#charles leclercx reader
formulas-bitch · 3 months
THE DARK LORD charles leclerc x reader PART 4
2.1k words
this may be the final part as i am running out of ideas but i have more stuff saved and cant wait for everyone to read those too
happy reading
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The night was cool and crisp, the air filling the tent with the scent of burning wood and the earthy aroma of newly turned soil. The stars twinkled brightly in the inky sky, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the camp. Our heroes, their bodies weary from the day's events, lay side by side on their makeshift bed, staring up at the canvas ceiling as they tried to find sleep.
Despite the late hour, they could still hear the distant sounds of the camp outside: the rustling of guards' armor, the low murmur of voices, and the occasional clang of metal on metal. Their minds were racing, trying to process the events of the day and what it all meant for the future.
The stars seemed to twinkle with an intensity that reflected the emotions churning within them. As they lay there, their bodies pressed tightly together, they felt an overwhelming sense of connection and purpose. They knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
A soft breeze found its way into the tent, rustling the canvas walls and sending tiny eddies of air swirling around their feet. It brought with it the scent of the nearby river, its icy waters flowing swiftly and silently through the night. They could hear the distant calls of creatures they had never encountered before, their cries echoing through the forest like ancient whispers.
The heroes continued to lie together, their bodies warm and comforting against each other's. The night seemed to stretch on endlessly, and yet they found it impossible to drift off to sleep. Their minds were too full of thoughts, their hearts too heavy with the weight of responsibility. They knew that the choices they made in the days to come would have far-reaching consequences, not just for their people, but for the world.
As they lay there, lost in their own thoughts, they became aware of a soft rustling coming from the direction of the campfire. At first, they paid it no mind, but as the sound grew louder and more insistent, they became concerned. They exchanged glances, their faces creased with worry. Something was amiss.
Slowly, they sat up, their bodies tense and alert. The rustling grew louder still, and then, from the darkness beyond the fire, they heard a low growl. It was the sound of a predator, stalking its prey. Their hearts raced as they realized that whatever it was, it was headed straight for them.
In an instant, they were on their feet, drawing their weapons. The heroes peered into the darkness, their eyes struggling to adjust to the lack of light. Shadows danced and twisted, making it impossible to discern the true form of the creature that stalked them. They glanced at each other, their faces pale with fear and determination. They would not go down without a fight.
The growl grew louder still, closer now. They could feel the hot breath of the beast on the back of their necks. With a start, they realized that it was no ordinary predator; it was the massive wolf that had attacked them earlier that day. Its fur was matted with blood, its eyes glowing with an unnatural light. It was clearly enraged, its every movement a testament to the power that coursed through its veins.
Our heroes exchanged glances, knowing that they could not hope to defeat the creature alone. They had faced adversity before, and always come out stronger on the other side. They would not break now. With newfound determination, they charged forward, rushing towards the wolf with Y/n hands glowing with powers and Charles sword drawn and shields raised. The wolf's head snapped up, its yellow eyes narrowing as it took in the approaching duo. It growled again, its massive jaws opening wide, revealing rows of sharp, white teeth.
The heroes closed the distance between them, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they drew near, the wolf's massive form towered over them, its fur bristling with anger. The heroes clashed with the beast, their weapons clanging against its thick hide. Swords were battered aside, shields shattered, spells were thrown, but still they fought on. Their strength and determination were matched only by the wolf's ferocity and unyielding will.
The battle raged through the camp, sending guards scrambling for safety and sending up clouds of dust. The ground shook with each blow as the heroes and the wolf traded blows, each one more powerful than the last. The air was filled with the clash of steel and coloured spells fired on fur, the growls of the beast, and the gasps of the exhausted combatants.
The wolf lunged at the heroes, its massive form almost engulfing them. They narrowly dodged the attack, springing back to opposite sides of the creature. As it turned its attention to Y/n, charles took the opportunity to deliver a powerful blow to the wolf's flank. Teeth gritted, he forced his sword deeper into its flesh, feeling the hot breath of the beast on his neck. The wolf howled in pain, its body bucking wildly, but it did not let go of its prey.
Meanwhile, Y/n struggled to keep the wolf's attention on her. She parried its claws and dodged its bites, her heart racing as she fought to stay alive. The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, the two heroes slowly weakening from exhaustion and blood loss. They could feel the ground shaking beneath them, the air growing thick with the stench of sweat and fear.
