Frank, I'm really going to miss you. You're my favorite mutuals (don't tell the others). I hope you have a good life.
Thank you. :P
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its-tie-kir-ra · 2 years
i’m moving tumblrs
this blog was made as a side blog of my main blog, which i use for fandom stuff. I don’t know what’s going on, but i’ve gotten some weird messages over the last year ever since then about some ships i love (specifically Edwin????). I’m super uncomfortable with people monitoring my fandom activity. i've made all my posts on my old account private and i don’t intend to use it anymore. i’ve always used a different username for AO3, so the chance of anyone finding me on there are very low. I don't know what exactly caused this or why it's happening, and i'm hopeful that this will fix it.
there are some other reasons, like the fact that there is a character/ship in the Inuyasha fandom that is very popular and they’re very triggering for me personally. Fandom has always been a space where i can escape to and my policy has always been to block people who ship couples/like characters i really dislike, and avoiding it. But because i’ve been spending so much time in the inuyasha/yashahime fandom, i’m seeing this stupid pairing/character all the damn time, and no amount of blocking/filtering seems to have helped this problem. having to see that particular pairing and character constantly show up on my timeline when i’m just trying to look at Winry Rockbell and Daenerys Targaryen pictures has been exhausting and just not great for me in-the-head wise. (no it’s not SessRin)
anyway, yeah, from now on, if you want to find me/ask me questions, i’ll be at @chaosandstardust
I’ll still have access to this blog, it’s not going anywhere. if you sent a question, it may still be answered (there are a couple of questions about SessRin and heteronormativity and another about RT that i fully intend to answer someday, i just need to find the right words to not make everyone mad), but if you’re dying for an answer from me, you’ll have a better chance of getting one from the other blog. 
xx, Ty
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I just watched disenchanted! Have you seen it? If you have, want did you think of it?
Haven't seen it!
My overall impression of Disenchanted is very much of a "it's really, really messy and not very consistent, but it's also an incredible, brilliant gift for a really dedicated animator."
Like, if I was making a film like this (or just making a film, for that matter), I would make the story less consistent, the plot more abstract and less developed, and the characters more stylized and cartoonish to reflect their overall emotional range, but then make sure that the visual elements of those characters are also consistent and well-drawn in a way that would make me happy if I saw them while looking at the script for the film.
Like, maybe the whole thing ends with the character saying, "I guess I'll just go to the store," but you still see some sort of character sketch of her walking away with some groceries (even if it's only implied what they are) and then you hear the song they were listening to when they thought they'd see her, so you still see this sort of visual reference to the person of the character.
(I mean, the visual references don't have to matter as long as they don't actively contradict the script – if the audience cares about what the character actually looks like, they can learn what the character looks like from the script, whereas if not, the visual reference can do the job of implying their general character type, e.g. "the protagonist is a white guy who is taller than everyone else and has a big nose, etc")
I have a real fondness for animated works that are clearly inspired by human-centered art, in the sense that it's clear what the artist's goal was, but that aren't so human-centered that they fail to express that goal, or fail to make something better for the end result.
So Disenchanted has its visuals all over the place, and I appreciate that. And there are moments, like with the book, that are really clearly designed to convey a specific emotion that is otherwise difficult to get across in dialogue. Those moments can actually be good if done right.
And, like, it's still really messy and inconsistently done, but there are some moments where it's clear that this was what they wanted the work to look like. When, for instance, there's a cutaway to a character with a specific face that is so consistently and clearly a reference to a cartoon character that it's uncanny. I know some people think these sorts of visual references can be annoying, but if you actually watch it, they become more of a form of visual humor, like a wink or nod. They're funny, they're well done, they make a deliberate point, and they communicate a lot with a very small number of words.
Anyway, I'm rambling. Disenchanted is really cool. You should look at it.
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You have a husband Frank? Tell me about him. 🥰
Here are the best highlights:
"I thought the best way to tell you all this is for me to tell it to you, right out there on the internet. If I were to do this at dinner, or at lunch, it would probably sound odd and out of place, and the people at the table would all turn to look at me. I can't be out doing that here. I have to get it all out of my system."
"Saying that, I get a lot of mileage from it, honestly. It's hard to imagine that you wouldn't get the same mileage. I'm sort of an odd bird myself, and it's hard for me to not be kind of arrogant about it."
"You don't have to worry about me having an effect on your life. It's just that, if I'm saying anything that comes up, I'll probably be saying the thing that you say to yourself right now when you say it."
"I would feel a little embarrassed at my self-consciousness, I guess."
"I've never been very happy to have my opinions criticized, but if you start getting really enthusiastic about what I think, that's when I'm going to start worrying."
"I'm very scared, too."
"It's very hard to deal with the fact that if things really do end, you will have no choice. Not that you could ever have a choice. No choice except maybe to accept that."
"I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"
"Like I said, I'm very scared."
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