#charlie dompler x reader headcanons
oinkinpigprince · 29 days
OKAY. I love the way you depict Charlie sm. I WAS POSSIBLY WONDERING if you could do a Charlie x VeryObvioslyIntoHim! Reader HCs? (Also pref that the reader is Fem and Chubby cause yeah) Thanks pookie ✌️🥺🥶🔥💯
Of course!! I find your use of emojis disturbing, but I suppose I can look past it this once :33
Charlie x VERY into him!fem!reader
He’s so oblivious to ppl liking him it’s INFURIATING SOMETIMES. Every time someone flirts with him to goes, whoosh! Over his head. It might be a self esteem thing or a childhood thing or bro is just dense in the head
All of your friends know you like Charlie, all of Charlie’s friends know, all of his coworkers know, it’s literally everyone BUUT him
You try and drop subtle hints that just became more and more and more obvious as time went on. Til you were dropping absolute bombshells on Charlie, but nothing
“Charlie you’d make like, a REALLY good boyfriend ya know. You’re probably even MY DREAM man, ya know ANY girl would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend. Ya know ID be honored to date you even!” “Aw thnxs man you’re like, literally so sweet.” One of these days you swear to fucking god
You gave him a bouquet of roses on Valentine’s Day and he just said “oh that’s so nice of you man but I got like major pollen allergies.” He forgot what day it was
It’s infuriating, like genuinely gut wrenching at some points. You don’t want to give up though, not yet at least. You start trying other methods instead of flirting
You buy him food, gifts, a whole new pair of gaming headphones he’s been talking about none stop. You get a fucking ‘dude, you’re literally the coolest girl I know’
Once you offered to clean his entire apartment, because he seemed stressed out. He was so thankful but you still got ‘dude’ zoned
You even tried cuddling with him, during a home movie. He held you in his arms and thought nothing of it. Just kept going on and on about ‘the in-depth character arc’ of some movie guy you didn’t care about
It wasn’t until you looked him in the eyes and literally said “I want to kiss so fucking bad right now.” That it finally clicked for Charlie that you MIIIGHT have a crush on him but all he could stutter out was “I-i think I have a bag of like, chocolate in my freezer.”
After that night you kinda gave up, thinking that maybe YOU weren’t getting his hints. I mean what guy wouldn’t understand that was an profession of love
Charlie actually told Pim about it at work the next day, and was like “do you think she likes me dude?” Glep and alan both stop what they were doing and just stare at him. Pim has his hands folded on the table trying to figure out if Charlie was fuckin w/ him too
“What?” “Charlie, she literally said she wanted to kiss.” “. . . Yeah and?” Bro needs to learn the alphabet before he can begin to spell it out man it’s bad. Once it clicks it fucking snapped into place and he rushed to give you a call
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spaghettitm · 1 month
heyyyy!! Could you do a Charlie dompler x girly reader? Probably was only hired because of her colorful attire but was usually tired half the time ? 😭😭
YES DEAR ANON, INFACT I CAN! I may or may not have shoved like one of my Charlie headcanons in there but... Shh don't mind it
• At first glance, he thought you where the annoying person that only cares about their looks and makeup
• He was definitely surprised to find out that you're infact quite a soporific person
• Charlie probably caught himself doodling you at work once. He was embarrassed that he was subconsciously drawing such an attractive person
• It takes him awhile to get a long lasting conversation going, due to you giving him plain answers or statements half the time.
• he thought you where uninterested in him at first, but again... you and your darn tired self!
• You and Charlie get along really well after a few conversations.
• If you where to nap in the breakroom... he wouldn't mind covering for you.
• Charlie finds your sense of fashion to be quiet endearing; despite him saying that he doesn't like a person who is super feminine.
• You probably convinced him to let you do his make-up... outside of work.
• ^ He wouldn't be caught DEAD in a full face by his co-workers
• Charlie buys you a monster that matches your outfit sometimes. He thinks it's really funny—you think it's Charming
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smilingconfessionz · 1 month
wassup everyone! welcome to smiling confessions :-) this is a confession (also headcanons) blog for the show smiling friends! you can call me Junky!