Suddenly, a flash of lightning split the sky, casting an eerie glow over the camp. In that brief moment, the heroes saw a figure standing nearby, watching them with a strange expression. As the lightning faded, they realized that it was another warrior, clad in the colors of their tribe. His sword was drawn, and he was preparing to join the fight.
The addition of the newcomer was enough to give the heroes fresh strength. They renewed their attack, pressing the wolf back with a combination of skill and sheer determination. The wolf growled in defiance, but it was clear that it was beginning to tire. Its movements grew sluggish, its breath coming in ragged gasps. The heroes took advantage of this, pressing their attack relentlessly.
The newcomer warrior joined the fray, his sword singing through the air as he moved with a grace and precision that belied his war-hardened appearance. he fought with a fury that matched the wolf's own, his eyes never leaving the beast as it struggled to keep its focus on the two heroes. The wolf howled in pain and frustration as it was forced to defend itself on multiple fronts.
Our heroes could feel the battle turning in their favor. They pressed their attack, pushing the wolf back with a renewed sense of purpose. The air grew thick with the sounds of clashing steel and the burst of spells and snarling beast. The ground shook as the three warriors danced around the enraged creature, their blades and spells a blur of motion and colours.
The wolf's coat was streaked with blood and and smoke, its sides heaving with each labored breath. It growled and snapped, but it could not break free from the relentless onslaught. The newcomer warrior moved with a grace that belied his battle-hardened form, his sword a whirlwind of death. The other two heroes fought in perfect synchrony, their movements almost telepathic.
As the battle raged on, the wolf began to weaken. Its attacks grew more desperate and less coordinated. It lunged at the heroes, only to be parried or dodged with ease. Its howls of pain and frustration echoed through the camp, piercing the hearts of the guards who cowered in fear.
The three warriors pressed their advantage, circling the wolf like a pack of hungry wolves. They moved in perfect unison, their blades and glowing hands a blur as they struck again and again at the beast's vulnerable flanks and exposed throat. The newcomer warrior danced with grace and power, his sword a living extension of his will. The other two heroes fought side by side, their movements as synchronized as if they had been born to fight together.
The wolf's struggles grew weaker, its eyes dulled by pain and fatigue. It snapped at the air, its jaws clacking pathetically as it sought purchase on its relentless attackers. Blood poured from its many wounds, staining the earth beneath it. With a final, desperate lunge, the wolf barley managed to sink its teeth into the leg of one of the heroes. But even as it fought to hold on, the other two heroes drove their blades deep into the beast's heart, ending its suffering. and with a final burst of power from Y/n's spell the wolf was disintegrated and was nothing but dust as the wind carried it away.
with the sudden use of power Y/n fell to her knees
"Y/n!" yelled charles as he run forward to catch his wife before she fell and hit her head on the ground.
the unknown soldier ran towards the dark lord and his wife
" WAIT do not move her. leave her laying down on the ground, we must take cover fast" screamed the unknown soldier
" i cant just leave her here you lunatick, she is my wife and why should i listen to you? i do not know eho you are" yelled Charles
" my name is Max i was sent here to help you my lord now u must listen to me it for all our protection" Max voiced
charles hesitantly followed max to a large tree and stood behind it.
