#verse: to be named later
Skyhold - 9:41 Dragon
{ Continued from meme prompt found here. } @chasindtrevelyan​ -
Golden eyes flicking up from the parchment scattered in front of him, Max regarded the woman curiously.
"I think," he said after a moment, "that you might have the wrong person. I've not demanded an apology from anyone."
Least of all from someone he didn't know, though it wouldn't be the first time a stranger had gotten huffy with him for some reason or another. He had that affect on people, or so he'd been told. 
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If his reply confused her, it showed little in her expression. Letting her crossed arms fall to her sides, Elissa relaxed her posture and took a step forward towards the chair across from the Inquisitor’s desk. Had no one told him just which Grey Warden had come to see him? To be fair, she was dressed rather simply; most of the tell-tale markings of a Grey Warden were absent, save a broach of the combined Warden and Cousland crests at her shoulder that held the flap of her breasted coat closed.
“That isn’t the impression I was given by some of your companions, Inquisitor. Your Seeker in particular seems rather put out at my arrival.”
Pulling out the chair, she sat and leaned forward to hold out her hand. “Aside from that, where are my manners? Elissa Cousland, Warden Commander of Ferelden.”
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
When Eddie and Steve first became parents, Robin made them a silent promise.
She swore to herself that she was going to give their children the most annoying gifts she could possibly find.
(To preserve the sanctity of their friendship, of course).
In 2006, when Moe and Robbie are five and three, Robin catches wind of the girls’ struggle to learn the appropriate places to put stickers. She found this out when Steve lamented to her for fifteen entire minutes about how difficult it is to get stickers off of clothing and walls and windows and light switches (everything, pretty much).
So it is with great delight that Robin adds two colossal books of novelty stickers to the collection of gifts she and Nancy were pulling together. She also gives them each a paint set and fabric markers.
Moe and Robbie were pumped, naturally. Steve and Eddie were not.
Robin: What? I just want to support their artistic endeavors!
Robin happens to think she went easy on them. She’d also seen a kids’ megaphone that she graciously vetoed (Hazel is still a newborn and still not sleeping through the night yet – she wants to bug them, not drive them off the ledge into total insanity).
The next year, she doesn’t hold back – not only does she give them the megaphone, but she also finds a slide whistle and a plastic recorder and a bucket of mega bouncy balls.
Over the years the girls get from their Aunt Robin – slime, kinetic sand, a karaoke machine that was only programmed with Disney Channel Original Musical soundtracks, prank kits, a cowbell, craft glitter, a rock tumbler, an ant farm. One year she gave all three of them Furbies.
This crusade is easy when the girls are little, because kids' toys are notably annoying as a baseline, but she has a harder time when the girls hit their teen years. Robin, however, is nothing if not committed to the bit, so she always manages to figure something out.
Robin: Do you think it’d be taking it too far to buy Moe that phone she’s been harassing them about.
Nancy: Uh, yeah.
Robin: What about the gerbil for Hazel?
Nancy: *thinking*
Nancy: That one’s fine.
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rustedleopard · 7 months
While I headcanon Kieran as having a bit of a crush on the main character, I cannot see the Applin he trades you as a love confession done with the knowledge of the Galarian tradition because he strikes me as a bit too much of a country bumpkin to know about that.
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 month
I fully believe that if Em had lived longer he would’ve had some sort of gender epiphany
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natashatrace · 10 months
lil future!fic drabble for mavnix, as always takes place in the verse that only exists in my head at the moment 💜
The pregnancy is unexpected, but not unwanted.
“I have something to tell you,” Natasha says one afternoon, straddling his lap and hiding something behind her back.
Pete’s hands curl over her hips out of reflex. “A good something or a bad something?”
“A good something,” she says, nodding once. “But it’s — a big something. And it’s okay if it isn’t something you want.”
Pete’s brow furrows at that. “Okay. What is it?”
She pulls out a thin piece of plastic from behind her back.
“Guess you aren’t shooting blanks, old man,” Phoenix teases him, holding out the positive test with a shaking hand and hesitant joy shining in her eyes.
Pete takes the test and stares. Just stares. Finally stutters out an exhale when he feels Phoenix’s hand over his cheek.
