#change user and block people if they get burnt for playing with fire
collinnmckinley · 10 months
Yeah if you cant handle the construction argument back and forth, dont fucking start it to begin with.
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Changing users and blocking people trying to avoid being roasted will not change how much of a fucking dumbass you are lmfao.
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fairstarlights · 4 years
​Crowns and Thorns
Chapter Summary: Roman talks about the time he was sent away and Virgil meets Logan.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, descriptions of abuse and fighting with non major character deaths.
Word Count: 3,437
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-- Chapter 3 --
It had been two months since Roman told Virgil he was going to join the Royal Guard and become King Thomas' personal Royal Knight one day. Of course Virgil knew this was absolutely stupid and ridiculous. Sure, Roman had ambition and drive but he was just...his head way way too far into the clouds to see the reality. Roman was never going to make it as far as he wanted, he should just accept what he already has and his situation and settle down already. They both should settle down. In more ways than one.
Roman was good looking, gorgeous actually and talented. He could possibly move anywhere in the Kingdom, get a good job and find a wife. Virgil decided to bring this up to Roman one day while sitting in the forest like usual.
“Don't you ever get bored just hanging out with me everyday?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched Roman carve his eleventh arrow that day.
“Not really. I mean, why would I? Who else would I talk to or do stuff with? Plus, technically you're hanging out with me right now. Sitting there watching me carve arrows for hours. Not gonna lie, that's gotta be pretty boring for you.” Roman mumbled as he held up the arrow, poking it with his finger, then wincing and sticking his finger in his mouth.
“Yeah well. I just figured you would happier, ya know, applying your skills to real life?” Roman set the arrow down and looked at Virgil quizzically.
“What do you mean?”
“Moving out of this village dump and into a more populated town, somewhere closer to the castle. There are a ton of job opportunities there. You have a lot of skills that people would pay good money for.” Roman leaned back on the tree stump he was sitting on and looked up at the sky, seemingly thinking then eventually shrugged.
“I guess it's crossed my mind before but, I've already made up my mind about what I want to do.” Virgil rolled his eyes, lost cause that part of the topic.
“But what about finding a wife? Don't you want to settle down one day?” Romans eyebrows shot up and he looked back at Virgil.
“Well...no.” Virgil squinted his eyes at him.
“What do you mean, 'well, no'? You could have anyone you wanted! Any girl would be lucky to have you.” Roman turned back to his arrow and fiddled with it. Nothing was said for a long time and Virgil wondered if he crossed some sensitive line. He looked down at the grass and ran his hand lightly over it, it was still slightly damp from the mornings rain.
“I can't have anyone I want.” Roman said barely above a whisper and Virgil didn't hear a thing. They sat in silence for a while before Roman shivered and rubbed his arms. He suddenly got an idea. “Virgil.” Said boy looked up at his friend, who was smiling at him mischievously, “I'm kind of cold, have you been practicing lately?”
Virgil looked confused at first then it suddenly hit him, his eyes widened “What? Now?! Roman, you can't be serious, what if someone see's me?”
“Calm down, there's no one around, I'll go gather some wood and all you gotta do is just make a tiny little spark.”
“Roman, you know I can't make a tiny little spark. Remember last time I tried? I burnt seven bushes to complete ashes! And magic flames don't just burn out like regular flames, it leaves specific Residue and Markings.”
“Yeah, I remember, but we washed off the Residue and we dug up the ground that had the Markings and made it into a flourishing garden.” Virgil pressed his palms into his eyes.
“Roman, everything we try to plant in that dirt either doesn't grow or when it does it looks abnormal. Remember that blue pumpkin?” He took his hands off his eyes and started gently run his hand over the grass again. “That dirt still has Residue in it, that's why we stopped planting things. We can't even grow grass over it because we don't know what will happen. If someone saw it people would ask questions, we would be interrogated. Our village could be destroyed. We could all be killed just for possibly being a magic user.” Virgil pressed his hand into the grass and then grabbed a fist full, “I don't know why you would want to protect a King who wants to kill someone who was born with magic.”