all of a sudden a burst of energy wrappped around Y/n and lifted her off the ground as purple energy wrapped around her whole body and contuinied to get brighter and brighter
"Y/n!" screamed charles as max held him back
" my lord you need to wait and remain calm its all right" explained max
" how can i be calm when my wife is floating in some sort of energy unconsious huh? tell me" cried Charles
" its the child protecting her lady and healing her" Max explained
" what child ?" asked Charles
" my lord your child, your lady is with child" Max spoke
" how do you know she is with child" Charles questioned
" may i asked when my lady first used her power what colour it was my lord?" asked max
" green" answered Charles
" see when a women is with child their powers either go to purple or mix with their previous color, which in this case it seems to be a mix of purple, green and red" replied max
Charled was shocked, his wife, his Y/n was with his child
charles fell to his knees with tears in his eyes as he watches his wife being swormed with the three colours of energy as she slowly lowered to the ground
the dark lord is slowly snapped out of the trance he was in and hurried to his wife
"my love" Charles whispered as he caressed her cheek
slowly Y/n opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is her husbands green eyes
" mi amor your alright its ok, im here" whispered charles
" what happened? one seconed i was fighting the wolf the other iall i saw was darkness" cried Y/n
" its nothing my love its our child protecting their mother" cried out Charles happliy
" oh ok our child ....WAIT WHAT CHILD CHARLES!?" screamed Y/n
" darling your with child, max here tells us by the color of your powers my love" replied Charles
" we're having a child" whispered Y/n as happy tears fall from her eyes as she rushes to hus her husband
" slowly my love, u need to be careful you are carrying something very special now" laughed Charles
Y/n looks over to max and sees him smiling at the happy couple
" i do not know how to thank you sir Max you have saved me and my husaband from being slaughtered by that wolf. how can we ever repay you" Y/n spoke as she and Charles walked over to Max
" theres nothing really my lady, it is my duty to protect you and my lord" max said with a small smile
" well how about this, i Charles Leclerc the dark lord pronounce you Sir Max protector of my heir and my right hand man" Charles announced
Max stood there shock
" i... it would be my greatest honour my lord" max spoke happlily
" well there it is now lets gather everyone else and lets head home shall we my love?" charles questioned
" we shall" Y/N spoke
and so the heros gathered everyone else that survieved and headed back to the castle and slowly preparing for the arrival of the dark lords and his ladys child within a few months as Sir Max was assigned training the rest of the soldiers and new ones for any upcoming battles that may come their way
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marcos-scorpion · 1 year
Heyy a Charles Leclercx fem!reader request where he comes home exhausted and the reader is making him a romantic dinner he comes in while she is cooking listening to some old music and he sways her around the kitchen and then they just slowly dance around the kitchen all evening food long forgotten deeply in love with eachother thank you and love your work
il predestinato - Charles Leclerc x Reader
hihi !! so i was aiming for this to be totally fluffy, but there’s a lil angst, mostly around how this season is going for Charles and Ferrari. I really like this tbh, and although i wrote it pretty quickly, i think it’s cute! tysm for the request my lovely,, hope you like it!! requests are still open
warnings- lil sad cos of Ferrari and how they treat Charles,, mostly fluffy
w/c- 1489
Charles Leclerc was struggling this season. You couldn’t deny it, no matter how much you wished it wasn’t true. 
Ferrari disasterclass after Ferrari disasterclass were starting to weigh heavily on his mind. No matter how many positive interviews after less positive results he gave, how many toothy grins he shot your way after another day in the factory or on the sim, you could see how all of this was beginning to weigh on your boy. 
You knew he deserved more, every F1 fan knew he deserved more. You’d seen messages between him and Pierre, him and Max, hell even a few with Sebastian that showed that they knew he deserved more. You’d watched quietly as his brothers rallied around him, despite Arthur taking off in F2 and Lorenzo always having to dash off for meetings, his career being more demanding than people realised. You’d watched as Charles’ dreams crumbled under the pressure of the team, under the tyres of his once-beloved red car. 
He was meant to be ‘il predestinato’. The Predestined. One of the greats waiting to happen. He was meant to be fighting for that title, wheel to wheel with the Red Bull, the Mercedes, and, surprisingly, the Aston Martin. He was a front of the grid, top step of the podium driver, stuck with the team who had promised him the world, and left him to piece together the shards of the glory they had promised. 
You felt powerless in this all. A girl with a degree earned in student loans and scholarships, and no career to back it up, in a fast-paced world of the rich and important. Finding a place in Charles’ life had been difficult as it was, but you would do it all again to support him. Put your dreams of a Masters degree, and a doctorate, on hold. Sell your meagre little studio flat for the life so many dream of in Monaco. Leave family and friends behind for a world that would never quite be yours, no matter how many brands suddenly wanted to dress you for paddock appearances, no matter how much diamond jewellery Charles draped around your throat. What could a normal girl do to support someone like Charles, in a situation as delicate and important as this. 
Whatever you could. Anything you could. You celebrated his wins, commiserated and comforted after losses. Spent weekend after weekend in crowded garages, night after night holding him as his shoulders shook under the weight of everyone’s expectations, as tears ran in rivulets down his cheeks. 
Today was going to be a hard day for Charles. You had seen it in his eyes when he had left your shared apartment that morning. Another meeting with the Ferrari high-ups, another meeting where they blamed everything but themselves for the poor results ahead of the Azerbaijan Grand Prix this coming weekend. As soon as the lock clicked into place behind him, you decided you needed to do something today that could hopefully lift his mood. 