“Earth to Mav,” she says quietly, thumbing at his skin. “You okay?”
He shifts his focus from the test to her stomach, flat beneath her shirt. From her stomach up to her eyes.
“You’re pregnant?” he whispers.
Natasha bites down on her lip, nodding. “How do you feel about that?”
He hugs her so quickly, so tightly, that the sound of her laughter is muffled against his throat.
Mav’s enthusiasm doesn’t change. Even when she’s complaining about the ache in her back. Even when she’s cursing him for putting them in this situation in the first place. Even when they’re bickering in the middle of the night as their newborn cries while the bottle warms.
Natasha watches him often; stands in the doorway of their bedroom and watches as Pete talks to Trace, telling him about his favorite planes, about how Mom’s going to take Darkstar by storm when she heads back after leave, how Bradley’s coming over for dinner that weekend and how they all have to be on their best behavior. The things he’s saying don’t matter — it’s the easy, gentle cadence of his voice that keeps Trace captivated, soft little sounds bubbling up every so often like he’s just as much a participant in this conversation as Maverick is.
“Did you ever want kids when you were younger?” she asks him later, holding Trace close as he nurses, brushing her fingers gently back and forth over the baby-soft hair on his head. “Or were you too busy conquering the world?”
Maverick hums, scratching a hand up through his hair. “I think I always thought I’d have it eventually. The family, y’know. Someone to come home to. I remember sitting with Goose and Carole when Bradley was little, and I’d be listening to Goose tell that kid all about the planes in the sky and thinking, y’know. I’d like to have that one day. But then…”
He trails off, waving a hand. Natasha winces at a particularly sharp sting in her chest and then relaxes, eyes warm when she looks over to Pete and sees him already watching her.
“But then,” she says softly, nodding. “Time’s a hell of a thing.”
Maverick smiles a bit at that, sitting on the footrest of her rocker and curling a hand over one of her calves. “If the last few years have taught me anything, it’s that there isn’t a damn clock at all. The things I wanted that I thought I’d missed out on — well. Got ‘em right here.”
Natasha kicks her foot gently against Pete’s chest. “Sap.”
“Respect your elders,” he huffs, but he kisses the inside of her foot gently before setting it down, standing up enough to kiss Trace’s head and then her lips.
“Love you,” she whispers.
Pete brushes her hair back behind her ear. “Love you back, sweetheart.”
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papirouge · 6 months
"The sell your cloak and buy a sword" has to be one of the most misquoted Bible verse EVER
It's now become a pet peeve of mine Witnessing all these idiots with surface level theology take this passage at face value and mUh tHe BibLe wAnTs yOu tO bUy gUnS!! and seemingly don't have enough braincells left to rub to realize that the Sword is a metaphor for the Word/Christ crossing several books in the Bible AND that Jesus rebuked Peter for using the very same weapon he was allegedly okay with him using, and went as far as to heal the very man he harmed doing so, but hey I guess expecting those Christians to have a crumb of critical thinking skills might be a little bit too much to ask
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championsofthegate · 10 months
@tadbitfooled asked: “If you’re not going to take care of yourself, at least let me do it for you!” Gwen to Gale, your choice on setting
Gale let out a groan, hand inches away from the doorknob of the ward. Great, the bossy cleric was back. Again. And likely not inclined to let him go about his business.
He reluctantly turned away from the door to face her, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm feeling quite alright, I assure you. Do you know how many more important things I could be doing instead of lounging around in here all day?"
Was he perhaps still a little tired, not quite back up to speed? Perhaps, but it would pass quickly enough. He had studies to attend, research to get back to. A goddess to impress! All things more important than lying around trying to get better.
