of pokemon. Stresses of money. All that stuff comes with intelligence. All that stuff that comes from beinging a trainer. And its tiring isnt it?
As Will said those words, his eyes briefly flashed and Victor felt a wave of lethargy wash over him. His frozen arms ached, his eyes drooped slightly and he felt the urge to yawn.
“I-It is….” Victor agreed
I can take all that away. I can take all those stresses, all those worries, all that exhaustion away. I can leave nothing but pleasure and happiness inside of your head
“Y-You can?” Victor blinked, as the cotton in his head made it impossible to focus on anything except what Will was saying “W-Why?”
Because I want you to be happy. People being happy is a good thing, isn’t it?
“Y-Yeah it is…” Victor muttered, seeing the logic there as he felt another shiver of pleasure
All you need to do is agree to it Will’s voice said Just say yes, and all that stress, all that worry will be gone. Expelled from your mind in a wave of pure bliss. Do you want that?
“Y-Yes!” Victor moaned, his eyes going wide as he felt a smile form on his face “I want that!”
“Good answer!” Will said, not in his head this time, but with his mouth. He moved his hands, taking one off the guy’s head and moving the other to his forehead. The tip of his finger glowed a bright pink. 
Victor was about to ask what he was doing, but then he was hit the greatest wave of pleasure he had ever flet in his life. All the nerves in his body were screaming in pure ecstasy as Will put on finger on his forehead.
“You feel that, right?” he saked with a smirk, to which Victor weakly nodded “That’s all those thoughts keeping you stressed and unhappy. All of them are moving to were my finger is, out of your brain and into this specific spot”
Victor gasped in pleasure as he felt everything drain out of his brain. It felt like bubbles popping inside of his skull as each thought, each shred of his IQ, flew out of his neurons and right below Will’s finger. The psychic began to slowly move it downwards, past his nose and face and down his throat. 
Victor’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as pleasure just flowed through his entire body. Each slight motion sent even more arousal through his body. His cock was straining aginst his jeans, as hard as rock and twitching with need every second. 
Will just smirked and kept moving the thoughts further and further down, across his chest, his abs his waist. Until he finally reached the strained tent in the front of Victor’s pants. He grinned and gave his cock a light tap, before the cotton fuzz suddenly cleared from the trainers mind as he momentarily broke his hold on Victor.
The young man gasped and fell to his knees, panting and sweating as the pleasure rushed through his entire body, and he groaned as he felt his cock strain and twitch inside his pants
“Now listen carefully,” Will said, his finger not leaving Victor’s cock “When I count back from three, you’ll cum. You’ll cum harder then you ever have in your life. And as you cum, all that stuff will drain out of your head. It will leave as a big sticky blob, and you’ll be free of those thoughts. That sounds great, doesn't it?”
“Y-YES!” Victor panted, a dumb smile on his face. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Hop was staring at him in confusion, but he couldn't understand why. He’d never felt this good before, he’d do anything to get this to be permanent
“Good boy.” Will gave him one last strong poke on the dick, getting one giant moan from Victor. “Three”
Hearing that, Victor’s hands flew down to his pants, not even bothering to unbutton them, instead ripping the button off as he tore them in half and threw them downwards to his knees. 
He grabbed his boxers and pulled them down in a split second, his cock bouncing up in the cold air of the studio, letting slip another moan 
“Fuuuuuck” he moaned as his bright red cock bounced up and down, twitching desperately for release.
“One” Will said and suddenly and it was like a floodgate opened. Victor’s eyes went wide as he felt what felt like a dam breaking in his loins. 
“GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” he both shouted and moaned as his cock blasted out its load. It shot out like a hose, as thick white cum blasted out by the gallon. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his mouth hanging open in a dumb smile as he not only felt his cock drain but also his brain. Mathematics, science, geography, understanding of pokemon battling, typing, rasing, all of that was drained out of him.
