#chaos lineage kino translation
otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage ☽ Ebten WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD ☽ The Vampire’s Everyday: Board Game Edition (Ruki, Azusa, Kino)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE ebten・WonderGOO特典ドラマCD「ヴァンパイア達の日常ボードゲーム編 ─ルキVSアズサVSキノ─ 」 Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Kishio Daisuke (Azusa), Maeno Tomoaki (Kino) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or repost my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Bet you didn't think we'd get to work on these so quickly! I want to give a HUGE thank you to @karleksmumskladdkaka for acquiring all of these rare CDs and sharing the audio with me for translation (づ>/////<)づ♡ This tokuten was hilarious and the bits where Ruki is trying to catch the Golden Bunny is just... his tactics might not have worked on the bunny (my own pet bunny would be equally unfazed) but I would've jumped straight into his arms. As always, enjoy listening and reading along! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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[The scene starts with Kino aggressively tapping on his smartphone as he’s playing a game.]
00:00 Kino: And… I’ve cleared it! Ah, I’ve gotten tired of this game too… I should look for a new one to play.
[Kino searches the app store.]
K: Hm? What’s this? Huh? An app based on a board game? I’m not really into board games, but it’s been newly released, so I should download it just to check it out. Alright! It’s finished downloading. I’m gonna start it right away.
[Kino boots up the game.]
K: Oh! What an interesting opening to the game.
[The world starts swirling around Kino.]
K: Huh? What’s happening?! Why did such a strong wind start blowing all of a sudden? My body is being pulled into my smartphone by an incredibly powerful force. Ah… I can’t hold on… Ah!
[Kino disappears into his smartphone.] 01:13 [The scene shifts to Ruki reading in his room in the Mukami mansion.]
Ruki: Ah… 
[There’s a knock on the door.]
R: Azusa? What’s up?
Azusa: How did you know… it was me?
R: Because Kou and Yuma are both out today. You’re the only one here.
A: Ah… I see. Hey, Ruki. I’m sorry for… interrupting your reading, but…
R: What’s wrong? Is that a smartphone in your hand?
A: Yeah, it is… Kou told me to check out a smartphone game earlier… This game… was released recently… I thought we could play it, but… I don’t know… how to start the app…
R: I see. So that’s what you came to ask.
A: Yeah. Kou isn’t here either, so… Do you… know how to do it, Ruki?
R: Of course. I know that much. Give me the smartphone. So you just want me to download the game that’s on the screen right now?
A: Yeah, I think so…
[Ruki downloads the game.]
R: Hm. This should do it. It downloaded successfully. Now you just have to tap this button to start the game.
A: I got it. So I should tap here… right? Like this…
[Azusa boots up the app and the world starts swirling around him.]
A: Huh? What’s with… this strong wind? Is this… part of the game? Ah… 
R: No, that can’t be it… What’s going on? It’s like I’m being sucked into the smartphone…!
A: It’s happening to me too… Ah!
[Azusa disappears into the smartphone.]
R: Hey, Azusa…! …Shit!
[Ruki disappears along with him.]
03:55 K: Ugh… Ow… That really caught me off-guard. Hey… How long was I out? And where am I? It’s so dark that I can barely see what’s around me. Huh? There’s someone else on the ground, though. There’s two of them… Mukami Ruki and Azusa? Why are they here too?
[Kino tries to shake the Mukami brothers awake.]
K: Come on, wake up, you two. Hey, I’m telling you to wake up, damn it!
[Ruki stirs to life.]
R: Ugh…
K: Damn, you’re slow. Are you finally awake? And how about your brother?
R: Hey, Azusa. Wake up. Open your eyes.
[Azusa stirs to life as well.]
A: Ugh… Where are we? And why is… Kino here?
[Azusa sits up.]
R: Hey, Kino. Where are we?
And why are we here?
K: I don’t know either. When I woke up, I just kinda found myself here.
A: Earlier, we were… trying to play a game, though… What were you doing… before you got here, Kino…?
K: Me? I was just trying to play a game, but I was suddenly sucked into my smartphone. Before I knew it, I found myself in this strange place.
A: I see… So we were doing the exact same thing… The game you were trying to play… was it a… ‘game-of-life’ kind of game?
K: Oh, yes, that was it! You had to spin a roulette wheel. It was kinda like sugoroku (1).
R: I see… So that means that new game is likely the cause of all this. Besides, I’ve been wondering about that thing over there. Look.
A: Oh…? A gigantic… roulette wheel?
[Kino walks over to the roulette wheel.]
K: Oh! Look, look! If you look closely, there are squares (2) on the ground. 
R: Judging from those square spaces, we really do seem to be inside that game. I don’t know what caused all of this, exactly, but that seems to be the most likely explanation. Anyway, let’s stay put until we know more.
07:10 [Kino is already spinning the roulette wheel.]
K: Huh? D’ya say something?
R: Hey…! Why did you spin that wheel?
K: Why? Because I felt like it, of course.
R: I just told you to stay put!
K: Oh, it’s alright! You’ll overexert yourself if you get pissed off at me for such small things.
R: If that’s what you think, aren’t you better off not doing those things? Don’t put this on me!
A: You two… now’s not the time to fight…
[A countdown signal goes off.]
K: What’s that sound?
A: It sounds like… something has started.
R: Be careful. It sounds like something’s coming towards us.
[A very large spider comes towards the boys.]
K: Ah! What’s up with that giant spider?! It’s gross!
A: It’s huge…
R: Damn… We’ve been hauled into this unknown place and now we’re being attacked by a gigantic spider? These are some strange things happening… Kino. This is your fault. You take down the spider.
K: What? Why me? Get off your high horse and stop ordering me around. I’m not your little brother.
R: We’re in this situation because you were careless enough to spin that roulette wheel. This is your responsibility, so you should do something about it…
[Ruki and Kino’s bickering fades to the background as Azusa tries to appeal to the spider.]
A: Those two…
[The spider roars.]
R: [In the background] So, that means that you’re under my watch now.
A: [To the spider] I’m sorry… They ended up ignoring you.
K: [In the background] Ha, I get it! You’re just a little weakling, then! That’s why you always order people around!
A: [To the spider] They just kind of… started bickering, and… 
R: [In the background] Heh! 
[The spider roars again.]
A: What should I do…? What can I even do…?
[Azusa walks around.]
A: Ah! 
09:00R: Speak for yourself! You’re looking for excuses because you’re actually not confident that you can defeat that spider!
K: What? D’you think you can just make fun of me?
[The spider roars again.]
K: [To the spider] Hey, shut the fuck up! Take this!
[Kino attacks the spider.]
R: You should stay quiet while people are talking. Good grief, you have no manners.
[Ruki attacks the spider, killing it. Ruki walks over to it.]
R: Finally, you’ve gone quiet.
A: Ah… so you’ve defeated the spider.
R: Yeah, well, this clearly isn’t a place for leisuring. We should look around for clues so we can get out of here as fast as possible.
A: Ah, about that… Look at this. The spot that the roulette wheel landed on… it reads… “a large volume of spiders will show up,” “dispose of them rather than complaining”...
K: A large volume of spiders? So that’s what that spider was just now?
R: I see. So in this realm, whatever is written on the spaces will become reality.
K: Wow, that’s cool! So that means we’re playing a sort of sensory experience game here?
A: What’s written on the spaces… will actually materialise… But this space… doesn’t say anything about one gigantic spider… But we haven’t seen more spiders, either…
K: Aren’t they just talking about bugs? It’s a common occurrence in newly released games. And we’re inside the game right now, so that could explain it.
R: I see. Whatever the case, we should not stick around much longer. We’re getting out of here. Now.
11:05 A: But… how?
R: I have an idea.
K: Well, it doesn’t take a genius to come up with an escape plan. If we’re inside a game, we’ll just have to end the game, won’t we?
A: So, that means…
K: Yep, we just have to clear the game.
R: However, whatever is written on the square spaces seems to actually occur inside this game. Clearing it is not going to be easy.
A: Ah… actually, when you two were fighting earlier… I found something. Look. Come over here.
[Azusa leads them to a different spot.]
A: Look at this space. 
K: Huh? What’s this?
R: It says “Find the Golden Bunny for good luck. You may proceed to the goal immediately.”
K: Well, then, we can clear the game if we find that Golden Bunny, right?
R: I suppose so. Well done, Azusa.
A: Yeah.
R: However, I don’t think we’ll be able to find that bunny so easily…
[Lo and behold, a bunny hops by.]
K: Huh? Was that…?
R: The Golden… Bunny.
[The Golden Bunny happily hops away.]
K: Oh! Stop standing around. Let’s catch it! Come on, you two!
A: Ah… alright.
R: Kino, let’s work together. I’ll lend you a hand this time so we can get out of here.
K: Heh, get off your high horse. But, well, alright. I’ll join forces with you to escape this place. Don’t stand in my way, though.
A: Yes! Let’s all work together, then.
R: Great. We’re going after that bunny!
[The three run after the bunny.]
13:15 A: Haa… haa… Yes! We’ve caught up with it! Hehe. [To the bunny] Hey… you look… pretty tasty. Come on… don’t be scared. I’ll do you a favour… and catch you!
[Azusa tries to catch the bunny but it gets away and Azusa falls.]
A: Oh. Ow…
K: Jeez, don’t just try to grab it like that! Cornering it will only scare it away. You’ll never catch the bunny that way!
A: Sorry… Ah, Ruki… It’s coming your way!
[The bunny hops over to Ruki. Ruki and the bunny have a staredown.]
R: Well. Hey, you! Bunny. Come here. I’ll be nice to you. Now, jump into my arms! 
[The bunny—unlike the translator—is unfazed by Ruki’s tactics and it runs off.]
R: That’s strange… Why didn’t it jump into my arms?
K: What?! Did you seriously expect that to work? Oh, the two of you are completely useless.
R: Hey, Kino! It’s heading your way! Don’t waste this chance. Catch it!
K: What? It’s easy for you to order me around! Did you forget your own failure so easily? This pisses me off. I might be stubborn, but I’m going to fucking catch you!
[The bunny hops by Kino.]
K: Take this!
[Kino throws himself on top of the bunny. Ruki and Azusa run over to him.]
A: Kino!
R: Kino! Hey, did you catch it?
[Kino holds up the bunny.]
K: I did it… I caught it! I did it!
A: What a relief… Now we’ll be able to go home… We were able to catch it… because we all worked together.
R: Yeah, we did. It’s not so bad to help each other out.
K: Whoa, now. It’s thanks to my efforts that we’ve got the bunny. The two of you didn’t even do anything. Stop that sappy talk.
15:18A: This bunny… is pretty docile… and fluffy… 
K: It really is. It’s pretty cute with its little twitching nose.
A: Yeah… how cute. Hey, Ruki. Can’t we keep a bunny at home?
R: That’s not a good idea. I’d be the one constantly looking after it in the end.
A: It’s okay. I’ll take good care of it. So… please, Ruki?
K: Do you two always have such dull conversations? A Golden Bunny, though… They’re pretty rare. It would be nice if there were more of them.
[Something starts rumbling in the distance.]
A: Hey… Do you guys… hear something?
[An army of bunnies appears and heads for the boys.]
K: Are those… Why is there a horde of Golden Bunnies?! And why are they all coming our way?
R: Kino, you fool… Because of your careless remark—
K: Ah! Did I do that?!
A: Is this… also a bug? Hehe. There are so many bunnies…
K: Why do you look so happy about it? This is bad!
A: [In the background] Hehe… So many…
K: Agh! I can’t—The bunnies are trampling over me—
R: Fuck! How did it come to—Agh!
[The boys are buried under all the bunnies.]
17:11[Kino shoots upright in his bed.]
K: Ah! I thought I was going to suffocate. But… Huh? I’m in my own bed. Does that mean that wave of bunnies was… only a dream? Well… Of course it was. I wonder why those Mukami brothers were in my dream, though. It felt awfully real. Hmm…
[Ruki and Azusa also wake up in cold sweat.]
R: Ah… The bunnies?! They’re gone…
A: We’re in… your room, Ruki.
R: Apparently, we just fell asleep in my room somehow…
A: Yeah, but… I had a… strange dream.
R: Me too. A bad dream. I saw a giant spider and gold-coloured bunnies. It all sounds like a wicked joke, I’m sure.
A: Same for me… I also saw golden bunnies… Come to think of it… For some reason, Kino was also there…
R: I see. So you saw him too, Azusa… It seems a little too strange to be a coincidence for the two of us to have the same dream.
A: It does… But it was a really strange dream…
R: It was. It felt strangely realistic, too, but it was only a dream, after all.
A: So the giant spider… appeared in your dream too…
R: It did. It was a pretty rude one, at that, because it kept trying to interrupt our conversation.
A: Yeah… but, Ruki…
[The conversation trails off…]
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双六(すごろく): Sugoroku is a Japanese board game kind of similar to backgammon and snakes and ladders, where you have to move all of your pieces to the other side of the board as quickly as you can. Sugoroku often incorporates elements from real life—like religion, politics, etc.—into this ‘race’ for storytelling purposes and more exciting play. You could liken it to the Game of Life too, in my opinion.
