#Gavin.exe has stopped working
fandom-necromancer · 4 years
402. You seem upset.
This was prompted by the random @aurea-b! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Shhip: Reed900
Gavin had been partnered up with an android. He had been outraged and tried his best to ward him off. Fowler knew, the precinct knew and anyone having the misfortune to be in listening distance when they were outside together knew. He was still pissed about it now, three weeks later, but he had adapted. He could ignore the thing most of the time. This was what bugged him the most lately: The android didn’t even have a personality. How should he insult someone, how should he get under someone’s skin and disgust them away, when they were giving him nothing to work with?
He remembered asking Fowler whether the android was even deviant. Every order he had given the thing was followed to the word. It was creepy to the point Gavin feared to be involved in illegal activities. It was forbidden for non-deviant androids to work at the police. But Fowler had just dismissed him, asking him to do his jobs for once if he was bored. Of course, that answer hadn’t satisfied Gavin at all, so he decided to do what he could do best: investigate.
He started observing the android more closely, during their everyday life together. So far, he had learned that the bot had a cat as his screensaver, that he liked watching birds when waiting and that he liked chill songs. In four weeks, he had found out only that. He was willing to give up, by then. Maybe this Nines was just the most boring, most characterless being on this earth. Maybe he could use that against him, he contemplated while reading the briefing on their way to the crime-scene. Drug overdose by a formerly completely clean businessman. In Gavin’s opinion a simple murder and they only had to find a motive and the murderer. But tin-can here had to remind him not to be biased and count every possibility in. Suicide or an accident. Yeah, of phcking course, he would count that in, it wasn’t his first day on the job. One could still have a hunch. Gavin got his revenge by changing stations from Nines’ favourite music to his.
They walked inside the drug den the man’s body had been found in by the local residents of the place. Most of them had left as the police arrived and the few witnesses Gavin left to the other officers. He was here for the dead man. He and Nines spent several hours investigating the drug den, talk with the forensics and the android analysed the drugs used as well as the victim’s blood. Only then he announced: ‘I’m finished here. Should I wait at the car?’ ‘Yeah, sure’, Gavin murmured, still deep in thoughts. ‘I will need more time here. I’ll join you in a bit.
As he finally did leave the building, the smile on his face faltered. His initial triumphant anticipation upon being right with his murder theory vanished, as he saw the android engaged in conversation with another android and even laughing. Nines had never laughed, not once and until now Gavin had thought him incapable of that altogether. As Nines saw him walking towards them, he seemed to bid farewell to it and waited by the car stoic as ever. Confused, Gavin looked the android up and down, before shaking his head in frustration and entering the car. Nines joined him soon and they drove off. It was silent for a long time until the android breached it: ‘You seem upset. Shouldn’t you be happy your hypothesis proved itself to be true?’ ‘My what? Oh, the case, yeah… Hey, when would you tell me you are capable of emoting more than my phcking calculator?’ He glared at the android next to him, before focussing back on the road. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘I mean, of course I am upset! You treat me with that cold stoic charade, but some random robo-chick gets the full program? Like, you are actually a phcking person?’ ‘I am, Detective. I was just advised that a robotic and professional attitude towards you would help our working relationship and so far, I would say it has worked.’ ‘Who the hell told you that bullshit?’ ‘Connor.’ Gavin sighed and pulled his car over to the sidewalk. ‘Yeah, okay, so first off: Phck this dude, he’s wrong and doesn’t know the first thing about me. Secondly: Holy shit, toaster, you don’t have to play a role to get along with me! Be yourself and if that doesn’t work, we change partners or something. I might be an asshole, but that goes a step to far, even for me.’ The android looked at him curiously, while Gavin made a show of avoiding his eyes, pretending to look in the rear mirror to get back into traffic. ‘I… will try to be more open then.’
The toaster didn’t change much. He changed drastically. From one day to the next Nines became his worst enemy that had decided killing him would be a mercy. His habitually orders for a coffee, a donut, a paperclip, a certain information: All of them were blocked off with a ‘Fuck you’, a ‘Do it yourself’, the mentioned item being thrown at him full force or a combination of these. Gavin’s car radio wasn’t just tuned to the channels, it was permanently hacked to only play music Gavin would fall asleep to. It stayed like that for the duration of their workday and god forbid the human left early. The car was tuned to chillout for these eight hours, regardless of whether Nines was in the car or not. Nines was constantly talking back to him, they were cursing each other and quipping and neither minced matters in any way.
Needless to say, Gavin loved it.
He had to thank that android lady for letting him see changed Nines. Their productivity has gone through the roof and when he thought about it in a moment of weakness, the android was the first partner, Gavin actually liked having around.
