#verse: cetus
chainsxwsmile · 6 months
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“I’m not gonna hurt ya!”
A reply to @macrolago ‘s adorable story with baby Perry the bilby meeting Bruce the Cetus (as a pup)! Highly recommend giving this wonderful artist a follow! ❤️🦈
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.....Would Bruce be amicable to being friends with Jeff the Land Shark? I think they should be friends.
Funny you should ask— I actually got that question before!
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hellfireconcert · 2 years
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@chainsxwsmile​ asked; 🚑 (verse: Cetus-Stranger Things)
With everything Eddie had seen and experienced, seeing a huge shark like creature while he was pretty sure he was bleeding out wasn’t as much of a shock as it should be. He had been out late at night by the lake as he was most nights, he wanted to know if the gate was still there in the bed of the lake but he didn’t dare go in. But Jason and his friends had found him and Eddie didn’t fight back, he didn’t see the point but if he had seen the knife he would have at least ran but he didn’t. They had pushed him into the water after stabbing him, but the metalhead had managed to pull himself out and lay curled on his side holding his stomach, he could see his blood on the water in the moonlight. 
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weroyals · 2 years
| | | | | @chainsxwsmile proclaimed :: 🐺 Growl at my muse — Chainsxwsmile (verse: Cetus) for Junkrat!
❝   —   𝐎𝐈   !      Watch   it,      ya   overgrown   sardine   !   ❞            Jamison   shouts,         puffing   out   his   slim,      scarred   chest.      He's   gotten   real   brave   since   he   struck   out   of   Junkertown   with   Roadhog.   He   used   to   keep   his   head   down. The thing smart people do.     That   ain't   the   case   no   more.         He   points   a   finger   at   the   looming   face,      exchanging   a   warning   for   a   warning.            ❝   You   better   keep   them   𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒   to   yaself   !   ❞
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fanframesftw · 7 months
Warframe Concept: Uzziel, The Flayed
Medium Armor No Shields Medium Health Low Energy.
General Ability: Health-pool manipulation, lifesteal. In-Game Abilities: Passive - Increase the amount of health regenerated per second for teammates, while Uzziel loses health over time. Fear Not - Cause enemies to scatter, attack each other, and cause general chaos as they run about in abject fear and terror. Each enemy killed increases the overall health of teammates by 5 points when under this effect. Additionally, while this effect is active, teammates deal increased damage to the affected enemies. 25 energy. Crown of Thorns - Summon fleshy "thorns" around the heads of enemies within a several meter radius, gradually killing and draining them of health, which is then used to replenish the health of teammates and Uzziel himself. 50 energy. Wear and Tear - Every time you take damage from any source while this is active, transfer said lost health to friendly units in the form of raising their overall health for the duration of the mission. 55 energy. Run Red - Flay and wear your enemy's skin, increasing your overall health, armor, and increasing status resistance. 70 Energy. Summary: A truly tortured soul, Uzziel underwent some of the most inhumane torture possible at the hands of the Orokin. It is said that for every day he spent being tortured beyond recognition by them, he spent that same amount of time slowly enacting his revenge upon them. Use Uzziel to become what your enemies fear most. Reset the clock that's ticking to your ultimate demise. Make sure that nobody has to suffer the way Uzziel did, ever again.
"Dearest Uzziel. Why must you struggle so? What's that? You want your face back…? I can oblige, I suppose… Just sit still, damn it!" ~ Unknown Orokin.
During the war between the Tenno, Sentients, and Orokin, Uzziel was one of the few conscious and sapient warframes, made by Ballas in a fashion similar to Excalibur Umbra, but with significantly less venom and hatred involved. During the war, his operator was killed in front of him, and he was captured and taken in by the Orokin. After years of endless torture at Ballas' hands, Uzziel's helminth-induced outer skin was cut from his body and fashioned into a horrifying metallic patchwork, that was then given to Uzziel to wear. Everything but his face was removed, that is and to this day he wears a "mask" of his previous warframe appearance, which appears veiled and crowned with "thorns".
Uzziel will never be satisfied, not now that Ballas is dead, not now that his only purpose has been taken by the Dealmaker… Uzziel's endless obsession and neverending pain will only cause more pain to himself, and others around him, now.
To be Uzziel is to embody suffering, pure and simple. Appearance: Skinned and tortured, the entire surface area of Uzziel's flayed form is covered with painful lesions and helminth-inflicted scar tissue. Most of said lesions are self inflicted. The same thorns crowning his "masked" head spiral tightly around his arms, while his patchworked helminth skin is pulled into something resembling a toga.