マス目 (ますめ):Squares; square-shaped spaces like the spaces you see on the board of a board game.
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kyouxa · 2 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shin Tsukinami (Story 14)
Welcome back! In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too!
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Place: Miniature Garden — Forest
Kino: Damn! This path is the literal definition of bad foothold.
Shin: Be careful, the width of the road narrows the more we walk on it.
Besides, there also seems to be a cliff over there, so don’t fall off either.
Yui: Ah, that’s right. I’ll walk carefully not to get off the right track then.
(Depending on the current situation, if I don’t watch my steps while walking, I might really fall down…)
(I’m getting scared just thinking about it…)
Shin: If you’re aware that there’s a cliff near us, it’s obvious you’re terrified, but even more of a reason to walk while looking ahead of yourself.
Yui: Y-Yes, I will.
(As Shin-kun said just now… I have to look ahead of myself and watch my steps)
(My leg slipped — Ngh!)
Shin: Yui!! 
Haa… geez, that’s what I just said… are you okay?
Yui: Y-Yes. I-I got startled… I’m sorry.
(Shin-kun did an amazing job, saving me by grabbing my hand like that)
Shin: I was the one you surprised with your actions… so don’t try to pull that stunt again.
Yui: I-I won’t. I’m sorry. I was really trying to be careful.
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Shin: You’re such a handful, for real. Come on, if you hold onto me, I’ll support you.
Yui: Okay, thanks!
(I know he told me to hold onto him… but is that really okay? I’m getting really embarrassed all of the sudden)
(Uhhh… his firm grip is majorly supporting my waist…)
Shin: Hm? What’s with the red face?
Yui: Eh!?
Shin: I thought you weren’t feeling well and whatnot, but could it be you actually…
Yui: Eh!? No, that’s not it! I’m just embarrassed, don’t read so much into it… ! Shin: Kuku, so you are ashamed after all.
Yui: Ah… !
(Great… I’ve literally dug my own grave now…)
Shin: I’m happy to see your cute face n’ stuff, but for now, you should seriously hold on tight.
Yui: Geez, Shin-kun… ! I got it, I’ll be careful.
*let’s Yui down*
Shin: Huff. We’ve come this far already, I think the road is more spacious and safer now.
Yui: Thank you, Shin-kun.
Shin: But you know, we’re still close to the edge of a cliff. It didn’t change that fact at least.
Yui: Yes, I know.
Kino: Ah, there you are. The heck are you doing? You’re falling behind.
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Yui: Sorry. I just almost tripped and fell down.
Kino: Hah!? You’re seriously that clumsy? Didn’t we tell you to be careful to begin with?
Yui: Y-You did… I’m sorry for worrying you.
Kino: Even if I was, the footing is seriously horrible. If we happen to encounter any enemies here, there won’t be any escape routes this time.
Shin: …Well said. Which is why we need to hurry up and find that church before they find us.
Kino: But you do know that if we get caught going to the church, we might get ambushed either way?
Yui: He’s right. We’re talking about Carla-san after all.
Shin: I know my brother’s a smart one. It’s definitely possible for him to grasp our movements somewhere and therefore get ahead of us.
Yui: Shin-kun, what’s it?
Shin: …This smell — It’s my brother.
Yui: ...Nn!
Kino: Great, the worst-case scenario came true. Congrats, your prediction won the competition.
*Carla appears*
Yui: …Nn!
Carla: Just as I thought, you are still moving around together. And your final destination appears to be the church.
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Kino: Of course we had to run right into the only person we didn’t want to encounter of all people.
Shin: ...Brother.
Carla: You do not deserve to call me your brother.
Yui: (What should we do… !? The thing we were most afraid of… in a place like this on top…)
Shin-kun, we need to run away! We cannot fight Carla-san here.
Shin: We can’t. There’s no way to escape from this location right now, not if my brother’s able to easily catch up to us.
Carla: Hmph, certainly right.
Kino: I know running away isn’t an option. But if we end up fighting Carla here, his friends will notice us and help him.
If these guys were to rush over, it would turn out to be a 5 vs 2 fight. And there’s no way we could win that one then.
Yui: So we really have no other option… ?
(This can’t be… ! We’ve finally made it this far, we were getting so close to the church already!)
Carla: Hmph, do not worry about my brothers unnecessarily rushing over. I can certainly handle all three of you by myself.
Shin: True, that is something my brother would say.
*Shin gets closer to Carla*
Yui: (Shin-kun’s closing the distance between him and Carla-san. What is he planning—?)
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*Shin draws his sword*
Shin: You two stay back. I’ll take care of this issue. No, I’m the only one supposed to fight with him anyway.
Yui: Shin-kun!
Kino: …Well, if that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you. But don’t die, Shin.
Shin: You can bet on that.
Carla: Hmph. And you are willing to fight me all on your own?
Even if you happen to be able to transform into a wolf, you are well beyond my capabilities. You should certainly know that much.
Shin: The sheer absolute confidence is the same as it has always been, right brother? I’m relieved this didn’t change a bit.
Carla: And yet again… you simply will not stop calling me your brother.
Shin: Even so it’s not like you don’t care at all, right?
Isn’t there something you remembered, too?
Carla: What absolute nonsense…
Yui: (Come to think of it… Laito-kun did mention that Carla-san has been continuously talking about Shin-kun…)
Laito: Yeah, that’s right and all. But aren’t you a bit too obsessed with that wolf, Carla?
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Carla: You, what are you talking about? Do not say anything you cannot comprehend.
Laito: What? You didn’t even notice? Sometimes you even talk to yourself “Shin, Shin…” or maybe you’re saying that unconsciously?
As one of your brothers, I’m a little jealous of that.
Carla: —Silence.
*flashback ends*
Yui: (Hearing this re-play in my mind, Shin-kun must’ve thought Carla-san was in the process of regaining his memory already…)
(Therefore, perhaps if he calls out to him right now, Carla-san’s memories will come back to him…)
Shin: Kino, sorry. I know you’ve first of all wanted to find a way to go back home and stuff.
But now that my brother’s in front of me, I can’t keep chasing that plan anymore.
Kino: Not like I mind. In the end, you can still do what you want. No need to regret anything.
You don’t need to worry about me or anything, focus on who’s before you and get his memories back!
Shin: Kuku, yeah, will do.
*Kino backs off*
Carla: You have certainly been an annoyance ever since the very beginning. But from today onwards, I will no longer tolerate this.
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*swords clash*
Shin: …Kch! Wait, brother! I don’t want to fight you!
Let’s talk this out, please! You think of yourself as a vampire as well as violet’s eldest son…
But in reality I​​’m the only brother you have! Both of us are first bloods… we’re founders!
Carla: ...Nn!
Shin: Please remember, brother… hearing about this, doesn’t it ring a bell to you?
I’m sure you remember my face! I know we’re supposed to be opponents, but that’s not the case and never will be!
Carla: …Nn, silence. How offensive to hear. You need to be silenced instantly.
Shin: Brother! I’m just trying to put an end to all of this. As the founder’s king, you mustn’t do such a thing.
Carla: I told you to shut up… but okay, if you cannot shut your mouth yourself, I will certainly shut it for you.
*swords clash*
Shin: ...Ngh, Kch!
Yui: Hang in there, Shin-kun!
(Please, don’t lose… ! I’m more than sure you can restore Carla-san’s memories if you keep pressuring him like that!)
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Shin: Say, have you really forgotten everything? About yourself, about me and about everything else?
Carla: You are a persistent one, indeed. I only have four younger brothers. I am getting tired of repeating myself over and over again.
Shin: Don’t spread such bullshit! I’ll be incessant about this if I have to. I’ll repeat it as many times as necessary until you finally remember!
I’m your only brother!
Carla: Silence. I am tired of this.
*Carla stabs Shin*
Shin: Uah… ! That hurt… !
Yui: No! Shin-kun!
Kino: ...Nn! Shin!
Yui: (Carla-san must’ve given it all he got with this blow! His blood is all over the place…)
Carla: Hmph, seems as if you were finally able to close that mouth of yours. But this is not the end of it yet.
*Carla pulls his sword out*
Shin: Agh… ! Kch… !
Kino: It’s no use. Carla is way more overwhelming than I expected. At this rate, Shin won’ t survive another attack.
Yui: No…
1) Escape (black)
2) Persuade him (white)♡♡♡
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— Escape
Yui: Shin-kun! Please, don’t overdo it. Let’s just run away for now…
Shin: Sorry, I can’t do that.
Now that I’m facing my brother on his own, I can’t simply turn my back anymore and run away.
I’ve already decided to restore his memories, and I won’t leave until that happens!
Yui: But… if things go on like right now, Shin-kun will…
I hate that idea… I don’t want to lose you.
Shin: Hm? What are you talking about? As a founder, I stand above everything and everyone. I’ll never leave your side to die here.
— Persuade him♡
Yui: Listen, Carla-san! It may be hard to believe, but everything Shin-kun said is the truth!
Carla: …Eve, have you been tricked into this nonsense as well? Or is it that this man tricked you into believing gibberish?
Yui: Neither of that. Carla-san, can’t you tell by just looking at Shin-kun’s expression that he’s not lying to you?
Shin-kun’s the only part of your real family that’s left. And if you go on like that, you will destroy your family with your own hands!
Shin: Yui… are you telling him that… for my sake?
I know you must be scared because of my unreasonable actions. But really, you’re a good girl.
end Choices
Carla: Hmph, each of you is getting on my nerves…
I will not give in and spare your life once more. I will end this here and now.
*swords clash*
Shin: Kch… listen to me, brother!
Yui: (At this rate, Carla-san will seriously end Shin-kun… !)
Shin-kun… !!
Ngh… ! Let me go, Kino-kun!
Kino: Hold on, what are you planning to do? It would be suicide if you ran between them now.
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Yui: But if I don’t do anything right now, Shin-kun will be killed!
*Yui struggles*
Kino: Calm down. I won’t let you go even if you want to.
Yui: Why, why!? What should I do then!?
Kino-kun, please. How can I get Carla-san to listen to him? There must be a way, right!?
Kino: Mmmh… even if you say that…
*Carla stabs Shin again*
Shin: ...Gah!
Yui: Ah, Shin-kun!
(——If we don’t do anything any time soon, it will be too late!!)
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aquariaries · 9 months
Kou Mukami 08 - Chaos Lineage
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit both 46snowfox as the original translator and myself as the English translator if you do!***
Original translation credit: @46snowfox
You can find Kou's previous chapters in @tournesolia's masterlist linked down below!
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Yui's Monologue:
In order to avoid fighting Yuma-kun, we decided to have him capture us quitely.
Upon arriving at the mansion, Reiji-san and the others looked at us in surprise, although I can't blame them for doing so.
After Yuma-kun explained the situation to him, Reiji-san's expression showed disbelief, but he quickly regained his composure and ordered the three of us to be locked up in the dungeon.
Then, Reiji-san and the others held a meeting to prepare a strategy. Yuma-kun said that he was not good at such matters and said that he would take care of watching over us instead.
PLACE: Scarlet Dungeon
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Kou: Haah ... ... It's like we're back to being confined in prison cell yet again.
Azusa: ... ... Somehow it reminds me of the past ... ...
Kou: ... ... It does.
Yui: (That's right ... ... When Kou-kun and the others were little, they lived in an orphanage that was almost like a prison ... ...)
(Being in a place like this must make them remember many things.)
Kou: It was damp, dark and you couldn't see the sky. It would be nice if prisons didn't exist.
Yuma: Well said. I hate those kinds of places too.
Kou: ... ... You hate them too Yuma-kun?
Yuma: More or less. I don't know why, but they make my chest feel uneasy.
Yui: Eh ... ... ?
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Yui: (Just maybe, this could be the trigger to awaken Yuma-kun's memories!)
Kou: Hey you two, maybe it's possible that Yuma-kun too ... ...
Yui: Yeah ... ... If we get a chance, we could possibly trigger his memories to return.
Azusa: I don't want to talk too much about the past but ... ... if it can make Yuma-kun come back like that, then ... ...
Kou: Hey Yuma-kun! Don't you have any old memories of living in a place like this before?
Yuma: Hah? What's with that all of a sudden?
Azusa: From a long time ago ... ... back from when you were still little ... ...
Ruki, Kou, you and me, the four of us ... ... Lived at an orphanage ... ...
Kou: Although that place was called an orphanage, it was actually Hell. And that's where we all met.
Hey, you haven't forgotten, right? We escaped from the orphanage following Ruki-kun's plan.
The blue sky we saw at that time, you remember it too, don't you!?
Yuma: Blue sky ... ... ? The hell are you talking about?
For starters, I don't remember living at an orphanage, and I don't understand when you say we're brothers.
My only brothers are Reiji and the others.
Kou: ... ... You're wrong. Yuma-kun, you really are ... ...
My brother ... ...
Yui: (I really thought we had a chance, but looks like it's no good after all.)
*Door opens, Kino walks in*
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Kino: Good job, Yuma.
Yuma: Oh, Kino. Is the meeting over?
Yui: (Kino-kun?)
(Now that I think about it, I've heard his name several times since I came to this place, but this is the first time I've met him ... ...)