After spending most of the morning cleaning your home, washing his training gear and polishing the monitors on his sim, dusting trophies in the cabinets lining his office walls, a trip to the market began. The ingredients for Charles’ favourite food in your basket, you decided to stop and get a few more treats for him that would certainly anger his trainer. A bottle of his favourite expensive wine, pastries from the little stall he took you to the day you met, the chocolate his mum bought him after good results in kart races as a child. 
Hours later, after what felt like much longer leant over the stovetop in your kitchen, the rich smell of the sauce you were stirring filled the room, the soft sounds of Elvis crooning though the speaker settled safely on the windowsill. Charles wasn’t meant to be home until seven thirty, and it was currently just past five. Enough time to finish the sauce, lay out the good plates and light a few candles. Maybe change into something other than the pyjamas you had put on when you got back from the market. ‘Pyjamas’ being a pair of Charles’ boxers fresh out of the dryer and your faded university jumper. 
Tapping on your phone to increase the volume, you began to gently sway your hips to the intro to Suspicious Minds. So wrapped up in the music, you didn’t hear the front door click, or the bag hit the floor in the entryway. The footsteps making their way into the kitchen didn’t register, not until you felt an arm snake around your waist, palm pressed into the skin of your stomach and the waistline of the stolen underwear. 
You didn’t even flinch at the sensation on your skin, it was so familiar and comforting. Leaning back into his touch, you smiled lazily as your eyes met. 
“Hello, mon coeur.” He murmured, pressing his lips against your hair. 
Twisting in his arms, you let him fully wrap you in his embrace, feeling the tension melt away from the muscles in his back. It had been as bad a day as you’d expected, you could see the slight glisten in his eyes, the furrow in his brow. 
“Oh my darling,” you began “I take it the meeting didn’t go well?” You already knew the answer, but the tightening of his arms around your waist as he buried his face against your hair told you enough. 
You could feel his lips move against your scalp after a few moments, the words he wanted to say struggling to come out. He sighed, stepping back slightly, shifting his arms to press his hands onto your hips. “They’re blaming me. Saying I’m not working hard enough, not trying hard enough to adapt to the car. I’m going against all their plans, against how they’ve set everything out for me. As if it isn’t their bad strategy that’s fucking me over every race.” 
You suddenly felt insecure that your days-worth of work wasn’t going to help, or would even worsen his mood, that it was going against the plan designed by his team and his PT that was so clearly set out to help him be his best. 
“I-I wasn’t sure how you would be feeling, so I’ve tried to cook your favourite. But if you don’t want it, the pre-planned meal ingredients from your trainer are in the fridge. I can make that, o-or I got some pastries from that stall, the one from our first date? And some chocolate, the one your mum used to get.” You smoothed a thumb over the crease between his brows, “We can do whatever you want.”
His hands dropped from your sides, and his chin drooped towards his chest, and you began to panic more. “O-or I can call Pierre, or your brothers, and you can have a boys night, I’ll get out of your way. Whatever you need me to do.” 
His head is still down, and you’re so worried that you’ve made everything worse. But you weren’t expecting the look that you were met with when he raised his head. His eyes were shining more now, the glistening from earlier now lining his lashes with unshed tears. You weren’t expecting the sheer love that was emanating from his expression, his entire being. 
The smile he gave you could move planets, reignite the stars. Any insecurity and anxiety settled in your chest disappeared, replaced with a deep-rooted warmth. 
“Oh, my darling girl,” he sighed, “What good did I do in a past life to deserve you?” 
His arms snaked around your waist again, pulling you tight against him. He began softly swaying to the music still playing. 
“Sometimes, I think the universe made you for me. No one has ever done something so simple, yet so perfect. I think we were designed for each other mon coeur. Destiny did something right for once.” His voice was barely above a whisper. 
“You know, I used to think the nickname il predestinato was a curse. A label placed on me for such an unattainable dream. A ridiculous notion, and unexpected pressure. But I believe that I was your predestined. And you’re mine. And as long as I have you, all of those dreams are within reach again.”
The food was long forgotten, simmering away to itself, and the candles on the table would remain unlit, for tonight at least. Right now, nothing would feel better than dancing with the love of your life to the songs your parents loved too. 
And as the opening notes to Can’t Help Falling in Love With You began, and Charles reached around you to turn off the stove, twirling you to the song as he softly sang the words, you couldn’t help but agree with his sentiment.  
This love was written in the stars. Predestined. And maybe, that was all you two would ever need. 
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