Signature Weapons: Crucified - A four barreled gun with the first two barrels in a row (horizontally), and the other two lowered downwards, to where it forms something resembling an arch. Gold filigree outlines it the weapon, and verses in an unknown language are scrawled across its surface. It is fairly large, and deals primarily slash damage, alongside piercing. It shoots rounds not to dissimilar to what the boltor uses, but significantly larger, and alongside that, unlike the boltor, it is not a full-automatic. It is in fact semi-auto, but one pull of the trigger sends all four barrels firing. Hierophant - A whip made of the same "thorns" that Uzziel can summon, its handle is one carved from the wood of a tree that only grows now in and around Cetus. Extreme slashing damage, as well as leeching small amounts of health per enemy killed.
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gorgonianfate · 9 months
Aspis of Sarpedon
Child of Cetus and Stheno
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An OC crafted for fantasy and horror verses. Writer goes by Aspen or Eerie, and is experienced in writing, but I haven’t used tumblr for roleplay much before!
Writer is over 18 so the account will probably be MDNI.
I’m still working out how exactly I should layout this account since I do not know what the tumblr rp community is like lmao
Follows back from @eerieandabandoned
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heylinhenchman · 1 year
🐈 Lean against my muse’s side — Chainsxwsmile Cetus verse
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A wall of warm prickly muscles, Jack was all too eager to return the pressure, pressing the broad of his bicep against the cetus' side, ' Careful Brucie, you'll throw me off the path-- ' Not that Jack was easy to take off his feet, but he certainly had his guard down when in the company of his landshark friend.
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
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@chainsxwsmile​ asked:  ❛  easy. just take it easy.  ❜  (for Mirabel, if that’s okay!)
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   “ oh -- i’m totally fine! i’m absolutely not freaking out right now! ”      okay, that was a lie, but really, could anyone blame her? she was staring at a giant.. shark.. thing, which was one thing entirely, but he was also speaking to her, and mirabel had seen a LOT of things in her life, but this sure was.. different, to say the least. trying to shake the surprise out of bones, mirabel attempted to at least think about this with SOME logic. the creature was trying to pacify her.. wasn’t attacking.. the worst thing he had done was catch her by surprise. 
    feeling the frantic pounding of her heart beginning to calm some, mirabel tucked some hair behind her ear, and stepped forward slowly, uncertainly, unable to deny the curiosity that was beginning to rise to the surface. she adjusted her glasses for a moment, blinking at bruce as she tried to figure out just what he was.. and what exactly he was doing here. 
   “ sorry -- i just.. i’ve never seen anything or.. anyone like you before. who... are you?  ”
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beautiifulghostts · 5 years
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Jump in my askbox and just say “Hi” to my muse [Accepting] @chainsxwsmile​ said: Hi (for Jaskier) - Chainsxwsmile || verse: the Witcher
   At the end of the day, it truly was a bad idea going to the coast. Not only the weather was way too humid and the weather overall terrible, but now he has a very terrifying creature in front of him and no witcher nearby to save his ass. 
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   “H-hi” he sputters, voice one octave higher than usual “It wasn’t my intention to disturb you, I’m terribly sorry, I’m just a wandering bard who is on his way to step as far away from the ocean as he can, now if you excuse me.” 
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altsmultimuse · 3 years
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@chainsxwsmile​ asked: take down —  forcefully  bring  my  muse  to  the  ground . —(Chainsxwsmile: Cetus or Olog-hai, if you want to choose / if that’s okay!) (Bruce got spooked, oops) ➥ LOUD & DEAFENING SILENCE
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     "UWAH—!"      No amount of magic could have protected him from the gigantic THING? that comes barreling out of nowhere. Whether or not Killian heard its presence doesn't matter; he couldn't react fast enough. Zentha, his recently hatched seeing-eye dragon, is currently in his parents' care for the day. 'Tis the perfect opportunity for life to literally throw something at him.      The half-elf falls right on his derriere, nearly hitting his head on the ground when he rolls back a bit. As far as he can tell though, he is fine. Just a sharp pain in his tailbone and dignity.      "What the...! What was that?"      He sits up and plants his fingertips on the dirt, feeling for the thing's presence. And if it's that big, uh, ROCK that wasn't there before, he is more than a little freaked out.
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
What Will Happen To OTS & My Other Callyieverse/ToM stories, Shifting Focus, + more
Hey guys! T-mack here. And after the...utter mess that was yesterday's debacle. I've been doing a little thinking all day, and wanted to make this (admittedly LONG AF!) post.
As I've stated in my previous post, I'm currently taking a break from making any ToM content that isn't Oswald The Spy & Sweetopia related. But with that being said, I just wanted to let ya'll know what's going to happen to Oswald The Spy (As well as my other Callyieverse/Tales of Mewni stories) going forward.
