#charles makes a cameo so into the main tag this goes!
sichore · 2 months
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If I wait to make proper pictures they'll never get shared so here's some of what I've been working on. I may only be two chapters deep into paint the sky but I've been doing a shitton of worldbuilding behind the scenes. Jimi's evolved beyond the sorta " regular jack-off" POV they were meant to be, so I've been making some additions to the universe.
Megaera "Meg" Millian aka MEGADEATH - Assassin turned lapdog. owns one (1) braincell. Nobody knows how she got here. April Fools joke bit me on the ass
#369 "Onyx Ankara" - One of the earliest and longest surviving Gears and one of the few mfers Charles can trust in this mess. Actually a lead in logistics, supply, inventory and transportation. Onyx fills in a plothole I've long agonized over – how in the fuck did Dethklok not completely fall apart while Charles was dead? Now we know. Jalacy Sabrina Tharpe-Cornickelson - Roy got a little bit close to one of the widows of a Dethklok-related accident and got himself a new wife. Jalacy had a pretty okay relationship with her new step-dad, until he got turned into ground meat by supernatural and human forces. Pretty much forced to become a nepo baby in the wake of the apocalypse and a desire for Crystal Mountain Records to have some fresh talent as their faces. And I haven't got work for her yet but I'm also developing Shayla Puss, an artist from the 80s band Strawberry Pain that Pickles once collaborated with, based on this clipping from the show!
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highlighted text and some above it on the far right reads: "These recording also contain rare group collabs, like Michi T playing lead guitar over Felbrick Zoner's ultra-syncopated drumming, with a shared duet by Strawberry Pain's Shayla Puss and Snakes n Barrels former lead singer Pickles." And ofc Jimi's been getting a lot of stuff, but it's mostly background and future developments. I'm hoping to upload chapter 3 before the end of this month.
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Master List of Faustian Exchange Prompts
All prompts, used or unused, that were submitted to the Faustian Exchange! All are posted with permission. If you use someone’s prompts, please credit them for the idea and tag us if you’d like us to reblog your work!
Grelliam: The first time William calls Grelle a woman or uses her correct pronouns.
Grelle/Angelina: first kiss after a Ripper murder.
Grelle childhood fic dealing with gender confusion
Modern day Grelle after fully transitioning to female, preferably with a tongue piercing.
Madam Red/Grelle with Grelle on one knee putting Madam Red's shoe on her (to mirror the Sebastian images with Ciel).
Adult Ciel and Lizzy, portrait-style.
Sebastian spending a day off with Agni when he's recovering after the Luxury Liner arc
when each servant first begins to suspect Sebastian isn't human
Mey-rin and Ran Mao bonding after Ran Mao discovers Mey-rin also speaks Mandarin.
Sebastian teaching Shiori to dance
Sebastian playing piano with Grelle draped over the back of it like a lounge singer
Doll wearing the Weston College boys' uniform.
Crack ship- Tanaka finds out who his true love was all along, tea.
Before the murder of the Phantomhive's and the cuteness of the twins.
Grell's past life? What drove them to suicide?
The real reason Sebastian is a demon. He ate a KitKat by biting it without breaking it first.Grell's eyes.
Elizabeth being a cutie while fencing
Modern! AU with Elizabeth and Grell in the cutest dresses
D&D AU with Phantomhive twins and any other main cast on a quest causing mayhem. Are they playing D&D or are they in a D&D world? That's up to you!
Modern AU Phantomhive twins as fake paranormal investigators, claiming their caretaker Sebastian is a demon.
Sebastian/Agni bonding over taking care of their masters.
Phantomhive twins and Sebastian (and maybe Agni, Sohma, Lizzy and/or Sieglinde) as a D&D party.
Phantomhive twins OR Lizzy and Sieglinde in cute matching/contrasting outfits.
Sebastian/Agni dancing.
Claudia and Undertaker (pairing/shipping optional, and if that's so, the use of Cedric name is up to you), canonverse. Claudia questions Undertaker about his mourning lockets, and if he would one day make one of hers. Implying/asking if she is important enough for him that her death might affect him.
Sebastian brings a cat home and naturally Ciel doesn't like it. Heartbroken, Sebastian has to let the cat go. But the cat won't go. Crack/funny, either canonverse or modern AU
Ciel twins (I'll address them as Ciel and Astre for convenience), canonverse AU or modern AU, your choice. The twins, as nobles/higher status, shouldn't be alone in this part of the city, but Ciel wanted to show Astre some factories to show how confusing, messy and poluting they are, in a way to dissuade him from his wish to have a toy company of his own - something that would drive the twins apart, with different life goals. In there, they meet an orphan employed in that factory. Alois. What unfolds from there is up to you.
