nyctcphiliacs · 8 months
@falscgcds gets charlie
How it happened, honestly, she couldn't remember. One red cup had turned into another, and she needed to pee before she knew it. It wasn't till she was sitting down that she realized just what had been in those cups she was assured were just punch. Frown as she stood, moving her hands and splashing cold water on her face, the sudden idea came to mind. Pulling out a phone with sudden determination, she pulled up the text thread. One eye closed, and tongue caught between pearly whites as she typed out a message.
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Youtually such an ass id you know tat? how tell if you drunk yourcute asshole theres something
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finelinc · 3 years
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––––––––––––VISITING HOME WAS nothing short of great to see his mother, even better when he finds out his hometown sweetheart is also in town, worse when he finds out they’re engaged. and in charlie fashion, he wants to meet the person that he once loved will be marrying. so here he is, at some gathering with all of his friends and him, the other’s significant other. hears a comment made about his former love and stops what he’s doing to look up the speaker, expression of disbelief settling on his features. asks him to repeat themselves and charlie easily stands up, moving to quickly and too close to him. ‘ you ever talk about them like that, you ever say shit like that, ever, period, you’re fucking done. you understand ? ’ only moves back when the other enters the room, his demeanor changing to a forced smile, like they were having the best conversation ever.
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nyctcphiliacs · 9 months
@whileurmine gets charlie
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"You do know, it's really hard to focus when I can feel you staring at me." the brunette quipped, blues shifting from paper to the other seated on the couch across from her. "How much longer did Lee say he was going to be?"
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nyctcphiliacs · 7 months
@falscgcds because we are insane
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Crap. The little blue plus sign was not exactly what she'd been hoping. This was meant to ease her worries and prove she was just being silly, not confirm what could be considered a worst-case scenario. Swallowing thickly as she opened the door to the bathroom, large blues in search of her so-called partner in crime. "So- uh, I have some news."
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nyctcphiliacs · 9 months
@feverish-desires gets charlie
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"You still think of me as naive. I can see it on your face. But I can assure you I've always had a better grasp than you'd believe."
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nyctcphiliacs · 8 months
@whileurmine i warned you heres charlie
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"Okay, so I'm here. What is it?" Shifting when the hand moves to push the door, fingers nudging it the bit closed before she prompts the other once more, "Ca you tell me now?"
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nyctcphiliacs · 9 months
@falscgcds liked and got charlie based off (x)
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"You aren't being serious?" Brows lift, and the tone is downright incredulous as blue orbs meet dark ones. "No offence," and just like every other sentence that started with those words, it would, in fact, be offensive, "but it takes far more still to do an axel than anything you need to do for a game." A shrug of shoulders for once confident in her stance.
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nyctcphiliacs · 9 months
@takeurpickindie wanted charlie
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"You seem upset," confsion pulling brows into a furrow when her greeting wasn't met with a smile. Heart begining to beat a little faster in chest, large doe eyes scan over features before moving towards the floor. Had she done something? Worry beginning to rise as she tried to recall every action since they seen each other. "Have I done something?" voice quite as she busies self with inspecting finger nails.
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nyctcphiliacs · 3 months
open to: m/f/nb muse: Charlie Bennett; the innocent
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"You need to stop!" The words were meant to be firm, a demand, but like most things with Charlie, she'd soften them to little more than a whine. Brunette tried to focus on the laptop sitting on the counter in front of her, "I need to finish applying so I can get a job, and Lee can get off my back about what I'm spending all my time doing, and you aren't doing anything to help." Finished with a somewhat exasperated huff, glancing at the other finally formed over her shoulder. "Do you care even a little?"
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nyctcphiliacs · 9 months
@putaaas also gets charlier cause gif hunt is open
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"What happens if I don't go back in there?"
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nyctcphiliacs · 5 months
@whileurmine wanted charlie
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"That was exactly as bad as I imagined," Charlie managed with a soft grin, still teary-eyed from the coughing the joint elicited.
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nyctcphiliacs · 7 months
@arsenicflavouredtea wanted charlie
"Okay, okay, I am here. What was it you wanted to show me?"
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nyctcphiliacs · 9 months
@motelcafe gets charlie
" You aren't in charge of me, and I'm not a child. Besides, I have this funny little thing called free will. You don't just get to tell me what to do."
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nyctcphiliacs · 6 months
open to: m/f/nb muse: Charlie Bennett; the innocent
"Stop being such a baby! What's the worst thing that could happen?"
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nyctcphiliacs · 6 months
@whileurmine wanted charlie
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"If you're trying to sneak up on me, you might want to consider taking softer steps."
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nyctcphiliacs · 6 months
open to: m/f/nb muse: Charlie Bennett; the innocent
She knew coming here was a mistake. The loud music, the funny haze in the air, and all the red cups this was definitively not the brunette’s usual scene. In fact it was her first time at a house party, pretty much ever. Maybe that’s why she’s tucked herself in a corner. Away from all the people, waiting for her friends to come find her so she could get the hell out of there.
Head shook when she saw them approaching her. No, please, god, “Oh no, I’m okay with my drink. Thanks.” A small smile flashed as she shrunk away from them, hoping to disappear entirely.
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