#champagnecall 01
tigrdia · 2 years
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                       “ ... h-hifumi...? ”
                        the name fell from his lips almost automatically the moment he saw the bright sun that was hifumi through the crowd. doppo, the usually well mannered man, was shoving people out of his way as he tried to make his way to his friend. ...well, he was apologizing profusely while doing so. 
                      “ w-wait! hifumi! wait up! ”
                        he could only hope that they heard him. and that people would get out of the way so he could reunite with her. all of this would be a lot easier, a lot more bearable if he truly got to see hifumi again. it was hard living without him, but not in the way one would think. yes, having hifumi to help around the house was nice. but, it was the presence of hifumi that doppo needed.
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kissreturn · 3 years
@champagnecall || ♡'d for a starter
It's fishin' time for this princess! Or, at least, that's what she's been attempting to do -- the slippery little things haven't been biting at all and she's been at the marina for hours. However, in the midst of her continued letdown, she hasn't failed to notice the funky-haired stranger looking cool as a cucumber. In fact, just as she glances over once more, their rod makes a sharp jerk toward the water... and looking at the intensity, it seems to be a big one!
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"Oh goodness!" She jumps up from her spot on the dock, clapping gleefully at the display (if she's not going to catch anything, might as well enjoy someone else's success). "You can do this! Pull with all your might!"
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differingrealities · 4 years
It had been a rather exciting day, by Che’nya’s standard. Waking up in a new land, surrounded by new faces, with new sights and sounds to take in. It was enough to have his ears twitching with excitement! But by now, he’d done enough wandering and wondering and was just about ready to do some napping instead. 
The pamphlet he’d found in that car lead him to an apartment building - it seemed arrangements had been made for him. How curious. And it seemed that he would not be living alone!
When he arrived at the apartment, it was empty. Perhaps his new roommate had yet to arrive. That was just perfect to Che’nya. What better way to introduce yourself to someone than with a little surprise? His usual method was out the window - try as he might, he couldn’t levitate himself or turn invisible, something he’d deal with later, so instead, he waited patiently until he heard the sound of the door opening, then dived behind the couch.
He let the newcomer enter the room then, with a smirk on his face, popped out from his hiding place
“Nya~ha!” he chirped, hands raised to mimic paws. “Did I supurrise you~?”
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gleamknight · 3 years
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“...How the fuck.  Did you convince me.  To work in.  A soup kitchen.”  He felt ridiculous.  Between the arm length rubber gloves, and apron tied at his waist, “Whatever, at least I’m getting paid.”
While Zelos chopped away at some chicken to prepare the vat of chicken noodle...He was unaware they were on separate pages.  Well, until he felt Hifumi staring at him.
“Something tells me this is charity.”
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