drewpetersen · 6 years
Pós-festa e o que Drew estava fazendo? Pensando numa forma de aprender o básico de espanhol em um mês. Seu pai, Harry, insistira que ele seria capaz de fechar seu primeiro negócio internacional sozinho, com um investidor espanhol que queria construir alguns prédios na região californiana. O único problema? Ele não sabia absolutamente nada da língua e da cultura. O pai havia lhe oferecido um tradutor, mas ele não se sentiria totalmente satisfeito se não fizesse tudo sozinho. Por isso, estava andando pelos corredores da faculdade atrás de um quadro de anúncios que lembrara ter visto outra vez. Na maioria das vezes estava repleto de convites para festas e outras coisas inúteis, mas deveria ter algo relacionado ao que procurava ali, era o que esperava. Felizmente havia encontrado um pequeno bilhete preto que fazia referência ao que queria:
 "Aprenda espanhol em pouco tempo ou tenha seu dinheiro de volta. Tratar com Jade Rosón na fraternidade Delta Tau ou na sala de música, geralmente às 16h00.
Ps: xingamentos também serão ensinados." 
O loiro riu sozinho do que acabara de ler, ela parecia divertida. A ideia de fazer aquilo pareceu melhor com uma professora mulher, afinal,  já havia escutado muitas coisas boas sobre espanholas. Olhou o celular em suas mãos, vendo que eram exatamente 15:45, resolvendo, portanto, dar uma passada na sala de música para ver se a encontrava lá. Não demorou muito para chegar, e quando o fez, pode perceber a presença de uma garota de cabelo preto curto no cômodo. Ela tocava em um teclado, de maneira muito, muito intensa, o que parecia fazer referência a algum tipo de mau humor. Drew bateu na porta, chamando sua atenção, atraindo uma cara não muito satisfeita da mesma.  — Hola, compañera! Yo deseo aprender español. E aí, me saí bem? Botei isso no Google Translate antes de entrar aqui, queria fazer bonito pra minha professora. Deu um sorriso divertido.  — Eu sou o Andrew Petersen, curso engenharia aqui e preciso de umas aulinhas. Prazer. Manteve seu sorriso, enquanto se aproximava da mesma com a mão estendida para um cumprimento.
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flynndolan · 6 years
Name Games
“Come here, lemme see your face,” Flynn had barely opened the door, but he was already reaching for Jade, trying to angle her head so that he could see where she’d been hit. “Why didn’t you tell me about this when it happened? Shit, when did it happen?” @jxdevega
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jaxwilder · 6 years
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“If you ask me, we need someone from the Northern Barracks who can feed their cell leader information.“ Jax chewed on his lower lip as he tapped at his tracker, not looking at it for anything in particular. Every time he looked up at Jade, he felt the weight of the distrust between them, and it distracted him from the job at hand. “It’s hard to have a full picture of what might be happening when we have gaps in our intel.”
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lola-jaqobis · 6 years
☂ Rainy Days
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“Oh my god... thanks for the rescue. I swear, it wasn’t raining at all when I left...” Lola breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped into the warm building... well, relatively warm, compared to the rain storm that was quickly upgrading into an ice storm outside the door. She’d left Jax’s place before curfew, but the rain had quickly gotten so bad she’d gotten lost on the way home, and if it weren’t for Jade, she wasn’t sure she would’ve made it at all. @jxdevega
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nadiapruet · 6 years
“Stop it,” Nadia rolled her eyes playfully, a smirk tugging at her chapped lips. Rarely did she admit how much she liked to be praised. “It’s not like I’m a hero. I’m just the nurse. Not a doctor. They do all the real work...but I did patch up your head pretty well if I do say so myself!”   @jxdevega
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timothy-page · 11 years
Hangin' Out || Timothy and Jade
Timothy chewed on his pencil, totally stumped. "If the flux of the vector field F(x,y,z) is (e^-y) I - (y) j + (x sinz) k..." He started, blinking in confusion. He'd been struggling with the problem for half an hour, to no avail. The boy sighed, checking his assignment sheet. "Oh!" He exclaimed, laughing to himself. He'd been doing next month's homework; no wonder it was so confusing. A knock rang through the room, and Timmy knew just who it was. "Come in!"
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flynndolan · 6 years
Wake Up
Flynn was taken aback, but it was a pleasant surprise. He melted at the feeling of Jade’s lips against his. His mind went blank and everything became clear. Suddenly, his eyes flicked open, and he realized he’d been dreaming. He cursed under his breath, throwing off his blankets and quickly getting out of bed. Without another thought, he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door, crossing the neighborhoods until he got to services. His made his way to Jade’s apartment, and though it was way past curfew and the middle of the night, he banged on her door. “Jade!” he called, knowing she could very well leave him out in the cold to freeze. “Come on, I want to talk!” @jxdevega
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flynndolan · 6 years
Flynn had been trying to avoid Jade while simultaneously keeping an eye on her through the beginning of the festival, which easier said than done. He’d managed to blend into the crowd for more than a few minutes, but when the large group of people started thinning out to wait for the remarks, Flynn accidentally met Jade’s eye. He panicked, looking around to see if there was any escape, but it was too late. “What? Are you following me now?” @jxdevega
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flynndolan · 6 years
Let Me Down
Flynn was barely holding himself up straight as he maneuvered through the crowd. The end credits had just started rolling on the new movie - not that he’d paid much attention through the entire picture. When he saw Jade, his drunken mind decided it was a good idea to push past everyone to get to her. With his hand stuck inside his jacket, firmly wrapped around the bottle of moonshine he was hiding, Flynn slid up next to Jade. “Shitty movie if you ask me,” he muttered, the alcohol thick on his breath, “There wasn’t any action!” @jxdevega
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flynndolan · 6 years
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Flynn waited impatiently for the mechanic his superior had messaged for, his head pounding from the hangover he was nursing. Drinking most the bottle of moonshine he’d stolen from Lola’s parents hadn’t been his best plan, but then again, nothing about the Founder’s Day Festival had gone right. When the door to the office finally opened, Flynn turned and then froze, his eyes growing wide at the sight of the very person he’d drank himself into a stupor over. “I figured they’d send someone else...” @jxdevega
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