#chat:: nikolaj && pandora
anunlikelypear · 3 years
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«it is fun to go fully under the water though, don’t you think? Just sink down, close your eyes and mouth, and just feel the sensation? Knowing the world is mighty and could ruin you?» Pandora wondered out loud as they walked, eating their corndogs as they walked. Looking ariund. «If i want a prize, I will just buy the prize. Want a ring? Buy thr ring» that was the easiest way she could see to it. Shaking her head, Pandora was easily amused with him. «Even a round of drinks on me, hmm?» she asked, giving him a poke with her elbow. It was nice and chill to go with him. Even if he could be a dumbass. «Good to hear. I better not hear about you disappointing any ladies then Nikolaj»
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Nikolaj considered that and slowly nodded. "True, that is nice," he finally agreed. "You must spend a lot of time in the bath then?" he teased and wiggled his eyebrows. Stop picturing her in the bath, Nik. Stop it. But they'd been on this topic too long, he couldn't help himself. "Fiiiine. But I still think that's not as fun as getting a prize," he said with a joking huff. "Hey! Go big or go home, right?" he laughed, that grin appearing on his face again. He was a dumbass, but an amusing one, for sure. "If you do, let me know, I will have to remedy that immediately. Can't have such black marks ruining my reputation now, can I?" He knew how word got around in this town and he did aim to please.
Previous discord replies in order under the cut. @lambxtoxslaughter​
Nikolaj had asked the cute little brunette to join him at the carnival on a whim. Being the goof he is, of course she agreed, and they set a time to meet. He got an idea on a way to the place and convinced the food truck guy to make him a bouquet of corn dogs. He was holding them out as he waited and snickered at all the weird looks he got. This was nothing. "Panda!" He called out to get her attention, then held them out. "I hope you're hungry!" He sure was and they smelled so good.
Had she planned to go? Nope. Demon blood and going? That was definitely not on her plans. Even if they were insisting on demon-born people being welcome and safe to go. But nope, she didn't trust any of it. And yet, she couldn't say no when she got invited. So she showed up where he'd told her to meet her, seeing the bouquet in his hands, only to break into laughter when she came closer. "I ate a late lunch, but sure. I can have one or two." She said with a shake of her head. "You will definitely have to help me finish eating it all though. Can't let it go to waste."
Nikolaj grinned wider in response to her laugh and knew he'd nailed it. "Oh I can help. They definitely won't go to waste," he promised and handed her one. "Now, since you've never been before, I will show you all my favorite things. Let's start with the fire, so we can watch while we eat," he explained and offered her his arm. "I promised you an amazing time and you are going to get it." Those were the promises he loved to keep. "And if I don't, well, I have to do whatever you ask me to." Even if that meant dressing up like a baby downtown. His ego could handle it.
She accepted the corn dog, biting into it as he began to talk about what they would be doing. Arm linking with arm, letting him guide her around. «Fire sounds good» the brunette answered, looking around as they moved. Huh maybe they should visit earth magic later, try out the challenge. That could be fun and interesting for sure. And the bruises? Speciality for sale. «Well damn, you really going to make that a challenge?» Pandora asked with a little laugh. «Because if you fail... how about we give you a very public ice bath?»
Nikolaj adjusted the the rest of the corndogs in his hand so he could munch on the highest one as they walked. It was awkward, but he couldn't care less. "There is something exciting and irresistible like fire," he teased, waggling his eyebrows at her, and hoping she picks up on that horrible comparison. Yes, Nik, you are irresistible and exciting, too. Pet, pet, silly pup. "Hey! I never back down from a bet, you can go ahead and ask anyone," he replied confidently and gestured with his corndog full hand. He laughed at her suggestion and yelped. "As long as you don't judge... you know things shrink when they're cold," he added, both in jest, and well, it would be a confidence hit if she took one look at his junk and cracked up. He'd recover, but still.
God, how had she ended up in this situation? Out with a Vasilyev, a werewolf even, and having agreed to go to the festival with him. Which was strange to her. But, she was happy to have good company with her, and he was good to hide behind if she needed it. "So you like fire, huh? I've always liked water. It's soothing, calming. Perfect to curl up in, with some bath bombs, you know?" She always loved that. Willingly ignoring any pick up lines. It was hard to actually get into Pandora's pants, sadly for the wolf. "Okay, so we're taking that as a bet. If I find today to be boring, and uneventful, you will ice bathe. If I find the day to be exciting... Then what?" She leaned up, giving him a little kiss to the cheek. "I will ignore your size when you're in the ice."
"I do, I like water, too, but for different reasons. It's nice to play in that, for instance, instead of being singed," he remarked laughing. "Bath bombs, huh? You get the ones with prizes?" He teased, messing around with her. No judgment from him if she did, but he would be amused. "Hmm... Then you will have to serenade me in front of everyone," he decided after a moment of deliberation. He laughed more at her comment, nodding. "And I think you for that, since you wouldn't be seeing him at his best which would be a damn shame." But he wasn't planning on losing this bet.
«And water won’t burn you. It’s calming» she said with a bright smile. Yep, she definitely liked her water. «No? Just normal bath bombs that you release in the tub. If there is things in it, you could end up forgetting and clogging the drain?» she really never saw the use in that. «Oh dear lord» she laughed, shaking her head as they walked. «You are going to be held responsible for the bursted eardrums of this city then. All your responsibility» she said, giving his nose a little bop with the food. «Hmm, I probably have bigger buddies i use at work, than when you are full sized. So i don’t think you should worry about me and thinking about sizes. I am all about how and not size»
"It is, unless you go in over your head," he teased and winked at her before taking a giant bite of corndog. Oh, Nik, you giant goof. "But - you could have prizes?! Don't you want prizes?" he asked, sounding scandalized, but was only messing around. Would he pick the ones with prizes? Yes, yes he would and probably used whichever ones Iva had laying around. Would she buy them with unicorns and shit in them? Probably. But Nik wouldn't care. "I will happily take it. I'll just convince them all to come to the club later, round of drinks on me!" Free drinks cured most ills after all. He tried to nip at the corn dog when it booped his nose and he laughed. He did raise an eyebrow at her comments though and then burst out laughing. "Oh, believe me, I am very skilled in that area," he remarked, more than a little smug, and a smirk to match.
«it is fun to go fully under the water though, don’t you think? Just sink down, close your eyes and mouth, and just feel the sensation? Knowing the world is mighty and could ruin you?» Pandora wondered out loud as they walked, eating their corndogs as they walked. Looking ariund. «If i want a prize, I will just buy the prize. Want a ring? Buy thr ring» that was the easiest way she could see to it. Shaking her head, Pandora was easily amused with him. «Even a round of drinks on me, hmm?» she asked, giving him a poke with her elbow. It was nice and chill to go with him. Even if he could be a dumbass. «Good to hear. I better not hear about you disappointing any ladies then Nikolaj»
Nikolaj considered that and slowly nodded. "True, that is nice," he finally agreed. "You must spend a lot of time in the bath then?" he teased and wiggled his eyebrows. Stop picturing her in the bath, Nik. Stop it. But they'd been on this topic too long, he couldn't help himself. "Fiiiine. But I still think that's not as fun as getting a prize," he said with a joking huff. "Hey! Go big or go home, right?" he laughed, that grin appearing on his face again. He was a dumbass, but an amusing one, for sure. "If you do, let me know, I will have to remedy that immediately. Can't have such black marks ruining my reputation now, can I?" He knew how word got around in this town and he did aim to please.
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