#chaotic overly protective boyfriend subroutine activated
fandom-necromancer · 4 years
402. You seem upset.
This was prompted by the random @aurea-b! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Shhip: Reed900
Gavin had been partnered up with an android. He had been outraged and tried his best to ward him off. Fowler knew, the precinct knew and anyone having the misfortune to be in listening distance when they were outside together knew. He was still pissed about it now, three weeks later, but he had adapted. He could ignore the thing most of the time. This was what bugged him the most lately: The android didn’t even have a personality. How should he insult someone, how should he get under someone’s skin and disgust them away, when they were giving him nothing to work with?
He remembered asking Fowler whether the android was even deviant. Every order he had given the thing was followed to the word. It was creepy to the point Gavin feared to be involved in illegal activities. It was forbidden for non-deviant androids to work at the police. But Fowler had just dismissed him, asking him to do his jobs for once if he was bored. Of course, that answer hadn’t satisfied Gavin at all, so he decided to do what he could do best: investigate.
He started observing the android more closely, during their everyday life together. So far, he had learned that the bot had a cat as his screensaver, that he liked watching birds when waiting and that he liked chill songs. In four weeks, he had found out only that. He was willing to give up, by then. Maybe this Nines was just the most boring, most characterless being on this earth. Maybe he could use that against him, he contemplated while reading the briefing on their way to the crime-scene. Drug overdose by a formerly completely clean businessman. In Gavin’s opinion a simple murder and they only had to find a motive and the murderer. But tin-can here had to remind him not to be biased and count every possibility in. Suicide or an accident. Yeah, of phcking course, he would count that in, it wasn’t his first day on the job. One could still have a hunch. Gavin got his revenge by changing stations from Nines’ favourite music to his.
They walked inside the drug den the man’s body had been found in by the local residents of the place. Most of them had left as the police arrived and the few witnesses Gavin left to the other officers. He was here for the dead man. He and Nines spent several hours investigating the drug den, talk with the forensics and the android analysed the drugs used as well as the victim’s blood. Only then he announced: ‘I’m finished here. Should I wait at the car?’ ‘Yeah, sure’, Gavin murmured, still deep in thoughts. ‘I will need more time here. I’ll join you in a bit.
As he finally did leave the building, the smile on his face faltered. His initial triumphant anticipation upon being right with his murder theory vanished, as he saw the android engaged in conversation with another android and even laughing. Nines had never laughed, not once and until now Gavin had thought him incapable of that altogether. As Nines saw him walking towards them, he seemed to bid farewell to it and waited by the car stoic as ever. Confused, Gavin looked the android up and down, before shaking his head in frustration and entering the car. Nines joined him soon and they drove off. It was silent for a long time until the android breached it: ‘You seem upset. Shouldn’t you be happy your hypothesis proved itself to be true?’ ‘My what? Oh, the case, yeah… Hey, when would you tell me you are capable of emoting more than my phcking calculator?’ He glared at the android next to him, before focussing back on the road. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘I mean, of course I am upset! You treat me with that cold stoic charade, but some random robo-chick gets the full program? Like, you are actually a phcking person?’ ‘I am, Detective. I was just advised that a robotic and professional attitude towards you would help our working relationship and so far, I would say it has worked.’ ‘Who the hell told you that bullshit?’ ‘Connor.’ Gavin sighed and pulled his car over to the sidewalk. ‘Yeah, okay, so first off: Phck this dude, he’s wrong and doesn’t know the first thing about me. Secondly: Holy shit, toaster, you don’t have to play a role to get along with me! Be yourself and if that doesn’t work, we change partners or something. I might be an asshole, but that goes a step to far, even for me.’ The android looked at him curiously, while Gavin made a show of avoiding his eyes, pretending to look in the rear mirror to get back into traffic. ‘I… will try to be more open then.’
The toaster didn’t change much. He changed drastically. From one day to the next Nines became his worst enemy that had decided killing him would be a mercy. His habitually orders for a coffee, a donut, a paperclip, a certain information: All of them were blocked off with a ‘Fuck you’, a ‘Do it yourself’, the mentioned item being thrown at him full force or a combination of these. Gavin’s car radio wasn’t just tuned to the channels, it was permanently hacked to only play music Gavin would fall asleep to. It stayed like that for the duration of their workday and god forbid the human left early. The car was tuned to chillout for these eight hours, regardless of whether Nines was in the car or not. Nines was constantly talking back to him, they were cursing each other and quipping and neither minced matters in any way.
Needless to say, Gavin loved it.
He had to thank that android lady for letting him see changed Nines. Their productivity has gone through the roof and when he thought about it in a moment of weakness, the android was the first partner, Gavin actually liked having around.
Especially after they found their murderer, chased him on foot and managed to herd him in a dead end on top of a parking garage. Gavin had gone over to the man, who had already confessed drugging their dead businessman for cash. He had intended to handcuff the idiot but had been pushed against the railing with enough force to let him fall over. He had thought that to be the end of him, but Nines had been there to grab his arm. He did so with far too much force in his fear of seeing his partner fall, what had ultimately ended in a partially broken forearm. They had then chased the criminal again, this time really catching him and arresting him. After a visit to the hospital Gavin had his arm in a sling and was ready to interrogate this motherphcker. But Nines held him back: ‘Don’t worry, Detective. I can handle this. Please stay in the obs, okay?’ Gavin had nodded hesitantly and took the other door, leaning against the wall in the observation room farthest away from Connor and Hank sitting in the front.
They watched how Nines sat down neatly, arranging the papers he didn’t need in a perfect ninety-degree angle to the edge of the table. He looked every bit the machine he had played in the beginning. Gavin was curious how the android planned on leading this interrogation and the room went dead silent as Nines began to speak.
‘Mr. Blake, I say this well knowing it will be in the protocol of this interrogation, but… Fuck you. You are directly responsible for hurting my partner and you would better cooperate.’ Wow okay, this? Not what Gavin had expected. The criminal just leaned back. ‘You can’t do anything to me, that would be considered police brutality.’ ‘Oh, physically, of course not. It’s prohibited and not my style, no. But I could dig a little and maybe interview Gerry for a bit. Or Elias? You know who I’m talking about, right? Maybe even both, maybe they will tell me more about your schemes a few years ago. That could add a few years to your already hefty sentence.’ He paused to let the man think about it. ‘Or we could compromise. I don’t send you to the brig for eternity like your organic ass deserved after hurting what’s dear to me and you tell me everything – everything - about the murder. Where is the drug from, how did you drug him, where comes the money from? Who else is involved? I want answers and names. And if I like them, I consider not telling my partners about your other less successful endeavours...’ Gavin grinned back in the observation room as he saw the criminal squirm a little, sweating profoundly until he caved in and decided to spill.
Oh yeah. Nines with personality was badass.
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