TAGS FOR NSFW ANONS/ASKS: $miling fr1ends , p1m , charl1e , a11an , g1ep, nsfl
anything bigoted or hateful!
extremely graphic depictions of violence, s/lf harm, etc!
just don’t be a weirdo dickhead for no reason tbh!
your personal headcanons
nsfw! (don’t be too extremely graphic)
x reader posts!
any sort of art!
just the normal confession stuff u already know!
thank you for reading! enjoy your time here :-)
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Ok,,hear me out,,poly yanderes Pim and Charlie,, maybe they met you on a job as the person who needed help and Pim can't believe someone as lovely as you was so sad!! Dude because absolutely obsessed with making sure your happy and taken care off. Charlie feels like he'd be a more reluctant yandere at first, and after he falls for the darling he'd still be pretty chill. (I haven't watched the show in full, so I apologize if this isn't in character ^^)
DNFNDDNDNDJ Anon aaaaaaaaa I loved this ask so much, I HAD to write for it aaaaa
It's not exactly the same, but I hope you like it! c:
Pim was crazy. He was crazy, he was crazy, he was crazy.
Okay, well, maybe crazy wasn't the best word. He was… Eccentric. He was quick to develop strong feelings for others, was incredibly affectionate, highly empathetic, and held a certain naivety for the world around him, despite his age. In fact, Charlie thought Pim was a great balance for him. Charlie didn't think himself a cynic, (more of a realist, really,) but Pim's almost constant optimism was a great pick-me-up, and besides that, he was a great friend and person. A perfect fit for the job of making people happy. Though, the guy couldn't help becoming a bit too invested in a client and their feelings. Pim could see a client's distress and become upset, himself. Charlie, however, took a more realistic, less emotional approach. Sure, it sucked when they couldn't make someone's day better, but hey, no one's perfect. For Pim, a frowning client meant a personal failure. For Charlie… Well, he tried his best, and the moment he went off the clock, he really didn't want to worry about work anymore. His Ma always said he'd be a good therapist, able to separate himself from certain people and situations so as to not dwell on them too much. That's what made the two of them such a great team.
The point was that Pim had his share of eccentricities, as did Charlie, and the yellow critter was well aware of that and accepted his friend for who he was. What Charlie did not accept was Pim projecting his shit onto him! 
The critter groaned softly as he sank onto his bed, rubbing the bridge of his snout. Freaking Pim…
Digging out his phone, Charlie squinted up at the screen as he scrolled through his friend's recent messages. A bunch of nonsense about how badly they needed you, how you deserved to be taken care of, that he knows Charlie feels the same, that they need to-
Charlie made a face, swiping away from the messages. Ugh, he didn't want to deal with this right now. He grumbled to himself as he set his alarm, placing his phone facedown on the nightstand beside him before settling in for the night. Turning over to face the wall, Charlie let his eyes fall shut as his mind began to wander. 
God, Pim had been acting so weird. Whatever the hell had come over him, Charlie prayed that it would pass. It wasn't exactly out of the ordinary for Pim to develop a crush on someone, what with the whole Shrimp and Jennifer thing, but a crush was one thing. Obsessive infatuation was on a whole different level. Charlie gritted his teeth. Ugh, whatever. Whatever! Pim could be a weirdo if he wanted, but he didn't have to drag him into it. Charlie didn't need you...
Well. Okay, maybe a little. But, you know, that's normal! Friends needed each other. They thought about each other all the time, craved each other's companionship. And hell, the three of you had hit it off so well when he and Pim first met you as their client. In fact, it was the most fun Charlie had had on a job in a long while. It was a blast hanging out with you - getting you out of the house, seeing the sights around the city, going to Daveland, shooting the shit and making each other laugh. And your smile… He loved your smile. It made his chest feel so warm and light. And, God, were there butterflies in his stomach?
… What was he saying? Oh, right. Despite making you happy in the moment, it was clear that your unhappiness hadn't stemmed from a particularly bad day, but an ongoing mental health issue - which he and Pim wanted to help with! But, they weren't exactly mental health professionals. So, Pim had set up an appointment to get you a psychiatrist (and offered to come with, in case you were especially nervous), and Charlie had recommended a few therapists in the area. Besides that, he and Pim made sure to text you often, and hang out at yours or one of their places, or around the city. You were always incredibly grateful, even stating that you didn't deserve it, but the two smiling friends were quick to dissuade those thoughts. Your friendship and knowing that they were helping someone out was gift enough.