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abyssembraced · 2 months
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Working on an iterator design for GLaDOS <3
#ooc#my art#.☣️#☣️ verse | rain world au#((i'm thinking her name could be ''Aperture to Innovation'' or something along those lines?))#((it'd be *nice* to keep her name as glados))#((but i don't know if i could come up with a different meaning for the acronym that makes sense for rw but also glados as a character))#((plus i think that'd make her full name too long for rain world's standards from the canon names i've looked at))#((so i'm happy to have her name reference aperture science instead! and it means i can include the logo in her design and it makes sense))#((her creation opened the way to new innovations! or at least she was Supposed to lmao))#((and it also means i can still have the whole area she controls named the aperture labs/enrichment center. just that it's named after her!)#((since i know there's the guy five pebbles but i think i also read that there's also a *place* called five pebbles?))#((which i assume is just his territory area. so glados would have a similar thing!))#((her darkened eye is broken by the way! but it doesn't bother her))#((and i know i'll probably need to redesign the cores to make them more rain world-like but.))#((that will come once i actually play the game dgshsfsf. for now they're just simplified versions of their canon designs))#((and i wanted the sash thing they're on to look kinda. constricting but not immediately concerning?))#((it's wrapped around her entire body but it's loose enough that it doesn't look like it's actually causing her any harm))#((even though it Kind Of Is. or is at *least* a massive source of annoyance for her))#((though i'll have to see later if i can actually fit the whole personality core thing into the au))
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voxuli · 6 months
Starter for @visage-of-hell
She'd ended the moth demon with a whimper, rather than a bang.
Vox thinks Valentino wouldn't have liked that; however, now Val's brains are splattered over the carpet, and Vox can't be bothered to care.
If Visage had thought she was getting away with this in total secrecy, she was sorely mistaken. Nothing went by in this city without Vox's notice. She wasn't subtle, and Vox liked to keep tabs on Carmine as a rule of thumb. The hellhound hounding after Val's territory had quickly landed herself on a list to keep an eye on.
But Vox... Well, the thing that people didn't seem to understand was that the Vees were a business partnership. For all they acted and clowned around on TV, it was strictly work. Valentino had never exactly been what Vox had considered a hard worker. And Vox was getting more than a little tired of constantly having to change out his head.
So if Valentino had gotten too complacent to keep proper tabs on people gunning for his position, well... what right did he have to expect Vox's surveillance on the matter?
So he'd sat back. And he had watched all the moves that she made. And when it came down to it... He'd watched Visage put a heavenly bullet straight into Val's head. Dumbass. He'd told him he should invest more into angelic detector systems.
He has two thoughts. The first-- Good riddance. The second?
He's glad it was this one. She had spunk.
Vox slips into the grid with the practiced ease of several decades, blinking into the entrance of Val's ruined studio from an unoccupied outlet. The corpses around are neater than the average hellish massacre, gore and mess kept to a minimum. He nudges one out of the way with the tip of his shoe and spares a second to schedule a cleanup crew.
A subtle gesture of his claws brings Valentino's latent security systems back online, just in case this goes south. He reaches into the building's intercom system, projecting his voice throughout the entire building.
"You run a tight ship, Viz. I like someone who can operate cleanly."
Vox smiles, a glowing Cheshire grin in the darkness of the lobby.
"How about we have a chat, face to face? I think there might just be a vacancy here with your name all over it."
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larmegliamori · 27 days
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Little blurb from my Asimov wip that I wanted to share :3 Welcome to the Dors Crib!
(small rant/stream of thought in the tags, enjoy)
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
If you need incentive to write the 04 scene of Steve’s mom meeting Eddie, Moe, and Robbie, this is it. The image of Steve stepping in front of them??????? Astounding and I am all but begging you to share what was said — if, of course, you feel the inspiration and need that extra push to write it :)
truly anything for you
tbh this is basically an extension of the last part of this
“–Also, my mom is here.”
“What?” Eddie yelps, which, yeah, fair enough, all things considered. Steve’s been estranged from his parents for over a decade now, so it’s only natural for Eddie to be completely shocked finding out that his mom is here, in their home. 
“Well…y’know, I invited them,” Steve replies as he shifts the way he’s holding their eight-month-old daughter Robbie. 
It’s true – he had invited his parents to the party that he and Eddie are throwing today to celebrate…they’re celebrating a lot of shit, actually, because they’d had a pretty wild few months, but he’s invited them to all the important things over the years.
Before Eddie can respond, Moe wanders over and tugs on the hem of Eddie’s shirt as she says, “Daddy, look at ‘dis, Auntie Robin put a flower in my hair.”
