#charlotte plays acv
alethiometry · 2 years
basim sorting thru eivor’s memories by most angsty
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he’s just like us fr
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thatsouthernanthem · 4 years
Me, scrolling past @alethiometry’s posts really fast bc I’m too lazy to blacklist spoilers even tho she warns us and is a benevolent goddess: 😳😳😳😳😳
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Les remèdes naturels pour l'infection à levures sont si populaires en ce moment présent comme une alternative à guérir l'infection à levure. By assigning economic values - even imperfect ones - to the business jak zrobić ocet jabłkowy benefits of nature, we enable companies to consider investing in important conservation projects that they might not otherwise even consider - and consider nature across all business decisions. Here are some of the dishes that benefit from the addition of apple cider vinegar: Baked goods, soups & stews, tandoori chicken, pickled goods, salad dressings, marinades & chutneys, sweet & sour chicken, caramelized onions, coleslaw, braised red cabbage, and barbecued or baked tropical spareribs. If we humans, many of whom have grown up in cities and fairly estranged from nature, decide to consciously work with her, we too can benefit by using nature essences to assist in the releasing of thought patterns that have been distorted by our urban environment to become balanced and harmonious, restored to our original Divine blueprint. Using apple cider vinegar often makes an excellent detox-remedy, it will likely be far more successful if you consume a well-balanced diet that consists of unprocessed, natural foods that will provide the body with the nutrition it needs to purify itself. http://cupofnature.pl/2016/02/16/ocet-jablkowy-prosty-i-sprawdzony-przepis/ of putting together a structured guess in order to test various hypotheses ends up feeling an awful lot like playing Mastermind, or Bagel (from early programming text What to Do ocet jabłkowy właściwości After You Hit Return ), or Bulls and Cows I tend to use early guesses to cut out large swaths of possibilities which fall into cognitively similar chunks, because memory is my limiting factor. But before you go buying bagels by the dozen and vinegar by the gallon: Johnston warns that vinegar will not necessarily promote weight loss (no matter how much you consume) — particularly if you double down on carbs thinking you're immune to calories. But to do Nature Study well, you will need to make a consistent effort to make time for it. According to Charlotte Mason, every child has an innate interest in nature, but it is the parents' responsibility to encourage it. Otherwise it will be lost as the child matures into adulthood. The results turned out to be how I expected them to be, even the strong acidic smell lasted throughout the whole lab, although the color fade in the magnesium surprised me. I now know that vinegar is a strong chemical and will eat away at magnesium without any difficulty. This is particularly dangerous considering that pre-made cleaning products aren't required by law to disclose their ingredients, and you may unknowingly use an ammonia-based cleaner before or after swabbing down a surface with chlorine bleach (mixing chlorine and ammonia results in a toxic chlorine gas). As far as ACV goes, my product of choice has always been Bragg's Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider przepis na ocet jabłkowy-so far I haven't found anything quite like it. I usually pick this item up for no more than $4 at the grocery (located in the salad dressing isle) or natural food store. In a paper in Nature Methods, a team led by Heiko Horn and Kasper Lage of the Broad Institute's Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research and Massachusetts General Hospital MGH; Michael Lawrence and Jesse Boehm of the Broad Cancer Program; and Gad Getz of the Cancer Program and MGH describe NetSig, an open-source computational tool that looks for cancer-driving mutations by joining cancer genome data with protein interaction data.
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alethiometry · 2 years
actually i quite like that we don’t see eivor’s goodbye with randvi, it reads as much more intimate that way. plus i feel like games (or maybe just ac) has a way of just overdoing it with most of their romances to the point where there’s not much room left for the player’s own imagination (arguably the most fun part of shipping imo) to fill in the blanks. it was nice to see them take a step back for once and allude to their goodbye in a way that felt like it was up to the player’s interpretation while still driving home the poignancy of their relationship!
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alethiometry · 2 years
hmm yeah that was stupid but the hytham scene did make me cry so
another W for the clowns at ubisoft I GUESS
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alethiometry · 4 years
hytham holding out hope that basim was the poor fellow-soldier of christ sending him intel on the order... hytham believing basim betrayed eivor and sigurd for no reason... hytham never getting any meaningful closure on what the hell happened to his mentor...