(He seems to be a vampire as well, is he an acquaintance of one of the guys?)
Kino: We're done talking for now.
Yuma: And? What will we do now?
Kino: We leave Eve chained in the dungeon, and execute the other two.
Yui: ... ... Eh?
Execute them, why ... ... ?!
Kino: Wow, were even you listening to me? We would like to keep them as prisoners, but our enemy is Carla after all.
He would be fine with abandoning his younger brothers you know? He would say something like “They no longer have any use".
Yui: It can't be ... ...
Kino: With that said, I'll come back when the day we're to execute them is decided. I already informed you, so see ya.
Yuma: ... ... Yeah.
*Kino leaves*
Execution, huh? That's a disgusting method ... ...
Yui: (It's all my fault. All because I carelessly let Yuma-kun capture us ... ...)
I'm sorry! If only I ... ... If only I hadn't said that he could take me ... ...
I'm really sorry…!
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Kou: You haven't done anything wrong. If anything, you gave us a chance to talk to Yuma-kun.
If you hadn't acted, then we might never have gotten the chance to try and convince Yuma-kun without it turning into a fight.
In fact, if we had let this chance pass, we'd probably never get Yuma-kun back and it would be hopeless.
Azusa: That's right. Thanks to you Eve, we had an opportunity ... ...
Besides, it doesn't look like they're going to execute us right away ... ... There still must be something else we can do ... ...
Yui: You guys ... ...
(That's right. I suggested this, so I can't sink into despair now. We have to think of something!)
Thank you. I'm sorry I got upset.
We will escape before the execution. And there is only one way to get that possibility.
Azusa: It's Yuma-kun, isn't it? If his memories return, he will surely let us out of here ... ...
Yui: Yes. We failed when we tried with Subaru-kun however--
There is no doubt that a strong shock is the key to triggering the recovery of his memories.
Kou: So we need Yuma-kun to receive some sort of strong shock. But he didn't falter one bit when we told him about the past ... ...
The only thing that remains is to attack from this direction
Yui: Eh? Did you come up with something?
Kou: Fufu, pretty much. You two, lend me your ears?
*Time passes*
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Kou: ... ... M-neko-chan, Azusa-kun. Are you ready?
Yui: Y-yes ... ...
Azusa: I'm ready too ... ...
Kou: Then here we go!
*He comes close and messes with Yui's clothes*
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Kou: Hey, get rid of those annoying clothes!
Yui: N-no, stop!
Yuma: ... ... Ah? What is it?
Kou: It's obvious that I want to have a good memory before being executed, right? Now, hand over and give me all your blood!
Yui: Kyaa, please, don't do anything cruel to me!
Kou: Hey, M-neko-chan, you have to pretend to be more upset!
Yui: S-sorry ... ...
Azusa: I-It's terrible. S-suddenly Kou went rampant.
If you don't hurry up and get him out of there Eve will be killed.
Yuma: ... ... Hah?
Yui: (Uu ... ... He's giving us a cold look.)
Kou: I knew that this alone wouldn't be enough. I'm going to bite you a little bit, alright?
Yui: Eh? Kyaa ... ... Ah ... ...
(He's sucking sweetly from my neck ... ...)
(I wonder if he's being considerate of me? He's gently sticking his fangs into me …)
... ... N, nn ... ...
Kou: ... ... Haah ... ... Delicious. I'll drink until not a single drop is left.
Yui: Yes ... ... If it's Kou-kun then--
I-I mean! St ... ... Stop it!
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Yuma: Look you guys. Spare your shoddy performances, and just be quiet.
Azusa: Ah ... ...
Yui: (W-we've been busted ... ...?! I guess it was no good after all ... ...)
Kou-kun, this won't fool him. We have to think of another plan ... ...
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Kou: ... ... Hey, M-neko-chan.
Yui: Kou-kun?
Kou: Your blood is sweeter than usual ... ... I think I might have gotten drunk off it ... ... Nn ... *kiss* ... ...
Yui: Nnn?! W-what happened to you so suddenly?!
Kou: It smells very sweet ... ... Hey, why is it even sweeter than usual?
Yui: Kyaa!
*He corners Yui*
(He has me cornered, I can't move ... ... !)
Kou: Could it be that you got excited from being caught by the enemy?
Or are you happy that everyone sees you? What a bad girl you are, M-neko-chan.
Yui: Y-you're wrong--
Kou: I have to punish that naughty M-neko-chan ... Nn ... *kisses*
Yui: Nn ... ...
(What ... … He just kissed me ... ... ?! In front of everyone too ... ...)
Kou: Hey, everyone's looking you know? Is it okay for you to make that kind of face?
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Yui: Ah ... ... No, Kou-kun ... ... !
Kou: No way, I won't let you run away. Since I sucked from your neck before, now ... ... I'll do it from your chest.
*He messes with her clothes*
Hey, you'll feel the sharp pain of fangs in the area I'm touching. Are you scared? Or could it be that you want it?
Yui: Th-that's ... ...
Kou: The idea of ​​leaving my marks on such beautiful skin is irresistible to me ... ... Nnnn ... ... Nn ... ...
Yui: No ... ... Aah ... ...
(What happened to Kou-kun ... ... ?! Did he really get drunk off of my blood?)
(Uwah ... ... His fangs ... ... feel good ... ...)
Kou: It feels good, doesn't it? How naughty. Now it'll be from this side of your neck ... ... Nn ... ... Nnnn ... ...
Yui: Aah ... ...
Kou: Ah ... ... It's so delicious that I can't stop ... ... Can I continue until I kill you ... ... ?
Yui: (Ah ... ... I'm starting to get dizzy. I can't think of anything ... ...)
*Yuma opens the cell*
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Yuma: Hey, cut it out!
Kou: Uwah!
Yuma: Are you seriously planning on sucking her to death?! The hell are you thinking?!
Kou: ... ... You finally opened the cell door huh?
Yuma: Hah?
Kou: Azusa-kun!
Azusa: Ah– Y-yes ... ... !
*Azusa grabs and pins Yuma down*
Yuma: Wha ... ... Whoa?!
Yui: (I-in an instant he managed to pin Yuma-kun to the ground!?)
Kou: Capture complete ♪ Yuma-kun sure is kind.
You not only opened the door, but you entered too. I'm sorry I worried you.
Yui: Eh? Uhm, Kou-kun. Was just before that ... ...
Kou: It was an act of course. Since something half-assed wouldn't fool Yuma-kun.
Azusa: I really thought you lost your mind Kou ... ...
Kou: It was a realistic performance, wasn't it?
Yuma: Damn it, you tricked me!?
Kou: Even if it's you, if Azusa-kun and I both hold you down, you won't be able to move.
We've had numerous sibling fights, and we have learned how to face you, Yuma-kun.
Yui: (Geez, I was truely nervous. So he really was acting ... ...)
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-> I didn't notice ♙♡
Yui: I didn't notice at all ... ...
(By relaxing myself I started to get a little dizzy ... ...)
Kou: Are you alright?! I thought I was holding back, did I suck too much?
Yui: I-I'm fine. Although it may not seem like it, you didn't suck too much ... ...
(If anything ... ... Being cornered by a seductive Kou-kun is what has been the worst for my heart ... ...)
-> You could have told me ♟
Yui: I didn't notice at all. You could have told me ... ...
Kou: To fool the enemy, you must first fool your allies, right?
You and Azusa-kun are too honest and type that can't lie.
So I had decided that I would try to do that if the first attempt failed.
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Kou: So Yuma-kun. How about it? Did you remember anything this time?
Yuma: Why have you been constantly saying nonsense things about whether I remembered something or not?
Also, let me go at once!
Azusa: Looks like it didn't work this time either ... ...
Yui: It can't be ... ...
Kou: Enough already! What should I do to make you remember Yuma-kun?!
Yuma: As if I'd know!
Kou: Well, I'll still consider it a success. Since the cell door is wide open now.
Yui: (That's right, if we're going to escape now is the time to ... ... !)
*Kino walks in*
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Kino: Huh? Yuma, what are you playing at?
Yuma: Kino!
Yui: (... ... Kino-kun!?)
Kou: Damn ... ... What bad timing.
Kino: Why are you inside the cell? And to top it off, those two have you trapped.
Yuma: Shut it! Many things happened!
Kino: Yes, yes, don't yell. More importantly, we have an emergency.
The Oranges are attacking us.
Yui: Huh ... ... ?
(Ruki-kun and the others are?!)
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 3 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE ebten・WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD: “The Vampire’s Every Day: Board Game Edition ~ Ruki VS Azusa VS Kino ~”
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Original Title: DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE ebten・WonderGOO特典ドラマCD「ヴァンパイア達の日常ボードゲーム編~ルキVSアズサVSキノ~」
Translation: Here! Huge thanks to @otomehonyaku for her hard work ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Audio: Here (CD owned by me). Please do not reupload anywhere.
Starring: Ruki Mukami (CV: Takahiro Sakurai), Azusa Mukami (CV: Daisuke Kishio), Kino (CV: Tomoaki Moaeno)
Plot: Kino downloads a new app based on a board game. As he starts the game, he is suddenly sucked into his phone by a powerful force. Meanwhile, at the Mukami manor, Azusa asks Ruki for help with installing the very same game, resulting in the two of them experiencing the same mishap as Kino. The three boys now find themselves in what they quickly deduce to be the world of the game they were trying to play. Now they must (try) to work together to win the game in order to get back to the real world.
My Thoughts: Below the cut. They are mostly centered around Ruki but honestly what else would you expect from me by this point?
I hope you all enjoy ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Anyone who's listened to the other CDs in this board game series will know that they are absolute gold. Particularly the one starring Shuu, Reiji, and Subaru. Truly Dialovers crack at its finest.
While I don't consider this CD to be as funny as the one I just mentioned, nor as funny as a lot of the other silly ones in general tbh, I still had a good time listening to it, and genuinely laughed at some points throughout. And ultimately that is what I wanted to get out of the CD in the first place, so I have no complaints. Hopefully it got – or if you haven't listened to it yet, gets – at least one laugh out of you as well!
(Spoiler-ish thoughts below)
I found the dynamic between Ruki and Kino to be pretty entertaining. These two do NOT get along, as to be expected with how clashing their personalities are and how their previous interactions have gone. They piss each other off pretty consistently in this CD, even focusing on arguing with each other while facing an active threat. I enjoyed their bickering and digs at each other but I did feel bad for poor Azusa who just wants everyone to be friends and also y'know deal with aforementioned threat. I'd probably say that he acts the most mature here, most of the time anyway.
Speaking of Azusa the interactions between him and Ruki are also great but for the exact opposite reason. Their relationship is so wholesome and sweet, and it's so obvious that Ruki has a soft spot for his baby brother (which Azusa does try to take some advantage of near the end lol).
The highlight of the CD though for me is when Ruki tries to capture the golden rabbit by telling it in the sternest most commanding tone of voice to jump into his arms. Sakurai's delivery here is Perfect (what else is new tho) and made even better by the fact that it's directed at a literal rabbit. I also love how genuinely puzzled Ruki is that his foolproof tactic fails. Stellar stuff that honestly made this CD 100% worth buying.
It does feel as though - in true silly tokuten fashion - Ruki's IQ has dropped a few digits, but it doesn't bother me much in the context of these CDs. After all they're not meant to be taken seriously, but rather for the listener to simply enjoy the chaos and absurdity.
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Yesterday was my final work day so I am now officially on summer break! I work as a teacher which means that I get a whole two months off during summer. >3
What am I going to do with all that free time on hand, you may ask? 
Good question!
I just so happened to have finished translating Kino’s Lost Eden route today, so I would like to get started on Chaos Lineage as soon as possible. 
If I understood correctly, the game divides all 13 boys over 3 houses, with each house having a prologue and then 4-5 routes for each of its residents. 
To decide which route(s) shall be tackled first, I have made a poll on which you guys can vote for one of the houses. 
Once the house is decided, these will be the orders
Scarlet house: Shuu -> Reiji -> Yuma -> Kino
Orange house: Ayato -> Kanato -> Ruki -> Shin
Violet house: Laito -> Subaru -> Kou -> Azusa -> Carla
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maimaiotome · 4 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS - [Chaos Lineage] Orange Prologue - English Subtitles I had this on my Hard-Drive for months now, but I wasn't sure if I should finish this.. I started back then with a credited video from ayumiyuko, by now I own the game myself, but I couldn't replace the video data 1:1, so I decided to finish it like this. Future chapters will feature my own recordings, of course, as my usual stuff does. ! Some parts of the translation + script for this Chapter was written by Pinkcasedialover. The original Tumblr-Link can be found here: https://bit.ly/35jfqau . Let's thank at this point for the translation work! Additionally, some parts were Re-Translated and Scripted by me. Credited video-footage by ayumiyuko from bilibili. https://bit.ly/2WKvEGi The video & graphic-editing as well as the subtitle timing was made by me.
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tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Kanato Labyrinth Ending Translation
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Place : Church – Hall
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Kanato : I've always been troubled... But I finally found the answer.
Those guys outside are all aiming at you.
Yui : Eh... ?
Kanato : Our safety is everything that matters, after all.
