quiisquiliae · 7 months
@chasindtrevelyan liked for a starter from Tal!
To say it had been a long night was an understatement. Untangling a web of intrigue, betrayal, and a spurned lover all while in an incredibly uncomfortable and equally ridiculous (not to mention completely impractical) outfit while at a palace under the judging eye of Too Many Nobles certainly had taken it's toll.
Talon was, to put it frankly, fucking exhausted mentally.
Now, hurray. They made it. The Inquisition saved the Empress, reunited her with her elven lover, and offed Florianne. Talon couldn't make his escape fast enough, and found solace on a balcony, away from prying eyes. He had sat down on the ground, next to a potted bush and to the side of the open doors, where he hoped it would be unlikely for anyone to find him.
The assassin bristled as he heard footsteps approach, unwilling to share his peace, but the grumpiness faded as quickly as it came when he realized it was Max. "Thank the Maker it's you," Talon said, relieved. His flask in one hand, his free hand patted the ground next to him. "Wanna join? I've got better shit'n they do."
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Skyhold - 9:41 Dragon
(Continued from X with @chasindtrevelyan)
chasindtrevelyan answered:
“If I mix three elfroot with the…” Eli trailed off, his musings drifting into barely audible mumbling as he scribbled notes on his latest herbal mixture. It was a work in progress, something for pain management for those members of the Inquisition who suffered lingering injuries or chronic pain. While smoking the plant could indeed offer temporary relief, it also dulled one's senses too much. Going into battle or even simply out gathering while under the influence could be dangerous, and his hope was to make something that offered the same effect, but without the side effects. 
The knock at the door startled him from his thoughts, and he snapped his head up to see who had come by. The knock, though appreciated, had not helped as much as the visitor would likely have wanted. It wasn’t her fault however, it was simply how he was, and he offered the Commander a shy smile. “Good evening,” he greeted, and flushed a little at being called out on his lack of meal attendance. The great hall of Skyhold was wonderful, truly…but Eli didn’t like being around that many people all at once, and typically took his meals at odd hours to avoid the crowds. Dear Elissa however, seemed to have spared him the effort this evening. 
“I am actually,” he continued, “got a bit lost in my experiments and forgot to raid the kitchen. Thank you for bringing something. Have you been well?”
Ever the healer, he worried for her even as she came to offer him aid in her own way.
Elissa winced just a hair and she offered a sheepish look of apology when Eli jumped and startled despite her efforts at subtlety. Even with her training, when it came to any situation outside of combat or subterfuge, it had never been one of her strongest suits.
"It is no trouble," she began, balancing the tray on the edge of his desk as she reached out a hand in a silent offer of help in shifting his work aside enough to clear a place directly in front of him. "I'd have been here a bit sooner, but Bryce was particularly difficult to get down for sleep tonight. He misses his father terribly, and is worried he'll not see me again when I leave to find him with the Inquisitor and Champion for Crestwood tomorrow. I..." She stopped mid sentence and sighed quietly. "Forgive me - you have your own business and burdens without having to listen to mine. I am well enough, all things considered."
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pellelavellan · 5 months
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In the list below, bold all the fears your muse currently has, italicize all the fears they've worked through or grown out of, answer the questions below, and then pass it on by tagging your favorite muns to participate!
The dark l Small spaces l Suffocation l Water l Thunderstorms l Dogs l Snakes l Spiders l Insects l Clowns l Blood l Dentists l Hospitals l Needles l Germs l Heights l Fire l Insects l Public speaking l Large crowds l Meeting new people l Being alone l Being touched l Failure l Imperfection l Societal rejection l Physical intimacy l Emotional intimacy l Being abandoned l Being forgotten
What other fears do they have? One of Pelle's biggest fears is letting people down. He has always been afraid of not being enough. He is also afraid of being rejected by people he loves if they knew things about him that he keeps secret (ex: his sexuality for a long time or alternative feelings about different topics like spirits). A fear he did not have until he was Inquisitor was the fear of erasure or being remembered as someone he was not.
Why do they have these fears? Are these fears innate, trauma-based, or generational? The fear of letting people down of not being enough stems from the pressure of being raised to be a Keeper. He's always been a very gentle person by nature and very sensitive in the sense of just having an emotional and sometimes physical response to the world around him (mourning dead animals, being squeamish to violence or blood for a long time, actually being strongly against any and all violence, struggling not to let other's feelings affect him.) He has been criticized for caring too much, and while his mother disagreed the impression was still made.
