[ @lockwords ]
Charity sat at the Order, having arrived several hours early for their meeting. She was mere days away from graduating from Hogwarts and she had no idea how to handle this. She told her mother in confidence, she said she could trust her, and all it got her was thrown out. Her mother was talking to her about her future, about finding her a ‘nice boy’ who she could marry, and Charity said she wanted to work, she wanted to teach. Her mother was taken back but not entirely surprised. When she asked Charity what she wanted to teach Charity was hesitant to answer, but her mother reassured her that she loved her no matter what and when asked not to tell her father had agreed, but her word clearly meant nothing to her. Within an hour her father had come in furious. Yelling, swearing, accusing her of being a blood traitor. After pleading and trying to reason with him, which only made him more angry, his hand connected with her cheek before he said the words that have been echoing through her head ever since; “you’re not my daughter anymore”. Charity tried to talk to her mother, to get her to reason with him, but she wouldn’t even look at her as she left the room. Charity packed a suitcase with some clothes before leaving her childhood home for the last time, no idea what to do or where to go. The only thing she knew was that she was lost. No direction, no ideas, no family. She apparated to the Order meeting, despite it being several hours too early, her cheek still red and her face tear stained. She’d been staring blankly at the table she was sat in front of, her messily packed suitcase at her feet and tears still slipping over her cheeks as her head kept spinning, just echoing those words through her head, her mother’s broken promise breaking her heart a little more with each passing moment. She was alone.
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awesumestofall · 5 years
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Last words... #siriusblack #dumbledore #charityburbage #dobby #fredweasley #severussnape #voldemort https://www.instagram.com/p/B0L3AnbBO9o/?igshid=x68b26q9p1yp
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the tiny dancer;   C HA R I T Y    B U R B A G E
♔ King’s Court - 7/??   
      “Oh yeah, though now you’ve got me wonderin’ what Dumbledore’d be like. Reckon a bit too wrinkly, yeah?”  
     “Be kind, Robert.” 
     “I’m bein’ plenty kind. I’m sure the blokes great in bed, gotta be with all that knowledge in his head, yeah? But a man can’t keep fresh forever.” 
    “Oh my goodness. When do blokes even go not fresh? Stale? Do I really want to know that, actually?”  
    “When we start to look like Dumbledore.”
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aliceprewett-blog1 · 7 years
Hen Party | Drabble
July 15, 1979
Alice Prewett had fully anticipated spending her final full weekend as a Prewett doing nothing but finishing details for the wedding, but her friends clearly had other intentions for her. Though she’d considered staying the weekend at Frank’s, and what would soon be her flat, Hestia had lured her in with wine and cookies and one last weekend being together. And really, considering how she was so abruptly leaving her best friend to take over their home on her own, how could Alice refuse her anything? 
Friday night had gone so lovely, night curled up in their living room, going over old memories, getting lightly buzzed, and munching on snacks until, curled up together on the floor, they fell asleep. 
Waking up, Alice had anticipated a day of packing and cleaning perhaps. Instead, Hestia and herself made a spot of breakfast, and her dearest friend ushered her out for an errand of sorts. 
The errand, it turned out, was a day at the spa. Giggling, Alice agreed to as much, though she pointed out that such a trip would be best for next Saturday. After a full body deep tissue massage, Alice made her way out to the area where she was meant to meet Hestia for pedicure and manicures, only to find the room filled with every one of her bridesmaids waiting for her. 
Many a hug and hellos later, all seven girls found themselves being made over, sharing stories and laughs until all of their nails were in perfect shape once more, and everyone received a refreshing facial and shoulder massages. 
Next, the women lead Alice to the beach, where they’d prepared a raft to float out into water, stocked with a lovely picnic basket filled with Amelia’s grans infamous pasta, wine, and fruit for lunch. The seven sailed out far enough into Tinworths beautiful waters to evade all those swimming and enjoying the day in order to sunbathe, and for Alice to finally tell the story she’d been itching to tell the girls. 
She’d begun from the start as they all sipped on wine, telling them of how she’d always had a sort of admiration for Frank that somewhere along the way had turned into something she hadn’t even recognized as being a crush. That it wasn’t until she entered the Auror Academy and saw Frank regularly that she realized there was something more there. 
That before they began working together, she knew they would be together one day, how it developed as they worked together. Growing day by day, like the most beautiful of flowers, slowly blooming into the most beautiful of the bush. How by Christmas, she knew she would love him until her dying day. 
Then, how they’d been mid-fight about something involving work when he, very abruptly, asked her to marry him. How she was so incredibly furious with him, and at that moment, near heartbroken in having to tell him no. 
Quickly, she moved forwards, onto the happier things of them promising one another July, and him speaking to her father, and then proposing once more while on a small vacation, and after destroying her in Gin Rummy, as per usual. 