– That is the answer I found.
Yui : … Kanato... kun ?
(He's acting strange... As if there's no light in his eyes...)
Kanato : Hehe, speaking of which, if we're the remaining ones, we may be able to return home, right ?
Then, I should do this--
Yui : – ! Don't do that !! Please, reconsider !
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Kanato : There's no need to worry, because I'll end everything--
Yui : Don't...
Kanato : Please be quiet... *sucks blood
Yui : … ! … N-No...
Kanato : *sucks blood
Yui : (He's sucking too much blood, I can't keep my consciousness any longer...)
*Yui loses consciousness
Yui : …
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Kanato : You already passed out ? But don't worry, I won't drop you.
It's still not enough for me at all, though. Please give me more blood... more... *sucks blood
Haa... Hehe, it's also nice to suck your blood when you're powerless.
You're like a doll that can't say anything. Hehehehehe, how cute.
Scene change : Dungeon
Ruki : Uguh !
Shin : Gaah... !
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Carla : I will ask once again : Where is Eve located ? I won't allow any secrecy.
Ruki : … You don't seem to understand the saying “You can't give what you don't have”. We told you that we don't know...
Shin : And even if we do... we ain't gonna tell you.
Carla : Hmph.
*Carla whips Ruki and Shin
Ruki : Ugh... !
Shin : … Uh... !
*they both fall
Carla : So they fainted without saying anything... They are totally useless.
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Subaru : Hey, Azusa is back from scouting. Apparently, Eve is in the church.
Carla : The church ?
Subaru : Yeah, plus Reiji and the others are already attacking the church.
Carla : So they beat us to the punch...
Then we have no time to lose. We'll head to the church as well. Gather everyone.
Scene change : Church – Hall
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Ayato : Guh...
Laito : … Guuuh...
*Ayato and Laito fall
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Reiji : We finally defeated them. How foolish of them to defy us at only two against four.
Yuma : Aaah... But I also... Shit...
*Yuma falls
Shu : Yuma... !
Kino : For those guys to mainly focus Yuma... how ridiculous.
Reiji : Kino, Shu. You seem to be both injured as well, are you alright ?
Shu : I should say the same to you. But those wounds aren't a big deal.
Reiji : I see. Then we must make haste. We wasted a lot of time because of those two.
If we don't find Eve right away, the Violets will find out about this place.
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Carla : You are correct.
Reiji : Carla... and your brothers seem to be here as well.
Carla : It seems that you got rid of those two annoyances. I shall thank you for this.
However, only one person can get Eve.
Allow me to show you which one of us deserves the supreme ruler's throne.
Reiji : What a joke. The one who remained a spectactor is going to steal all the good parts ? Is such a lazy person what you call a supreme ruler ?
Please don't make me laught. You lack the abilities to take on this responsibility.
Carla : Are you going to oppose me ?
Very well. Then I will make you surrender to me !
*They begin fighting and blood is splatteting. Then some time passes...
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Yui : (… Hm...?)
(I... fainted... I wonder how much time passed since then...)
(The church was surrounded, then Kanato-kun sucked my blood--)
(… Eh ? What's that sound...?)
Where's... Kanato-kun ?
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Kanato : Oh, you woke up... Hehe.
Yui : (Thank godness, he's here...!)
(… Eh !?)
K-Kanato-kun ! Your clothes are bloody !
Are you maybe injured ? We have to treat your wounds quick !
Kanato : There's no need to panic. I don't have any injuries...
Yui : But all this blood...
Kanato : Hehe, that's right... My clothes got dirty with blood. I have to wash them right away.
But please wait a little... because there's one last thing I need to handle.
*Kanato stabs something and blood splatters
Yui : Eh ?
(Kanato-kun, what are you doing ? What on earth do you mean by handle--?)
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Kanato : Aaah, almost there...
Yui : (That's... That's... !!)
Kanato-kun, what... are you doing... ? This is...
Kanato : They destroyed each other, so it was easy for me to finish them off thanks to that.
Hey, please look... We're the only ones left. This room is very well cleaned.
With this, I'm the only one remaining.
Yui : (No, no.... no no no no no no-- !)
Kanato : Since I'm the only one left, I'll surely be back home. Aaah, with this, I can live back at home with you.
Yui : Wh... Why... ?
Kanato : I told you, didn't I ? As long as you're here, I don't need anything else.
Now, please come into my arms. Let me hug your body filled with living blood...
*Kanato hugs her
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Yui : … !
(Kanato-kun's covered in blood...)
(It's still warm... Is this the blood of all the others... Did he...?)
(… It can't be... This is a lie...!)
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Kanato : How strange, we aren't back home yet... Aah, maybe they aren't all dead yet ?
Then, one more time--
*Kanato stabs the others
Yui : Hiii... ! Stop, stop it, Kanato-kun ! Don't do that !
Kanato : Why ? If we're not home yet, that means I haven't stabbed them enough, right ?
Besides, they might resuscitate. So in order to make sure they won't ever get in my way--
They should all be gone ! Disappear, disappear, disappear, disappear !
Yui : (No... No...)
*Yui passes out
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Kanato : Huh ? Yui-san ?
Why are you sleeping ? Aaah, you must be feeling weak.
Come on, please take my hand. I'll help you get up... Hey, please reply.
Yui : …
Kanato : Your eyes are open but you can't move. Could it be you broke ?
Yui : …
Kanato : Hey, Yui-san, are you unable to speak ?
Yui : …
Kanato : I see. So you're broken, as I thought. But it doesn't matter to me at all.
By the way, why can't I go back to where I belong when I'm the only survivor here ?
Oh well. As long as you're here, everything else doesn't matter.
*Kanato gets closer
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Kanato : It doesn't seem like you can move, so I'll help you sit down.
Look, doesn't it look like a date when we sit side by side ?
Yui : …
Kanato : Yui-san, you're not replying at all, as if you're sulking.
Yui : …
Kanato : But you're also cute when you're sulking like a child.
*Kanata strokes her hair
Kanato : Aaah, you have very beautiful hair. It makes me want to stroke them all the time.
Yui : …
*Kanato hugs her
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Kanato : When I hug you, I feel warm.
It's fine if you don't talk. I can just keep hugging you like this, forever...
Because I'm not alone.
Yui : …
Kanato : This world is only for the two of us. So...
… we can live happily ever after, with no one to bother us--
My dream finally came true. I'm so happy... You're happy too, right ?
Yui : …
Kanato : Hehe... Hehehehehe.
Scene change : Secret room – Interior lights
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Socrates : I can't believe it ended this way...
It seems like I overestimated Adam a little. He was still immature.
No... It would be more correct to say that his madness has intensified.
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Karl Heinz : My friend... Don't tell me you tested Adam by using this kind of way...
Socrates : My apologies. But there was something I absolutely wanted to verify.
Once Adam and Eve are chosen, you will give your powers to Adam and disappear.
However, I've been skeptical...
… about whether that Adam was truly worth the irreversible loss of my friend or not...
That's why I prepared this experiment space to verify it with my own eyes.
Karl Heinz : But in this state...
Socrates : Yes, I made a mistake. And I apologize for that...
Karl Heinz : No, I don't mind it. This is also a part of fate.
All you need to do is start over, no matter the result.
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Socrates : Shall I rewind the time, then ?
Karl Heinz : Of course. So Adam will reach me this time.
Kanato, Eve... I believe we will meet next time--
Labyrinth Ending : End
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xdialoverx · 5 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage: Kino’s Story 08 [Eng]
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[Prologo Principal/Main Prologue] [Scarlet Prologo/Scarlet Prologue] [Kino’s Story 01] [Kino’s Story 02] [Kino’s Story 03] [Kino’s Story 04] [Kino’s Story 05] [Kino’s Story 06] [Kino’s Story 07] [Kino’s Story 08 (Esp)]
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When I woke up, the stabbing pain caused by the bites was still there. After that, there was no way to make a move without being at the mercy of Kino-kun.
The memory seems to be swallowing me more and more.
There was no way to try to heal the Heart that had been broken that night. I couldn't tell anyone about Kino-kun. It was pathetic but I shed tears again.
The mansion continues in a state of suspicion and distrust as usual.
Shu-san was isolated in his room as a Hikikomori (Antisocial) and Yuma-kun went out only to take care of the garden.
In the living room, he was alone, Reiji-san having tea.
The stifling atmosphere seemed to pierce my skin full of bites.
End of the monologue.
[Place: Principal Room, Scarlet Mansion]
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Reiji: You are welcome.
Kino: Thank you, Reiji Nii-san.
Yui: (The purpose behind Kino-kun is to erase the entire Sakamaki family)
Yui: (What would happen if Reiji-san somehow managed to find out about this?)
Yui: Emm ... Reiji-san.
*Sound of little tap (?)*
*Kino kicks, mild, Yui's foot*
Yui: (Something hit my foot ...?)
Yui: (... ...! Kino-kun's foot!)
Kino: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Is it a threat ...? What would happen if I talked about ...)
Yui: (... I-I see ... I can't tell anyone after all)
Reiji: You. What does it mean to call a person by name and remain silent?
Yui: Emm ... I ... I'm sorry. I forgot what I was trying to say.
Reiji: What? That's-
Kino: It's not a big problem to forget it, isn't it? So what about tea candy?
Reiji: Ha ... I've prepared them, don't hurry me please ...
*Sound of steps*
*Reiji leaves*
Yui: (While I am monitored by Kino-kun I will not be able to consult anyone)
Yui: (Seeing it this way, the Sakamaki boys will be ... ... killed)
[Change of scene]
[Place: Kino's Room, Mansion Scarlet]
Kino: Hey, you tried talking to Reiji a while ago. Wasn't it enough that I hit your foot? *Annoying*
Yui: That- ...
Kino: Fufu, you don't have to worry. I will not kill you, you are an important piece.
Yui: (Even if he doesn't kill me, I can't help worrying about something so cruel ...)
Kino: Let's get along without getting scared. You will be that something which will lead me to become the king of demons.
Yui: That's ... ... I-I ...
Yui: ("I'm not a something" ... No. That's not what I should convey / say now)
Yui: (I'm scared ... I really hate it, but ...)
Yui: I ... ... I'm going to stop Kino-kun
Kino: Ah? Sassy woman ... ... You haven't been hurt enough yet? Are you a masochist?
*Kino attacks her*
*Kino approaches the screen*
Yui: Ugh ...! S-stop ... !. Let me go!…
Kino: You're shaking. Why do I get irritated every time you open your mouth? I understand, do you want me to play after all?
[NOTE: If I did it literally it would be "say / talk" (言 う) but that does not add up and at that time I was looking for in my short lexicon how to make it fit and it didn't work. so leave it like this :3]
Yui: N-no ...
Yui: (My whole body tells me that I didn't challenge him. I don't want to get hurt once more ... ... But- ...)
Yui: (I refuse to see the boys and Ayato-kun annihilate!)
KIno:…… You keep putting that rebellious expression. I will have to teach you thoroughly that there is no way to escape.
Yui: I-that's not what I wanted!
Yui: The boys won't crumble so easily ...!
Kino: After our big fight, will you still plan to tell them? How pure is that link? *Surprised*
Kino: Ridiculous ... and unpleasant.
Yui: ...
Kino: True, we will visit the other houses.
*Kino pulls his arm*
Yui; Ow ... If you pull my arm so hard ... it will hurt ...
Kino: If you're not satisfied with only Reiji. I will show you more of the fragility of the link, be obedient, understood?
Yui: ... U-understood.
*Sound of steps*
[Change of scene]
[Place: Mansion Orange]
Yui: (I have passed before Reiji-san's eyes and I have gone out again ...)
Yui: (Also, this is Ruki-kun's Orange mansion? Why have we come here? ... ...)
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Kino: I was the only kind to consider bringing you to this place.
Kino: Before, I lied to you saying that Laito and Kanato were on good terms, remember?
Yui: Ah ... it's true! Ruki-kun was- ...
Ruki: What kind of temper do you have to walk in enemy territory next to your prey?
Kino: None in particular, I've only come to visit you, because I want to talk to you.
Kino: I've seen your brother Kanato with Violet Laito.
Kino: I don't say I saw him being hostile, I mean, I saw him acting kind and friendly.
Kino: I've only come to warn you, believe it or not. It is your problem.
Ruki: ... ... ...
*End of memory*
Kino: Right now, like Reiji, there are no suspicions among the brothers at Ruki's house?
Yui: (That's what brought me to this place, to show me and take advantage (Benefit) of my despair ... ...)
Kino: Fufu ... crushing insects together is fun, don't you think?
Yui: How dare you call them insects ...
Kino: Do I need to teach you a lesson again? Should I do it again and again?
Yui: ... ... ...
Kino: You're pretty bad at learning to defend yourself, isn't it?
Kino: Unlike me, you are like garbage. Something without power which has no value.
Kino: However, I have the power in my hands to bring them all together.
Kino: In this situation, they should be grateful without even knowing it.
Yui: (If I object to it, I don't know what will happen again…… Now I must remain silent and listen to what Kino-kun says)
Kino: Hey, look inside the mansion. Ruki and the others have met while we talked
[Scene Changes]
[Place: Principal room, Orange Mansion]
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Kanato: For what reason did you call me to this place?