“I mean yeah, duh, Steve,” Eddie finally says as he absently picks up Moe (being mindful of the daisy tucked behind her ear, of course), “I mean, you always…Steve, she’s here?”
“Yeah, she-uh, I dunno. She showed up. We – I sorta yelled at her, I think…”
Steve trails off as his eye catches on a familiar figure hovering by the front door – his mom, he knows, even with her back to him. She must feel his eyes on her, because she turns in their direction, and by then Eddie had realized that something was pulling Steve’s attention so he’s turning too, and then Steve’s mom and Eddie are standing face to face, and alarm bells are going off inside Steve’s head that he can’t really explain, but before he can dwell on it, he finds himself slipping into an old tendency to just blindly act, to protect the people he loves before all else. 
Steve takes a step forward.
Where before he’d been standing in line with Eddie, Steve steps forward, meets his mother with a steady gaze as he puts himself between her and his family.
His mother isn’t blind to this. Steve can see on her face the way she recognizes that step forward for what it was, because he’s got one foot planted firmly between Eddie’s own, and his shoulder is blocking Moe from view completely, and he’s angling himself in a way directs Robbie away too even if doing so hadn’t been a conscious decision, because it all makes crystal clear the kind of threat that Steve perceives his mom to be.
She blinks at him, lips slightly parted, and for a moment Steve finds himself feeling a little bad for her – but only for a moment, because she made her choices just like Steve’s father did, and now they all have to live with them.
Steve lives with those choices every day by being the parent he had needed as a child, and right now that means standing between the parents he did have and the family he has now
“Steve, I–” his mom starts, “I need to be going, but…I’d like to be introduced to your…if you’ll let me.”
She’s looking at Robbie (trying to, anyway), and it makes Steve wonder if she’d even be here today if he hadn’t sent his mother a card back in the spring of ‘02 announcing the adoption of Moe, if he hadn’t spent the years since then sending her updates about his kids. She wonders if she would have shown up at all if it was just him and Eddie.
Steve loves his kids with a kind of love he had never experienced before, but the same is true for Eddie. Sure, it’s a different kind of love, but no less big and no less important. There’s no way in hell Steve will be allowing his mother to pick and choose which parts of his life she gets to participate in. If she wants to know the girls, she goes through Eddie first. Non-negotiable.
Before Steve can say as much, Eddie adjusts his hold on Moe (still keeping her behind Steve, he notices) to free up a hand and hold it outstretched.
“Ed,” he says, and he follows it with, “Steve’s husband,” and Steve can hear the shit-eating grin on Eddie’s face without even needing to look, and he knows that he’s smiling too because he always does when Eddie calls himself Steve’s husband. Then he adds, “Can’t believe we’ve gone this long without an introduction.”
Steve’s mother introduces herself and shakes his hand (though she doesn’t seem to have anything to say to his second comment, Steve notes).
Satisfied (because, frankly, Steve couldn’t really have asked for anything more, all things considered), he finally shifts to the side to introduce his daughters.
“This is Moe,” he says, “Wanna say hi, Moe?”
But Moe has suddenly gone uncharacteristically shy (or maybe she senses the tension and is wisely choosing the side that’s kept her snuggled and fed her entire life – she’s smart like that), tucking her face away in the safety of Eddie’s shoulder. 
Steve watches as Eddie murmurs something in her ear, watches Moe nod even as her little arms twine a little tighter around his neck.
She raises her head and gives a cautious, “Hi,” (with maybe a bit more side-eye than necessary, but…whatever. Moe is who she is).
“Hello,” his mom replies, with a kind of smile on her face that Steve doesn’t think he’s ever seen before (a real smile, maybe, but he won’t dwell on that). She gives Robbie a little wave, “And who’s this?”
“This is Robbie,” Steve says, running a hand over her curls, “Can you say hi, Beans?”
Robbie only blinks her big blue eyes, one of her little hands clenched around a bit of Steve’s hair at the nape of his neck.
“How ‘bout a wave?” he suggests, mimicking a wave for his youngest daughter, who parrots the motion in his mom’s direction.