And everything was great and fine and chill, until Pim started acting off. Like, really off. Pim never half-assed jobs! But now, all he seemed to be able to think about was getting the job done so he could get back to you. And, well… Okay, maybe that was a bit hypocritical. Charlie, on occasion, would tune out of whatever they were doing to think about you or text you or… But, hey, that was usual for him, right? Charlie usually took a backseat with clients, emotionally speaking. He wasn't usually too invested. He wasn't the one acting weird here, Pim was. Unlike his friend, Charlie hadn't changed his behavior at all, and he couldn't believe his best friend would try to convince him otherwise. Just because he daydreamt about you or constantly had you on his mind or made sure to text you consistently and got nervous if you didn't respond right away or went out of his way to go to places he knew you'd be or walked by your home before going to his own every night to make sure you were safe, it-... That. That didn't mean anything. It didn't.
He… This was so stupid. He didn't want to think about this anymore. He just wanted to go to sleep. He'd go to sleep and never, ever think about this again for forever. Or until the morning. Whichever came first. 
Just. Sleep. Just go to sleep. All he had to do was sleep. Come on. The critter let out a frustrated growl as he clenched his eyes shut, closed eyes boring deeply into the darkness that made up his vision. He focused so intensely that colors began to pop up within the blackness, swirling in asymmetrical patterns across his vision. 
Charlie sighed deeply, body shuddering as he did. Freaking Pim, this was all his fault. Making him paranoid about you. Was this his plan or something? To try to reverse-psychology his way into convincing Charlie to not go for you-
Wait, no. No. Where did that thought come from? He… Charlie didn't like you like that.
… Or did he?
And when Pim sent those messages, it made it sound like… Like he wanted the both of them to share you, take care of you, to make you happy. Butterflies fluttered in Charlie's stomach again, and underneath his fur, his face burned.
God, what a mess. He was too tired for this. Too tired to deal with this and having to get up early in the morning. He just wanted to sleep, but you and Pim haunted his thoughts.
Charlie let his whole body go loose. Fine. Maybe… Maybe Pim was right. His brain could think up whatever weird bullshit it wanted, just let him sleep and he'll deal with the ramifications in the morning. He didn't care.
He imagined… You. Lying prone on under his covers, Charlie felt his fingers twitch, itching to reach out and touch you. So, in his mind, he did. He was a big guy, and despite not being particularly affectionate, he'd been told he gives great hugs. Would you think so, too? Did you imagine what it would be like in his hold? His body so close it was like you were melding together, the shapes of your body fitting together perfectly. 
And you'd be… Maybe on a picnic? Or having fun at Daveland? Some sort of fancy restaurant that he couldn't actually afford? Nah, Charlie didn't really need anything fancy to be with the person he loved. The… The people he loved. You and he and Pim, chilling at his place. It'd be late at night. He'd put a movie in that you'd already seen before like a million times, but you still loved watching it. You in his lap, using him as a pillow as you laid back, and Pim able to sit in your lap thanks to his small stature.
You'd eat comfort food and snacks together, repeating the lines you'd memorized by heart and cracking jokes and making each other laugh. You might not even make it through the entire movie. Charlie figured he wouldn't. He'd feel… So warm. So nice and warm and safe and… Complete. Holding the two of you, the two people he loved most in the world, falling asleep with the feel of you and Pim close to his heart.
And then Charlie shot up, morning light flitting in through slightly parted curtains as he alarmed blared loudly next to him. Turning, he fumbled with his phone before finally dismissing the alarm and plunging the room back into silence.
God, morning already?
Charlie groaned, rubbing the sleepiness from his face with both of his hands, fingers brushing against his snout. Sighing heavily, Charlie squinted down at his phone, eyes burning at the sudden light. He managed to open his messages - two recent ones. A good morning text from you, and one from Pim. The critter's heart fluttered, from affection and anxiety.
Charlie bit his lip, before shaking his head and begrudgingly getting out of bed, away from the warmth and comfort of the blankets and his fantasies.
Mornin', Charlie! I hope you thought over what I said yesterday. I'll see you later!
Pim… Pim had been right. He did need you. He wanted to be with you. He wanted to take care of you. They both did.
But, that didn't mean Pim wasn't crazy. It just meant they both were.