His fear of opening up about more personal things about himself absolutely stems from bullying. He has always been smaller, weaker, more effeminate, and more gentle/emotional than nearly all of the men he grew up with. It was a big clan. There were plenty of people who didn't mind this, but there were also boys who would terrorize him for it when they were adolescents.
I don't think I have to explain the final one. There are tons of accounts of humans erasing elves from their history like Shartan and Ameridan even going as far as to remove ears off a mosaic in a university in Orlais to stories about Ameridan being so drastically far from the truth of who he really was. He is very afraid that his influence on other elves as Inquisitor and the racially charged outrage he has received from many Orlesians as Inquisitor would cause them to try to erase as much of his identity as possible once he is gone.
Have they ever tried to work through or confront these fears? How did it go? He works through a number of fears, traumas, and repressed feelings as Inquisitor with the help of a spirit of grief. He didn't summon the spirit or really ask for his help but it did force him to confront some of the deeper darker things he keeps so close to his chest and really broke him down to the point of accepting the things he could not change/who he is. I'd say it went pretty well? He becomes a stronger person from it for sure.
tagged by: saw a template and borrowed it
tagging: @quiisquiliae @chasindtrevelyan @faebhaal @wisdomlibrarian @lathal @dalishborne <3
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thezombiesocs · 5 months
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
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This is so painfully sweet 🥺😭 but @chasindtrevelyan straight UNO REVERSE bro 😘
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hermosa-pesadilla · 4 years
@chasindtrevelyan hearted for a small starter.
Abby was waiting for her car to be done with the mechanic, leaned up against the wall as she looked out towards the garage where the vehicle was up on the lift. She chewed her thumbnail worriedly as she watched the guys move around in front of her in a flurry of motion. I hope this doesn't cost an arm and a leg, she thought with a deep frown. She could barely afford the stupid thing without this setback, she could only hope that the work wasn't going to be more than she can handle. The door besides her squeaked open, she spared the mechanic who entered a quick glance.
"Hi there," she greeted. "You the one working on that beater in the back?" She asked with a flick of her wrist towards the lifted black car with peeling paint.
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@chasindtrevelyan liked for a starter!
The exclamation was the only warning poor Max had, before Talon emerged from invisibility mid pounce.  Barreling his dear friend over (in the middle of the Skyhold courtyard no less), the assassin had an absolutely shit eating grin on his face before blowing a massive raspberry on his friend’s cheek.  
“I missed you, holy shit!”  
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Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
Though Rynn has thrown off most trappings of her noble life, she is absolutely helpless in the face of a really nice, long, hot bath. If she ever settles anywhere she will splurge on bath products and the like.
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endlessdrifter · 7 years
@chasindtrevelyan liked this for an Oliver starter
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“N-No, no. That’s... Not what I meant. I was... referencing an old song. It was stupid. Nevermind.”
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intraxvagor · 6 years
Six word story
okay, so, if you send  "six word story" to my inbox, i’ll pick a random one from the siteand write a drabble/starter for our characters based off of it 
Sharp new yellow pencil. Limitless potential.
The man dragged a chair around and set it down in front of the table where his brother sat. Max started at the sound, staring up at Aden before the shorter of the two sat down, a silvery brow quirking. Aden would just leave it to the other to guess what he was about for the moment, not vocalizing anything. It was more fun this way. Max had looked far too maudlin lately for his liking, and Aden was going to try to change that. He matched his bright blues with the curious golds, then quirked a brow to mimic his younger brother. That got a huff of amusement at least. A good start. The elder of the two leaned back and reached into his coat pocket for his prize. A folded up sheet of paper, completely blank, and two pencils. Fresh. New. Sharp, their black points begging to be dulled on something. One pencil was offered to Max, who took it with a bemused expression. The paper was unfolded and set on the table. Then silence. Max let his gaze flick away, then back at his brother. “What am I supposed to do with this?”     “You were telling me about that new project you had in mind…?” Aden gestured towards the paper, “Show me.” “Seriously?” “What, you’d rather I start a game of hangman?” “You would. Give me that.” The younger man snatched away the paper before it could be fouled up by Aden’s dastardly do’s, lightly starting to sketch out the shape of a car. The two of them began to talk more eagerly about the details, the shape of the car coming more and more clear as well as the details printed on the side with Aden’s stylized script. The distraction worked wonders on his little brother, and Aden felt a thrill of satisfaction run through him. While he couldn’t do this every day, couldn’t spare his brother the harshness of being in jail, he could do something for him. He could give him some kind of hope for the future when he was free.