Especially after they found their murderer, chased him on foot and managed to herd him in a dead end on top of a parking garage. Gavin had gone over to the man, who had already confessed drugging their dead businessman for cash. He had intended to handcuff the idiot but had been pushed against the railing with enough force to let him fall over. He had thought that to be the end of him, but Nines had been there to grab his arm. He did so with far too much force in his fear of seeing his partner fall, what had ultimately ended in a partially broken forearm. They had then chased the criminal again, this time really catching him and arresting him. After a visit to the hospital Gavin had his arm in a sling and was ready to interrogate this motherphcker. But Nines held him back: ‘Don’t worry, Detective. I can handle this. Please stay in the obs, okay?’ Gavin had nodded hesitantly and took the other door, leaning against the wall in the observation room farthest away from Connor and Hank sitting in the front.
They watched how Nines sat down neatly, arranging the papers he didn’t need in a perfect ninety-degree angle to the edge of the table. He looked every bit the machine he had played in the beginning. Gavin was curious how the android planned on leading this interrogation and the room went dead silent as Nines began to speak.
‘Mr. Blake, I say this well knowing it will be in the protocol of this interrogation, but… Fuck you. You are directly responsible for hurting my partner and you would better cooperate.’ Wow okay, this? Not what Gavin had expected. The criminal just leaned back. ‘You can’t do anything to me, that would be considered police brutality.’ ‘Oh, physically, of course not. It’s prohibited and not my style, no. But I could dig a little and maybe interview Gerry for a bit. Or Elias? You know who I’m talking about, right? Maybe even both, maybe they will tell me more about your schemes a few years ago. That could add a few years to your already hefty sentence.’ He paused to let the man think about it. ‘Or we could compromise. I don’t send you to the brig for eternity like your organic ass deserved after hurting what’s dear to me and you tell me everything – everything - about the murder. Where is the drug from, how did you drug him, where comes the money from? Who else is involved? I want answers and names. And if I like them, I consider not telling my partners about your other less successful endeavours...’ Gavin grinned back in the observation room as he saw the criminal squirm a little, sweating profoundly until he caved in and decided to spill.
Oh yeah. Nines with personality was badass.
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thecephalopodagency · 6 years
I can’t hold all these cute prompts, someone take them away from me
“Hey Connor, Gavin’s being a bitch today. Do you think you can turn him off for a while?”
Connor frowned. “Hank, I would appreciate if you would stop referring to him as ‘a bitch’.”
“Sure, sure,” Hank waved his hand. “But seriously, he’s starting to piss me off.”
“And what do you propose I do about that?”
“I don't know, go flirt with him or something.” Connor’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“I was under the impression that you weren't approving of our relationship. I’m calculating a very high chance that you have something to gain from this.”
“Yeah, he stops being a b- getting on my nerves.” Connor continued to stare at him but then slowly got up.
“Alright, I’ll ‘turn him off’ for you.”
As soon as Connor turned and was halfway to the breakroom, Hank rolled his chair back towards Ben’s desk.
“Alright Ben, watch closely. You're about to see something amazing. Blew my mind the first time I saw it.”
When he reached the break room, Connor zeroed in on his boyfriend. He did look agitated about something, if the way he was moodily glaring at his coffee said anything.
“Hey,” he called, getting his attention. Gavin seemed to perk up a bit when he saw him walking towards him. When Connor reached his favorite table, he latched onto Gavin’s arm and pulled him close.
“...what are you doing?” Gavin asked, eyebrow raised.
“I’m sorry, but Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe, and I was unable to resist you.”
Hank nodded as they watched Gavin’s face slowly turn red as the words sunk in. “Happens every time, Ben. It’s disgusting.”
“In fact,” Connor mused, “scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force just to quantify the intensity of my attraction to you.”
“Connor can go for hours if you let him,” Hank added. “Turns red as a fucking cherry.”
Then Connor leaned a little closer, until their faces were inches apart, and said a little quieter, “do you like anaerobic respiration as much as I do?”
“I-I- Oh my god… I-- uh, I…” Mission accomplished, Gavin.exe has stopped working.
“Would you like to go to lunch with me?” He asked sweetly. Gavin nodded slowly.
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cantf1ndmynam3 · 3 years
here’s a fanfic inspired by a discord hc:
this is in the context of a polycule ship of all the DAMN bois
cw: tired lasko having a personality switch // flustered gavin // freelancer being themself
embarrassment doesn’t exist past 1am
“Welcome home, pretty boy~” gavin cooed as he eyed a whirlwind mess of lasko stumble through the door “i missed you~”
wordlessly, lasko carelessly discards his coat and bags on the floor, tiredly ambling towards the incubus.