Roman tossed his arrow aside and moved to side beside Virgil. He hesitated at first but he put his arm around his best friends waist, waited to see if he pulled away, when he didn't Roman pulled him close. “I wouldn't let any King kill my best friend.”
“What if he put out an order to find and kill all magic users?”
“Then I'd leave, find you and we'd run away to a safer kingdom. I wouldn't worry, I don't think King Thomas will ever put out an order for that for no reason.”
“That's so stupid. You'd be dooming me and not to mention yourself, people would look for you.” Roman shrugged and they sat in comfortable silence.
“I find our friendship kind of funny actually.” Roman said, breaking the silence. Virgil turned his head, looking offended,
“What the heck is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, I mean when we were first introduced back at the the Home, we didn't exactly get along, remember? We basically hated each other.”
“I don't really remember you coming in.” Roman unwrapped his arm from Virgil's waist and set in on the ground.
“Yeah, probably not. I was three and a half and a ball of energy. You were two and everyone believed you were a mute.” Roman smiled fondly to himself. “You hated everyone. You wouldn't let anyone pick you up, help you do anything, you would play by yourself. You never even cried! No one could figure out why since you refused to communicate.” Virgil raised his eyebrows.
“This is news to me, I don't remember any of that.”
“Something happened to your memory. I guess.” Roman shrugged, pointedly not looking at Virgil. “Anyway, I tried playing with you once but you ignored me, acted like I wasn't even there. Actually, you did that to everyone. I don't know if it was some sort of trauma, distrust, hate or something but that went one for the first year I was there.
I played with other kids but I made it my mission to get you to look at me. Although, no matter what I did or said, you didn't look or say a word to anyone. One day I got so mad of you not responding that I punched you in the face.” Roman rubbed the back of his head. “You didn't cry or make a sound, and that made me angrier so I shouted insults at you. I was immediately taken out of the Home and put into another one. For months guilt and anger wreaked havoc on me. I would sneak back into the Home in which you stayed to make you more miserable. I would steal your food rations, your toys, your clothes, I would verbally harass you when no one was around.
Eventually, I was caught again and was going to be sent off to another district. Far away. The night before I was supposed to be sent off I snuck back out and into the Home. I stood by your bed for a long time, just watching you sleep. I then carefully crawled into your bed, got behind you and wrapped my arms around you. Telling you how sorry I was, that I hoped you would forgive me one day. Then I left and got prepared to leave for morning. The next morning I got a knock at my door telling me someone was asking for me from the Home. I went over, it was you.” Virgil was staring blankly.
“I...I remember this part. I asked for you and you showed up.” Roman grinned,
“So you remember what happened next?”
“Yeah, as soon as you opened the door to the Home I punched you in the stomach for torturing me all the time.”
“It was well deserved too. Thankfully, it was the only physical punch you would give me. After that we mutually hated each other.”
“But I was three, you were four and you were forced to leave for several years before you were sent back.” Roman shook his head,
“I was never sent back, actually. I ran away.” Virgil's mouth dropped open.
“What?! You've never told me that!” Roman gave a half shrug.
“It's not something I really like to talk about, but I guess I can tell you now.”
“Roman, you don't have to-”
Roman cut him off, “No. I should tell someone, and it should be you.” Virgil hesitantly nodded, “When I was sent off, I was sent to a small hidden village called Kadel. I don't know if you've heard of it but, that's where they send children with behavior problems. We weren't treated very well. Even the smallest infraction of a rule would result in a severe punishment. It could be seven day isolation in a dark cold room to not being allowed food for three to four days at a time. There would be at least one death a week.