Ruki: Can you tell me, from your heart, that you don't know why I called you?
Kanato: Not at all, if it's not important then I'll go back to my room.
Ruki: Kanato, is it true that you've been talking to Violet Laito?
Kanato: Ah?
Shin: I think you better be honest. Ni-san wants to hear a reason why.
Ayato: Kanato failed to try to betray us ?. Be less negligent next time (Sorry, I didn't know how to translate that correctly: ’/)
[Change of scene]
Yui: (Ruki-kun and the others haven't even asked Kanato-kun)
Kino: Well ~, what's going to happen?
Yui: (Right now, Kanato-kun is a suspect just like Shu-san ...)
Yui: (I really can't do anything? ... ... Please, someone ... help me)
[Change of scene]
Shin: Well, we'll wait for you to release everything.
Ruki: Kanato.
Kanato: ... ... Why? *Whisper*
Ayato: Ah?
Kanato: Why are you so idiotic as to not even ask me?
Shin: Why should we ask a guy who is considered suspicious?
Kanato: In that case–…… *Annoying whisper*
*Shiver the screen*
Kanato: Tell me what I did ?! *Scream*
Ayato: Woah!… *It startles*
Kanato: What?!, Why?!. Why do you make me look like I'm an idiot? Why does everyone paint me like the bad guy ?! *Scream*
Kanato: They hate me right?!, That's why I have been framed with that story! *Scream*
Ruki: Don't shout. There are rumors about you being stealthy and secretly seeing the enemy.
Ruki: There is no smoke where there was no fire. That is why we are making sure if it is true or false.
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Kanato: Rumor? Do you suspect me with rumors? Or do you have any good evidence?
Kanato: I don't think you try to make me look like a bad guy if you don't have anything, right?
Shin: But what we're hearing now- ...
Kanato: Come on! There is no evidence here! You just want to blame me for no reason to ridicule me! *Scream*
Kanato: You're nasty too! *Scream*
Shin: Hey Kanato ...
Kanato: Shut up, shut up!
Kanato, Even if it's a lie, I'm free to meet with whomever I please. Until when will you be such a controller ?!
Shin; Why?!. I am telling you that it is a big problem if you meet the enemy! Why are you so exalted ?!
Ayato: Come on, just think about it. What is the problem of meeting with that Hentai (Pervert)?
Shin: Of course it's a problem! If he changed sides he would end up in a cage!
Ayato: What? I'm talking about how they could form an alliance.
Shin: Eh ... ... *Surprised*
Ruki: You have a point. You can make a good maneuver behind the scenes and have a plan in favor
Ruki: I didn't think I could do that. And, honestly, I didn't think about forging alliances with anyone else.
Shin: But ... ... But Ni-san ...
Ruki: If this rumor had been about you or me, I would have had credibility. but not Kanato ...
Ruki: In a different way, I can assure you that: There has never been a meeting.
Ruki: it seems that I hasten to find the truth
Shin: Well ... if after all Ni-san is convinced.
Kanato: It's still unpleasant! The next time they do something like this, I'm going to break their neck!
[Change of scene]
Yui: K-Kanato-kun ...
Yui: (It is a relief that he was able to convince Ruki-kun to see him differently ... ...)
Yui: (I didn't expect Kanato-kun's personality and actions to be used effectively in a place like this)
Yui: (But thankfully!… The Orange don't have to worry about this) * Smile *
Kino: Hmph, boring. Apparently the dam I was looking for was a bad choice. This show was a farce (That is, it wasn’t he liking)
Kino: It's a waste of time staying here. We go with the next one, the Violet mansion.
Yui: Eh? Will we go now ...?
Kino: With Kanato there has been no success because it is a special case. With Violet it's not like that.
Yui: (Violet is ... ... right !. Kou-kun ...!)
Kou: What's that ... because it looks like Azusa-kun and Yuma are good friends ...
Kino: As you can see, Azusa and Yuma trust each other.
Kino: Although, that doesn't mean they trust each other fully.
Kou: Azusa-kun is fraternizing with the enemy ... does he mean he is betraying us ...?
*End of memory*
Yui: (Kou-kun also received false information from Kino-kun)
Yui: (About which Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun were meeting ...!)
Kino: The Violets stopped their attack on us, that means something happened from within.
Kino: Maybe Kou and Azusa, right? In that case something interesting must be happening now, don't you think?
Kino: I'll show you next time ... that, as you can see, there is no link.
[Change of Scene]
[Place: Principal Room, Violet Mansion]
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Kou: Hey, Azusa-kun. Is it okay if I ask you about something I heard?
Azusa: Yes ... What is it?
Kou: Yes! Yes, it was a conversation / story.
Kou: That we were betrayed, but you wouldn't betray us by meeting with Yuma, right?
Azusa: Eh ...?
[Change of scene]
[Place: Mansion Violet]
Yui: Kou-kun ... Azusa-kun ...
Kino: Fufu ... Good just in time. I worried that he wouldn't look for him until today.
Kino: Well ~, do you have any excuse? At best, this will entertain me for a while.
Yui: ... ... Kino-kun, do you find it fun to see something like that?
Kino: Of course. Personally, it is really interesting to be able to push you into despair
Yui: (It's true ... it was something obvious for which I shouldn't ask)
Yui: (All the Mukami boys are really good brothers ...)
Yui: (Please ... I don't want them to destroy each other)
[Change of scene]
Kou: Hey, Azusa-kun responds, Yuma ... have you gone to see you with the enemy?
Azusa: ... ... ...
Azusa: Kou ... I have not gone anywhere ...
Kou: Really? Are you really not lying to me?
Azusa: Yes ... it's serious.
Azusa: I'm not going to ... betray you Kou ... never ... We are brothers ...
Kou: Brothers ...
Azusa: We've been continuously ... ... living together and ... helping each other.
Azusa: Isn't that right? Kou ...
Kou: It's true. Brothers ... we have been together all the time
Kou: Sorry ... I said something strange.
azusa: Okay ...
[Change of scene]
Yui: (Kou-kun has believed in Azusa-kun ...) *Smiles*
Kino: Ha ... What was that? About now. Why are he’s so convinced? Why without any evidence? *Surprised*
*Listening to the distance*
Kou: Anyway, I want to get to go as soon as possible ~
Azusa: The attack ... was postponed.
Kou: I had to redo my strategy. I told you, Kino has an infernal power
Azusa: Yes ... but, sure ... we see Eva again ...
Kino: Tch ... Talk about something like that so happily.
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Kino: Idiots, seriously, all of them! *Angry*
*Sound of steps*
*Kino leaves*
Yui: Oh wait!
[Change of scene]
[Place: Forest]
Kino: I don't understand the meaning of this. Kou usually believes so easily ?, He is also stupid.
Yui: ... ... Me too, I was surprised too. I thought Azusa-kun would take it for bad.
Yui: But apparently, they can really trust each other.
Kino: Trust ... ...?
Yui: The Mukami really are very close.
Yui: The four have overcome many things so far.
Yui: They are rewriting their memories, and even if they don't know it. The link is still there.
Kino: Are you serious about links? Do you really think vampires can have something like that?
Yui: I think so.
Kino: ...
Yui: Vampires, even if they're not united by blood (Blood ties), I think they can have something like that.
Kino: Eh ... So, do you think you and I can build a bond?
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|| Selection ||
1- Do it (Answer) immediately (Black Piece)
2- Worry about the answer (White Piece)
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1- Do it (Answer) immediately (Black Piece)
Yui: That's right! Between us a link can be forged.
Kino: Why are you so sure?
Yui: I'm not sure ...
Kino: You can't say that if you have no foundation!
Kino: So do not give a speech stupid chance!
Yui: Kino-kun ...
Yui: (Now I wonder if I should give Kino-kun a different answer ...)
Kino: Well ... I can understand a little bit what you're saying *Smile*
Yui: Eh? ... ... Really? *Shocked*
Kino: So now you let me take your blood not ?, because this is a link! *attack*
Yui: Kyaa?!
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2- Worry about the answer (White Piece)
Yui: That is ...
Kino: Come on, you can't get to forge isn't it?
Yui: I don't think that. Now I am not entirely clear, so I cannot say no.
Yui: But, over time we can understand each other and I'm sure we can have a link.
Kino: What if you strangle that pretty thought?
Kino: Well ... I can understand a little bit what you're saying *Smile*
Yui: Eh? ... ... Really? *Shocked*
Kino: So now you let me take your blood not ?, because this is a link! *attack*
Yui: Kyaa?!
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Kino: Look closely as I bite you. Come on, I will sink my fangs slowly.
Kino: Nn ... N ...
Yui: St- ... ... Stop ... ...
Yui: (Being bitten more slowly than usual ... the pain does not disappear easily ...)
Kino: If our link is real, you won't put resistance right?
Yui: ... ... ... ...!
Yui: (Kino-kun is testing me. If I stop him now, my words will never reach him ...!)
Yui: (I have to show him that I can resist this ...)
Kino: Eh… So are you going to endure this? That's not interesting.
Kino: So ... How about this ?, N ... *Kiss*
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Yui: Ah ...!
Yui: (His lips are kissing me softly ... ... it's unfair!)
Kino: Fufu ... your face has turned red.
Kino: And your blood has begun to give off a pleasant and sweet smell
Kino: Is this what you call link ?. If so, it is very disappointing.
Yui: (I must say it's not true, but ... I can't say anything)
Kino: Now that the fun begins. What do you think will happen if I am kind at first and then push my fangs down?
Yui: Eh? ... It hurts! ... St- ...
Kino: I'll do it deeper than last time. Nnn ... ... N ...
Yui: Ahh !!!
Yui: (His whole body ... is ... ...! Having fun radiantly ...)
*The CG disappears*
Kino: Have you put resistance, no, then I win.
Yui: Ah ... ... Uh ...
Kino: You don't have to talk about links or something, just stay there and try to be used by me.
Kino: This time, the dam we chose was bad. Next time, let's crush it.
Kino: The relationship of brotherhood between Reiji and Shu has cracked and is deepening. What would happen now if they decided to kill each other?
Kino: Next time ... I'll let you taste what true despair is
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alaysia-tsuki · 4 years
iv been thinking about this for a while...
is there a need for me to translate dialover games into chinese...?
cause i have loads of time and my 1st language is chinese (2nd english & currently learning french) so i think i can whip up something pretty good
(but il still have to use someone’s for a base (dont worry il give credit if it comes to that
and heard lots of people complaining on bilibili that there arent chinese translations and having to decipher english and japanese (actually feel bad for them
yeah i know not many people speak chinese & get on tumblr...but even if no one looks at them i can still have a pastime XD
so umm if somebody wants them...just pm me or like this post...or if u want me to prioritize a certain diaboy feel free to pm!
(not that im pushing u to do anything (just hoping
1. 我所有翻译都来源于 @dialovertoenglish 
2. 如果有人要把我的翻译用来翻译其他语言或者发到其它平台请先征求我的同意并在最后把它链接回我的翻译帖
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bellasakamakimt · 5 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage - Prólogo Scarlet
Tradução permitida por @maichiruhanabira
Link do post original: (X)
Reiji: Eu so quem chegou aqui primeiro. É natural que seja eu quem deveria levá-la, não é?
Yui: Ah…!!
(Ele está me segurando…!)
Reiji: Por favor seja obediente. Se você entender seu lugar, então eu serei cortês ao te guiar pela mansão.
Kou: Você fala como se já a possuísse… Não pense que só iremos nos sentar e deixar você tomá-la de nós. Eu terei certeza de que Eve venha comigo.
Ayato (para Kou): Pare de decidir as coisas por si próprio! Eu já disse que ninguém levará essa garota a lugar algum!
Laito: Nfu~ Você está atacando o cara errado. Agora mesmo, não é a maior obstáculo Reiji, aquele que esta monopolizando ela?
Kou: Exatamente. Hey, você acha que pode fugir quando tem três pessoas contra você?
Reiji: É verdade que em uma batalha de três contra um, nem mesmo eu posso escapar enquanto ainda estiver carregando Eve.
…Então eu irei combater o número de vocês com o meu.
(Ele estala os dedos; Kino e Yuma aparecem)
Homem alto: Podem vir!
(Yuma ataca com sua espada)
Laito: Whoa…!
Homem alto: É finalmente a nossa vez. Eu estava ficando cansado de esperar!
Homem animado: As mesas viraram, não é?
Yui: (O que…? Eles surgiram das sombras!! Quando foi que eles…?)
Laito: Então você estava escondendo seus aliados esse tempo todo? Ah~ é um truque sujo…
Ayato: Ei, seu quatro olhos! Eu não sabia que você havia trazido seus aliados!
Homem animado: Ataques surpresa são uma tátia básica de batalha, não são? Talvez você devesse parar de reclamar; você é quem está encrencado ahora!
(Ele ataca Ayato)
Ayato: Ngh… seu bastardo!
Homem animado: Ahahaha, isso soa ótimo! A estratégia de Reiji-niisan estava perfeita.
(Kino se aproxima de Yui)
Kino: Heh~… Então você é a Eve. Prazer em te conhecer.
