#chase atlantic i dont need u playing rn
hongcherry · 1 year
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titsuya · 3 years
congrats on 1k, my love \(//∇//)\ m so proud of ya <333 rin would be too ;)) id like to participate in ur event pls!!
m hoshi and id like a matchup w an hq boy <3! im 18, use she/they pronouns, and tbh i dont understand all the zodiac sun, rising, etc,,, but im a sagittarius and and infp-t. im a touchy person methinks; i love hugs and just any affectionate action (ie headpats, cuddles, etc). i also enjoy quality time but im such a homebody even before the lockdown oops </3 so sometimes i dont like goin out and rather stay at home (though ill inevitably get bored). however, if i do go out, i love amusement parks and open spaces to do anything (like picnics, walk dogs, etc). im a PHAT introvert but m an ambivert when im w my friends. i tend to put other people first before my own and am usually available if people need to talk/need an ear to listen. but, when it comes to myself, i brush it off bc i dont wanna burden them </3 i also have trouble telling people what i rlly want and tend to be easily influenced by their choices instead JUST so i dont have to make a decision.
im also uh,, 5’1 so i often get teased bc of how relatively small i am. my vball coach thought that i should play libero instead of a spiker when i still had school bc at least liberos didnt need d height 🤕🤕🤕. but ya if it’s flirting teasing abt using me as an arm rest or smthn,, maybe idm 😳😳 ANYWAY i like dancing, drawing, playing sum instruments, dilfs/milfs, large clothing, bracelets, and my dog <3 i also like watching anime and reading occasionally when i get motivated to. my favorite color atm are any warm tones (BROWN RN) and ive been recently listening to ricky montgomery and chase atlantic PFF my music taste is all over the place. also u can use my name for the drabble if ur still g to write,, for me 🫂
HOSHI !! hi, thank you my babyyy <3 ty for joining my event 🥺 i hope u like ur matchup & chase atlantic is just… yes
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okay,,, you guys were meant to be together, no joke. you compliment each other so well and push each other to be your best selves. he’ll listen to you (even if he has to force it out of you), and you do the same for him <3 (you guys are also both astrologically compatible)
YOUR TROPE: strangers to lovers
I THINK THE WAY YOU GUYS WILL HAVE MET WOULD BE SO CUTE. i hc akaashi is also a homebody so the one time he’s out, he bumps into you at a park and he’s so flustered because, duh you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. usually, he wouldn’t do it, but he took a step out of his comfort zone and ask you to join him on his walk :) and you think he’s pretty too— i mean look at him, so how could you refuse.
YOUR SONG: softly by clairo <3
very much my picnic playlist vibes. you guys have soft energy and i feel like you radiate energy that screams soft indie or mitski LOL ?? does this make sense ? i feel like you guys, as a couple, would take candid film camera pictures & paint in the park whenever you get bored and that gives off clairo energy (bye i sound like im on crack)
moodboard !!!
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DRABBLE (ur one of my baby moots i <3 u i hope u like it!)
you had a book in your hands, unable to concentrate on the words because you were staring at your boyfriend.
“baby,” he mutters, softly, feeling your eyes on him. looking up from his book, his speculations were right, “stop staring at me,”
you give him teasing smile and put the book down, “what? is it a crime to stare at my very pretty boyfriend now?” you question, jokingly.
“no, but you know what is a crime?” he asks, pushing his glasses further onto his face, a smile forming on his own lips. you hum and wait for his response. “how short you are.” he chuckles.
you giggle, taking the book and smacking him multiple times, jokingly, “i hate you so much,” you say in between hits.
he laughs, grabbing your wrists and pulling you towards him, placing a soft kiss on your lips. you both smile into the kiss, happily.
“and i love you very much, hoshi.”
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top 5 movies and music videos babey
before I tell this, to the anon who requested a jjk x reader first time, I’m working on it (so sorry if it’s taking too long! 🥺😭)
Top 5 BTS Music Videos: (no specific order)
1. Blood, Sweat and Tears Japanese Version (when I tell u I was shook when I first saw this, lemme tell u I was motherfucking shook. This shit made me feel like I was tripping, also psychopath V is the hottest thing ever).
2. Run (I just loved the overall aesthetic and vibe, it made me feel something that idk how to put into words. Also Jimin with orange hair KSJSBDWISB 🤩🤩🤩 murdered me).