After being there for four years, I made three friends that managed to stay alive. We shared tips and tricks to surviving punishments, because sometimes even though you behaved, you would get punished at some point anyway. There was no reward for good behavior. On my fifth year there was a rumor of a rebellion. All of the kids were going to rally up and run away. We went over the plan. We timed everything just right. When night guard shifts would change, and who those guards were. There were some lazy and weak ones on certain nights so we made sure to plan when they would be around.
The night came around and the plan went into motion. One of the kids set the bedroom building on fire while we were in it. As the guards came in to inspect it we took them out easily. The fire was spreading quickly so we had to get out fast. One of my friends, Fred, took a lantern as he ran out of the building. This confused me because we agreed to just blindly run into the forest with no light so we couldn't be seen. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the forest. We were surrounded by guards blocking our path and the teachers behind us.
Fred put his lantern down and opened it. He encouraged people to use their 'abilities'. At the time I had no idea what that meant but I soon found out. Suddenly, Fred and three other people were using the fire from the fire in the lantern, along with two others I didn't know well were using wind to help make it grow. In a matter of minutes all the guards, teachers and the majority of the kids that were unlucky to get in the way were now ashes and the buildings were infernos. There were originally 43 kids escaping, now there were only eleven of us. We went into the forest as a group, we eventually lost track of each other and I eventually found my way back to the Home in the village a year later.”
“Oh my gosh. You encountered murderous fire and wind users, then later found out I was a fire user myself and you're still my friend? And you wondered around in the forest by yourself for a year?”
“Well, you're not a murderous fire child, Virgil. And more or less, I encountered a strange man along the way but I don't remember much of him. He said he was a fortune teller and that he was going to give me a gift. One now and one later.”
“What did he give you? You didn't take it did you?”
“He gave me a hug.” Virgil's facial expression's changed rapidly before settling on disbelief.
“A hug? He gave you a hug.” Roman shrugged.
“He said something weird about it but I wouldn't really look too much into it.”
“What was the second gift?”
“He didn't say. He just said I would get it in time.”
“Roman, you're an idiot and you always will be but, I'm glad you're okay and that you made it back here.”
“Even if we did end up as hate friends for the next three years after I showed up?”
“Why do you have to make things so weird.” “Because I love you, obviously.” Roman said before he could stop himself. His face flushed and so did Virgil's. Roman's brain raced to find a way to salvage that, “In the most best friend way possible.” Be beamed confidently but inside he was kicking himself out of Earth and far far away onto Planet Embarrassment.
– Months later --
Roman dodged, parried and lunged forward with his wooden sword with his trainer he had found and hired to train him for when he joined the Royal Guard. Unfortunately, he had to hitch a ride into the town the man was in, which was two hours away by horse and buggy. A little less than two hours if just by horse but neither Roman nor Virgil could come up with the money to buy or rent a horse. Sometimes Virgil stayed behind while Roman left for a few days at a time and sometimes he went with him, today was one of those day he went.
Once a round was over and Roman was taking a few minute break Virgil told him he was leaving and going to walk around the town for a while. Roman wished him luck and Virgil headed out. He patted his pocket, making sure his reserved Q's were still there and headed into the town. It was busy like always, people rushing around to who knows where and there were a ton of small children just freely running about. 
Apparently much hadn't changed in ways of looking after children. Or maybe thing's are just safer here. Virgil looked to his left and he could see the castle in the distance, it was far, but you would still tell what it was. Being able to see it probably brought a lot of peace and security over the people, just knowing that King Thomas was only maybe what, an hour or so away?
Virgil brought his attention back to his surroundings and looked around the shops. He spotted a large wall with small papers all over it, curious as he was, he walked over to it. It was apparently an ad board. He scanned over them before spotting one that caught his interest, he took it off and read over it. It might be worth looking into.