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oinkinpigprince · 13 days
Charlie x sensitive reader? I cry over damn near everything 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
WAAAAAAAAH, I’m so sorry to hear 😔😔. I got my pre frontal lobe smoothied after the 8th grade so I don’t have to deal w/ those ‘emotions’ :33
Charlie x sensitive reader
He is, probably the least emotionally developed person. Charlie doesn’t cry, he’s been desensitized due to the internet, bros just emotionally constipated
At first he has ZERO idea what to do. You could be balling your eyes out right next to him and he just sits and nods. He’s just trying to assess the situation
Pats your back and goes “there there man, I feel ya” (HE DOES NOT HE IS A LIAR). He’s trying his best but it’s such in awkward moment
Sometimes it helps, during a sad movie you ball your eyes out and says “mood”. You’re so perplexed you stop crying: it’s magic lol
It’s honestly a skill, he’s just so awkward. Can’t help it, if anyone starts crying around him he’s instantly uncomfortable. Don’t worry he doesn’t care, he’s just so confused on what to do or say
He doesn’t really understand, helps you nonetheless. As you’re sobbing into his shirt he’s just like “it was just a video of a raccoon” while rubbing your back
Charlie lets you sob into his hoodie, he will not move an inch. If you’re crying and clinging to him, he’s staying put. Heaven nor hell could move that man
He’s very even tempered so if you need help w/ figuring out if it’s an actual logical decision or you’re just whining, he’s very blunt w/ it
Please don’t ask him for any opinions, bro doesn’t think twice about being honest. Of course he thinks you’re pretty and amazing but no he would not love you if you were a worm
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
may I have a Charlie x reader from smiling friends where he has a huge crush on the reader
You may, I like how you worded it, sounds like you’re in a fast food drive through :33
Charlie x reader
Wowee what a situation!! I feel like this could go two ways, one you work together or you two were already friends, let’s go w/ the work buddies
When you started working he didn’t really think anything of it. Depending on where you were working would his feelings may develops
Let’s just say you work on the field, trying to make people smile. You and him rarely work together you choosing to work alone, but you two hangout in the break room.
Charlie likes to think he’s smooth and a “flirt” but he’s so awkward sometimes it hurts, you two will be sitting in the break room and he tries to spark up conversation it goes like
“ so uhh, have you seen that uhh, new movie?” “Which movie?” “The uh, new one with that uh, super hero” “I think so?” “….” “….” “I think Pim needs my help later.”
Absolute lady(gender neutral) killer right here folks
When he finally finds some common ground with you though or you two have work with each other long enough then it gets better
He becomes less awkward and actually able to talk to you which is great for your developing relationship and for everyone else dealing with the second hand embarrassment!
Now no matter what you two are going to become friends and he’ll finally calm down enough to have a proper conversation with you, and he is quite smooth tbh
He loves doing things for you and is a really caring person, you’re hungry? He was gonna get lunch anyways so you should totally tag along, you don’t wanna do your paper work? He has some free time to help, bored? Wanna play the new street fighters game with him
Charlie really values your work ethics and how well you’re able to do your job and he isn’t shy to compliment you, within reason. It’ll be a simple “good job out there”, like gee whizz slow down there casanova 🙄💅
But seriously he’s a really sweet person, when he tells you something he means it and he hopes you know that
It’s a little awkward at first but once he’s able to calm down and think properly, he’s a very loyal and caring man
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if you can do a Smiling Friends Charlie x female goth, horror artist reader that basically has the personality of Junji Ito. Makes gruesome horror art, but has a nice, fun personality lol. (It's rare to find headcanons of any of the Smiling Friends cast :'])
If so, thank you!! I hope you have a good day/evening/night! ^_^
Teehee!! Of course silly :33, sorry this is so late, I haven’t been checking anything lately, I hope you like this >:00!!
Charlie x fem gothic horror artist reader
Charlie laughs at the goth gf memes and thinks it’s so funny to send them to you w/ “you fr”(side note he’d probably be such a dry texter, bleh >.<)
He loves the contrast in personality and style, you’re so creepy cool but so sweet at the same time. It was kinda surprising at first but he loves it now
Listen, he’s seen some messed up stuff on the internet but your art always catches him off guard. Especially when you look up at him so sweetly and you’re just drawing, gore
When he saw something you were working on for the very first time he actually slipped and fell on his ass(canon cause i said so 🙄💅)
Charlie thinks your style is really cool, he feels so plain compared to you. It’s like the plain boyfriend w/ the beautiful girlfriend, he just thinks you’re so cool
If you listen to metal while you draw he wouldn’t mind listening w/ you and scrolling on his phone, any time is good time when he’s with you
You could try and teach him some art techniques but he prefers to watch or look at your drawings/paintings after, he doesn’t rlly give critiques since he can’t draw but he just nods his head like “yeah that’s good art”
Charlie is very low key so he ain’t exactly gonna be screaming from the roof tops how much he loves you and your style and your art BUT, he does like to slip in slide remarks about you once in a while to Pim
Please make this man actually dress up for Halloween, he’s always such a stick in the mud for holidays man he needs to have fun
Thnxs silly, I hope you have a great rest of your time! I love junjitos work sm
I’m also like, rlly tired :33c
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oinkinpigprince · 23 days
self conscious about his weight charlie dompler x reader who reassures him that he's a beautiful guy regardless?