“OH FUCK YES!” he gasped out, thrusting his hips and humping the empty air as waves of arousal shot through him, more and more of his brain-draining out his cock. Memories of his travels, of his pokemon. Of spending money, of worrying about getting enough from battles to buy enough supplies for the next week, stressing out about getting his pokemon to the Center, all of this disappeared. 
As he finished cumming, a few drops falling from his now permanently hard cock as his eyes looked around, lacking the light of intelligence that was present there just a few moments ago. Panting, he looked to his left, seeing Will, poking Hop’s member through his equally tented pants. Right as Will said three, Victor fell face-first to the ground, into the puddle of cum he had just blasted out, and fell asleep, the effort of cumming out his brains leaving him totally exhausted.
Two Weeks Later
Vic yawned as he opened his eyes, a dumb smile on his face as he felt the sunlight trickle in from the one window that rested right above his bed.
“Man that was a good sleep….” he mumbled, his voice sounding much slower and deeper than it had two weeks ago. He grabbed the snow-white sheets he slept on and threw them aside, hopping off the mattress and onto the cold tiled floor. He shivered as he felt his bare feet hit it, but that didn’t bother him much. The dumb smile still on his face, he walked over to the full-length mirror that made up the inside of his door. 
He smiled as he struck a pose, something that had become reflex whenever he saw a reflective surface of any kind and looked over his body. The twig of a trainer he’d been two weeks ago was gone, and he now had a body that most professional swimmers lusted after. The lithe muscle in his legs and arms, with his chest, well-sculpted with muscles, but not the over-the-top abs that L had, and no body hair to speak off. His cock bounced up, instantly growing hard at the thought of his fellow model. He moaned and giggled, wrapping a hand around it as he opened the door and started to slowly pump it up and down. Right before he could really get going, the door to his room was thrown open, his fellow stud standing on the other end.
“Morning Vic!” Hop said, his hands on his waist as his member stood up twitching and hard for all to see. His body was almost an exact copy of Vic’s, same muscles, same lack of body hair, the only difference was his natural darker skin color. He walked in and kissed Vic on the cheek and gave his cock a quick poke
“Heh, morning Hop” Vic giggled, his head feeling like fireworks were going off inside at the mere sight of his fellow model. He leaned in and kissed him too. Any memories relating to their time as rivals were long gone from the head of the two models, along with most of the knowledge that once was in there. As far as the two were concerned, they were just hot models who worked for their master and have been like that their whole lives. “Is master ready for us?”
“Just about!” Hop said with a dumb smile, giving Vic’s dick a tug as he led him out of the room. Vic moaned and followed with a dumb chuckle. The two exited the room, and onto the carpeted hallways of the studio that was the entire world to the two dumb, horny models. “He’s just wrapping up some shoot with L and then we’re up”
“Heh perfect!” Vic moaned, pulling his dick free of his partner’s grasp. He smiled and stared at the toned ass of the young man leading him through the complex halls of the studio “How the fuck can you get around here anyway? I get lost aaaaalll the fucking time!”
“Hehehe, so does L!” Hop chuckled 
“And you did too, don’t try and pretend your some smart-ass,” Vic said, giving him a poke in the butt, earning a horny chuckle from the other model “You're as dumb as the rest of us”
“Fuck yeah I am!” Hop chuckled “I’d never want to be smart! Being smart is master’s job!”
“Exactly!” Vic said, not removing his finger, instead of moving it over to the other model’s hole “Still haven’t answered the question, mate”
“Oh riiiiiiight!” Hop moaned as he felt the finger slip inside. Despite that the two kept walking, being so used to feeling pleasure that they had grown numb enough to walk and fuck at the same time “Heh, master explained the carpet has a line to follow”
“Huh?” Vic muttered, looking down. Indeed their bare feet were walking over a yellow line in the center of the red carpet. Each turn they took was Hop following the line “Wow, I’m such  a fucking dumbass!” Vic giggled, pulling his finger out of Hop.
