#chat ur all gonna make me cry about shadowbringers at 1 in the morning
thegreatyin · 5 months
the best thing about Shadowbringers world is that slow dawning realization as you explore it
that ultimately, the entirety of Norvrandt, As You See It Now, is the end result of a long series of dominoes falling
that started with the right person getting on the right Chocobo cart at the right time.
my favorite thing about shadowbringers is and will forever always be that it's pretty much just the aftermath of a jrpg plot in of itself. like every single member of ardbert's crew had their own personal journeys and backstory and calls to adventure and he slowly collected them along the way like a classical rpg story and everything. there was something there, once. you could have (and were) that exact same person in that exact same situation, once. ardbert did literally everything right and still it came to this etc etc
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