Awwwwe, isn’t that the sweetest!! He’s an absolute unit, he looks like he’s ready for winter :33/r.
Insecure!Charlie x loving!reader
Charlie usually isn’t the one to say he’s, insecure. Insecurities in males are often harder to see due to the whole idea that men need to toughen up, which leads them to bottle up their emotions! He isn’t free from this social curse
Often bottles up his emotions, covering up it up by working out which only leads to more weight. Which isn’t bad cause it’s muscles just, disappointing.
Sometimes you catch him looking at his body with, resentment. You’ve always thought Charlie was a very beautiful man. You loved him for being him, a level headed, laid back, who isn’t always the most pro active but sweet regardless.
When Charlie asks you questions about his body, you always were quick to assure him. “Hey do you think I’d look better if I lost weight.” “No”
It was always once in a while, and it was just small enough for him to brush it off later if you asked. One day you had enough and was sick of the subtly ways he’d put himself down, thinking he could trick you into not noticing his insecurity and self depreciation
You had to sit him down and explain that you don’t care if he’s fat or not, you wouldn’t love him more if he was skinny cause you already loved him now. He was beautiful in your eyes already.
Charlie was, very taken aback this. He kinda just shuffled nervously and said “cool” listen, he’s rlly bad with emotions. You could see the blush painted on his cheeks
It really did mean a lot to him, don’t get him wrong. That little talk kept buzzing around his head for a while, but you knew it wasn’t going to take just one “love yourself cause you’re beautiful!” Speech to fix his self esteem issues
So you’d try and tell him how pretty he is, how he looks very beautiful today. It makes him blush and cringe, he just says thanks. He’ll always think you’re way more beautiful, he does appreciate your kind words
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oinkinpigprince · 1 month
Can you maybe write a Charlie (smiling friends) x gender fluid reader (not together, but they kinda like each other) that draws him in their notebook and he finds them drawing him
I’m trying to write about him, it’s just sometimes I get demotivated yk, and I feel like there are hardly any Charlie x readers out there, we need more, hopefully with the new series, it gets more people interested idk
That’s so swaggy! Im sure I’ll have my work cut out for me after the new smiling friends season. I’ve been watching oneyplays content because the creator/va for Charlie sometimes is on there and it is hilarious
Charlie x genderfluid reader
You and Charlie are like, really good friends. You two often work with each other on paper work and just chat in the break room
Okay, he two MIGHT have developed a crush on you. Charlie just doesn’t want to admit it because dating your co worker is risky, plus you’re just a really good friend
You often doodle in your notebook during down time, small sketches and funny things. It’s a good pass time, you’ve been drawing Charlie a lot though
It’s cute and innocent, some simple sketches and him on different outfits and funny memes. Nothing bad, just friendly! They’re friendly drawings, you just happen to draw him a lot! Nothing weird, about drawing your friend, on every page of your sketch book.
Okay not every page, you still sketched other things you just liked drawing Charlie and he’s literally right there all the time
You were sketching Charlie, inspired by his recent escapade with James. When you heard a cough behind you. Only to see the muse standing right behind you
“Whatcha, whatcha drawing there buddy?” Your soul left your body. You started laughing so fucking hard, you almost threw up.
Charlie couldn’t help but chuckle, it was really, silly. He did end up liking it and asked you to draw some video game characters. Charlie knew you drew but didn’t know you were that good
He tried to draw you something too, it was, a drawing! A for affort! It’s the thought that counts
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
wow this is such a specific request but . ftm fluffy critter reader who has a BIIIIIGGG tail (who also has a rotting mental and physical health) x Charlie dompler. please im starving. is this too much to ask .. imsorey im nervous
Don’t be nervous silly, I’m perfect safe. Step into my enclosure. Come on, it’s perfectly safe. Ignore the big signs. Im very friendly :33
Charlie x ftm reader w/ a BIG FLUFFY TAIL
Charlie probably within the universe they live in wouldn’t point out your tail, but he thinks it’s rlly cool. It’d remind him of those rlly fluffy dogs
If it puffs up when you’re shocked or scared, thinks it’s the coolest thing ever.