Hope beyond the shit life that he had almost fallen into. The pencils might have been fresh and clean. But the limitless potential? That was in the man sitting across from him.
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“No, no, you are at the right place.” Lian smiled at the man, nodding towards him to encourage him to step into the tent. “We don’t have enough medics on hand and they’ve been working around the clock but the wounded cannot wait.” He explained, gesturing towards the stool for the archer to sit on.
“I don’t think people remember, but I was actually a healer in my clan before becoming Inquisitor.” He added, still smiling warmly at the man. “So. What is the problem?”
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quiisquiliae · 7 months
"Run away with me."
The soft words permeated the quiet night sky as the pair sat on the balcony, sharing a drink in an attempt at finding a new normal. It had been a month. A whole month since he lost everything. His arm. His title. His army. His mentor.
The title and army he didn't give much of a shit about of course. It wasn't like he'd wanted them to begin with. His arm of course, was another story, and losing his mentor and friend was yet an entirely other one. Needless to say, it was a lot of adjustments in quite a short time. As quickly as he'd risen to prominence, he'd managed to fall from it. Entirely of his own volition of course, but it was still a stark difference albeit a welcome one.
"Run away with me." The words were repeated, Talon's voice breaking slightly. He shifted, turning towards Max awkwardly, toppling over a little in the process as he reached an arm that no longer existed out to help adjust his position. "I can't do this anymore I can't-"
You're too bright, it's hard to see. Like birds flying in front of the sun.
Cole's words rang truer than he could have ever foreseen. He had burned brightly, fiercely, for just over twenty years, brighter than ever as the leader of the Inquisition, and now all that he felt were left were the charred remains.
"I think I gotta start over again Max." I just can't lose you too.
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Skyhold - 9:41 Dragon
{ Continued from meme prompt found here. } @chasindtrevelyan​ -
Golden eyes flicking up from the parchment scattered in front of him, Max regarded the woman curiously.
"I think," he said after a moment, "that you might have the wrong person. I've not demanded an apology from anyone."
Least of all from someone he didn't know, though it wouldn't be the first time a stranger had gotten huffy with him for some reason or another. He had that affect on people, or so he'd been told. 
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If his reply confused her, it showed little in her expression. Letting her crossed arms fall to her sides, Elissa relaxed her posture and took a step forward towards the chair across from the Inquisitor’s desk. Had no one told him just which Grey Warden had come to see him? To be fair, she was dressed rather simply; most of the tell-tale markings of a Grey Warden were absent, save a broach of the combined Warden and Cousland crests at her shoulder that held the flap of her breasted coat closed.
“That isn’t the impression I was given by some of your companions, Inquisitor. Your Seeker in particular seems rather put out at my arrival.”
Pulling out the chair, she sat and leaned forward to hold out her hand. “Aside from that, where are my manners? Elissa Cousland, Warden Commander of Ferelden.”
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@chasindtrevelyan liked for a smol thing
“...  Do you know of any place in Skyhold that’s a good place to hide and hatch a dragon egg?  I’m asking for a friend.”
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😴- opinion on naps?🐢- favourite pet?🍔- favourite food?
Munday Asks! | Accepting | @chasindtrevelyan
😴- opinion on naps?
🐢- favourite pet?
DOGS! Especially my own ;)
🍔- favourite food?
Macaroni and cheese for sure :)
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trevelyandominic · 7 years
😚 (have a distraction. Sorry you're stressing hun)
When he had heard that his lover had returned, Dominic was was eager to greet him. Max had been out on a mission with Leliana that lasted longer than usual. Not that he’d been terribly worried; if something did go wrong, he would have been informed by now. Though, he couldn’t help but worry just a little. There was an overwhelming sense of relief when he saw the other approaching from the main gate. 
He wasted no time, practically dragging Max by the front of his armor around a not-so-secluded corner. Dominic backed him against the wall, hands resting on his neck as he pulled him in to firmly kiss him before he could protest. He cracked a small smile when he felt Max push against him, dragging his teeth across his lower lip before he pulled back. He seized Dominic by the waist and pulled him as close as his armor would allow him to.
Teeth clashed as they nipped at each others lips, he was sure everyone who passed by had gotten an eyeful. Dominic rested his forehead against Max’s as they finally pulled away, the sound of their heavy breathing intertwined.
Max sounded slightly amused. "Well, hello to you too."
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🔮 (talon)
Send  🔮 to read my muse’s mind ||  Accepting
“!!!  Dog!!!  Soft!!!  Can I pet???  Dog!!!  It’s so cute!!!  Look at that sweet face!!!”
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