NO! I'm not ending the series. At least not anytime soon. I've honestly grown too attached to this story to really abort it before it even had the chance to grow. But I will say that once I get Chapters 4 & 5 (As well as the rest of Volume 1's first half.) done, I'll probably be putting the series on hiatus. (Not a long one. Probably two weeks at most.). Why so? Well...some of you may know this already. But @kururu418 is currently in the process of removing certain people's OCs from his series Tales of Mewni (In which Oswald The Spy also takes place.). I bring this up because some of the OCs that will potentially be cut due to their creator's actions were ones I planned on using in OTS at some point during the second half of Volume 1-onward. As well as my other ToM stories. And given the fact that a lot of people in the community have grown rather protective of how their characters are handled by other people due to this whole situation, I've decided that from this point forward that I will not be using anyone's Callyieverse/ToM OCs in my stories unless I have their official blessings. From now on, I'm only going to focus on either my own, Callyie or Kururu's OCs (Even then, I'll probably just stick to ones that don't get as much focus.), or OCs that I got the green light from their creators to use in my stories. (Ex: Jak & Marinus by @thepaladincosplays & Adam by @purfectprincessgirl ). Anyone else I'm going to avoid using until I get the okay from their creators. I hate that this is the way this is gonna have to be. But given that the wounds from this whole ordeal are still fresh, I think this is the best choice that I could make to prevent further drama.
This extends to my Future AU Tales content as well. Like with OTS, I'll only be focusing on Cetus & his adventures with The Junior Spies (I just love that boy & the friend group I made for him too much. Yeah, Cetus has become a bit of a comfort character for me lately.), The Bulgolyubov kids and their friends, The Lucitor Sisters, and The third gens I'm making for The G Squad. Any stories that don't fall into either of those categories are going to be either scrapped or shelved (Sorry for anyone who was looking forward to Of Sugar n Spice. But that one's currently shelved as if right now.).
Bottom line, I just don't feel safe using other people's characters anymore. I don't want the headache, I don't want the drama, and I CERTAINLY don't want any beef (I'm more of a chicken and turkey person anyway. lol). And this extends to any Callyieverse/Tales of Mewni stories that I may come up with in the future. I try my best to have fun with what I'm creating, and if I want to continue having fun with my Callyiverse/ToM stuff, I feel this is the route that I need to take.
Now on the "shifting focus" part of this post, well as of right now, I'm going to be shifting my focus towards going back to my roots and making original content. I also want to try and develop OCs I made for @ej-cappy-universe & @princess-lunalu 's next-gen verses. Since if I'm being honest...they're LONG overdue for some focus! XD. I know some of ya'll started following me because of the Callyieverse content I make. But I hope you'll at least give my other stuff a chance as well. Callyieverse content is still gonna be around. It's just not gonna be my main focus anymore.
So that's it. I'm sorry if this post is long as hell. But I just had a lot to say on this. And I wanted to get this off my chest while it was still fresh in my mind. If anyone wants to chime in and give their two cents on this, feel free to do so.
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chainsxwsmile · 9 months
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Merry Christmas to everyone and especially @macrolago for the amazing gifts!
Have a happy, snuggly Cetus!Bruce and Perry!
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I am Margo (26, she/her, USA EST) and I write single-para, multi-para, and novella. I write as Bruce from Finding Nemo and I am looking for more writing partners, especially those playing characters from media from which I have available verses: this includes but is not limited to The Witcher, Marvel, Stranger Things, IT, Squid Game, Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, Hobbit), Until Dawn, and Outlast series. I also have Bruce take several forms according to what best fits my partner’s media. Aside from Bruce’s canon shark form, other forms include a semi-terrestrial sea beast / Cetus, wereshark, turned-human, or Olog / fantasy troll. I prefer writing action, horror, fantasy, and thriller over slice of life. I prefer writing on Tumblr reblogs.
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rttingmouths · 3 years
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@chainsxwsmile​ said    :      “         no         need         to        cry   .         ”   —   Chainsxwsmile   (verse:   Cetus)   //   if   that’s   okay!
      while   it   was   NORMAL   and   even   encouraged   by   creek   to      SHED      a      few      tears      during   a   particularly   DEEP   ,      involved   meditation   ..      he   couldn’t   help   but   feel   SILLY   for   it   ,      personally   ,      whenever   it   happened.      it   was   always   whenever   he      TOUCHED      his   inner   ,      deeper   feelings   ——   those   buried   REGRETS   and   fears   ——   that   he   tended   to   BREAK   DOWN   despite   himself.      creek   was   only   GLAD   he   was   somewhere   SECLUDED   this   time   ,      farther   away   from   the   VILLAGE   than   he   often   would   be.      he   was   CROSS   -   LEGGED   near   a   CLIFF   ,      a   proud   and   rocky   precipice      STOOD      before   a   body   of   water   as   FAR   as   the   eye   could   see   ,      it   was   SERENE   and   perfect.      but   ,      perhaps   the   ENERGY   from   the   tranquility   and   delicate   FORCES   of   nature   were   too   STRONG   for   him   today         [   .   .   .   ]         at   least   he   was   ALONE   ,      right   ?