He found the building where the ad said where it would be, and he went inside. The place was a complete mess. Completely unorganized, stacks of books and papers, some dried up ink pens, laying haphazardly on tables and all over the floor. Virgil stepped over the mess and tried to find someone. “Hello?” He called out. “I'm here about your ad.” There was a loud crash somewhere and Virgil considered just turning around and running. But then someone vaguely familiar looking looked around a stack of papers.
“Ah, yes, I knew I heard someone in here. Hello.” The bespectacled man said as he held out his hand, then pushing his slightly tossed hair back with his other hand, “You must be here about the ad I posted-?”
“Uh- yes. Virgil.” Virgil said shaking his hand.
“Good. Nice to meet you, Virgil. Good firm hand shake, that makes me confident in your ability to do this job. Now, the owner of this establishment became deathly ill recently and I've had to do most of this by myself. As you probably know, I am a very busy man and I cannot do both this and my regular duties at the same time.” He pushed his glasses back up his nose as they started to slip down, “Your main duties will be first to organize this mess before the end of the week. I know its Wednesday, but it's important that it gets done by Friday. You will have Saturday and Sunday off. There is a whole furnished room upstairs, it has all the basics for comfortable living.
Don't worry about pay, you will be paid quiet well. If you're job is done exceptionally, you shouldn't have a problem getting any raises. Once you are done with the organizing you will receive letters requesting thing's that we will need.” The man fished out a folded letter from his pocket. “Deliver it here.” Virgil unfolded the letter and looked over it. He nearly dropped it.
“Excuse me, but this is just a-” he looked at the letter closer, “- its just a letter that states that I'm allowed into the castle.”
“Well, yes. You're going to be sending and receiving errands from us.”
“Us?” The man looked just as confused as Virgil then he smiled.
“You don't know who I am, do you?” Virgil shook his head slowly. He took out a official paper, handing it to Virgil. “My name is Logan, First Royal Adviser to King Thomas, I look forward to seeing you around the castle, Virgil.”
Virgil ran through the street as fast as he could towards Roman's training facility. Once there he leaned against the building and tried to catch his breath. He pushed open the door and looked around, Roman was packing his things into his bag, done until the next day. He noticed Virgil come in, grinned and waved. Virgil walked over.
“How was practice?”
“Well, Alexander is still kicking my butt. But he said I'm making great progress for someone who has never done this kind of stuff before. I should be ready by my birthday in five months. I didn't tell him about my year in the forest after Kadel of course, which I think did help me learn a lot of fighting and survival skills.” Roman beamed and put his bag over his shoulder. “So what kind of trouble did you get up to in town?” Virgil adverted his eyes.
If he told Roman he got a job in town, well, not exactly in town, but working as a messenger for Logan and technically the King, Roman might get mad seeing as how he got into the castle before his best friend did. That didn't sound like it would turn out well. But he couldn't lie.
“I...I, uh, got a job. And a place to stay for a while.” Virgil looked up at Roman nervously. Roman looked surprised.
“A job and a place? Here? Really?” Roman shrugged, “Well, I mean I guess if you're happy and you really believe this is what you want, then I think this is great news!” Roman was smiling but his face looked strained. “I mean, of course it will be lonely in the village without you but-” Virgil raised a finger to stop him.
“Roman, honestly, do you think I'd stay in a new place by myself? I talked to the guy letting me stay in the place and I- uh- convinced him to let you move in too.” Roman's face blossomed into a genuine smile.
“Awww! Virge, you're quite literally the best friend anyone could ask for!” Roman pulled him into a hug and Virgil sighed, patting Roman on the back. Roman pulled away, “So what will you be doing?”
“Running, uh, errands. Like a messenger.” Roman nodded slowly.
“Well, I mean, you're not exactly the fastest person in the world but, I'm sure you're going to be great!” Virgil rolled his eyes and started towards the door.
“Come on Princey, unfortunately, I've got a big project to finish before the end of Friday.”
“Oh, well it's only Wednesday, hopefully I'll be able to help a bit. It shouldn't be that hard, right?”