Yui: Huh? Y-yeah…
Reiji: Kino. O que houve com o Shu?
Kino: Ehh? Ele está provavelmente dormindo em casa. Não tínhamos tempo, então larguei ele.
Reiji: Hah… De novo, aquele rapaz… Ele precisará ser ensinado após isso.
Yuma: Bem, nós temos nosso alvo Eve, então vamos para casa.
(Yuma pega Yui)
Yui: Kyaa…!! P-or favoe me coloque para baixo!
Yuma: Aah? Para de se debater’!
Kino: Heheh, é porque você é bem assustador, Yuma. E você, seria do seu maior interesse ser obediente.
Yui: (Ah, não parece que ele está brincando… Eu não acho que eu deveria desobedecê-los.)
Kou: Aw, nosso plano falhou. Acho que teremos que discustir isso com Carla.
Laito: Yup. Bem, estou triste de deixar você, mas estaremos de volta logo, Eve-chan~!
Kou: Tchau-Tchau! Te vejo depois!
(Laito e Kou saem)
Ayato: Tch… Aqueles covardes.
Kino: Não seria melhor para você também bater em retirada? Ou você acha quepide ganhar contra todos nós?
Ayato: Isso não importa. Não há motivo para isso se nãon houver Eve!
Kino: Você não é muito receptivo, não é? Ei, Reiji? O que você quer fazer?
Reiji: Manter a segurança de Eve é nossa maior prioridade agora. Ignore o terceiro filho da Orange. Vamos retornar para a mansão.
(Kino e Reiji saem)
Ayato: Ah, espere um segundo!
Yuma: Oh, não vou te deixar passar!
(Yuma ataca com sua espada)
Ayato: Merda!
Reiji: Agora então, nos deixe levar Eve.
Yui: (O que eu deveria fazer? Essas pessoas irão me levar para longe. Mas… elas estão empunhando armas; o que eles poderiam fazer caso eu desobedecesse…?)
(Por agora, não posso fazer nada além de segui-los… Mas aonde estamos indo?)
♡— Mansão Scarlet, salão—♡
Reiji: Nós chegamos. Esta é a nossa mansão Scarlet.
Yui: Uma mansão…
(Parece moda antiga, mas é grande e elegante. É aqui que essas pessoas vivem?)
(Quem exatamente são eles…?)
Reiji: Shu! Onde está você? Shu! …Honestamente, o que é aquele bom para nada está fazendo?
Kino: Você não tem de gritar desse jeito. Shu está só dormindo na sala de estar.
Reiji: Eu sei disso. Eu simplesmente acho vergonhoso que ele sequer quer vir me cumprimentar. Eu irei para a sala de nestar. E vocês, também.
Yui: Hã? O-ok…
♡—Sala de Jantar/Estar—♡
???: ……
Yui: (Esta pessoa seria Shu-san, então…)
Reiji: Ele estava dormindo aqui afinal? Elel realmente não tem qualquer motivação para participar disso afinal.
Chega disso. Acorde, Shu!
Shu: …Você é tão chato… hm?
Yui: (…! Ele olhou pra mim.)
Shu: …Oh, você voltou com a Eve. Você não deveria estar de bom humou, já que as coisas correram bem?
Reiji: Este não é o problema.
Kino: Agora, agora, Reiji-niisan. Só deixe isso assim mesmo.
Yuma: Não há parada de brigas entre irmãos, né?
Yui: Irmãos?!
Yuma: Aah? Quê?
Yui: N-nada, é só que… Vocês não são parecidos, então isso me surpreender.
Kino: Bem, ambas nossas aparências e personalidades são diversas. Mas é verdade—os quatro de nós realmente somos irmãos, e vivemos juntos nesta mansão.
O que están usando óculos é o mais velho, Reiji-niisan. Aquele que está dormindo é o segundo mais velho, Shu-niisan.
Yuma: E eu sou o terceiro, Yuma. Ele é o caçula—Kino. …Mas você provavelmente não se lembraria de tudo isso após ouvir uma única vez, certo?
Yui: Oh, não, Eu acho que posso me lembrar. Reiji-san, Shu-san, Yuma-san…
E o último seria, umm… Kino-san, certo?
Kino: Oh…?
Yuma: Nossa. E nós só dissemos uma única vez.
Yui: (Eu me pergunto o motivo? É como se não fosse a primeira vez que eu ouço esss nomes…)
(Mas eu tenho certeza de que este é o nosso primeiro encontro.)
Reiji: Vamos cessar essa discussão por ora enquanto aguardamos. Todos, por favor tomem assento. Isso inclui você, Eve.
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Yui: O-okay…
Reiji: Nos deixe ir direto ao ponto. Já que nós obtivemos Eve, nós devemos discustir o processo de nos tornarmos o próximo grande rei.
Yui: (Isso novamente. Sobre o que é toda essa conversa de “grande rei”?)
Yuma: Você sabe, essa garota insignificante é mesmo Eve? Não importa como eu olhe para isso, ela não se parece com aquilo.
Yui: (“In-insignificante”…)
Reiji: Eu entendo o que Yuma está tentando dizer.
Ela não tem a natureza divina que é retratada na lenda, nem sequer uma grandeza que poderia ser comparada com a do grande rei.
No entanto, ela certamente é a Eve. Para ela ter estado dormino naquela igreja, da qual ninguém poderia se aproximar.
Yuma: Ela é realmente suspeita… Oi, se você é realmente a Eve, então nos dê uma apresentação apropriada.
Yui: E-eu? Um…
Não há dúvida de que eu sou Eve.
Mas além disso, eu não tenho quaisquer outras memórias… Eu não tenho ideia do por que eu estava dormindo naquela igreja.
Kino: Heh~? Você não consegue se lembrar de nada além do nome? É estranho.
Yuma: Isso está ficando mais sombrio.
Yui: É a verdade! Eu estava naquela igreja para a qual eu fui, e eu não consigo me lembrar de nada——
Um, onde é este lugar? E, quem são vocês…?
Shu: Somos nós quem deveríamos perguntar coisas, mas você está respondendo com mais perguntas? É um saco…
Yui: E-Eu sinto muito…
Reiji: Nossa discussão não pode progredir desta maneira, então. …Eu acho que não temos escolha. Devido á sua ignorância, eu irei explicar as coisas para você.
Você estaria familiarizada com o termo “vampiro”?
Yui: Umm… Eles são sugadores de sangue, certo?
Reiji: Sim, exatamente. Vejo que você compreende.
Treze vampiros, incluindo a mim, estão lutando pela coroa do solene grande rei. E você está no meio disso.
Yui: O quê? Vampiros…? Sério? Então, você e todos os outros são vampiros?
Kino: Yeah. Todos nós somos grandes assustadores vampiros. Olhe, nós até tesmos presas!
Yuma: É provavelmente fácil devorar uma coisa frágil como você. Heheh…
Yui: (Eles são verdadeiros vampiros?! E eles me trouxeram para a mansão?!)
(Mas por alguma razão… eles não parecem tão assustadores…)
Yuma: Que inferno, você não está tão chocada quanto eu achei que estaria. É chato…
Shu: Não vá só assustando ela sem pensar. Seria irritante se ela começasse a gritar.
Yuma: Yeah, yeah, foi mal.
Kino: É muito a cara da Eve, não é? Ela já se sente acostumada com os vampiros.
Yui: Não é bem isso. Sou só uma humana normal.
(…Huh? É bom o fato de eu ser uma humana normal…?)
(Eu não tenho mais auto-confiança… Será que é porque eu não consigo lembrar nada sobre mim mesma?)
Reiji: Continuando, nós estamos divididos em três famílias, e estão lutando pelo trono.
Nós somos uma dessas três. Esta é a casa Scarlet.
Yui: Então, os que encontramos na igreja, como Ayato-san e Laito-san são…
Reiji: Nossos inimigos. Membros de outras casas.
Kino: O grande rei reina sobre absolutamente tudo. Nós treze somos os únicos que possuem qualificação para sucedê-lo. É por isso que estamo em desacordo uns com os outros.
Mas pensamos que Reiji-niisan é o mais apropriado sucessor, então nós estamos trabalhando juntos.
Yuma: E você é dita como a chave para se tornar rei.
Yui: Eu sou a… chave para se tornar rei…
Yuma: Na lenda com a qual estamos familiarizados, tudo o que sabemos é que precisamos da Eve.
É ótimo que pudemos te levar, mas agora não temos certeza do que deveríamos fazer.
Reiji: Nós tínhamos planejado lhe perguntar como poderíamos nos tornar rei, no entanto…
Shu: Você não sabe de nada afinal. Já que perdeu suas memórias, certo?
Yui: Sim…
Shu: …Mulher inútil.
Yui: M-Me desculpe…
(Já estou ansiosa desta maneira; Como ele pode reclamar de mim tanto…?)
Yuma: Que saco, é um problema ela estar com amnésia. O que deveríamos fazer a respeito?
Reiji: Mesmo que tome tempo, nós temos de procurar uma maneira de assumir o trono. Felizmente, Eve está em nossas mãos.
Nossos únicos obstáculos são as outras famílias. Mas não deve ser problema por muito tempo enquanto tivermos em guarda.
Yui: Um, além de vocês, quanto aos outros humanos e vampiros? Não há ninguém mais?
Shu: …Hah? O que você quer dizer?
Reiji: …Nós treze somoe vampiros, e você é Eve. Você está sugerindo que poderia haver alguém além de nós?
Yui: Huh…?
Eu fui atingida por um forte sentimento de desconforto quando eu vi Reiji-san levantar uma sobrancelha.
Não há ninguém além de mim e os 13 vampiros.
Eu senti como se eu conhecesse outro além deles, mas quando tentei lembrar, minha mente ficou turva como se isso tivesse se misturado á um nevoeiro.
Esta família aparentemente normal com quem conversei consistia de quatro vampiros.
Vendo esta cena, as profundezas das minhas memórias começaram a chacoalhar violentamente.
É estranho…
Mas, o que exatamente é?
Nada está errado.
Eu tenho de escolher um desses quatro homens. Como Eve.
Sim, nada… está errado…
♡—Fim do Monólogo—♡
Yui ( se encolhendo): …Ngh…
Yuma: Aah? Você parece doente. está bem?
Yui: Eu estou bem. Obrigada…
Kino: Você deveria ser cuidadosa. Você é nossa preciosa, preciosa Eve afinal.
Yui: Sim… Eu sou Eve…
(Ah, não… Minha cabeça está girando, e meus pensamentos estão confusos…)
(Eu tenho que me concentrar em algo… O que tem neste quarto…?)
(Cortinas, cadeiras, lareira, xadrez, peças de xadrez…)
(Hã? É estranho… Aquele tabuleiro de xadrez está faltando um monte de peças.)
Shu: Para o que está olhando? Você parece fora de foco.
Yuma: Ei, não deveríamos deixar ela se deitar?
Reiji: Acho que deveríamos. Vamos encerrar nossa discussão por hoje. Kino, Yuma, mostrem a ela nosso quarto de hóspedes.
Kino: Entendido, Reiji-niisan.
Yui: (Treze vampiros… e Eve, por quem todos eles estão lutando.)
(O que será de mim daqui pra frente…?)
*Tela fica preta*
Yui: (E porque parece que esta não é a lrimeira vez em que eu estive nesta situação…?)
♡—Próximo dia, sala de visitas—♡
Yui: (*boceja*)…
(Eu dormi melhor do que pensei na noite passada. Talvez seja por causa desta cama; é tão suave e macia.)
(Considerando que eu pude dormir tão bem neste tipo de situação, talvez eu tenha sido acostumada a ser bem resistente antes… mas eu não consigo me lembrat.)
(Alguém bate na porta)
Reiji: Eve, está acordada?
Yui: Oh, sim! Estou acordada!
(Todos os quatro irmãos entram)
Kino: Oh, Ela está realmente de pé e acordada! Eu ganhei a aposta, Yuma.
Yuma: Merda. Tá bem, eu irei limpar o seu banheiro.
Shu: O meu também, Yuma.
Yuma: Por quê?! Você não apostou em nada!
Yui: (Eles são muito energéticos… Mas eu não consigo realmente dizer se eles se dão bem de verdade ou não…)
Reiji: Isso pode parecer repentino, mas já que você está acordada, tem algo que eu precise de você. A respeito com nosso tratamento com você daqui em diante.
Yui: Tratamento?
Reiji: Por agora, você passará todo o seu tempo nesta mansão. No entanto, deixar você agir por conta própria nos causaria problema.
Shu: …Você poderia tentar fugir.
Reiji: Assim sendo, nós decidimos te dar um guarda que também estará lhe monitorando.
Yui: Um guarda para me monitorar?! Você irão me observar todas horas do dia?
Vocês não precisam fazer isso; Eu não quero fugir…!
Shu: Pare de fazer tanto barulho.
Mesmo que você se sinta desta maneira, as outras famílias podem vir tentar te pegar.
Mas eu não quero algo problemático deste nível. Tem alguém para fazer isso. Como Yuma.
Yuma: Aah? Por que eu? Isso seria muito problemático para mim também. Não, obrigado.