Loves touching it but never out right asks you, that’s weird. So you’d have to give him permission and verbally say he can, then sometimes he’ll just absent mindlessly pet your tail
When you two sleep in the same all that fucking hair gets in his mouth, without fail he wakes up to his mouth full of hair
Charlie is your hype man for masculinity, will always be there to pump you up and help you feel more masculine. Working out together, doing manly shit like shooting
If you ask him if you look like a man, no matter what he’ll be like “uhh, yeah sure dude” (dude is a term of affection) honestly he doesn’t understand the whole “gender is a feeling” thing but respects it none the less
You and him both have crippling mental health tbh, he strikes me as someone who’s probably depressed so he understands what it’s like to have shit ass mental health
Honestly his job really comes in handy, he’s able to help you when you’re feeling down, if only he could help himself.
He comes into work covered in your fur/hair. He owns lint rollers in every place he can put them, car, cabinet, office cabinet, has a mini one just in his pocket.
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oinkinpigprince · 19 days
Bartender!Charlie x Reader
Short, simple, a lot to make off of :33
Bartender!charlie x reader
You were a regular at the bar, with nothing to do you just liked to chat up people and talk. A bar is the perfect way to get some socialization and have fun doing it!
Charlie had been working there for about a month, he was pretty new and was getting use to everyone’s faces. He can very social when it’s required he’s just, never been the best at starting conversations by himself.
You’d order whatever your heart desired and Charlie would make it, and you two would be chatting on his free time. It was nice, being a bartender Charlie had a lot of time to work on his social skills. You got someone to talk to
Forming a bond with each other was a blast, being nerdy would definitely help but Charlie also doesn’t mind listening to whatever is on your mind. That’s what a good bartender does, but it was different with you
Charlie found himself excited to see you every week, talking with you made it worth it to go into work. To make you a drink and then spend the evening laughing about the latest internet drama was what he enjoyed.
You’d always have something new to talk about, keeping him up to date with your life made him feel involved and invested. Venting about his life also felt nice, he felt like he could trust you.
He’d also give you advice on your day to day life. Especially when you were sad, he’d give you advice on how to improve your living habits. That was one thing he’s been really good at, life coaching and helping people that way.
Even when things got busy, he’d make sure to check on you very regularly. Refilling and getting new drinks for you. Even trying to still talk to you while in the rush
Now, a big reason why he enjoys this job so much is because he needs a LOT of improvement on social cues. He’s always been VERY bad at reading cues from people, so sometimes when you got a little tipsy and bold it’d fly right over his head.
Eventually you just straight up asked him on a date, in your drunken state. He laughed, a little flustered and stammered, “ask me that again tomorrow buddy, let’s get you home.” Patting your back and leading you to the door
The next day you DID ask him again and he did say yes! He just wanted to make sure you remembered even asking him.
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oinkinpigprince · 1 month
charlie x absolute cringefail loser reader that has 0 rizz
Charlie x cringelord reader
It’s, painful for Charlie. He loves you so much, but watching you be alive hurts his soul. It’s like watching a really awkward car wreck
Before you two were dating he didn’t even know you were flirting with him, he just assumed you were that bad at talking to people.
He actually tried to give you dating advice til he realized you were trying to date HIM. Charlie felt so bad but it was also really adorable, he said yes.
Charlie gets a lot of second hand embarrassment but he also finds it really endearing trying to watch you flirt with him and how you get so sweaty and nervous
“Hey-uh um d-do angles uh have names?” “. . . What?” “I mean uh, are you an angel and uh” “. . . Go on?” “Shit fuck I mean hnng” it’s painful for ME
It’s also really fun to flirt with you, cause you get even MORE nervous and sweaty. The way you sit there and stare at him makes him laugh.
Sometimes he feels like a supportive mom, watching you do stuff to impress him and then eating shit. “Hey Charlie look at this cool skateboard trick I learned! *face plants*” “you’re doing great sweetie, keep trying!” You get it eventually
Seeing you interact with others is even better, cause you two got use to each other. Other people though, have no clue wtf you’re on about
You said what the skibidi rizz once and he almost threw hands with you, he had to remind himself that you’re his partner and domestic violence isn’t cool!
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
Please PLEEAAASE more Charlie stuff…he’s my favorite banana man.
summ where the reader is an artist and likes to draw a lot, and usually keeps to themself? And maybe in terms of personality, they’re a comfortable in-between of Charlie and Pim. Definitely more grounded in reality and practical, but also prefers to expect only good outcomes in most situations. Sorry if this is a lot 💀 I get carried away
Why is he shaped that way?? He reminds me of like, an elephant seals. Giant nose, I kinda just want to grab it and wiggle it violently.
