mhalachai · 2 years
new feature: word of the week
I made some new year’s resolutions around posting more frequently, and one of the things I’m going to try is posting a word of the week, ie a word in use (in Canadian English, to be precise) that I've newly encountered. 
I write for a living, and I keep coming upon new words. It’s great. 
So, to start off this month with:
Verb; definition: to cut away (in the carpentry sense) a 90-degree edge to make an angle between two adjoining surfaces.
this is easier for my topographically-challenged brain to describe visually:
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Origin: mid 16th-century, from the French chamfrain, from chant ‘edge’ + fraint ‘broken’ (from Old French fraindre ‘break’, from Latin frangere).
I came cross this word in a metal restoration video yesterday and had to backtrack the captions to double-check the word. Here’s to starting the new year with learning new things!
The video in question, of a book press restoration, from My Mechanics on youtube. The chamfering occurs very briefly at 14:44.
Back next week with a new word!
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