“hey… babe-“ lasko barely makes his words out before he completely slumps onto gavin’s body sprawled across the couch.
gavin.exe has stopped working
“WHAT?! i mean i’m not complaining, but…” now it was gavins time to become a flustered mess as his mind ran a mile a minute and his heart pounded against his chest.
speaking of his chest, laskos cheek was smooshed against it as lasko nuzzled into him, wrapping his arms around his waist, bringing a scarlet blush to gavins face.
gavin couldn’t understand, sure surprise cuddles were more thank ok with him, but this was lasko, the easy-to-fluster, conscious rambler who thinks more than twice to even ask for a peck on the cheek. he even used the name “pretty boy”, which always seemed to melt him into a puddle.
“heh, first time?” a familiar voice teased. freelancer was sitting on the kitchen counter, enjoying gavins blubbering mess of a reaction take place while sipping their chocolate milk in a champagne glass. “yeah when he get extremely tired, he just forgets being nervous and clings onto the first person they see. happened to me several times, didn’t have the heart to move. it’s a trap, a cute, cosy trap….” they take another sip of choccy milk. caelum would’ve approved (of the choccy milk)
“well… guess i’m stuck” gavin thought to himself. he wouldn’t have it any other way, though.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Office Meeting Headcanon - MLQC
Oh look, more random headcanon crap on my blog. Sorry not sorry
Scenario- MC goes to visit the boys in their office, but they aren’t there, so she decides to sit at their desk and pretend to be them.
She’d come with a report, on time, for once. But Victor wasn’t there.
Victor was totally believing she’d be late and went to grab a coffee.
Victor walks into his office. Immediately spies her sitting at his desk.
She doesn’t look up at him. Instead, pretends to keep working and says, “I see you are precisely two minutes and thirty-three seconds late to deliver yet another one of your mediocre reports to me.”
Victor’s heart jumped up in his throat.
He took a sip of coffee, pretending that that hadn’t just flustered him.
She was an idiot, but at least she was a cute one.
Not that he’d EVER tell her that.
“I do not sound like that, dummy. Now, get out of my chair.”
She was hoping to catch him to ask him about appearing on Miracle Finder again.
Through text, he had assured her he would be here. But he wasn’t.
An extra lab coat was hung on a hook by the door. She couldn’t resist it.
When he walks back into his office after stepping out to talk to a coworker, he spots her in his lab coat.
Odd. His reactions included an increase of heartbeat.
He couldn’t help but play along. “It’s good to see you, doctor.”
Oh, how he did love how quick her cheeks turned pink.
Kiro doesn’t really have a desk. Instead, she was meeting him for an interview.
Normally, he’s on time, but he must have been running late today.
She spies his jacket nearby and decides to put it on.
He walks in, not expecting her to be wearing his coat and calling out, “Hey, Mr. Chips! Ready for my interview! Be sure to record my good side, okay.”
She then flashed him a wink.
Blushy boy
“Please call him ‘Mr. Chips’ again.”
After snapping out of his shock, he gets the biggest grin on his face and totally plays along, plopping down in the seat across from her, picking up her notebook and recorder pen on the table before asking her questions.
She quickly regrets it because he wants to finish her interview before they go on to his.
She stopped by his office to bring him lunch. Please feed this poor overworked cop proper food.
Sees his office is empty, his jacket draped over the chair.
She puts it on before raiding his drawers for the instant noodles he has.
Has so many.
When he returns, he spies her instantly. In his jacket…
Gavin.exe has stopped working.
He’s still frozen in in the door way when she leans forward. “I’ve come to protect you.” She pulled up a pack of instant noodles he kept in his desk. “From flavorless, processed noodles.”
Blushy boy. Like, tomato level.
Someone help poor birdcop. His heart’s gone with the wind.
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r3almellow · 4 years
Gavin and Victor Getting Head From Their S/o For The First Time
Thanks for the request!! Since your favs are Gavin and Victor I figured I’d take the time to focus on them! But if you guys want the others or a specific person let me know!  
This is my second time writing about this, but my first time kinda going in depth about it. So I’m sorry if its not too detailed.
This somehow turned into a mini fics and not reactions. OOPS! I’m not sorry. 
Also not sorry about the title. I have no filter so this shouldn’t be surprising. 
Warnings: Oral Sex
You’ve toyed with the idea of giving him a blowjob for a while. Its something you’ve never done before and you were more than nervous to try it out on him. You consulted your more experienced friends on the matter and walked away with way more information than you bargained for. What did hollowing your cheeks mean?!