“How old is she, again?” she asks as Steve presses a kiss onto Robbie’s chubby cheek. He knows he already told his mother this but, in fairness, it certainly wasn’t the most memorable part of their contentious conversation not too long earlier.
“Eight months last week,” Eddie answers proudly. He looks at Moe again, “And how old are you, bug? Are you…” he pauses, pretending to think. He looks at Steve, “I think she’s only two, right?”
“Oh, definitely,” Steve nods, pretending to be serious, “Definitely two more than anything else.”
“No-o, I’m more three!” she argues, her little brow furrowing (Steve knew it would – with Moe’s third birthday only a few weeks away, they’ve had many a conversation about how Moe thinks she deserves three-year-old privileges because she’s “more three than two”).
“That’s right, you turn three soon,” Eddie nods, “And we’re gonna throw a…what kind of party?”
“A butterfly party,” Moe finishes.
Steve looks back at his mom.
“You’re welcome to come, you know,” he says, and beside him, Eddie shifts a bit closer, his shoe nudging up against Steve’s, “Y’know, if you’re around. I can send you the info.”
He already sent it. He knows he already sent it, but if this is his mom’s way of extending her own olive branch, of taking the first steps in restoring the relationship with her son, he’ll send it again.
“Sure,” she replies, running a manicured hand through her hair, “We’ll…well, you know your father and his schedule – I’d thought he would have considered retiring by now but…” she pauses, then shakes her head, “Yes, I’d like the details.”
Steve nods, makes a mental note to send his mom the information (because, despite his defensiveness, he really does want her to be a part of his life, his kids’ and husband’s lives too).
She takes her leave only a minute or two later, and when she does, Eddie turns to face him.
“Holy shit, Steve,” he says, wide-eyed.
“I know,” he replies, slowly shaking his head.
“Dude, that was crazy, and we’re definitely gonna have to debrief on whatever the hell you guys talked about earlier, but can I just say you got so fuckin’ lucky that Robin didn’t realize she was here.”
Before Steve can respond, he hears an ominous voice behind him say, “Robin didn’t realize who was here?"
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I had low expectations for hobie brown and he blew them all to smithereens by being the Best ™
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kkkindered · 3 days
New muse here: hopefully he intrigues you guys a little :'3
real name — Shiloh Mio Astoria
single or taken – open to ships he has papers due for court but maybe later
abilities or powers — N/A smile that can melt ice
eye color —  Amber (left) Muted blue (right)
hair color — same green as K'in
family members — K'in. Seo (other oc I may or may not bring(sister))
pets — None officially but he feeds wild squirrels
something they don’t like — last minute meetings, his siblings crying, sleeping with his glasses on
hobbies / activities — gardening, yoga
ever hurt anyone before — “you can hurt anyone, regardless of intention.”
ever killed anyone before — not yet.
animals that represent them — 🐻
worst habits — squinting, fixing someone's appearance (hair/collar/etc)
role models — his mother.
sexual orientation — pansexual
thoughts on marriage / kids —  sure. both are good but ultimately what works with his partner
style preferences — cardigans/sweaters, loves a overall/jumper and thick soled shoes
someone they love — siblings, mother and his advisory teacher
approach to friendships — ’friendships are important but don't try to be everyones' friend.”
favorite drink — loves iced teas. anything minty.
favorite place to spend time at — veggie/fruit garden + windy balcony
swim in the lake or the ocean — lake. the nhymps always want company
their type — [I've yet to decide. but. multiship ✨️] thick thighs tho
camping or indoors — camping
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‼️ Ignore the naming situation. I'm figuring it out ‼️
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the-sky-queen · 3 months
Have you considered: Anti Blake
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Just a quick sketch, but here's what I'm thinking he looks like. Anti Blake has ice powers (just like the Anti Blaze I have floating around in my head). He's a good boy who's always trying to do the right thing and help people out. He also enjoys playing with little kids and showing them the cool tricks he can do with ice. However, an accident recently resulted in him accidentally freezing his heart, right arm, and left eye. The ice has been slowly affecting him, making him colder and more distant. He's losing his ability to feel. It's making him more manipulatable, and more likely to side with shady characters or do questionable things.