Joker and Beast (shipping preferred), canonverse. Back in East End, Joker tries to find a present to Beast in order to show her gratitude for the care she showed him when he fell ill.
alternatively, Joker and Beast in modern AU. Both of them and Jumbo are legally adults, but Doll, Dagger, Peter and Wendy (regardless of their real ages) are still children under institutionalization and up for adoption. In a hurt/comfort manner, big brothers fashion, Joker and Beast dealing with their fears and emotions of having their little siblings sent into foster care versus waiting a few more years to be of legal age and all of them live together in a new life, after . 
Vincent and Diederich, canonverse, brotp kind of relationship but shipping/one sided pairing is not excluded. Crack/funny. Diederich is positively shocked that Vincent would go full drag to solve a murder case of some sort. And even more shoked to see how well it makes him look.
Undertaker and Othello, canonverse. A conversation, some form of interaction, hanging out, opposing views (nothing aggressive, both seem to be very curious and open to hear other opinions even if they don't change their own). Brotp interaction between the two back in Undertaker's Shinigami days. Anything, up to your imagination. 
Sebastian and Ciel, shipping not intended. Preferrably canonverse. Sebastian thinking of how everyone else sees him as deeply caring for Ciel's wellbeing, which he does with only one intent in mind - seasoning Ciel's soul to add to the 'delicacy' level he desires. Ciel knows this, so even despite living together for three years, he knows Sebastian's 'worrying' and 'affection' are all feints. However, maybe after a particularly bad nightmare, or after Sebastian doing something kind out of apparently no reason, Ciel seems to genuinely be grateful. What are Sebastian's thoughts on this? Maybe something dark and manipulating, kind of in the league of his words in the Green Witch arc when he's burning the laboratory? Or the other way around? Your choice. What I meant with no shipping is because I would prefer if this 'affection' I mentioned wouldn't be taken by you as romantic.
Joker and Bravat Sky, canonverse AU, in which they came across each other when they were young. Bravat was a charlaton, fooling people with fake fortune readings, and they meet by: either Joker is one of the people he tries to do it; or Joker attempts to steal his money and an exchange unfolds.- “Sieglinde, modern AU, rocking Japanese street fashion” (I completely stole this suggestion from the reply post on the blog, is seemed so damn cool!)
Ciel & Astre. Either tender, or dark, whichever you prefer. If it's the later, a classical contrast image, in whichever fashion you prefer. 
Side by side, mirror reflex, bloody Ciel vs Astre, or some better idea in case you have it! 
Joker, Doll or Beast from the Circus. Just one of them, I'm naming the three so you can choose which. Modern aesthetic/fashion look for any of them.
Undertaker and a Bizarre Doll, in a sort of gothic-esque style. Maybe something with like a cameo frame-thingy around it would work if it's not too troublesome?
Cat!Ciels, chibi or otherwise, just being fluffy.  
Grell Sutcliff x Reader
William T. Spears x Reader
platonic Lizzy x Sieglinde
Grell Sutcliff
Elizabeth Midford
Soma and Agni (together)
ciel/lizzy (ship)-lizzy gives ciel a fencing lesson
lizzy/seglinde(platonic/friendship)-they have asleepover. modern AU
ciel goes christmas shopping with sebastian (no ship) (before current arc)ciel/lizzy (ship) going for a walk, holding hands
lizzy and Earl Grey dueling/about to duel
Sebastian in a seifuku (preferably pink and very cute)
ciel in a dress (again) and very annoyed about it
Ciel gets sick, and Lizzie and Soma fret over his health; Ciel is either only mentioned, or appears briefly, with the fic focusing on Lizzie and Soma's attempts to help
Before Sebastian can be summoned, Undertaker rescues Ciel (and his twin, if you want to include him) from the cult
Soma/Lizzie (ship) - AU or possibly post-canon where Lizzie is the queen's watchdog1) Vincent and Frances as children, running or playing on the lawn of the Phantomhive Estate
Lizzie and Sieglinde; Lizzie teaching Sieglinde about British fashion: showing her dresses, etc.
Lizzie and Agni practicing with swords, Agni looking impressed
Lizzie and Soma, something cute and shippy
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) taking care of each other in the cult
Astre (Our Ciel) and Alois (ship) going to a ball together
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) going on a murder case for the Queen together 
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) in the cult
Astre ("Ciel") and Alois (ship) doing basically anything together (modern or Victorian era)
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) teasing each other/Vincent teasing Diedrich and Diedrich being angry about it
Grell goes overboard decorating the Reaper Dispatch for Christmas
Ciel finds old letters from his parents
Undertaker holds a comedy show to find the best joke out there
Anything with grell honestly I love them but specifically Grell in the Mean Girls Santa outfit
Claude dressed like Spider-Man
Madame Red and Grell actually happy 
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing or dueling. :D
Anything regarding Francis Midford and Vincent Phantomhive. Anything. 
