tonigh-we-are-young · 3 years
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Don’t forget your passion, it’s connected to your purpose.✨
Feather lamp 🛍️
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louloumoon1 · 4 years
My Duck tales dream.
I have my own weird mind and for some reason it likes head cannon Louie as gay and depressed. Who needs more love from everyone. Who then for some reason in a dream I had with this head cannon Dewey started singing Christmas songs while rock music was playing dancing as a ballerina while Louie was wearing a cat onesie that said help Im not feeling so good Uncle Donald while Huey had long legs opening all the pickles on the highest shelf and Lena was just in a argument with Vilot about murder and webby was hanging upside on a ceiling wearing sun glasses while Launch pad was in a cheer leader outfit arm wrestling with Della in a tuxedo and Scrooge was Making out with his money and ever now and the glomgold would swing from a chandaleir. While penny and Donald had a eating contest so overall weird dream.
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whirlypath · 3 years
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Antique Chandaleir Source:zamekstracov.cz #decor #antiques #chandalier
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hazbinextgeneration · 6 years
Dragon’s Treasure Part 1
(A story IPale, golden eyes scanned the bar as he nervously tapped his margarita glass. The poor guy was wwwaaaaayyy out of his comfort zone. "Marx, are you alright?", asked the female across from him. "I-I'm alright. It's just that....there's a lot of....people here." She knew from experience that Marx was only comfortable around a lot of people when he was acting or watching a play. Otherwise he was really nervous and......scared. With pity in her eyes, she reached over to hold his hand. He flinched before relaxing and squeezing her paw back. "If you want we could leave." "And ruin date night? N-No way......besides it cost a lot to make reservations here." She sighed." Marx....you know how I feel when you spend a lot of money on me." "Well....you're worth every penny," he said sipping his drink. Making her smile was worth any amount of cash., "If I could, I'd buy you all of Safe Haven." "I didn't become your girlfriend for your money, ya know." "I know. Not every woman can resist the charms of a dragon. Especially mine.~" "You know very well that it wasn't just for a charming personality either." He placed his glass down before leaning forward. His head in his hand. A sultry look on his face." "Then what IS the reason, Miss Foxor?" "You're ....kind. More than the average male." "Is that the only reason?," he asked leaning closer. "Isn't that reason enough?" "Maybe.~ That all depends.~" Their faces were inches apart now. "On what?~" "How much you love me.~" They were about to make contact when... "Daaaaaaaam! This 'ere joint is d-m fancy! How anyone can afford such a big chandaleir is beyond me!" Marx jolted up so fast his chair fell over and landed on the floor with a clatter, and the table scooted 2 inches right. Luckily everyone was too busy staring at the rowdy new customers to notice. Except for... "Marx? Is everything alright?" "Of-Of course! Why wouldn't it be?," he said a little too quickly. "Mmm-hmm." Her eyes narrowed and an eyebrow rose to form her famous 'Rrreeeeaalllly?' look he knew all too well. "L-Look," he bent down to pick up the chair, not looking behind him. If he just pretended they weren't there it'd calm him down......hopefully.," That yelling just....startled me. Tonight is about us. Not my work. Not my business partners. Us. So....lets just ignore what just happened." He sat down facing her....that face was still there. He forced a nervous smile as sweat formed on his forehead. He became more uncomfortable as he heard the rowdy bunch be seated. Right. Behind. Them. They didn't seem to notice him though, as they just kept talking amongst themselves. "My Mimzy. You sure pick the most fancy outposts," said a voice with a slight British accent. "Well, why wouldn't I? Just because I'm dead that doesn't mean I can't have good taste," said a deep feminine voice. "Well, I think it's nice. I like the pretty tablecloths. It has the cutest lace," said another female voice. This one more high-pitched. "Thank you, Nifty. Now let's order!" "Finally! I'm hungry as h-ll!" Marx's ears fell flat against his head. No. Not them. Not now. "Ok." "What?," he asked snapping out of his terrified stupor. "You're right. Tonight's about us. You just worry me sometimes." "I know.....That's one of the things I love about you." "I love you, too." "Are you two the ones that ordered this?" A waiter had stopped by their table with a push cart. "Depends. What is it?" "Two medium rare steaks, Sir." "Yes, that's us. Uh....bring another round of drinks will ya?" The waiter nodded before placing their meal down and carting off. "It looks delicious, Marx. Thank you." "Ehehehe. Don't mention it." "Hey Waiter! When can we get some d-m food! I'm starvin'!," a loud voice shouted from behind. "Angel, Angel, Angel. You know that's no way to treat a young lady. Tsk, tsk." "Then why don't you get 'er attention?" "What a splendid idea, Angel. *a-hem* Pardon me, young lady......but would you mind taking our orders?" "Uh....Y-Yes, Sir. What would you like?" "Do you have any venison, my dear?" ".......Pardon?" "Venison. You know? Deer meat." "For.....your friends?" "Oh....don't be silly. That's for me, my dear." "But.....you're a..." "A deer shape shifter, yes. Now I'd like a venison steak, medium rare, and some fine brandy." Marx gagged and covered his mouth. Oh....lord. He felt sick to his stomach and barely managed to swallow the steak in his mouth. His girlfriend looked up at him curiously. "Hehe......wrong pipe?' She looked at him for a moment before preying upon her steak again. Smooth, Marx. Very smooth. Just when things were going good. "So...uh..." She locked eyes with him. Sh-t! Say something, Stupid!" How are things at work?" They casually talked about things like work, family, home...being interrupted several times by the shouting or laughter from the table behind them. "Angel! Would you act like a civilized person for one minute!" "Take it easy, Bax. I'm just havin' a little fun.~" "Yes. Like a pig in a pool of mud." "It's getting late. Do you want me to walk you home?", Marx asked standing up. "Hey! You take that back!" "Not until you stop acting like a hillbilly from the '40s!" "OK! THAT"S IT!" He offered his hand, and helped her up. "Baxter! Look out!", shouted a 3rd female voice. "Everyone duck!" "That would be......" Her gaze suddenly shifted behind him. "Marx! Look....!" He turned just in time to see the plate of food before it smashed into his face with a resound splat. His body fell to the floor with a thud followed by the clatter of the plate. ".......out."  did with Marx and my oc with the Hazbin Gang)
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troutkopf · 11 years
Locker partner grabbed us one for our locker.
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joy0fmylife · 11 years
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saltwaterluck · 13 years
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