symphonyofmalice · 6 months
@charmantevamp (liked for a theater-era starter)
The Theatre Des Vampires was putting on a play- an odd, monstrous, macabre adaptation of the abduction of Persephone.
Nicolas, playwright, musician, centerpiece of the theater- was in the titular role of this particular performance. The play began with him in the role of Maiden. His long hair was loose, braided through with wild flowers. His clothing was all flowing pastels. The other vampires danced around him, nymphs and divine companions, as he played the violin. The song was one of pastoral beauty, of peace, joy and springtime.
Some found the casting of Hades odd. Was the Lord of the Underworld usually so small, so slight of frame? But the actor playing the eldest Olympian brought a gravitas to the role nonetheless. Cloaked in darkness, presaged by the beat of earth-shaking drums, attended by ghoulish monsters, he stole Persephone away. The shrill, stabbing notes of the violin as Nicolas was dragged into the darkness sounded remarkably like screams. The vampiric dead tore the flowers from his hair, crushed them under foot, left him in torn rags.
Now the temptation began. And this was the theater of the vampires after all. Hades wooed his stolen bride with a procession of victims- played mostly by vampires. They were dressed in the Greek style, with dripping necklaces of red rubies- the pomegranate seeds of blood. Persephone refused again and again, except for the last- the only true mortal in the line. One more, like so many others, stolen off the street and charmed with mental tricks. Hades and the other vampires feasted on the victim, drinking deeply. And submitting to temptation, Persephone drank just enough for the stain of red around her lips to be visible to the back rows of the audience.
But there was no Demeter in this play. No springtime. No return from the cold, frost, death of Winter. No escape from the Underworld. Instead, it showed why Persephone had epithets like Brimō, the angry. Epainē, the fearful, the dreaded. Dressed now all in black, Persephone stood side by side with her husband. Queen of the Underworld, watching with stone-faced impassivity, waiting for the next doomed mortal, merciless to how their suffering was once her own. The curtains closed on the screams of the next victim being brought in.
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honorhearted · 9 months
For modern AU Benjamin Tallmadge:
“It really is nice out tonight.”
From ~ Audrey ~ charmantevamp
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Ben jerked, not having expected the intrusion. In truth, he'd gone o.utdoors in need of air -- the f.estivities inside were capable of making him feel quite lonely, given the memories they were starting to unlock -- and offering the woman a wan smile, he inclined his head and replied, "I suppose so."
If she meant nice as in the w.eather, then yes; if she meant nice as in the beautiful scenery, skyline and glittering s.tars up above, then also yes; but Ben couldn't find it in himself to agree that the night was pleasant.
"You should go back inside," he said. "I'd hate for you to miss the c.ountdown just because you chose to stay out here with me."
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the-brat-prince-1760 · 11 months
Lestat here.
I was tagged by @charmantevamp to create a type of poll based upon what you would do if you saw me!
Let me know what you think when you reblog!
Lestat out. xoxo
(Make your own at the following link: )
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Paris à Abidjan, Abidjan à Paris.
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curseconsumed · 9 months
“Abbess? Academician?”Audrey smirked defiantly. “Is that the worst you have, Mr. Nash? You might as well say what you truly mean,” a laugh though, it is haughty and filled with disdain. “I am not a porcelain tea cup, sir, I will not break, unless, of course, you are afraid.”
(Unprompted) @ Jacob / from ~ Audrey / charmantevamp
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"I do truly mean it," Jacob muttered, not looking up from his tincture preparations, "and that is Doctor Nash, to you. I never gave permission to address me as a commoner."
Shaking his bottle to better mix the l.audanum-brandy concoction, he still kept his gaze focused on his work. Audrey was becoming a nuisance -- good God, why were all women so damnably vexing? -- and jaw tight, he pressed, "Is there a reason for your intrusion, or are you merely here to take up my valuable time? I imagine my patients, not to mention, my actual patience, would have something to say about this." Setting aside the bottle, he finally dignified her with an even scowl. "If your sire isn't paying you enough attention, that is not my problem. Perhaps if you weren't so damnably self-righteous and combative, you wouldn't continuously be cast out into the street."
He waved a hand, turning his back on her. "Begone. If you were under the impression that I ever restrain myself in my opinions, know this: I do not care for you, nor your companionship. Is that candid enough for you, or shall I elaborate?"
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sonataforsybelle · 2 months
@charmantevamp continued from here
"Pleased ?" Sybelle repeated, uncertain of what Mercy expected from her before she really showed what she was getting at. She was not privy to what she was referring to precisely, but she knew the worst of Armand referred to the coven years. She knew little, years painted in broad strokes without giving out details, yet she knew enough.
"I am safe with Armand, he would never hurt me," she simply said, feeling a little uncomfortable. She did not like her tone, at clash with her claims of concern. It was Sybelle's choice alone to trust him, and while she would not defend his past actions, she would always defend today's Armand.
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thxgrxmrexpxr · 3 months
(From: the vampire Lottie / Audrey: charmantevamp)
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"Well, I have bad news about that 'talking to a mask 50% of the time' box then ..."
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mxldito · 1 year
@charmantevamp liked this thang for a starter!
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"What's that? A hint of roses on the air? Are you sure the cold, dirt-streaked streets are the place for you? I'd roll my coat out on the floor for you if I wasn't worried about wearing the leather down even more." Looming around under the yellow streetlight, Coyote basked in the emptiness and listened to cars pass along in the distance.
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"I'm only teasing." Breaking their stern demeanor to give a juvenile snicker. "I remember once I fell asleep in my car on this street and I was abruptly awaken by somebody blasting Electric Avenue as they drove past. So welcome to Electric Avenue."
They paused to stare in silence for a moment, "I don't know your face. I can only read so much before I go cross-eyed, especially in the dark. May I ask who you are?"