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alethiometry · 3 years
forgot how much anxiety that stupid acv skill map gives me
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alethiometry · 4 years
you know what’s a really interesting (and also... kind of devastating) detail that the game barely touches upon before completely forgetting about it a moment later
eivor loses her faith in the gods / valhalla / the afterlife (hordafylke arc) shortly before she watches a bunch of her friends and closest allies die (hamtunscire arc). she confides to guthrum before the funeral that she doesn’t believe they’re going to valhalla — she doesn’t believe they’re not going anywhere, they simply have stopped existing — and guthrum advises her not to say that to everybody who is mourning and looking for solace in their perceived afterlives. so eivor nods and gives a stirring eulogy like any leader should. and they light the pyres and she quietly does what is expected of her, and her loss of faith is never brought up again.
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alethiometry · 4 years
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this is ABSOLUTELY the funniest fucking thing i've ever seen
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alethiometry · 4 years
me trying to figure out what the fuck was the point of kassandra’s forced immortality if all that happened with the staff was that layla dropped it on the floor and promptly forgot about it
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alethiometry · 4 years
arse-stick (affectionate)
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alethiometry · 4 years
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moodboard: @winedark listening to my wild theories about who is leading the order of ancients, the significance of the odin storyline, what significance the baldr resurrection story that eivor tells the vinland villagers has, what the fuck is up with sigurd, and why basim is so goddamn shady
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alethiometry · 4 years
valhalla pulled the same shit black sails did in that it ended the narrative at a high point for the protagonists, over a journey that was harrowing and not without crushing losses but still appeared to pay off for the heroes in the end... but the viewers/players know that the victory will not last... i’m about to go fucking feral over this i fucking love historical fiction i love history as storytelling i love our need to ascribe narratives to everything that happens
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alethiometry · 4 years
ac valhalla merchants be like yeah i’ll sell you formidable assault weapons and entire statues for you to lug home and decorate your settlement, but i draw the line at fabric
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alethiometry · 3 years
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alethiometry · 4 years
How are you liking AC Valhalla so far? Any characters you love? Any characters you hate? Is there anyone as sexy as Brasidas?
hiiii thank you for asking!! i’m going to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.
i’m really liking it so far! i have my gripes about gameplay mechanics and the buggy launch, but at this point i have either grown used to them or am happily experiencing stockholm syndrome and am just enjoying the game for what it is (and hoping the stuff that needs patching gets patched soon).
here are some things i love:
the voice acting is so good. SO GOOD!!!
eivor! she stands out among the protags of other ac games i’ve played because she always has this community about her. she’s a loved and respected leader to her people, they’re always happy to see her return to the settlement, she’s got her crew to back her up at a moment’s notice, there’s always portions of the main quests where she has companions fighting beside her.
basically all the other characters in ravensthorpe! they’re a fun bunch and a loving community and they have their quirks and i love hanging out with all of them. petra in particular is an absolute sweetheart and not a day goes by where i don’t feel awful for breaking up with her bc my goblin brain decided “lol i want to fuck my stepbrother’s wife who looks like kassandra in sweatpants”
HYTHAM IS A SWEETHEART. we love an assassin who is also, to use 2012 lingo, a pure and sweet cinnamon roll, too perfect for this world.
petting dogs and cats!
how dynamic the settlement is. every time i go back there’s something new and interesting happening, whether it’s a new sidequest an npc wants me to help out with, or a dispute between neighbors, or new dialogue with npcs i repeatedly interact with. i love having a home base that i can upgrade and that i want to spend time in.
the minigames! orlog is fun and frustrating but mostly fun, and the drinking contest is AWESOME.
quick-time assassinations for higher-level enemies! it’s a good balance between the old games where you could just indiscriminately kill fucking anybody in one overpowered hit, and odyssey where you had to either stack your assassination damage to get that sweet OHKO, or straight up fight the polemarchs.
the relationship between eivor and sigurd. i’m only about 40-50% of the way through the game so i’ve only seen a bit of it, but as someone who generally gravitates towards sibling narratives (i.e. odyssey, fullmetal alchemist, and way too many of my prime years wasted on supernatural) i really love their dynamic. i think it was an excellent idea to have that become one of eivor’s central narratives from the very beginning of the game. also, i get to fuck his wife.