“Heh, course you are!” Hop giggled back as they finally reached the studio proper. The brown-haired model had to bite his tongue not to moan at the sight of L leaning over, showing his perky ass in the lycra running tights he was wearing as Master Will took pictures of it.
“Good! That was perfect L” Master said as he stepped away from the camera.
“Thank you, sir!” L said with a dumb laugh as he stripped the tights off and threw them aside, letting his massive member swing between his legs. Vic’s eyes locked onto it and he began to drool a little.
“Mate, your hard-on is showing” Hop whispered, making  Vic turn red as he winked at this partner
“When isn’t it?” he whispered back as L strode by, fist-bumping both his bros with a “sup” as he passed the two, giving Vic a full view of his member in the process, “and it’s not like your any better”. 
“Heh, yeah true,” said the purple-haired hunk with a horny grin on his face as he reached down with one hand to give his hard dick a few quick strokes. The sight of L working the camera clearly having the same effect on both young models. 
“Ah good! You're both here!” Master Will said, snapping Vic’s attention back to him “Rested up and ready I hope?”
“Of course sir!” Hop said with a big smile as he walked over to the set, Vic right behind him
“Heh, good answer. Now, get dressed boys” Master Will threw them some speedos. Vic grabbed a bright blue one and smiled while got a slick black pair
“We doing swimsuits today?” he asked, despite the obvious answer being in his hands
“Yep. Summer is almost here, so we need some good shots of the new range of speedos” Master Will said. Vic grinned and slipped on the tight rubbery swimwear up his smooth toned legs, moaning as he felt it squish his erection flat. “Perfect. Let’s get started. Get over there Vic and bend over, we need some ass shots”
“Heh, yes sir!” Vic said as he turned around and bent over, showing his well-tuned ass to the camera. Each time he heard the camera click, those fireworks went off in his empty head and he couldn’t help but giggle. 
Click, click, click.
“Ok great work Vic,” Master Willl said as he checked over the last few shots on the camera’s view screen “Right your turn Hop, I want you boys to swap so I can get some more solo shots before I move on to the more fun stuff”. 
Like the obedient models, they were the two traded places just like their master ordered, Hop stepping onto the set and Vic moving out of frame to watch his hot partner work.  
“I fucking love my job” he muttered as he got a good look at Hop’s ass while the other model got into position for their master.
“Perfect stay right there Hop, but I want you down on your knees” Will directed his model around while checking the shot through the viewfinder “Good, now put hands behind your head, spread your legs a bit, flex for me and look sexy for the camera”.  
“Oh yeah, I really fucking love my job” Vic declared as he watched Hop flex and show off his sexy abs under their Master’s instruction.
If you enjoyed this fic, please check out my Patreon to support me if you can. And a shout-out to my top-tier Patrons, Jerry Nelson and Vikitren!
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orthotv · 1 year
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📢Pune Knee Course 2023•📢
🔹Pune Knee Course along with APKS and APOA brings you the Biggest Knee Event in Asia Pacific!