You knew if you brought it to his attention, he’ll tell you not to worry about it because Gavin would rather pamper you. 
He prefers to make you feel special in every way possible. Giving you the pleasure you desire is all he wants to do. And boooy does he love to give. The way his tongue swiveled and darted in and out of your pussy or the way he teased your clit with a flick of his tongue turned you into a complete mess. Where he learned to eat a woman out like that you had no idea. 
You understood his need to please you, but you wanted to make your man feel good too! You can’t be the only one on the receiving end of such a euphoric experience. 
So, what do you do? Catch him off guard!
You got your chance when you suggested that the two of you shower together before he left on a week long mission. This wasn’t an unusual request since you’ve showered together countless times with only a handful of those times leading to sex. 
Gavin was halfway through washing your hair when you leaned back against his chest, sighing softly. 
“Kind of hard to finish up with you like this.” You only hummed as a response as his fingers expertly massaged your scalp almost putting you in a dreamlike trance. ALMOST. Don’t forget why you’re here!
You purposely pressed your lower half against him, feeling his semi-hard erection against your bare ass.
“Babe...” He warned, taking a small step back to create some distance in the already small space. 
You turned slightly to give him an impish grin then reached behind you, grasping Gavin’s now hardened length, giving it a few light strokes. You heard his breath hitch.
“Something wrong, Gav?”
You asked a question you didn’t wait for a response for. You turned to face Gavin fully and quickly knelt in front of him, your hand still firmly wrapped around him. You ignored the warm water pelting against the back of your head as you continued to stroke him.
You weren’t sure if it was the steam from the shower or lust clouding your head, but the way Gavin looked down at you with red dusted cheeks and slightly parted lips had you feeling dizzy. 
“I’ve never done this before.” You admitted shyly focusing your attention to what was in your hand. Gavin was above average in terms of length and girth and you loved how well he fit inside you, but your mouth was another story. Could it even fit?!
“You don’t have to...hgn...” Before he could finish his sentence you teasingly licked the head of his cock causing it to twitch in response. You watched in wonder as pre-cum oozed from the tip. He was always sensitive to your touch...
His Reaction
There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t think about what it would feel like having your mouth wrapped around him. He pushed such fantasies out of his mind so he could focus on you. He was content with just making you happy, but now...
Feeling your tongue dance along his shaft had his knees weak! It took everything he had not to collapse in front of you. And when you slowly slid him into your mouth, your teeth grazing his thick member he was almost done for.
Gavin could tell you were testing the waters using agonizingly slow movements only going halfway, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t wish to see you take all of him in his mouth.
Nothing beats having his cock buried deep inside you, but your mouth is definitely a close second for him. 
Gavin isn’t the most vocal during sex, but expect heavy pants and low groans from your man.
Out of habit Gavin won’t verbally tell you what he doesn’t like so you have to rely on his body language. 
You’re able to learn a lot about Gavin from this. Like whenever your teeth graze a certain spot along his shaft his lips quiver and how there’s a twinkle in his eyes when you pull away and he sees a trail of your saliva that connects you to him.
When he cums, he’ll try to pull away not wanting to get you messy. Sir I got your dick in my mouth, I think we’re way passed being clean.  Don’t let him get away!
You’re caught off guard and gag a little at the sudden intrusion and unsuspecting taste. 
He’ll be so apologetic and it takes you like a minute or two to convince him that you’re fine. 
Want to get him going again? Take some of his cum dribbling from your chin and bring it between your legs. 
P.S. Do this again on a softer surface! Hard surfaces create sore knees!
You’ve been dating Victor for almost three months and you’ve been intimate with him for two of those months. 
Sex with Victor has been all about him getting to know your body. If there was something you didn’t like he wanted you to tell him so he could fix it.
He wanted all intimate experiences with him to be all that you wanted and more. 
You loved how well he paid attention to your body, but sex was a two way street. The way he went the extra mile to ensure that you felt cherished, you wanted to do the same for him. 
The idea of oral sex came to you when you were out drinking with your friends and of course they probed you about your sex life. They offered their advice on what you could do to spice things up and blowjobs just happened to be the lesser of all the crazy things they came up with.
Its safe to say, you were nervous about even attempting such a thing. Mainly because Victor was such a perfectionist!
Victor was good at finding faults in the things people did and while he has softened his critiques when it came to you, you didn’t want to risk it. 
It would be so embarrassing to have him belittle you over something like this. You can already here the sharp and forthright tone in his voice. 