3. Spring Day (GIRRRLLLL, I have watched this MV so many times I know what happens each second and what clip comes when 😳😳)
4. Airplane pt. 2 Japanese Version (everything about this kills me)
5. Blood, Sweat and Tears Korean Version (this is what got me into BTS, I remember replaying this like a million times when I first saw it because???? I couldn’t??? believe my eyes?????)
Bonus: I Need U (this just slaps)
Top 5 MVs in general (again, no specific order):
1. Best Song Ever by One Direction (I was the biggest directioner ever, do y’all remember when 1D was at its peak?????? I remember buying the ‘This is Us’ movie dvd, and I watched it so much that it got scratches and didn't play well and I got ANOTHER one to replace it 💀💀💀 I literally thought I would marry Harry Styles oh god 13 year old me was... dumb. Also, I remember this coming out and EVERYONE in my school would play this song and its literally tattooed in my brain)
2. Thank U, next by Ari (she just combined all my fav movies so flawlessly)
3. Young and Beautiful by my goddess, Lana Del Rey. this and this version (I always get tired of songs, even BTS songs, because once I put fire on repeat and after a month I was sick of it (I LOVE IT THO DONT GET ME WRONG) but I can never get tired of Lana, I have played this song SO much and it never gets old).
4. Peek-a-boo and Russian roulette by Red Velvet (just the visuals, the voices, the presence, the aesthetics, oh god)
5. There’s nothing holding me back by Shawn cutie (this video makes me want to grab a boy and run across the city so bad)
Bonus: Some of my fav artists other than BTS are - Lana, Chase Atlantic, Sufjan Steven, The neighbourhood, Cigarettes after sex (FAVVVS), arctic monkeys, troye Sivan etccc.
Top 5 Movies: (no specific order, really, also )
1. Inception (this idea itself just really interests me because I'm really interested in lucid dreaming too)
2. Titanic (🤪🤪 I love torturing myself and I cry every single time I watch this movie, and am currently writing a Jimin titanic au! lmao)
3. The Great Gatsby, The Wolf of Wall Street (makes me wanna be a broker and earn millions and idk do cocaine (don't do it kids) LMAAOOO) and Catch me if you can. (Whatever Leo stars In just becomes my fav movie why)
4. Parasite (this is probably my top 1 because there's so much symbolism in it, and the execution and the meaning is just *chef’s kiss* PERFECT
5. Mean Girls and The Notebook (just classic movies I’ll watch when I don't know what to do, they're just so good)
Bonus: Love, Rosie,,,, 500 Days of Summer, before sunrise, before sunset, and before midnight, snow piercer, train to Busan and much more that I can't think go rn
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jaxcns · 6 years
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y’all know this mans? yuh.. really gets ya thinkin that men might deserve rights after all huh? i mean they dont but it makes ya think! anyway.. i’m urayai ( uri for short ), eighteen, she/her, and from bumfuck nowhere usa over in the est timezone. we livin in a winter wonderland over here rn issa nightmare :) if ya feelin the vibe now then check out my statistics page yuh maybe i went the extra mile MXDDDN! anyway if ya poppin ya p*ssi to nct, love wastin time playin the sims, or are prayin for both taes scalps then smash that heart! we need validation in order to live in this economy laid ease!
basic details
( wong yukhei, cismale, he/him ) — meet jaxon wu, the nineteen year old sophomore at washington state university. i heard that the hedonist is a literature major who spends most of their time either practicing on the soccer field or interning at dorrance publishing two days a week. if you ask around, you’ll find out that the scorpio was born on october 28th, that the last song they listened to was uncomfortable by chase atlantic, and that they currently live in the kappa zeta nu fraternity house. ever since the death of carter hayes though, the only thing anyone can seem to recall when it comes to them is that they used to share a room with him at the frat house.
+ smoke-filled lungs, constellations in his eyes, denim jackets, disappearing acts that rival houdini, heart-shaped boxes, thumb rings, lazy grins, broken promises, and rainy mornings.
full sleeve on his right arm plus a chest piece in progress
ears and nose pierced but he doesnt always rock the nose
emotionally stable? no. financially stable? also no.