Lunch came and went swiftly as her friends all grilled her with questions, digging for more information. By the time they decided to sail back to shore, Alice was positive she’d told them everything about her relationship minus one, very important story. The time she nearly died. For Alice, that particular one would remain in the vault, to protect her friends, and herself. 
By the time they reached shore, a familiar face greeted them, Marlene McKinnon. At first, Alice was rather worried she may make some sort of comment, particularly with the way she looked her over at first. But fortunately for her, Marlene seemed to have other things in mind for the day, and soon enough Alice found her clothing being changed and everyone was guided off to the next adventure.
Roller Derby. 
The adventure that followed was both painful and full of laughter once all of the women allowed themselves to relax and have fun with it. Many a bruises were earned, a little blood shed here and there, and Alice couldn’t remember feeling more alive nor more excited to live. The rush could rival that of dueling, something Alice thought to be impossible. 
Marlene made Alice promise to come do it again, in her normal joking sort of manner, but Alice had every intention to do just that. Not only to bond with Marlene more, but to indulge in the strange high the sport gave her. 
As the now group of eight left, Alice was rather looking forward to going home and crashing for the night -- but the girls had other ideas. Before she could attempt to invite them to spend the night at her and Hestia’s home for the night, they were dragging her off (after making her change into a rather flashy, non-Alice type of dress) to the Groovy Ghoul. A place she hadn’t been since Robert’s birthday, which she only briefly made an appearance at. 
What was to follow was what one would imagine of a hen party. More alcohol than Alice had consumed in her entire life, enough dancing to make her feet ache for days, a tiara marking her as the bride to be that Alice would hold onto in a secret spot to remember the day forever, and men who danced a little too provocatively and with a little too little in the way of clothing a little too closely to a very drunk Alice who could only giggle until she could no longer breathe many a time. 
The next morning, she would wake to a body that felt close to death, but for that night, Alice felt as though she were on top of the world, even if her heart ached for Frank to be with her. It filled her with so much love and light to know that even if Frank would become her husband, that she would always have so many people by her side to love and care for through the good times and bad. 
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¥ ( Charity ) !
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Would they date them: definitely yes | noFavorite thing about them: The are many things Reginald likes about Charity, such as her dark hair, her brown eyes, the fact that she cares so much about others and animals, and that she laughs at Reginald's jokes.Least favorite thing about them: Reginald can't think of anything that he doesn't like about Charity, she's simply perfect.
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clementinerobards · 5 years
Clem was up earlier than she would have been had she seen the party out until its very end, but the earlier than she’d intended end to her night had done absolutely nothing for her hangover, and all she wanted to do was get back to her prefect suite, curl up in bed, and pretend the whole night hadn’t happened, that she didn’t exist for a day. Still, she couldn’t leave Charity and Davey will all the mess of the party, not when she’d commandeered their home for the night. It was with a slightly queasy stomach that she knocked on their the next day, hoping she didn’t look as bad as she felt. 
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daveygudgeon · 5 years
“So, you want to be zen,” Davey spoke softly.
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“You’ve come to the right grooviest joint.”
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salahsupremacy · 7 years
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➡ — Aesthetic Charity Burbage — ➡ — Fandom: Harry Potter — #charityburbage #hufflepuff #maraudersera #harrypotter
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jamest541975 · 3 years
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HOLIDAY-A-THON 2021 Video 98: HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS - PART 1 #holidayathon2021 #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallowspart1 #ministerrufusscrimgeour #billnighy #hermionegranger #emmawatson #vernondursley #richardgriffiths #dudleydursley #harrymelling #harrypotter #danielradcliffe #mollyweasley #juliewalters #ginnyweasley #bonniewright #ronweasley #rupertgrint #mrgranger #iankelly #mrsgranger #michellefairley #petuniadursley #fionashaw #professorseverussnape #alanrickman #charityburbage #carolynpickles #lordvoldemort #ralphfiennes https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrMNVBvZvd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marymacxx · 7 years
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war is kind + text messages (2/?)
feat. charity burbage and miriam strout (@charityburbage, @miriamxstrout)
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CLOUDS - chartiy
Reginald Cattermole stood for the second time in his dress robes he had previously worn for the Hogwarts Festival, a few months before. He had made sure all the lint was off and that no spills from prevous and old punch was left stained on them. He looked handsome and slightly sharp, he had felt decent enough, depsite how he looked. His hair, slicked back for the second time that year, which was normally messy and long. He had also actually trimmed his facial hair, depsite it growing ruthlessly on his face. He looked like a proper man of seventeen entering the Yule Ball. He tugged on his robes slightly, a little nervous this time around. The first time he had arrived at the festival, he didn't have any nerves to cause him worry. In fact, he hadn't expected anyone to notice him or even talk to him for that matter, besides Benjy Fenwick or Caradoc Dearborn, but this time around, he was actually looking forward to the ball rather than just enjoying punch and snacks. He scanned the room, trying to seem to eager, looking for the sharp and curious blonde Narcissa Black. She had made his stomach twist in odd ways and he felt nervous to be around her, but in a good way, he supposed. The good nervous that made you want to be around someone. He figured it was just a crush after all. It wasn't as if she would ever be interested in a half-blood Hufflepuff such as himself. He sighed, as he lowered his eyes, failing at finding the young lovely Slytherin in the crowd.