(forces through gritted teeth) the... modern... day. i HATED layla in odyssey, to the point where i don’t even remember what happened in the modern story at all because every playthrough except for my very first one i simply mashed the skip button until i got back in the goddamn animus.. and i do not remember a single thing she did in origins. and maybe it says more about me than anything else that i wasn’t able to care about her until ubisoft (finally!!!!) brought back shaun and rebecca to make me care, but... this is the closest the modern day has felt to the desmond games, and there’s post-odyssey continuity with layla’s struggle as the keeper of the staff or whatever, and i really like it!
when you hover over different things in the map, the sound effects change. you get chanting music when you hover over monasteries, and ocean noises when you hover over the ocean! IT’S SUPER NEAT.
taking damage when you swim in the cold cold waters of norway made me chuckle. i can see how it might get annoying, but it doesn’t really bother me that much and it’s not that much damage.
things i’m ambivalent about:
fall damage? i’m peeved that it’s back, but it makes sense. i do love that the breakfall skill makes it so that the most damage i’ve ever gotten from taking a long fall is like... 5 hp lmao
kill animations. they’re really cool and i love seeing what new fun way eivor has to brutally murder her enemies. on the other hand, the shift in camera angle can be annoying in the middle of a massive battle, and if there’s an object in the way of the very specific camera angle then sometimes i can’t see the animation at all and have to just stare at some wood/stone texture for like 10 seconds.
environment puzzles. sometimes they’re fun but sometimes i’m too damn tired to try and figure out the 3895th way to break into a locked building.
side quests world events. they’re fun but also seem largely... pointless? i wish we had one or two longer sidequests; some of my favorite moments in odyssey were on long sidequests like mykonos or the battle of 100 hands. i feel like this was a reactionary mechanic to people complaining that odyssey had “too many” sidequests or something idk.
tattoo parkour. i would like it more if eivor didn’t feel so “sticky” if that makes sense. i like the return of parkour puzzles, and i like collecting tattoos (the tattoo shop is always the first place i visit when i return to ravensthorpe), but the parkour in the game often feels quite clunky.
social stealth. another excellent idea that they brought back, but executed clumsily. i just don’t understand how it works, or, more importantly, why it’s even necessary in the first place. but it’s also easy to ignore, so whatever.
animus glitch platform puzzles. they’re super cool but for some reason give me massive anxiety.
things i don’t love:
some combat mechanics, like having a stamina bar and losing adrenaline when you get hit. i’m not here for any of that *~*~sO gRiTtY aNd rEaLiStIc~*~* bullshit. i just want to have fun and hack shit up.
that motherfucking god damn terrible fucking skill tree/map/web. who the FUCK thought it was a good idea??? the incremental changes between the big nodes feel kind of meaningless, and it’s very difficult to see the (completely arbitrary) progression towards the big nodes because they’re pathed out on SKINNY WHITE FUCKING LINES
synin got nerfed real bad :(
dag is a massive chode. and not even in a fun way, like stentor was in odyssey.
don’t really care for ivarr either if i’m being honest.
i do not give a single shit about fantasy asgard, and i’m kind of peeved that i apparently have to finish that arc in order to finish the game. (i didn’t like the atlantis dlc in odyssey either—a couple hades sidequests notwithstanding—so go figure.)
congratulations on reading this far if you actually bothered to do that! i don’t think any game will top odyssey for me in terms of setting/storyline/general vibes. but valhalla is a great, solid game in its own right.
no npc will EVER be as sexy as brasidas, but eivor is definitely sexier. she and kassandra and aya hold the 3-way title of Sexiest Assassin’s Creed Characters But Not In Like A Creepy Incel Gamer Way.
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