futurepopmoved · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman-archived ♡’d.
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  ❝I think he is hungry.❞ Muses the starlet as she watches her little bunny, who began to nibble at her finger. ❝Wanna feed him? He eats basil, and lettuce, and celery, and cilantro, but not carrots! Well, only a little bit of carrots. Kinda funny that they can’t eat a lot but they’re always eating them in cartoons.❞
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chainsxwsmile · 6 years
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It’s both a wonder and an abomination that I haven’t drawn more pictures of @chariotsofthegodsman‘s Palmer and my Cetus!Bruce hanging out more often. @chariotsofthegodsman never fails to give so much love, thought, and dedication to an underrated character like Palmer, and its through their work and love that caused Palmer to grow on me as well!
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worldoftheskeptic · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman // starter call
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"You've been wearing the same jean jacket for two weeks, I'm actually afraid you don't know how laundry works."
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quantumstarpaths · 6 years
chariotsofthegodsman for the URL meme. :)
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debdondan · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman | deborah
Her hands feel clammy. Cold, corpse-like -- so, clammy. She thinks.
She’d just offered the guy to read his future. Like she needs to be in physical contact to do that. All that Deborah needs is to be in the same room, or open space, to see a person, and hey presto, their future blasting her eyes. Or, at least, a potential future.
All that was inevitable is only one possibility. Wild.
“Want me to read your future, mate?” she had asked, as a joke. As far as he knows, it’s only a joke and no-one can actually do that. But it’s her secret.
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justwhispermyname · 6 years
"I..I was wonderin'. Do you know what that thing that attacked me in Antarctica was?"
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“Apologies, William Palmer... I do not. Not extensively, at least-- I’m not like my elders. I don’t have the great extending wisdom that allows me to know of things in other worlds-- in other times-- all at once. In my existence I am here in this world and in my own kingdom in an extension of the Dreamlands. It’s not too unlike my kin, though, is it? Or something one of us has created. Perhaps my uncle Abhoth would be able to give you answers-- not that he would be likely to grant you an audience. He doesn’t like your kind-- of course, most of us don’t. But that’s because so many like myself don’t know how to have fun.”
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frcgvandal-blog · 6 years
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          she’s in the midst of creating a masterpiece on the side wall of some aging building when footsteps pull her from her work, spray can hidden behind her back as her body shoots upright.  ❝ i was doing nothing and you can’t prove it, alright ? ❞  //  @chariotsofthegodsman  sc
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futurepopmoved · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman ♡'d.
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    ❝The filter won’t recognize your face.❞ Eve’s brows furrow as she moves her phone closer to him. Unfortunately, that didn’t help at all. ❝That’s so weird.❞
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chainsxwsmile · 7 years
Great whites tended to be a coastal species, ranging northern-most around the southern parts of Alaska and southern-most just outside of southern Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and Chile. Since Bruce’s species of Cetea- or sea monster- mimicked great whites in both behavior and food source, it might have been understandable to assume that Bruce himself would be able to withstand frigid temperatures, especially those of the ocean abyss along which most great whites tended to migrate. 
That wasn’t entirely the case. 
Yes, great white - mimic Cetea could easily withstand colder temperatures of the water and surrounding air, but for Bruce who was born and raised in the warmer waters of the Coral Sea north of Australia, the freezing, dry air of the Antarctic was anything but pleasant. And when his webbed claws first touched the seemingly harmless blanket of stark white snow, the wonder and awe of the novelty rapidly diminished every second his hulking body started to shiver from the ruthless winds. Wind always made everything worse, in Bruce’s humble opinion. Unless it was a nice warm breeze; this was a chilled, icy gust that seemed to tear right through one’s entire body. 
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Despite his desires to see the world and its wonders, Bruce found a much more desirable location to be in the heated station, namely smothering an electric blanket underneath him and positioned beside the very living reason why the Cetus was in Antarctica in the first place.  
“Do humans usually enjoy the cold?” Bruce asked the human in question, rather dubiously. Palmer’s ears were momentarily muffled by headphones, but since the Cetus was in the human’s line of sight, he figured that his movement at least caught Palmer’s attention. Palmer, the human Bruce had somehow by chance befriended a few months back, had been called to such a treacherous station in the Antarctic wilderness. Despite the human’s explanations, Bruce still had little idea as to what could be possibly so important to risk freezing one’s tail off! Or, in a human’s case, any other extremities. 