         well   ,      that’s   what   he   THOUGHT.         a   slight   gasp   came   from   the   purple   troll   as   he   was   JOSTLED   out   of   his      meditative      state   ,      finding   his   gaze   immediately   MET   with   a   large   and   BEADY   eyes   suddenly   BEFORE   the   edge   of   the   cliff   ,      PEEKING   at   him.      ah   ..      had   he   been      TOO      INTO      the   moment   to   NOTICE   the   approach   ?         perhaps   so   ——   it   would   also   explain   his   actual   REALIZATION   of   the   tears   wetting   the   fuzz   at   his   freckled   cheeks.      after   DABBING   his   fingertips   at   the   wetness   ,      he      PLACES      a   hand   over   his   RACING   heart   ..      trying   to   CALM   DOWN   from   the   surprise.      he’s   not   SCARED   ,      by   any   means      ;      even   if   this   beast   was   ,      well   ,      BEASTLY   —   he   could   tell   just   by   ONE   LOOK   it   was      no      bergen      ,         but   rather   some   sort   of   AQUATIC   critter.         (      does   milton   know   about   THIS   one   ?      )
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      ❝      you   STARTLED   me   ,      hah   !      ❞         creek   made   an   attempt   to   LIGHTHEARTEDLY   address   the   moment         [   .   .   .   ]         giving   a   small   ,      uncertain   CHUCKLE.      he   offered   a   SIGH   then   ——   getting   to   his   FEET   quickly   and      DUSTING      off      his   pants.         ❝      no   need   to   worry   about   ME   ,      mate.      meditation   DOES   that   sometimes   ..      it’s   quite   RELIEVING   ,      actually.      ❞         even   if   a   tad   embarrassing   ,      there   was   no   denying   its   benefits.         purple   hues      GLANCE      around   ,      a   realization   HITTING   him.
         ❝      oh   !—   is   this   area      YOUR      home   ?      i’m   terribly   sorry   if   i’m   INTRUDING   on   anything   with   my   activities   ,      i   swear   i   had      NO      idea      ,         sir.      ❞
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evisconti · 3 years
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@chainsxwsmile​ said  :    “Don’t be scared, don’t be shy!” — verse: Cetus (thank you for the follow back!)     /     INSIDE starters
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            WHAT.    A.    JOKE.        there  was  nothing  BUT  FEAR  that  shook  ercole  ,    and  the  sight  of  the  MASSIVE  SHARK      (    was  it  even  ?    it  APPEARED  like  one  ,    but  it  .  .    WALKED.    )      was  enough  to  make  the  boy  FALL  back    ――    his  knees  INSTANTLY  giving  out  from  the  overwhelming  SHOCK.    fallen  on  the  sand  he  remained  ,    hands  CLENCHING  around  the  beige  rocks  and  pebbles  in  his  palms  WITHOUT  THOUGHT.    terror  had  CAUGHT  him  a  CHOKEHOLD  ,    any  attempt  at  communication  at  THIS  point  was  hopeless    ―――    only  a  quivering  of  lips  ,    trembling  of  knees.    either  this  was  SOME  ADVANCED  SEA  MONSTER  or  sharks  have  evolved  a  LOT  since  last  ercole  checked.
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digitalvalkerie · 3 years
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Meet Makko the lemon shark Mutant/Cetus honestly it depends what I’m using him in
Despite being named Makko, I decided that he was red herringly named, and is a lemon shark creature. Lemon sharks are near the danger zone, after being over fished for their fins, skin, and other bits. But Makko is a smart boi, who stays away from boats and humans. and he prefers hamburgers, to fish.
This baby bean is heavily inspired by the wonderful artist and writer, @chainsxwsmile / @chainsxwsmile-personal and their Cetus Verse Bruce the shark.
I may have stopped roleplaying on tumblr, for at least the time being, but I could never bring myself to unfollow such pleasant writing, and wonderful art that I constantly see from them. Pretty sure they’re the reason my love of sharks, as well as Non-Main Characters, has only grown as well.
These are basically rough doodles and colours, but I hope to cement his design soon, and maybe even draw him interacting with his inspiration~
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