Kino: Ei, se ninguém quer fazer isso, então porque não deixamos ela escolher um de nós por si mesma?
Yui: Huh?!
Reiji: Oh…? Essa não é uma ideia terrível.
Yuma: Interessante. Sem sentimentos complicados. Ei, você. Quem você quer que seja seu guarda?
Reiji: Por favor escolha um de nós quatro.
Yui: Trazendo isso tão de repente…
(Eu não sei quando serei solta desta mansão. Eu tenho de escolher alguém que ficará comigo este tempo todo na mansão…)
(Mas por alguma razão, eu sequer hesito. Eu me pergunto o porque—Eu sempre estive curiosa sobre “ele”.)
Tudo bem. Eu escolho…
♡—Seleção da rota—♡
⇨ Reiji
⇨ Shu
⇨ Yuma
⇨ Kino
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers: Chaos Lineage.
[Scarlet Family]
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[Violet Family]
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[Orange Family] 
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1K notes · View notes
otomehonyaku · 23 days
DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage ☽ otomehonyaku's English translation masterpost
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Visual novel
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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ONE ・ TWO ・ THREE ・ FOUR  ・ FIVE ・ SIX  All other chapters were translated by @kyouxa, please refer to her Chaos Lineage masterpost here!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tokuten drama CDs
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Short stories
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aquariaries · 2 years
Shin Euphoria End - Chaos Lineage + CG
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
PLACE: Forest
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Kino: Haaah. Looks like the 3 of them are heading towards the church.
I really wanted to go along with them too.
But as expected of someone like Carla, he would have exposed my true identity in no time.
Looking back at it all, we were only together for a short amount of time yet we've done so much.
I'm no good at working with groups. Well, I guess it wasn't so bad after all.
Knowing those two, everything is alright now. I'm counting on you guys.
*Kino walks away*
PLACE: Church - Hall
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Carla: As expected. Magical power seems to be supplied to various places from here.
Yui: Just as we thought ... ...
Shin: What should we do, brother?
Carla: We should demolish this entire building. If we do so, we should be able to destroy this entire space.
Yui: Destroy ... ... ?
Shin: Would that be how we escape?
Carla: I don't know. There is no guarantee we'll return.
Yui: ... ... !
Carla: However, if we do nothing then we'll never be able to leave.
We'll continue to fight a pointless battle, all while being confined and locked up here.
Yui: I don't want to do that anymore ... ...
Carla: Above all else, the Founders' pride will not allow such things as manipulation to control us.
Shin: I know. Even if there's no guarantee we'll return, we still gotta do it.
Leave this here to me. I'm going.
*Shin comes closer to Yui*
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Yui: -- Shin-kun.
(I'm nervous ... ... But I also want to support Shin-kun.)
Shin: Yui ... ... , Thank you for staying by my side.
Yui: No, such a thing ... ... You don't need to thank me for.
Shin: Give me your hand.
*Yui grabs his hand*
Yui: (Shin-kun is holding my hand. Even though I was scared just a few moments ago, that feeling has dissapeared in the blink of an eye ... ...)
(Instead, I feel nothing but courage welling up inside me. It's alright now ... ...)
(If it's Shin-kun, he'll surely be able to do it.)
Yui: Yeah, let's give it our all.
Shin: I'll do it. You support me. I'll gather power until I'm at my limit --
Yui: Yes, I understand. I'll firmly support Shin-kun.
Shin: Doing this will finally set us free ... ...
Yui: That's right.
Shin: It's all thanks to you that I was able to push and give my all.
We'll for sure, return to the place where we belong.
Yui: Yeah. I was able to come this far thanks to Shin-kun being by my side.
Shin: Plus, I was never alone. I've always had Yui by my side after all.
Even right now you're still right next to me.
Yui: Shin ... ... kun.
Shin: -- Alright! I've gathered enough strength now. Now, to destroy it all at once!
*white flash*
Shin: Uuuuaaaaaah --------- !!
Yui: (Please go through ... ... !)
Carla: ... ... Kgh.
*Loud boom and rumble*
Yui: (What an incredible shock -- !)
Carla: -- You've done well. My younger brother.
Shin: ... ... With this ... ...
Yui: It's over ... ...
*Crumbling noises*
Carla: Shin! The church is going to collapse!
*Loud continuous boom*
Shin: Ah, brother!
Yui: Shin-kun ... ... !
*Shin comes closer and grabs Yui*
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Shin: Yui. Don't let go of me!
Yui: Yes! I won't let go ... ... !
Shin: Ah, it'll be alright. Grab onto me.
Yui: (If I'm with Shin-kun, it'll be okay! I believe in that.)
*Louder crumbling*
Yui: (The floor is starting to Crack and crumble -- Even from the church's ceiling ... ... This whole world is starting to shatter.)
(Like this, will this world come to an end ... ... ?)
(I'm scared, and I can't do anything other than cling onto Shin-kun -- !)
*Scene goes white*
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Yui: (It's so bright, I can't open my eyes. Just what ... ... Is this -- !?)
(What is becoming of us?)
*Mystical noise*
PLACE: Eden - Room of Time
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Yui: ... ... Ugh, nnnn ... ...
Where is ... ... this ... ... ?
(Huh ... ... ? If I remember correctly, after Shin-kun destroyed the church, it began to collapse ... ...
And then, we were suddenly surrounded by a light ... ... )
( ... ... What happened?)
*Shin hugs Yui*
Shin: Thank goodness, you woke up. We're in the castle of Eden. It's alright now, we've returned!
Yui: Thank goodness ... ... !
Carla: The castle of Eden huh ... ...
Shin: They're out cold, but the Sakamaki and Mukami's are all here too.
Yui: I'm truely so glad we were all able to come back ... ...
*Magical noise*
Yui: What ... ... Huh ... ... ? A ball of light is coming down!
Shin: What the ... ... ?
Carla: It seems to be the root cause of all of our troubles.
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Socrates: My name is Socrates.
You've done well making it this far. Let me praise you first.
Shin: This is -- ?
Carla: Hmph.
Yui: The ball of light spoke ... ... ?
Socrates: The box garden was a place I have created for my experiment. Never have I thought there would be those who could escape it so easily.
As expected of the Founders ... ...
Yui: Experiment ... ... !?
(This person, just what is he talking about? -- I just don't understand it.)
Shin: Don't joke around! Just what kind of experiment were you trying to do!
Socrates: Do not be so agitated.
As my friend has told me, I thought I'd test to see that Adam was truely worthy.
Shin: Huh!? Your friend you say ... ...
Socrates: It is Karlheinz.
Shin: So you're friends with that guy ... ...
Yui: (Karlheinz-san and Socrates-san are ... ... ?)
Carla: Nonsense.
Socrates: That is why I falsified everyone's memories and locked you all in this box garden.
With everything being rewritten, I wondered if they were once again able to be chosen by Eve.
Shin: I see ... ... So that's how it is ... ... Was the overlord supposed to be Adam?
Yui: So that was the point of the battle towards becoming overlord then ... ...
Shin: Just like that, you had us perfectly dancing in the palm of your hand.
Socrates: Amazingly, you have managed to overcome this ordeal. This experiment is now over. I can no longer pursue this.
Shin: This isn't some sort of joke!
Just listening to this is ... ...
*Socrates dissapears*
Shin: -- ah!?
Yui: He dissapeared ... ... ?
Shin: Shit ... ... ! He ran away.
Carla: He said he was a friend of Karlheinz, hmph, he was quite the annoying person.
Yui: But, we were able to return like this, Shin-kun.
Shin: ... ... I suppose so.
Carla: With the bare minimum this is what has been fulfilled. He's truely a detestable person.
Shin: Yeah, that about says it.
Who he was and what he was experimenting with remains a mystery.
Carla: Do not be bothered with it any longer. Leave it be.
Shin: -- You got it, brother.
Yui: Let's go home! Shin-kun.
Shin: That's the plan!
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Yui's Monologue:
-- It's been a few days since then.
We have safely returned home to Banmaden.
With Shin-kun, Carla-san and I, the 3 of us are once again spending our time together peacefully.
PLACE: Banmaden - Yui's Room
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*Knock knock*
Shin: Hey, is now a good time?
Yui: Yeah. Come on in.
Shin: Allllrighty.
*He sits next to her on the bed*
Yui: (I'm getting a little nervous with him sitting on the bed right next to me. It's making my heart race ... ...)
Shin: Now that I think about it, I cant help but wonder what happened after those chain of events.
Yui: Yeah. That's true. After coming back from the box garden, I find myself wondering that too.
... ... It was difficult in all sorts of ways wasn't it.
Shin: Sure was. In the end, I wonder if I would have been able to bear my brother not being able to remember me.
Yui: Even I was sad when Shin-kun forgot me at first.
Shin: That's true. It's like I was reflecting off of your feelings.
Yui: -- But in the end, I believed that you'd come back to me ... ...
Shin: The same goes for me as well. When it came to my brother, I believed that he'd come to remember me.
After all there's no way my brother would forget me.
Yui: Yeah. I understand that.
Because I had that same feeling, I didn't give up on escaping until the very end.
Shin: You said it.
-- I wonder if it's because of that?
Yui: Hm?
Shin: Somehow I've been able to feel more confident than I have before.
Because in the end I was able to destroy the church without relying on my brother.
-- I've gotten stronger, haven't I?
Yui: Yeah! I think so as well.
Up until now I've always thought you were cool, but now you become even more cool!
Shin: Hmmm. Well then, I guess I'll have to make you fall for me even harder.
Yui: ... ... ?
*Shin stands up*
Yui: (Shin-kun?)
Shin: Follow me.
*He starts to walk away*
Yui: Wait, Shin-kun!
(Where is he going?)
*Yui runs after him*
PLACE: Banmaden Grand Hall
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Yui: (Eh ... ... ? Why did he bring me to the grand hall?)
Shin-kun ... ... ?
Shin: Would you care to dance together with me?
Yui: ... ... ... ... !
(Suddenly -- ! That aside, why is he inviting me so gentlemanly? My heart is pounding like crazy.)
Shin: Now, please take my hand.
Yui: ... ... O-okay.
(My fingertips are trembling a little bit. 'Cause it's like a scene straight from a fairy tale --)
*She takes his hand*
Shin: Now then, the two of us will -- dance the waltz.
Yui: ... ... ah.
*Waltz music starts playing*
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Yui: (Ah, music has started to play ... ... I have to mind my feet and watch my steps ... ...)
Shin: Heheh, well? Have you fallen for me even more?
Yui: Yeah ... ... Somehow it feels different than usual, I suppose.
Shin: It's an honor to hear you say that. Well, to tell you the truth.
It's been a long time since we've been able to dance like this.
Yui: Shin-kun ... ...
Shin: Just the two of us that is.
Yui: (Shin-kun looks so happy ... ...
But I'm sure that I look just as happy as he does right now.)
Shin: It really does show on your face. I can never get tired of watching it.
Yui: Uu ... ... , Shin-kun really can see right through me.
Shin: Whether it's seeing through you or not, I can tell just by looking at your expression.
Yui: That's because ... .. I'm so happy to be able to dance with Shin-kun like this ... ... !
Shin: You say it so casually sometimes, don't you?
Yui: But, heheh, even Shin-kun has that same happy expression you know?
Shin: ... ... Ngh, is that bad?
After all, I can feel you right by my side.
Yui: I'm feeling the same way. No matter what happens, I'll never let you go.
Shin: Huh, isn't that supposed to be my line?
Yui: Eh! Ahh!
(Just what am I saying ... ... I- I'm so embarrassed ... ...)
Shin: Geez, I'm no match for you because of this.
Yui: Besides ... ... , Shin-kun is so cool that it makes me feel dizzy ... ...
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
***Rose on Shin's head***
I love you. Whether it was from before or after, it was only ever you. I hope you feel honored.
***Rose on Shin's hand***
Hey now, if you don't move along with me properly, you'll end up falling. Well, I'll be properly supporting you anyways.
Shin: Well then, allow me to make you even dizzier.
Even if you say you no, I won't let you go tonight. Are you prepared?
Yui: Yeah ... ...
(My entire body is hot ... ...)
(Every time Shin-kun smiles, my body temperature rises ... ...)
(I will never forget the memory of this moment for all of eternity. Forever and ever --)
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Diabolik Lovers Survey 2020 Results
This year I got 138 responses in total, which is close to double the number I got in 2019 (74 responses) so a big thank you to all of you for taking part and for those who helped to promote it! Now onto the results:
Question 1. Who is your favorite DL character?