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teleglitch-a-blog · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman  ♥
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     ❝  you  know,  if  you  think  about  it,  everyone  thinks  they’re  a  protagonist.  like  ----  in  their  story,  they  are.  ❞  he’s  been  up  all  night  and  maybe  he’s  thought  about  this  a  little  too  much.  ❝  like  everyone  wants  to  be  batman  or  the  final  girl  or  the  epic  romcom  romance,  you  know  whatever  genre  people  prefer,  they  wanna  think  it’s  their  story  and  they’re  the  hero  of  it,  ya  know?  like  even  villains  think  they’re  the  protagonist,  right?  ❞  he  pauses,  ❝  what  i’m  getting  at  is  it’s  weird.  like  you  could  be  the  villain  and  you,  probably,  won’t  even  realize  it. ❞
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localmagicalboi · 6 years
✨ ❝catharsis.❞ | palmer & vi.
✨ @chariotsofthegodsman there ‘bout to be tears. ( source. )
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Virote wasn't in a rush to reply to Palmer; instead, he opted to momentarily turn his attention to the chilled bottle of red moscato on the coffee table and a glass that he had in preparation for whatever the hell kind of story he was about to hear. He gave himself a generous pour and set the bottle back on the table ( of course, Palmer was free to help himself to it whenever he wanted. )
❝Tell me about it.❞ IT. What was IT? He didn't mean to come off as vague, but it was a situation that he wanted to navigate with gentleness. Asking HEY, WHAT FUCKED YOU UP? wasn't exactly the most appealing approach. ❝Something happened to you,❞ he continued on, ❝It's troubling me. I want you to tell me about it. Please?❞
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authoriing · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman liked for a starter [x]
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He was the sweetest little thing I’ve ever seen, Elisa gushed. She was talking about a little kitten she had encountered on latest journey to work, a little boy one who had come to greet her as she walked to the bus stop. I might have to steal one of Giles’ cats now. Truthfully though, Elisa had never got herself a pet, mostly because she was at Giles’ enough to probably consider his cats to be hers too.
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touchedtm-blog · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman  ♥
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         ❝  dude!  ❞  he  gets  excited  over  pretty  much  anything,  but  he  just  watched  the  back  to  the  future  trilogy  and  he’s  even  more  excited  than  usual.  everything  seems  a  thousand  times  cooler.  ❝  did  you  know  there’s  self  order  kiosks  in  like,  mcdonalds?  you  don’t  need  to  talk  to  people,  you  just  like  order.  on  your  own.  we’re  living  in  the  future,  dude.  this  is  some  back  to  the  future  kind  of  stuff!  ❞
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debdondan · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman | donovan
He’s seen the man before, had plucked up what he’d seen ( transformation in Antarctica, something beyond assimilation, something what that girl/woman/person said ) swimming in his head. Donovan had seen him with one the neighbours ( girl/woman/person? ), whose name escapes him.
A more interesting, and practical, burble is the one about motorbikes. Zach, idiot daredevil, wants one. And it’s with this that Donovan wants to ask for someone’s opinion. He asks Charles to ask him.
“My good man, please tell my dumbass friend--” “Hey!” “--what’s the best and least likely to kill him because he decided to throw a wheelie, MB-wise.”
Donovan, hovering ( and looming ) behind Charles, is grinning, and glancing between both of his friends.
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bestvictima · 6 years
prompt: send the 👻 for music association.   ↳  status: accepting.
humility, gorillaz.
calling the world from isolation/'cause right now, that's the ball where we're betrayed/and if you're coming back to find me/you'd better have good aim, shoot, it true.
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futurepopmoved · 6 years
@chariotsofthegodsman ♡'d.
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   ❝Hey, doggo! That’s a no no.❞ Unsurprisingly, Jerry does not listen. In many ways her puppy is very similar to herself. ❝Sorry, he is a terror.❞ Mumbles the starlet as she picks up her yappy dog.
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