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/2-tricks-to-make-ios-control-center-less-annoying/
2 tricks to make iOS Control Center less annoying
Apple launched Control Center in 2013 as a part of iOS 7. It offers iPhone and iPad users brief get right of entry to settings for plane mode, wifi, Bluetooth, display brightness among other matters. But once in a while errant swipes internal apps and games can launch Control Center by accident — which can be stressful. If you depart your iPhone mendacity around quite an awful lot all people such as children can access Control Center from your lock display screen — which may be even more worrying.
But those annoyances are without difficulty remedied with some brief modifications. Go to Settings > Control Center. There you have got options: “Access on Lock Screen” and “Access Within Apps”. Lock screen
If you like gaining access to Control Center out of your lock display, depart “Access on Lock Screen” grew to become on. But if you need to save you someone from getting access to it from your iPhone/iPad’s lock display screen flip this off.
For instance, turning off lock display access will save you youngsters from knowingly or unknowingly turning at the orientation lock or setting your iPhone/iPad into the plane mode or setting a random alarm.
Within apps
If you hate having Control Center accidentally pop up even as playing a video game or the use of apps, you can flip off “Access Within Apps”. The upside to this is that you may not see that black arrow poking up from the bottom of the display. The drawback is that this putting applies to all apps which mean that you’ll only have access to Control Center from your own home display or lock screen (unless you disabled it).
3 Simple Tricks to Stop Procrastination
What is Procrastination?
As with all things in existence, we are able to most effective locate answers to a hassle as soon as we recognize what the hassle in reality is. So first of all, permit’s break it down.
The actor dependency of procrastination is eliminating or delaying, especially something
requiring instant interest.
As a species, this has been difficult for hundreds of years. Ancient philosophers absolutely came up with a word to explain this behavior: Akrasia. It is while you do one element whilst you understand that you should be doing something else.
– Now that we realize what it far allows’s circulate directly to the why…tricks ellen Hopkin’s
Why Do We Procrastinate?
What science has clearly observed recently is that there are two forms of mental environment that the world lives in- Immediate Return Environment and Delayed Return Environment.
Most animals live within the Immediate Return Environment. Humans stay in what’s called Delayed Return. Essentially, maximum of what we surely do day after day is designed to have an effect on our surroundings later on in life!
Magic tricks secrets revealed
For example, you might be seeking to lose weight (future return) and to do so you know that you shouldn’t be ingesting that donut (Right Now). This is where our brains divert from our dreams. The instant return of eating that donut will make me feel suitable, although it isn’t good for our destiny selves.
The above is best one small sample, taking it further you can see that nearly the whole lot you do in your each day life, like going to work for someone else, is all approximately Delayed Returns. I display up today, do a great process, (hopefully) now not get fired or retrenched after which get a paid test sometime in the destiny.crazy mind tricks.
iOS VS Android
Mobile OS:
A cellular operating gadget also called a mobile OS, is a running gadget this is in particular designed to run on cell gadgets consisting of mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablet computer systems and different handheld gadgets. The mobile working system is the software platform which consists of key utility, Middleware, and running gadget run on cell devices.
Mobile running system kinds:
Symbian OS (Nokia)
Bada (Samsung Electronics)
BlackBerry OS (Research In Motion)
Palm OS (Garnet OS)
Windows Mobile (Windows Phone 7)
Android OS (Google Inc.)
iPhone OS / iOS (Apple)
Among all these Mobile Ora, of them are very popular.
We diagnosed some common difference in among these Mobile OS.
iOS is a platform that has a few restrictive tips. As the iOS isn’t an open source, so the tools are confined and fix for the improvement of the iOS apps. Nothing is from outside, just had to observe what are given in the rule of thumb. This way that iOS isn’t always too flexible. The reason in the back of that is that iOS does not compromise on protection. Tradeoff the software program improvement argues that we have to want to compromise one of the constraints from availability and safety. So iOS plate form is restrained and there’s nothing deep for the development. There is no malware assault in iOS. The possibility of data loss is 50%. IOS does no longer provide full get right of entry to control to its users. App approval for play shop takes numerous times. There are many restrictions whilst importing an app to play shop. 90% iOS devices run at the brand new updates of iOS. Paid apps are to be had in a hundred and fifty-five international locations. IOS apps are evolved in objective c or swift.