Recently, Anti Bkake got tangled up with the wrong crowd. Through a series of events, he ends up transported from the Sol Dimension to main Moebius. It's there that he meets *gestures vaguely at a hypothetical anti Evelyn*
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royaletiquette · 4 months
On a day like any other, a hand-written note appears with Hibiko’s tray of tea. Sealed with a golden drop of wax, it was delicately balanced against the teapot. Perhaps it was old-fashioned of him, but Raum had the inkling that the princess might appreciate such a flair, as he did himself. Once opened, it was written in his own slightly dramatic cursive:
Dear Princess Hibiko,
Since you seemed so eager for me to make use of you, last we met. . . This is a formal request for your company.
Weiss Communications will soon be hosting a charity auction: art pieces, vintage clothing, instruments, antiques, unique experiences… and so on. It would be my pleasure to host an item or two that you can spare to donate — and that you are to personally introduce as a former part of your collection.
Worry not, there will be plenty of entertainment during the evening, and I will accompany you throughout. I will see to it you are not hounded, as usual ;^)
No doubt this would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Everyone loves to see a benevolent princess, don’t they?
The details of the event are below. I look forward to your response.
— R.
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Precious curiosity hardly allowed time to properly admire the details of the note's exterior, immediately interested more in its contents (and ignoring the tea completely).
It pulled a mix of emotions from Hibiko, a smile that even by herself, she was embarrassed to express. The ever-rare decision to go over the king and queen's heads, offering the invite directly to the princess instead of them was nothing but daring. And yet, it felt so casual, like inviting a friend for lunch.
Hibiko held the letter close as her mind wandered in different directions, most notably unsure how extravagant or modest an item might be expected from her. Once an idea was settled on, little time was wasted fetching a pen and a crisp sheet of paper, happy to show off her penmanship.
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Raum Weiss,
What a pleasant surprise to see a letter from you. Although I might think a man of such caliber would have a better choice of words with a woman of my status. "To make use of you." You embarrass me, were someone to read this! Luckily for both of us, I received your invite still sealed. Since favor is on your side, and with the promise of plenty of entertainment, I accept and am honored to come as your guest. In these boxes, you'll find the necklace I wore to the King and Queen's 15th wedding anniversary, and a fine bone china, three-piece tea set. I'll have letters of authenticity with all the necessary details drafted up for you come morning. I look forward to seeing how a Weiss Communications event may differ from a Suburashi's. However, I must ask of you a small request before I can full-heartedly agree to be your guest. Please notify me of what you'll be wearing to the auction once you've decided on an outfit. I'd never forgive you if we were clashing.
I'll see you then, Princess Hibiko Subarashi
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snickerdoodlles · 2 years
Serious KP question time: does Kim, at any point in the show, call Porchay "Angel" or not? 'Cause, in fanfictions, it seems to be his default nickname most of the time but i can't remember if it actually happens in the show? Or is that just something the fandom collectively decided on and it stayed?
100% fandom. neither Kim nor Chay ever use pet names for each other in show canon, nor does Kim in show ever carry that sort of religion-related symbolism or references (unlike Vegas or Gun)
some context for why 'Angel' is a Thing despite that;
kinnporsche was hugely popular when the original filmania trailer dropped. there was like 50 fics for the show before the BOC trailer came out, and the Kim/Porchay pairing made up a third of them.
I think Kim calls Chay 'Angel' in the Kinnporsche novel, just because several people did start reading the novel in that year of the show being in limbo and the nickname was even more prevalent in fic back then? I can't say for sure though because I've never read the novel. but even if it is or isn't a thing in novel, the same case occurred: people were really, really hungry for kinnporsche when it first dropped. then there was a year of no news in which we all turned to the novel and/or other fic to supplement the lack of a show, and some nebulous shared fanon most fics drew from started to emerge and grow the longer the show was in limbo. Kim calling Chay 'Angel' was one of those fanon tropes, and then it stuck around even as the show properly got started because they're a secondary pairing and this fandom isn't very good at moving past that old shared fanon or book canon, even though all 2.5 canons are completely different stories from each other
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