“Your stroke motions are off. Its up/down not down/up.” 
 Okay...he wasn’t that bad, but you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself.
You honestly weren’t going to say anything and figure it out on your own, but the one thing you learned through your time with Victor was that communication was key. 
Victor is all for teaching you such an intimate art and while he won’t say it out loud, he’s touched that you’re willing to do something like this for him.
The practice run ends up happening while you were both in a heated make out session while in his couch. 
When you decided to kneel before him and pulled down the zipper of his slacks you knew there was no going back.
Victor made sure to let you know doing this wasn’t necessary as way to give you an out, but you were determined.
Sure, you were afraid of not being able to satisfy your boyfriend, but that wasn’t going to stop you! 
You fished around his boxer-briefs pulling out his fully erected shaft. You blushed slightly as it throbbed in your hand and gave him a few gentle pumps. 
Victor had never seen you look so determined before. He wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or turned on. 
You leaned in giving his cock a small kiss and looked up at him.
“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” 
His Reaction
Victor always knew you were a fast learner and eager to do things right, but you definitely exceeded his expectations. 
What exactly did he expect? For this to be an okay experience because this was your first time in a position like this. There was always room for growth whenever you started something new, but this...you were something dangerous.
He barely has to say anything and you were doing your own thing. Tongue swiveling around him and head bobbing up and down without any signs of slowing down. 
He loves the light humming sounds you make whenever he reaches out to brush strands of your hair out of you face.
Expect so much praise! It takes a lot for the CEO of LFG to give ANYONE praise, but your boyfriend will be throwing compliments at you left and right. 
Aside from praising you, Victor isn’t very vocal during sex, but the sound of his heavy erratic breathing is music to your ears.  
If you massage his balls that man is a goner! Triple points if you take one of them into your mouth and massage it with your tongue. Where did you learn to do that?! Google does wonders. 
He’ll let you know when he’s about to cum so you’re prepared. Pull away with your mouth open, tongue out and the speed of your strokes quickening. The sight of you looking so desperate to taste him will send him over the edge!
You’ll let him cum all over your face and neck, catching some of it in your mouth. 
Smear his cum on your chest and Victor will feel a sense of pride. He’ll compare it to a significant other wearing something of their lover’s. And in a weird way it makes sense.
He’ll also feel his dick grow hard all over again, so get ready for a round two! 
Victor was a little tricky because I had so many ideas as to where this would take place. In a Mercedes, Souvenir after hours, ect. The possibilities were endless. 
Like what you read? Be sure to check out more of my stuff here! Send me requests if you have any! 
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Could I get gavin reacting to mc telling him she loves him
Aw, this would be so cute! Thank you for requesting! :3
Gavin.exe has stopped working
Look, he always try to appear calm and collected
But he was not expecting you to say that out of nowhere
He’s just staring at you, frowning in confusion
Did you just say ‘I love you’ to him? For real?
Then his heart skips a beat when you smile
“Gavin, you okay?” You pat his shoulder and he reacts
He would clears his throat and try to pretend like nothing happened
Like those simple three words didn’t fluster him so much
Even if you have noticed that he’s blushing
There are so many thoughts in his mind right now
He doesn’t know if he’s gonna be able to voice them all
Gavin wants to tell you how much that means to him
How he loves you so much that the fact that you reciprocate
That you love him back, it just… Makes him feel over the moon
He’s almost fearing that he’s using his powers without meaning to
Because he certainly feel like he’s floating
Finally, Gavin would smile at you and caress your hair
“I love you too, Y/N” His arms would wrap around you, tenderly
Almost like he’s afraid to squeeze too hard and ruin this perfect thing
You hug him back and he feels butterflies in his stomach
He also can’t stop smiling as he kisses your head
“I feel so lucky to have you” Gavin would mumble. “You make me so happy”
“Aw, Gavin…” You would squeeze him against you
He’s at a loss for words now, how else can he explain it?
What words can he use to possibly express how euphoric he is?
You love him, nothing else can ever go wrong now
If he has your love, everything is alright in the world
“Thanks for everything” He would whisper, more to himself than to you
And he holds you tight, not wanting to ever let you go from his embrace
Tag list: @xionroxas / @thegrandduckmaster / @lupanaoflaminar​ / @hottchocolatte​// If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!!// Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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gracelesslamb · 5 years
What would gavin do if mc said I love being with you; I always feel so safe with you!
I think he’d be giddy knowing MC trusts him so much and his confidence would definitely get a boost. When she tells him that she feels safe with him and she enjoys being around him, he turns red as a tomato and mumbles thank you under his breath.  Gavin.exe has stopped working. 
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