Android is a plate shape consists of 3 layers, operating system, middle layer, and alertness. Android isn’t always handiest the OS. But it’s far the mixture of those 3 layers. Android is so bendy, as it permits third events equipment. It is because android is an open supply plate shape. Android can compromise on safety. Malware can without difficulty attack on information in android. The possibility of information loss is 75%. It offers full get admission to manipulate to the users. Approval of apps for play keep is very quick, within 6 to eight hours. The guideline is flexible of play save. Zero.Four% runs the state-of-the-art version of Android. Paid apps are available in 132 international locations. Android apps are developed in java.
Options For Permanent Birth Control
Many girls pick to go through an everlasting beginning control manner whilst this technique has come to be a clinical necessity for plenty others. Permanent beginning manage may be finished thru several powerful techniques in recent times. One such famous technique is the tubal ligation by using which a girl can be sterilized via tying, clipping or having the ends of the fallopian tubes burnt.
Any of the above referred to methods will help save you the egg from getting into the uterus, in which the fertilization takes the region. Sterilization through this method is referred to as electrocauterization. In earlier days, this manner changed into done thru the vagina of a woman and at instances, it took months to completely get over the process.
Currently, there are several opportunity strategies to tubal ligation. Tubal ligation itself is carried out via three distinctive techniques. Within 2 days of a female handing over a baby, a technique referred to as mini-laparotomy which lasts 20 mins, is accomplished. This is not taken into consideration to be a chief surgical treatment and is normally carried out with the patient underneath local anesthesia. This method of sterilization has been favored through many girls over oral contraceptives.
Laparoscopic treatment is the second one sort of tubal ligation. A small incision is made within the abdomen vicinity and a small quantity of carbon dioxide is placed inside. This technique is achieved through experienced surgeons best as it requires the usage of positive unique surgical instruments. The entire method lasts best ten mins and the patient can get better very quickly without any complications.
Using a laser or some other electro tool, the fallopian tubes are fused collectively and clipped by using bands. Laparoscopy is the 1/3 type of tubal sterilization that is regularly done soon after a cesarean transport. Since the fallopian tubes are seen at once after the shipping, the physician can perform the process freely with greater room and freedom.
There are other strategies of everlasting start control that are practiced and hysteroscopic sterilization is one such technique this is generally finished on outpatients. Through the vagina of the woman, a small tube is inserted into the outlet of the fallopian tubes, thereby blocking off the tube and preventing any possibility of pregnancy. Recovery time after this procedure is set 24 hours and there are not any dangers of any side effects. The position of the inserted tube can be verified thru an imaging x-ray several months after the system. Another famous sterilization technique is ‘Essure’ which entails no surgery, laser treatments or changing the fallopian tubes.
Also, this manner desires no anesthesia or hormonal photographs and has proved to be almost cent percent a hit. Silicon free inserts are positioned in the fallopian tubes to block the direction of the egg into the uterus. The process lasts best ten mins and can be without difficulty finished by a health practitioner in his clinic. Experienced and educated doctors need to be consulted before present process this technique. In historic instances, there have been seldom any lady who desired to be sterilized.
The handiest technique of avoiding being pregnant that was accompanied was abstinence. In comparison, a cutting-edge girl can choose any suitable approach of everlasting sterilization. For a long time, tubal ligation changed into taken into consideration because of the best choice of many girls. But with the development of clinical technology, today there are so many methods of accomplishing everlasting sterilization and women have the liberty to choose any method that suits them best.
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