Lizzy and real!Ciel's interactions after discovering the truth about TCT.
Fabulous Lau lowkey shipping everyone of age. EVERYONE. (The Reapers are pissed, Queen's butlers are flustered.)
Ciel and co. thinking Queen Victoria's the true enemy, then Aleistor Chamber reveals he's the main Kuro villain and that he's had a hand in every scheme thus far.
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing!
Edward and Lizzy being dorks. Maybe Edward tearing up because his little sister's about to marry? Ahaha I'm not picky. ^^
Claudia Phantomhive, Undertaker, Vincent Phantomhive, and Francis Midford in a family portrait???
Ciel/Elizabeth going on a date
something involving the Prefects from Weston
something involving the Grim Reapers (whoever they want to pick)
Joanne Harcourt
Edward Midford
The two nine year old twins, Ciel and Astre, are having trouble sleeping. So, despite being sleep deprived, the two manage to stay up late telling stories and giggling. In their wake, they manage to catch the attention of Tanaka, who sings them to sleep. (Set in the cannon universe.)
A Hogwarts! AU, but set in Weston. The houses are the same, but it's still set in the Victorian Era.
The mourning process had never suited the Spare. He had lost everything, and he knew nothing would ever change that fact. So, despite the world around him urging him to cry, he decides to stand strong. Ciel would be. So he figured he could too. // (Please contact me if I need to specify anything. I'm not that great at writing prompts!)1. Modern! AU. The main characters, but dabbing with fidget spinners everywhere. // 2. Super edgy and dramatic™ drawing of Ciel. // 3. A headshot of Ciel and his brother.
Grell dressed as madam red
soma eating curry
gregory violet dressed as undertaker.
Claudia/Undertaker going on a picnic inside a red cave.
Sebastian being Madam Red butler, where Madam Red sold her soul to him for giving birth and raising a child until 18 years old.
Grell baking a cake, and ruining her clothes in the process.
Sebastian getting a birthday surprise from his mother, where she gets him 100 cats, and Ciel gets furious.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.1.Undertaker painting Ciel wearing a violet dress and eating cake.
Undertaker and Claudia decorating a Christmas Tree.
Undertaker wearing Lizzy's clothes.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Gregory Violet falling in love with Lizzy. He writes her a secret message, and watches her reading the letter.
Grell wearing Ciel's dress, he had worn in the party where he meets Viscount of Druitt.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.
anonymous prompts
Modern AU, somehow, Drocell's sessions with a therapist, confronting what he has and doesn't have of his humanity
Sebastian and Agni trying to outdo each other as butlers, friendly competition that's really just thinly veiled flirting
Mindless fluff, Ciel and Elizabeth shopping for holiday presents for family and household
Grell in a green witch arc dress (but properly fitted)
The twins dressed as the prince and the pauper style aesthetic
The twins modeling on the cover of vogue
Cielois (ship) having tea, playing chess, and/or cuddling while reading in the library
Our!Alois and Real!Alois meeting
Lizzie throwing Alois a birthday party bc she finds out he doesn't really have any friends
Alois Trancy, Lizzie being a bad*ss
Fem!Grell in a nice dress
Undertaker babysitting the twins
Diederich babysitting Vincent while he was sick at Weston School.
Sebastian taking care of a stubborn, sick Ciel who refuses to stay in bed (bonus points if you add angst)
Sebastian carrying Ciel is something always good to see.
Ciel messily trying to decorate a cake (bonus points if you add Sebastian looking both amused and disappointed)
Undertaker and Grell braiding each other's hair.
Lizzy helps Ciel with his studies (ship optional)
Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard preparing dinner without Sebastian
Sieglinde Sullivan and Lizzy discussing about Ciel's work over tea-Lizzy with her hair down
Grey in Weston College uniform
Real Ciel picking flowers with his twin
The household having to take care of Pluto until Sebastian returns home
Ciel being mistaken for a girl by a group of ladies who decide to pamper him
Grell getting lost in the city and being adopted by a group of kids- Grell and/or Undertaker  enjoying a train ride
GrellxUndertaker - Grell lying on the autopsy table trying to flirt with Undertaker 
Ciel wandering the city in commoners clothes, maybe with a group of children 
Vincents life as queen's watch dog
Shinigami dispatch life
Twin ciel angst
Sieglinde (maybe with wolfram)
Shinigami Dispatch/ or trio (william, grell, ronald), or just grell or ronald
Anything Alois related
Madame red and Grell
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