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They squint at him with utter disdain, shock and horror.
“You— you did what?” They ask. “You know it’s crime to kill your maker,” they add. “Mine left me as soon as he made me,” they say.
“If I didn’t pity you before, I certainly don’t now.”
— @charmantevamp
Louis looked up at Audrey with a look of confusion. "I thought Lestat would have told you by now."
He didn't want to talk about it, especially not with them. It was something he still felt guilty about, even after all these years. Sure, Lestat had forgiven him, but he hadn't forgiven himself.
"Yes, I know it's a crime. I paid dearly for it. But I didn't know it at the time. I'd rather not talk about it."
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withinycu · 1 year
@charmantevamp​ is all yours 
In far back and newborn days the pagans had looked upon the first Christians and proclaimed, ‘Behold, how they love one another.’ In a few more centuries a priest would write a hymn proclaiming one could know a follower of christ ‘by our love’. All those fine proclamations and God’s own commandments and so many fell short. The took god’s name and made it a knife, a chain, a whip and went forth and multiplied. So god and all his promises became hollow and ugly things. Until the mustard seeds fell on good soil and up blossomed saints who fulfilled all the promises old and yet to come. 
She was a dark-eyed slip of a woman who was sometimes rough with herself, rarely thinking herself worth of the faintest praise but Adrienne was such a saint. 
Versailles and Paris was densely populated with brigands and hypocrites who would have turned up their powdered noses at the Madame Lilith but Adrienne only smiled and offered her, her hand. 
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“I am so pleased to meet another abolitionniste. My husband is all afire since his return from the war, our home is quite over run with literature on the subject. You are of course always welcome to borrow from our library whensoever you like.”
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Brushing aside her now messy pink bobbed hair.
She didn’t expect company… or judgement.
“   I was with Lestat and yes, we slept together.  ”
Gabrielle nodded, in no way surprised by this fact. Their son had a type and that type did, at times, resemble their own tastes. “I am not surprised. I wish you had chosen differently but,” Gabrielle sighed, shrugging a shoulder. “Take care with my son. He can be a rather sensitive boy.”
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symphonyofmalice · 2 months
*cue the denial*
(Audrey ~ charmantevamp)
((tarot card meme)) @charmantevamp
The Moon (//I consider this Nicolas' signifier card!) UPRIGHT: Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition REVERSED: Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
It was perhaps not without cause that 'lunatics' were named after the moon. Nicolas had been wandering in the moonlight every night for a week, now. He paced the square of Joachim-du-Bellay in endless circles. He didn't write, he didn't play, he didn't speak, he didn't do anything. He just walked, staring up at the silver sphere as if it was telling him secrets. If the vampires of Paris tried to guide him back to the theater, or anywhere else, he'd follow where pushed. But he always wound up back there, moving in those silent, uncanny loops like an automaton.
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honorhearted · 1 year
"That was nice."
(From: @charmantevamp - Audrey’s a serial seducer, it’s her defence mechanism, oops? )
Send “That was nice.” For pillow talk between our muses. / @charmantevamp
Ben's entire body ached. He was drowsy and disoriented as he laid there amidst sweat-strewn sheets, and as he slowly blinked back into awareness, he grew conscious of the sweet pressure of a mouth against his, slow and heady as he fumbled at the woman's shoulders. Melting into her touch, the dizziness swelled and he snagged his fingers through her hair.
Who was she? And why couldn't he remember...?
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Humility carved its way through his heart, yet with their tongues tangling and the softness of her perfumed body pressing welcomingly into his own, Ben was finding it increasingly difficult to care about the who and the why.
Breaking the kiss with a shuddery breath, he peered back at her in bleary-eyed confusion. "Where are we?" he rasped. Was he still in camp?
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Perhaps Louis succeeded for once.
Shall I compare thee to a canary? Or a river of gold? I knew a sunbeam once. But all light fades, eventually. The fire behind your steely blue eyes hasn’t, yet, and your medallion hair isn’t yet faded.
I am, it seems not blessed with your luck or fair hair, but I know magnetism and charisma when I see it. Why do you think I haven’t left, when I could’ve. Or rather, I come and I go, but I always return.
- Audrey / charmantevamp
Lestat here.
Your kind, poetic words speak volumes, @charmantevamp ! ❤️
I appreciate both them and you greatly. I believe that you are correct in thinking that Louis has succeeded in his goal to get under my skin.
It means the world to me that you return and continue to do such, ma chérie, and I am unsure what else to say to you aside from thanking you again.
Flattery will get you a long way with me, and I think that you are well aware of that by now. ;)
Lestat out. xoxo
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gentlejack · 2 years
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@charmantevamp 29: dangerous or antagonistic muse is gently caressed by the other,  surprising them with affection they aren’t accustomed to. 
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        Old habits die hard; and then, the  oft-practiced tendency to rush to a pretty girl’s rescue is hardly one Anne has ever really tried to discard. Without second thought, she reaches out a tender hand and wipes her thumb over the smear of blood nestled into the corner of the young lady’s mouth. She is ever so courteous in her touch, and MORE than a little concerned - for how should this fine stranger have happened upon so ghastly a blemish?
        “ There, ” says she, not without kindness, and lingers a heartbeat longer than altogether necessary. Then, she pulls back and readjusts herself into her usual formal stance, cleaning her thumb with a surreptitious swipe of her handkerchief. “ Are you all right? ”
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curseconsumed · 5 months
“ Tell my sister don’t cry and don’t be sad. ”
From here.
(Audrey to Jacob - charmantevamp)
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"What your sister just witnessed is not my fault," Jacob snapped. His tone was firm and immediate. "Although I was careless, she is your responsibility -- not my own. You should never have brought her here."
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