Charlie x reader
Realistic optimist! You two often debate I feel. Like pondering big questions like space, time, and the universe. Not in the spiritual way more of the logical way.
He really appreciates your perspective, he likes Pim and all but sometimes he can be a bit too, idealist. He’s happy you’re more grounded in reality
It makes conversations easier since you two can find more mutual grounding stuff he can’t believe in like destiny or spiritual stuff.
It took you two a while to actually start talking since you both keep to yourselves, you two probably met by chance or have been friends for a long time. Maybe a mutual friend introduced you two.
Finding out more about each other is probably what sparks your relationship, cause there’s so much you two can find out about each other
He can understanding wanting space and respects that, you two can keep your secrets and not know every little thing about each other. Although he can read you really good, seemingly being able to understand your feelings as well as his own
Charlie isn’t big on art, he enjoys it and all. depending on what type you make he’d think it’s really cool! If you show him your drawings he’ll just be like “oh that’s really cool” and as much as he likes it he can’t give better compliments cause he doesn’t know shit about art
If he tried he’s scared he’ll say something stupid and it doesn’t make sense, although he’ll try, you can’t just say “oh cool” to your partners cool art. “Oh I uh really like the,,,, lines?” “Oh thank you!” Oh he’s so glad he got it right
If you draw him he’s so flattered, he’ll keep it with him forever. Probably just forgot it in a drawer somewhere.
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oinkinpigprince · 20 days
Charlie and/or Pim x ticklish!reader? Or ticklish Charlie/Pim x reader? (Or both? :))) )
I am severely ticklish, but I also get very very aggressive. Like legit violent
Tickling head canons for Charlie and Pim
Charlie dompler
Charlie does it to be a dick ngl, you two are sitting down and he just reaches over and wiggles his fingers on your side and you jump and gravel on the floor like a fish
He laughs every time, it’s his favorite thing. Watching you freak your shit after he just brushed your neck never fails to put a evil smile on his face
It is a rare thing though, which makes it worse. You forget and feel completely safe, just walking down the street with him and then he brushes your ribs and you are totaled
Ya know, Charlie just doesn’t strike ya as a person who would be ticklish ngl. Like his sides, feet, neck, nothing. Try as you might nothing. You’ve tried to get him back, trying anything to take revenge, nothing 😔😔
That was until one day you accidentally brushed his knee cap and he jumps. You two just stare at each other, bewildered and amused.
Oh my god, you made him regret ever even meeting you. At any given moment you’ll tickle his knees like a silly little critter, you abuse this fact. Sometimes when you go to reach he’ll jerk his knees away from you
It becomes an all out war at home, you two wrestling on the floor trying to get the other, it’s a lot of screaming and giggling. Your neighbors think you two are, interesting to say the least
When you two play competitive videogames like smash bros or racing games, he’s low key a sore looser. So he’ll tickle your neck to distract you
Pim pimling
He loves being cutely playful with you. Pim will tickle your sides just to hear you giggle, he thinks it’s precious.
Does it very lightly, like brushing his fingers on your side and watching you try and wiggle away from him, stifling laughter makes him feel giddy.
Pim does it frequently at home, maybe when you two are with friends and he’s bored. Sitting on the couch watching a movie and he’ll blow on your neck and giggle as you jump around
When you two are cuddling though he accidentally brushes his hands against your side which makes you just. He feels so bad but it’s also really funny
Pims very ticklish, like, embarrassingly so. He’ll flail his arms every time you even graze his sides and if you have him in your grasp, Pim will wheeze laugh and start crying
He’s screaming uncle, uncle but he’s tickled you one too many times. Revenge must be had. Pim has tiny arms so he can’t exactly get you back as easily, it’s fun for him to try!
Very wiggly, when you get him. He’ll fall to the floor like a fish, it’s really cute. You feel a little evil looking at his poor face as you mercilessly tickle him, but it’s quickly forgotten when you remember all the times he’s gotten you
Pim will also blow raspberries on your tummy, not rlly tickling it’s just rlly cute. You giggle and poke his head, it’s really cute couple moments that he enjoys with you.
