#chasing sunsets is an idealistic/ romantic thing for me sorry not sorry
iwritekpopthings · 6 years
Day 3 - Holiday Trip (Youngjae)
Characters: You, Yoo Youngjae Word count: 347 Genres/ Warnings: Fluff
For @spooky-babyz #12daysofBAP (although it also ties into another Youngjae story I've written)
"Where are we even going?" You asked Youngjae as he led you up to a ski lift. "The day is almost over, it's too cold to ski, I'm getting tired, and-"
"Yeah, yeah, hush." Youngjae grinned sassily at you while he pushed you to sit down on the lift. He sat down next to you just in time, as the lift left the ground fairly quickly.
"Youngjae, this is supposed to be a relaxing holiday getaway and so far all I'm getting is stress." You told him. He knew you weren't being completely serious, though. The past two days had been full of cute laughter and fun up at this ski resort. This was the last night of your trip and although you were hoping to relax, if you were honest you were happy just being together with him.
"You think you're stressed?" He shook his head, looking away dramatically. "Imagine taking care of you for two days. That'll give you stress."
You laughed and kissed his cheek. "Sorry, sorry. I know I can be a handful. But hey, I'm your handful~"
He tried to play it cool, but you could tell he was blushing from what you'd said, not the cold. "You're so cheesy." He complained, unable to completely hide his endearing smile. "Anyway, pay attention, this is what we're riding this for." He pointed straight in front of you and as you reached the summit, a beautiful sunset scene was laid out below you.
You eyes widened and you squeezed his hand. It was your tradition to chase sunsets wherever you went, but this was the best yet. The blood reds and oranges fell onto the swirling snow; yellow tinged the tips of the white-covered trees; shadows deepened, which only made all of the colors that much more intense. "I have no idea how you always time this so perfectly... But thank you, Youngjae."
He kissed your cheek, keeping his face close to your's. "You're welcome, baby." You turned and kissed his lips as the lift began to return to the bottom of the slope.
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