🗓️ Dates: 27-30 April 2023
🏨Venue: JW Marriott, Pune
🔲Register: https://www.eventavenue.com/bookingengine/EVT9179
🔺For more info: https://punekneecourse.com/
🛂 Organising Chairman: Dr Sachin Tapasvi, Dr Parag Sancheti
🤝 Media partner: OrthoTV Global
#PuneKneeCourse #KneeSurgery #KinematicTotalKneeReplacement #APKS #APOA #Orthopedics #SurgeonEducation #Pune2023 #OrthoConference #OrthopedicEvent #MedicalEducation #OrthoTVGlobal #JWMarriottPune #OrthoConferenceIndia #KneeReplacementSurgery #OrthopedicTraining #SurgeonNetworking #OrthopedicUpdates #AsiaPacificOrthoEvent #OrthoCommunity #OrthopedicLearning #OrthopedicExcellence #OrthopedicSkills #OrthopedicConference #PuneEvent #KneeCourseIndia #OrthopedicCME #OrthopedicProfessionalDevelopment
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yokomixrapz · 2 years
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YO? Komix Rapz/Website/Support https://kcuhhp.blogspot.com/ https://twitter.com/NobEs92964231 https://audiomack.com/yo-komix-rapz Today's blog entries/Dnešné príspevky na blogu/19.02.2023 Rob Gonzales - On Second Thought Og Bigg Dabb & Tosses - Nature EP (Italy) Jay Worthy & Curren$y - Terry Davis King Author & Chairman Chow- Your Stash Ceaser Mcfly - Breakin The Rules Feat Munch, Prod. GDR GO a.k.a. 男澤魔術 from Flick - 96’til Eternity Feat. Kaptain Kirk (Japan) Rah Deluxe - Rainbow Six Chucky Smash - Alien (Intro) Switch - What's Wrong With Me (Canada) Provisions, A-F-R-O, Wombaticus Rex – GTFO Of Work, Prod. Pajama Sam SuperSaiyanRasta & Supreme Shae - Yesterday’s Price Is Not Today’s Price (South Africa) Ba Pace - Nightshow (na mieste Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5QSK9oBlU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hiphopheadspodcast · 1 year
The Dunnas x Chairman Chow - Woolie (Music Video)
The homies the Dunnas have dropped a new video for Woolie directed by Chairman Chow! This song is really great, Oak and Dese have crazy bars. These guys know to make you smile through their raps. Peep this and whodunit! Out now!
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scottwellsmagic · 2 years
736: Magifest 2023 - Day Three Report
Saturday 28th January 2023
10:00am - 5.30pm
Dealers Open
10:30am - 11:30am
Mark James Lecture
You’ve been amazed by his show; now is your chance to learn his magic. This lecture will focus on professional, doable magic. With a focus on non-card tricks, this is a can’t-miss lecture. 1:30pm - 3pm
Paul Gertner Show and Lecture
This was our most anticipated event at the last Magifest…but needed to be postponed due to Covid. We’re pleased that Paul has consented to return this year to deliver what will surely be an unforgettable presentation. A multiple-winner on Penn & Teller’s Fool Us, a FISM winner, and one of the industry’s leading professionals, Paul will present a show for us and then lecture on some of his best material. 3:30pm - 4:30pm
David Gerard Marketing Lecture
Here David will share hard-earned, seldom-shared insider information on a topic he has dedicated his life to: marketing and branding. Having played an integral role in several Silicon Valley startups (as well as a lengthy tenure at Google), by day David Gerard helps companies put their message across. By night David entertains top brass at these companies, and he will share his marketing and branding insights with us in this rare, candid lecture on an area of performing most of us overlook. 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Shoot Ogawa Lecture
On the heels of his first-place FISM win, Shoot Ogawa will share the magic that has taken around the world and made him a household name in magic. This lecture will feature new, non-card material, as well as a few “Ogawa” classics. 8:30pm - 10:00pm
Gala Show
Hosted by Lucy Darling Mortenn Christiansen Erik Tait Ruben Vilagrand Shoot Ogawa Paul Gertner JunWoo Park 10:30pm - 11.30pm
Bar Magic with Mark Calabrese
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:18 - Charles Greene III talks about his restaurant and trade chow career plus Charlie Randall helps us recap some of the shows from Day Two
00:12:47 - Matthew Neely talks a bit about what impressed him the most at this convention
00:18:13 - Joe Cole from Omaha, Nebraska, stopped to show us a photo of one of his winning trophies
00:21:40 - Jep Hostetler, Past President of the I.B.M. was also the chairman of the Magifest before it was turned over to Josh and Andi
00:26:12 - One of th highlights of the Mgifest, Mortenn Christiansen, FISM Winner this past year talks about his experience and his journey to Quebec.
