#charactor introductions > remiel lynxwiler
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: Remiel ‘Remi’ Lynxwiler
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“I stopped telling Mom and Dad about the people I saw in the mirror a long time ago. They thought I was crazy and if I listened to them, I started to believe it myself. But I’m not. Crazy, I mean. I hear and see things other people can’t see. I don’t know why, but I do. And I hate it.”
Remi was born to Andrew and Isabelle Lynxwiler, a car salesman and a waitress, and very strict Catholic Christians. Their faith was so important to them, that they gave their son the same name as the Archangel of Hope, because they felt their hopes had been answered by God when they finally had a son. As soon as he was old enough to talk, however, their joy of having a firstborn son began to wither because it soon occurred to them that their child was… strange.
He was very quiet and reserved, and rarely interacted with other kids his age at church, or later on, at school. He rarely made eye contact and began speaking latter than most children did. But none of that was the particular reason for the parents’ alarm and concern - that stemmed from the drawings Remi did and the “people and monsters” he talked about seeing; usually in the mirrors around the house, but oftentimes in innocuous areas such as the kitchen, or out the window. He rarely seemed scared of them, which only brought more fear to his parents; at first they thought he could see demons or ghosts (both more or less the same level of terrible to them), but as time passed and he continued to remain reserved and started to become flighty and scared of the things he saw and heard, their tensions only grew.
By the time he is 12, Remi feels fully ostracised from his family; they’re scared of him, and outside of misplaced diagnoses and medications that only make things worse, nothing has changed. He is still seeing people and shapes that others can’t, and it is still making him an outcast. He still hears voices in the mirror, whispers of other worlds attempting to entice him away from this one. He’s scared that he’ll give in someday, but who can he talk to about it when his own family thinks he’s simply deluded?
So he takes to confiding in some of the people that he sees that no one else can, in particular one he’s known for as long as he can remember called Moth. Moth, despite being one of the technically invisible beings that no one else can see, claims to know nothing about the world behind the mirror, but suggests that maybe they should try to learn more about it - maybe even explore it, because after all it’s not as if Remi’s parents want him around. Before long, Remi begins to agree - his parents avoid him at all costs, so what if he leaves?
One thing leads to another and Remi ends up in the Mirrorworld, where the lines between reality and dream begin to blur, and Remi delves deeper and deeper into this new world - and without any idea of how to get back to the world he left behind.
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full name: remiel isaiah lynxwiler
aka: remi
age: in most threads i play him as some form of teen, from 13 to 19, but it varies verse to verse
gender & pronouns: cis boy, he/him, though i’ve considered making him a trans boy before and may do that in the future.
orientation: pansexual with a leaning towards men.
species: human; though there are verses where he’s not.
occupation: student, mostly; any jobs he’s had would be odd jobs (mowing lawns, babysitting, etc.) or possibly occasional part time work as a cashier at small shops and what-not. 
residence: verse-dependent, though in general he was born in the midwest and his family moved out to either of the coasts later on in life.
hair: usually messy, an earthy brown colour; it occasionally gets wavy but isn’t overly curly.
eyes: hazel; a sort of combo of greens, browns, and greys. someone once called his eye colour ‘muddy’ and he hasn’t really let go of that when thinking about his eye colour.
complexion: lightly tan as he’s usually spending time outside.
build: skinny and small for his age; regardless of how old he is, he most likely never grows past 5’9’’, and that takes a while.
scars: he has a variety of small scars; some he got from his exploring in the woods, others he got from bullying. the most significant ones he has are scars from cigarette burns on his hands, and a scar usually covered up by his hair from a bad fall he had when younger.
tattoos: he has none, but likes the idea of art on his body and will probably get tattoos whenever possible - he can’t while he lives with his parents however, they’ll be angry.
piercings: none, but again, it’s something he likes the idea of - art on his body - whenever he finally escapes his parents.
etc: when younger, his face has very noticeable freckles; they’re still there as he ages, but less visible. when he smiles, his cheeks dimple and his eyes shut til they’re barely visible.
face claim(s): colin ford from the age of 6 up until probably 14 or 17, haven’t found one for his older FCs yet.
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zodiac: pisces
alignment: neutral
hogwarts: slytherin
positive traits: creative, imaginative, resourceful, compassionate
negative traits: insecure, easily overwhelmed/overstimulated, anxious, distracted.
mental: autistic; also has depression, emotional PTSD, anxiety, and is falsely diagnosed with schizophrenia. 
physical: N/A
phobias: nyctophobia (fear of the dark), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed/tight spaces), autophobia (fear of being alone for long periods), atychiphobia (fear of failure), 
eyesight: fairly good
drug use: verse-dependent; in certain verses he explores a variety of drugs, but in most verses he doesn’t take any, not even prescribed things for his mental illnesses.
alcohol use: again, verse-dependent, but he drinks in moderation for the most part.
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birth place: millersburg, ohio
ethnicity: english, irish, scottish, danish, and a very small amount of lenape (native american).
parents: andrew and isabelle lynxwiler.
siblings: N/A
pets: he was never allowed pets, as his parents thought him too ‘dull’ to have one without hurting it, but he had a deep fondness for the stray cats around town growing up.
education: verse-dependent. for the most part he graduates high school, though in some verses he dropped out around 7th grade. still other verses, he attends college.
notable skills: he’s very booksmart; if you need some random information whether it has to do with the location of a specific tourist spot, how to survive a night in the woods alone, or the migration habits of a specific bird, remi probably knows it. he also knows how to draw, and journals/sketches extremely often. he likes to dance and could be very good at it if he got the confidence to practise.
languages: he only knows english but wants to learn more languages someday.
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