#char will see a couch and be like is anyone going to disembowel that and take all its springs to be made into a makeshift weapon?
absensia · 8 months
if you've never seen or haven't gotten used to the way char assembles tools, devices, explosives, and chemical solutions while in the field, then it may be a scary and worrisome sight. there will be open flames, the use of wrong and/or unwieldy tools bc that's all she has on hand, makeshift personal protective equipment (sometimes), no timer save for the one in her head and her watch which may or may not be running slow or fast, she's eyeballing all the measurements, most of her knowledge seems to be a mash-up of slightly outdated encyclopedic info and lessons learnt from previous failures, and everything seems to held together by rust, old tape, and a prayer. but i promise that more often than not, things will turn out okay.
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