1. Subaru Sakamaki (18 votes) (3rd in CL poll, joint 4th in 2019 survey) 2. Shu Sakamaki (16 votes) (1st in CL poll, 1st in 2019 survey) 3. Ruki Mukami (13 votes) (4th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 4. Laito Sakamaki (12 votes) (8th in CL poll, 10th in 2019 survey) 5. Ayato Sakamaki (11 votes) (2nd in CL poll, 3rd in 2019 survey) 6. Reiji Sakamaki (10 votes) (9th in CL poll, 2nd in 2019 survey) 6. Carla Tsukinami (10 votes) (11th in CL poll, 4th in 2019 survey) 6. Kanato Sakamaki (10 votes) (6th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 9. Azusa Mukami  (8 votes) (12th in CL poll, 13th in 2019 survey) 9. Yui Komori (8 votes) (7th in CL poll, no votes in 2019 survey) 11. Yuma Mukami (7 votes) (10th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 12. Shin Tsukinami (6 votes) (14th in CL poll, joint 11th in 2019 survey) 13. Kino (3 votes) (13th in CL poll, joint 11th in 2019 survey) 14. Kou Mukami (1 vote) (5th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 14. Richter (1 votes) (did not feature in CL poll, no votes in 2019 survey)
Note: 3 people said they didn’t have a favorite character and 1 person skipped the question. Karlheinz, Beatrix, Cordelia, Christa and Yuri were all available options but they did not receive any votes. I’ve included where they came in the CL poll (the most recent official popularity poll) to show how the results compare. Below you can also see how the voting breaks down compared to the 2019 survey.
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While I was a little surprised that Subaru managed to dethrone Shu as the fandom’s overall favorite, I was not surprised by him, Shu, Ruki and Ayato all featuring in the top 5 considering their rankings in the CL poll. Laito also managed to sneak his way in there but considering that he was the winner of the 2018 survey, that wasn’t much of a surprise to me either.
The thing that I really don’t understand is what on Earth happened with Kou. Up until 24 hours before the survey closed, he didn’t have a single vote (lone Kou fan, thank you for stepping up), despite doing pretty well in the CL poll and the 2019 survey. If anyone has any theories on where all the Kou fans have gone then let me know because I am baffled.
Anyway, onto the rest of the survey, because this post is extremely long, I’ve put the rest below the cut.
Question 2. Who is your least favorite diaboy?
1. Kanato Sakamaki (42 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 2. No least favorite (15 votes) (2nd option in 2019 survey) 3. Kino (14 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 4. Ruki Mukami (12 votes) (joint 6th in 2019 survey) 5. Ayato Sakamaki (10 votes) (4th in 2019 survey) 6. Carla Tsukinami  (9 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 7. Reiji Sakamaki (7 votes) (joint 6th in 2019 survey) 8. Shin Tsukinami (6 votes) (joint 6th in the 2019 survey) 8. Azusa Mukami (6 votes) (joint 10th in 2019 survey) 10. Shu Sakamaki (5 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 11. Kou Mukami (3 votes) (5th in 2019 survey) 11. Laito Sakamaki (3 votes) (9th in 2019 survey) 11. Yuma Mukami (3 votes) (joint 10th in 2019 survey) 14. Subaru Sakamaki (2 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey)
Note: I discounted one vote for Subaru on this question, as the participant had also voted for him as their favorite character so I assumed they misunderstood this question.
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Every single year I’ve done this, Kanato has come first in this category by a massive margin and (while I will admit he’s my own least favorite) I am still no closer to understanding why he gets so many votes. If anyone does have any theories then do let me know.
Other than that, Kino’s placement certainly isn’t a surprise given his place in the 2019 survey and that he was the villain in all of the other characters LE routes, which I suspect has not endeared him to many. I do find it interesting that Ruki and Ayato (who did well in the popularity poll) were also in the top 5 for this question. 
I also wasn’t expecting Shu, golden boy of the fandom, to actually rank higher than some of the other characters in this question and to only have one less vote than Shin (who is considerably less popular and did some fairly deplorable things in the other character’s DF routes). 
Question 3. What is your favorite type of DL media?
1. The games 60 votes (1st in 2019 survey) 2. The drama CDs 46 votes (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. The character songs 9 votes (3rd in 2019 survey) 3. The merch (e.g. plushies, badges, straps etc) 9 votes (4th in 2019 survey) 5. The anime 8 votes (5th in 2019 survey) 5. The manga 6 votes (6th in 2019 survey)
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I don’t really think there’s much to comment on with this one, the results are pretty similar to last year and given that the drama CDs and the games collectively provide most of the story content for DL, it’s not at all surprising that they’re the fan favorites.
Question 4. If you have played and/or read translations for the games, which is your favorite?
1. Dark Fate (39 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 2. Haunted Dark Bridal (27 votes) (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. More Blood (13 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 4. Vandead Carnival  (10 votes) (7th in 2019 survey)  5. Lost Eden 8 votes (5th in 2019 survey) 6. Chaos Lineage 8 votes (4th in 2019 survey) 7. Lunatic Parade 6 votes (6th in 2019 survey) Note: 20 people said they had not played the games or read translations of them.
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DF, HDB and MB all remain as the top 3 games of franchise. I was a bit surprised to see VC jump up so much though, although I know some more translations for it have been posted recently, and a game being translated will always help to boost it’s popularity within the fandom.
Question 5. If you have listened to and/or read translations of the drama CDs, which set of CDs includes your favorite?
1. Bonus CDs (19 votes) (4th in 2019 survey) 2. Para-Selene (18 votes) (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. Bloody Bouquet (14 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 4. Zero (13 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 5. The original do-s vampire CDs (11 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 6. More Blood do-s vampire (8 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 7. Verus II (7 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 8. More, More Blood (6 votes) (not an option in the 2019 survey) 9. Dark Fate (4 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 9. Born To Die (4 votes) (joint 9th in 2019 survey) 11. Verus I (3 votes) (joint 9th in 2019 survey) 12. Eternal Blood (2 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 13. Versus III  (1 vote) (joint 8th in 2019 survey) 13. Versus IV (1 vote) (no votes in 2019 survey) 13. Chaos Lineage  (1 vote) (joint 8th in 2019 survey) Note: the Lost Eden CDs (joint 8th in the 2019 survey) did not receive any votes and 26 people said they had not listened to or read translations of the drama CDs, 6 more than those who had not played or read translations of the games. 
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I was pretty surprised to see the Bloody Bouquet CDs bumped down to third place considering that they won far and away in the 2018 and 2019 surveys, especially with the Zero CDs coming so close behind them. Para-Selene (my own personal favorite set of drama CDs) is still a fan favorite, and while I know many people enjoy the bonus CDs, I certainly wasn’t expecting to see them take the top spot.
In terms of other things to note, I do find it interesting that the Eternal Blood CDs (which feature the Mukamis) are less popular than the Born To Die CDs (which feature the Tsukinamis and Kino), considering that in this survey, the Mukami brothers got more votes combined than the Tsukinamis + Kino, and I’m pretty sure all of the Eternal Blood CDs have been translated, while to my knowledge, no English translations exist for the BTD CDs (although you can find a summary of Shin’s on this blog), so I would have expected this to be the other way around.
Question 6. How long have you been interested in DL?
1. More than 4 years but less than 6 years (55 votes)  2. More than 2 years but less than 4 years (26 votes)  3. More than 6 years but less than 8 years (15 votes)  4. Up to six months (9 votes)  5. Over 8 years (7 votes) 6. More than 6 months but less than 1 year (6 votes) 7. Less than 1 month (2 votes) Note: 6 people said they couldn’t remember how long they’d been interested in DL for.
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It seems the majority of us have been here for years (truly, there is no escaping diahell) but it was nice to see so many newcomers to the fandom take part this year, especially as we haven’t really had that much new content. 
I mentioned this in the 2019 survey results post but I do wonder whether the release of the MB anime (a little over 5 years ago), may have some correlation with a large chunk of the fandom (or at least the portion that took part in this survey) being into the series for between 4-6 years.
Question 7. If you answered the survey I did last year, have any of your choices changed since then?
Note: Multiple options could be selected here.
My favorite character has changed: 21 votes
My least favorite diaboy has changed: 17 votes
My favorite DL game has changed: 9 votes
My favorite drama CD has changed: 18 votes
There were definitely more changes this year compared to last year (although given the much larger sample size, that’s to be expected), but it does seem most are fairly firm in their favorites. 
Question 8. If you purchased one of the More, More Blood CDs, which version did you get? 
Deluxe edition: 7 votes (5.22%)
Regular edition: 4 votes (2.99%)
Deluxe edition from Animate: 7 votes (5.22%)
Deluxe edition from Stellaworth: 2 votes (1.49%)
Deluxe edition of the same CD from Animate & Stellaworth: 3 votes (2.24%)
Multiple MMB CDs (some regular, some deluxe): 5 votes (3.73%)
Did not buy any of the MMB CDs: 106 votes (79.10%)
Note: 4 people skipped this question.
I mostly asked this question because I was curious as to how many people bought the deluxe edition versus the normal edition, especially as after listening to Shin’s (and from the comments I saw online) I feel like you really need the bonus CD you get with the deluxe edition to nicely wrap up the story.
I was sort of expecting most people to go for the deluxe edition, as I think if you’re ordering your favorite's CD, you’re going to want the maximum content with them possible, even if it does come with a bigger price tag.
As for why so many people went for the Animate bonus over the Stellaworth bonus, I imagine this was because Animate has an international online store (although I think whether you can actually get the bonus drama CDs from them is variable) while Stellaworth only ships in Japan, which means if you order from them, you have to use a proxy service which really hikes up the price.
Question 9. Out of the following things released within the last year, which has been your favorite?
1. 4-panel More, More Blood comics (28 votes) 1. Winter of Lovers merch (28 votes) 3. More, More Blood CDs (24 votes) 4. Masquerade Jewel merch (18 votes) 5. My Melody collaboration merch (15 votes) 6. Other (14 votes) 7. Merch from Rejet 2020 Fes (10 votes) Note: 1 person skipped this question.
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I thought for sure the More, More Blood CDs would win this one but I seriously underestimated just how popular the More, More Blood comics and merch lines were. I suppose given that the bonus drama CDs came first in the Drama CD category and the MMB comics are much in the same vein (as in they both contain humorous content), it isn’t that much of a surprise, especially as the comics are posted online and are therefore much more accessible to international fans than the drama CDs.
As for the merch lines, Winter of Lovers is the most recently released set, so it may be possible that this is partially responsible for it’s popularity (i.e. it’s the merch line freshest in people’s minds).
Question 10. Which of the upcoming DL releases are you the most excited for?
1. Young Blood manga (64 votes) 2. Daylight CDs (25 votes) 3. Releases that have yet to be announced (20 votes) 4. Count Off (9th anniversary song) (7 votes) Note: 22 people went for the “Can’t choose/ Not excited for any of these” option.
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The Young Blood manga won here by a massive margin, which is pretty interesting considering that the DL manga ranked lowest in question 3. That being said though I suspect this manga will be more popular than the others as it should give us more of the boys’ backstories.
I’ve seen several people hoping for the unannounced release (that we should find out more about April) to be a new game. Personally I’m not super convinced that’s going to be the case as new game announcements tend to be done at Otomate party (as was the case with CL in 2018), which is scheduled for July. However, I do admit that I think a new game would be a really good way to celebrate DL’s tenth anniversary (which is coming up December next year), so I don’t think it’s completely outside of the realms of possibility that we may get another game at some point. 
Either way I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in April.
And that’s it for the 2020 survey. Again, thanks to everyone who took part, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the results, was there anything that surprised you?
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Missing Tokuten CDs [UPDATED]
--> These are all DL Tokuten CDs of which I have yet to find the audio online. If you own any of these CDs and are willing to share the audio with me for translation, it’d be highly appreciated! :3
1. DIABOLIK LOVERS LOST EDEN Sofmap Tokuten Drama CD ”The Second Oldest Mukami’s Messy Room-Cleaning Strategy! ~ Use Your Brothers Efficiently ~”
2. DIABOLIK LOVERS Mukami Family 5th Eternal Blood Vol.1 & Vol.2 Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Certain Day at the Mukami Household (Ruki, Yuma)
3. DIABOLIK LOVERS GRAND EDITION Ebten Tokuten Situation CD ”Date Escapades ~ Kou・Yuma ~
4. DIABOLIK LOVERS GRAND EDITION SKiT Dolce Tokuten Situation CD ”Date Escapades ~ Kanato・Shuu ~
5. DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror”: Yuma / Shin
6. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Animate/Stellaworth Tokuten CD “The Vampires got a Part-time Job!”:  Yuma Carla / Kino
7. DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE Ebten Tokuten Drama CD: “The Vampire’s Every Day: Board Game Edition ~ Ruki VS Azusa VS Kino ~”
8. DIABOLIK LOVERS Tsukinami & Kino Born To Die Animate Tokuten Drama CD ”Celebrating Her Birthday”: Carla / Shin / Kino
+ Most of the Daylight Tokutens (Oyasumi Vampire / Sadistic Date / Absurd Lesson)
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maimaiotome · 3 years
☆DIABOLIK LOVERS - [CHAOS LINEAGE]☆ Shu’s Story - 01 with English Subtitles
The gorgeous english Translation was written by @kyouxa​ !! <3 Please consider to follow her! She does amazing work for the whole Fandom. (You feed me Kino, I love you, easy as that.) Visit her blog if you can! The video & graphic-editing as well as the subtitle timing was made by me. Don't steal, re-upload or edit my footage. :) 
Come to my Channel server and let hell loose with other Diabolik Fans~ (So far 150+ People, no drama, no age restrictions. We’re all nice :3 !!) https://discord.gg/ug9VntvWQG
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