#chapter commentary destiny can wait obi-wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Padme Amidala
frostbit-sky · 2 years
Chapter 17 Commentary
Destiny Can Wait - Chapter 17: Ancient History
I wanted to post this chapter before the Obi-Wan Kenobi series started streaming but I got stuck on some scenes. It was actually 90% done for some time. 
 I just had to figure out the dialogue logistics with T’ra Saa because it’s a big info dump.  Also, the conversation with Qui-Gon wasn’t working and it was going off topic. So I’ll alter it and save it for another chapter. And I left this one on a cliffhanger. 
T’ra Saa has been meditating for some months because she’s unaware of who Avel is. Quinlan would have told her so they have not seen each for some time. (Quinlan and Avel were both Dooku’s acolytes.) 
I’m a fan of the Republic comics that features Quinlan, Khaleen, T’ra and Tholme, but I don’t remember every detail about the characters. 
I read on Wookieepedia that her species, Neti, can shapeshift.  It also mentioned a hibernation trance and Neti could survive indefinitely in an area without natural sunlight and rain.  So I decided to use that to write some cool visuals of T’ra meditating under a canopy of trees in a forest and then shapeshifting back into a human. 
Other fun stuff:
1) I realized too late that I misspelled Ossus. I added an s at the end and I am not going back to change it all. It’s Ossuss in my fan fiction. 
2) The way that Ferus sliced into the computer files is a contrast to the way Anakin did because Ferus left not trace and Anakin left clues by looking for a Sith Lord. 
3) Did you catch the names from Jurassic Park? I thought it would be a funny shout out.  
4) The bar tender is Ackmena, who was played by Bea Arthur, from the 1978 The Star Wars Holiday Special.  I’ve never seen it except for clips on YT. 
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frostbit-sky · 5 years
Chapter 7 Commentary
Destiny Can Wait Chapter 7
Padmé is still having trouble getting Anakin to open up and she won't let him get away with it. This also echoes at the end of the chapter when Padmé expresses her fears about Anakin's old nightmares returning. She doesn't trust that he'll tell her. This story is going to be pretty long so it's just going to take him a while to learn to tell her things. Gradual character development. 
I introduced Darth Avel and so now I must show him. I gave some hints about his past. I have a backstory in mind. It's just about how much and when to reveal it bit by bit.  
The whole thing with Kessel and the Glitterstim spice is from the from the former EU. I think it was mentioned in the Han Solo Trilogy by A.C. Crispin? I have read a lot of the EU and it was so many years ago.
I really liked writing the philosphical scene with Obi-Wan and Barriss. Especially the part about Anakin's obession with sustaining life. There's some foreshadowing there.
Padmé and birth control - this is my head canon:
Before the twins she was on the pill. While she is grateful for them and wouldn't trade them for anything in the galaxy, the pill didn't do its job. She's moved on to a different type of birth control but she forgot to use it. And it only takes one time.
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