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oinkinpigprince · 14 days
america ya!! may i request a charlie x hispanic reader (feeling rlly self indulgent lmao) you don't have to do it if you don't feel like tho ^_^
AMERICA FUCK YEAH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥. Listen, I’m REALLY white, so I’m getting second hand info from my friends. It’s my fault, I’m the problem 😔😔
Charlie x Hispanic reader
If you come from a different continent(ei Europe or South America) he’s kinda interested to hear about where you came from. Even if you didn’t and you’re like a generation or two after the fact he’s still rlly curious to learn about your culture
Charlie will listens but he doesn’t rlly ask questions, so just tell him what you’d like and he’ll absorb the information.
Very respectful honestly, kinda intimidated when he actually enters your house. He has no idea what to expect so he’s just weirdly SMILING, like the awkward smile you do to act polite. He also brought a gift, something safe like wine
Listen man, he cannot stay up partying late. If your family is holding some sort of party the latest he can do is maybe 10-11. It’s not the staying up late it’s the socializing
He can drink though, he’s a REALLY happy drunk. So you just watch him stumble around like a maniac talking to people, passes out on your lap at some point
If you can cook he absolutely loves it. Would love it if you cooked anything for him in general. He doesn’t like to cook, and he doesn’t want to learn so he’s just grateful for anything home cooked.
Something funny to do is when you two are arguing just start talking in your native language because that boy will freeze instantly and he’ll just stare at you like you caught him with his hand in the cookie jar
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oinkinpigprince · 1 month
Pim pimling x Charlie dompler x age regressor (due to trauma) reader except when they age regress its not. very obvious except having the energy of a lost kid in a walmart and being semi verbal. but they like plushies and toys and trinkets even when not age regressing :-)
Of course! I remember being a kid and following any bald man I’d see thinking it was my dad. It didn’t matter race, height, or weight. If they were bald, they were my dad. Idk too much about agre so I’m sorry if it’s a little off :33
Smiling friends x agre reader
Pim pimling
It may take Pim a little bit to tell something is off. He just thinks you’re tired at first, until you have to later explain what actually happened. He’s a little freaked out since he’s never heard of this and may have a few or many questions
Pim is pretty good with kids and how to talk to kids, not so much toddlers as kids around 5-8 but he’s decent! It may take him a bit to figure out how to handle it, he kinda fears being condescending or rude but once he gets the hang of it he’s a great care taker
Is kinda bad at telling when you’ve regressed so it may take him a minute. Asks you adult questions like about your guy’s lease or taxes and you just stare at him (Ô . Ō) and then he’s like “oh whoops”
Actually finds being a care taker kind of fun. Making sure you eat, drink water, do basic hygiene tasks. Just so you don’t break down and you can function.
He loves childish things too, like Disney movies, stuffed animals, just very happy and cheery! He’ll play with your stuffed animals with you, read to you, or just sit on the couch and watch movies with you
Pim buys you a new stuffed animal or toy at least once a week. Anything cute or soft looking he just thinks of you and thinks you’d like it, and you do. You may be a bit spoiled, but it makes you happy so he doesn’t mind!
Charlie Dompler
Tw: very brief talk of kink
He’s been on the internet, he’s def heard of it and at first he thought it was a kink thing, like many people. You had to explain NO it’s NOT sexual and it’s a COPING MECHANISM. He’s really glad you explained how it actually works, cause he was a little frightened.
Charlie has no idea what he’s doing at first, Charlie is very aware of his surroundings and you at all times. So he notices something is off he just couldn’t figure out what. When you just stare at him with the lost look in your eyes, it just kinda clicks, then he has no idea what to do from there
Finds your face to be funny, takes pictures of you a lot at .5. He’ll show them to you and watch you giggle
Actually googled how to take care of an age regressor and just read off a list. He’s okay at it, he cannot relate to kids so it’s just very awkward. “So uh, you wanna, color?” “. . .” “. . .Okay nice talk” it takes him a bit to get the hang of it
He usually just tries to give you a stuffed animal out of your collection and hope for the best. Maybe put on a movie or give you his switch to play minecraft. Just something to keep you busy
You two often play board games, he actually secretly loves board games. He buys new ones to play. He absolutely kills at shoots and ladders.
Charlie has a place for you to put all of your stuffed animals and trinkets. He doesn’t like having a lot of stuff on the bed so you have to keep them there most of the time. Sometimes if you fight hard enough he’ll let you bring ONE of them with you to bed.
Does like to buy you cool trinkets for you to play with, like puzzles or just things he thinks you’d find cool. It is nice to see you playing with the things he bought you
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