He wandered in, tugging at his dress robes for the second time. The crowd was thick and everyone was dancing to the sounds of the Frog Choir. It appeared that everyone was having a good time, laughing and yucking it up with each other. He didn't notice the arrival of his two male friends just yet so he figured the punch and treat table was his normal go-to place at events like this. He walked towards the table, glancing around, while politely smiling at acquaintances on his way.
He stopped suddenly at the sight of a young woman, dressed in white with her long curly brown hair surrounding her shoulders. She looked nice, lovely! It was different than her usual Hogwarts robes that he was used to seeing her in. She honestly looked beautiful standing there, talking to Barty Crouch Jr was it? He watched as the young man swept her into a tiny waltz before leading her to the food table. He had almost half wondered if it was worth saying 'hello' to her. She had looked at Barty that almost made Reginald jealous. She seemed charmed by him and way he had kissed her hand. He stood watching for a while before Barty wandered off on his own leaving the young, beautiful woman by herself. With a deep breath, Reginald walked over, pretending as if he hadn't seen her smile brightly at the Ravenclaw.
"'Ello, Charity," he finally said reaching up to her and tipping his invisible hat. He smiled at her, trying to choke back words to express how lovely she looked in her white dress. He swallowed a lump in his throat, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Barty wasn't returning. He didn't want to step on the toes of the Minister's son. Especially if she was his girl and he didn't know it. "Are ya havin' a good time?" He asked pouring him a cup of butterbeer. "Yew look...um...really nice," he said drinking his butterbeer quickly while tugging on his tie.
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A Little Too Amiable / Wilmot&Charity
It had been a long but extremely exciting day at the Muggle Liaison office, with lots of new experience gained, and Charity had taken to the streets of Diagon Alley to pick up some more books about Muggles from Flourish and Blotts. It was a very beautiful day, and the weather seemed to match her personality, bright and cheerful. Annoyingly cheerful, some might argue.
It was with this attitude, that when Charity was half skipping down the cobbled busy street and saw a lone man, sitting, looking positively angry, she decided to take it upon herself to brighten his day. The naive and innocent former Hufflepuff firmly believed that everyone needed a little bit of love and company once in a while, and this gentleman certainly didn't look approachable enough for anyone but Charity to say hello.
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“Hi!” She said, excitement evident in her tone as she sat down next to him. “Gorgeous day, isn't it?”
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aliceprewett-blog1 · 7 years
lets go; GNO
“I’m so glad you all could make it. Drinks are on the counter with glasses, snacks on the table. Please help yourself to anything you want. We’ll have cake here in a little bit!” 
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@liliesandevans @marymacxx @msameliabones @hestiajones @charityburbage
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musecharity · 8 years
Charity had spent that weekend at home, her parents insisted she return home so that they could discuss something important with her. She wasn’t especting what they were going to tell her though. She was expecting another social event, hem going away for a while, something like that, not that they’d found the boy she was to marry. Safe to say, Charity didn’t take it very well. She had been longing for one person in particular too long to take having to give that up. 
She was never one to talk back, but in that moment she’d done a lot of things she never had before. She yelled, she pleaded, and she spoke up against her parents. She hadn’t done any of that since she was quite young, and for very good reason, not that she remembered what that reason was anymore. Of course, this outburst only led to her father getting angrier than Charity ever remembered seeing him. She left the house that weekend sporting some bruises and marks she hadn’t had since she was young.  Now that she was back at Hogwarts, she’d skipped her classes, which was something Charity never did. She’d also left her hair down, hoping to cover some of the marks. She was out by the lake, leaning against the tree she usually read under. She did have her book with her, though it was in the grass beside her completely unopened. Tears slipped down her cheeks, her knees pulled up to her chest. 
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dedalusdig-archive · 9 years
charity & dedalus
opening credits: this is what it sounds like // of veronameeting for the first time: she’s a rebel // green dayhey, i kinda like you: miracle // hurtsi’m going to kiss you now: mr. brightside // the killersfalling in love: laughter lines // bastilleyour place or mine: hey there delilah // plain white t’snaked in bed: twin skeletons (hotel in nyc) // fall out boyfirst fight: mowgli’s road // marina and the diamondsmaybe we should take a break:  i know you care // ellie gouldingi want you back: flaws // bastillewill you marry me: the phoenix // fall out boyfirst child: do i wanna know? // arctic monkeyswe’re getting older: the parting glass // ed sheeranif you die i’ll go with you: immortals // fall out boyend credits: ghosts that we knew // mumford & sons
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