#charather sheet
captinborb · 3 months
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Posting the charather sheet on here for Varua/art i posted a while ago,Hope u like my babe
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mak1lol · 2 years
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Meet Dryslwyn!!
Another ttte oc i created,this time of the class 5051 steam locomotive aka Drysllwyn castle/Earl bathrust
I also dont know why i choose non working locomotives ;-;
Anyways the newest member on Ducks Branch line,hes a very hard working Guy but always have the time to hang out,hes also the one who showed Arzan what to do
He also has a Swedin accent then a great western accent but he tries to mix both
And he would defently give you a stare if you call him Dry
Oh and uhh if your wondering about Marie,shes a another ttte oc that i planed to do although i havent completely write her and draw her yet
I also planing to revamp Arzans Charather sheet because its a bit outdated
Okie bye
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6ftslytherin · 3 years
Name: Marie Lisha Roseanna Lowell
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Parents: Robert Lowell, father, Regina Lowell (nèe Zadeh,) mother,
Sibling(s): James "Jimmy" Lowell, Conan Lowell,
Partner: Ismelda Murk
Child(ren): None
Birthdate: September 1 1973
Birthplace: Lowell Manor, Wiltshire, England
Current Home: Lowell Manor, Wiltshire, England
Ethnicity: ⅝ English, ¼ Mountain Jewish (Azerbaijani,) ⅛ Irish
Species: 4th Generation Cambion Descendant
Blood Status: Halfblood
Religion: Agnostic
Known Language(s): English, Juhuri, Hebrew,
Manner of Speaking: British moderate received pronunciation, nervous
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type: Curly and thick
Eye Color: Grey
Skin: Pale white
Body type: Lean and under weight
Height: 178 cm, 5'10 ft
Shoe Size UK: 10½
Blood type: O+
Scent: Honey, vanilla, and oak
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
Handedness: Left, learned to be ambidextrous
Age When They First Cast Magic: 6¾
House: Ravenclaw
Alternative House: Gryffindor
Wand: 12' Willow, Phoenix feather, flexible
Patronus: Caucasus mouflon
Memory Used for Patronus: When she came out to her parents and they were understanding
Animingus Form: Caucasus mouflon
Bogart: The leukemia returning
Dream: Continue to study interesting things
Best Subject: History of Magic, Arithmancy,
Worst Subject: Potions
Best Muggle Subject: Biology, math,
Worst Muggle Subject: Gym
Extracurriculars: None
Prefect: Yes
Head Boy/Girl: No
Allergies: Penicillin
Medical Conditions: gerneral anxiety, panic disorder, major depression, avoidant personality disorder, thanatophobia, asd, vitamin d deficiency, difficulty gaining weight, pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cleared)
Favorite Scent: Books, the air after a thunderstorm,
Favorite Color: Silver
Favorite Food: Bischi
Favorite Drink: Water
Favorite Music: Calm and soothing
Favorite Book: 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dune
Hobbies and Intrests: True crime, video games, reading, skeet shooting,
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sodor-1980-au · 2 years
Finally the second part of the charather sheets
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Gordon gresly
-A detective on the city,he mostly solves murder crimes and he gets the job done
-Even tho most people know hes a detective,he is secretly a assasin that dosent do the assasin stuff to often
-Always has a portable spear,a lot people know this
-Gordons siblings are all alive but he never really talk to them that often
-He usualy talks to scotsman and polly
-His parents are dead.
-His white hair is natrual,he dosent have albnism but just came from his dad
-He once have to leave Sodor because of family bussnice,after 5 years he returned
-The flower in his hat is a gift from Henry when Gordon got back
-Him and henry has a very strong friendship,and if you hurt/insult Henry you need to run ;-;
-After sometime hanging out with Henry he start to developing feelings about him,but he always treats Henry like friend
-Gordon is always bothered by Spencer company
-fun fact:His design was directly/inspred from my roblox cosplay of him
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James huges
-A fellow mechanic,but his bussnise is slower but he dosent mind because he can do some other stuff in his free time
-Fluffly Hair boy.
-He was an orphan and didnt have friends however emily is there to keep him company
-James and Emily are siblings
-He has many relationship with Edward and likes calling him eddie
-the bandages on his rist is just for fashion so he didnt get hurt but he has burn mark
-his red streak is natrual
-he is still a material boy
-his goggles was a gift from edward
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Percy billington
-like thomas he is a mailboy
-he is only 2 years apart from thomas
-he is thomas little bother and the grandchildren to toby
-he also like fishermans toast
-his bag is acctually his school bag and he use it to also do mail
-another fluffy hair boy
-always likes to be in Henrys flower shop
-him and thomas has some similarities, same bow tie same shoes same hat you get the idea
-is more nicer than thomas and acctually cares about his grades
-he is still very stupid but he has some smart moments
-his green streak is also from running away and go to the salon and ofc getting in trouble
-is still a cheeky one but not to cheeky
MAN finnaly the second part to the charather sheets is done, i took a break and here are the 3,i hope this helps to understand my AU better
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sodor-1980-au · 2 years
Charather sheets + info
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Thomas Bilington
-Cheeky (obviously)
-Like Percy he is a mailboy
-He mostly likes cartoons and comic books
-His favorite food is fishermans toast (a food from genshin)
-He is Percys older bother and the grandchildren to Toby
-The jacket in his waist is bassicly his school uniform
-He is 10 years old but always acts like a 7 year old
-Very Crangky in the morning
-He snuck out so he can get a blue streak (ofc he got in trouble)
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Edward Prettigew
-He Comes from a wealthy fammily and always wears fancy clothes
-When hes out of work he mostly spend his time at Gordons office
-He may look young but hes acctually 36
-People he looks like a Prince
-He gets called Fancy man by James
-He also gets called Edd or Eddie By again James
-not a very exprience cook to say the least
-he also babysits Bill,Ben,Philip,Charlie,Thomas,Percy and the rest of the Sodor children ;-;
-He may look like the guy that never does anything wrong but oh boy if hes mad he is litterly Mad
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Henry Stainer
-He is a florist and mostly spending his time in his flower shop
-But sometimes he hangs out with the gang
-He loves to cook,although he can only cook simple dishes
-Him and Gordon are childhood bestfriends
-He also has a crush on Gordon but he is to nervouse to admit it to anyone
-He is sometimes Savage
-Him and James are litterly a duo
-He has many plants mostly Flowers,and he always give a flower to someone on there birthday
-He and Edward use to work togheter at a cafe but the two quit for there own personal reason
-he is very kind and loyal but sometimes hes a bit on the mean side
Ok sooo this where this charather chart end for now,I have a Test tommorow and i need to study so please wait for the other 3 even tho Gordon and James have the most that i need to talk about so be patient because this might take a couple days or tommorow idk
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