00:35:00 - Cosmo Solano, from Colorado Springs, Colorado, has his own magic theater and talks about his show
00:44:56 - Erik Tait, host of the Penguin Podcast, talks about his FISM experience, this Magifest and what’s new and hot at Penguin right now.
00:54:28 - Cody Clark works with the Society of Young Magicians for the S.A.M. and he talks about the Magifest and how much they have been doing for the youth at this convention.
01:01:23 - Don Burcell with Don’s Magic Books talks about how the sales went this year in the dealer’s area
01:05:29 - Charles Greene III and Scott recap the evening;s show plus the overall convention
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a-table-of-fics · 4 months
Oddworld: Conar’s Ambition, Chapter 14, Draft 1, Part 2
He dreamt of rushing waters, of being swept up, of being unable to do anything but obey the flow. He dreamt of the metal gullet of a cannery, of unknowable pistons working tirelessly at vast functions. He dreamt of being beaten endlessly with meat tenderizers, of being sliced with countless blades. He dreamt of Mudokons working tirelessly at the mechanisms as Sligs laughed contemptuously at him. At the end of the river, he dreamed of a bowl big enough for him to fall into, with Slogs ready to chow down. No one but him took issue with this exchange.
But right as the first bite was about do dig into him, he felt something else prodding him tentatively.
“Conar? Conar, wake u—” Slim started, before dodging a reflexive swipe.
He could swear he saw Conar’s eyes quiver for a moment behind the glowing visor. Even the red seemed to soften as Conar caught his breath.
“Y-you can’t just wake a Slig like that!” Conar finally managed. “I just…”
“You know you coulda took your claws off,” Slim remarked.
Conar paused mid-climb onto Chairman. He sighed, pulling on the loose threads holding the worm’s teeth. They fell without ceremony into the mud. Conar grumbled as he finished mounting onto Chairman.
“Well, what is it?” he asked.
“Some guy with a lot of feathers in his head wanted us to get ready to follow him. Apparently that raisin really wants to see us.”
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cryptoonus · 2 years
Chia Network CEO Gene Hoffman Announces Upcoming IPO
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Gene Hoffman, a newly appointed CEO of Chia Network, has announced that the company is moving forward with its long-planned initial public offering (IPO). Former COO Gene Hoffman will lead Chia Network's IPO as new CEO; company founder Bram Cohen is now Chairman and CTO. According to new CEO Gene Hoffman, Chia Network aims to accelerate its IPO, providing financial security to 4 billion people and improving markets. Chia Network plans to file for an IPO with the SEC, but it won't happen this year despite the recent improvement in the crypto market. Chia Network provides sustainable layer one technology that enables mining based on the disc storage capacity rather than computing power. Cohen, who also created the BitTorrent protocol, started it, and it was established in 2017. Chia Network Has Been Preparing For an IPO For Some Time Although it has been planned for years, Chia's IPO has yet to happen. In 2021, the firm raised $61 million, valuing it at $500 million. Before the year's conclusion in 2021, it first disclosed its intention to IPO. Chia Network plans for a regulated mini-IPO to raise $50 million, focusing on investor protection. Growing Team And Blockchain Association Membership Despite the market slump, progress has been made by Chia. Thomas Chow was brought on as the organization's chief legal officer in August. The project is seeing an increase in demand for its platform. Therefore, it is expanding and changing its leadership to help it scale. Despite the intense rivalry in this market, the project has also implemented an NFT feature on its mainnet. According to Hoffman, Chia offers a more environmentally friendly option to Solana and Ethereum. Related Reading | Businesses Selling Their Crypto Assets On The Rise To aid efforts at policy and regulation, Chia has now joined the Blockchain Association. Along with its progress, the endeavor demonstrates Chia Network's efforts to be persuasive as a green option and compliance. Read the full article
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thevaultboombap · 9 months
PHINEL x Chairman Chow - Trapper's Delight (Music Video)
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