on an athletic scholarship for soccer but he loves hockey more so its #emohours
plays soccer, hockey, and baseball
loves the finer things in life but can barely afford the free breadsticks at olive garden ja feel
hes a snake who loves that 5 finger discount
selfish but also too invested in people he cares for
impatient as hell like.. chile
middle child ya he was dealt only the best cards in life
loves space and conspiracy theories #wow so original amirite
gets super obsessive over projects hes def a perfectionist
bisexual / bitter / bilingual
mom is a bank tell and dad is a professor at boston u
not very close to his older brother since hes off gettin his doctorates degree
very close to his little sister tho they’ve always been best friends
enjoys goin on hikes to clear his head
other than writing he also enjoys all other things creative like painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, etc
he attends a weekly art class in the city
he def dabbles in drugs so if ya lookin he can probs hook ya up
he was carters roommate 
ADAMANT — stubborn as shitttttt like fr. once he sets his mind on sumn and believes hes completely right cant be wrong then theres no changin his mind! at all! even if he realizes later that he was wrong he’d rather lower himself into the grave than admit it. he’ll also argue with you til the ends of the earth until the bitch literally dont have vocal chords anymore!
CONFIDENT — if i could’ve picked an alternate label for him then it woulda been the bellwether. he always carries himself with confidence which he gets from wearin nice clothes and accessories plus always bein well groomed ig? like his hair is always done, you’ll never find a speck of dirt on his shoes, that type of shit. even when his hair is messy it was done that way he would never go outside lookin like a wreck so jot that down!
IMPETUOUS — this bitch reckless af! he does things to benefit himself and only himself most of the time without taking into consideration other peoples feelings or how it might impact them. thats not to say that he doesnt regret it after the fact but lbr he normally? doesnt? see: selfish. hes just tryna get ahead tryna get dat coin tryna get him sum gucci slides!
PETULANT — sulky, bad-tempered, etc is jax thru and thru! and he aint afraid to take everyone down with him either. hes def the type to stir up drama ngl but he’ll back it up too and he aint afraid to throw hands! hes been in his fair share of fights and with his shiny new fake id y’all been knew hes been in more than one bar fight with more to come i’m sure!
plot ideas
MUSE — pretty self explanatory i think? this person just ignites fuckin inspiration for him whether it be thru takin pictures of them, writing about them, filmin them, drawin them, etc etc. jax always knows that when hes in a slump he can find them and that shit will come back as quick as flippin on a light switch!
RIDE OR DIE(S) — y’all already know wtf it is! we love those friends who just talk shit with each other, those that’ll go to bat for one another, but also arent afraid to be like “yo step back ur gettin a lil outta line” ja feel? literally gimme all that!
ANGST — i live for anything angsty tbh like im one of those bitches that gets bored when things are goin too well for my chara so i need someone to fuck that shit up fam!
RELATIONSHIPS — im here for it all! im talkin enemies, friends, rommates, party buddies, smokin buddies, fwb, exes, partners in crime, etc etc! im here and ready to snatch em all up!
TEAMMATES — jax plays hockey, soccer, and baseball so if ur chara does too then? uhhhh we def gotta plot cause we could go any way with the teammates thing like imagine teammates who hate each other and purposely try to hurt one another durin practices.. ugh we love pettiness!
ADVENTURE BUDDIES — hiking, goin to abandoned / haunted places, spontaneous road trips, etc! need someone or multiple people who’re down to just drop everything and go. doesnt even matter where tbh they’re just always up for a lil adventure.
SEESAW — lemme be basic for a sec ok just hol on! i rlly want a plot based off of yoongis song seesaw where maybe the two of them were together and at first it was great but then they just fell out for wtvr reason and obvs didnt wanna be together anymore. neither of them wanted to let go tho maybe it was like a comfort thing? so they just kept repeatin their same old shit and actin like everything was cool until one of them finally took the step and ended it just.. ik there’d be angst ik it and i need it!
PARADISE — the new song by chase atlantic! bitch! i felt it in my soul maybe i cried? jax dabbles in literally everything hes truly a mess so havin someone who just checks on him would rip my soul in half? someone who gives him a call randomly in the middle of a sunday night and is just like “hey ya been ok? not fallin back on bad habits are u?” shit like that. it would def be a thing where he falls a lil bit in love with them because its smth hes not used to tho that def doesnt mean at all that they feel that way about him! it can unrequited i dont rlly care tbh.
ik i forgot sum shit and ik this is a damn m e s s but if ya wanna plot then just lms and i’ll hit ya up! we can brainstorm or pick from one of our wcs idc just give this h*e sum plots i’ll literally die without em? im def the type whos down to prettymuch™ fill anything so if ya got a plot that ur rlly wantin but no one seems to be takin then give it to me i’ll 100% take it lmao! ya im desperate what about it?
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